I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Click on photo for website. (CLICK ON TITLE TO HEAR SONG) I'VE BEEN WITH JESUS by The Daybreak Quartet You may ask me why I'm singing, I can hear the joy bells ringing, I've been on a visit so inspiring; There's within my heart a feeling I can hear the Spirit stealing, And I know from sin I am retiring. I've been with Jesus and I'm so happy, I can feel him in my soul; With love he sought me, with blood he bought me, I've been with Jesus and I'm whole. Can't you hear an echo stealing from the past it's so revealing, Stop and listen don't go on unheeding; Peace is flowing like a river in that far off sweet forever, Don't you see it's Jesus that you're needing. Soon I'm going to make a journey one from which I won't return, I'll live forever in his glory; But until that bright tomorrow in this world of sin and sorrow, Everywhere I go I'll tell the story. I've been with Jesus and I'm so happy, I can feel him in my soul; With love he sought me, with blood he bought me, I've been with Jesus and I'm whole. I've been with Jesus and I'm so happy, I can feel him in my soul; With love he sought me, with blood he bought me, I've been with Jesus and I'm whole. With love he sought me, with blood he bought me, I've been with Jesus and I'm whole. |