For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Revelation 7:17 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~

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The Skyline Boys


by The Skyline Boys

Beautiful city built four square,
I'm so glad I'm going there:
Jesus will lead me all the way.
I could never find my way alone,
By myself I'll never get home:
Jesus will lead me all the way.

Through the dark shadows,
In the golden sunlight;
Come to my side
He promised me forever He'll stay.
I'm so glad he holds my hand,
Leads me to that heavenly land;
Jesus will lead me all the way.

When we arrive and settle down.
He'll have me a robe and a shining crown:
Jesus will lead me all the way.
Walking with Him in comfort and bliss,
But Heaven will be much sweeter than this;
Jesus will lead me all the way.

Through the dark shadows,
In the golden sunlight;
Come to my side
He promised me forever He'll stay.
I'm so glad he holds my hand,
Leads me to that heavenly land;
Jesus will lead me all the way.

Through the dark shadows,
In the golden sunlight;
Come to my side
He promised me forever He'll stay.
I'm so glad he holds my hand,
Leads me to that heavenly land;
Jesus will lead me all the way.

I'm so glad he holds my hand,
Leads me to that heavenly land;
Jesus will lead me all the way.