I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Galatians 2:20 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Called Out


by Called Out

Many times I try to picture Heaven on my mind.
But each time it starts out different than before;
So many things to look forward to these visions I can't explain,
It will all become reality when I hear him call my name.

He'll say, "My child, come on in it's time for the marriage supper,
Reservations have been made inside the door;
Your place will be at the right hand of the Father,
For today I brought you home with me to rest forevermore."

Then a day shall come when we're called away in a twinkling of an eye,
I want to see you standing at the door;
We will gather with the saints of old upon that golden strand,
With the voice of sweet peace he'll say to me as he takes me by my hand.

He'll say, "My child, come on in it's time for the marriage supper,
Reservations have been made inside the door;
Your place will be at the right hand of the Father,
For today I brought you home with me to rest forevermore."

"Welcome home child, come on in it's time for the marriage supper,
Reservations have been made inside the door;
Your place will be at the right hand of the Father,
For today I brought you home with me to rest forevermore."

For today I brought you home with me to rest forevermore.