If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. Click on photo for website. (CLICK ON TITLE TO HEAR SONG) TAKE THIS MESSAGE TO MY MOTHER Written by Hank williams by Jack Pine singers Take this message to my mother, It will fill her heart with joy; Tell her that I've met my Savior, God has saved her wand'ring boy. The tears and sorrow I have caused her, How I wish I could repay; But tell her I'll be waiting for her, We'll meet in Heaven some glad day. Take this message to my mother, It will fill her heart with joy; Tell her that I've met my Savior, God has saved her wand'ring boy. How she cried when I left her, I know it filled her heart with pain; She said, "Son please don't leave me, For we may never meet again." Take this message to my mother, It will fill her heart with joy; Tell her that I've met my Savior, God has saved her wand'ring boy. Years have passed since that parting, But I know she waits and prays; Soon I'll cross that dark river, Please let her know that I was saved. Take this message to my mother, It will fill her heart with joy; Tell her that I've met my Savior, God has saved her wand'ring boy. Yes, God has saved her wand'ring boy. |