I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Click on photo for website. (CLICK ON TITLE TO HEAR SONG) I HEAR A VOICE CALLING by The Ricky Skaggs I hear a voice callin', it must be our Lord; It's comin' from Heaven on high. I hear a voice callin', I'll gain the reward; For the land where we shall never shall die. The Savior has paid a great price for me, He gave His life on Calvary; So I'll follow his footsteps up the narrow way, And be ready to meet Him when He calls on that day. I hear a voice callin', it must be our Lord; It's comin' from Heaven on high. I hear a voice callin', I'll gain the reward; For the land where we shall never shall die. He died on the cross, the old rugged cross; That we would be saved from sin and not lost. So I'll follow His footsteps up the narrow way, And we'll pay our debts on the great judgement day. I hear a voice callin', it must be our Lord; It's comin' from Heaven on high. I hear a voice callin', I'll gain the reward; For the land where we shall never shall die. |