The LegendHold Girls
(Click on any picture to find out more about them.)
Legend's Red Storm Rising CDX,ASCA-CD,HT,TT,CGC,HiC,BHI,HD,OFA,n/e -- "Breeze"
March 26, 1994 - September 22, 2004
Castle Rock Entertainment's movie -- BEST IN SHOW -- is now on Video!
RACHEL may be a MOVIE STAR, click on her picture to find out more!
Am/Can CH Twin Acres Rendezvous CD,HT,VA,ROM-P,TT,CGC,BHI,OFA-e,n/e -- "Rachel"
June 26, 1992 - April 9, 2005
Can CH (Am CH ptd)LegendHold Believe It Or Not CD, HiC,CGC,OFA-e -- "Ripley"
May 16, 1996 - May 6, 2005
LegendHold When Ashes Ascend CDX,RN,TT,ASCA-CD,HiC,CGC,OFA-e,n/e -- "Phoenix"
Can CH LegendHold Innovation CDX,PT,TT,(1/3 ASCA-CD),HiC,CGC,OFA-e -- "Indy"
LegendHold Once Upon A Time (2/3 CDX),CD,PT,JHD,TT,HIC,HCT,CGC,OFA-g h&e -- "Ariel"
(Am ptd) LegendHold Warrior Princess CD,PT,CGC,OFA-g h&e - "Xena"
LegendHold Empress O'T'World CD,HSAsd, HRD1s, HTAD1s, STDs,(1/2 STDd), CGC, OFA-e h&e -- "Fortune"
Am CH (Can ptd)LegendHold Beauty N T'Beast CD,PT,VA,JHD,CGC,OFA-g h&e -- "Belle"
New Rally Title
LegendHold Come Up N See Me RN (n/e) -- "Mae"
LegendHold Marauder's Map (n/e) -- "Mischief"
LegendHold Every Flavor Bean HT,(n/e) -- "Bertie"
LegendHold Golden Snitch (n/e) -- "Seeker"