Merry Christmas Eve

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: PG-13
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Martin/Drew
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

December 24, 1983
Hanging up the phone, and making his way up the steps, Blackie smiled to himself as the scent of cookies straight out of the oven hit his senses. Opening the kitchen door, he found Noah taking trays from the oven. “Don’t we have enough yet?” he smiled.
“Remember last year,” the man laughed.
“Yeah, I remember you said you weren’t ever going to do this again,” Blackie smiled moving up behind the man hugging him from behind and kissing his neck as he reached and grabbed one of the hot cookies.
“They’re too hot.” Noah chastised, “You’ll upset your stomach.”
“No I won’t,” The man laughed pulling back. “Where do you come up these things?”
“Gran,” he answered, as he turned and hugged the man. “Did I hear the phone?”
“Yeah,” he answered, “Grant and Jimmy Lee asked if they could come by and drop off a gift for Robin.”
“Of course they can,” Noah scoffed. “We invited them over tonight.”
”I know,” Blackie answered reaching for a second cookie. “They have to go to the Quatermaine’s. But, they’re going to stop by on their way probably any minute.”
“Why don’t you grab those gifts we got them and find Robin and I’ll package up some of these sweets for them.”
“Sounds good to me.”

Ten minutes later, as Noah came from the kitchen and Blackie and Robin from the hallway, Brett escorted Jimmy Lee and Grant up the stairs and into the living room.
“Lori and I are going over to Martin’s to help drive people back,” he reported.
“Okay, thanks,” Noah said as Robin ran across the room, “Rant, Limmy Jee!!!!!”
”Hey there, Robby,” Jimmy Lee greeted as he squatted down; setting boxes on the floor so he could hug the girl. “How you been?”
“I good.”
“You already for Santa?” Grant asked as he smiled down at the child.
“Uh-hu, Daddy make lots and lots of ookies and we’re going to leave some for him.”
Leaning over, Blackie pulled the girl’s hair back and whispered in her ear. “Why don’t you give them what you got under the tree.”
Looking up at Blackie, she giggled. “Oh yeah, I orgot.” She then turned and went to the tree, looking underneath.
“Such a pretty tree, Noah.” Grant complimented.
“Thanks,” he answered. “You have time for a drink?”
He shook his head as he looped his arm through Jimmy Lee’s. “No, thank you. We’re late as it is.”
Robin came running back to the two men. “Merry Christmas,” she smiled holding out the gift.
“You bought us a Christmas present?” Jimmy Lee asked.
“Uh-hu, daddies ook me shopping and I picked it out all by myself.”
“Thank you very much,” He said as he leaned in and kissed her nose. “This one is from us.” He said handing her the box and watching as the girl tore into it. Opening the box, her eyes got wide and she ran to the two men again hugging their legs, “Tank you! Tank you!”
”What did you get?” Noah asked.
Running back Robin picked the pair of leather boots out of the box, “Boots like Daddies and Limmy Jee’s for riding the bike.”
“Oh wow,” Blackie said, squatting down and looking at them. “These are really nice.”
“Open yours,” the girl asked.
“Go ahead,” Jimmy Lee said to Grant as the man began to open the gift. Pulling the paper aside and opening the box the doctor smiled as he pulled out the matching sweaters. “These are very nice, Robin. Thank you very much.”
“Yes, thank you,” Jimmy Lee added. “Whoop, wait, we’re not done. Here you go guys,” He smiled handing a bag toward Blackie and a box toward Noah, then switching, “No, like this.”
“You didn’t have to do this,” Noah said graciously as he opened the bag and pulled out the bottle of Centenario Tequila. “Oh, wow, thank you so much. You sure you guys won’t stay and have a drink?” he offered.
“We can’t tonight, Noah, but sometime before New Years we will. Okay?” Grant answered as Blackie opened the box, “Oh man! Thanks guys,” Blackie said as he looked at the box containing the welding kit. “This is so great.”
“You’re welcome,” the other two men said in unison as Blackie picked up two packages from under the tree, and handed them to the men. “Here, these are from us,” he said with a smile.
“This was totally unnecessary,” Grant said as he opened the bag and pulled away the tissue paper. Smiling he looked to Noah as he read the label on the wine bottle, “Looks like you and I got a theme going here.”
Noah smiled, “That’s the one you like, isn’t it?”
He nodded, “Thank you, yes it is.”
“Oh wow,” Jimmy Lee exclaimed as he opened the box and took out the leather riding gloves. “These are great, thank you.”
“They’re like mine,” Blackie said. “You mentioned you liked them.”
“Yeah, I did, I do. Thanks.”

Saying good-bye to their friends at the door, Noah noticed as cars began to pull into the driveway.
“Looks like your guests are here and we’re late,” Grant said as he stepped in hugging Noah first, then Blackie. The four exchanged holiday wishes as Andy and Randy ran up the steps and through their legs calling, “ROBIN!! ROBIN!!”
Meeting them at the bottom of the steps, Robin playfully slugged Andy in the arm and said “you’re it” then scrambled up the steps with the two boys following her.
“Be careful on the steps!” Noah called out, “I don’t want to go to the hospital tonight.” Then turning back to the door he greeted his father with a hug, “Merry Christmas, Dad. Where’s Drew?”
Coming into the entry and shaking the snow from his coat as he took it off he said, “He had to pick up Michelle at the airport. He should be here soon.”
”Did he have to?” Blackie scoffed, then turned realizing he was standing face to face with AJ, “Oh, I’m sorry,” he apologized as he offered to take the man’s coat.
“That’s okay,” AJ laughed. “I said the same thing.”
Laughing, Blackie next greeted his grandfather and Rose with a hug. “I’m so glad you two could make it,” Blackie smiled.
“Us too,” Rose answered. “You have everything decorated so nice for Christmas,” she complimented.
Smiling and nodding to the woman he directed, “There’s drinks down here, and food and other drinks upstairs. Where’s Dad and Cyn?” he then asked.
“They’ll be here soon,” Paddy answered, “They’re were bundling up little Caroline when we left.”

Noah smiled when he saw his grandmother coming up the steps. Walking down, he took the arm that Fred wasn’t holding, “Be careful, Gran,” he cautioned, “The steps are slippery.”
“Thank you, Noah,” she answered with a smile as she leaned into her grandson.
“I thought maybe you would decide to stay home,” Noah said.
“We thought about it,” she answered. “But I decided I needed to be here with most of my babies.” She smiled.

Closing the door behind them, Blackie helped the elderly woman off with her coat, “It’s so good to see you, Gran.” He said as he hugged the woman.
Hugging the young man tight, “You too, baby.” She then pulled back and slapped Noah’s arm, “What in the hell is wrong with you, boy? He’s still too skinny.”
“Ouch!” Noah protested. “He’s fine, Gran. What do you want me to do?”
“Cook for him,” She answered rubbing the younger man’s cheek. “Don’t you worry, Blackie, I’m here for a few days and Marty has a nice big kitchen for me to work in.”
“I’m fine, Gran, really I am,” Blackie smiled as he hugged the woman again. Leading her into the studio, he reintroduced, “You remember my Grandfather, and his wife Rose?”
“Of course I do,” She slapped at him. “You think I’m going senile?”
”No, Gran,” he answered with a smile as he kissed her cheek.
Hearing the door open behind him, Blackie turned and smiled, seeing Cynthia and his father coming into the entry. Joe was holding the baby underneath the afghan that Nancy had made.
Quickly moving to the entry, Blackie reached up and took the baby from his arms, “Let me help you, Dad,” He said, then turned carrying the child into the studio.
“Thanks, son,” he smiled, “That was a big help.”
Laughing Noah helped Cynthia off with her coat, and then took Joe’s. “Did you really expect any different.”

Sitting down and laying the infant on his lap, Blackie carefully began to remove her pink snowsuit. “Look at your pretty snowsuit,” he smiled down at his sister. “Did Noah go shopping for you?” he asked. Pulling it from her body, he put his arms beneath her and lifted her a bit closer. “Such a pretty red Christmas dress for such a pretty girl,” he fawned down upon the child, then gasped and laughed, “Oh my God, DAD! She smiled at me.”
“Of course she did,” He answered proudly as he moved across the room, “She just started doing that yesterday.” Sitting down next Blackie, he smiled at the baby and ran his fingers over her tummy. “There’s my pretty girl,” he said to the baby.
Caroline squirmed and cooed in response.
“You’re talking now too?” Blackie smiled as he bounced her on his knee slightly.

As Father and daughter approached the house, Drew grabbed Michelle’s arm. “I’m only saying this once, sweetheart, you better play nice in there.”
She flipped her hair. "Oh please, Daddy, whatever do you think it is I am going to do?"
“You have a way of upsetting a room,” he remarked harshly to hide his own pain over the situation. “I don’t want you upsetting your mother. She’s been through a lot lately.”
She kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Daddy, I'll be good."
“Okay, sweet heart, thank you,” he said as he pushed the door open and warmly greeted the studio full of people.
Looking up as Drew and Michelle came into the house Blackie pulled Caroline tighter in his arms and whispered, "It's ok, Sis."
Cynthia crossed the room, and looked down at her baby in Blackie’s arms, and then smiled at the young man. “I put her diaper bag in your room, and two bottles in the fridge if she needs anything.”
"Thanks." he smiled. "I got her for awhile. You just enjoy the party."
“Okay, thank YOU,” she smiled reaching for her husband. “While she’s in good hands want to get some food, or find an empty room or something,” she cracked.

As Michelle stood talking to her brother the 3 children came running toward the steps. Robin and Andy chasing Randy. The 4 year old dove under AJ's legs. "Cuse me." he shouted and continued on to Michelle. "Hey, let me pass."
“AUGHHHH!” The woman cried out, “I am TALKING here.”
"Crap." Randy complained as Andy tagged him. Smacking the woman's foot he looked up at her. "Thanks for nothing." then got up and scrambled off after the other 2.
“So that’s the latest little born out of wedlock Drake, hu?” she scoffed to AJ.
Almost dropping the plate of cookies on the table Noah grabbed Michelle's arm and spun her around. "That was once. Don't let their be a twice. You are Drew and Cynthia's daughter which is the only reason you are here but Martin is my father and Randy is my brother."
Looking through the doctor, she smiled sweetly and flipped her back over her shoulder, “Of course, Noah.”
He squeezed her arm slightly. "Find a quiet corner and sit in it."
Pulling her arm back, she scoffed, “Really now, come on, Noah. What’s family without a little gossip? I see you’ve been a busy little bee in the kitchen,” she said reaching for a cookie.
Seeing he was getting nowhere Noah rolled his eyes. "Choke on it, bitch." then walked away to talk to guests he actually liked.

Quietly pushing the door at the bottom of the steps open, the man was pleased the loud bustle was what he expected. Quickly surveying the studio and not seeing who he was looking for, he motioned to the two people he was with and slowly the three of them crept up the steps. At the top, seeing his target partially hidden behind the large tree, he called out, “HEY SEXY, Where’s the Mistletoe!!!”
Jumping Noah looked around the tree and cracked up laughing at the sight of Bucky, Dana and Sky dressed head to toe as elves. Grinning he opened his arms. "BUCKY!!! You said tomorrow."
Crossing the room he said, “Well, yeah, when do I ever do what’s expected.” Embracing the man he added low, “Dana said last year his family, this year mine.”
Hugging him tight Noah sighed happily. "I love you, Bucky."
“Love you too, Man,” he answered as he pulled back, “You call this a party?!?! We need some table dancing or something!”
Noah laughed. "Have at it buddy, just NOT my dining room table."
Dana and Sky joining the two, Sky hugged Noah’s waist, “Hey Noah, is Jay here?”
Noah shook his head. "He was and he'll be back. He went to go pick up his boyfrie.." he quickly stopped. "His friend."
“Alfie?” she asked. “Cool!”
He nodded. "Yeah, they should be here soon."
“Noah,” Dana greeted with a smile, and then leaning in to Bucky he said, “I saw Blackie and Brett downstairs, I’m going to go talk to them.”
"Ok Honey." Bucky responded and then turned back to Noah. "Ok Dr. Sexy where's the tequila? I ain't drunk enough to dance on a table yet."

As Dana walked down the steps, he heard the young woman behind him scoff, “Nice hat! And look it matches the vest and the shoes.”
Stopping he looked at the blond. "Nice Farrah Fawcett do that went out with the dinosaurs." he mumbled and continued down till he found Blackie. "Who's the high class low life on the steps?"
Still holding the baby in his arms, he looked up and smiled, “DANA! You guys came early!” As he moved in to put his arm around the man’s shoulder, he said low, “Drew and Cynthia’s daughter, real bitch isn’t she?”
"She doesn't like my hat."
“I love your hat,” he smiled warmly, and then pointed to the couch, “Come on, sit down.”
Sitting down next to Blackie, Dana looked over the man’s shoulder and smiled down at the baby. “Wow, She sure has grown.”
“Yes, she has,” the younger man answered with a proud gaze.
Reaching down and touching her hand he continued, “She’s still so teeny tiny though, so hard to believe. May I?” he asked.
Looking to the other man, he nodded as he carefully placed the baby in Dana’s arms, “Just watch her neck and back.” He then smiled to the baby, “You’re just fine, Sis, Dana’s a good guy.”

As Cynthia took a bite from the fork that Joe was offering she leaned into him locking her arms around his chest, “Think we should go relieve your son?” she asked.
“Not just yet,” he answered as he kissed the woman’s forehead. “You know they are both just fine and we haven’t had a moment alone in five weeks.” He said as he set the plate down on the coffee table and leaned in kissing the woman’s lips.
Cynthia returned the kiss, moaning softly against the man’s mouth. As he pulled back, she said, “Merry Christmas, Kelly.”
“It’s the best one I can remember ever.”

Watching her mother with her new husband, Michelle felt her anger rage internally. ‘What in the world am I doing here? What are any of us doing here? We should be spending this Christmas like any other one, in Hyannis Port with our family.’ Turning she stormed down the steps and into the studio. Scanning the room, she saw Blackie and Dana on the couch, Dana still holding the baby, and the slight teenage girl sitting on the floor at the men’s feet. Crossing the room, she pasted on a fake smile. “There she is! Let me see my baby sister!”
Immediately standing, Blackie put her hand up to the woman’s shoulder, stopping her cold. “Back off!” he said through gritted teeth.
Tossing her hair over her shoulder she glared at Blackie, “Who do you think you are?”
“Look, I don’t want a scene with you, lady,” he said flatly. “But this is my house, and that’s my sister. I don’t know what game you’re trying to play, but everyone here knows you couldn’t care less about anyone but yourself.”
“You! You brute ape!” she spit at him. Looking down over the man’s shoulder to the infant cooing at Sky, she shook her head in disgust. “Poor thing, not only will she be stupid as you are, but she won’t even be able to get by on her looks.”
Blackie reached out and grabbed the woman’s arm, but then overwrought with emotion, merely gave her a shove as he turned and choked back his brewing tears. He picked up the baby from Dana’s arms. “Do me a favor, go get Noah for me?” he said before he quickly made his way down the hall and into his room, closing the door and locking it.

Leaning back against it, he held Caroline to his chest, rubbing her back as the tears began to stream down his face. As he began to weep, Caroline began to fuss at first, then broke into a cry.
“Shhhhhh,” he comforted as he began to walk toward his bed, “It’s okay, Caroline, that mean old witch can’t get anywhere near you in here.”
When the baby didn’t begin to settle, he laid her down in his arms, gazing down at her as he rocked her slightly, “Don’t cry, Sis, Please. It’s okay.”

Upstairs Dana grabbed Noah's arm as the man came out of Robin's room. "Blackie needs you, right now."
“What is it? What’s going on?” Noah asked panic-stricken as he followed Dana back toward the stairs.
"That woman said something about the baby."
Quickening his pace, Noah passed Dana and nearly ran into the studio, looking around he turned back to Dana, “Where is he?”
Sky pointed. "He went to your room, Noah."
Crossing the room, Drew grabbed Noah’s arm, “What’s going on?”
Noah turned and yelled at the large man. "GET HER THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR YOU'LL NEVER BE WELCOME HERE AGAIN."
Dropping Noah’s arm he turned on his heels, and went in search of his daughter.
Noah turned back to Sky. "Honey, Jay and Alfie just came up the outside steps and are on the upstairs patio having a smoke, why don't you go join them?"
The girl picked herself up off the floor and nodded, starting up the stairs.
Walking down the hall Noah looked in various rooms before arriving at his own. Turning the knob and finding it locked he knocked softly. "Kid, it's me."
Going to the door, Blackie laid his head against it, “Just you, Noah. No one else right.”
"Just me." he confirmed.
Turning the lock, he then opened the door, allowing Noah in. He then closed the door and locked it again; “I want her out of here, Noah. Make her leave. I’d do it, but I don’t even want Caroline in the same room with that bitch.”
Noah pulled his lover into his arms. "I know. It's being taken care of."
Finding comfort in Noah’s embrace he relaxed against him for a moment, and then pulled back slightly offering him the infant, “Take her for me, please. I’m making her more upset.”
Taking the baby, Noah laid her against his shoulder and stroked her back as he slowly bounced up and down. "Sssshhhh Caroline, Uncle Drew is gonna make sure the mean lady never comes back."
Pacing away from Noah and the baby, Blackie only took a few steps before he turned on his heels, and went back to him, wrapping one arm around Noah’s neck, laying his head on the man’s other shoulder, and laying his hand against Caroline’s back. “She’s only a baby, Noah. How can anyone be so mean to a little baby?”
"I don't know," the man answered honestly. "You did the right thing bringing her in here," he whispered as he pressed his lips to the man's forehead.

Another knock fell on the bedroom door, followed by Joe’s voice. “Blackie, Noah, You guys in there?”
"Yeah, Joe." Noah answered and then dropped his voice low. "Want to let him in Babe?"
He nodded as he took the baby back from Noah and went to sit in the center of the bed. Opening the door Noah found Joe, Cynthia and Drew. Locking eyes with the lawyer he asked a silent question with his eyes.
“AJ is taking her back over to our place. When I find out what happened, then I’ll decide if I kick her out tonight or in the morning,” he answered.
As his father picked up the baby Blackie slid from the bed. "She called MY sister stupid and ugly, that's what happened." He paused to rake his fingers through his hair. "Look she's your daughter and that is fine but she can't come here anymore."
As Cynthia sat down on the foot of the bed collapsing in tears, Drew leaned back against the door, “I’m sorry, Blackie. I really am.”
"She's not stupid and she's not ugly." he defended.
Reaching out and pulling Blackie into his arms, Noah held him tight, “No, she’s not, Babe. She’s not at all.”
Taking the baby from her husband Cyn forced a smile for her daughter's benefit. "Hey sweetie, I think your brother could use a hug, what do you say we give him one?"
Pulling back slightly from Noah’s arms, Blackie kissed him softly before turning just enough he could take the baby and hold her between them. “Hey, Sis,” he smiled down at her. “What a night, hu?”
Wiggling a bit she cooed and smiled.
Smiling through her tears as Blackie pulled the infant in and interacted with her, she turned to Joe, and collapsed in his arms, “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry she had to ruin everything AGAIN.”
Holding his wife tight Joe kissed her softly. "Sssshhh, it's not your fault."

Walking across the room, Drew looked down at the girl smiling at cooing up at Blackie and Noah, reaching down he touched the girl’s hand softly. “Oh, sweet Caroline, you don’t listen to my daughter, she’s the one that’s too bright.” Turning, he came up behind Cynthia and hugged her from behind. “I’m sorry, honey.”
Pulling Cynthia closer to him Joe pulled her from Drew's arms. "I don't care if she is your daughter, Baby, she's not to ever again be around our little girl."
Clinging tighter to Joe and shrinking from Drew, Cynthia wept. “He’s right, Drew. Maybe it makes me the worse mother in the world to turn Michelle away, but Caroline is just a baby, and I won’t expose her to what my other daughter has become.”
He nodded as he sank to the edge of the bed. "I just don't know if I can completely turn her away. She's my daughter."
“I know she’s your daughter,” Noah tried to sympathize, “But Caroline isn’t the only one she attacked tonight.”
He hung his head. "I told Blackie I'm sorry."
“No,” he said softly, “I wasn’t going to bring this up, I mean I don’t want to hurt Dad, but damn it I don’t want her hurting Dad either. She insulted Randy, well and me too I guess.”
The man's heart sank. "What did she say?"
“She referred to him as the ‘latest Drake born out of wedlock,” he said matter of fact like.
"WHAT?" came Martin's voice from the open doorway.
“Looking up,” Noah shook his head, “I’m sorry, Dad.”
"I'm going home, I'm taking my son and I'm going home," he said quickly as he turned and left the room.
Letting go of Blackie, Noah quickly chased after his father, catching him in the hallway. “Dad, please, Randy is having fun. That bitch is gone, gone to your house I might add, just stay here.”
He stopped. Nodding he turned back to his lover. "Get mad at me if you want, Roo, but she better be gone by the time we get home."
“What the hell, you know,” Noah said as he leaned back against the door jamb, “Wouldn’t be a Drake family Christmas without the drama, would it?”
Suddenly from the studio came Bucky's voice “TEQUILA."

Blackie and Noah broke out in laughter, as the younger nodded to the older, “Go on, Doc.”
As Drew got up from the bed, and went to Martin pulling the man into his embrace, he whispered in his ear, “I love you, Marty, Baby. I’m heading to our place. Give me thirty minutes and she’ll be gone. I promise.”

AJ stared at his sister. "What the hell do you mean that's all? You do realize she is our sister right?"
“Oh PL-EASE!” the girl whined, “She’s a Kelly! Not MY sister.”
"Who gave birth to her?" he fired the question. "Was it not our mother?"
“AJ!” She ranted, “Don’t tell me I’m the only one who sees the absurdity in all of this. It was bad enough she took up with that that low class brash clod to begin with, but to have children with him. And what in the hell are we doing here? It’s the first Christmas I can remember that we weren’t all together in Hyannis Port with our family. Our whole family.”
"Things change, Michelle. I like Joe, Dad and Martin are happy, and like it or not I do consider these people family and if you don't stop telling Andy that Joe isn't his grandpa you can kiss those Wednesday afternoons with him goodbye."
“Joe isn’t his grandpa!” The girl insisted.
"Not by blood you're right. But by choice and love he is," he sighed and grabbed his jacket. "I'm going back to the party, by now Dad surely knows everything you have done so you might wanna get the fake tears ready." he finished as the front door opened and Drew stormed in.

Walking into the room he looked up and down and through his daughter. “What did I ask you earlier tonight, Michelle?” He said through a breaking heart.
"I didn't cause a scene Daddy," she said innocently. "It's not my fault that child isn't very attractive now is it?"
“Let’s forget for just a moment that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Did you think for one moment what that comment would do to your mother?!”
She held up her hands. "Hey, I told her to get rid of it."
“Well, you know what, little girl, she’s decided to get rid of you instead. I don’t understand, I don’t get it!” he bellowed, his voice carrying through the house. “You hurt your mother, you hurt me, you attack Martin, everyone who loves you, spent their whole lives giving you the world, and you turn around and attack not caring that your words hurt as bad as if they were a knife.”
She began to cry. "What do you mean get rid of me?"
“She doesn’t want you around her or Caroline, no more, and I promised Marty you wouldn’t be in our home when he got here. So march you snooty little ass up those steps, get your things and leave!”
"What?" she asked shocked. "Where will I go?"
He shook his head, “Let’s put it this way, I care as much about that as you cared about how you were hurting Marty, hurting your mother, hurting an innocent child and everyone who loves her dearly, and that includes me by the way. I care about where you’re going as much as you care about me, Michelle. I asked you to be nice tonight, those people are my family and my friends and you walked in there and in a matter of a few short hours, disregarded my request, and hurt most of them.”
"But Daaaaady." she cried. "I'll apologize, you know I will."
“It’s too late for that, Michelle. Please go upstairs, gather your things and leave of your own accord. Don’t make me throw you out.”
She turned to her brother. "AJ do something."
He leaned back against the door, “I’m going to stick around long enough to see if Dad needs any help. He’s right you know. I don’t know what you said that hurt Martin, but all the years when he and Dad were hiding, he always treated us like gold, as if we were his, and you’ve done nothing but walk on him like he was dirt beneath your shoes.”
"He's from Atlanta, AJ." she protested.

Her last words cutting straight to Drew’s heart, he simply walked past her into the living room. Dropping down into the chair, he stared up at the corner of the ceiling as a stray tear slid down his cheek.
Grabbing his sister's elbow AJ steered her toward the front door. "I'll bring your clothes home," he said as he pushed out on the porch. Pulling out his wallet he threw his credit card at her. "I want that back."
“AJ!” She screamed as the door slammed in her face.

Walking back into the living room AJ sat on the footstool in front of his father's chair. "She was adopted or found under a rock right?" he tried to joke.
Slumping a bit further in the chair, Drew shook his head. “I just don’t understand. You’re mother doesn’t have a hateful bone in her body. Does she get that from me?”
He shook his head. "No Dad, she gets it from those snobby friends of hers."
“I’ve tried you know. I really have. Your mother pulled away from me tonight because of her. Not once in more then 30 years, no matter how angry I’ve made her has she ever done that before.”
"I know, Dad," he said softly. "I know you still mean a lot to her, but she's in love with Joe."
“Oh, I know that,” He conceded. “But this wasn’t about that I don’t think. It was about Michelle and how much she hurt her. I’m hate seeing the people I love hurt so bad by her. Tell me I did the right thing.”
"You did, but this time can you stick to it?" he asked. "This isn't the first time she has done this."
He nodded, “Yeah, I know. But when she comes to me in tears,” he stopped, “I hope that she’s finally realized how hateful she has been and truly has changed.”
"I dunno."
“It doesn’t matter really this time,” he shrugged. “Your mom and Martin are both done with her. She’s not welcome in this house or your mother’s”
AJ sighed. "I don't know Dad, maybe eventually she'll come around. What do you say we head back over to the party?"
He shook his head, “You go on without me. Tell Marty I was tired and the coast is clear, please?”
"You sure?"
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m not in much of a party mood right now.”
He patted his father's knee. "Ok, but if you change your mind you'll come?"
He nodded with a wink, “I’m just going to hang out here, maybe play Santa Clause to try and cheer myself up a bit.”
The younger man smiled. "Ok Dad. I'm going to head back over and at least check on my boy."

“Okay,” The man nodded and tried to smile. After AJ left, he crossed to the room to the bar, and poured himself a glass of scotch. Lifting his glass he toasted the empty room, “Merry fucking Christmas.”

Martin pulled Noah aside. "Son it's been almost an hour and Drew's not back. I think I should head on over and make sure he's ok."
“If you think you should, but why don’t you wait just a bit longer. I think either he or AJ would call if there was trouble, and you’re liable to just pass them on their way back.”
He nodded. "Ok, 15 minutes. Then I'm going."
“Okay,” he answered then pointed to the door. “I’m going to go say good bye to the Webbers.”
Martin nodded as Randy ran up to him. "Daddy! Daddy! Guess what Daddy."
Picking the child up, he smiled, “What is it?”
"Mommy and Uncle Ryan just got here. They coming in now." he reported excitedly.
“Oh boy, let’s go see her. I need to find out about when to take you to her place tomorrow so you can have some Christmas time with her.”
"Ok, come on." he said as he took the man's hand and drug him towards the door.

The first thing she saw being Randy, Karen bent down and opened her arms to the boy, “Hey there, little guy, how’s it going?” She said wrapping him up in her arms.
He hugged her tight. "Hi Mommy, this party is so fun. Me and Andy and Robin played tag and just a few minutes ago I got to help Blackie feed the baby."
“Wow!! It sounds like you ARE having a good time. You having fun at your Daddy’s house?” She asked as Ryan helped her off with her coat.
"Huh uh." he answered and then jumped on Ryan. "Uncle Ryan! Uncle Ryan! Pick me up please."
Ryan picked up the little boy, “Hey, buddy, I’ve missed you.”
He kissed his cheek. "Missed you too. Guess what?"
“What?” He asked.
"Santa Claus left presents for you and Mommy at Daddy and Drew's house."
“OH boy!” He smiled excitedly.
Running his hand over the boy’s hair, Martin turned to Karen, “What time do you want him home tomorrow?”
She took his hand and led him a few feet away. "Anytime in the evening is fine. We have to go to our parents tomorrow. Originally Ryan was going to go alone, but I ran into my mother at the gas station today so she knows I am in town."
“Don’t get me wrong,” Martin smiled. “I’ll gladly keep him as long as you want, but I figured you want to spend time with him too. Why couldn’t he go to your parents with you?”
She visibly shuddered. "No way. It's bad enough Ryan and I have to go and make nice. I want to keep my son out of that environment."
“Okay,” he answered brightly, “It’s wonderful for me. My mother’s here from Atlanta and he’ll get to spend more time with her this way. Call when you want me to run him home?”
"Or we can stop by and pick him up." She offered.
“Whichever, you can come by anytime. I’m having everyone over to the house, so we’ll be there.” He said, and then noticed AJ coming in alone. “Excuse me a minute,” he said as he moved past the woman to his lover’s son. “AJ, Where’s Drew?”
He shook his head. "Over at your place, he said he was going to hang out and play Santa. My sister tried to play her games on him again."
He sighed and shook his head, “I probably shouldn’t have insisted he kick her out, hu? Was it too harsh of me?”
"Honestly? No, she does this constantly just because things aren't to her standards. Hell her standards aren't even hers. It's those Daughters of the Revolution or whatever they are. I'm not even sure how she got involved with them, we're Irish and our family had nothing to do with the revolution."
Martin laughed and smiled, “I’m not sure either, AJ. But I’m not going to let him spend Christmas Eve alone.” He turned, “Come on, Randy. We need to be heading home.”
"Daddy." he protested. "Mommy JUST got here."
“I know, son, but Drew’s home alone. We don’t want him sitting all by himself. Do we?”
He frowned. "No."
Coming to the bottom of the steps, Blackie asked, “Why is Drew home alone? Why didn’t he come back?”
"His daughter." Martin answered. "Do you mind if Randy stays here for awhile?"
“Not at all,” he answered, “But Drew didn’t have to stay home cause his daughter’s a bitch. That’s not his fault.”
"No it's not." he agreed and then turned to his son. "Randy, you stay here and visit with Mommy and everyone else. I'm going to go be with Drew for a bit and later I'll come back and get you ok?"
“Okay,” Randy smiled as he took Karen’s hand and led her up the steps.

Looking around the studio and not seeing Noah, Blackie turned and went up himself. Finding the man sitting around the coffee table talking to Bucky, Dana, Joe and Cyn, he crossed to them. “Noah, we got to do something.”
"What's wrong Babe?" Noah asked.
Dropping down to the floor, he continued, “Dad just left, AJ came back and said Drew wouldn’t. He’s upset over Michelle, and I have a feeling maybe a little embarrassed by her behavior. It’s not his fault; I don’t want him and your dad all by themselves. The best part of them having a house here now is to be able to spend time together.”
The man thought for a moment. "How about we move the party over there? Dad did say they were decorated right?"
“Yeah, he did, but it doesn’t matter if he was or not. It’s more important we’re together as a family, isn’t it?”
"Of course it is, that isn't what I meant. You know how Dad is, if a Christmas party arrived on his doorstep and he didn't have his house decorated he'd go nuts."
He laughed, “Oh, so that’s where you get it from.” He turned to the others, “What do you think? Can we move the party? Should we?”
Noah jumped up on the coffee table and yelled above the music. "HEY PEOPLE!!!"
As someone turned the stereo down and the room began to quiet, Bucky let out a whistle followed by “Take it off!”
You hush!" Noah scolded his friend. "Hey folks this party needs a change of venue, so if you could all grab cookies, sodas, bottles, presents whatever you can carry and get ready to follow me over to my Dad's house we should be able to do this smoothly. Those of you too drunk to drive.." he looked down. "Bucky." then back up. "Please let yourselves be grabbed and transported by someone who doesn't know what my dog's left eyeball tastes like."
Blackie looked across to the Cardiac Surgeon, “You know what Troy’s eye tastes like? EWWWW, You guys are definitely riding with us.” He then turned to Joe and Cyn, “Dad, Cyn, You’ll come right?”
"Bananas." Bucky slurred his answer slightly as the couple nodded. "Yeah we will." Joe turned to Cyn, "Caroline is asleep in the bedroom, I'll go down and get her ready and meet you in the car?"
“Bananas?” Blackie laughed, as he pushed himself up off the floor. “Stay away from my dog!!”

Martin held Drew close to him as the two snuggled on the couch by the glow of the Christmas tree lights. “I’m so sorry, Babe,” he whispered.
"It's not your fault, Marty." Drew whispered. "I just don't understand where I went wrong. Cyn and I raised both AJ and Michelle the same way."
“I know, and you know what? AJ’s right. This just started a few years ago, it’s not your fault either,” He comforted as the doorbell rang.
"Who is that?" Drew wondered as he stood. "I'll get it."
“I have no idea,” Martin answered as he also stood, “Everyone we know here in town is at Noah’s.”
Crossing to the door Drew opened it to find Noah and Blackie followed by everyone else. "Someone ordered a party?" Noah smiled.
Smiling, Drew brought his hand to his mouth, and then turned to Martin, “I don’t know. Did you order a party?”
"I didn't." he answered. "But someone obviously thought we should have one."
“Well don’t stand out there freezing your balls off, Come in, Come in,” he said with a wide smile.”

15 Minutes Later
Robin ran up to Blackie and pulled on his jeans. "Daddy! Daddy!"
Squatting down to her level he asked, “What! What! Munchkin.”
"Ori's resent is rying. We gonna open resents oon?"
Taking the box from the girl’s hand he said, “Just this one, okay. Go find Lori.”
"Why can't we open all da resents?"
“Cause not all the presents are crying.” He said then smiled, “Let Lori open this one, then maybe everyone will want to open presents. Okay?”
"Ok Daddy. Me go find Ori," she said and then ran off.

Sliding up behind Blackie and wrapping his arms around the man’s waist Noah asked, “Why does that present have air holes?”
Blackie grinned, "Meow."
A pained look came across the man’s face, “Really?”
Blackie laughed. "Oh will you stop and yes really. It's for Lori."
“Is it mean?” He asked as he took the offered drink from Bucky as he stumbled over with help from Dana.
"Mean?" he asked. "Noah, it's a kitten, 8 weeks old yesterday. No it's not mean."
Being drug by Robin, Lori and Brett came up to the foursome, “Robin says you need me right now,” Lori giggled.
Blackie offered the present. "Merry Christmas, Lori."
Smiling as she took the present she said, “You guys! You got us the tickets to Colorado.”
She then paused as she heard the slight meow coming from the box. Her face lighting up, she tore into the paper. “REALLY! You got me a,” She opened the box and pulled out the frightened cat. “OH MY GOODNESS, isn’t she so sweet!” She then threw the box at Blackie, “YOU WRAPPPED HER UP IN A BOX!!”
Blackie laughed and caught the box. "Just tonight, and it's a boy."
Cuddling it for a minute, she held it up to Brett, “Isn’t he cute! What should we name him, Sexy?”
Brett ran his finger over the small orange head. "How about Smoothie? He kinda looks like an orange smoothie you know."
Moving in she hugged Blackie’s neck tight, “Thank you, Blackie,” she then turned to Noah and laughed, “You didn’t know nothing about this did you?”
Grabbing the girl and pulling her into a hug, he slurred slightly from the drink and slightly from his emotion, “Just cause I didn’t know doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have gotten it.” After a pause he continued, “I love you, Lori. Merry Christmas.”
"I love you too, Noah." she offered him the kitten. "Wanna hold Smoothie?"
Tickling the kitten under its neck, and then petting it, he smiled. “I guess it’s not all that bad.” Then looking down at the cat, he said firmly, “Bite me and you’re my dog’s lunch.”
Blackie slugged his shoulder. "Will you stop, Doc?" he laughed.
Pulling on Noah’s leg, Robin asked, “DADDY! Daddy! Can the est of us open resents?
"Go ask everyone to gather around the tree then we can ok, Doll Face?"
“O’tay!” She answered running off.

Troy barked as the phone began to ring again for the fourth time since everyone had left, resonating through the empty house, going unanswered.

The machine picked up. Hearing the cheerful voices in her ear wishing friends and family a happy holiday, before requesting a message be left. The woman dropped the phone back in the cradle.

Chapter 2
