Life Goes On (Part 2)

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: NC-17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Jay/Alfie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Living Room
Upstairs, Sky climbed up on the couch between Dana and Bucky. "I think we're gonna be going soon."
Slipping his arm around Sky's shoulder, Dana kissed her forehead. "Okay, honey. You need any money or anything?"
"Ummm I dunno." she turned to Jay and Alfie who were holding hands on the floor. "Do I need money or anything?"
Jay shook his head, "Nah, if we decide to get pizza or anything I'm sure the doctors will pick it up."
"Cool." She reached into Dana's pocket and grabbed his cigarettes. "I'm running low, can I take these? You got more?"
"Sure, I'm fine," he smiled at her, as Blackie and Noah hit the top of the steps with Brett and Lori.

"Hey, look who just got home," Blackie announced to everyone else in the room.
"Ori Ori Ori" Robin screamed as she ran across the room and launched herself at the teenage girl.
Handing the kitten in her arms to Noah, she swept the child up in her arms, hugging her tight, "Robin!! I missed you."
"I mist you too Ori." she cheered as she hugged her tight then turned to Brett smacking him on the arm. "You better bringed me sometin good."
"Do I get a hug if I did?" The man asked, extending his arms to the child.
Crawling from Lori to the musician she kissed his cheek. "Ou get a hug anyway."
"Awe, thank you, Robin," he said hugging the girl and kissing her forehead. "But you do got a present in our suitcase," he whispered in the tot's ear. "We'll get it when things settle down here, okay?" Looking around the room, he said out loud, "We missed it didn't' we."
"O'tay." she grinned and looked over at Noah then back to Brett. "Rett, how come daddy ooks ike he onna puke?"
Laughing, Blackie took the kitten from Noah's hands. "It's a baby kitten, Noah, not a saber tooth tiger."
"It's got teeth." the man complained. "And did you see the way he was looking at me? He thinks I'm his next meal."
"Yeah, like he could even break skin." Blackie laughed as he leaned in and kissed the man's cheek. Then turned to Brett, "Yeah, you missed it, but guess what, Rick got one for Affair of the Heart, and we get to perform."
"No way? Really?" He turned to Dana. "Seriously? But before Blackie said no."
"Yes, seriously. We had to keep it under wraps till the announcements were made. But yeah, same as before Brett, rehearsals the day before, two nights at the hotel, the big dinner, everything."
"2 Nights?" Blackie asked. "I don't know about that. We had planned on driving down the day of and home that night."
"You don't have to stay the night of the awards if you don't want to, but it's paid for. You will have to be there the day before for the rehearsal though." Dana answered.
He looked to Anna. "You think you'll be able to?"
Anna rolled her eyes and shook her head, "I'm pregnant, not sick, we'll be fine, Blackie."
He blushed. "I know that, but he won't come while we are gone will he?"
"The chances are pretty small I think he'd pick that night to be born. But if he does, it doesn't matter, the doctor will be right there."
He nodded. "Ok." and looked down at Robin playing with the kitten. "Be careful Munchkin, he's a baby."

Looking around the room, Lori's face showed her confusion. Seeing Jay holding the other boy's hand and Frisco sitting close as he talked to Stacy, she said, "Hey, Jay. Felecia here?"
Lightly laughing at the girl's expression he shook his head. "She had to work, she's gonna stay over at my house tonight with Alfie and Sky. We're gonna watch movies."
She smiled, "That's cool." Then shot a quick glance at Frisco talking to Stacy, apparently not even hearing the mention of his girlfriend's name.
He smiled. "Yeah, you wouldn't wanna come with us would you?" he asked and then winced as Alfie squeezed his hand. Leaning in he whispered "Chill out, it's not like she is gonna say yes."
Lori smiled warmly very appreciative of the offer. "Thanks, Jay, but no thank you. I'm really tired from the flight, and I want to catch up with Noah, Blackie and everyone."
"Told you." Jay whispered and lightly licked the other boy's ear before pulling away and turning to his former girlfriend. "Ok, oh that reminds me I have a present for you in the car. I wanted to give it to you on Christmas Eve but with everything that happened I forgot. I'm gonna go get it." he stood and left the room, running down the steps.

Leaning into Frisco and laughing a bit, Stacy turned to the rest of the room. "Hey, I got some news too today." Then looked to Blackie, "You're going to kill me."
Blackie grinned. "I doubt it, life is too good and blood is a real bitch to get out of the carpet."
Nervously she laughed again, "You know we were talking last week and you said something about setting a second crib up in Brodie's room for my baby?"
"Yeah?" he asked. "We don't have to put it there if you don't want, that was just to make things a little easier on you. We can set it up in your room if you want."
"I don't think there is room in my room for two, is there room down there for two more?"
"Two?" he asked confused and then suddenly the answer came to him. "No? Really? Oh my god Noah did you hear her?" he screamed.
Smiling at his lover's enthusiasm he nodded, and then turned to Stacy, "Twins? WOW!"
"Huh uh. It's ok right? I know you were only planning for 1."
"OKAY?! Are you nuts? Of course it's okay," Blackie smiled as he went to her hugging her, "This is so great. It's going to be so great the house just full of babies!"
Looking up from the floor Robin asked "How many babies, Daddy?"
Pulling back from Stacy, Blackie dropped to the floor pulling Robin into his lap. "Your mommy is going to have one baby." He said holding up one finger on his left hand, "and Stacy is going to have two" he said holding two on his right. "How many is that?"
She frowned. "Tree babies. They gonna touch my stuff?"
"They're just going to be little babies, munchkin, like Caroline, they won't be able to touch your stuff for a long time."

Pulling away she walked down the hall and did her best to slam her bedroom door.
Pushing himself up off the floor, Blackie turned to Stacy, "Congratulations, I'm so excited," he said then turned and followed Noah down the hall, just in front of Robin's room, he took Noah's hand and said, "you think she's already feeling slighted?"
Noah shrugged. "I'm not sure, she's usually not like this."
Knocking lightly on the door, Blackie pushed it open slightly, "Hey, munchkin, can we come in?"
"How come tree upid babies. 1 is nuff." she pouted.
Walking into the bedroom with Blackie, Noah picked the girl up, rubbing his nose to hers, "Oh, doll face, the babies are going to be fun."

Living Room
Jay came back up the steps to find everyone congratulating Stacy. "What did I miss?"
Lori turned from the others. "She found out today she's having twins," she reported with a smile. "Isn't that cool?"
He smiled. "Congratulations, Stacy." and then turned back to Lori offering her the small package. "Merry Christmas, Lori."
Taking the package from Jay's hand she directed him away from the others as she opened it, "You didn't have to do this Jay. Thank you."
Following her into the kitchen he grinned. "I KNOW I didn't have to, isn't that what Christmas is supposed to be about? Giving?"
Opening the box and finding the tape, she looked at the front. "Oh my goodness, you drew this didn't you? It's beautiful."
He nodded. "Yeah, it's all the good stuff that was on the radio in 83. You really like it?"
Looking closer at the song listing, she smiled. "I love it. These are all cool songs." Moving in she hugged his neck. "Thank you, Jay."
Stiffening at first he relaxed and hugged her back. "I'm glad you like it."
Pulling back she leaned back against the table and twisted her foot before nervously asking, "So Alfie, he's not just someone on the soccer team? Is he?"
He smiled warmly. "We're friends right? I mean I can talk to you and you won't repeat it unless I say it's cool?"
"Of course," she answered with a smile.
"He's on the soccer team yeah, but he's....he's like my best friend but more than that because Sky is my best friend."
She nodded and smiled as she asked, "You happy?"
"Completely." he beamed. "And you know that problem we had where sometimes I wasn't good enough?"
Feeling a twinge of guilt for the way she had put him down toward the end of their relationship, she sadly nodded.
Noticing her eyes clouding over he pulled her into a hug. "It's ok, really I guess I wasn't what you needed; only now I know why. I'm gay, Lori."
She returned his hug, "I'm happy that you're happy now, Jay. There was a time we were best friends and you helped me to get here when I really needed to leave Dad's. I treated you pretty poorly in the end and you never deserved that."
Realizing the time had come for them to deal with their relationship he led her over to the table and sat down. "Yeah you did and it hurt, a lot. But eventually I realized something."
"What's that," She asked preparing herself for an attack.
"That I wasn't in love with you and hadn't been for a long time. I loved you and I still do but really I think we were still together out of habit."
She smiled in agreement, "I felt that way too."
"And now we're both happy right?" he smiled. "You got that old guy you're gonna marry and I got Alfie who made all the things I didn't really understand about myself make sense with just a smile."
"Yeah," she nodded, "I got Brett, and you have Alfie, and we're both happy." Standing up, she added, "And don't worry about me saying something. I won't until you say it's okay."
"Thanks. I wouldn't care if people knew about me, but Alfie has to be really careful. If his dad even thinks anything like what is happening is happening it would be really really bad."
"Then I won't say a word, Jay. I promise." Looking down at the tape again, she added, "Thank you so much, for everything."
"I knew I could trust you Lori," he whispered as the door opened and Alfie entered. "Hey Jay we have to get going if you want to order pizza before the movies start." he turned to Lori and coldly said, "Hi."
"Hi, Alfie," she responded quietly. "I'll talk to you later, Jay. I want to catch Sky quick before you leave."

"Ok." he said as she walked out of the room. He then grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him in kissing him softly. "Do you HAVE to be mean?"
Returning the kiss, he then shrugged. "She hurt you so bad. I don't understand why you even want to be nice."
He sighed. "You love your dad right? And he hurt you way worse than she did me. She was my friend way before we ever went out and I'd like to keep being friends with her, but if you really don't want me to...."
He shook his head, "I'm sorry, Jay. No, of course it's all right. I trust you and I guess I understand."
"Good." he smiled as he kissed him again. "You think Sky would mind waiting for pizza while we go up to my room for a bit?"
"I doubt it," he smiled.

Living Room
Picking her purse up off the suitcases and coming up with the small bag, she went over to the couch. Reaching down she hugged Bucky's neck tight. "Hey, Bucky," she said brightly.
Returning her hug he smiled warmly. "Hey, Babycakes. How's life treating, Lori?"
"Really good," she answered. "Colorado was so cool."
"Yeah, I liked it when me and Dana were there last year." Seeing Sky getting her coat on he frowned a bit.
Turning, and seeing what he was she turned back quickly. "Hang on to that thought, Bucky. I'll be right back." She then crossed the room, "Sky, can I have just two minutes, please."
"Ummm." she shrugged. "Jay and Alfie are ready to go now. Hang on." she turned to the 2 boys waiting by the door. "Go on Jay, Alfie. I'll walk over."
After Sky had turned back, she motioned for the two of them to sit down on the stairs. Fiddling with the bag in her hand, she nervously said, "I've owed you an apology for a long long time Sky. I hope it's not to late for me to say I'm sorry about what happened back when you were here for the hearing."
The younger girl laughed. "Lori, I'm so over that. It's ok."
She smiled, "Really?"
"Really, seriously, I don't know how much you know about my past beyond what I have told you. But I don't stay mad, I learned to let that shit go on the streets."
Handing the girl the bag, she smiled "I'm glad to hear that. Cause I really do like you, and hoped we could still be friends. I bought this for you when I was in Colorado."
Opening the small package Sky pulled out the charm bracelet with 2 small parrots. "Wow Lori, this is cool. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I remembered you saying you liked them, the birds I mean, and there's room for more charms if you want."
"Cool, I really like it. Parrots are my favorite birds. Dad said I can get one when we get home maybe, if my report card is good."
"That's really cool," she said. "Actually I was surprised you were still here. I thought you were going home yesterday. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you were, I really wanted to make things cool with you."
"We were going to. School started for me today, but Bucky had to stay here and do some tests on Noah."
"Tests?!" She answered suddenly scared. "NOAH!" She called out as she looked around the room.
Watching as Lori ran down the hall Sky shrugged and made her way to Dana and Bucky. "Well I guess I am taking off. Thanks for letting me go."
"It's cold out there, baby." Dana said. "You want me to give you a ride over?"
Jay's voice could be heard from the bottom of the steps. "We're still here."
"I'm coming!" Sky answered the teens, "Nah, thanks, Dad. I'll ride with Jay."
He smiled. "Ok, Baby." and kissed her forehead as he slipped money into her back pocket. "In case you want something ok?"
Kissing his cheek, she smiled, "Thanks, Dad." Then turned and hugged Bucky, "Thanks Bucky." Showing him the bracelet quick, she added. "Tell Lori I said thanks again, and I had to go?"
"I will, Sugar." Bucky smiled pulling her in for a quick hug. "If you decide later you want to come back to the hotel or something call us and we'll come pick you up."
"Okay, I will, thanks, Bye." She said as she quickly made her way to the steps then down them two at a time."

Pushing Robin's door open and finding the three laughing and playing on the bed, Lori quickly asked, "What tests, Noah?"
Looking up from Robin he frowned slightly, "Just some tests, no big deal. Everything is fine now, okay."
"You mean it?" She asked. "You're not just telling me that so I'll go away?"
Looking over to Blackie, then down, he pushed his fingers through Robin's hair and kissed her forehead, "You feeling better now, Doll Face?"
Chomping on the large wad of bubble gum in her mouth she mumbled. "Uh huh. I love you, daddies."
"Love you too," He smiled, hugging her then turned to Lori. "Go get Brett and let's talk in your room?"
"Ok." She said and turned her head. "BRRRRRREEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTT"
Taking Noah's hand after he set Robin down, Blackie said, "Couldn't you have done that?" Then turned back to Robin. "Why don't you go out in the living room with Mommies and everyone else."
"Cuz I leepy. Can I ust go bed?"
Kissing her forehead, he nodded, "You sure can, munchkin, but you better toss out that gum and brush your teeth first."
"O'tay." she nodded. "Me go rush." she toddled out of the room as Brett came down the hall with a bowl of cereal. "What's wrong, Baby?"
"Nothings wrong, and your guys room, please." Noah said as he directed everyone out of the toddler's room.

Walking into her bedroom after everyone else Lori shut the door. "What's wrong Noah?"
"Nothing!" he insisted. "But I had a heart attack three weeks ago, just a mild one. Bucky and Rick ran some tests, adjusted my medication and everything is fine."
Her eyes immediately clouded over. "You did?" she asked as she moved to his side. "How come?"
He put his arm around her neck and kissed her forehead, "It was stress related, okay. My heart artery thing can be set off by stress. But I don't want you to worry." He looked up to Blackie. "I don't want anyone to worry."
Lori looked at Blackie, her eyes suddenly cold. "You did it didn't you? It was your always fighting with him that did it wasn't it?"
The pain, fear and guilt he had just recently got back under control came pouring out in tears streaming down the other man's face, "yeah. . .yeah it is. . it was ALL my fault."
"I hate you." she spat quickly. "Why can't you just be happy, why do you have to push to get your way all the time?"
"BACK OFF!" Noah screamed at his sister. "You don't know what in the hell you're talking about, Lori." Turning to Blackie, he insisted again, "It wasn't your fault. Okay, stop blaming yourself, please." He nearly begged as he crossed the room, taking the other man in his arms.
"Yes it was." Blackie cried. "Even Lori knows it."
"No, Lori doesn't know it, cause it's not true. Come on, we have to talk this out once and for all." He said, pointing Blackie toward the door. "Let's go down to the studio."
Feeling his instinct to run, yet knowing what that could and probably would do to Noah Blackie nodded through his tears.
Turning back as they left the room, he pointed to his sister, "YOU, I want to talk to when I'm done with this."
As her bedroom door slammed shut Lori screamed over it "Yeah if he doesn't kill you first."

Dropping to the couch and pulling Blackie down next to him, he wrapped his arms tight around the man's shoulders, pulling him in. "You didn't give me a weak heart, babe. I was born with it."
"But you never had any problems till me, so it is my fault. I'm killing you."
Stroking the man's hair and kissing his forehead he answered, "NO, no, that's not true. I never loved or cared enough about anyone before you enough to be hurt by losing them." Lifting Blackie's chin, he continued, "The stress was caused by the problems we were having, but that's not your fault, my fault, it's not the collars fault, or the tour's fault. All of those things contributed to some problems, but not any one thing or person is to blame."
"But...but..." he struggled against his emotions. "Lori's right I do pick fights with you and I don't know why. You treat me so good but sometimes I'm still not happy."
"And I don't pick fights with you sometimes? Come on, Blackie, that's part of relationships. I don't want you to stop telling me how you feel cause you're afraid I'm going to have a heart attack. All that's going to do is let things build again till we get so angry we're broke again. That last fight didn't cause my heart attack, maybe it was the final straw, but I had been stressing, and having symptoms and it had been building for weeks. Stress over our problems?" he nodded, "Yeah, but our problems weren't all your fault. They were mine too."
"I don't know what to do, Noah. I love you so much and I'm afraid one day I am going to cause you to have a heart attack you don't recover from. I almost think you'd be better if we were apart but I know you would probably have another one so I stay and when I stay I know it's just a matter of time before I kill you."
Tightening his embrace, "NO! Don't say that! Tell me something. My stupid heart condition aside, are you happy? Do you still love me?"
"Yes." he said firmly. "Doc, I love you more than anything. Tell me you know that!"
He smiled, "I do, Babe." Leaning in and kissing the man's mouth. "Don't live everyday worried about my heart, please. Help me recover, take long walks with me for that cardiac exercise, but don't let your fear come between us. I love you, want you and need you with me forever."
"But what if because of me your forever isn't very long?" he cried into Noah's neck.
"It's going to be a long long time. We got a lot of things to do you and me, we got kids, lots and lots of kids," he laughed, "to raise, and grandkids to play with and places to go. You promised me when we were first together that we would go to the little Greek island your great grandfather lived on. No way I'm dying before we do that," he smiled.
"Then we're never going there."
Lifting Blackie's chin, he brushed the man's lips with his own, "But I want to see this whole big world with you by my side."
Returning the kiss he nodded. "I love you, Noah, and I don't want you to die. I'm going to work really hard on fixing whatever it is that's wrong with me that makes me push you all the time."
He exhaled, "Just promise me you won't stop communicating with me. Please!"
"I won't." he whispered. "As long as you promise me that when you feel your stress level getting too high you will stop communicating with me. That you'll just walk away and let me deal with myself until you feel more level?"
"Okay, I promise," he leaned in and kissed him again. "I love you too, Blackie, and I promise you that these three last weeks that we've been working on us I have felt a lot better, both emotionally and physically."
"We're better now." he confirmed.
"Yes, we are, and I'm getting well. I'm going to take care of myself and follow Bucky and Rick's orders and even let you wait on me a bit, cause the last thing I want to do is leave you and our family."
Blackie smiled shyly. "I love waiting on you."
He smiled back and admitted, "I need you to while I recover. Since the first problem over a year ago, I've been denying and fighting that I have a heart problem. I thought it made me weak or old. Bucky's screaming at me yesterday clicked something in me. I can't pretend its not there, or he's right. It isn't something that happened to me because I'm weak, or old, or you caused. I was born with it. It's genetic. What I do have to do is manage it with medication and care for it with diet, exercise and stress management. And you'll help me, right?"
"Uh huh." he smiled shyly. "That means no more chocolate covered me right?"
"Oh, a little chocolate covered you now and again won't hurt anything," he smiled as he leaned in and kissed him. "Are you okay now?"
"I think so." he snuggled into the older man. "I don't really want to be around everyone else though. Would it be ok if I just stayed down here? Or even better if we just stayed right here?"
Stroking Blackie's arm he sighed, "I have to go deal with my sister, but then yeah, we can."
"I'll come with you, if you want."
"It's up to you, you can if you want, but if you'd rather not, you don't have to." Noah said as he pulled himself up off the couch.
"I don't want to, but that's because I'm being selfish right now. If you want me to I will."
"No, because I'm feeling selfish right now. What I would really like is for you to run us a steamy hot bubble bath and get a bottle of wine for us, and I'll meet you in ten minutes or so." Noah asked.
Blackie grinned. "Alright, but you've had wine tonight already and Champaign. Is it ok to have more or should I grab juice?"
Exhaling he nodded, "You're right. Yes, juice please, maybe put a swizzle stick or something in it so I can pretend it's a drink?"
Laughing Blackie kissed his cheek. "Sure and I'll even splash it with a little sprite so it's fizzy for you."

"Thanks, he answered then turned and climbed the steps then made his way down the hall. Pounding hard on Lori's door he continued, "I'm coming in, in five seconds so if you don't want it seen cover it up."
Reaching over from her desk where she was working on homework she opened the door. "We're dressed."
Pushing the door shut with his foot, he seethed at his sister. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Hey, Noah," Brett cut in. "Don't yell at her ok? She's only trying to protect you."
"It's not his fault! How does blaming him for my heart attack protect me!"
"It is his fault, Noah." Lori protested. "Every time he yells at you for nothing and doesn't do what you ask or spazzs out because you want him to stop working on that stupid bike and eat with the family."
"You think that's the only that causes me stress? What about the way you incisively bicker with Robin, or the whining cause you two want or need more space, or Anna's doctor's appointments, or staffing my clinic, dealing with the stupid HMO's, and the drug companies. How about all the crap with your uncle Martin and Randy? How about Gran's cancer? And what about the long whiney messages Mom's been leaving on the answering machine," He said, then immediately regretted.
"What?" She asked. "Mom's been calling?"
Leaning back against the door, and letting a tear stream down his cheek he shook his head, "I haven't told anyone else."
"What does she want? And I know that lots of things make you stress, even me. But he's your lover isn't he supposed to taking your stress away?"
"He does," Noah cried harder. "I love him with everything I am. Yes we've been fighting, but things are better now and you attacking him doesn't help."
Wrapping her arms around his neck she hugged her brother tight and looked over his shoulder. "Sexy, you mind watching that out in the kitchen?"
"No, that's fine," he answered as he pulled himself from the bed and left the room.
As he left and shut the door behind him she whispered. "Noah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to attack him, were fine when I left and I guess I're my brother and I just got you."
Hugging her tight and kissing her cheek, he said, "I know, girlie, I'm not going anywhere. I swear."
"Is Blackie ok? I didn't mean to upset him, I just couldn't stop myself."
He nodded, "We need to be alone tonight. I would appreciate it if you could do what you can to make that happen."
"I have a ton of homework, Noah, I don't mean to shirk responsibility but do you think you could put someone else in charge of no one bugging you?"
He half smiled, "The girls are caring for themselves and Robin. All I'm asking is that you and Brett take care of yourselves."
She smiled. "We can do that, what about Dana, Bucky, Frisco, Stacy, Danny and Claudia?"
"Everyone's gone but Frisco and Stacy, I don't think they're going to want in my bedroom." He leaned in and kissed his sister's cheek. "Might not hurt for you to talk to Blackie TOMORROW. Right now, I'm going to lock myself downstairs with him."
"Ok. Goodnight Noah and I am sorry. Will you tell Blackie I'm sorry and that I will apologize to him tomorrow."
"I will," he nodded as he turned and left the room.

Blackie pulled his clothes off and tossed them into the bedroom, then slipped on his robe and walked with the juice filled wine bottle and 2 glasses into the studio to wait for his lover.

Unbuttoning his shirt as he walked down the steps, Noah called over his shoulder as he unbuttoned his shirt, "Congrats and good night, Stacy. Lock the door when you leave, Frisco!" then turned the corner and smiled as he pulled it from his body. "Mmmmm, perfect," he answered.
Blackie smiled. "Not by myself I'm not, but with you in my arms that's as close to it as I can imagine anything to be."
Crossing the distance between them, he touched the other man's cheek and softly kissed his lips, "And that's exactly what I want, to just be in your arms. . . Bath?"
"Steaming up the bathroom as we speak." he smiled and pulled his lover down onto his lap. "I'm really sorry, Noah, my freaking out probably didn't help your stress."
"We needed to talk it out, Babe." He answered as he laid his head against Blackie's shoulders, and then moaned softly as the man's arms came tight around him. "You know what, this feels soooooooo good."
"Yeah it does." Why don't you go on and get into the tub and I'll dig out that shower radio with the tape player than Buffy and Dad sent us for Christmas and join you in a minute?"
Snuggling the man's body for just a moment more, he then nodded. "Sounds good."
"Anything specific you want to hear; and nothing of mine ok?"
"Would you hate it if I said Bach's 7th symphony?" Noah asked softly.
He shook his head. "Of course not, but did you put it on tape or do I need to turn the record on really loud?"
"In the little cubby under the stereo there's a tape. Want me to get it?" Noah asked as he reluctantly pulled himself up off Blackie's lap.
"Sure, go ahead and grab it on the way to the bathroom and I'll get something soft and mellow from our room in case we are still in there when Bach ends." he kissed him softly and then slowly left the room.

Walking into the bathroom, Noah slowly deeply inhaled the vanilla and raspberry scent steaming off the bath water and set the tape down on the edge of the sink as he began to pull his jeans off. Walking to the tub, he brushed the water with his foot and shivered as his body absorbed the heat. He then slowly sank down into the tub.
In the bedroom Blackie wiggled out from under the bed the brown mailing box from Buffy and Henry in his right hand. Pulling out the shower radio he stood and crossed to the stereo. Flipping through the rack of tapes he chose a love song copulation he had picked up at the gas station and then walked back into the bathroom. Smiling at Noah leaned back into the water he asked. "How's it feel, Babe?"
His eyes still closed, as he was relaxed back against the tub he answered, "Lonely."
Picking the tape off the sink he opened the box containing the radio and then placed the tape inside the player and turned it on. Light music filled the room and he set it and the other tape down on the toilet lid within easy reach of the tub and then took off his robe. "Lean forward so I can get in behind you."
His eyes opening, pleasant surprise washed over his face, as he leaned forward giving Blackie the requested room.
Sliding into the hot water Blackie protested lightly against the heat. "I got a bit too happy with the hot water." he laughed as he settled himself behind Noah, pulling the older man back against his chest and wrapping his legs around his waist.
"A little bit, but it feels so good. Thank you, Kid."
"You're welcome, Doc." he whispered and tightened his legs slightly. "You feel that? Do you know what it is?"
"I think so," Noah said with a bit of a smirk, crossing his arms in front of him and sliding his hands up the outside of Blackie's arms. "But just in case I'm wrong why don't you tell me."
"This." Blackie grinned as he increased the firmness of his total body embrace "is 155 pounds of total love and commitment wrapped around you, holding you tight and secure, keeping you safe."
Feeling a tear slide down his cheek, he wiggled and turned in the man's tight embrace, "No, Babe, don't let go," he whispered when he felt Blackie loosen to give him freedom of movement. "Keep hanging on, Kid, that love and commitment along with mine will get us through anything." He said as he wrapped his arms around Blackie's neck and laid his head against the man's shoulder.
Not releasing his grip but letting his legs slip down to Noah's thighs he said quietly. "I'm not letting go, I need you too much, Noah. I'll never let go, I promise you that."
"I need you too, Love," he answered.
Lifting Noah's chin he kissed his lips softly and then looked into his eyes. "Right now, this is perfect, my Sir."
Starting at Blackie's temple, Noah slowly ran his wet trembling fingers down the younger man's face, "This is perfect . . . I accept what you give me, though I didn't ask for it. I treasure you my love."
Tears of emotions sliding unchecked down his cheeks Blackie spoke softly in a low hushed whisper. "I know, that's what makes it so special for me, that I can submit to you freely. I'm sorry if that word bothers you but Noah this is in us. We went too far before and I never want to go there again so you need not worry. There are just times when I need to submit to you and right now is one of those times. I love taking care of you and doing things so you don't have to."
"Sometimes I do need for you to care for me," he whispered as he laid down back against the man's shoulder, "But there are times when I'm going to want to totally care for you too. THAT'S what's in us, and what we are. We take turns," he smiled.
"I know, and I like that about us; but until it is your turn can you please just tell me if you want or need something and let me do it? I promise you right now that if I get to feeling like I am overwhelmed or you are asking too much of me I will tell you."
He nodded slightly against the other man's flesh, the steam, the early drink, and the earlier tension suddenly making him tired. "I will. Can we move to the bed?" he sleepily mumbled.
"Yeah. You want to lean up so I can get out and then I'll help you up and dry you off?"
"Okay," He answered as he sat up, giving Blackie the room to move. Watching the man lift himself from the tub and then wrap a towel around his waist he smiled and whispered, "You're so beautiful, my love." He then reached up and took Blackie's extended hand. Leaning the older man against the sink Blackie squatted down and looked up into his eyes. "Spread your legs a bit Babe so I can dry you off."
Doing as he asked, he inched his legs a part, and smiled down running his fingers through the other man's soft damp hair.
Sliding the towel up and between Noah's legs Blackie marveled at the constricting muscles beneath his fingers.
Feeling lightheaded, Noah slowly lowered himself to the floor and moved in. Pulling Blackie to him, he kissed him deeply. "I love you so much."
"Me too, Doc, forever and always till the end of time." he relaxed into the man's soft embrace. "Thought we were going to bed?"
"I'm not sure I can make it," he chuckled. "I only had a couple drinks quite awhile ago, but I'm just. . . .I don't know," he whispered pulling the man back tight to him.
Blackie hugged him tight for a moment then wiggled away and stood. Looping his arm under the man's knees and under his arm he called upon every bit of strength in his body and slowly lifted. "Don't get pissed if I drop you, Doc." he grunted. "Watch your head." as he carried the man through the doorway.
Laughing, ducking as asked and looping his arms tight around Blackie's neck, he wept into the man's neck, "Be careful, kid. . . God. . I love you."
Crossing into their bedroom Blackie spotted the bed and reminded himself it was a few feet away not a few miles and slowly and labouredly he crossed the room and out of breath half laid half dropped the man onto the comforter.
Looking up, he reached out his hands, grasping for Blackie's, "I'm sorry, Love. Look at you. Come here. Come lay with me."
Breathing heavy he panted. "I'm ok, just give me a minute ok?"
"Okay," Noah answered as he wiggled up and the bed and began to pull the blankets down while he was still on the bed.
Watching as his lover got himself tangled in the blankets Blackie laughed and helped him find his way under. "You comfortable?"
"I will be when you're laying next to me my sweet. . . .so sweet . . .sexy. . . boy."

Leaning over he kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back." he whispered and left the room, going first to the bathroom where he flipped the drain to let the water out of the tub and then picked up the bottle and unused glasses. Going into the kitchen he put the glasses away and opened the fridge and pulled out the plate containing 2 sandwiches and an assortment of cheese and veggies with dip and headed back to the bedroom to find Noah flipping through channels.
Looking up he smiled, "You think of everything, Babe." He then pointed to the TV and flicked up the volume on the remote. "Ryan's talking about the Grammy nominations, bet he mentions you," he said proudly.
"Cool, I'll have to call him tomorrow and thank him." he replied as he handed Noah the plate and crawled under the covers. Picking up a carrot stick he dipped it into the dip, took a bite and offered the dry bit off end to his lover.
Scrunching his face, he pointed back to the dip, "Please??"
"Is it ok?" he asked. "Tell me the truth."
"Was it the gross low fat stuff in the red container?" He asked with a pout.
He shook his head. "No, I don't like that stuff. I made this with sour cream and a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch."
Noah slowly licked his lips, but then took the dry carrot from the man's hand and bit into it.
"I'm sorry. I should have thought. I'll go get you some of that other dip."
"Don't bother, I hate that stuff too. Feed it to Troy tomorrow." He then dipped a new carrot lightly into the dip, and explained, "A little bit isn't going to hurt me. And I'll only have a little bit."
"Hahaha." he laughed. "The last time you fed it to Troy we found it a week later under the couch. What do you say we just pitch it?" he picked up one of the sandwich halves and offered it to the man. "Turkey with tomatoes and a little Italian dressing just like you like."
Reaching over, he bit from the offered sandwich, "So good, thanks," he mumbled as he chewed.
"You're welcome." he said as he picked up his own sandwich; ham with lettuce tomato mustard and mayo."
"Can I have a bite of yours?" Noah asked. "I'll let you have a bite of mine."
"Of course." he answered holding it out to the man's mouth.
After biting from the sandwich he leaned in and kissed the man, "MMM, that's good too. I didn't even realize I was hungry till you brought this stuff in here."
"Neither one of us ate much dinner." he answered, licking a dollop of mustard off Noah's chin. "Anything on cable? I don't really care about the weather. I already know it's cold."
Picking up the remote and flicking he announced as he flipped, "news, news, videos, chick flick, chick flick, star trek," then paused, "Lucy?"
"Sure, but she's going off in 5 minutes. What are the chick flicks?"
Flipping back, he said, "Ahm, Tootsie and An Officer and a Gentleman."
"Tootsie? Umm no." Blackie made a face. "Officer and a Gentlemen is ok, Richard Gere is cool or there is..." he flipped through the TV guide. "Snapshot on Max in 20 minutes."
"That's fine," he said flipping to that channel, "Looks like previews for 20 min," he said reaching from the bottle and drinking from it, then looking to his lover. "What shall we do to pass the time?"
Popping a piece of cheese into the man's mouth he laughed. "eat"
Moving over, and letting his mouth fall to the other man's chest, he licked and nibbled at the flesh as he started to move down his body. "That works for me."
Setting the plate on the nightstand Blackie moaned softly. "Not exactly what I had in mind you know."
Letting his tongue lightly graze the man's growing flesh, he asked, "Would you rather I didn't."
"Ut uh." He answered with a shiver. "You took your meds today right? And you feel ok?"
He nodded, "I feel good. I was a little woosy in the bathroom, but now that I've had some food I feel really good. .. and really hungry," he said as he swallowed the man's length.

Sky paid for the pizza and then set it down in the den before heading up the steps. Knocking softly on the door she called out. "Pizza's here, is it cool to come in."
Writhing and panting under his boyfriend Jay screamed out. "NOT YET."
Exhaling loudly, she leaned back against the hallway wall and slipped down the wall impatiently waiting.
Lifting his head from the boy's cock Alfie whispered. "You're mean" as he thrust his fingers in and out of his ass.
"You want to stop?" he hungrily panted, then quickly added, "You better not!"
He twisted his fingers. "Does that feel like I want to stop?" he kissed the boy's stomach. "Do that thing, Jay."
Smiling and licking his lips, Jay let his voice rattle in his throat and purred the other boy's name in a panting pleading way.
Rolling his head back as shivers shot up and down his spine Alfie moaned. "Ooooo yeah, you're so hot."
Reaching up and putting his arms around the other boy's neck, he pulled him down and kissed him deeply as he thrust his hips against Alfie's.
"You ready Baby?" Alfie asked as he returned the deep kiss and pulled his hand away from Jay's rear.
"I'm ready," he answered.
Reaching over the teen fumbled in the drawer and came up with an empty box. "Fuck."
"Forget it, just do it," Jay encouraged.
"What about that stuff Blackie said?" Alfie question. "You sure it's ok?"
"I haven't been with anyone else," Jay panted. "Have you?"
"No." he answered. "Just you, I swear." he kissed him deep. "I love you, Jay," he declared as he pushed himself into the boy's body. The heat and tightness feeling completely different to him than every other time they had been together. His eyes flew open and locked on Jay's.
Groaning loudly as Alfie entered his body, the different sensations struck Jay as well. Staring up into his lover's eyes, he smiled. "Love you too. This is so incredible. I feel even more close to you now. I didn't think that was possible."
'I'm never wearing a stupid rubber again.' He thought and asked "Does it hurt?"
He merely shook his head, as he arched his back to meet Alfie's thrusts, "Soooooo good, Baby."
Increasing his speed he lowered his head and licked the boy's neck. Rotating his hips he moaned. "We have to hurry."
"I'm there, I'm going to cum," he announced with rugged pants, then a loud moan as he exploded in orgasm.
Feeling Jay's body shaking beneath him and his ass muscles spasiming, squeezing his cock Alfie cried out as orgasm also washed over him. Dropping the rest of his weight down he kissed his lips. "Sky's gonna kick our asses. We told her 20 minutes 45 minutes ago."
"I know. . .I know.. " He regretfully exhaled as he kissed the other boy's neck and cheek. "I'd love to stay like this all night, but we better get up."
"Not yet."he smiled as he reached back and pulled the blanket up, covering their nudity. "She asked if she could come in, not if we could come out."
Kissing the boy again, he then called out, "Sky, You can come in now!"
Opening the door she took in the sight of the 2 of them in bed. "Geez Jay, took long enough." she protested as she dropped down on the beanbag chair across from the bed. "Now who did who and which one of you is sticky and how do you plan on getting out of that bed without me being able to plainly see the answer to both questions?" she laughed.
Both boys laughed, but Alfie also bushed, rolling his head into Jay's shoulder, "You don't really want to know do you?"
She giggled. "Actually I already know the answer to the first question...and for the second. Just tell me when you're ready to get up and I'll close my eyes."
Smiling warmly at the girl, Jay said, "You're the best, Sky. You hungry? We should probably go eat, hu?"
"Pizza is down on the coffee table in the den and the movies start in 10 minutes." she stood. "Stay here I'll go get you a rag to clean up with."
After she left the room, Alfie said low, "Too bad she has to live in LA, she's pretty cool you know."
He grinned. "She's very cool, first one I told about you." he kissed his cheek. "You wanna get me a pair of boxers out of the drawer. Make that 2. I doubt Sky wants to lay around in her jeans all night and we forgot to go pick her up her bag."
"I can do that," he answered as he kissed the boy's cheek one more time and slid out of the bed.
"Oh and grab a t-shirt too" he smiled as he sat up. "Hey Alfie?"
"What, babe?" He asked as he turned and tossed him the t-shirt and boxers with a warm smile.
"That was totally amazing for me you know, to feel you like that when you came inside me." he admitted with a slight blush.
"For me too," he answered honestly. "We don't need to buy any more of those rubbers. Do we?"
"Uh-uh." he shook his head, "And if you liked that thing with your mouth...."
"I did, very much," he answered, slipping a pair of boxers on, then crawling back up the bed, "We REALLY should get up."
"Then we don't need that lube stuff anymore either." He leered and then sighed. "I know, but can I ask you something first?"
"Of course, anything," he smiled.
"How come you did it? I mean when I asked for it before you said you didn't think that would be good and I didn't stink or anything did I?"
He shrugged a bit, "I was nervous before I guess, but tonight, it just felt right, and like it was time."
"Felt sooooo good." he whispered as he pulled him into a tight embrace.

Sky walked in the room, tossing the rag to the boys on the bed. "What felt sooooo good?"
"What you want a front row seat next time?" Alfie laughed as he pulled himself from the bed. He then tossed Sky a t-shirt and shorts, "Jay thought you might want to get comfortable."
She crinkled her nose. "No thanks, besides he'll tell me all about it eventually." she giggled as she took her shirt off and threw it at her friend. "Won't you, you cum guzzling but boy."
"You know it, Girl," he smiled as he pulled himself from the bed and hugged the young teen. He whispered in her ear, "We can dish after he falls asleep."
"Ok." she laughed and then pulled on the boxers and slipped the t-shirt reading 'Property of Port Charles High School' over her head. "Come on, I'm starving. Oh and I already spread out the blankets and pillows on the floor."
"Cool, let's go then." He said, draping his arm over her shoulder as they left the room.

Chapter 6
