Chapter 6

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: PG-13
Type: Slash, Het
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Ryan/Karen, Jay/Alfie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: Incest

Karen almost ran up the steps to the apartment. After dropping Randy off for his first day of pre-school in Port Charles she had picked up a box of doughnuts. Arriving at the door she pushed it open, closed it behind her, and dropped her coat on the couch that had become her bed when her son was there. Slowly opening her brother's bedroom door she smiled to see he was still sleeping. "RYAN!!!!"
Sitting straight up in the bed he said in a panic-stricken voice, "What is it!?"
"Doughnuts," she giggled as she moved to the bed.
Smiling he reached for one from the box as he asked, "Where's Randy? And what time is it?"
"School and it's 9:30." She ran her fingers down his bare chest. "We have 2 whole hours to our self then I have to go to the school. I got roped into snack patrol already."
"Two hours, hu?" he smiled as he tossed the ½ eaten doughnut back in the box and grabbed the woman pulling her onto his lap. "We can eat anytime," he said as he pushed his mouth to hers kissing her hungrily.
"Mmmm" she moaned as she returned his kiss. "But I came in here to eat doughnuts." She pulled away and snuggled down next to him. "We have spent most of the last 2 weeks making love and it was wonderful, but last night laying on the couch alone what I missed most was just being next to you."
Pulling her tight to him, rubbing his cheek against her hair he inhaled and smiled, "I missed you too, Baby. This bed is so lonely without you."
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" He asked as he slid his hand under her chin.
"Because you were lonely," she whispered as she snuggled even closer.
"Were you?" he asked.
She nodded. "But I hate that you were more."
"But you know what? It's worth it to have you living here now and to have Randy with us. I never thought of myself as the type to be around kids, but I can't imagine him not being with us now."
She smiled. "He loves you so much. How is it working out with him sleeping in here with you?"
"So far so good," He answered as he rolled them so they were lying on their sides in the bed. "'cept like last night when I did the late news. I woke him up when I came in here. Poor guy, hopefully we'll be in the house soon."
She looked over at the somewhat messily made twin bed. "Another couple weeks right?"
He nodded, "Yeah, a week and a half if we're lucky. I don't know how Martin got in their place so fast."
"Martin has more money then Carter has liver pills," she laughed. "That's how."
He nodded in agreement with a laugh, "It's okay. It's going to be worth the wait when we get there."
"Oh I almost forgot to tell you. I ran into Mom at Dunkin Doughnuts."
"Yeah?" he asked cautiously.
She shrugged. "She asked me how long I was planning on staying and reminded me that I could move out of the hotel and into the house."
"Maybe you should just tell her you're staying with me?" He said though the mere thought made him uneasy.
"That's what I did." she smiled. "I told her I am now living here in town and that we bought a house. I also made it clear that they would not be allowed in if they chose to just drop by."
"You did? What did she say?" He curiously asked.
"Nothing, because it was a public place and you know how she is about expressing emotion in public."
He exhaled, "She's going to eventually find out you know. Port Charles isn't that big."
"I know, but if I tell her then she will want to see him and I don't want them around my baby. Even with all the crap Lenny pulled Randy never once doubted his love."
"I know, I know, sweet heart," he said in a comforting tone as he pulled her in tight. Knowing first hand the scars their mother had left on both of them.
"When she finds out I'll deal with it then, but not till then," she cried into his shoulder. "Oh and she said something about coming over here tonight. I tried to tell her no but she wouldn't take no for answer."
"I'll be at work," he reported. "I'm doing both 6 and 11 again tonight."
"Can you take Randy with you? Have him color in your office and I'll pick him up as soon as she leaves?"
He thought a moment and frowned, "I'm down in the studio for a long time, too long for a four year old to be by himself. How about I call Noah? He said he'd keep him anytime."
"You sure he won't mind?" she asked.
"I don't think so," he said. "And if he does, he'll tell me he can't. If he can't I'll work it out to keep him at the station with me."
'Thanks." she said quietly as she picked up a frosted doughnut and picked at it. "These don't taste good without a buzz, is there any left?" she pointed to his nightstand drawer she knew contained a small locked box.
"Yeah, there is." He said reaching for the drawer, "You'll be ok in time to go to the school. Right?"
She looked at the clock. "I'll be fine." she smiled. "Come on, baby brother, fire one up." Smiling, he did as she asked lighting the joint, and taking a large hit off it before passing it to his sister.

Port Charles High School
Lori slid into her seat as the bell rang and smiled to Felicia in the next chair. "Hey."
"Hey, Lor," the girl smiled back. "How was you're break?"
"Awesome. Brett's parents are soooo cool, oh and Blackie gave me a kitten for Christmas."
"Awe, a kitten," she smiled, "That's cool. What'd you name it?"
"Brett named him Smoothie, cause that's what he looks like; an orange smoothie. What about you? What did you do?"
"Worked mostly. . .totally sucks," she answered. "Didn't even get to spend much time with Frisco at all. But look at what he got me." She said as she extended her arm showing off the thin gold bracelet.
"Oh wow, that is beautiful." she smiled. "You worked last night huh? That's why he was at my place by himself."
"Thanks, I like it. No, actually I was off last night. He was at your place?" She asked. "Yeah." she answered, confused. "He was talking to Stacy when I got home but Jay said you were working."
"He told me he was helping Blackie with demos, that that California guy was still here and they were still recording."
"Dana?" she asked. "Well yeah he was there too."
She smiled a bit relieved. "And that Stacy works for Blackie right? She's been running and getting them coffee and food and stuff while they've been working on the demo tapes."
"Yeah, she's the secretary and she's pregnant with twins."
"Twins? You're going to have three babies in that house? You ain't ever going to sleep again," she laughed.
"Sure I will. All the babies will be down on the first floor. Me and Brett live upstairs with Robin."
Opening one of her textbooks she flipped through the pages, "You get this English assignment we got today? Why the heck do we have to diagram sentences anyway?"
Lori shook her head. "I'm in Lit this term, won't be doing that till May or something. But I did it last year in 9th so it's probably similar right."
"You think maybe I could come by after school and you could help me?" She asked. "Sure." she smiled, "If you can help me with Health. I'm still working on that model of the human eye that's due next week. I got all the parts. Noah bought fruit. But I have no idea how to assemble it."
"Sure," she said closing her book, "No use wasting study hall on homework then."
Lori giggled and pointed at Alfie in the front of room pouring over a book. "Tell him that."

"Ok," She smiled back and quietly slid up to the chair behind Alfie. Lightly tapping him in the back of the head she said, "Why you doing you're homework, Dork?"
He turned. "Because it's study hall and I have to work tonight."
"Oh, okay, I thought maybe you'd rather hang out with us now." She said pointing back to Lori.
He made a face. "With Lori?"
"Stop it, Alfie. She's okay."
"Yeah today maybe," he trailed off as he remembered what Jay had told him late the night before. "Ok. I'll give her a chance."
"Good, if Jay's not mad at her anymore. Why should any of us be?"

He shrugged as he dropped his books into his backpack and stood up to follow her to the back of the room. "Hi Lori."
"Hey, Alfie," she tried to smile though she waited for the snide or mean comment to follow.
He pulled over an empty seat. "You still carry cards in your purse, Flea?"
"Sure do," she answered as she reached for it. "What you want to play?"
"Rummy?" he asked. "You know how to play, Lori?"
"Yeah, sure," she answered pleasantly surprised.
"Ok deal 'em, Flea." he said while pulling out his notebook and scribbling a quick note. "I'll keep score." He ripped the sheet and handed it to Lori.
Reading the paper, she contemplated a moment, looked up and nodded at the boy as she folded it and slipped it into her backpack.
He smiled warmly at her as he picked up his cards.

Hearing the knock fall on the door, Joe grabbed the t-shirt from the end of the bed his body still damp from his shower. Stopping for just a moment to peak into the nursery, he smiled at a sleeping Caroline and continued toward the door as a second light knock fell. 'The client's early," he thought to himself as he looked through the peephole. Seeing it was Blackie, he smiled and opened the door forgoing the t-shirt.
"Hi, Dad." The younger man greeted. "I'd ask how you're doing but it's pretty obvious."
Looking down at the new marks on his chest he blushed, "Pretty good, yeah. How you doing? And how's Noah?" He asked as he directed him to the couch.
"He's fine, actually he's better then fine. Karen needs him to watch Randy for a couple hours tonight."
"You two should open a babysitting service," he laughed. "We almost called and asked you to take Caroline the other night, but since Noah had just had the tests we had Dad do it."
He frowned. "Awe, you could have called."
"Next time we will. OH, before I forget," He said as he left the room, then came back just a moment later. "Dad asked me to give this to you before he left." He then handed him the small wrapped box.
Opening it Blackie smiled and pulled out the pen and pencil set. "These are really nice. I'll call him and tell him thanks as soon as I get home. You took them to the airport this morning right?"
"Cyn did, then a trip to Wyndom's." He checked his watch. "I hope she's home soon. I have a client coming by."
"So you did those," he pointed to his father's chest, "alone?"
"No," he blushed, "Before she left."
"Ahhh ok." he smiled. "Caroline awake?"
Checking his watch he said, "Go on, if she's not now she'll be needing to eat soon anyway."
He beamed. "I can feed her if you want to get dressed."
"Thanks, that would help me a lot. You know where everything is, right?"
"Yeah." he answered as he walked down the hall and into the baby's room. "Hey Sis," he smiled at her lying in her crib kicking her feet.

Walking by the open office, Grant peeked in then stopped shocked and walked in, "What are you doing here? I thought you were suppose to take two weeks off."
Noah looked up. "I'm working, what does it look like and no I have to take 2 weeks off from the surgical rotation but I'm ok to work."
Walking into the office and dropping down into the chair on the other side of the desk he asked sincerely. "You okay?"
"Yes and no." he answered. "Physically I will be, but emotionally having to face my own mortality I don't know."
"Doctor to doctor, how bad was it?" Grant asked.
"It wasn't bad, stress triggered like the first one, though unlike that one this was a heart attack. A very mild one."
"So, you're mom still calling you?" The man somberly asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, she wants me to let her come live with me."
"I know how upset she made you the day she called when I was at the house. . .you said she's done a lot of unspeakable things," Grant rambled, not sure how to offer comfort or advice.
"Yeah she has, but she's still my mom. I can't tell her yes and I can't tell her no so I keep telling her I'll come visit and talk to her doctors."
"Did you talk to Blackie about it yet?"
"Kinda, I mentioned that I thought I should go see her and he was pretty against it."
"She's your mother." Grant restated to him. "If you want me to ride up with you sometime or something, just ask. Okay?"
"No, he's not trying to keep me from her. Grant, he's seen her at her worst, seen things I haven't told you about and don't know if I can."
"Well, if you do want to talk about it, you know I'm here. Right?" He said as he reached across the desk. "Can I help you with this medications order?"
Noah grinned and pushed it across the desk. "Actually you can do it. I have to get going, pick Robin up at school, and then go to the hospital. I can't operate but Steve still wants me to show up. I should be back in about an hour and a half if you don't feel like doing the order I can finish it then."
"I think I can handle it." He said picking up the file. "I'll do it then leave it here for you to go over and call in?"
"Thanks." he said as he stood and pulled on his jacket. "I'm just going to go on home then, just put it in my desk and I'll go over it in the morning."
"Will do," he answered. "Or would it be easier for you if I dropped it off on my way home?"
"That's fine too, whatever works for you. I'm here at 9 in the morning though."
"Unless you're in hurry for anything, I'll just leave it here then," he answered.
"No we're ok on just about everything. Only thing we really need are band aids and if all else fails I'll just get some at the store."
"Sounds good. Hey, Jimmy Lee bought a whole box of Barbie ones just in case, that weekend we watched Robin. I don't plan on using them for him or me. You want me to bring them in?"
Noah laughed. "Yeah those would be good for the little girls, though you do realize that Robin would have been pissed to have a Barbie band-aid. She likes Muppets."
He laughed, "Yeah, I know. .JL was just upset he couldn't find any Harley ones. Hey, get out of here. I'll see ya tomorrow."
"Ok, bye." he said and then left the office.

Waiting outside of the classroom, Noah talked casually with the other mom's till the door opened and two children ran to him, one screaming his name and the other 'daddy'. Scooping up his daughter he ruffled Randy's hair as Karen came out of the classroom. "Then just glaze them with a little bit of that melted butter and let em cool." he said to the group before turning to her. "Hey, Karen."
"Noah, can I come with you now instead of later?" Randy asked before his mother could speak.
"Randy." Karen lightly scolded. "Noah might have things to do today."
He nodded, "I have to," Then looking down in the big eyes and seeing his own, melted a bit. "I have to go to the hospital for a few hours and do some paper work. You and Robin would have to play quietly in my office so I can work."
He turned to his mother. "Can I mommy please? Say yes, say yes, say yes."
Karen patted her son's head as she asked Noah, "Are you sure? It seems like a lot to me for you to take them both to work with you."
"I'm sure, and really I won't be there that long. More like an hour really. But in case it goes long there is a good baby sitting service there."
"WAIT," Randy said quickly and loudly. "I can't. I forgot, mommy. Daddy is going to call me he said soon as I got home from school."
She smiled. "Ok, come on home with me then and Noah will pick you up on his way home?"
"That's fine," Noah said. "Or if you want, we can call Dad from my office," he suggested. "Bye, ladies." He turned and smiled to the other mom's saying goodbye to him.
"No, I'll go home and have him call me there. He said that he is gonna call so it's better that I be there."
"Okay," Noah smiled, and then squatted down, "Do I get a hug?"
The little boy moved in hugging Noah's neck then as he pulled away punched Robin in the back. "You're it."
Jumping off Noah's lap, Robin scurried down the hall after Randy.
"Whoa Whoa," Noah called out and chased down the girl. Picking her up he tickled her tummy, "Tag later. We got to go, doll face."
"But Daddy." she batted her eyes. "He unched me and it hurted too."
"Awwweee," Noah fawned, "How bad does it hurt?"
"It hurted lots." she pouted. "Me think I need a milkshake."
"I don't know? Maybe I need to operate?" He said with big eyes.
"Ut huh." She giggled. "Me need all me pieces."
"Then how 'bout you raid grandpa's jelly bean jar, and bring me the purple ones?"
"O'tay, on the way home we get milkshakes?"
He nodded, and covered his mouth with his finger, "Don't tell, Daddy." Then turned, "We'll see you later, Karen and Randy."
"Bye, Noah." the little yelled and turned to another kid. "That's Noah. He's my old brother."

Ruby slid the box across the counter. "This is your last delivery Alfie. Before you go let me pay you for the day ok?"
"Yeah, thanks, Ruby," he answered.
Going to the register she asked. "How many deliveries did you make today?"
Counting in his head for a moment, he said, "Five. . no, it was six, er this is my sixth one here."
She laughed. "That one doesn't count." she pulled out a 20-dollar bill and a 5. "Ok here is your 25 for the deliveries. Do you know what the total value of them were or do I need to add it up?"
"Add it up."
She smiled. "Ok, hang on." she picked up the envelope of delivery receipts and began to push numbers on her calculator. After a few minutes she pulled more money out of the register. "Here you go, not much today. You got good tips I hope?"
"Not too bad," he answered a bit dejected, "But it was just a slow day, right."
"Yeah I think so," she pointed to the box. "You better get going, the customer shouldn't be kept waiting."
He smiled, "Thanks, Ruby. I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he picked up the box and left the restaurant.

"You sure you're ok waiting out here Jay?" the man asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I won't be waiting long."
"Ok, well I'm just inside if you need anything." he said as he saw the sports car pull up. "Never mind. Have a good night Jay."
"Thanks, Good night," He called out over his shoulder as he then went to the car, opened the passenger side, and slid in, "Hey," he said with a bright smiled. "How was work?"
"Slow, I barely made 50 bucks total." he smiled. "Ruby sent us pie and the note says to drive out to Parker Woods. You wanna?"
"Can we? I mean you're dad going to be mad if you're late?" Jay asked.
"Probably, but you know what?"
"What?" Jay asked.
"I don't care. He knows I was working and sometimes if we are busy I do have to work late, so I'll just tell him we were busy."
Looping his arm through Alfie's and leaning against his shoulder, he smiled, "Sounds like a nice ride then, but I don't want you to get in trouble."
"I won't." he wrapped his arm around the other boy feeling grateful for the tinted windows. "Besides, with any luck he'll already be gone by the time I get home."
Leaning forward and changing the radio station to something more mellow, he exhaled, "Then let's go.. .And drive slow."

"Careful on the steps!" Noah called out over the ringing phone as he came through the door and Randy and Robin continued their never-ending game of tag. "CAN ANYONE GET THAT!" he screamed crossing to it, and picking it up 'guess not,' he thought, "Hello," he said and then looked at the receiver as it clicked in his ear.
Blackie stuck his head out of the garage. "Was that the phone I heard?"
"Yeah," He answered as he dropped it down in the cradle. "Another hang up," he said as he thought, 'was it Mom?"
"Oh ok." He walked into the room rubbing his hands on his bare chest. "We need a space heater for that garage, the furnace isn't enough. Look, my nipples are hard."
Grabbing the other man by the hips he said, "I see that." Then dropped his mouth down sliding his tongue around the hardened flesh.
"Mmmm." he groaned low in his throat. "Doc, we can't. You're babysitting." he whispered as the phone rang. Reaching over he grabbed it. "Hello?"
"Blackie?" The soft tear filled voice wept from the other end of the phone.
"Bobbie?" he asked though he knew it was her. "Are you ok?"
Noah's neck snapped quickly to his lover and his face lit up with concern and confusion, as on the other end of the phone the voice shook, "yeah, I-I-I probably shouldn't have called." She quickly continued.
"But you did, is he there?" he asked into the phone and turned to Noah. "Go get me a shirt and find the car keys?"
"Here? No? I'm at the payphone just across the park near campus. I-I can't be gone long. I'll have to go home soon, but I'm scared."
"No, no don't go home. Go to Mills hall and wait for me in the lobby. I'm on the way but I have to talk to Noah first."
"Noah?" The voice quivered, "But he'll, I-ok. I'll wait for you there."
"I have to Bobbie, it'll be ok," he said quickly. "Go there now, I'll be there soon." he hung up the phone and turned to his lover. "Drop me off at Bobbie's house and then go get her at Mills hall on the campus."
"What? Why?" Noah asked totally confused, "And is anyone here to stay with the kids?"
"Stacy is upstairs and so is Brett," he answered. "And because I'm going to rip that asshole she calls a husband to pieces. Get your shoes on I'll explain on the way." he said as he pulled the shirt over is head.
Stepping into his shoes he said, "How about you tell me now." Then called up the steps, "Stacy or Brett, I got to leave can one of you watch the kids for a bit?"
"Brett bounded down the steps, "I can." As Blackie answered, "No, in the car." he grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.

Backing out of the driveway and then heading up Nolan, Noah asked, "WHAT is going on?"
"He's hitting her Doc and now I'm going to hit him." he said quickly then took a deep breath and began to explain. "That day before we left for the Catskills I noticed her acting weird, like she was afraid so I talked to her and I guess I spooked her because she tried to run away and I saw a huge bruise on her thigh."
"What? Hitting her?" He said then turned the car going toward the university and not her house as Blackie had requested.
"Noah turn around. You take me over there right now or I'll jump out and walk." he said quickly. "Yes hitting her and the other day at the hospital she was sitting with me and he came in and grabbed her." they stopped at a red light and Blackie opened the door. "Go get her, you can swing by the Bucket and pick me up."
Reaching out, Noah grabbed his arm, "Blackie, STOP IT! I want to pound him as much as you do, but right now she trusts you and helping her is more important. We can pound him later."
Realizing the man was right Blackie slid back into the car. "Ok so we go get her, and then I go pound him."
Gripping his hand, Noah smiled, "Deal." As the light turned green and he continued down the street, the thoughts raced through his mind and he shook his head, "You're so incredible, kid. You just amaze me every day."
"Why? Because I'm pissed off a friend is being hurt by the one person on the planet that shouldn't be hurting her?"
He shook his head, 'a friend' he thought. "No, because you saw someone being hurt and put aside old feelings to help."
As if reading his lover's mind Blackie smiled. "Yes, Doc, I said friend. When you were having that test she and I talked. She doesn't want you so I can be friends with her."
Pulling into the parking lot, and throwing the car into park, he leaned across the seat, "Wouldn't matter if she did, I belong to you." After kissing him quick he continued, "She trusts you right now, maybe you should go in alone?"
"I know you do, but if she did then I couldn't like her just for that reason. But she doesn't so it's ok." he opened the door. "Yeah probably. I'll be back." he got out and shut the door, quickly running into the building.

Spotting her sitting alone by the coke machine he crossed the room and squatted down beside her. "Bobbie." he whispered.
Curling into the machine she tried to hide her bruised eye with her trembling hand, "This is so wrong. I shouldn't be talking to you. I have to go home."
"You did the right thing." he whispered and moved in a bit closer laying his hand on her knee and taking her left hand in his while noticing she was hiding her face with her right. "What happened?"
"I fucked up, and he hates it when I fuck up."
"What do you mean you fucked up?"
"Complications is my last surgery . . . it ran over. By the time I got to the bank to make the payment on the brownstone, they were closed. I put it in the night deposit box, but it's late. Because of all that dinner wasn't ready when he got home."
"And he doesn't know to fix something for himself?" he asked as he reached up and took her other hand, gasping at what he saw. "Oh my god, Bobbie, what did he hit you with?"
Collapsing down against him, she began to sob, unable to speak through her tears.
"You're going home with me," he whispered in her ear. "Can you walk ok or do you need me to go get Noah to help?"
"Noah," she gasped, "I have to work with him. . he's going to . . he won't understand."
"It's ok," he soothed. "I talked to him. Come on, we're going to get you in the car and Noah is going to take you to our place." He gently pulled her to her feet and began to guide her to the door.
"Okay," she surrendered as her body melted into his.

In the car, Noah nervously tapped the steering wheel waiting. When he saw the two coming from the building he jumped from the car and nearly ran to the other side of the woman helping Blackie help her to the car, "My god, Is anything broke?" he asked the nurse.
She shook her head. "I don't think so."
Opening the back door to the car, he released her. "It's okay now, Bobbie," he said not knowing what else to say.
As Noah closed the door Blackie grabbed his arm. "You take me to the Brownstone NOW and don't even think about arguing with me."
Afraid for his lover's safety, but knowing fighting him on this was futile he simply nodded, as he rounded the car and slid in behind the wheel.
Sliding into the car Blackie turned to the woman in the back. "I'm going to teach that son of a bitch a lesson."
Melting into the corner of the car, she sobbed, "then what? What am I going to do?"
"Whatever you want to do, but for tonight I'd like it if you stayed with us."
Looking in the rear view mirror and trying to suppress his tears of empathy and sympathy, Noah added, "Yes, Bobbie, you stay with us tonight."
"O----ok." she answered with a shaking voice. "All the other times he said he was sorry right after. This time he told me to get in the kitchen and make him dinner. I went out the back door. I bet he's mad enough to kill me now."
Blackie leaned over the seat. "Bobbie, I won't let that happen, I promise you."
As Noah turned down the street of the brownstone, he reached over and took Blackie's hand, "We could just go home. She'll be okay there."
"We could, but no," he answered. "Park here." he pointed to a spot up the block from the house. Taking in his lover's worried face he reached out and caressed his cheek. "I'm going to be fine and I HAVE to do this. This isn't just for Bobbie you know," he admitted in a low whisper.
Nodding, he said, "I'm going with you."
He shook his head. "You stay here with her. I promise you I'll be fine and if I'm not I'm still 20 years younger than him so I'm sure I can run faster."
He nodded and tapped his watch, "Five minutes and I'm coming in."
"Make it 15." he replied as he opened the door, climbed out, shut it and quickly ran down the block.

At the Brownstone he ran around to the back of the house and kicked at the back door.
"Brock, you son of a bitch you want to hit something try it on someone that hits back." he screamed as he pounded on the door.
"Unless you plan on fixing my dinner, get the hell out of here," the man's obviously drunken voice came from inside the house.
Blackie laughed coldly to himself. "I'm gonna fix something but it won't be dinner. He took a step back and kicked at the doorknob as hard as he could. The door flew open and he ran into the house his fist flying at the older man. "How dare you fucking hit her? She's a woman you son of a bitch."
Turning from the refrigerator, he dropped the beer bottle he had just grabbed as he himself fell to the floor before he realized he'd been hit.
Dropping down Blackie straddled his chest and rained punches to his face. "What did you hit her with asshole?" he screamed but punched him in the jaw as the man tried to speak. "Shut up."
He picked up the dropped beer bottle and drove the butt of it into DL's eye. "Was it this? Did you hit her with a beer bottle?" he grabbed his collar and lifted his head. "Answer me damn it."
Trying to roll his face away he stammered out "no. . . the v-v-v. . ase." He said trying to motion to the shattered glass in the doorway of the room.
Blackie looked to where the man was pointing and then brought the beer bottle down in the same spot. "That's broken, I guess I'll just have to use this." and brought it down a third time.
Unable to move with the man's weight on him, DL withered under the attack and prayed for it to end.
Continuing to pound the man Blackie screamed in his face and felt the emotional release of the child he had been when men had abused his mother. Preparing to bring the bottle down again, he stopped cold when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Enough, Blackie!" he said quietly, but firmly, "Enough, come on."
Dropping the bottle Blackie stood over the barely conscious man. "Don't fuck with my friends." he kicked at his side. "You hear me?"
As the man beneath him moaned, Noah guided Blackie up his own emotions a raging sea within him. "You . .. .You took care of things for her," he whispered in his lover's ear hoping he got the message that he not only meant this time, but the years when he was a child.
Wrapping his arms tight around Noah's neck he cried into his neck. "Can we go home? My hand hurts."
"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah, let's go." He then wrapped his arm around the younger man's waist and helped him out the door.

Alfie's House
He pulled the car into the driveway and frowned. "Dad's still here." he pointed to the big rig truck parked across the street.
Jay nervously reached for the boy's hand, "He's going to be pissed you were out so late. Isn't he?"
"I don't want you to go in there," Jay said plainly.
"I don't want to go in." He turned to the other boy. "What do I do?"
"Come home with me. I'll have Doc Rick call and talk to him, tell him you fell asleep watching TV."
"Well he do that for us?" he asked nervously.
He nodded, "Yeah, he will."
"Ok." He backed the car out, grateful for the new muffler Jay had had put on the week before.

The Webber's
Going into the house, Jay pointed to the stairs. "Go on up and wait for me," he directed as he walked down the hall, and knocked on Rick's den door.
"Come on in Jay." The man called as he flipped the TV off.
Walking in and leaning back against the door, the teen decided to just spill it out. "Alfie is afraid to go home. Would you call over there and tell his dad he fell asleep watching TV please."
"Where is he? Did something happen?" the doctor asked, concerned.
"I just sent him upstairs, and no, not yet. But things have been getting worse. We went for a drive tonight and he figured he'd be gone on the road by the time he got home, but he wasn't. Will you do it?"
"Of course." he said as he pulled the phone closer. "How bad is it getting for him Jay? If it's really bad we may not be able to wait for the six months to pass."
"When his dad is on the road it's okay, but when he's home, it's getting bad."
"That's mostly just weekends right?"
"Yeah, and holidays."
"What's the number and what's his name?"
"555-1143, his name is Frank."
Dialing Rick nodded and indicated that the boy should sit down. After a moment he spoke. "Hello, this is Dr. Rick Webber, may I speak to Frank Savino please."
"This is him. What you want?"
"I just wanted to let you know Alfie was over and watching TV with Jay and he fell asleep on the couch. I see no reason to wake the boy up, if it's okay with you he can just stay here for the night."
"Why was he there watching TV, he said he had to work tonight."
"He did, they both did. They came by after."
"Whatever, tell the little Tinkerbelle he better if his ass in this house by 4PM and not a second later."
"Sir?" the doctor questioned, unnerved by the man's reaction.
"You heard me, he can spend the night but he is to bring his pansy ass home right after school."
"I'll make sure he knows he is to go straight home after school," Rick answered.
"You better." the man said gruffly as he hung up.
As Rick hung up the phone Jay asked, "What did he say?"
"He can stay tonight."
"Thanks, Rick," he answered as he turned to leave the den.
"Jay." the man called and when the boy turned he continued. "I get it now, Son, I guess I didn't really before now but I get it."
Looking at the man with question in his eyes for a moment, he nodded, and then turned to leave the room.

Jay opened the door and smiled. "You can stay tonight, but you have to go home right after school."
"He should be gone by then," Alfie said confused as to why he would care if he was going to be gone.
Taking off his shirt and pants Jay stretched out on the bed in his boxers. "Come lay with me?"
Unhooking his jeans, and dropping them to the floor, Alfie crawled up in the bed wearing his t-shirt and underwear, Laying against the other teens shoulder, he pulled the blanket around them. "Thank you, Jay, for sticking your neck out with the doctor for me."
"I love you, Babe." he whispered with a soft kiss. "I'd do anything for you. I'd die for you."
"I love you too," he answered, closing his eyes. "Can you reach the light?"
Reaching up and flicking out the light Jay sighed. "Doc Rick said something weird tonight. I think maybe your dad said something."
Exhaling, he said with a weepy voice, "What did Rick say?"
"That he got it. I'm not sure what he got though and he called me son. He's never done that before."
"He's a nice guy," Alfie said. "I wish my dad was more like him."
Jay smiled in the darkness. "Yeah he is, and they do treat me like family. I really love them."
"Me too," the boy answered then leaned up and kissed Jay's cheek, "Good night."

Noah walked into the studio to find Blackie holding a sleeping Bobbie's hand. "She's ok now, Babe. You want to come to bed?"
Getting up, he carefully pulled the blanket up around her neck before turning and falling into Noah's arms. "Yeah, let's go."
Noah took Blackie in his arms. "You did good tonight," he whispered as a knock fell on the door.
"Who the hell?" Blackie asked as he made his way to the front door and then looked out the window. "Noah," he said with obvious fear as his body began to tremble.
The man crossed the room. "Who is it, Babe?"
Stepping back and sitting down on the steps he pushed his fingers through his hair, "A couple of cops."
Some relief washed over the doctor's face. "Open the door."
Standing, he turned, "NO! Give me a minute while I slip out the back, and then keep them here. Give me time."
"What?" Noah asked shocked as another knock fell on the door. "Blackie you can't run away." he turned to the door. "Just a minute we're naked." he said quickly and turned back to his lover taking him in his arms. "I should have thought about this as a possibility before I let you go in there but I didn't. Now we have to deal with it. Open the door."
He nodded slowly, "Go call Dad, Please."
"Joe or Rick?"
Looking at the man like he had grown a second head he answered, "The one who's a lawyer." And moved to the door, opening it.
"Ok I will, as soon as we find out what is going on." he replied as he stepped back to allow the officers in.
"What's going on?" Blackie asked acting as though he didn't know.
"Are you Albert Parrish?" the officer asked.
He nodded and corrected, "Parrish-Kelly."
"Did you attack Mr. DL Brock at 8:37 PM this evening?"
Fear washed over him. He had been in this situation before and he felt himself regress and his old walls evolved in front of him. "I didn't do nothing," he spat.
Noah stepped forward wrapping Blackie tight in his arms. "My husband didn't attack anyone, he merely defended a friend of ours after Mr. Brock attacked her."
"Noah, don't," he said, and then turned to the police, "Are you taking me in?"
The man nodded. "Yes, if you cooperate we won't have to cuff you till we get there." The second officer spoke. "If you'd like a moment to get fully dressed we can wait 2 minutes."

He nodded, "Thanks." He then took Noah's arm and led him into the studio. "Call Dad, go pick him up, and come down there. Don't tell them anything till we talk to dad. Okay?"
Leaning in he kissed his lips softly. "Ok, I will and I won't." The older man felt his stress level increasing. "Let me ask you this. Do you regret it?"
He shook his head, "No . . . Well, I'm sorry . . .I'm doing it to you again, Noah. Don't worry about me, I've been through this plenty of times," he tried to smile.
Noah shook his head. "I'm fine." he grabbed Blackie's shirt off the chair. "Put this on. I'll get your dad and we'll be there as soon as we can."
Looking down at it quick and noticing there was blood spattering on it, he shook his head, "I want that blue sweatshirt. It's cold tonight."
"Ok, be right back." he whispered as to not wake up Bobbie and left the room, returning a few minutes later with the shirt and his leather jacket. "You wear mine tonight?"
He nodded and pulled him in for a tight hug, "Hurry, Please!" he said, then turned to the officers as he pulled the sweatshirt on, "I'm ready."

Walking over to the phone, Noah dialed the familiar number as he heard Blackie being read his rights. Swallowing hard, trying to keep it together, he waited.

The ringing phone rang through the quiet dark apartment. Joe jumped up and grabbed it, "Hello," he said in a hushed whisper.
"Joe," Noah greeted. "Get dressed, I'm coming to pick you up. Blackie was just arrested."
"WHAT! What for?" He answered, panic stricken, but in a low tone.
"Assault and breaking and entering." he answered, supplying the charges he had heard the police telling his lover as they escorted him out. "I'll be there in 5 minutes." he said then hung up.
Cynthia rolled over, throwing her arm over Joe, "Who in Sam hill? What's going on?"
He slid out of bed. "It was Noah, Baby. Blackie's been arrested, that's all I know. I need to go, he's on the way to pick me up."
Jumping from the bed she helped the man find his clothes, and kissed his cheek, "Call me when you know something, and give Blackie my love."

Coming back from the bedroom wearing one of Blackie's flannels and his leather jacket, he picked the keys up off the end table and started for the door.
As the door shut Bobbie sat up and got out of bed. Walking to the phone she dialed her home number and after a moment spoke. "DL what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"ME? Where the hell are you?!" the man seethed into the phone.
"You know where I am, that's why you sent the cops over here."
"Our brownstone was broken into and I was attacked by someone who calls himself your friend. What would you have me do?" he said matter of fact like.
"He didn't attack you," she stated. "I have no doubt you look worse than I do right now, but we both know he didn't attack you."
"What would you have me do?" he repeated leaning back in the chair, an ice pack still on the side of his face.
"Call the police and tell them you changed your mind," she whispered. "I was wrong honey I shouldn't have brought him into it. Be mad at me, not him."
"You want me to do something for you and your friends. What are you going to do for me, Baby?" He asked in a low sultry tone.
"Whatever you want me to do." she replied feeling dirtier then she had in years.
"You're going to bring yourself home and be a good wife to your husband." He said, than added as if an afterthought, "And not put in any more shifts in that cut-rate welfare clinic, for Christ's sake you're a surgical nurse, Bobbie."
"I understand." she answered. "And as soon as I get there you'll call the police and drop this?"
"I will," he answered.
"Will you come pick me up or should I walk home?"
"I'll be there in ten minutes," he answered.

Noah and Joe walked into the police station. The lawyer approached the desk. "I was told my son is being held here."
"Name?" The desk clerk asked, dropping his cigarette into an ashtray and picking up a clipboard.
"Blackie..." He paused. "No, Albert Parrish-Kelly."
Scanning the page, the man nodded, "He's in the holding cell, waiting for his lawyer."
"That's me. May I see him please?"
He nodded, "Go ahead to briefing room 2. I'll call down and have them bring him up." He said reaching for the phone.
He nodded. "Thank you." and turned to Noah. "Wait here for me."
Grabbing Joe's arm, he shook his head as he fought his emotions. "NO, I need to see him."
Joe shook his head. "No you need to stay here and let me do what I do. Ok?"
Bringing his hand to his mouth, Noah nodded. "All right, tell him I'm here, and I, well that I love him?"
"I will." he smiled and walked through the gate that lead down the hall.

Joe paced the room for a few moments before the door opened and the guard bought Blackie in wearing handcuffs.
"Get those off him right now," he ordered quickly. "He's no danger to you or anyone else."
"Hey, Dad, how's it going?" Blackie asked with a nervous laugh as the guard took the cuffs off him.
"It was going good, Son." he replied as the guard left the room "You want to tell me what the hell happened?"
Sitting down at the small table, he leaned into his hands, "Is Noah okay? He's not having another heart attack or anything is he?"
"No, he's fine. Worried about you but fine. Wanted me to tell you he's here and that he loves you."
Blackie smiled a bit and nodded, "Remember that nurse from the hospital the other day who bought us coffee and sat with me for awhile?"
"I think so. Bobbie right?" Joe asked, confused as to what she had to do with how his son had landed in jail.
"Right, a few weeks ago I found out her husband had hit her. We talked, and I told her if she ever needed help to call me. She called tonight. He beat her up really bad, Dad." He paused and took a deep breath, "So I returned the favor."
"You what?" he asked shocked. "Blackie this isn't the 13th century, you can't go running off to avenge wrong doing." He said for the benefit of the monitors he was sure were on in the room.
He rolled his head, "What was I suppose to do?"
'Exactly what you did do.' he thought as he reached out and took the younger man's hand and squeezed softly hoping that would get his thoughts across. "What we need to do now is see about getting you out of here, at least for tonight. You'll have to go to court in the morning."
Looking down at his father's hand around his, he smiled and returned the squeeze, "Thanks, Dad, uhm, if you can get them to set bail or something, Noah can take care of it."

In the Lobby
Noah paced the floor continuously, watching the door that Joe had disappeared behind hoping he would return. Turning suddenly when he heard DL's voice, he was even more surprised when he saw Bobby on his arm. Rushing over, he took the redhead's arm. "What are you doing here?! WITH HIM?!"
Forcing a smile she said slowly "He's my husband. We had a fight, like all couples do and I over reacted. I apologize for involving you and Blackie."
"Blackie was arrested for helping you, and you apologize?" He asked feeling something between dismayed and angry.
"I regret that, Noah." she whispered with down cast eyes. "DL is going to drop the charges."
Looking at the woman's face, and seeing new scratches and marks on it and her arms he asked, "And in exchange for that you're going home?"
When her husband had walked to the desk to talk to the cop she moved slightly closer and whispered, "I don't want Blackie to be in trouble because of me. It'll be ok."
"I don't want him in trouble either," Noah whispered low, "But . . .You just don't get it. Do you? All the pain and bad feelings he set aside to help you, and you're going back."
She hung her head. "I know and I appreciated it I swear, but this is MY fault and now I have to fix it. I can't work at the clinic anymore either. I'm sorry."

DL stepped away from the counter and back to the other two, slipping an arm around the woman's waist he said, "Come on, baby. Let's go home and put this all behind us." Looking up and giving Noah an icy look, he turned back and continued, "Did you tell the doctor about not working at the clinic anymore?"
Before she could answer Noah spoke. "Bobbie, don't do this please, don't go back to him."
Quickly turning away from Noah, she looked up to the other man, "You dropped the charges?"
"All done. Let's go home."
She nodded, "Okay, let's go."

Joe looked up as the door opened and an officer walked in and threw Blackie's jacket at him. "Go home."
Looking at the guard, and then Joe, Blackie said in bewilderment, "What-hu?"
"The charges have been dropped, you're free to go." Joe said as he read from the paper handed to him by the guard.
Blackie exhaled a nervous laugh, then stood quickly, "Come on, Dad, let's go before some one changes their mind."

A few moments later Noah jumped over the small gate and rushed to wrap Blackie into his arms "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?"
Hugging the doctor tight, he shook his head, "No, I'm fine. What happened? Why did that fucking bastard drop the charges?"
"Bobbie." he answered. "She was here with him."
His face clouding over with pain, he nodded, "I need to get out of here. Tell me about it in the car?"
"Yeah, come on." he kept his right arm around Blackie's waist as he led the man out of the building with Joe following behind.

Blackie took off the coat and hung it on the hook in the foyer, and began to kick off his shoes, "I don't get it," he whispered.
Sitting down on the sofa Noah pulled him down in his arms. "I don't either, except I get the impression she thought she was doing a good thing."
"Sacrificing herself so I wouldn't go to jail?" he whispered. "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate her getting him to drop the charges, but Noah, it's only going to get worse."
"It already has." he admitted softly. "She had new scrapes on her arms Babe. I wanted so much to pound him, but beyond that I guess I just don't understand how she can let herself live like that."
Rolling his head into Noah's shoulder, he began to tremble as Noah's arm came tighter around him. "She doesn't think she has another choice," he explained.

Coming into the small apartment, the young teen let the door slam behind him, "Mom, I'm home." When there was no answer, he made his way to his bedroom and found the woman rifling through his drawers. "MOM?"
Looking up, then turning quickly away, she asked, "You got ten bucks, baby?"
Digging through his pockets he came up with a wrinkled 5 dollar bill and a couple quarters. He shook his head, "No I only have 5.50 but you can have it." he offered the money out. "What's wrong Mom?"
Reaching out, but keeping her head down to hide her bruised cheek, she said, "You don't want to know. I have to go out. I got a job tomorrow, baby. I'll pay you back then." Knowing she couldn't tell her son she needed cash to break her most recent promise of sobriety.
He sighed. "Was it Phil, Mom?" he asked quietly as he moved in close to his mother.
Stepping back, and turning her back to him, "Please, I don't want you to worry about this stuff."
"MOM" he pleaded. "Talk to me please! Don't we talk about everything?"
Turning she dropped to the bed, "Yeah, Phil was here, and he got real mad at me," She said as she slowly looked up and in her son's eyes.
Gently he ran his fingers down her bruised cheek. "Why?"
She took a deep breath, "I messed up real bad this time, Blackie. I don't know what I'm going to do. What we're going to do. You and I are barely making it now."
"What is it?" he asked scared. "Whatever it is we'll make due just like always."
"A baby, I'm pregnant," She wept.
"What?" he asked. "You are? How come?"
"How come?" she asked back, thinking it was the oddest response ever. "I didn't plan it, son, that's for sure."
"So there's gonna be another mouth to feed?" he snapped bitterly.
She nodded, "yeah, and diapers, and clothes, and all of that. Yeah I know. What would you have me do?"
He shrugged, not knowing what to say or how to express his feelings.
Reaching out, she took her son's hand and placed the crumpled up bill back in it. "Thank you, but I don't need this. Blackie, I don't know how yet, but I promise you it's going to be okay. I always have taken care of you and I always will. And Phil won't be back."
He pulled her into a hug. "I know you will mom and I can help now you know."
"Oh, Sweet heart," She wept as she held him tight, "You shouldn't have to worry about this stuff. You're just a kid."

"I'm not a kid anymore, Noah, Why is it I still can't do anything?"
Noah kissed his cheek. "You did do something Blackie. Was it the right thing I don't know. But I do know that I am proud of you fro what you did."
"I'm not sorry I did it, I'm sorry if I put more stress on you though. I just promised you I was going to not do that anymore."
He shook his head, "It's okay, but speaking of that stress there is something I need to tell you about."
Blackie cocked his head. "What's that?"
He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner. It's just I didn't want to bother you with it, on top of everything else; it was the last thing either of us needed. My Mom's called a few times."
"To ask you if she can move in?" Blackie asked.
Noah looked at Blackie in shock, "Yeah, her doctors will release her to family... but how did you know?"
"I answered the phone about 3 weeks ago." he replied. "She thought I was you."
He exhaled, "Oh, doesn't that beat everything. She can't move in here," He began to weep, "I can't do it, Blackie, and how horrible does that make me? She's my mother, and I won't care for her while she's sick."
Blackie moved to Noah's side and pulled the other man into his arms. "I told her no, Babe. I meant to talk to you about it but till just now I forgot. I told her to stop calling too. It doesn't make you horrible, Doc. We have kids in this house, not to mention what she has done to you your whole life."
"I want to believe all those years she was sick, that she's getting better now, but, but, but," He wrapped his arms tight around the man's neck, "I can't. I can't let her in again I couldn't take it if she hurt me again."
"I don't want her here, Noah," he whispered. "When I told her she was talking to me and not you she said things and don't ask me to tell you because I can't hurt you like that; but she's no different."
He nodded as he lifted his head from Blackie's shoulder, "I know that. I know she can't live with us." He swallowed hard, "But I am going to go see her and talk to her doctors. I know you don't want me to, Babe. But eight months ago I sent her to that hospital and I haven't been up there once, and until she called me, I hadn't even called. She's my mom, and I have to go up there."
"I understand, Doc, but I'm going with you."
He nodded and smiled, "I'd like that. Right now, you know what I'd like?"
"A kiss?" he asked as he dropped his lips to Noah's.
Moaning as he returned the kiss, he said after it broke, "That was very nice, but no. Right now I'd like to go to bed with you, and snuggle with you."
"Perfect, that was my second guess." he winked as he stood and held out his hand to help the other man up.
Taking the offered hand and standing, he then pulled the other man into his arms, "We can do more of your first guess too if you want."
"Mmmmm," he grinned. "I want."

