
Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: NC-17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Bunnies/Jay/Alfie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Blackie paced nervously through the bedroom. "I dunno, Doc, maybe I should just cancel before I make an ass of myself."
Coming around the bed the older man wrapped his arms around his neck, "You are going to be fine. I have faith in you," he whispered as he slid his fingers under his chin and softly kissed his lips.
He looked over at the stack of textbooks and tapes on Noah's desk. "But why did I sign up for Hindi? I barely know English."
"Cause Arabic was full," he said with a laugh. "And you know English just fine."
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter today anyway. I just have Music Theory and I did good on the test. They are letting me jump right into second semester."
Pushing his fingers through Blackie's hair and kissing him again, he tried to comfort. "That's right. You're starting with something that's your nitch, Babe. Come on, Let's go out to breakfast before your class. Kelly's?"
He shook his head. "I can't, I told Dev I'd come over early so he could show me the quickest ways to get from place to place."
"Then lunch after? So you can tell me how wonderful everything went."
He smiled. "I'd like that, class is over at 11, but Dev has a little lab thing right after. Want to meet me at their place around 12:30 and we'll all go or do you want it to just be me and you?"
"It would be nice to see Dev and Charlie, we haven't really in awhile. Unless you want to just go the two of us?"
Blackie knocked on Noah's head. "Hello? Is anyone home?" he laughed. "You dummy it was ME that suggested they go too."
Grabbing the man's arm, he laughed, "I'm sorry, I know you're nervous and I guess I'm nervous for you."
"I dunno, Doc, I guess I just can't believe I'm actually going to college."
"I believe it," he said with a smile. "You can do anything you want to do and you're strength for overcoming your fears amazes me," he said as he led him to the bed sitting and directing him to sit next to him. Reaching back and grabbing a small box from the middle of the bed, "That's just something, uhm," he paused. "If Mom was here she'd have done it but she's not."
Unwrapping the gift Blackie smiled. "You got me a lunch box?" he opened it. "And you put a twinkee in it?"
Wrapping his arm around his lover's shoulder, he pulled him in and kissed his forehead, "I just had to. I love you, Kid."
A tear slid down the younger man's cheek. "I love it, Doc, thank you."
Wiping the tear away with his thumb he whispered, "Don't be scared. You're going to be great. I know it."

Suddenly a reign of knocks came to the door, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" Robin's voice could be heard loudly from the other side.
Grinning Blackie called out. "Sorry no visitors."
"But, Daddy," she pleaded from the other side, its portan!"

Walking to the door Noah opened it and scooped up the small child. "It is, huh?"
"Uh-hu," she said with big eyes, "I gots to give Daddy something fore he goes to school."
"Yeah? What is it?" he smiled as he poked her in the tummy and then whispered in her ear. "Did mommies put his backpack on the table by his cereal bowl?"
"Yeah, SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she said quietly. "I gots 'em in my pocket."
"Ok." he said as he put her down. "Go give it to him."
Running to Blackie she said, "Put out our hand," as she dug down into her pocket.
Doing as requested Blackie smiled. "What you got for me in that tiny pocket?"
Pulling the hand out she laid crayons in his hand one at a time, "a red one, a blue one, a ellow." Digging again she came up with a frown. "OH no, the reen one broke."
"Awe that's ok." he smiled and picked her up settling her on his lap. "Thank you munchkin." He kissed her cheek. "Why don't you go put these in that black leather backpack Daddy thinks I don't know about?"
Looking at the man with an open mouth, she then turned to Noah. "I didn't tell, Daddy!"
The doctor shook his head. "Don't I get to surprise you?"
Setting Robin down and ruffling her hair he said, "Go on, Robin. We'll be right up." Then crossed to Noah, "I can't help it you don't hide things very well." He said as he kissed him quick. "But thank you."
"You're welcome." He kissed his lover softly. "Now get whatever you need and let's go. I'll take everything else out to your desk in the cave after you go ok?"
"Okay, thanks," he said as he crossed to the desk and grabbed one of the notebooks, his music theory text books and a couple each of pencils and pens. "Let's go," he said nervously.
Noah picked up the bound day planner off the desk. "Don't forget this, so you can keep track of stuff."
"Oh, yeah, Thanks, Noah. Oh and can you grab the mini tape recorder. I don't really expect to need it for this class, but it probably wouldn't hurt to take it."
"Oh sorry, Babe. I used it at the clinic when I was making some notes about a patient and I left it there. Want me to run over and get it real fast?"
"Nah!" he shook his head, "I won't need today. But can you bring it home tonight. I will need it for English tomorrow."
"Ok, I'll bring it home. Come on I want you to eat before you go."
"I'll try," he said as the two started down the hall then up the steps, "but I feel like I could puke. My stomach is in knots."
"You're going to be great."

"I hope so," he answered as he pushed the kitchen door open with his back, and went in. Walking over he smiled at the girl, dropped his stuff down next to the backpack and other assorted gift boxes and then sat down next to her. "You guys went to so much trouble," he said to the gathered family. "You didn't have to."
"Duh." Lori laughed handing him a box of cereal. "No we didn't have to, but we wanted to. Brett got you something too but since it's too big to wrap it won't be delivered till later."
"Wow, thanks Brett and Lori." He said taking the box, and filling his bowl, then picking up the card on top of the backpack. "This is from Noah and the girls." Looking up he smiled, "Thank you, guys." Then turned to Robin. "Want to help me put my stuff in it?"
"Noooo, you do it, Daddy." She giggled.
"You won't help me?" he asked.
She shook her head. "Ut uh. Last time me put me finger in there it hurted me."
"WHAT?" He asked as he opened the bag. Peeking in, he smiled then began pulling things out. "A calculator, a compass," He showed Robin the sharp end, "Is this what got you?"
"Huh uh." she nodded. "It urted me."
Taking her hand, he kissed the tips, "I'm sorry, Munchkin." Then turned back to the bag, pulling out two more items, he turned to Noah, and smiled. "A mini-tape player, and tapes. Thank you, Babe."
"You're welcome, Baby, that one is smaller than your other one and is 1 button record."
Picking up the other wrapped box, he looked at the tag then up, "Stacy, Thank you."
"You're welcome. I hope you like it. Frisco helped me pick it out."
Opening the box he smiled, "Oh this is neat, I saw these at the book store. A little light so I can read in bed. Thank you."
Noah took it from his hand and looked at it. "Cool, it goes on your book."
"Yeah, isn't that neat. I want to keep that in the nightstand."
"Ok, I'll put it there when I go back down for my shoes."
"Thanks," he turned to the others, "Thanks again everyone."

Across town
Coming into the kitchen, Alfie was shocked to see his father sitting at the breakfast table. Dropping his backpack off his shoulder he slipped down into his seat, "You made it home early?" he spoke quietly.
"Light load this week," he answered gruffly as he squinted at the clock. "Running late Tinkerbelle? Isn't your little boyfriend picking you up soon?"
Internally, his anger raged as he wanted to defend not only himself but Jay too, "Yea he is," he answered quietly as he reached for a Danish. "Should be here any minute."
"Well shouldn't you be upstairs putting on make-up and getting all pretty?"
Torn between lashing out at the man and reaching for the knife in front of him he simply shrugged his shoulders.
"You too good to talk to me boy?"
Looking up, he stared at him coldly but meekly said, "No, sir."
"What are you planning to do after school?"
"Work," he answered.
"You're not going. I need you here to paint the basement, your mother wants to turn that empty room into a sitting room for her when she's doing laundry and you are going to do it today."
Hearing the horn to Jay's car in the driveway, he stood, picked up his backpack, and started for the door. "Sorry, Dad. I have to work."
"You defying me pansy-ass? Frank's fist pounded the table as he bellowed. "You go anywhere other than straight home after school and you won't sit for month. Do you understand?"
"I understand," he answered as he let the door shut behind him.

Opening the door, and sliding into the Tranz-am, he looked to Jay, "I can't wait any longer. I either get the hell out of here today, or I go back to that hospital, and I ain't going back to that hospital."
"What happened?" the boy asked taking in his boyfriend's emotionally tortured expression. "What did he do to you?"
"Same 'ol shit," He answered, "I wanted to lash out at him so bad, the only reason I didn't is I knew he'd have me back in that hell hole by lunch. Take me to the bank so I can clean out my bank account. I have to leave."
"I could, but first why don't we go talk to Doc Rick. Him and Leslie are both at the hospital right now." He pulled out of the driveway and reached for Alfie's hand. "Want to see what they can do first?"
"NO!" he screamed, "I'm sick of talking to people, no ones going to do nothing."
"Ok, I'll take you to the bank." he replied. "But Baby, I have to go talk to them. At least to tell them what is going on. I can't just bail on them, not after everything they have done for me."
"I didn't ask you to bail. I don't expect you to leave what you got here. I didn't say we. I said I."
Jay jerked the car to the curb and slammed it into park. "You're going to leave me?" he asked with tears in his eyes?
"I can't stay here, I'm sorry, baby, but I can't."
"Don't leave me, Alfie, let me go with you."
"How could I live with myself knowing you left what you got with those doctors, people who care about you and understand you, a warm bed, and food to probably live on the fucking street with me. I love you too much to do that to you."
He pulled the boy across the seat into his arms. "Alfie, I refuse to let you go without me. For the first time in my life I feel really good, and that is in huge part because of you. I got money, we'll get yours and we'll go to Sky. Remember we can go there."
Breaking down in sobs, he melted into the other boy. "I can't go back to that hospital, and I can't go home not ever again," he repeated over and over.
"You don't have to." Jay whispered. "Will you let me talk to the docs?"
Squeezing the teen tighter in his arms, he nodded as he wept against his shoulder.
"I love you, Alfie, I'll find a way to keep you safe even if it means killing Frank." The boy simply nodded through his continued sobs.
Not wanting to let go, but knowing the sooner they got help the better Jay whispered. "Alfie, I have to drive."
Nodding, he rolled away from Jay, and curled up in the seat, his head against the door, still crying.
Doing a U-turn in the street Jay headed to the hospital.


Noah knocked on Charlie and Devin's door and moments later when the blond answered he rushed in pulling his lover up off the floor where he was playing video games with Charlie. "Babe, we have to skip lunch." he whispered in his ear.
Seeing the urgency in Noah's face, he asked, "What's going on?"
"I'm not completely sure. Rick called me at the clinic, wants me and you to meet him and Leslie at the house as soon as we can get there."
Nodding he pulled himself to his feet, "Let's go," then turned to their friends, "Sorry guys, maybe later this week we can do lunch."
"What's wrong?" Charlie looked up. "Can we help?"
"I don't know," Blackie asked. "If you can, we'll let you know."
"Come on Babe, we should go now." Noah said as he pulled him out of the room.

"That should be Blackie and Noah," Leslie commented, as she painfully looked at Jay holding a still inconsolable Alfie in his arms on the couch.

The doctor and his lover walked into the living room with Rick behind them. Blackie immediately spotting Alfie on the couch ran and dropped to a knee at his side. "What happened?"
At the sound of Blackie's voice and the touch of his hand, Alfie curled tighter into Jay and cried harder. "His father," Jay answered. "He says he can't go home."
"Alfie?" Blackie said quietly. "I need to know exactly what happened."
"Called me a bunch names. . ." he cried, "Threatened to hit me if I didn't come straight home from school."
"He did?" Blackie asked then looked up at Rick. "That's all you need right?"
He nodded, "Doesn't mean it's going to be easy, but it should at least get him out temporarily while there's an investigation."
He nodded and turned back to the 2 teenagers. "Alfie, you're going to have to talk to a caseworker..." he paused and looked up to his father. "He will won't he Dad?"
Rick nodded, and motioned Blackie away from the others.
Walking away a bit, he motioned for Blackie again. When the young man crossed to him, he said, "I agree something has to be done today, but I'm worried. What if where ever he gets placed," he paused. "Not all foster homes are like here, you know. Especially ones that are considered temporary, he's on the edge right now and what if where ever he goes is just as intolerant as his father is."
Blackie shook his head. "Mary and Sean. They have been taking the classes, I'm not sure if they are done though."
"Call and find out," he sighed. "You know as far as we're concerned he can stay here, but given his relationship with Jay I don't know that any caseworker would allow it."
"I know, and we really don't have the room at our place," he said as he picked up the phone and dialed. "Tommy?" he said a few minutes later. "Oh sorry, Claud. Can I talk to either Ma or Pop?"

A moment later Mary's voice came across the line, "Blackie, honey, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine Ma." he replied. "You and Pop done with those foster care classes yet?"
"Last one this week, and then they said there was a certification process or some bureaucratic crap like that. Why? What's going on?"
"Alfie, the boy I told you about. He can't go home. Hang on Ma." he turned to Rick. "They still have another class and then certification and stuff to do. You're on the county board right? Can't you do something?"
"Maybe, I don't know," he said taking the phone from Blackie. "Mary, can you come over right now? I'm going to call a case worker and explain the situation."
"Yeah." she answered. "Let me just get my roast in the crock pot and I'll be over. Should I swing by and pick up Sean from work?"
"I don't think that's necessary right now. You might want to get a hold of him and tell him it might be necessary later."
"Alright." she replied. "Give that boy a hug for me. I'm on the way."

Twenty Minutes later
Blackie looked up from where he sat on the couch on the opposite side of Alfie. He rubbed the teens back as Jay still held him in his arm. "That's Ma," he said as he motioned to Noah to take his place.
Kissing his forehead Jay whispered. "See, something is gonna happen this time."
"That's right," Noah answered as he slid in where Blackie was sitting. "It's going to be okay, Alfie."
Opening the door Blackie smiled at the older woman. "Hi Ma."
Hugging the boy then moving past him into the house, she whispered back to Blackie, "That's him? What happened?"
"Yeah that's him. His name is Alfie," he reminded.
Joining the other two Rick said, "William and Stewart are on their way over. We're hoping they will push your last requirements through quickly so that maybe he can be placed in your care yet today. Would you be ready for that?"
She looked down at the teenager still weeping into his boyfriend's shoulder. "If it means he's safe, yeah we can be." she turned to Alfie. "You'd have to sleep on the couch tonight though, would that be ok?"
Looking up for the first time since they had arrived at the house Alfie looked in the woman's direction, then to Jay, "I don't know," he whispered. "I'm scared."
"I know you are, Baby, that's Tommy's mom."
"Tommy Higgins?" Alfie asked, and then looked up again. "Hi," He nervously forced out.
She reached out and gently touched his shoulder. "Hi Alfie, and yes; Tommy is my son."
Blackie continued. "And remember Danny from my house the other night? He's Tommy's brother. It's going to be okay, Alfie. Her and her husband has been doing what they have to to become foster parents, just in case something like this happened and we couldn't wait the six months."
"So I can sleep on your couch and my dad won't make me go home?"
Mary looked up to Rick then back, "Hopefully," she answered. "We haven't been certified yet, but Rick's going to try and get that taken care of today. Then yeah, you'll have to sleep on the couch for a few nights till Sean gets your room ready."
"My room?" he asked confused. "I don't need a room, I don't have nothing but what I am wearing.
She smiled, "You'll still need a room, and we'll make sure you get clothes and things."
He curled in tighter to Jay. "You know I'm gay right?"
She reached out and gently touched the boy's arm again, "Yeah, I know. I don't care about that. Sean and I just want to make sure you have a home where you don't have to be afraid anymore."
"I'd like that." he whispered.
"Me too," the woman answered softly.
The doorbell rang and Blackie looked up. "That those stuffy guys?"
"Blackie!" Leslie chastised as she walked by, letting her hand graze his shoulder. She then added with a smile, "probably."
Rick led the two med into the house. Stewart, William, this is Mary Higgins, her and her husband Sean have been taking the foster parenting classes," he noticed Blackie moving closer to Alfie. "You know my sons Blackie and Jay, and that is Alfie Salvino."
The man he identified as Stewart quickly examined the situation and turned back to the cardiac surgeon. "What's going on?" he asked.
Not wanting to further upset Alfie who was just beginning to calm down he said, "Let's talk in my den."

Nodding the two men followed Rick into the den.
Closing the door behind his 2 colleges Rick moved to sit behind his desk. "This case is unlike any we have handled before and there is a good chance the parents, or at the least the father will fight it. I need to know right now if you 2 are willing to fight back just as hard. If not then I'll have to ask you to leave so that my family and I can do what it takes."
"Is the boy in danger?" William asked.
"Yes he is, not only from his father but from himself if forced back into that home."
"Well, then you know I'm behind you. If there is physical danger, we should be able to get an immediate temporary removal from the home while an investigation happens.
"I believe there is." the man answered. "However you should know all the facts. Alfie is gay. Over a year ago his father caught him kissing another boy and had him hospitalized. Since then it's been a constant threat held over his head that has only gotten worse as his relationship with Jay has deepened. I spoke to the man myself a week ago when Alfie was afraid to go home. I told him he had fallen asleep watching TV and wanted to make sure it was ok to spend the night. He told me to make sure Tinkerbelle knew to come home right after school the next day."
Dropping in the chair in front of the desk Stewart asked, "I'm guessing this Mary and Sean are prepared to take him in?"
"Yes they are." he replied. "They have 2 children of their own and while on paper they may not look like ideal foster parents I can vouch for them personally and I know that Alfie would not only get the care he needs but the love he deserves."
"Are they certified?" Stewart asked.
He shook his head. "No, they still have 1 more class. Isn't there a way we can still place the boy on an emergency placement as long as they finish the classes and get certified?" William turned to Stewart, "It's not like we have foster parents breaking down the door for teenagers, and there are special circumstances around this one. The couple is aware the boy is gay, right?"
Rick nodded as Stewart spoke. "If I remember correctly the last class is infant care, that hardly pertains to this case, and you said they have 2 children of their own?"
"Yes," Rick answered, "Their oldest grew up best friends with Blackie. So, I've known the couple for quite some time. I know this is going to be the best situation for Alfie."
"I think we can push it through." William nodded. "But I think you're right. This is groundbreaking for us."
"So we can go out there and tell the boy he doesn't have to go home to his father?" Rick asked carefully.
The older man nodded. "Yes, but we should also prepare ourselves for the worst."
"That being?" The doctor asked.
"The father challenging, not to mention the possibility that every gay kid in town might come banging at our doors wanting new homes."
Rick nodded, "But if they live in homes like Alfie does they deserve new ones. An emergency protection order gives him 72 hours right. That should be enough time to get an investigation started."
He nodded. "You're 100% sure that there is a real danger right? That he's not just pissed off at his parents, or that he just doesn't like that they don't approve of his lifestyle." "I'm positive," Rick answered.
"Then let's do it. I left a poker game at the club to come over here."
'Could you be more self centered?' Rick wondered but said "Ok I'm going to go talk to him while you two make the calls."

15 minutes later
William and Stewart walked into the living room to find the Webber family laughing at the TV. "Rick," Stewart spoke. "We have a snag."
"What kind of snag?" Rick asked, standing from the chair and crossing to the other two. "Why didn't you tell us Mary and Sean Higgens have criminal records?"
"Criminal records?" Blackie interrupted shocked as fear consumed Alfie's body once again and he turned to Jay.
Mary's face dropped. "That was almost 20 years ago, you mean to tell me something we did to help other's is going to keep us from helping Alfie now?"
Stewart shook his head, "I wouldn't go that far. It is twenty-year-old minor stuff, but its not going to be something that can be pushed through quickly. It's going to take a few days, a week at the most."
"No." Alfie began to cry. "I can't go home." he struggled to pull himself from Jay's arms. "Rick!" the teen pleaded as he tried to maintain his hold on Alfie. "You promised!"
The doctor turned to the members of the board. "You should probably leave now. Keep working on getting them approved and I'll be in touch."
As Rick saw the board members out, Blackie dropped to his knees in front of the two boys, "It's okay, Alfie. We'll figure something out."
"No, it's just like last time. You'll tell me to trust you and he'll keep calling me names and threatening me."
"No, No, you're not going home." Blackie said firmly.

At the door William turned to Rick. "What are you planning, Webber?"
"You just take of things on your end," Rick answered.
"Damnit, Rick." Stewart cut in. "This isn't the first time you have taken matters into your own hands, but this is the first time you involved us."
"If you leave right now, you're not involved are you?" The man answered rather bluntly. He swallowed hard. "No I guess not."
"So, please, just do what you have to do to get the Higgins certified as fast as you can?" "We'll work on it." William answered as the 2 men left the house.

Noah crossed to Rick, still standing off to the side, "What are you thinking?" he asked, as he turned and watched his lover trying to console the teen. "We can't let him go home."
The doctor shrugged. "I'm not sure, maybe keep him here and hope his father doesn't send the police to look for him."
"This is the first place he'll look, and ours would probably be the second." Noah said shaking his head.
"I have an idea." Blackie said suddenly and turned to Alfie. "Can you miss a few days of school and work?"
"I'll quit both if I have to keep from going home," he re-emphasized.
Blackie shook his head. "No you don't have to quit, but you do need to skip a few days. All you really need to worry about is school; maybe Jay can get your work for you. I know Ruby pretty well. I'll make sure she holds your job. But in the meantime you think maybe you might want to bum around PCU for a few days?"
"That's it!" Noah answered, "A great idea, kid. No one will think to look for him there." He said as he went to the phone and started dialing Devin's number.
"Charlie did ask if they could help." Blackie answered as Alfie asked. "PCU? Why?"
"We have friends who live in the dorm there, real nice guys. I don't think your father would think of you knowing anyone there or being there. More or less, till we get everything cleared up with Mary and Sean, you'll be a run away, but not really. You know what I mean?"
He nodded. "If I get caught they'll send me home won't they?"
"If you get caught, we'll go ahead and tell the police about his threats to hit you so you won't have to go home." He paused. "We can do that now, but if they place you in another foster home, it may not be so easy to get you in with Sean and Mary once they are certified."
"Can Jay come too?"
"My guess is when you don't come home, and your mom and dad call you in as a run away, the police are going to look to Jay, maybe even follow him. For a few days you guys are going to have to be really careful."
"So you want me to go hide on campus, act straight and pretend it doesn't bother me when some asshole calls me Tinkerbelle and faggot? What is the difference between that and home?"
"NO! That's not it at all. I want you for a few days to be careful that Jay doesn't bring the police right to you."
"What do you think, Babe?" the boy asked as he crawled onto his boyfriend's lap.
"I think if I go with you, and stay with you, I won't be leading anyone anywhere," Jay answered softly.
Feeling frustrated Blackie looked up. "Dad?"
Shrugging his shoulders he answered, "Can your friends fit two more in their college dorm?"
"Yeah they can." Noah said as he hung up the phone. "Jay, go upstairs and pack enough clothes for both of you for a few days. Do you have a sleeping bag or should one of us run to our place and get a couple?"
"There's sleeping bags upstairs," Leslie answered as she started up, with Jay following her.

Blackie crossed to Noah's side. "They know what's going on?"
"Yes, and they both want very much to help," he answered applying a soft kiss to the other man's lips.
"They should fit in well over there. Both of them are a little tall for their age."
"It's going to be fine," Noah answered, then noticed Mary on the couch, her emotions more then obvious.
"Never once have I regretted the work Sean and I did in 62, till now."
Turning from Noah, Blackie went to the woman's side. "It's okay, Ma. It's only going to take a few days longer is all."
She leaned into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Blackie."
Hugging the woman in his arms, "Don't be sorry. You just go home and get everything ready. He's still coming."
"No, I mean for everything I said to you. I didn't mean it, you know that right?"
He nodded, "I know, Ma. You're going to take good care of him. I know it, or I wouldn't have asked you."
"I will. You, Pop, and I can give him what he needs."

Alfie spoke up from the couch. "It's great that I can go there and not have to worry, but what about these guys at the dorm?"
Blackie turned and smiled at Alfie, "Charlie and Devin aren't going to give you any problems."
"Why not?"
"Cause they're a couple," Noah answered. "They understand, Alfie."
He smiled sheepishly. "They are? Really?"
"Yeah, really," Blackie answered as Jay and Leslie came back down the steps. Checking his watch, he continued, "We should probably go, get you settled over there before you're missed at home."
"Ok." he nodded and all but ran to Jay's side whispering in his ear. "Noah says the dude's are gay."
"Devin and Charlie, right?" Jay asked, and then turned to Alfie. "They're great. You're going to like them."
"Yeah, that's them. You know them?"
"Uh-hu, They were over at Noah and Blackie's helping baby-sit the kids once." He looked up to Blackie, "We ready?"
"Yeah." he answered. "Jay you're gonna have to leave your car here and ride with us. If your car is here maybe Alfie's dad will assume you are too."
Taking the bag from Jay and one of the sleeping bags from Leslie Blackie said, "Let Noah and I put this stuff in the trunk. Then we can go."
Rick crossed the room and pulled out his wallet. Handing an ATM card to Jay he said, "You remember the password right?" and then handed Alfie a couple of 20's.
"I do, Thanks, Rick," Jay answered as he took the card. Alfie pushed the bills in his pocket, "Yeah, thanks, when this is over and I can go to the bank I'll pay you back."
"Don't worry about it. You can pay me back by staying safe ok?"
He nodded, "Thank you so much."
The man turned to his foster son. "I'll call the school and get your absence taken care of. We love you son, you take care of each other and....I don't know, try and have some fun?"
Nodding, Jay gave into feelings that had been growing for quite some time, reached up and hugged the doctor saying, "Thanks, Dad, I'll call and let you know what's going on and see how it's going on your end."
Not expecting the endearment though he certainly felt like Jay was his own Rick let a single tear of emotion fall down his cheek.
Overcome with the emotion of the scene, Noah gently laid a hand on the boys' shoulders, "Come on. We really need to go."

"That's far enough, Babe." Charlie said as Devin pulled the 2 beds apart 3 inches.
"Isn't that a little close still?" Devin asked. "If they're going to be that close, why bother separating them at all."
"Okay," he gave in. "Just a little further, but to do much more we're going to have to clean. Do you really want to do that?"
"Fuck it." Devin laughed and shoved the bed back against the other. "There is plenty of room for 4 don't you think?"
Charlie smiled, then quickly frowned again, "I'm sure Alfie's going through a lot. I just want him to feel . . . I don't know. Like everything is okay I guess."
"And what could be more ok than not only being welcomed into our home but our bed; and I mean to sleep."
He nodded, "Okay, but if they want, we'll pull them out?"
"Of course." he smiled as a knock fell on the door. "Come on in, Brian."
Opening the door, Brian came in and offered Devin the bags in his hand. "Got everything you wanted, and you owe me five more bucks."
"Thanks and my wallet is on the desk. Go ahead and grab it. You guys still planning on coming over for movie night tonight?"
"Yeah, sure, what we watching?" The teen asked as he pulled the money from the wallet.
Charlie laughed. "Whatever you bring, it's YOUR turn to pick it. We're going to be having some friends stay with us for a couple days, just to let you know."
"Cool, okay. See ya guys around 9 then?" he asked as he made his way toward the door. "Alright." Dev answered as the door opened and Noah walked in followed by Jay and Alfie with Blackie behind them.
"Hey, guys," Charlie greeted.
"Hey." Noah returned and gestured to the two boys. "You know Jay and this is Alfie."
"Yeah, Jay, hi. Hi Alfie, I'm Devin this is Charlie. Throw your stuff anywhere."
Jay dropped the bags he was carrying as Alfie tossed the sleeping bags onto the desk chair. "Thank you for letting us stay here." he whispered. "We'll try to stay out of your way."
"Don't worry about that," Charlie answered with a smile. "It's kinda small, but we come and go a lot. Make yourself at home."
"Thanks." he mumbled sheepishly as his eyes fell on Devin's computer. "Is that the Apple //e?"
"Yeah, it is?" he asked. "You can use it if you want."
Alfie's eyes got big. "Really? You'll let me? I have never used them but there is one at school the teacher uses. We have to use the Apple //c."
"Sure," Devin answered, "help yourself, and to the Atari and the food too, which we haven't even put away. The kid across the hall went to the store for us."
Automatically he reached into his pocket and pulled out the money Rick had given him and held it out the older boy.
"Don't worry about it," Devin said waving off the money.
Alfie shook his head. "No, take it, at least part of it. Everyone is great helping me but I don't want us to be a burden."
"I tell you what," Charlie broke in. "We're having other friends over to watch a movie tonight. How 'bout you pick up some pizza with that?"
He smiled. "Ok, I can do that."
Looking around at the cluttered floor, Jay asked. "Where you going to want us to put our sleeping bags?"
"That's up to you." Devin smiled. "There is plenty of room up here in the bed if you want to sleep up here. You can use your bags as blankets if you don't feel comfortable actually sleeping with us."
Jay looked to Alfie with question in his eyes, "Up to you."
"I don't know, I mean um I don't want to be with anyone else, do you?" he returned.
"Not like that," Charlie said gently. "Just sleep."
Alfie thought for a minute. "Yeah it's ok, if we have separate pillows and blankets."
Devin smiled. "Oh and you should know, we sleep naked. If that makes you uncomfortable we'll pull the beds apart a little bit but I'm not sleeping in clothes."
Alfie nodded, as Blackie looped his arm in Noah's, "I think they're okay and we can go," he whispered to Noah then said to the others, "I think we'll take off so you guys can get settled."
Jay looked up. "Thanks man, you know I appreciate this big time." He then turned back to Devin. "We usually sleep naked too."
"You're welcome, Jay." He answered, then turned to Alfie, "I told you everything is going to be okay. Just hang in there a few days, okay?"
"Ok." he answered. "Can you hang on a minute?"
He nodded.
He turned to Devin. "You got some paper and a pen I can use? My backpack is in Jay's car and I want to write my mom a note."
Devin grabbed the pad and a pen from the desk then handed it to Alfie as Blackie looked to Noah, then to the teen. "If I deliver that, they're going to know I know where you are. "Can you mail it?" he asked as he began to write.

You probably know by now that I have run away. Don't bother looking for me because I'm not coming back. All that stuff Dad said about me is true. I am gay mom and you know what? I'm ok with it. But I can't pretend I'm not anymore and I can't go back to that hospital again. I am who I am and I hope you'll still love me because I am your son. I won't be able to call or see you or anything for awhile but I am working on something and when I am sure that Dad can't put me away I'll come visit you. I promise.
You son,

"Yeah, I will," Blackie answered. "You got an envelope, Devin, so he can just address it."
"Yeah." the blond answered as he reached into the desk, digging through the top drawer. Finding it he handed it to Alfie.
As Alfie addressed the envelope and put the letter in it, Blackie said to Devin. "I'll see you in class day after tomorrow. Maybe we'll all be able to do lunch then."
"Yeah I think so. But how about somewhere here on campus so our new friends can go too?"
"Sounds good to me," Noah answered and then turned to Jay. "If you guys need anything, you call us ok. We'll keep in touch and let you know how things are going with getting Mary and Sean certified."
"Thanks and we will. We'll be ok here though and if something does happen, we'll call you guys and mom and dad first."
Waking Noah and Blackie to the door, Charlie said, "It's going to be okay, guys. They'll be all right here."

A few minutes later Alfie began to pick through the grocery bags. "Where does this stuff go? I'll put it away."
"The refrigerator there if it needs to be cold, the crates on top of the refrigerator if it doesn't." Devin said, suddenly becoming a bit conscious of their clutter, he began to kick the dirty cloths into piles. "I'm sorry things are kinda cluttered, but we both hate picking up."
The boy laughed. "Hey I can see some of the carpet. It's not as bad as Jay's room." he turned his head. "Do you even know what color your carpet is Babe?"
"Carpet? It's a wood floor," The boy laughed back.
"It is?" Alfie shrugged. "See, Devin, it's not that bad in here." he finished putting the last of the food away and made his way to the edge of the bed next to Jay. "We're really gonna sleep naked with other people?"
Sliding his hand up Alfie's arm, he answered, "I'm fine. I know Devin and Charlie are cool. It's up to you though, Babe. You've been through a lot today. We'll do whatever you're comfortable with."
"I'm ok, as long as we're together I can do anything." he leaned in and kissed his lips. "Thank you."
"Good," Jay answered, pulling the other boy into his arms and kissing him deeper.

Charlie watched as Alfie pushed Jay back onto the bed. Wrapping his arms around Devin's waist he whispered in his ear. "Looks like they are just fine."
Leaning in to brush his lips against his boyfriend's, Devin answered, "Yeah, looks like."
Sitting down in the chair he pulled Devin down so that the blond straddled his lap. His hands going to his ass he kissed him passionately. "I admire him ya know."
"Why's that?" Devin asked as he slid up the teen's lap, grinding his hips against Charlie's. "Uuunh." he grunted, his train of thought lost. "Huh, why what?"
Chuckling he whispered, "Why do you admire him?"
"Oh." he blushed. "Because he's so young and so at peace with who he is. I wish I could have been like him."
"You are now," Devin answered as he leaned in and kissed Charlie. "And I'm happy for that." "Me too." he whispered.

On the bed Jay wiggled under his boyfriend's gropes. The other boy was being more aggressive then he had ever been and Jay liked it. "Oh god, Alfie, that feels so good."
Continuing to manipulate the other teen's body, Alfie whispered in Jay's ear. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got so scared this morning. I should have trusted you and your family."
"It's ok," he mumbled, his brain quickly turning to mush. He arched his back. "Oh yeah, right there."
Repeating the movement, he smiled as he licked the other boy's lips. "Like that?"
His body shuddered. "Oh yeah. But but..." he trailed off as yet another erotic wave of pleasure washed over him.
"But what?" Alfie asked trying to maintain an innocent tone as he ground his body against Jay's again.
"You know what." Jay growled as he rolled Alfie to his back and came down with his mouth to the boy's neck. "You make me so crazy."

Giggling softly as he looked over Devin's shoulder, Charlie let his mouth come down against his boyfriend's neck then whispered, "Maybe we should go for a walk and give them a few minutes?"
Devin leered. "We could, or we could stay and watch."
"You're so bad," Charlie sneered back, as he pulled on Devin's ass, grinding their hips together as he let his mouth fall to the other.
"Yeah." he grinned. "And you love it." He pulled his mouth from Charlie's "You two want to be alone or can you just pretend?"

"Up to you, Baby," Jay whispered in Alfie's ear as he groped the teen's body.
Alfie moaned quietly. "I don't care, they're gonna see it anyway right?"
"Uh-hu," Jay moaned, "pretend," he panted out to the other two.
Alfie moved his hand to the boy's zipper. "What do you want butt boy?" he smiled, using Sky's nickname for his boyfriend.
"You know," Jay groaned as Alfie's hand on his bare flesh scent new shivers up his spine.
He pulled away and yanked his shirt off over his head. "Strip." he said quickly as he slid from the bed kicking off his shoes and discarding his jeans.

"That sounds like a good idea," Charlie groaned as he pawed at Devin's shirt, "Stripping."
"You are NOT fucking me in this chair." Devin laughed as he slid to the floor, wiggling out of his loose fitting jeans like a snake loosing its skin.
"Where's your sense of adventure?" Charlie teased as he pulled his shirt from his body. He caressed Devin's body with eyes, and then glanced up to watch the other two on the bed for a moment.

Alfie licked his fingers as he pulled his mouth from Jay's opening. Sliding 2 into his ass and twisting slowly he watched the rapture wash over his face. "Feel good, Babe?"
Moaning monosyllabic sounds of pleasure Jay withered under Alfie's touch.

In the bedroom, Blackie dropped his backpack on the floor and sat on the foot of the bed. Opening and pulling out the folder, he took out the syllabus for the music theory class and sighed.
"What's wrong, Babe?" Noah asked as he sat behind him and kissed his neck.
Wordlessly, he handed the several page packet up to Noah.
Looking through them Noah exclaimed, "You have to write a 5 page paper comparing Beethoven to Mozart by Wednesday?"
He nodded and softly asked, "You don't mind if I borrow your records do you?"
"Of course not." He smiled, "and I'll be right here if you need some help."
"Thanks," he swallowed as he took the paper back, and flipped through the pages, "I have some ideas already though. I-I-I didn't expect this class to be this much work, Noah. This was the class I took to enjoy and it's a LOT more papers and research then I thought."
He laid the papers down and pulled Blackie back into his arms. "You can do it, Babe, but if you really feel it's going to be too much for you, you can drop it and take it again another term when you don't have so much on your plate."
He shook his head and said quickly, "I'm not dropping it."
"Good." he whispered with another soft kiss to his neck. "The workload aside, did you like it?"
He nodded and smiled, "yeah, I do." He put the papers back in his folder, and the folder in his bag before sliding his hands up Noah's arms. "I have a lot of reading to do tonight, and then I will work on the paper tomorrow. But I don't need to start that just yet,"
"Oh yeah?" Noah smiled. "And just what is it you think you need to start?"
Taking Noah's hand in his, he kissed the inside of the man's wrist. "I can think of a few places to start."
"Oh yeah?" he grinned. "Hold that thought, I want to call over Dev's and make sure the kids are ok first."
Grabbing Noah's hand tight, Blackie said, "THEY are fine! That phone's still broke anyway." "I'm sure they are, Babe. But I just want to check. Can I do that real fast then I am all yours?"
"Go ahead," He answered dropping Noah's hand. "I got a lot of work to do anyway," he said pulling his textbook out of his bag.
"Oh come on." Noah exhaled. "I'm not saying no, you know that. I just want to make sure they are ok? Is that a bad thing?"
"No, it's not," Blackie answered, "Make your call," he said as he opened his book and began reading the text.
Walking into the studio feeling he couldn't do anything right Noah picked up the phone and hit the speed dial, calling the dorm.

In the dorm, the four teens ignored the ringing phone.

As the machine beeped in his ear Noah spoke, "Hey, it's me. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok and I guess it is. Talk later, bye." Hanging up he walked back into the bedroom. "You mad at me?"
More hurt then anything Blackie kept his eyes on the page he was trying to read. "Nah, everything okay?"
"I guess. I got the machine. Maybe they are playing pool or something." he moved back to the bed. "I'm sorry, I guess in Alfie I see a little bit of myself and I was worried."
He looked up to Noah's eyes and tried to smile. "I know. I'm worried about him too, but you know we spent all afternoon making everything okay."
"I know, and I'm satisfied now. I promise. No more calls."
"I don't care if you call," He said turning back to his book.
Noah took the book from his hand and tossed it on the floor.
Looking up to the doctor, he exhaled, "What, Noah?!"
"Weren't you about to start something besides homework a couple minutes ago?"
He looked up and leaned against his hand, "Yeah, I was feeling needy, a bit overwhelmed, and very much wanting to make love to you."
Noah dropped his lips to Blackie's. "You still want to?"
Sliding his arm around the man's neck he submitted to the kiss. "I'm scared," he whispered against the man's mouth. "I just thought maybe it was my turn to for your attention."
"I'm so sorry, Blackie." Noah answered just as quietly. "I read you completely wrong, you have my complete and total attention my love." He pulled Blackie tight into his arms.
Returning the tight hug, he kissed at Noah's neck, "I'm sorry too. You know it's not that I don't care about Alfie, right."
"I know." he answered. "You are first for me though. I love you so much, Blackie."
"I love you too, Doc," he answered through kisses, tugging to get the man's t-shirt out of his jeans.
Noah pulled back and slid from the bed. Walking to the stereo he flipped it on and Mozart filled the room. Laughing he turned back to the bed. "Not really stripper music, should I try it anyway?"
Licking his lips, and raising his eyebrows, he laughed as he pulled the shirt from his own body, "I don't think so."
Quickly shedding his clothes Noah moved back to the bed and kissed Blackie's now bare chest. Flicking his tongue over his nipple he moaned as Blackie's body shuddered.
Sliding his hands through Noah's hair, he guided his head back. "MMMMM again?" he requested. Moving to the other side of his chest Noah repeated the action. "Soooo sexy."
Sliding down beneath the older man, Blackie pushed his mouth to Noah's chest, returning the favor, and lifting his hips to unzip his fly at the same time.
Noah thrashed his head. "Bbbbbite down." he stuttered.
Pushing his own jeans off his hips, Blackie then wrapped his arms around the man's back, pulled him in and bit down on his nipple.
"Ahhhh." the man cried out. "Again, harder."
Dragging his tongue across the man's chest, he took the other nipple between his teeth, and then did as Noah had passionately begged.
Crying out as tremors caused his body to shake, Noah's cock erupted.
Kicking the jeans from his legs, Blackie wrapped his legs tight around Noah's waist, and lifted up, letting the doctor's seed coat the two of them.
"Mmmm." Noah panted. "That always feels so good, but now." he pulled Blackie up his body. "I want to make you feel good."
Closing his eyes and letting his hands fall to the man's hair as he slid down, Blackie mumbled, "You always do, babe."
"Remember what you did for me awhile back? It's what I want to do right now."
"MMMMMMMmm, oh yeah," Blackie answered as the man's tongue caressed it's way down his body.
Positioning the younger man's bottom over his face Noah whispered. "Shower me sexy boy." then pulled him down and pushed his tongue into his ass crack, loudly slurping his way to Blackie's entry.
Crying out passionately, Blackie pulled on Noah's hair, encouraging him to continue as he pushed his hips to meet his lover's advances.
'Oh that's it Blackie.' Noah said to himself as he wrapped his arms around the man's hips encouraging him to grind down. Arching his neck slightly he pushed his tongue into the man's body.
"God, yes, Noah," He moaned, as he ground his hips down again, "f-f-f-f-feels so good."
'Supposed to.' he thought as he brought of his hands down to his own organ and began to stroke slowly while moving the other to Blackie hardened tool.
As Noah's hand began to stroke his throbbing organ, he cried out again as his orgasm began to come over him.
"One." Noah mumbled against Blackie's ass as he continued to feel himself.
His heart pounding and his body quivering he felt himself starting to come down from the climax only to have Noah's continued stimulation begin to push him toward another one.
Feeling Blackie's body continuing to tremble Noah let go of the man's cock and reached up taking one of his hands and intertwining their fingers.
Looking down at their entwined hands, Blackie felt a rush of love and devotion wash over him. Smiling through forming tears, he squeezed the man's hand tight in his and whispered tearfully, "Love you, Doc."
Blackie's emotion filled voice hit his ears and Noah slid the man down his body till he himself could sit up. He then pulled Blackie in. "What's wrong, love?"
"Wrong?" He smiled through his tears into the man's eyes, "Nothing in the world is wrong when I feel your love."
"Oh baby." Noah whispered, stroking his back. "You always always always have my love."
Falling against his shoulder and hugging him, "I know, but it's times like this, I feel so close. . . so united. . . I love you so much, Noah."
Lifting his chin Noah kissed him softly. "I love being with you like this, Babe."
Leaning in, Blackie kissed the man deeper, "Me too."

A knock fell on the door followed by Lori's voice, "Blackie, Noah, when you two get a few minutes, Brett's present is here."
"Give us a few ok, sweetie." Noah called out.
"Okay, no rush," her voice came from the other side of the door, and her footsteps could be heard in the hall.

After 10 minutes of quiet cuddling Blackie pulled away. "Come on Babe, let's go and then we can come back in here and I can read and listen to music." he looked over at the desk and noticed his school supplies and other books were still there. "Oh, I'm glad you didn't take that stuff out. If it's ok with you I want to work in here and only go out there when I need to use the computer."
"Yeah, that's fine, Babe. Especially since it looks like you're going to have so much reading and stuff." Getting up, he then helped Blackie up off the bed. "We could bring that little bookshelf in here from the studio for you to keep your books and stuff on, and then you can write at the desk if you want to."
He looked around. "Is there room for it? I figured I'd just keep them on the shelf in the closet."
"That will work," he smiled slipping on his robe and tossing Blackie his. "And did I see some compositions on that list. You're going to be doing some homework in the studio hu?"
He grinned. "Uh huh, I can't wait. Oh and I got to hear Dev play in class today. He's way good."
Pulling the man into a tight hug, he stroked his back, "Even though it's more work then you expected. You're going to be great, Love. I know it."
"I know it too, Sir, because I know I have you here to help guide me," he picked his robe off the chair and slipped it on. "When we read tonight you mind hearing about the life of Mozart?"
"Not at all," he smiled, lacing their fingers, squeezing the other man's hand and opening the door.

Walking into the studio Blackie stopped in his tracks when he spotted the black upright piano against the wall. Pointing he asked, "Where did that come from?"
Smiling, Brett shrugged, "You like it, Man?"
"It's awesome. You bought yourself a piano?"
Giggling, Lori shook her head, "No, Silly, he bought YOU a piano."
"Why? I don't know how to play piano."

Noah slowly walked over to the piano, running his fingers along the top as Brett answered, "I know you're going to need it for that Theory class you're taking and a lot of others in a music major. You'll learn." He smiled. "Thanks man. I appreciate it really. But I really don't play piano. Will you teach me?"
"Of course I will," Brett answered, as Noah let his fingers touch the keys of the piano. Dropping down to the bench, he slid his fingers down the keys playing a series of chords. Blackie walked over to his lover. "You play, Doc?"
Immediately pulling his hands back from the keys, his voiced quivered, "NO! Er, not very well."
Feeling his pain but not understanding he wrapped his arms around his chest and leaned over the man letting his head rest on Noah's "What's wrong Doc?"
"I took some lessons as a kid," he explained, then looked up to Lori. "I think Dad made all of us, hu? But I was never very good at it." Turning to Brett, he tried to change the subject, "It's a beautiful instrument, Brett, and very thoughtful of you."
She nodded. "But, Noah, you are good. You won bunches of contests. When I was taking lessons he was always telling me I had to be better, be like you."
Noah shook his head and grabbed the fingers of his left hand in his right, "I never practiced enough. You don't mind if I fiddle around from time to time though. Do you, babe?"
"Of course not." he sat down on the bench next to the man. "Will you play for me, Doc? Don't worry about being good, just play."
Putting his trembling hands to the keys, he slowly began to string a few chords together again, chuckling nervously, "It's been so long."
"That's ok." he encouraged. "I know you can do it, Sir." he whispered with a soft kiss to Noah's shoulder.
Looking over into Blackie's encouraging face, he smiled slightly and continued to play slowly the piece began to take form and he was playing the concerto at the correct tempo.
Awe struck Blackie watched as Noah's fingers flew over the keys. 'I never even knew he played.' he said to himself as he laid his head on his lover's shoulder and continued to watch.
Brett looked to Lori, and mouthed, 'Wow, he's excellent.'
She leaned into him. "Yeah he is, but before my dad changed no one was ever good enough."
Almost amazed himself at how fast it all had come back to him, Noah continued to play. Beginning to feel at ease and remembering he had once enjoyed it a smile came to his face. Hitting the wrong key, his heart stopped suddenly and he pulled his hands back off the keys quickly closing his eyes for just a moment, then opening them. "I-I-I'm sorry. I messed up."
Immediately Blackie hugged him tight. "You are so good, Babe. I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't stopped."
Leaning into Blackie's hug a moment, he softly answered, "Thanks."
"What was that called?"
"It's a, uhm," his mind drew a blank, "It's a Concerto . . .Concert Fantasia, by Tchaikovsky."
"I like it." Blackie whispered.
"Thank you, but the piano is for you to do your homework on," he exhaled.
He laughed. "I'm not going to have that much homework, Babe. You can play anytime you want." he stood and picked up one of the guitars, after plugging it in he checked to make sure it was tuned. "Play something else, Doc, something different."
Starting low on the keys, he played a few scales to bring him up to the middle octaves as he thought. He then broke into a rhythmic blues piece.
Blackie stared for a moment then it hit him what the man was playing and then began to strum along on guitar.
Lori watched the two in amazement then turned to Brett, "That's---"
"I know," he said as he walked over and flipped on his keyboard. "Red Hot and Blue Love," he finished.
Suddenly Blackie stopped playing and shot Brett a cold look. "Not now ok?"
Nodding, Brett pulled back from the keyboards at first a bit hurt, but as he watched the two playing together, he understood what Blackie doing. The more they played together, the easier Noah seemed to become. He turned to Lori, "kinda incredible how much they feed off each other."
"It's amazing." she looked up at his face. "You ok, Baby? He didn't mean anything bad." "Yeah, I know. I'm just in awe," he said dropping down to the couch and pulling Lori into his lap.
As the song came to an end Blackie set the guitar back on the stand. "You're so amazing, Doc."
He blushed a bit, as he looked up from the keys, "Thank you. That was a lot of fun. Maybe tomorrow or soon we can all three play like that?" he said turning to Brett.
Brett looked to Blackie with raised eyebrows. "Ok with you Dude?"
"Yeah, sure," he said with a smile. "I'd love to now, but I got a lot of reading I need to get to." Crossing the room, he extended his hand to the man, "Thank you, bro. I love it."
"You're welcome. Though I should tell you, I do plan on giving lessons on it so I don't have to drag my ass to the studio, but it is yours so your using it comes first."
"That's fine," he said. "Anyone in the family can play anytime they want. Thanks again," he said leaning around Lori to hug the man quick, then turned and hugged Lori as he pulled back.
"Love you, Blackie," she said softly as she hugged his neck.

Jay moaned loudly and collapsed down on the bed; sweaty and finally spent as Alfie withdrew his fingers from his ass, stretched out on top of him, and kissed his cheek. "You ok?"
His breath falling heavy on Alfie's shoulder he hoarsely whispered, "yeah, yeah, I'm wonderful."
On the floor Charlie leaned into Devin. "Holy shit, he came what 10 times?"
"Something like that," Devin whispered back, sliding his hand up Charlie sweaty sticky body.
The dark haired boy laughed. "Made me tired just watching." his eyes fell to the clock. "Hell it's 8, we should get in the shower and then change the sheets. We got clean towels for them?"
"Uh-hu," Devin exhaled as he pushed himself up off the floor and made his way to the closet. "You guys want to take a shower," he asked.
Jay laughed. "Yeah we sorta have to..." his eyes fell to Alfie's face. "That was amazing."
"You were amazing," he flirted back with a light smile.
Jay looked over at Charlie and Devin. "Um it's tacky as all hell to say, but thanks for letting us use the bed."
"No problem," Charlie answered, "But we really need to get moving. The others will be here soon."
Alfie tensed. "The others...are they, you"
"They're our friends," Devin explained, "Yeah, they're cool."
"Ok." he smiled nervously as he slid from the bed and took the towel Charlie held out and wrapped it around his waist.

45 Minutes Later
Alfie hung up the phone after ordering the pizzas. "They said 30 minutes," he announced as the door opened and 3 teenagers walked in.
"You didn't get those smelly little fish did ya?" Lisa asked as she crawled on the bed, laying across the width of it.
"No." he laughed. "Sausage and cheese and the other one." he wrinkled his nose. "Sun dried tomatoes and feta."
"DEVIN! That's just gross!" She said, and then looked up to the two unfamiliar faces, "I'm Lisa, that's Brian and Jenny," she explained.
"It is not." he defended. "Tell 'em Baby." he turned to Charlie as Jay said "I'm Jay and this." he said pulling Alfie into his arms is "Alfred the wonderful."
"It's not completely gross," Charlie tried to defend, "It's okay if you're really really hungry." Looking up to Brian he asked, "What we watching?"
Shooting his boyfriend a look Alfie smiled at the girl. "Just Alfie will do," as Brian answered, "Porn, what else." with an evil grin.
Charlie looked up to Devin and smiled wickedly, "Sounds good to me, no girls, right?"
"Ewwwww." Brian protested. "Um no, actually it's Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
"Cool!" Devin answered, as he reached for the tape.
"Babe, why don't we just hang out till the pizza gets here so we don't have to stop it?"
"That's cool," Devin, answered, "I was just going to pop it in, and push through the previews and garbage."
"Ok." he answered and noticed the machine blinking. After listening to the message he turned to Devin. "Should we call him and tell him what we were doing and why we couldn't answer the phone?"
"No," Devin answered as he picked up, "Noah doesn't need to know everything," he said dialing the number.
Playfully pushing Charlie leaned in, whispering "You sure he doesn't need to know how my cock was plunging in and out of your ass while we both watched Jay getting it every way he could?"

"NOT who you think it is!" Brett said into the phone.
Charlie blushed bright red. "Oh hi, Brett."
"You want Noah or Blackie?" he questioned into the phone with a laugh, "And actually they both just went into the bedroom, Noah with a handful of paperwork and Blackie saying he had a ton of homework."
"Either is fine." Devin said turning from his lover. "We just want to return his call."
"Hang on," he answered, taking the cordless phone down the hall and knocking on the door, "Phone for either one of you," he said through the door.

Blackie got out of bed, opened the door and stuck his hand out.
"You need to get your phone fixed," He said as he placed the cordless in the man's hand.
"Hush." Blackie laughed as he said into the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey, Blackie, It's Dev. I was just returning Noah's call. Everything is fine, and we're just getting ready to watch a movie."
"That's cool," he answered. "You wanna talk to him? I'm doing homework."
"Nah, you cool with that? I bet you got a lot of reading to get caught up. If you need any help call me and I'll try. Okay?"
"Ok." he answered. "If that's it, bye I guess."
"Yeah, bye," Devin answered. "Hey, call me tomorrow?"
"Sure." he answered and then hung up.

Devin hung up his phone as a knock fell on the door.
"Must be the pizza dude," Alfie said as he moved from the bed, grabbing the money from the desk.

Chapter 8
