Chapter 10

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: PG
Type: Femslash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Jay/Alfie, Terri/Holly
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Long Island
After tossing the last few things into her bag and zipping it shut, Holly turned back to the large bed. Crawling in, she kissed the sleeping blond on the cheek and whispered, "I have to go."
The woman rolled over "Already?"
Nearly falling into her Holly kissed her lips. "Yeah, already."
Pulling the dark haired woman down she whispered. "I can call you?"
She nodded, "I hope you do. And we'll be in the city next month. Maybe we can get together then?"
"We?" she asked, her voice dripping with disappointment. "You HAVE to bring her?"
"Yeah, Terri, I do," she said solemnly. "Don't play that game. I told you from the beginning what the story was."
"I know, but can you really say the last 2 weeks meant nothing to you?"
Sliding one hand through her blond curls and the other over her soft yet slender frame, she half smiled, "You know that it has."
"Then why you want to leave me and go home to the fat chick for?"
Leaning back against the pillow, she reached up and kissed the woman again. "Cause I love her and they're my family."
"What if I told you that I love you?" Terri asked with a kiss to Holly's wrist.
"I - I - I Lov," she stopped herself, "Stop it!" she said as she tried to wiggle out of the woman's arms, "Why are you changing the rules mid game?"
Tightening her grip she kissed her shoulder. "Who said I was playing a game?"
"Two weeks ago, we agreed it was a casual thing while I was here and that I was going home. I'm going home!" she insisted.
Terri released her. "Fine go home, see if I care! But I do love you Holly and I know you love me too; even if you are too chicken-shit to admit it!"
As she rolled away from the blond, she admitted out loud what she had been feeling for awhile. "I don't want to go home."
Terri rolled to the edge and took Holly's hands in hers. "Then don't, please Baby. Stay with me, I can make you happy. I know I can."
Rolling back, she touched the girl's cheek. "Terri, baby, I've been with Anna five years, and there's Robin. I owe them both better then just not coming home and Noah and Blackie too."
"Boys?" she crinkled her nose. "I'd never keep you from Robin or the other baby." She wrapped her arms around Holly's waist. "Don't leave me now. Call her and tell her you have to stay and redo some shots or something."
"Yeah, boys," she sighed. "But they gave us a home when we didn't have anywhere to go. They're family, Terri."
"Maybe, but do they give you this feeling?" she pulled Holly down, kissing her deeply. Sliding her arms up around the other woman's neck, Holly pulled her in, returning the woman's kiss and letting her hands caress her body. Pulling back, she reached for the phone, "Just through the weekend, Terri, just to sort things out, then no matter what I decide I'm going back to deal with them all face to face."
"How about all of next week?" she asked with a smile. "My parents are coming to visit."
Looking into the woman's light blue eyes she tried to smile though her heart was being ripped into a million pieces. Into the phone she greeted, "Noah, hey, is Anna around?"
The man smiled into the phone. "Morning, Doll, she just left a few minutes ago with Rick to take Robin to school. Our little princess talked Uncle Ick into being her show and tell object. She said it was better than Blackie's drumsticks."
The woman laughed through her forming tears, "How sweet."
"Yeah she was very persistent." He shifted as Tory and Ron jumped on the bed. "When does your plane land? I'm making your favorite tonight. Turkey, dressing, all the good stuff."
"Oh, Love, that's why I'm calling. I won't be coming in today. Everything I shot yesterday was just horrid. I have to redo it all. It will probably take all weekend, maybe even till the middle of next week."
Noah's face fell. "Oh no," he sighed. "Well I guess if you have to work, then you have no choice. We all miss you though."
"Miss you too." Holly said through tears she could no longer hold back.
"What's wrong, Doll?" Noah asked, suddenly feeling it was more than just work bothering the woman.
Looking over, she pulled the blond woman into her arms for comfort. "I just miss everyone is all."
"We miss you too, Honey," he answered. "Anna especially. Brodie dropped last night."
"He did?" she asked, then nodded to herself. "That would be about right, he'll be here in a few weeks."
"Or a few days," he responded. "This morning she was saying she had lower back pain in waves."
"Really?" she asked. "But it's still early."
"Yeah it is," he agreed. "But this is her second baby."
Slowly running her hand through the other woman's blonde curls and over her shoulder Holly answered. "Well, it's best for him if I get all this taken care of as quick as I can then, hu?"
"Yeah." he answered. "I'll stick the turkey in the freezer and tie her legs together so you don't miss anything."
"Okay, Love, tell her what's going on and that I'll call her after my shoot today. And if it looks like she's really going into labor, call me. I can catch a commuter flight and be home in an hour or two."
"Will do," he answered as Blackie came into the room dressed for school. "Love you, Doll."
"That Holly?" he asked. When the doctor nodded he crossed the room, reached for the phone, took it and said, "Hey you! We miss you. I got to leave for class, but we'll talk tonight. Okay?"
"Uhm, Blackie, no, Noah will explain . . .I'll see you in a few days," she said quickly then slammed the phone down.
Rubbing her back Terri whispered. "You won't regret it, Baby."
"They'll hate me! They won't understand!" She wept against the woman's shoulder.
"If they won't understand, they must not REALLY love you."
Pulling from her arms, she argued, "No, Terri, no, I'm bailing, bailing on Anna, on them, on Robin, on Brodie. Noah thinks she might be in labor and he's a doctor. I'm sorry, I have to go home."
"I won't stop you, Holly, but are you going because you want to be there or because you think you have to be?" she asked with a soft kiss to her lips. "Because Baby you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"I'm so confused. I love them, Anna, our kids, the boys, but these two weeks have been so wonderful," she answered with a slight smile.
She grinned. "Yeah they have. So, are you staying? I already told Mom and Dad about you."
"Unless Noah calls and says Anna's in labor, then I'm going home. Even if I leave her, that baby is already. . " She stammered bringing her hand to her own chest.
"The baby is what?" she asked. "Yours too? Not really. She's having it for them. Did she even ask you if you wanted another kid?"
"Yeah, yeah she did. We decided first we wanted another child, then . . .. Oh, fuck, I've been so stupid." She said as she pulled herself from the bed.
The blond jumped up. "No, no you're not stupid. Come on, stay with me, meet my parents, see what life can be like without some control freak telling you what to do all the time."
"No! NO! You don't even know how wrong you are. I've been a bit confused and very scared about what the next few months are going to be bring. And you, honey, you were a lot of fun, but I belong there." She said reaching for her coat and going to her bags.
Sliding to the floor Terri began to cry. "Before you go will you answer me just 1 question."
"What?" She asked turning back from the door.
"Do you love me?"
"I-I don't know," she shook her head.
"Then go. I don't want you here if you don't want to be here."

Turning, she left the room. Closing the door behind her and getting on the elevator, she felt knots building in her stomach. Though she knew going home was the right thing to do, it didn't mean she felt good about it. She had felt so restless the last few months, and that stress had melted from her the last couple weeks. If she were to be honest with herself, she had missed the boys and the kids more then she had the bickering and coolness that had become common place between her and Anna. 'Five years is a long time," she told herself. 'and you share so many good things.' Stepping off the elevator she crossed the lobby to the pay phones and began dialing the familiar number to home.

Noah turned back from the hall, went back into the bedroom, and picked up the phone, "Hello, he greeted.
"Noah," she smiled, "Me again, I decided to screw the work. Get the turkey in the oven."
"What about your shoot?" he asked shocked.
"I decided the pictures were good enough," She regretfully lied. "I decided I belong there."
"Glad to hear it." He grinned. "Robin forgot her snack so when Blackie dropped it off on his way to school he was going to tell Anna. Now I can tell her the good news."
"Good," she smiled. "If I hurry I should still make my 11:00 flight and should be home by 1:30 or so."
"Ok Holly, I'll pick you up at the airport, just give me a call."
"Thanks, love, see you soon," she smiled as she hung up the phone, exited the apartment complex, and hailed a cab.

General Hospital
The Cardiac surgeon twisted nervously behind his large desk, listening to the woman pleading with him to divulge the whereabouts of Alfie. She was nothing like the boy's father. Though he felt guilty for doing it, he continued. "Mrs. Salvino, I assure you I don't know where Alfie is."
"Please, Dr. Webber, I know my son and yours are friends. Has Jay said anything?"
He shook his head silently.
"I love my son. I understand why he can't come home. If you see or hear from him will you tell him that?"
"I will," He said softly.
"Thank you." she smiled. "And if you could also mention that his father is out of town and will be till the middle of next week I'd appreciate it."
He exhaled; grateful to hear that he would not be around to interfere in things for a few days. "I will, Mrs. Salvino."
"Thank you, Doctor." she said with sad eyes. "I admire him you know? He did what I have been trying to do for 10 years."
"He's a wonderful, Boy." Rick responded, "My wife and I both think he is. He's been very good for Jay."
"Is Jay?" she started then stopped. "No of course not. They're just friends. I apologize."
"Don't apologize, ma'am. It's okay."
"No, I thought for a moment Jay was like Alfred, but he's not. He dated that Drake girl last year."
"Yes, he did," he paused, swallowed, and continued, "and is."
Her mouth fell open. "He is? Did Alfred make him that way? Frank said he had him cured of that, but I don't think it's something that can be fixed."
"No, ma'am, no one made either one that way." Rick answered with a slight frown.
"That's not what Frank says," she said quickly. "He says that boy did it to Alfred last year and now I guess I am afraid he did it to Jay."
"Did it ever occur to you your husband doesn't know what he's talking about?" Rick asked matter of fact like.

She nodded. "I used to not think so, but now I wonder." "Mrs. Salvino," The man continued, "I assure you he is wrong." He insisted, as his phone rang. "Will you excuse me for just a moment," He said as he picked up the phone, "Dr. Webber."
"Rick, It's Mary. That guy just called, Sean and I need to meet him downtown this afternoon to sign those certification papers, then he said we can take in Alfie."
"Wonderful." He smiled. "Should I come over around 7 tonight?"
"That would be great, Rick. We'll be ready for him."
"Great, I'll see you then," he said and after a few minutes hung up. "Mrs. Salvino, your son is now in the custody of the state of New York, if you would like to see him then you can go down to Children's Services and speak to someone there."
"What?" the woman asked tearfully, "Was that him on the phone?"
He shook his head. "No, if it had been I would have asked him if he wanted to talk to you. That was his soon to be foster mother," he answered. "He's safe now so I can say a little more."
"Foster mother?" the woman began to weep. "They're taking my son away from me?"
"Yes, foster mother." he confirmed. "He came to me needing help. The original plan was for him to be declared an adult; it's why he got the job. But apparently he no longer felt safe in your home and couldn't wait any longer."
"I see," she nodded, "If I go to that Children's Services, I can talk to him though?"
"You'll have to apply." he said and felt his frustration growing. "Look Mrs. Salvino, I can see you are a good woman and that you love your son, but you know you could have prevented this had you done what you should have done and protected him."
"I know. I know," she began to weep.
"My advice would be to apply to see him. Let me see if they have assigned him a case worker yet." he picked up the phone and dialed.

Bright Beginnings Preschool
"Ms. Jenny, Ms. Jenny." Robin screamed to get her teachers attention.
Squatting down to the child's level the woman smiled, "What is it, Robin?"
"Errreybody done with nack, it time fur hoentell now?" she asked excitedly.
"As soon as we get everything cleaned up it is." She answered, as she stood and addressed the rest of the children, "Everyone let's get cleaned up from snack and gather in a circle on the carpet."
Throwing her granola bar wrapper and juice box into the trash Robin ran to the back of the room. "Uncle Ick, it ime for hoentell now, where da itar?"
"AAHHHHH, SH-" he stopped himself, "It's still out in my car, sweetie. I'll be right back."
"Ok." she ran back to the front of the room and grabbed at the teachers pants leg. "Ms Jenny, Uncle Ick gotta go outside and get his itar, an I go ith im?"
"If it's okay with your mom," she smiled as she looked to the back of the room where Anna sat, obviously uncomfortable in the chair.
"Can I Mommy?"
The woman nodded, "Good idea, you can help Rick find his way back in," she teased. Grabbing the man's hand the tot pulled him out of the room only to come running back in alone less then a minute later. "Rew dat, it's old out."
"ROBIN!" Anna chastised from the back of the room.
Sorry, Mommy." she grinned as the door opened and Rick walked back in. Turning she ran to him. "Yay Uncle Ick has his itar ow."
"You hold it for me, Robin," he asked handing the large acoustic to her and shaking the snow from his hair and brushing it from his clothes, "I hope the car makes it home," he laughed.
"It better." Anna quipped.
"Oh my goodness," Ms Jenny exclaimed as she ran and took the guitar from Robin's hands, "Is guitar what you've been trying to say all morning?"
The girl nodded. "Huh uh. Me Uncle Ick plays itar and makes all da irls go 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'" she danced around the teacher screaming and waving her hands over her head.
Blushing Rick patted the girl's head as he looked away then up to the teacher, "It's not QUITE like that."
She giggled. "Uh huh is too ike dat and sometime he make em do is." she pulled up the front of her shirt.
Dropping to his knees, Rick pulled the girl's shirt back down. Tickling her tummy he said in her ear, "You're killing me here, kid."
She kissed his nose. "Den ing omethin."
"I will when you're teacher says okay, Okay kiddo?"
"Robin." Ms. Jenny spoke, "If you'll get in the circle you can go first for Show and Tell."
Taking Rick's hand, she ran toward the circle, "Come on, Ick, come on."
Being dragged to the center of the room Rick laughed.
"Sit in the chair, Rick." Randy said as he pointed to the seat in the middle of the circle. As the lanky man sat in the small chair, Ms. Jenny laughed and turned to Robin, "Go ahead, Robin, tell us about your uncle."
After climbing on the singer's lap she addressed the class. "This id my uncle Ick Pinfield, he's a inger."
Confusion washed over the teacher's face, as she now tried to connect the person she had assumed was Noah's brother to the array of parents the child had.
Scrambling off his lap Robin continued. "He onna ing now."
"Do I got any requests?" the man chuckled as he began to strum the strings and tune the guitar.
From the back of the room a little boy called out. "Born In The USA."
Jumping up and stomping her foot, Robin defended, "DAT NOT HIM!"
Rick laughed. "Thank you, Sweetie." then addressed the class "How about this one?" and began to strum his guitar, though when it came time to sing he blushed. "Anyone know the words?"
With help from the teacher the kids began to sing along to the children's song, BINGO, with Rick trying to follow the kids with the lyrics.
As the class sang Randy got up and walked to Robin's side. "This blows, make him sing that other song," he whispered.
Piping up Robin interrupted, "Sing Essis's Girl, Ick."
At the mention of the song the entire class began to chant "Jessie's Girl, Jessie's Girl."
Stopping what he was playing, and taking a deep breath. He then smiled at the girl who held a special place in his heart. First, strumming the opening chords, he then stopped and said, "I don't know that one," with a teasing laugh.
"Me do." she laughed and began to sing. "Jessie is a friend. you know he's always been a good friend of mine."
Laughing out loud, he quickly began to strum the strings and sing with the child, as other kids in the class one by one joined them.

PCU - Math Class
Looking up from his paper just long enough to check his watch, he sighed, '15 minutes yet, and I only have five more brain dead problems.' Then continued working.
A brown haired girl reached out. "Hey man, what's the answer to number 14?"
Shocked, Blackie looked up from his paper to the teenager. "Hu?" he asked, sure he couldn't have heard her right.
Checking to make sure the professor was not paying attention she leaned in. "This shit is crazy hard. What is 14?"
Blackie looked back down at his book, 'It's subtraction' he thought to himself. He looked to fourteen and still confused, he looked back to the kid. "You don't understand it?" he asked.
She shook his head. "Not really, I was ok till the zero's popped up in the middle."
Sliding his seat over a bit, Blackie showed her his paper and began to explain how he had completed the problem.
At the front of the room Bob Amos watched as the dark haired young man moved into the girl. At first he assumed he was supplying the Softball player with the answers but now he could see him pointing. "Blackie, may I speak with you please?"

'Fuck', he thought to himself as he pulled himself up from his seat and walked up to the teacher's desk.
"I see what you're doing," the older man started but was interrupted by Blackie.
"Look, I was only trying to help!" the man defended. "She doesn't understand."
Holding his hands out Professor Amos smiled. "That's what I meant. I wanted to thank you is all."
Stopping himself, he swallowed hard, "No, I'm sorry. I assumed you were going to jump on me."
He nodded. "I apologize. I should have waited till after class but after reviewing your homework thought maybe you'd be rushing out to get home to your kids." He reached into the desk and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "This was on page 7." he handed it to Blackie and continued. "You did very well, all correct. I can't say the same about your friend up there though. Would you consider maybe helping her a bit?"
Looking down at the 'daddy' on the outside of the folded paper in blue crayon and Robin's handwriting, he then opened it to see the drawing of a big red heart. Smiling, he folded it. "She must have slipped it in there for me to find." Looking up, he nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I'll help her."
"Thanks, I'd appreciate it."
"You're welcome," he answered, and then held up the paper in his hand, "And thank you, these are important to me."
He smiled friendly-like and then addressed the class. "Ok folks, you all have about 2 minutes, let's do this the orderly way ok?"
'Damn it,' Blackie cussed internally, knowing his assignment wasn't done. He started back to his desk.
"Turn in what you have, Blackie," the professor called after him. "It's my fault you aren't done."

Turning back, he nodded and said, "thanks." Getting up to his seat, he turned to the kid who had asked him for help. "The professor suggested I help you with the homework. You want to get together later and work on it?"
She smiled. "We could, or you could just find me before class tomorrow and give it back to me so I can turn it in."
Taking a step back, he shook his head as he picked up his things, "I ain't doing it for you. If you want help, I'll help you."
The girl blushed deeply. "Oh, I'm sorry." she dropped her voice low. "Sorry, yeah I'd like that. All the teachers before would just find me someone to do the work for me and I figured that is what he did."
Writing his number down on a piece of the paper he had out for his assignment he handed it to the girl, "My name is Blackie by the way, Blackie Parrish-Kelly."
The girl smiled as she accepted the paper. "Michelle, er just Shell."
"Cool, Call me later, Shell and we can figure something out?"
"I will." she nodded as she gathered his books.
Following the teen up to the front of the room, he dropped his paper in the one box, and picked up the booklet from the other, exhaling as he did.

Noah looked around the room he had set up for Jeff and the other gynecologist he had hired one more time. Opening the drawer and grabbing a few more items, he tossed them in the box. Seeing the other doctor pass in the hall, he called out, "Grant, you seeing patients right now?"
He shook his head. "No not right this minute, I just got done and need to go clean up. What's going on?"
"I think Anna might be in early labor," he answered. "I let Jeff know I'm taking the monitors home. You'll still come, like I asked you last week?"
"Of course." he smiled. "Hey do you think she'd mind if I came early to watch..." he paused. "Wait, never mind, you're doing this at home so you probably just want family around right?"
"Anna just hates hospitals," he said, "I tell you what. I'll call you when she gets to stage two, you and Jimmy Lee can come over, and we can see how she's doing or how she's feeling? If anything happens, I'd feel better knowing there was another doctor in screaming distance anyway."
He smiled wide. "Thanks, Man. You know JL and I have really been talking about kids lately."
"That is wonderful!" Noah smiled. "You'll both be so great."
"Yeah, but we don't want to do it the way you did so we're thinking adoption."
Picking up one box, he asked Grant, "Can you help me take these out to the car?" Then continued, "When I first got the urge, that's what I figured we'd have to do. If you need legal help, either Blackie's dad or Drew can probably give you some advice."
He shook his head with a laugh as he picked up the box. "Actually, if you can believe it; the old man said he would help."
"WOW!" Noah exhaled, "That is wonderful. You know now that you say that, Blackie was telling me that Jimmy Lee said they could take Robin out there to ride her bike on the grounds. Things must be a lot better hu?"
"I wouldn't go that far, but Alan has finally stopped calling him the bastard from the docks." He laughed. "I think it was Jimmy Lee literally throwing his diploma from Yale in his face that did it."
Setting the first box in the back of his car, he took the other from Grant, "One step at a time, hu?" he responded, then looked up at the heavy falling snow, "Thanks for the help, get inside out of this stuff. I'll call you later."
"Alright, I'm going to do my best to empty out the waiting room, then head on home."
"Thanks, Grant," he answered as he ran to the other side of the car and slipped behind the wheel.

JFK Airport
Dropping her bags in frustration, Holly pushed her ticket across the counter and asked the ticket agent, "I missed my flight. Can I trade this in for a seat on the next shuttle?"
"Let's see." The clerk said crisply as he punched buttons on the keyboard. "There is a shuttle leaving 1 hour."
"Perfect," she answered, "May I book a seat please?"
"Just a moment." he said as he brought up the flight information. "I'm sorry, that shuttle is booked, there are no more regular flights to Port Charles for today either."
"What?" She nearly wept. "Is there anyway you can get me home today?"
"There is another shuttle in a little over 2 hours. I can book you on that one."
Exhaling happily she nodded, "Please do."
Pressing a button he began to print the ticket. "You'll have to buy it, I can't take your existing ticket in exchange. It's a different airline."
Reaching into her purse, and coming out with her credit card she nodded. "I don't care what it costs. I need to go home."
"Yes Ma'am" he said brightly as he keyed in her number. A few minutes later he frowned. "I have good news and bad news for you."
"You do?" she hesitantly asked.
"The good new is your credit card is fine." he smiled as he handed it to her. "The bad news is the Port Charles airport is closed due to snow and ice on the runways."
"WHAT?" her face dropped, "Any idea when it will be re-opening?"
"I don't know Ma'am," he said quickly. "There is an artic blizzard sweeping across the area."
"Blizzard? Any chance it will re-open tonight yet?" she asked hopefully.
"Possibly, but it's not likely. Even if it did, the shuttles would not be able to land there, they are too small and light."
"So I should call in the morning?" she asked tearfully, slipping her ticket back into her purse.
"That would be advisable, if you like I can exchange your ticket for a ticket on tomorrow's flight in hopes the airport is open."
She nodded, "Let's do that. I don't want to be shut out tomorrow."

Hanging up his jacket and scarf, Blackie picked up his back pack and started into the studio, when the front door opened again and Anna and Rick carrying Robin came in laughing. Setting the child down, he brushed the snow off her hair, then turned to Anna, "I'm going to get the rest of the stuff from the car."
"Don't get lost in a snow drift!" the woman called back with a laugh as the door closed.
Blackie came out of the studio. "Hey, Munchkin, guess what."
"What?" She asked as she held out her arms to the man.
"I don't have to go back to school tonight so I can give you your bath and snuggle."
"YEAH!!!!!" She cheered as she threw her arms around his neck, then pulled back, "I ought ou go back?" she asked curiously.
He nodded. "Was supposed to, but Jack Frost came to visit so I got a snow day."
Closing the door behind him, Rick said, "You ain't kidding man. It's crazy out there." Moving toward the wall, he put the guitar back in its place. "Thanks for the loan, dude."
"No sweat, how'd it go? Did you rock the house?"
Robin began to rattle, "Irst he ang BINGO, but then we all said Essie's Girls, Essie's Girl, Essie's Girl, then he sang it and we danced!"
"And your daughter flashed me," the singer reported.
"You what???!!!!" Blackie asked the girl in his arms.
"Me ifted me shirt cause I was telling the ids what Ick do." she giggled. "Oh daddy guess hat?"
"What?" he asked with a wide grin.
"Ms. Jenny's face did dis." she opened her mouth wide and let her jaw drop. "When I say 'Dis My Uncle Ick Pinfield"
Looking between the child and his friend, Blackie laughed as he moved toward the chair still holding her in his arm. "She was surprised, hu?"
"Uh huh, but den he sing Bingo no good."
"The kids didn't like it?" Blackie asked.
"It was orrible, Daddy. He didn't know da words."
"I am still in the room," The man laughed as he moved toward the couch.
Climbing off Blackie's lap she toddled over to Rick. "Me know but you sing Bingo sucky."
Picking the girl up and setting her down on his lap he kissed her forehead, "Did I do Jessie's Girl better?"
"Uh huh." she giggled. "Me ike that song, Ick."
"I'm glad," he answered, and then hugged her again, "Thank you for taking me to your school today."
"Ou Welcome." she stood on his legs and hugged his neck. "I love you, Ick."
"I love you too," He responded as he hugged the girl tight. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Anna reaching for the arm of the chair, her face grimacing in pain. "You okay, Sweetie?" He called out to her.
"Yeah." she panted slightly. "He's just taking up jazzercise."
Quickly going to her side, Blackie asked, "You need help?"
She shook her head. "Honey, no I'm ok." She lowered herself to the chair.
"Okay," he answered. "You want me to get you anything? Maybe a pillow for your back?"
"Rub my stomach?" she asked with a forced smile. "Tell your son to take a nap."
Smiling, he reached for the footstool, pulling it over he sat on it in front of her, and did as she asked. "You settle down, little guy. Give mommy a break."
The garage door opened and Noah walked across the hall into the studio carrying a large box. "Help." he said from the door way then spotted Anna on the couch. "Good news Anna, Holly's coming home after all. I have to pick her up at the airport in about 20 minutes."
A large smile suddenly came to the woman's face, "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that."
Touching Blackie's arm, she said, "I'm ok right now if you want to go help Noah."
"Are you sure?" he asked while continuing to massage her.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Go help him. Then you can come right back."
"Ok." he smiled as he slid up and lightly brushed his lips to hers.

Leading him back in the garage, Noah opened the back door of his car and pulled out one of the boxes, turning he handed it to Blackie with a kiss to his lips. "Find out from Anna which room she wanted to have Brodie in and we'll put this stuff in there."
"It's gonna be sooner than 3 weeks huh?" he asked timidly.
Rubbing the man's upper arms he nodded, "I think so."
"He'll be ok though. He won't be sick?"
Taking the box back from him and setting it on the garage floor, Noah then took Blackie in his arms. "He's not going to be sick, Babe. He's fine. It could be a few days yet, but I just want to be prepared, especially with the snow coming."
"Ok." Blackie said as he moved to help unload the car. "Why don't you go get Holly and I'll put all this stuff where she wants it?"
"Okay," Noah smiled, helping him to get the other two boxes from the car.
A few minutes later with the boxes stacked to the side Blackie leaned against the driver's side door of the little red sports car. "Doc, you think maybe I could talk you into taking the dad car? This thing's not really made for snow and all."
Sliding his hand up Blackie's cheek, Noah nodded. "Yeah, I think you can."
Helping the man out of the car he wrapped his arms around his waist. "Love you, Doc."
"Love you," he answered back and then leaned in for a kiss. He then pulled the keys from Blackie's jeans pocket and said, "I'll be back soon."
Wiggling, the younger man giggled. "Hey that tickles." he returned the kiss. "And I like it."
"Me too," he answered with another kiss, and then pulled away. "If Holly calls, tell her I'm on the way, but the roads are really getting bad.
"I will." he said as Noah slipped behind the wheel of the sedan. "Be careful, Babe."

Turning, Blackie picked up one of the boxes and went into the house. "Anna, Noah said to ask you which room you wanted to give birth in."
"Yours if it's ok. He was conceived in your bed."
"Fine with me," he said as he started down the hall with the box. He then stopped and turned back, "But that's not the bed. That bed is still upstairs in Lori's room."
She frowned. "Do you think she'd mind?"
"I don't know," he said with a frown as he moved to the steps and called up, "LORI!!! You here?"
She ran down the steps. "Yeah, what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong," he smiled. "You don't mind if Anna has Brodie in your room. Do you?"
Turning a little green Lori tried to cover. "Uh uh um I guess not, but why my room?"
"It's the bed he was made in," Rick answered from the couch.
"Oh gross." She said and then covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry, I just got home a few minutes ago and I guess my brain is still frozen." She faked a laugh. "Sure I guess it's ok, but it's not just my room and Brett's not home yet."
"Where's he at?" Blackie asked.
"Studio I guess." She answered. "He had a lesson today, then he said something about shopping so I don't really know. I just know I had to walk home and it's fucking cold out there."
Dropping the box just inside the studio, he explained. "Noah said to put this stuff where ever we're having the baby at. I guess we'll wait till Brett gets home to decide." He then turned to get the other two boxes from the garage.

As he came back in Anna said "Put them in your room, Blackie, it's not the same bed or the same room but in a way it is."
"You sure, Honey?" He asked.
"I'm sure, besides the ceiling is mirrored in there."
"Oh yeah," he smiled. "Good thinking." He then started down the hall with the boxes.

"Ok, Dad." Jay said. "We will...ok bye." He hung up and turned to the other 3 boys in the room. "Dad says the roads are becoming impassable and if it's ok with you 2." he directed to Charlie and Devin. "That we just stay here a little longer, though technically all is cool and we could go."
"I agree with your dad," Devin answered. "Just stay here."
Alfie looked up. "Am I wrong to say I sorta hope my Dad wrecks his truck?"
Dropping down next to his boyfriend, Jay took him in his arms, "No, you're not."
"What else did he say, Jay." Charlie asked, trying to change the subject and not loose the light mood Alfie had had since his arrival days beforehand.
"Just that everything was all set. Mary and Sean are all certified, and you've been officially placed in their care. You have that emergency protection order thingy while they investigate your parents." After a pause he added, "Your mom came to see Rick today."
"She did?"
He nodded, "She wanted him to tell you that she understood why you were doing this, and to let you know your dad was out of town till the middle of next week."
"What does she want from me?"
"That's all he said, Alfie," Jay answered as he pulled him tight into his arms.
He nodded. "Did he say if I should or could call her?"
"It's up to you, Alfie. You can, but you don't have to."
"Hand me the phone, Babe."
Reaching over, Jay grabbed the phone and did as requested of him.
After dialing Alfie swallowed hard. "Mom?"
"Alfred?" the woman asked, then began to weep into the phone, "Where are you at, Baby?"
"I'm somewhere safe Mom," he answered as he reached out for both Jay and the other 2 boys, seeking comfort.
"I talked to that doctor today and then a case worker and no one would tell me where you were or how you were." She rambled tearfully.
"I'm fine, Mom." he said quickly. "I'm with Jay and we're both ok. I wish it hadn't had to be like this but Dad hates me and you do everything he says."
"I'm so sorry, Alfred, you know that," she pleaded, but then sobered just a bit. "But you're right. You are better off with those foster parent people."
"They are nice people, Mom, and they accept me for who I am. Something you or Dad has never done. You're just nicer about it."
"I understand," She admitted. "But you know I love you, Baby, I always have and I always will."
"I know Mom." he whispered as his tears started to fall. "But you don't love all of me and that hurts. I guess since you went to see Rick you got my letter, but I have changed my mind."
"I know," she answered. "I know if you don't do this, what your father will do," she relented.
"He'd put me in that hospital and I almost died there. I can't go back. I said in my letter I'd come visit, but I won't come alone."
"I don't want you to go back to that hospital either," She sobbed. "Just take care of yourself okay, Alfie."
"That's what I'm doing Mom." he said quietly, noticing she used his preferred name for the first time. "You never called me that before, Mom."
"Is it okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I like it."
"Me too," she answered with a slight lift to her voice. "You're going to be okay, now. And I'd like it if you and Jay come visit when you can," she continued.
His hand shook at her mention of his boyfriend. "Y-you'd be ok with that?"
"Yeah," her tearful voice answered, "I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Mom. And we'll come visit sometime; I promise."

Long Island
Pacing back and forth in the hotel room Holly wrestled with the emotions that were tearing her in two. Two weeks before she had come to the city looking forward to the photo shoot ahead of her. She knew the break away from Anna was very much needed and had had her permission and encouragement to fully enjoy her time away. She had met Terri that first night. She was a bartender in the piano bar off the lobby. Though she knew going down stairs was detrimental to what she had at home, she was finding the urge very hard to resist.
Turning she went to the nightstand and picked up the phone and started pushing buttons before she changed her mind and dropped it back in the cradle. 'Noah will call me if she's in labor. Right now I have nothing to say.'
Picking up her purse, she left the room and headed down to the lobby and the piano bar.

Port Charles
Handing Anna the requested glass of ice water, Blackie turned to answer the ringing phone. After greeting and then hearing his lover's voice on the other end of the line, Blackie said, "Noah, You still at the airport? I was starting to get worried."
"Yeah, Babe." the man answered. "I'll be leaving in a few but Holly never made it. Her flight was grounded."
"Oh no," He frowned as he turned to Anna wondering how he would break it to her. "Be careful on the way home, Doc."
"I will, Kid." he replied. "Give Anna a big hug for me ok?"
"I will. Love you," he answered then hung the phone up. Taking a deep breath, he went over to the couch sitting on the opposite side of the woman then Rick. "Bad news," he whispered. "Holly's flight was cancelled because of the snow."
"No." she cried. "I need her, Blackie."
Wrapping his arm around the woman's shoulder he pulled her into him. "I know. I'm sorry. She'll be home as soon as the weather clears."
"NO Blackie, you don't understand. I need her tonight."
Stroking her hair, he tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry. It'll be okay, Anna."
"Blackie." she said as she took his hands. "He's coming tonight."
"Tonight?" He repeated, his face showing the shock he felt inside.
"Yes Honey, I guess he wants to play in the snooooow," she howled as a contraction hit. "OH SHIT!" He answered back, letting his hand fall to her stomach. "NO, Brodie, you can't play in the snow and you have to hold tight till Daddy gets back. There ain't no way I can deliver you alone!!"
She smiled. "Honey, not yet he's not coming but he is coming tonight."
A goofy smile came to his face as he looked into the woman's eyes. "Tonight?" he asked again.
In spite of missing her lover and knowing the woman wouldn't be there Anna smiled. "Yes tonight, maybe by dinner time maybe after."
Seeing the hint of pain in her eyes and knowing it wasn't the physical he pulled her back to him, "I'm so sorry Holly's going to miss it."
"Me too, but I don't think he's gonna wait. If it's not snow he wants to watch his daddy win next month."
Sliding down her body, he lifted her shirt, kissed her stomach, and then laid his cheek against her flesh. "I can't believe it." He then looked up to her again, "What can I do? What should I do?"
She arched her back a bit. "Rub and keep talking to him. We have time."
"I can do that," he smiled and laid his cheek back against her flesh.

Long Island
Fixing the seven and seven the woman placed it in front of the flirtatious man sitting on the other side of the bar, boring her to tears. Terri longingly looked up toward the lobby, then smiled hardly able to believe her eyes when she Holly walk in, then come and sit at the bar.
Setting the white wine spritzer down in front of the dark haired woman before she could ask for it Teri spoke. "Thought you were going home?"
"I was," She answered softly. "I missed my plane, then all the other shuttles were grounded because of a blizzard at home." Picking up the glass, she sipped, then continued softly, "I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't fate."
"Yeah?" she asked as she slowly ran her finger along the bar top to Holly's arm.
"Yeah," she answered not sure what else to say.
"So what now?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm still confused, but I know walking away this morning hurt like hell."
The slight blond turned to the young man behind the bar with her. "Trev, I'm taking a break." she then took Holly's hand. "Come on, let's take a walk."
Smiling as she took the woman's hand, the two walked out of the lounge. In the lobby, Holly leaned into the blonde and whispered, "I'm sorry I yelled this morning."
"I'm sorry too," she whispered. "I know you and Anna have been together a long time, but I can't help how you make me feel, Holly."
"It's more complicated then that," she answered. "It's the kids, and the guys, I know you don't understand that, but they're more then just friends."
"You're in love with the guys?" she asked confused.
"No," she answered firmly and honestly. "That I do know, but we've spent almost two years raising Robin together, and now planning for the baby. I'm not sure you can understand not having kids of your own. That doesn't mean I can't leave, it just means its not easy. In fact, I'm afraid it might get messy."
"Messy how? Would they keep you from your children?"
"I don't know. I don't think they would but you know, if it came down to it I have little claim to Brodie. Noah, and Blackie too for that matter, is awful protective of Robin."
She shrugged. "I don't know, Robin is young and Brodie isn't even born yet. You could probably leave and they wouldn't notice."
Looking down and away, she began to cry, "Sad thing is you're probably right."
"So you could just stay here you know."
Falling against the woman in front of her, she cried on her shoulder, "Robin may get over me, but I love her as if I gave birth to her myself. I'd never get over losing her."
"We could get a cat or something."
Pulling back, and touching the girl's chin as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "I'm sorry, Terri. I-I need to make my decision about leaving Anna independent of you." She said as she turned to the elevator.

Following the woman she caught up with her in the elevator. "What did I do, Holly? Tell me."
Smiling, she brushed the woman's hair off her face, "You made me feel good again. Terri, my life is complicated and you're just too young to understand that I can't replace a child with a cat. Besides, if I do leave I should do it for me, not for you."
"I'm 21 years old, I'm not 12. I didn't mean replace the kid with a cat, but that we could get something for you to love. I don't want children, Holly, I just don't. I don't like them."
She shrugged, "I already have them."
"I know." she nodded. "I'm just being honest."
"And I appreciate that. I won't leave them behind with out a fight, so you need to think about whether or not you could accept that part of me."
"Of course I can, as long as you don't expect me to be all motherly, that's not me."
"No, I don't expect that."
She took her hands. "Then stay with me."
Nodding, she leaned in and kissed the woman's cheek, "Let's go back inside the lounge. You're working."

Port Charles
Noah paced as the phone continued to ring in his ear.
"I'm so sorry you drove to the airport for nothing, Noah. I should have left the message downstairs I guess," Stacy apologized.
He shook his head. "No it's ok. Up here is where we leave messages. It's my fault for not checking."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked.
"You can crush up some ice for Anna, get Blackie a beer and I'd love a cup of tea." He said as he frowned and hung up the phone. "Maybe she decided since she was stuck to work."
"Have you moved to your room yet, Noah? Or still in the studio?" The woman asked as she started for the kitchen.
"Yeah, they're in our room." he answered. "I'm going to go back down and get everything set up."

One hand holding Anna's tight in his, Blackie used his other to rub her back as she took deep breaths to get through the contraction. As she exhaled deeply and laid back against the pillows stacked against the headboard he leaned in and kissed her forehead, "You okay?"
I'm fine, Honey, just having a baby." She said as she struggled to sit up. "I need to walk."
"Okay," He answered. "Let me help you," he said as he slid his arm under hers and around her back.

Walking back down the steps Noah made his way through the studio to the bedroom. Leaning against the doorframe he watched as Blackie slowly walked Anna around the room. "Hey, Daddy." he said to his lover.
Looking to Noah, he smiled as he continued to help Anna. "Hey, yourself. Did you get a hold of Holly?"
Shaking his head he crossed the room to Anna's other side. "No I guess since she's stuck there she decided to redo the shots after all."
"Yeah, right!" Anna snapped then let her body drop into Blackie's as another contraction began to move through her pelvis.
"Anna?" Blackie asked confused.
"How far apart?" She pleaded through tears as she leaned into him. "Why isn't she here!?"
"4 minutes." Blackie said as he looked at the clock. "Do you want to get back in bed?"
Coming to the opposite side of the woman, Noah answered, "Yeah, she does." Leaning in he kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry, Doll. I know it's not the same, but we're here with you."
Letting him lead her back to bed she sighed. "I know, but but, never mind."
Crawling up on the bed next to her, Blackie pushed his hand through her hair, "But what, Anna?"
"She doesn't love me any more."
"Sure she does," Noah tried to comfort sliding his hand down her arm, "If it weren't for this stupid blizzard she'd be here."
"Maybe." she said slowly as another contraction washed over her.
Looking down to his watch then up to Noah, he said, "That's four minutes again."
Sliding out of the bed Noah stood and began to move the monitors into place. "Did we decide about Robin yet?" he asked the other 2.
Blackie turned to Anna; "You want her in here?"
"Not yet, but before he comes bring her in," she answered.
Kneeling against the foot of the bed, Noah tapped her knee, "Can I check you again, Doll? And what, when you start to push, or like right before he comes? You tell me."
"When I start to push." She answered as she spread her legs slowly.
"Okay," Noah answered. Blackie looked anxiously between the other two, "How much longer, Noah?"
"I'm not sure, Babe. I haven't delivered a baby since my internship, could be soon or could be very late tonight. It's up to Anna."
"No," The woman laughed through her pain, "If it were up to me, we'd do it now and get it over with."
Noah chuckled. "Ok not you exactly, but your body."

Higgins House
"Sean?" Mary called down the steps from the attic. "You going to finish painting this wall or should I do it?"
Drinking from his beer and kicking the end of the couch before he sat in the chair, the man said to Danny, "Bad enough I got to paint all day. Go finish painting that wall."
"No way," the boy protested. "I had to move all my stuff to the basement. You go paint."
"Mary!" The man called up the steps, "Take a break, woman, the kid's not coming till the snow stops and its not stopping tonight."
Grabbing the paintbrush she began to paint. "I'm not taking a break, we need to have this done. I'll finish it and after dinner you can come up here and finishing hanging the new blinds.
"You here that, Danny, you get to hang blinds after dinner." The man said as he drank again from his beer.
"Fine." he ranted with a smile. "Mom's stoked huh?"
He nodded, "You know her, happiest when she has someone to care for. If she doesn't drive this poor Alfie kid nuts, it should hold her over till you and Claudia give her a grandchild to fuss over."
The man laughed. "Can we get married first?"
"Good idea." The man answered with a laugh.
"Thought you'd think so," he grinned as Claud walked into the room. "Hey Baby, you finish getting us set up in the basement?"
"I got my things taken care of," she answered. "Your stuff is right where you left it on the bed. So you better get down there and put it away before I decide I'm tired."
"Awe come on, Claud. I had to carry it all down there, including the bed and then I had to carry the bed that was down there up to the attic all because you said you like that one."
"And don't forget you have to hang blinds," Sean said with a laugh.
"Maaaaaaaan." Danny ranted as he got up. "I'm gonna go put my stuff away."
Sliding an arm around her fiancée's waist as he approached her, Claudia leaned in and brushed his nose with hers, "What do I get if I put it away for you?"
"Ummm, my undying love for the rest of our lives?" he looked outside at the falling snow "And a bowl of snow ice cream?"
"Throw in a. . ." She leaned in closer and whispered something inaudible by her soon to be father in law, then pulled back, "And you have a deal."
With a wicked glean in his eyes he asked "Now?"
"Oh! Okay!" she smiled.
"Sorry Dad." Danny said as he turned. "You'll have to hang the blinds, we're suddenly very tired."

Smiling wide, Noah directed. "Go ahead and get behind her, Blackie, so you can help her lean forward when she pushes."
Unsure Blackie stared to move. "Do I kneel or sit or what?"
"How every you're comfortable, Babe. I just think it'll be easier if you're between her and the headboard to help her, and you can watch there." He said pointing up, then touched Anna's knee, "You ready, Doll?"
Kneeling behind the woman Blackie wrapped his arms around her chest and kissed her cheek. "Love you Anna," he whispered.
Wrapping her arm around herself, she touched his cheek, returning the kiss to his lips, "Love you too, both of you," She smiled as she reached for Noah's hand.
Overwhelmed, he knelt on the foot of the bed, kissing Anna briefly, then wrapping an arm around Blackie's neck, kissing him and saying, "He's going to be here very soon. . .. our son," he smiled into the other man's eyes. Hearing the change in the sound coming from the monitor, he quickly slid back, "It's time, Anna, PUSH!!!!"

Chapter 11
