Welcome To The World

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it. shay@butterflyfiction.com
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: R
Type: Slash, Femslash, Het
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Terri/Holly, Holly/Anna, Rick/Shell, Rick/Barb
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Kneeling behind the woman Blackie wrapped his arms around her chest and kissed her cheek. "Love you Anna," he whispered.
Wrapping her arm around herself, she touched his cheek, returning the kiss to his lips, "Love you too, both of you," She smiled as she reached for Noah's hand.
Overwhelmed, he knelt on the foot of the bed, kissing Anna briefly, then wrapping an arm around Blackie's neck, kissing him and saying, "He's going to be here very soon. . .. our son," he smiled into the other man's eyes. Hearing the change in the sound coming from the monitor, he quickly slid back, "It's time, Anna, PUSH!!!!"

Robin jumped off Rick's lap. "Yea Mommy USH. Me anna see Brodie."
Rick reached out for the tot as Anna's labored groan filled the room, "Sweetie, No, stay back."
"It's ok." Anna panted as she leaned back into Blackie. "Come here Baby."
As the woman sank back into his body, Blackie pulled the hair back off her face as he kissed her forehead and motioned to Robin also. "Anna, you're doing so well, honey. Isn't she doing good, Noah?"
The doctor looked up. "She's doing great. Take a deep breath and on your next contraction give us another big push."
"Okay, Noah," She exhaled as she brushed Robin's hair off her face, "You ready to see your baby brother?"
Robin nodded and tapped Anna's stomach. "Brodie...out now."
"AHHH AHH," Anna began to moan as she took a deep breath and leaned forward with her push. Behind her, Blackie rubbed her back, "That's it, come on, push, honey. . . "
"Hurts hurts hurts." she screamed.
"I know, Doll," Noah tried to comfort. "But you're doing great," he said as he reached out for her hand, "Almost over . .. now, relax."

Grant leaned into his lover. "Amazing isn't it?"
Nodding slightly and wrapping an arm around the man's waist, Jimmy Lee laid his head on Grant's shoulder. "Yeah, it is incredible. Loud," he chuckled, "But. . amazing."
Grant laughed slightly. "You think she's loud? Wait till he gets here."
Hugging the man tighter, he whispered low in his ear, "I want one."

Lori turned into Brett, wincing as Anna's cries again filled the room. "I changed my mind. I don't want one."
"Oh, Darling," He smiled as he pulled the girl tight and rubbed her back as she buried her face in his shoulder. "You want to leave?" he asked.
"No, I just changed my mind is all."
Lifting her chin, he kissed her lips quickly. "Okay, Darling, that's cool with me," he said relieved that she was again turning away from the idea of them starting a family soon.

Stacy let her hands fall to her rounding tummy. 'Pretty soon that'll be me and I'm having twins.' she thought to herself as she sat next to Rick. Noticing his far off expression she leaned in. "You ok?"
His eyes being pulled away from the woman he had formed a kinship with the last few days, he smiled at the young woman and nodded. "It's - It's," he stammered, "It's the only thing that matters, you know."
"What is? she asked confused.
His eyes falling back to the family on the bed he motioned to them, "Love . . family . . children."
Suddenly a baby's cry pierced the air and she turned her attention back to the bed.

Wrapping one of the towels around the infant, Noah reached behind him for Grant to take a look at the child, "Those eyes," he whispered as he placed a soft kiss to the newborn's forehead, and moved up, "Welcome to the world, baby Brodie." Laying the child in Anna's arms, he looked up to Blackie, "He's beautiful." He then handed the man the hemostat forceps.
"I-I get to do it?" he asked nervously.
Nodding, Noah leaned in and pressed his trembling lips to his lover's. "Yeah, give me just a minute to get it ready for you."
"Ok, tell me when, Doc." he replied looking down at the brand new baby. "He's so beautiful."
"Yes, he is," Noah smiled through his still falling tears as he clamped off the cord, "Go ahead," he directed to Blackie.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself Blackie lifted his shaking hand and slowly and carefully cut the cord then watched as Noah tied it off.
Taking the instrument from Blackie's hand, he dropped it back down on the cart off to the side, then slid up in the bed, pulling Robin into his lap, "What do you think, Doll face?"
"Brodie ucky." she said as she made a face.
"Ucky?" Noah laughed through tears, still overcome by his emotions. "Why?"
"He all loody and his head unny." she pointed.
"He's just been squished," Noah whispered. "He's beautiful." Catching Anna's eye, he motioned to the man behind her.
"Well he still ucky." she declared and then smiled. "Can I old im?"
Nodding, Anna said, "Why don't we let Daddy hold him for a minute first. Then you can have a turn." She said as she looked up over her shoulder to Blackie.
Robin looked from Noah to Blackie. "Ich Daddy? Oth of dem?"
"This Daddy," Anna smiled as she turned a bit more and offered the child to Blackie.
Tears falling freely down his face as he held his newborn son Blackie slowly traced the baby's features, down his arms. After counting his fingers and toes he moved back to his face. "Noah?" he laughed through his emotional tears. "You sure that blood test thing was right? Cause I think he has your ears."
Laughing and wiping his own tears from his face, Noah shook his head, "I don't need a blood test, just look at those eyes, those beautiful eyes." Leaning in and kissing Anna's cheek, "and you're pretty little nose."
"And Holly's lungs." Blackie laughed as Brodie emitted a loud cry.
"Ow About me?" Robin asked.
Pulling the girl on his lap Noah took her face in his hands. "Let's see here." After a moment he turned to Blackie and Anna. "You guys see it too?"
"Uh-hu," Blackie answered, "Come here munchkin let me show you something."
She crawled across the ved. "Hat Daddy?"
Guiding the girl to one knee, he then carefully placed the child in her arms, "Hold on to him, munchkin," He softly reminded, then let his hand graze down the baby's neck to the small birthmark, "See that?"
She beamed. "Hey me gots one of doughs."
He nodded, "That's something just you and your brother have. Isn't that special?"
"It's way cool." she looked down at the baby. "Someone lean him so I an iss him?"
Laughing Blackie nodded, and looked to Noah then Grant, "You probably should look him over and everything, hu?"
Watching as Grant examined and cleaned the baby Jimmy Lee asked. "So what's his name officially?"
"I'm too tired to say all those names," Anna laughed softly as she leaned back into Blackie's arms.
Blackie almost giggled. "Brodie William Kire Sutton-Parrish-Kelly-DeVane-Drake."
Jimmy looked at his friend, still processing the list of names just rattled off to him, then turned back to the infant, "You get one of your moms or dads mad at you, they'll forget why by the time they call you by your full name."
"Brodie William Kire Sutton-Parrish-Kelly-DeVane-Drake" Robin repeated and then looked up to Blackie. "How do you pell all dat Daddy?"
Reaching out and touching the girl's cheek he said, "You already know Brodie and Drake. We'll worry about the rest later. Okay?" He then looked down to Anna resting in his arms. Leaning in he kissed her forehead, then her cheek, "You want to rest, Honey? Want me to empty the room out?"
"Please." she smiled lazily.
Speaking up Blackie spoke to the room, "Everyone, thank you for being here with us and everything, but Anna's really tired now." He then looked to Noah, and said, "It okay if she stays in here with us? We can bring the bassinet in from the nursery for him."
"Oh course it's ok." Noah smiled. "But hey Mom, you think you can stand long enough for me to change the sheets?" he then turned to the crowd leaving the room. "Everyone stay and eat. I fixed a 15 pound turkey for dinner."
Pulling herself up a bit, Anna nodded and turned to Blackie, "Maybe while Noah's changing the bed you can be someone for me to lean on while I clean up." She then turned to Lori, "And sweet heart, Would you be so kind as to get the stuff I have laid out Brodie's dresser, t-shirt, diapers and blankets." Looking over to Noah and Grant, she asked, "Can it wait till morning for him to go to the hospital."
The brown haired man nodded. "I think so, just make sure you bring him in ok?"
As Blackie carefully helped the woman to her feet, he directed, "just lean on me." Then looked up to Grant, "He's okay, right."
He nodded. "He's just fine, and you already know how to feed a baby so I don't need to teach you right?"
Laughing he said, "Nope, got that one all figured out." Helping Anna into the hall, he laid a hand against Jimmy Lee's shoulder as he walked down the hall ahead of him.
Running water into the sink Anna asked. "After I lay down will you call Holly's hotel and let her know or leave a message if she's out."
Picking up the brush from the vanity, Blackie began to brush the hair back off her face for her, "You don't want to talk to her yourself?" He asked softly.
"I do." she sighed as she leaned into his touch. "But I don't know if she wants to talk to me. She's made a friend."
"She wants to talk to you," he comforted. "She loves you, Anna." Setting the brush back down, he turned her in his arms, "But if you want me to, I'll call and feel it out for you. She'll want to talk to you though, I know it."
"I hope so." Lowering herself down on to the toilet she wet and soaped a washrag.
"We're a big family, Anna," he said firmly. "No little friend could ever be more important then what we have here."

In the bedroom Noah covered the fresh sheets with the comforter as Rick pushed the bassinet into the bedroom. Walking over to where the baby lay on the floor on a pillow the singer picked him up. "He's amazing Noah."
Turning, Noah smiled as he moved in and brushed the baby's cheek. "Thank you." Looking up to his friend, "Nothing in the world could have prepared me for that, you know. We were so happy and excited before, but the minute he hit my hands, and then he cried. . .. oh my," He gushed his eyes welling up again.
Laying the sleeping infant down Rick pulled Noah into a tight hug. "I hope I get to experience that someday."
Returning the hug, Noah said, "You will." After a pause, he suggested, "Maybe if you make a phone call, you know."
"Why do I have to call? I didn't do anything wrong. Everyone and their brother knows I'm here, if she wants to talk to me she can call."
Tightening his grip, Noah quickly said, "I'm sorry. No, you're right. You're right."
"But I do miss her. I don't know." He pulled back. "You think Anna will want to eat? I can fix her a plate."
"Not right now, thank you," the woman said as she came back into the room leaning on Blackie. Pulling from his arms, and falling into Rick's she said. "Maybe in a couple hours we can eat together?"
He dropped his lips to hers. "I'd like that."
"Me too. Let me rest for a little bit," She answered then made her way to the bed.
Watching the exchange between the 2 people he cared equally about Blackie leaned into Noah. "Anna's a dyke right?" he whispered low.
Looking back, Noah nodded as he whispered; "They're just both lonely and leaning on each other now I think."
Picking up the baby he took Noah's hand after getting Brodie cradled in his left arm. "Come on Babe, let's go let everyone meet him and call Dad and Cyn and Dad and Buffy and Gran and everyone while she sleeps."
"Okay," He nodded and smiled, then turned back as Anna settled into the bed. "Just a minute," Crossing over, he helped pull the blankets up around her neck, "Are you okay, Doll?"
"Uh huh." she mumbled and then turned to Rick. "You can go too."
"I'll check on you," Noah whispered, "and we'll get a hold of Holly." He then turned, took Blackie's hand, and guided Rick out of the room with a hand to the man's shoulder.

Long Island - Hotel lounge
As Terri set another white wine spritzer in front of Holly she smiled, "Trev says I can take my dinner break in about a half hour. You want to get food?"
"Yeah, I think I do. I tried to call home about 15 minutes ago and got the machine, so I guess they don't miss me much."
Sighing heavily the girl said, "Give me the weekend, Holly? Try not to think about those people unless they call you?"
Forcing a smile the dark haired woman nodded. "Where you taking me for dinner?"
"We can go to restaurant here in the hotel, or if you don't like that, there's the grill up the street."
"Let's go to the grill. The restaurant is a little fancy for my mood right now."
"Terri, sweetie," The guy a couple stools down interrupted, shaking his glass, "I'm empty."
"Don't sweetie me, Barry." she quickly retorted. "Why don't you go home to your wife and let her fix your drinks." she then turned back to Holly. "He comes in here every night, I guess to pretend he doesn't have a wife and kids at home."
Slipping up behind the woman, her supervisor whispered in her ear, "Forget you're working for tips, Terri. Put on a smile and get the man his scotch."
Watching as the woman walked to the end of the bar and began to fill the drink Holly thought to herself. 'What the hell am I doing, just like that Barry character I have a wife and kids.' Grabbing a napkin off the bar she dug a pen from her purse and scribbled a note to the younger woman then all but ran from the bar.

Slamming the hotel door behind her, Holly picked up the phone and quickly pushed the numbers to home. Hearing a busy signal in her, she dialed it again. As the repeated tone sounded again, she hung up again and began pushing buttons, "Come on, Lori, be there so I can talk to Anna," Again hearing a busy signal, she dropped the phone, and collapsed on the bed in tears.

Port Charles
Sitting next to each other on the couch, Blackie on their line, and Noah on Lori's they each fawned over the baby as they talked to their fathers.
Noah laughed. "We'd love it if you came up for the weekend Dad."
Blackie rattled quickly, "As soon as the snow clears, sure you and Cyn and Caroline come on over."
"Brodie William Kire Sutton-Parrish-Kelly-DeVane-Drake" Noah said into the phone as he leaned in and kissed Blackie's cheek. "Yeah he was born here at home. I delivered him myself."
"Good thing Grant was here," Blackie continued to rattle quickly. "He thought to mark the time, it was 6:27, and he's 19" long and 6 lbs 14 oz. Noah delivered him and I cut the cord. . .he's beautiful dad, you should see him."
"Hang on Dad." Noah said quickly then pushed the button on the phone. "Hey Dad I'm back. Where was I?"

A knock fell on the door, and laughing at the other two, Rick crossed the room and looked out the window before opening the door to the brown haired co-ed, "yeah?" he greeted.
"Hi, is...." She said quietly then almost screamed. "Oh my god I know you. I love you."
Smiling and blushing slightly, he stepped aside, "Awe, aren't you sweet." Pointing in the room, he continued, "Which resident of this mad house you looking for?"
"B-B-B" she stuttered. "I forget, why are you here?"
"I like it here," he laughed, "B-B-B-Brett, or B-B-B-Blackie?"
"The one in my math class." she mumbled as she stared at his chest.
Noticing where her eyes were falling, and looking the teenager up and down, he casually brought his hand to his own chest, sliding it up and down slowly. "He's on the phone, he had a baby tonight."
Swallowing hard she continued to stare. "Huh? Excuse me he had a what?" Her eyes followed his hand down to tight jeans.
"He had a baby, er, well his Anna did."

In the studio, Blackie pushed the button on the phone, "Oh Man, Shell, I'm so sorry. I forgot." He said as he carefully gave the baby to Noah.
Turning around to face her classmate she unconsciously backed up toward the singer. "It's ok, I don't guess there will be class tomorrow anyway." She wiggled a bit as she felt the hand slip into the back pocket of her jeans. "You had a baby?"
"Uh-hu, Noah and I did." Chuckling he laughed and continued to speak quickly running his words together. "His mother's sleeping now, she just had him an hour ago, that's why I forgot all about you coming over for help on your math. I'm sorry you came in the snow. I should help you."
Pulling the girl back tight against his body Rick glanced up at Blackie and then went back to staring down her shirt. "I can help her with homework Dude."
Not oblivious to what was going on in front of him, but also wanting to be with his newborn son, he nodded, "Is that okay, Shell? Can Rick help you? Then if you have any questions maybe we can get together right before class on Tuesday?"
Her breath catching as the man's hand pushed open a button on her blue polo shirt she nodded. "It's ok."
"Rick, it's subtraction, okay?" Blackie half laughed.
"Okay." he answered and bent his head. "What you say we go somewhere more private?"
As the girl nodded, Lori called from the Studio, "Blackie, Gran wants to talk to you!"
"Have...uh... fun." Blackie said as he turned and went back in.

Spinning the teenager in his arms Rick looked in her eyes. "You do know I have no intention of doing anything even remotely related to math with you right?"
Nodding slightly, the girl smiled, "Yeah, uh-hu, okay."
Sliding his hand under her shirt he bit back a groan. With a slight squeeze he whispered. "Let's go, there's a bedroom in the garage."
"A bedroom? In the garage?" She wondered out loud as she dropped her backpack in the foyer and let him lead her through the garage to the small room.

Shutting and locking the door he opened his pants and shoved them down. "Suck me."
Stepping back and leaning against the door, she slowly let her eyes run down the man's naked body, "Oh my god," she said outloud, "no fucking way this is happening."
Stepping out of his jeans he walked to her, bent his head and pushed his tongue into her mouth. "It is if you want it to."
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she returned his passionate kiss and groaned as his hands pushed their way under her shirt. As he pulled back from her, she pulled her shirt off, tossing it in the general direction of the bed and exhaled, "I want it."
Expertly opening her front clasp bra he flicked his thumbs over her nipples. "You know what I want Baby."
Sliding her hands over his chest, letting her fingers tangle in the hair she lowered herself to her knees.
Grabbing the back of the girl's head he pushed his member past her lips and emitted a deep groan.
A bit shocked and very overcome, the teen struggled to maintain composure as she allowed the poster come to life in front of her guide her head up and down him.
Looking down at her hands clasped tightly at her sides he felt a slight twinge of guilt but pushed it aside. "You can touch me baby, I won't bite. Not unless you're into that."
Inhaling sharply, she reached out with her trembling hands and slid them up his firm muscular legs, relaxing a bit into the man.
"Mmmm that's it." he mumbled as he released his grip and let her take the lead.
'Ain't no fucking way anyone is ever going to believe I gave Rickfuckingspringfield a blowjob in a garage' she thought to herself as she slid her hands up to the cheeks of his ass.
The sensation of her hands squeezing his ass rapidly pushed him to orgasm. Biting his lip for control he stroked her hair. "I'm gonna cum."
Sliding her mouth up and down him a couple more times, she quickly pulled back, replacing her moth with her hand in time for him to erupt and coat her chest.
Pulling her to her feet he kissed her softly. "You're good at that." he whispered as he traced a finger up her chest through his seed and to her lips.
Pushing her lips to his again for a second quick kiss, she then let him push his finger into his mouth, and gently sucked on the tip.
"That's so sexy you know." he murmured as he fed her another finger. "You want to get in bed?"
She nodded and entwined her hand in his.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed her centered her in front of him. "What do you want?"
"I-I-I," she stammered, "I'm not sure."
He chuckled. "Ok, is there anything you DON'T want?"
"Ah, yeah, to get knocked up," she let spill the first thing that came to her mind.
"That's the last thing I want, believe me." He laughed. "As he opened her jeans he said, "I'll pull out."
Stepping out of the jeans as he pulled them down to the floor, she leaned a knee on either side of him on the bed. "Okay," she answered.
Lying back on the bed he pulled her towards his face. "But we don't need to worry about that yet. Come up here."

Getting off the couch as the doorbell rang Noah almost tripped over the red canvas backpack. "Hang on." he yelled at the door and then walked back into the studio carrying it. "This ain't yours and it's not Lori's and it's way too heavy to be Robin's. Am I missing something?"
"I was supposed to tutor someone tonight. I forgot. She came anyway, and Rick's tutoring her in something . Since her books are there, I'm guessing it's NOT math."
Noah shook his head. "Tell me she's legal, I don't care about the moral or ethical issues right now, just tell me she's legal."
"She's legal," he answered and let his eyes fall back down to the infant in his arms, smiling wide "and I don't care either."
Setting the bag down he turned and opened the door. "Sorry about that, Ruby."
Handing him the bag in her hands she hugged his neck. "Congratulations, how is everyone doing?"
Looking through the large paper sack he smiled at Blackie. "Ruby loves us she brought us pie and burgers." Smiling at the woman he continued. "Thanks, everyone is fine. Anna is sleeping and Brodie is on the couch. Lori and Brett are upstairs. Stacy went to the movies with Frisco. It was already planned. Holly is stuck on Long Island."
"Oh no, Holly missed everything," Ruby said as she crossed the room and dropped down next to Blackie on the couch looking at the baby sleeping in his arms, "Oh my, isn't he just precious."
Blackie looked up. "He's awesome, before he went to sleep he blinked at me 4 times."
Smiling the woman touched the young man's cheek, "I'm so happy for you, for both of you," she said looking up to Noah then corrected herself again with a laugh, "All of you."
"Thanks, Ruby." Blackie beamed. "You wanna hold him? I'll let ya."
"Sure," she answered as she took the tiny child from him. "What a wonderful thing, and to be able to have him right here at home," she thought out loud.
"Yeah." The younger man agreed. "I was kinda scared when we decided to but it was perfect."
Moving in and sitting on the arm of the sofa, Noah looped an arm around Blackie's shoulder and leaned over brushing the baby's cheek, "There isn't words to describe how incredible it was, Ruby."
"Well, I'm not going to stay," she said as she handed the baby back to Blackie. "I just wanted to drop the food off for you and say hello to this little guy."
Lying in his father's arms Brodie's eyes opened, but he remained quiet. "Look, Noah," Blackie whispered as he gently let his hand brush the baby's cheek.
The doctor dropped to one knee. "Hey Baby boy."
Letting his hand move from the infant to Noah's that was resting on his lap, he squeezed it tight as new joyful tears began to fall on his cheek, "Can we make this very moment last forever, Doc?"
The man pointed to piano. "Look on the bench."
Following the man's finger, he smiled when he saw the video camera was on and running, he smiled and looked back down to his son, "Your daddy thinks of everything you know that."
In response the infant began to cry loudly.
"Oh no! What's the matter, Brodie," Blackie tried to comfort as he brought the baby up to his shoulder, and patted his back.
In the bedroom Anna's eyes popped open as her new son's cries filled her ears. Standing she walked into the studio.
Seeing the woman entered the room Noah whispered. "Hey, baby, Mamma is up." Then looked to the woman, "How you feeling, Doll?"
"I'm good, is everyone upstairs or did they leave?"
"Lori and Brett are upstairs, Rick is in his room, everyone else left," Noah explained. "Come on, sit down," he said, as Ruby moved so she could sit down on the couch.
"I think he's hungry." Blackie said as the woman sat down.
"I think you're probably right," The woman smiled wearily. "You want to hand him here, and I'll feed him," She said. As she took the baby, she asked, "Did you ever talk to Holly?"
"Noah tried to call her. It was busy," he reported. "But he left a message."
She nodded and bit her lip to control her emotions, as she lifted the infant to her breast, "Come on, Baby Brodie, time to eat," she whispered as she encouraged the child.
Watching in awe as the baby began to suckle Blackie chuckled. "Look Doc, he knows what to do."
"Sure he does," Noah smiled as he watched the baby then lowered himself to Blackie's lap, wrapping his arms around the man's neck. "I love you," he whispered as he kissed him lightly.
"Love you too." he replied and then leaned into Anna. "And I love you." he whispered in her ear.
Letting her hand find the guys entwined ones she squeezed it tight, "Love you guys too," she answered.
Ruby stood. "I'm going to take off now. I'll call tomorrow." she smiled as Robin came into the room.
"Daddy, can I play ith Brodie now?"
Opening his arms, Noah laughed, "Come here, Doll face." As the child climbed up into their laps he said, "He's just a little baby, sweet heart. He can't play."
"Awe....when can he play?"
"It's going to be awhile," Blackie laughed. "Hey, I promised you a bath and a story tonight. Maybe Brodie can sit in on your story?"
She nodded. "O'tay. He getting a ath too?"
"He already had his bath," Noah explained as he checked his watch. "You got some time before yours. You want to go get a few toys and bring them in here. I'll play with you for awhile if you want."
She shook her head as she climbed from Noah's to Blackie's alp. "No, me just sit ere with Rodie."
"Okay," Blackie answered wrapping an arm around her and kissing her cheek.

Rick's room
Sliding up the teen's back, the man applied passionate nibbles to the girl's spine before letting his weight come down on top of her.
Gasping, the girl let her fingers clench the sheets beneath her and moaned as she pushed her body back up against the man.
Pulling back he guided her to her knees and then cam back, folding his body over hers to lick her ear. "You ready?"
Anticipation pushing her arousal higher she gasped and panted, "yes . . .yes."
Thrusting his hips forward he entered her body with a deep groan. "Oh yeah, Baby...feels soooo good."
The girl emitted a cry of passion mixed with the pain of her body being pushed into womanhood by the man above her.
'Fuck yeah...a virgin.' he smiled to himself as he worked her body over with his.
His thrusting pushing her upper body to the bed, she moaned as she tried to keep up with his pace.
Grabbing her hips and using them as leverage he increased his pace. "Having fun?" he asked as he rapidly pumped in and out of her body.
'What the hell' the girl's mind raced as he ravished her body, collapsing further, she wrapped her arms around the pillow, burying her face in it.
Falling down onto her back as his body exploded in orgasm he instantly felt her tension and regret crept into his mind. 'You idiot' he screamed at himself as he whispered. "I'm sorry."
Catching her breath, she slid her hand up over her shoulder and through his hair.
Carefully pulling away from her he rolled to his back on the bed and opened his arms. Having watched this man go from sweet to insensitive and back again she fought internally for a moment, before moving up into his arms.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you?" She questioned as she slid her hand over his chest, in awe of his flesh.
"That it was your first time." he whispered with a soft kiss to her lips.
Laughing she answered, "I didn't want you to think I was some stupid kid."
"I don't." he replied. "But you probably think I'm a jerk."
She shook her head, as she let her hand move up to his chin, "I don't."
He slid his hand down her body. "If you don't have to go and will let me, I can make it good for you."
'Fuck, there's more' her mind raced, "I don't have to go."
He smiled. "Good." He pulled her on top of him and ran his fingers through her brown hair.

Long Island
Hearing the knock on the door, Holly knew it could only be Teri. Her mind still racing and her heart still breaking she fought her urges to open the door. Her loneliness winning out, she crossed the room and slowly opened it. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Why do you keep leaving me?"
"Because as good as you make me feel, we're no good for each other."
"Why?" She asked. "I love you, isn't that enough?"
Opening the door and letting her into the room she continued, "it might be if I didn't have this whole other life at home."
"Fuck them, no one there can possibly love you like I do. They just want to tie you down."
"You don't know what you're talking about, Terri," she said emphatically.
"Then why do you keep flip flopping?"
Dropping to the bed, she tried to explain, "Guilt mostly. I was feeling really good, having a great time, and then you said the thing about that guy having a wife and kids and pretending he didn't. This isn't right, Terri. When I began to care about you, I started cheating, and that's just wrong."
"But you're different. They treat you bad at home."
"I never said that," she said softly. "I said I haven't been happy, not they treat me bad."
"Why are you unhappy?"
"If I knew that, all of this might be simpler," she said.
"I can't tell you what to do Baby, but when I look at you all I want to do is hold you and not let go."
Looking up at the woman, she opened her arms. "That's what I want right now too." She said as the phone began to ring in the background.
You gonna answer that?" the blond asked as she took the other woman in her arms.
Holding the woman tight, she began to shake her head, but then pulled away and picked it up, "Hello."
"Holly." Noah said cheerfully. "Hey, Noah," she answered trying to swallow her tears.
"Coagulations Mommy, you wanna talk to your son?"
"What?" She nearly wept. "He was born?"
"Yeah, a few hours ago and he's beautiful, a head of shiny black hair, Blackie's eyes, Anna's nose, Robin's birth mark and according to Blackie, my ears and your lungs."
Laughing she let the tears spill on her cheek, "Oh my, I can't believe I missed it. How did it go? How's Anna? She okay?"
"It went great and she's right here."
"And the baby? He's fine?"
"He's perfect, Brodie William Kire Sutton-Parrish-Kelly-DeVane-Drake"
"Can I talk to Anna?" She softly asked, "I mean is she up to it?"
"Sure she is." he smiled. "Hang on." he handed the phone to Anna.
Nervously, Anna took the phone and brought it up to her ear, looking down at the baby in her arms, she swallowed and greeted, "Hi, Holly."
"Hi." she said then began to cry.
Her lover's painful tears of confusion hitting her ears, Anna began to cry too, "Come home, Holly. Please, I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll fix it. I swear I will. We need you, we all do," She pleaded.
Noah turned to his lover in shock. "Huh?" he mouthed.
Balancing the phone on her shoulder, she handed the baby to Noah. "Take him please," she said. Hearing nothing but tearful cries in her ear, she cried harder. "PLEASE HOLLY, talk to me, say something."
"I messed up Anna, I met someone and I----I didn't plan it."
"I know." She wept with the woman, "And I know the last few months have been so hard on you. . . Come home, please tell me you're coming home."
"I don't know, Love." Holly whispered through her tears. "I want to, but I don't know."
Feeling as though her lover had just ripped her heart from her chest, her protective walls shot up, "You know what then, DON'T, you little bitch, don't even bother," she said and threw the phone across the room.
Dropping the phone on the bed Holly buried her head in the mattress and sobbed.

Blackie moved from the chair and wrapped his arms around Anna to keep her from going to the floor, "What's going on, Anna? Please talk to us?"
"She's not coming home."

Long Island
Terri moved to the bed. "Forget them, Holly," she insisted as she rubbed the woman's back.
Wiggling away Holly slapped at the woman's hands. "Don't you touch me," she screamed. "I am going home and you are not talking me out of it this time."
"Going home to what?" She asked, "More of this. She makes you miserable."
"No she doesn't." she cried. "She loves me and I love her, I need her and I need my family; get out."
"Holly," the girl asked one more time with outstretched hands.
"Leave Terri, leave while I still have the strength to tell you to go and mean it."
"FINE!" the woman lashed back, "I'm gone." She said as she turned and left, slamming the door behind her.
Grabbing the phone Holly hit the button and listened till she had a dial tone then dialed home.

Watching, speechless as Blackie held Anna in his arms, comforting her as she sobbed against his shoulder. Noah looked down at the innocent life in his arms wondering how this was going to affect him. As the phone began to ring, he crossed the room and picked it up from where it had landed, "hello."
"Noah?" Holly sobbed. "Can I talk to Anna please?"
"I don't know if she can talk to you," he said rather sternly and then readjusted the baby in his arms as he began to cry. "You have no idea at all how much you've upset everyone!"
Her sobs turning to tears she defended. "Yes I do. Please, Noah let me talk to her, or if you can't just tell her how sorry I am and how much I love and need her."
Crossing the room, he knelt on the floor, and rubbed her back. "Anna, it's Holly, she says she's sorry and she loves you and needs you and wants to talk to you," he explained.
She nodded and looked up through tear filled eyes as Noah spoke to her lover. "Is she coming home?" Anna asked the doctor.
He held out the phone. "Talk to her?"
As she took the phone from his hand, he wrapped his other arm around the baby too, holding him tight and trying to calm him. Anna brought the phone to her ear and cried, "Holly?"
"Mistress, I'm sorry." Holly cried. "I beg you to understand I did not mean for this to happen."
Pulling from Blackie's arms, she curled up into the corner of the couch. "I know that," she whispered. "If you can come home and forget her," she paused and swallowed. "Holly, I need you, and I love you. Come home and you and we'll forget about this and try and start over."
"What about....about...." she sighed. "I broke a rule."
"I know," she sighed into the phone. "But I need you. I love you, and this was partially my fault. I want to forget it."
Holly reached up to her bare neck. "I want to stay on holiday."
Closing her eyes tight and gripping the side of the couch, she swallowed anger, "Love, that's fine, but I swear to you I want to forget this. If you come home it will be as if it never happened."
"I was going to come home today. I missed my flight and the shuttles were grounded."
"When the airport reopens, are you coming home?" she asked. "Because, Holly, I love you, and I need you. I want you to want me again. I'll get myself back together I promise."
"I'm coming home, Anna, I love you too. I swear I never stopped, these 2 weeks have been good for me and I know now what I want. I thought it was Terri, I really did but then when you...on the phone, I want to be with you."
She nodded, "If you can forget about Terri, so can I. We need you Holly, me, Blackie, Noah, Robin and Brodie."
"I need you all too." Holly started to cry again. "It goes deeper then Terri though Anna, I don't know what is wrong, I just know I haven't been happy and I want to be."
"I know, Love, it's going to be okay. I swear to you I can make you happy now."
"Don't do that Anna, please don't make promises. I don't want you to make it all better, I want US to make it better. I can't be your pretty girl right now."
"Okay, okay, you're right we both have things we have to deal with, but that's not what I meant Holly. I just meant that I know the pregnancy has been a strain on you."

Blackie angrily crossed the room to where Noah had successfully calmed Brodie down, running his hands over the baby's head, and kissing him lightly, Blackie covered his ears, "I think I know what's going on and if I'm right, I don't think we knew her at all."
Noah shook his head. "I don't know if it's that, it might be part of it but it's not all of it. When we fell apart and then we're all about each other they had to pick up the slack and I think a lot of that fell on Holly and overwhelmed her."
"I told you about when she lashed out at me yesterday. It didn't make sense really but it does now." He stopped and kissed the baby lightly again. "I know we have to step back and let them sort it out, but damn it, I don't want Holly coming back in here if she's going to leave and hurt Anna, Robin, and Brodie. . . .and well, and us too."
"I love you too." Anna said as she hung up the phone. "Blackie." she said softly. "I love her and yes she may leave, but I have to try."
He turned back to the woman, "I know, I know, honey." He said as he crossed back to the couch. "I'm just feeling all . . I want to protect you." He said as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. "But I know you have to do everything you can."
"She's coming home. I have to make her forgive me."
"Forgive you?" he said in disbelief.
"I treated her horribly," she wept.
"You want to talk about what happened?" he asked as he rubbed her back.
"When we got back from the mountains." she started to explain. "She was exhausted, I knew that, yet I had her put all of our stuff away and then I wanted to make love. She didn't like my body."
"You're beautiful Anna, before, then, now, always," Blackie tried to comfort.
"She told me that too, it's not like she disliked the way I looked. I can't explain it exactly."
"Are you angry at us?" Blackie asked. "You don't regret?" He asked unable to finish the thought.
"No honey of course not. I wanted him and so did she. We still do, we just let other things cloud us and I just hope we can get through them."
Sitting back down on the couch, Noah kissed Blackie's cheek, "And we let our selves get wrapped up in our problems, we didn't even see you were in trouble too. I'm sorry, Doll."
"Not your fault." she leaned into Noah. "I think tonight was the first time we have talked honestly in months."
"Then that's a good thing," Blackie said, hugging her one more time, before turning back to Noah and smiling down at the child. "He's sleeping again?" he asked with a smile.
Anna chuckled. "He's going to do a lot of that." she yawned. "I think I want to sleep too. Daddies want to come with?"
Noah nodded then asked Blackie, "All of us in our room?" Before looking up, "You never ate, Doll, you hungry?"
"Yeah, I guess I am." she laughed. "I told Rick we could eat together, he upstairs?"
"Uhm, no," Blackie stammered, "I told some girl at school today I'd help her with her subtraction. I think he's turned it into a biology lesson."
"Oh." she blushed slightly. "I guess he's busy then. One of you want to make me a turkey and mashed potato sandwich? I'm not ready to do stairs yet."
"I'll do it," Blackie answered. "You two take him on in to bed. I'll be there in a minute."

Rick's room
Leaning up and leaving a light kiss on the man's cheek, the teen started to slip from the bed as she whispered, "I really got to go."
His eyes shooting open the singer grabbed for her. "Stay...I mean I want you to stay."
"I can't," she whispered. "I had a lot of fun, but I got to go."
Pulling her in he kissed her softly. "You sure?"
'No' she thought to herself as she returned the kiss, "Yeah, I am."
Nodding slowly he rolled so that he sat on the edge. "Give me a few minutes and I'll walk you out?"
Nodding she pulled on her jeans, and looked around the room for the rest of her clothes.
Grabbing his jeans he looked up and softly whispered her name. "Shell."
Turning back to him she asked, "What?"
"Come here." he opened his arms.
Crossing to him, she leaned down into his open arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Letting his arms come around her waist he kissed her stomach then looked up into her eyes. "You amaze me. I just wanted to tell you that."
Dropping down to his knee, she leaned in still hugging his neck. Whispering in his ear, she asked. "You going to do it?"
"Yeah." he nodded slowly. "You sure you can't stay, just till morning?"
"Why do you want me to?" She asked curiously.
Rick tightened his hold. "Don't want to be alone....always alone...hate it."
"Okay," she whispered, "I'll stay, but I got to call my roommate so she doesn't worry."
"Thank you," he whispered against her chest.
Looking around, she asked with a laugh. "I don't suppose there is a phone in here."
He shook his head as he reached over and grabbed his shirt from the floor and handed it to her. "No, put this on and I'll go out with you so you can call."

As the two walked into the house, across the hall and into the studio, Blackie looked up from where he was talking on the phone, "Ahm, wait a minute. Can you hold on a second." He said then looked up. "Rick, uhm, you might want to take this call."
"If it's Dana, tell him I already know the Solid Gold people are pissed but there is nothing I can do. I'm stuck here."
"It's not Dana," he said then twisted in the seat a bit. "It's Barb, she called for you. I thought you were asleep, and that's what I told her."
His eyes lit up but then he looked at the young woman next to him.
Shell leaned in and hugged him with one arm, "Go on and take your call. I'm going to go home." She then pulled away and turned to the door.
Watching as she left he crossed the room and took the phone. "Barbara?"
"Hey, Baby," she whispered into the phone. "I'm. . ." after a long pause, she continued, "I'm sorry and I miss you."
"I miss you too." he admitted his voice heavy with emotion
His emotional voice triggering her tears, she continued, "Blackie just invited me to come see the baby. Uhm, maybe I could, and maybe we could . . " He voice trailed off.
"You're going to come here?" he asked. "Baby I didn't do anything when I was working. If you can't believe that we don't have anything left. I promised you I would stay faithful and I did....but"
"I believe you," She cut him off, "And other then that. I don't want to talk about the last three weeks. I just want you back. . . . if you want me."
"I want you too," he said quickly. "But I have to tell you, I haven't been alone this week."
"Me either," she admitted. "But I learned something, baby. It's you I need and want. . .and love, no one else."
Anger surged within him. "You WHAT????"
"You threw me out remember," she said softly. "I hurt you, you hurt me. Do we really want to keep doing that?"
"It's my house," he almost yelled. "You were standing in the middle of MY living room calling me everything under the sun and I didn't do anything."
"I'm sorry, Rick," She wept. "I probably shouldn't have called. You're right, I was wrong. I see that now, but I guess it's too late."
Sliding down to the floor he brought his knees up to his chest. "Barbara, no, it's not to late. Come here Baby, we can work it out. We always do. I love you."
"I love you too. I'll call in the morning and get the next flight that flies out of here for there."
"Ok....wait no. The airport is closed."
"I know that," she sighed. "I'm hoping by tomorrow night it will be re-opened."
"I want to see you, I want to hold you. I don't care what you've done or who you've been with, just come here, honey."
"As soon as I can. I'll be there."
"Ok, I can't wait."
"I love you, Rick. I'll be there as soon as they re-open the airport."
"Ok." he answered as the call waiting beeped in his ear. "Baby, there's another call. I have to go."
"Ok, I'll see you soon," she said again as she hung up.
Clicking the button he answered the other line. "Hello?"
"Is Jill there?" came a voice in his ear.
He laughed. "No, I think you have the wrong number."

As Rick hung up the phone again, Blackie didn't even take his eyes from the infant in his arms as he asked, "Everything okay now, buddy?"
"I'm gonna marry her."
Blackie smiled, "Good. You belong together."
Rick slid across the floor. "He sleeping?"
The man nodded, "But it's okay. You can hold him if you want."
Taking the baby in his arms Rick jostled him slightly. "Hey Brodie, wake up."
Smacking the singer in the back of the head, Blackie scolded. "What are you doing, man!"
"What?" Rick asked innocently.
"Don't wake him up!" he continued then chuckled as the baby began to whimper, "Oh, Brodie, it's okay."
Carefully lifting the baby boy onto his shoulder Rick patted his back. When he began to settle he grinned. "It's ok, he likes me."
Leaning over Rick's shoulder, Blackie kissed the top of Brodie's head, "Of course he likes you, but he won't if you keep waking him up, Dork."
"I just wanted to look at his eyes is all. They're the windows to the soul you know."
As Rick laid the baby back in his arms, Blackie gazed down into the child's now open eyes, smiling he asked, "Windows to the soul? Where you get that?"
"From this book called 'The Tao Of Pooh'." he answered. "Lori gave it to me."
"The what of hu?" Blackie asked.
Rick laughed. "The Tao of Pooh, it's about Taoism....you know, the religion."
"That's an eastern religion, something like Buddhism, right?" he asked.
He nodded. "Yeah sorta I guess. I haven't really looked at Buddhism, but this Taoism makes a lot of sense."
"Could I read it when you're done," he asked.
"Sure and you outta talk to Lori, she's got a bunch of books. Even some on Buddhism too."
"Really?" he asked shocked. "Cool, I will." Looking back down at the infant, he asked with a smile, "So what are you seeing in his windows?"
Rick traced Brodie's cheek with his fingertip. "I dunno, I just started reading, but I see a calm and comfort, like he knows he's safe and loved."

From the doorway, Noah said as he rubbed his eyes and crossed the room, "There you are! I woke up and both my babies were gone," He complained as he dropped into Blackie's lap, kissing his cheek, then let his hand graze Brodie's cheek.
"Sorry Doc." Blackie whispered. "He was wet, so I changed him and we've just been out here having a little father and son talk."
"That's okay," He answered. "Has he eaten lately?" Noah asked as he snuggled into Blackie's shoulder.
"I gave him a bottle of water about an hour ago, that seemed to fill him up."
Noah nodded, "That's good, as long as he doesn't start skipping out on nursing cause he's full."
Blackie shook his head. "I don't think so, I just didn't want to wake Anna up, he could probably eat now."
Kissing Blackie lightly he whispered, "So, Daddy, you want to take him back into mommy and let him eat?"
"Sure." he mumbled against his lover's mouth. "You coming with?"
Returning the kiss, and deepening it, he then mumbled back as he pulled away slightly, "yeah."
As Noah stood Rick handed him the baby and Blackie said, "Say good night to Uncle Rick, Brodie."
Laughing, Rick said, "Night sweet little boy," Then looked to Noah, "OH! I forgot, Barbara's coming. Soon as the airport reopens."
The doctor grinned. "Great, the co-ed gone?"
"Yeah," Blackie nodded, "And I got to call her tomorrow. I feel bad about not helping her with her homework."
Rick laughed. "I don't think she's too upset about that."
Picking up the pillow from the end of the couch, Blackie threw it at the man, "Go to bed, Rick, and to sleep this time."
"Haha." he laughed then sobered. "Seriously man, when you talk to her; tell her I said thanks for listening."
"I will," He said, the leaning into Noah, said to the baby, "Come on, little guy, let's go wake mommy up so you can eat."

Shell ran into her room. "Jenny... Jenny... Jenny.....JENNY!"
Startled the girl sat straight up in the bed, "HU WHAT!" Then seeing her roommate tossing her book bag aside and bouncing across the room, continued, "Do you have any idea what time it is?"
"2:53." she answered after looking at her watch. "Guess what I did tonight."
"Learned math?" The girl groaned.
"Nope." she giggled as she jumped on Jenny's bed. "I had sex in Blackie's garage. But not with Blackie, he had a baby, besides he's gay."
"WOAH! Back up!" the girl said sitting back up in the bed, "you went to a gay man's house to learn math, and still got laid? HOW COME I'm the only one NOT getting laid," she moaned.
Shell laughed. "Uh huh I guess so. I dunno why you're not. You wanna hear about it or not?"
Pulling her legs up and tapping on her bed, she nodded, "Yeah, of course I do."
Reaching over Shell hit the tape deck and Affair Of The Heart filled the room. "Well Blackie had a baby tonight so he couldn't help me, but this guy he opened the door and man he was sooooo hot. Dark hair, green eyes, a little over 6 feet tall, he told Blackie he would help me and Blackie went back to his baby and then the guy, he put his hand up my shirt and said he didn't plan on doing anything remotely related to math."
"Oh my god, just like that? He just grabbed you?" the girl nearly screeched.
"Huh-uh." she nodded. "He's older, like 30 or something." she purposely lied.
"EWWWWW," the girl protested. "You did it with an old guy!"
"Yeah but he's a hot old guy, besides he's not THAT old." she laughed as she lit a cigarette. "Anyway he took me to this little ass bedroom in the garage, shut the door took his pants off and told me to suck him."
Waiting for the girl to take the cigarette from her mouth, Jenny took it from her hand and hit on it. "And you just did?"
She shook her head. "No, I was like way scared. He came over and kissed me real long, his breath tasted like juicy fruit. After that I did it and ya know what, it wasn't that bad."
"Did you you know," the girl asked, blushed and stammered, "Swallow?"
She shook her head. "No, not that time, anyway Rick, that's his name he told me he was gonna cum and I let him do it on my boobs, then he took me over to his bed and ask me what I wanted. I said not to get knocked up and he said he'd pull out. He didn't but that's ok cause I'm on the pill, I just forgot about it when he asked." she rambled. "Then oh my god Jenny guess what he did then."
"What?" the other teen asked hanging on her every word, "TELL ME!"
"He kissed me again, only this time down there." she pointed between her legs.
"OH my god!!" The teen exclaimed, " Ewwwwwwww, He did what? There? Why?"
"I dunno, but it was really really good." she lit another cigarette. "Sometimes I'd look down and see his eyes but most of the time he had them closed.
Inhaling from the smoke she had taken earlier from Shell, she shook her head, "So then what?"
"Ummmm." she blushed. "After awhile, like 30 minutes I started shaking and stuff, I thought I was having an asthma attack or something except that it felt good, not bad and scary."
"Oh man," The girl smiled, "You going to see him again?"
Unable to help herself the brown haired girl stole a glance at the poster above Jenny's bed. "Depends what you mean by see him I guess. You wanna hear what happened next?"
Following the girl's eyes up to the poster, then back, she shook off her confusion, "You mean there's MORE?"
"Lots more." Shell beamed.
"TELL ME," the girl pleaded.
"After that he pulled me down with him and we just kinda laid there touching and stuff and we talked a little bit. I mean I thought he was cool and all but he's kinda strange but not in a bad way."
"Strange. . like just old strange?" She asked.
"Nah." she laughed. "Like deep strange, and he gave me lots and lots of little kisses."
"So then what, you just kissed and touched till you came home?"
"Nooooo, I said I had sex didn't I?" she reached over and fumbled in the little fridge. "Did you drink my Sprite?"
"No, I didn't drink your Sprite!" she defended. "Look behind the coke."
Finding the can She said "Oh ok." and then pushed back up on the bed. "He touched me all over and I mean ALL over and then rolled me to my stomach and kissed my back and stuff."
"Oh my god, that sounds so sweet," the girl said in awe.
"It was really nice, but then he asked if I was ready, I said yeah and he did it. It hurt a ton and I don't think he even knew or cared he was hurting me.
"He hurt you?" she asked as fear flashed in her eyes.
"No, not on purpose or anything, just that I ain't never done it before so it hurt."
"It didn't feel good at all?" The girl asked as she reached down and grabbed Shell's cigarettes taking another one out.
She shook her head. "No not really, I mean it did kinda because....well just because, but mostly it hurt." she looked down. "Hey buy your own."
"I will tomorrow," The girl smiled, "Hell if I don't get laid soon, I'm going to become a full time smoker. So then, what happened when he was done?"
"Well like I said, he said he'd pull out but he didn't then he like laid over the top of me, my back ya know and I think he cried or something. He said he was sorry."
"He cried?" she asked as she exhaled, "What the hell is wrong with this guy? He psycho or something?"
"I kinda thought so then, but no he's not. He's ya know...sensitive."
She shrugged, "Well that's cool I guess."
"So then we laid down again, Rick held me sooooo close and I was kinda touching his chest. Like oh my god TV didn't do it justice." her hand flew to her mouth. " FUCK!!!! Forget I said that."
"WHAT?" she said outloud, "What do you mean TV didn't do it justice?" She asked as she searched her mind, 'Blackie's house. . . . Rick. . . Dark hair, green eyes, a little over 6 feet tall' Her head snapped to the stereo then to the poster over the bed, "NO FUCKING WAY"
Rolling onto her back Shell kicked her legs in the air. "Uh huh, but you CAN'T I mean CAN'T tell anyone. I told him I wouldn't and I didn't mean to tell you."
Shell laughed as her friend got louder and louder after a few minutes she grabbed Jenny's arm "Shhhhhh. I told him I wouldn't tell anyone, you don't need to tell the whole floor."
Looking back up to the poster, she turned back, "SO THEN what?"
"Then he asked me how come I didn't tell him I was a virgin. I wanted to die, I didn't know he'd be able to tell."
"He could tell?" she asked curiously.
"Uh huh, I dunno how though, but I guess he knew I didn't like it that much cause he asked me if I didn't have to go he could make it good for me." she blushed. "I told him I didn't have to go and he kissed me again and pulled me on top of him, but I wanted to do something else." she whispered with a flushed red face and a sly grin.
Noticing her friends blush, she pushed the girls shoulder, "WHAT?"
"Swallow." she admitted very quietly.
"Yeah? You did?" she asked. "What was it like?"
"Uh huh I did." she blushed deeper. "Salty and kinda slimy."
"EEWWW, GROSS," the girl cringed.
"It wasn't that bad, and he let me know he was going to do it so I could stop if I wanted too. Then, we talked for a looooong time. When I said he was deep before man I was way off."
"Wow, really? I mean that would just be cool. To be able to just hang and talk to him, you know."
"Yeah it was really cool, and he was touching me too and that was awesome, not just cause it's him but because it felt good. Then we did it again and this time I was on top and he touched me down there at the same time." she blushed. "Oh my god Jen, when you do it, make sure you do it like that."
"I don't' think I'm EVER going to do it, Shell." The teen complained.
She laughed as she took a long drink from the can. "Yeah you will. It'll prolly suck the first time though, mine sure as hell did."
"You sure IT sucked?" she asked "Or maybe he's just really bad at it?"
She laughed. "Nooooo he's not bad at it."
"Well!!!!! How do you know? What you got to compare it to?" The girl asked in all seriousness.
"Shut up before I bitch slap you." the softball player giggled. "I told you we did it twice, it was way better the second time."
"So then you did it again, then what?" She asked with a giggle.
"I dunno, I had to catch my breath. He made me shake again. Then I think we fell asleep for a little while because I woke up and he was staring at me."
"Good stare? Or creepy stare?"
"Good." she laughed. "Geez, he's not creepy, he's nice."
"So you going to see him later or what? OH MY GOD, IS HE GOING TO COME HERE!?"
Shell shook her head. "I doubt it, besides he has a girlfriend. He told me I could stay the night." she bent the truth a bit. "And I said ok but I had to call you first and Blackie was talking to his girlfriend when we went into the room so I left."
"Oh, okay," she answered as she contemplated a moment, "Pretty cool all in all hu?"
"Yeah." she yawned. "The coolest stuff is the stuff I can't tell you about, but yeah it was way cool. I dunno I might see him again, Blackie is my math tutor, but I don't think I'm gonna be doing that stuff again. He really loves his girlfriend."
Looking out the dorm window, she yawned too, "Well lucky you morning classes have already been cancelled. You can sleep in. . . In your own bed," she said hitting the girl with her pillow.
Jumping up she crossed the small room and dropped into her bed. "Man I am gonna sleep all day."
"I bet," she answered as she reached over and flipped off the tape player.

Across town
Stirring slightly Anna let her eyes slit open and look at the infant child on her chest.
Turning slightly to her right, she smiled as she took in Noah sleeping peacefully, one arm extended above her head, the other over her and the child, the look on his face content and peaceful. On Brodie's back, next to Noah's hand was Blackie's, following it to her left, she noticed his other arm extended above her, and realize they were holding hands. Looking back down to the peacefully sleeping child, she let her eyes close and her body drift off to sleep thinking how blessed they were.

Chapter 12

Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com