Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it. shay@butterflyfiction.com
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: NC-17
Type: Slash, Het, Femslash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Rick/Barbara, Helly/Anna
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: Noah reclaims his submission.
Anything else:

Blackie/Danny's office
Flipping through the file cabinet as she spoke to Dana on the phone Stacy said, "Yeah, I have those contracts right here, Dana." Smacking the almost permanent fixture with the file, she laughed as she sat. "Would you get off my desk?"
Laughing, he jumped down and dropped to the chair, watching the woman work. Grabbing a pad and pen off the desk the brown haired man scribbled "Hurry up" and then made a face while showing it to her.

Ten minutes later, she said, "Ok, I'll type them up and take 'em home to Blackie tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow Dana," She finished then dropped the phone in the cradle. Turning to Frisco she tossed her pen at him, "You know, I am WORKING here."
He grinned. "It's quarter after 5, you got off 15 minutes ago."
"Oh, well, Dana seems to forget that, cause it's only 2:15 in LA."
"Let's get out of here, you said we could go play in the snow."
"I got to type up these contracts. You just heard me tell Dana I would take care of it tonight."
"Awe come on, Stace, just for a little bit. I gotta go play cop in an hour anyway."
She looked up into the man's pleading and flirting eyes, "Just a fifteen minute break, twenty at the most, then I got to do this before I go home."
Jumping on the desk he leaned across and kissed her cheek. "Come on."
Laughing, she pulled herself up, careful of her now beginning to show frame and followed him across the room to where her coat, gloves and hat hung.

As the doctor turned, closed the front door, and came back into the studio, Blackie looked up from the infant in his arms and sighed, "MORE flowers? Who are those from and where in the world are we going to put them?"
Noah laughed. "These are from....um...." he looked at the card. "Buffy's parents???"
The younger man shook his head as he looked back down, "Daddy's step mom's mom and dad sent you flowers, Brodie. Daddy is going to put them with the truck load of other flowers."
Noah laughed. "Dad must have really mended broken fences with them huh? I don't think I have EVER with the exception of the wedding spoken to either of her parent's."
"Musta," Blackie answered as Rick came stumbling down the steps from upstairs and nearly fell into the studio, "The airport is open!! Barbara is on her way. Mycarwon'tstart. CanIuseyours to get her later?" The lanky singer spilled all at once.
Blackie grinned. "Which car?"
Shooting his lover a cold look, Noah continued, "Yeah, sure, Rick, take the dad car." Dropping down on the couch next to Blackie Noah opened his arms and gave the man a pleading look.
"Awe man not the dad car." Rick protested as Blackie moved into his lover's lap still cradling their infant son.
Coming from the bedrooms, Anna asked, "What time she getting in, Rick?"
"Nine tonight." he answered and then dropped to his knees in front of the 2 men. "Please please please let me take the good car."
Taking the Baby from Blackie's arms, Noah looked down at the man, "I swear you put one scratch in the paint and I will knock you out, buddy."
"Thanks Man." Rick cheered as he jumped up.
"Um Rick, you think you could pick up Holly too? She's coming in at 9, they are probably on the same flight."
His body suddenly sagging he nodded, "Of course, sweetie. Guess I'll need the dad car after all."
"Hahahaha." Blackie laughed and pointed to the key tree on the wall by the door.
With a bit of a groan Noah asked, "Should I fix something for them to eat?"
"I'll do it, Doc." Blackie offered. "I'll reheat that turkey and smash some fresh potatoes."
Rick shook his head, "Don't worry about, Barbara, she ain't going to be eating."
"How do you know she won't be hungry?" the younger man asked. "I know Holly will eat even if she's not real hungry, turkey and smashed potatoes are her favorite."
Picking up the pillow from beside them on the couch, Noah tossed it at his friend, "Be a gentleman, hu! Let her eat first."
Catching the pillow he threw it back. "Shut up, bitch, she's going to eat. I'll have you know I rented out the Grill in the hotel for the 2 of us to have a private late dinner."
"HEY!" Blackie yelled as he knocked the pillow away, "Watch the baby!"
Anna laughed. "Blackie honey, that pillow won't hurt him."
Nodding, he asked Anna, "Should I make up a late dinner for the four of us, or should I maybe do something private in the dining room up there for the two of you?"
"Dinner for the 4 of us. I'll ask Lori and Brett if they can watch Brodie while we eat."
He nodded, but added as he kissed the baby's cheek before pulling himself up and starting for the stairs, "It's okay if they can't though. He'll probably just sleep anyway."
Taking the baby from Noah she lifted him to her breast so he could nurse. "He will relax right?" she asked the doctor.
The doctor nodded and laughed, "Yeah, he will. He's just very excited," Looking down at the baby he smiled and whispered "and loves you oh so much, Brodie."
Rick pulled himself up off the floor. "Well. I'm gonna go get a shower and junk, Noah I don't suppose you'd loan me your tux would you?"
Almost bowled over by the request, the doctor quickly recovered. "I'll get it back, right?"
"Yes, miss priss, you WILL get it back."
"Hey, Dork!" The man teased back with a smile. Pulling himself from the couch, he crossed the room and led the man into the foyer, "You're gonna ask her. Aren't you?"
Rick smiled warmly. "Yup, down on 1 knee and all."
"Go ahead and use the dad car to get them, then after you bring Holly home you can use my car to go to dinner, but please, please, PLEASE be careful. Don't bring it back looking like your car."
The singer shook his head. "I appreciate it, man, but that's ok. I have a limo picking us up at 11 tonight to take us to dinner and then to whatever."
"WOW," Noah answered, "I'm impressed, Champaign?" he suggested.
"2 bottles."
"Flowers? If you forgot, I'm sure we can whip something together," he said pointing to the array of arrangements all over the studio.
The man's face fell. "Fuck, I forgot those."
"It's okay," Noah smiled. "I'll put together something for you, and Brodie won't miss a one. So you need my tux, flowers, you got shoes?"
He looked down at his gym shoes. "Just these, they are black."
Noah shook his head, "The boots would be better then those, but no, you wear mine. What else?"
"I dunno, I got the ring and the girl is on the way."
"Go take your shower," Noah encouraged, "I'll get the other stuff around for you."
Rick moved in, hugging the man tight. "Thanks Man." he turned away and then back again. "When we get back, cool to use the hot tub?"
"Of course"
Rick beamed. "Thanks, I'm gonna go get cleaned up, oh and can you do me one tiny, tiny favor. One more that is?"
"What's that?" he asked.
"Can you change the sheets in my room, there's a little bit of blood on them and while she knows I haven't been alone I don't want to slap her in the face with it."
"I can handle that," he answered glad the other man had thought of that.
"Thanks, Shell left some of her clothes here too. Just hide those somewhere, I want to keep them."
Closing his eyes and shaking his head, he exhaled. "Dork," he murmured under his breath.
"What?" he asked innocently. "It's not like I get a virgin every night. I have been faithful."
"I've been to your shows, I can imagine how many are virgins," the man quipped, "Go and take a shower or you're going to be late."
"Yeah but I haven't touched them." he laughed. "Ok, bye."

The door to the garage opened and Holly came in first followed by Rick with his arm around the slight blond. "Where do you want your suitcase, Holly?" He asked as he let it fall from his shoulder.
"My room if you're willing to carry it down there." she smiled warmly.
Leaning in and kissing his girlfriend's forehead, Rick whispered "I'll be right back," As Noah came in from the studio, hollering up the steps, "THEY"RE HERE!!!" He then wrapped his arms around Holly, "Welcome home, Doll."
Returning his hug she kissed his cheek. "It's good to be home. I can't believe I almost didn't come back." As she pulled back she looked around. "Where is she?"
"Her, Blackie and Brodie are upstairs, putting the final touches on dinner." He then moved past Holly to the blond, hugging her, "Hey, beautiful." He then called up the steps again, "COME ON GUYS, MOVE IT!! THEY'RE BACK!!"
"Hi, Noah." Barb said brightly as Anna came down the steps and stopped in front of Holly. "I want...is it ok?"
Smiling, Holly nodded as she slid up to the woman hugging her tight, "It feels so good to be home."
Relief flooding her body Anna almost wept as she wrapped her arms around the younger woman. "This right now feels so good." she said then dropped her voice to a low whisper. "Don't leave me, Baby."
Pulling back just slightly, she kissed the woman's cheek, then her lips briefly she mumbled "ok" then asked, "Where is he? I'm so sorry I missed his birth last night."
"He's with Brett and Lori, come on let's go up so you can meet our son."
As the two went up the stairs, Noah looped his arm through Barb's and led her into the studio, "How are you, Doll?"
"I'm ok." she reached up pulling his head down. "The tux? What's he planning?"
Smiling and winking he said, "He missed you so much."
"I missed him too," she smiled. "But we have been apart longer than this before and it never inspired a tuxedo."
"Just enjoy it, doll," he smiled at her. "We better hush, there he is," Noah teased as Rick came back from the bedrooms.
"Hey Baby, go get in the shower and get dressed. I bought a bunch of new dresses for you today. Pick the one you like best for tonight."
"Where are we going?" The woman asked with a smile, as Noah began to turn green. "You went shopping? For her? And you didn't ask me?" He turned to Barb, "I'm so sorry, Doll."
Blackie came down the steps having heard the last bit of the conversation. "Barbie, if they all suck eggs I am sure Lori has something you can wear."
Standing and hugging Rick's neck the woman said, "I'm sure they are fine." She then turned and crossed to Blackie hugging him, "Congratulations, I can't wait to see the little guy."
"After your shower, Barbara." Rick insisted. "Come on." he grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hallway.
Laughing as the two left the room, Blackie walked over and dropped down next to Noah, leaning into his lover's shoulder, "She'll say yes. Won't she?" He asked quietly.
Noah grinned. "I think so, her face lit up when he said he bought her dresses."
"Good," He shrugged a bit and pointed upstairs, "They seem okay, but really strained. Maybe we should let them have time alone."
"Let's do dinner, then make ourselves scarce." he pulled the younger man closer. "You think you could let Brett and Lori keep Brodie tonight? We have the baby monitor if anything goes weird." he bit Blackie's neck. "I'm hungry."
He bit his lip and twisted a bit, "I'll try. . " he blushed, "I'm sorry, Noah. Of course it's all right. I know I'm being all whacked out, but I can't help it." He wrapped his arms tight around the man, "I'm hungry too, and as much as I enjoyed them both in bed with us last night. I missed being all snuggled to you."
"So dinner and all night snuggles?"
He nodded, "Did you think about the thing I was telling you about earlier?"
Noah pulled his lover onto his lap. "Uh huh, I can't wait. Have you decided where?"
"Maybe here?" he asked pointing high on his shoulder.
"If that's where you want." Noah smiled warmly.
"It's up to you too," he smiled, "I want them in the same places."
Noah smiled. "I know that Babe, but I decided the tattoos and the brands. You choose."
"Here," he said, again pointing to the spot high on his arm, he then turned straddling the man's lap, then kissing him deeply. "Thank you so much, Noah," he whispered through his kisses.
"For what?" he mumbled in response against the man's mouth.
"For everything," he smiled into the man's eyes. "But most of all for loving me. I'm so happy right now," he declared as he laid his head against the man's shoulder.
"Me too my love....me too," he said quietly.

Twenty Minutes Later
Noah held Anna's chair, as did Blackie for Holly. The four sitting down to the candle lit dinner. As Noah sat he reached for the bottle of Champaign, "Let's see if I can open this without taking anyone's eye out."
"Duck girls," Blackie quipped while placing his napkin in his lap.
Holly laughed, "Everything looks really good, Noah. You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."
"I didn't." he smiled. "Blackie cooked."
"Really?" she asked as she turned to him. "Looks and smells great," she nervously complimented.
"Not really, everything is nuked leftovers except the potatoes. I smashed them."
"And what did you use to smash them this time?" Anna smarted back, with a light kick of her foot under the table.
"I dunno what it's called, that silver thing with the spikes."
"Make sure you get all the taters off it before you bring it back down to the bedroom," Noah gleaned through a smile.
Laughing Blackie took a bite of turkey. "Not THAT silver spiked thing."
Dropping the potatoes down off her spoon, Anna made a face, "Yeah, like I want to eat these now!"
"Oh geez." Blackie playfully ranted as he stood. Grabbing the baby monitor off the table he went into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a potato covered meat tenderizor he held it up. "This silver spiked thing ok."
Laughing she said, "That would smash them good, hun." Looking at the monitor in his hand she smiled, "He's fine, Blackie"
He frowned. "I know, I just want to know I know." Opening the kitchen door he tossed the object towards the sink and cringed when it missed and hit the floor with a crash but then laughed as the 2 large white dogs ran to it.
As the man rejoined them at the table, Anna smiled warmly across to him, "I know you know. So, you going to have classes tomorrow or the university still closed?"
"I dunno. I'll have to watch the news in the morning," he answered as he added pepper to his corn. "Another snow day would be cool."
Noah joined the conversation, "Rick said the roads are still pretty nasty, so you might. Good thing the hospital is so close. I wouldn't have wanted to drive Brodie very far today."
"His first check up went well then?" Holly asked.
Dropping his fork, Blackie squealed through the food in his mouth, "Oh my god, Holly, you know what Grant wanted to do him?"
Handing him his glass as he started to choke she asked "What?"
Noah patted his lover's back as he sipped from the glass then explained, "Not that big of a deal really, we just hadn't talked about it yet. Grant thought he would go ahead and do the circumcision today, but Blackie wasn't comfortable with it."
"Hell no." Blackie ranted. "What if he slipped and cut it off?"
Giggling Anna shook her head, "The doctor didn't slip with you." She then grinned mischievously, "Or did he?"
He tossed a dinner roll at her. "You know he didn't."
Noticing Holly backing away from the conversation and turning to her plate, Noah asked. "How do you feel about it, Doll?"
She shrugged. "It's not really up to me. We're talking about a body part I don't even have."
"You're still a parent here," he reassured. "I hope all of our opinions count in every decision."
"I guess if we're going to have it done we should do it sooner than later. I heard it hurts bloody awful the older the boy is."
"And you don't think it'll hurt him now?" Blackie asked nearly turning green at the thought.
"It will," Noah said slowly. "But I promise you he won't remember it. You don't remember yours do you?"
He shook his head, "No, you know I don't." He looked up to Noah for a minute, "It is for the best, isn't it."
He nodded. "I think so, of course it doesn't have to be done. But not having him circumcised would mean extra care and cleanliness and I mean a lot of care and cleanliness. He could get an infection..." he trailed off as he remembered his own childhood. "Trust me Babe, it's better to do it now and get it over with then wait till he gets infected and has to have it done when he's 13."
Reaching over, Blackie took Noah's hand and squeezed it, "I know you're right, but not Grant and not at the hospital. You can do it. Can't you. We delivered him right here, no other doctor helped us, and I don't know. I just want you to do it."
Noah paled. "You want me to do it?"
"I think that is a wonderful idea," Anna chimed in. "You can do it? I mean you know how right?"
He made a face. "Yes I know how, it's not that hard really, just 3 small cuts."
"Well, then, Blackie is right. We brought him this far, why should we call another doctor in to do it when we have you." Giggling Anna continued, "A nice father son bonding thing, you know."
Noah shot her a look. "Not a bonding moment, but yeah I'll do it. In the morning soon enough or should I do it now?"
"The morning will do just fine," Anna smiled back, "If that's okay with you, Blackie."
"Fine with me, I'm not gonna be in the room."
Anna looked to her other side, and asked softly, "Holly? That okay?"
"It's fine, like I said it's a body part I don't even have. This is one I think is best left to the boys to decide."
"Okay then," Anna confirmed, "You'll go ahead and do it tomorrow."
"Ok." Noah answered as he picked up his glass. Noticing Blackie's apprehensive expression he smiled. "I'll be careful and quick, Babe, and then I'll bring him right to you to comfort."
"It's not that," Blackie answered. "I know you will, and I trust you. I should be there. I'm going to be there."
"It's not going to be as bad as your mind is making it out to be." he took the younger man's hand. "Let's enjoy dinner and later ok?"
Bringing the man's hand to his mouth, he kissed the back of it. "Okay, I will, and I know you're right. It'll be okay, and I'll be okay."

The Grill
Walking up to the empty restaurant, Rick looped his arm through the short blonds. Stopping and turning her to him, he leaned in and kissed her lips lightly. "You look beautiful."
The door opened and the Matre'd spoke. "Right this way Mr. Springthorpe, your table is waiting."
"Thank you," Rick answered. As they approached the table, a waiter held the woman's chair for her, and another Rick's. After, opening the bottle of wine and pouring it, one turned to the singer, "We'll start with soup in ten minutes?"
He nodded. "Thank you." As the man left he turned to Barbara. "Let's not do that again."
She smiled warmly, reaching across the table and taking his hand, "I don't want to." Bringing his hand to her mouth, she kissed the back of it, "I don't know what to say, baby, the dresses, the jewelry, the tux, the limo." She laughed, "And it's not even my birthday or anything."
He grinned. "Does it have to be your birthday to take you out and show you how much you mean to me?"
"No," she answered warmly. "I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Barbara," he said as the waiter approached.
Setting the soup dishes in front of the woman first, then the singer, the man asked. "Is everything to your liking?"
She took a small bite. "Oh gosh this is wonderful."
"We're fine right now, thank you," Rick addressed the waiter, and then turned to the woman across the table. "I'm glad you like it."
"I do. Thank you, Baby." she smiled. "Was that your car I saw peeking out from under the snow in Noah's driveway?"
He shook his head as he swallowed his food. "Stupid thing, had to put a new used transmission in it on the way here and how does it thank me, by not starting today."
She giggled. "Have you ever considered a new or at least newer car?"
"Why? That one gets me where I got to go," he said in all seriousness.
"Hahahaha ok sure it does. With a push, a couple shoves and a lot of prayers."
The light in her eyes warming his heart, he smiled back across the table to her. "We'll see. If the movie does well, maybe we can look for something. Anything you might like?"
"Something that starts when the key is turned?" she suggested. "And it would be nice if it were all one color."
"Did you see Noah's new ride? Pretty cool hu? To bad I only played a doctor on TV or I might be able to afford one of those."
She choked on her soup. "Yeah I saw it and Blackie bought that car. He works for you so if he can afford it I'm sure you can."
"Not working for me, he didn't," the singer laughed. "You forgetting his song was on top of the charts all summer long?"
"Yep, with yours right behind it."
"What are you trying to say," he laughed, "That I'm frugal?"
"Frugal?" she laughed. "I guess that's one way to put it."
"Blackie said his friend and him would take a look at the car over the weekend, hopefully they get it going again and we can at least drive it home."
"Oh no, Rick, you drove it here YOU can drive it home. It's bad enough I have to help push it out of the driveway, I am not pushing it across the country."
"You won't ride home with me?" He asked with begging eyes.
"You gonna make it worth my while?"
Reaching out and taking her hand, "I plan to."
Twining their fingers together she smiled. "This is nice."

"I'll just be a few minutes, Noah!" Blackie called out across the hall as he walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower first, he then pulled the baby monitor out of his robe pocket and held it to his ear for a moment before setting it down on the sink and dropping his robe to the floor. Getting into the shower, he stood under the hot spray for a moment. He closed his eyes, and stretched out his back.
Hearing the shower, Noah got off the bed and crossed the hall. Seeing the monitor on the sink he listened a moment then flipped the switch turning it off. Pulling back the curtain he reached out to his lover's shoulder. "Want some company?"
Startling, then looking to Noah, Blackie exhaled. "Man, didn't you ever see psycho? Yeah, I'd love some company," he finished with a warm smile.
Making a fist and pretending to hold a knife Noah laughed "Eeee eeee eeee"
Grabbing the doctor's hand, Blackie pulled him toward him, "Come here."
Shedding his robe as he was pulled into the hot spray Noah immediately wrapped the younger man in his arms and ground his hips against the man's rear.
Relaxing into the man's embrace, Blackie moaned passionately, "Ohhh, Doc," he exhaled as his eyes opened slightly and he gazed contently at the ceiling.
Letting his hands roam the younger man's body he slid them down to his groin. Fondling his hardening cock he whispered hotly in his ear. "Lookie what I found."
"MMMMMM, yeah, it likes what you're doing," He groaned under his breath, as he pushed his own arms up over his shoulder and let his fingers tangle in Noah's hair.
Stoking him slowly Noah moaned softly in the man's ear. "That feels good."
Arching his neck, and turning his head, his mouth searched for the doctor's.
Spinning and then pushing Blackie's back against the back wall of the shower, Noah moved in pressing his body against his lover's and kissing him passionately with a deep open mouthed kiss.
Letting himself be pushed back, Blackie then wrapped his arms tight around Noah's neck as he returned the passionate kisses, letting his tongue dance with the other man's. Pulling back slightly, he gasped, "Turn the water off," Then let his mouth fall back to Noah's.
Barely pulling away Noah reached back turning off the shower but flipping the lever to begin filling the tub and again turning on the water before moving back in, grabbing Blackie's wrists and pushing them above his head and holding him against the wall as he kissed him again.
Gasping, Blackie closed his eyes as he body was pushed back into the wall. Moaning in pleasure he let his body wilt a bit to exaggerate the feel of Noah's grip on his wrists.
Pulling back slightly Noah squeezed the man's wrists just enough to make him wince a bit. "You like that, boy?"
'God yes!' he screamed internally, "Yes, Sir," he answered as he let his body begin to fall to his knees.
Tightening his grip Noah brought his knee up into Blackie's stomach, gently but with enough force to keep him where he was. "Did I say you could move?"
As Noah's knee touched him, he jerked back up, "No, Sir. Forgive me?" he requested as he let his eyes fall, and noticed the water was nearing the top of the tub.
Reaching back with one foot Noah shut off the water. "You'll have to earn that forgiveness." he smirked.
Feeling the lines of reality and game beginning to blur, Blackie let his eyes meet Noah's and held his gaze a moment, before looking back down.
Looking in his lover's eyes Noah saw a mixture of fear and confusion before the younger man looked down. Letting go of his wrists he lifted his chin and after kissing him softly whispered "I won't hurt you."
'Damn it' Blackie cussed himself, as he hugged the man and returned the kiss, "I know. I do. I was enjoying the rough stuff."
"But I scared you." he stated softly. "I'm sorry I should have talked to you first." he held him close as he guided them both down into the water as a large amount splashed to the floor.
Laughing as the water poured out, he shook his head as he leaned in and kissed Noah again, "Scared me, no. For just a moment, I felt like it was leaving game realm, but it's okay. I loved you surprising me."
"It just seemed the right thing to do, but no it was just a game for me, a game I'm happy to end right now if that's what you want."
"I'm fine with that, or I'm fine with playing a little more if you want," he smiled as he hugged the man and laid his head against his shoulder. "I love you, Doc. You've given me so much."
"I love you too, Kid, so much and more each day." he kissed his cheek. "How about this, we just hold each other for a few minutes and when you are ready to resume you let me know by doing that thing you do, but before we do any of that." he looked down at the floor with a laugh can you reach up and snag a couple of those old towels so I can soak up my mini flood?"
Pushing his body up, and maneuvering in the water so he could wrap his legs around Noah's waist, he then dropped a bit and thrust his groin to Noah's, "That the thing you're talking about?"
"Uhhhhh." Noah gasped. "No, but that'll do." He shoved him back against the wall causing more water to splash to the floor. "Awe fuck it, I'll mop tomorrow."
As the man pushed his body back against Noah's causing deep friction between he two of them, "We can do it together," he offered, then grabbed Noah's hair and pulled him in, kissing him deeply.
His head going back with the force Noah moaned passionately. "That's it, Boy."
Keeping one foot locked around Noah's waist, he dropped himself down between a bit between Noah's legs, and reached up with his other foot, opening the drain, then wrapping his leg back around him, he continued to grind against the man.
Noah moaned as he pulled back slightly, wiggling away from Blackie and then lifting his legs to the younger man's shoulders. "I think I might know a better place for you to do that grinding."
"MMMM," Blackie groaned out loud, as he switched gears. Working his arm's under Noah's and moving to his knees, he worked his cock up to the man's opening and he laid him back in the now empty tub. Letting his mouth caress the man's foot and then slide down to his ankle, he pushed his way into his lover's body.
"Oh yeah." Noah moaned as he lifted his arms up and grabbed the spicket. "Pound me, Kid."
The sound of Noah's flesh being drug against the porcelain filled and echoed in the small bathroom. Blackie reached down and grabbed the doctor's hips lifting them slightly. Fulfilling the man's request, he began to drive himself in and out of his body at a nearly savage pace.
"Ahhhh, owe....oh fuck. don't stop." Noah cried out in a mixture of physical pain mixed with increasing sexual intensity.
Sliding his hands back up, he wrapped one arm tight around the man's legs, and used his other to stroke Noah's cock as he continued to fuck the man.
"OWE!!!!" Noah screamed as his head slammed against the porcelain tub, right away he felt Blackie starting to pull away. Wrapping his legs around his neck and squeezing slightly he seethed. "Don't even think about it."
Pushing his body down against the man's legs, he bent Noah' nearly in two, as he picked his pace back up, "Like this, Doc," he groaned, focusing hard on controlling his own release.
"Oh god, yes." he cried as his head banged the floor of the tub. "You feel so fucking good."
"You too, Doc," the man panted, "So good," he panted, teetering on the edge of orgasm, he tried to force his mind to wander so he could hold out on the edge just a bit longer.
Noah again tightened his legs. "Don't you hold back on me!"
"Not trying to," he gasped, "Trying to please you first," He answered with a roll of his hips.
"Want to feel you." Noah gasped as he rotated his hips and squeezed his muscles around Blackie's dick.
The added sensations pushed the man over the edge; he collapsed and moaned out Noah's name as he came deep inside his lover.
Dropping his legs down Noah let go of the spicket and almost wept, "hold me"
Collapsing his body on top of Noah's Blackie scrambled to get the doctor in his arms, hugging him tight, "What is it, Babe?" he asked softly.
"Up. Gotta sit up." he thrashed against Blackie.
Sensing fear in the other man, Blackie slid against the wet tub, to get them up as quick as he could. Holding him tight he rattled, "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry."
Kicking his foot out to again fill the tub with water Noah shook his head. "No, no you didn't hurt me. It felt amazing."
Leaning against the back of the tub, Blackie wrapped his legs around Noah's and patted his back with long firm strokes, "I love you, Noah."
"I love you too."
Pushing the doctor's hair back off his head, Blackie kissed the man's forehead, "I'm sorry I freaked out a little bit earlier. I don't know why I'm so stupid sometimes."
"You're not stupid, I should have talked to you. I shouldn't have assumed you wanted to play like that."
'I'm stupid because I can't decide if I want to or not' he said to himself as he continued to rub Noah's back. "That was rougher for you then you usually like. You sure your okay?"
"Physically." he admitted while looking deep into his lover's eyes.
"What about inside," he asked carefully as he leaned up and turned the water back off. As he leaned forward, he lightly splashed the hot water on to Noah's skin and rubbed him.
He buried his head in Blackie's neck. "Scared."
"What is it, Noah?" the younger man asked as he continued to stroke his flesh.
"He woke up."
Gasping as he realized what Noah meant, Blackie pulled him in tighter. "Because I hurt you, like your dad, that made you want to hurt me?"
"No." Noah said firmly. "I didn't WANT to hurt you, but I couldn't help what I was feeling, it was good...better the good but then he woke up and took control."
Blackie shook his head, "No, Noah, you stayed in control."
"No Blackie I didn't." he insisted. "You started to pull back and I wanted to snap your neck for it."
"Wanted to, but you didn't."
Noah pulled away. "Don't you understand Blackie? Just wanting to is wrong. I wanted to take you life because you weren't giving me what I wanted. If that's not wrong I don't know what is."
"Hey, hey, hey," He said, reaching for the man's arms and pulling him back. "I know it's wrong. I know. I also know that you didn't. I know what's inside you, Noah. You've put that behind you. And even if the urges crawl in, you have it under control."
"No no no." he cried as he pulled away. "I don't have it under control. I almost killed you not more than 20 minutes ago. Not hurt you, not pushed you, not even punched you; KILLED YOU." he climbed from the tub, grabbed his robe and fled into the bedroom where he grabbed Blackie's backpack and searched through it till he found what he was looking for. Breathing deeply as the smoke filled his lungs he sunk to the floor and began to cry.

Pulling himself from the tub, and quickly throwing towels over the puddles on the floor, mostly to warn anyone who might come in that it was wet, he grabbed his robe and quickly crossed the room. Stopping in the doorway, he was shocked to see his lover inhaling rapidly on the cigarette as he cried. He quickly searched for the right thing to say, then moved in, dropped to the floor, and took Noah's hand, "I'm here, Noah. I'm sorry I didn't understand what you were saying, but I'm not afraid of you, never will be."
"I'm afraid of me," he whispered as he exhaled. "And you have been afraid of me."
"Not that you would physically hurt me." He slid in closer. "Did you use to smoke?" he asked as Noah inhaled again.
"Not really, sometimes to make Dad mad." He shrugged. "I wanted you to hit me."
"In there?" he asked pointing back to the bathroom.
He nodded as he lit a second cigarette and looked for a place to put out the first.
Standing Blackie went to the nightstand and came back with a glass ½ filled with water, "Here, I'll clean it up later." He said as he dropped back down. "Cause you were liking the way the pain was feeling?" Blackie questioned.
"Huh uh." he mumbled. "I loved it, till I almost killed you and even then I did. I almost hoped you would back off so I could hurt you."
"Noah, we were playing rough, you know. I push you; you push me. You said you wanted me to hit you. When you've lost control before, you didn't want to be hit."
The doctor looked up. "I did, I wanted it so bad, but didn't know how to ask."
"Just ask," he offered, "I don't know if I could have. I mean I was kinda surprised about the things you had asked for. Not that it's bad, just that you've never been interested in it before."
Noah looked down at the cigarette in his hand and suddenly his stomach turned. He reached out to Blackie as sweat began to bead on his forehead. "Take this."
Taking it from his lover, he put it out in the water, and dropped it into the glass. "I think it's a good thing that we both want to play some of the old games, and try some new stuff. You know what it tells me?"
"What?" he asked.
Setting the glass down, he opened his arms to the man, "That we're feeling comfortable with each other again. You weren't going to lose control, Noah. You were trying something new, something you didn't think you'd like, and I think maybe the fact that you liked it scared you. You might have wanted to hurt back, but in that sexual pain way, not to actually kill me."
Moving into his lover's arms Noah nodded. "I think you are right, but I don't know for sure and that is what scares me." He pulled back and took a deep breath. "Hit me."
"You sure?" Blackie asked completely shocked.
"No." he admitted. "But do it anyway. Hit me and don't stop with one, hit me, hurt me, just like I did to you, it's the only way I'm going to know if the beast was really awake or not. Just promise me something."
"What?" he asked.
"That if he really did wake up and it wasn't what you said and I hit back that you won't leave me."
Pulling Noah in his arms tight he tearfully whispered in his ear, "I'll never leave you, Noah. I promise that." Taking a deep breath, he quickly pushed himself back, and brought his hand down with a stinging blow to the man's face.
"Ahhhh." he cried out as his face turned to the side. Immediately something inside him took over and he felt the rush of emotion building quickly.
'Fuck! What is he thinking! He said don't stop!" Blackie's thoughts raced as he came back down with his other open hand to the man's other cheek, then moved down a bit, slapping his shoulders and forearms.
With each blow to his body the current building inside Noah's body increased as his cries and screams began to get louder.
Trying to process what his lover was feeling and doing, Blackie fought the tears building in his eyes and then falling down his cheeks, as he pulled his arms back again and brought them back down against the man's body.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Noah shouted as he grabbed the younger man and flipped him to the floor, rolling over on top of him he raised his hand, dropped it tangling it deep in Blackie's hair and pushed his lips to his.
Feeling the rush from Noah's actions, and the relief washing over him, he reached his arms around the man's back as he deepened his kiss, and then dug his nails into the man's back, and pulled his hands down.
Noah lurched. "My god kid...why didn't you tell me it felt like THIS????"
Smiling he said against the man's mouth, "I didn't know how it would feel for you."
"Fucking incredible," he grinned. "The first smack caught me off guard, you just did it and I felt this rush, I wasn't sure if it was good or bad but then you kept going and it kept building."
Wrapping his legs around the man's waist, he lifted his hips from the ground, grinding them to Noah's. "I was scared," he admitted, "That you'd hate it, that you'd hate me."
"Never ever hate you my sexy boy." Noah smiled and quickly shook Blackie's legs off and rolled to his back on the floor, grabbing Blackie's hair and pulling him towards him. Crying out in a pleasure filled scream, he allowed himself to be pulled down to Noah.
Kissing him quickly Noah shoved Blackie's head down at the same time opening his robe and exposing his hardened organ.
Taking in the man's body as Noah exposed himself, Blackie groaned appreciatively as he began to move down his body, leaving a trail of bites as he went.
His body lurching each time the other man's teeth sunk into his skin Noah let his thoughts go. 'THIS is fucking incredible.'
Sliding his hands under the cheeks of his ass, Blackie came down, swallowing the man's length, first constricting his throat, and then moving up, both sliding his tongue and lightly dragging his teeth. He paused waiting for a reaction from his lover.
Noah's eyes shot open. "OUCH, nooooo don't do that." he complained.
"Sorry," Blackie mumbled around his flesh, then slid down and slowly worked his way back up with moist caress of his tongue.
Pushing himself up on his elbows Noah watched as Blackie worked his way up and down.
Squeezing the flesh of the man's ass and pulling him to him as he worked the man's cock over with his mouth, he set himself to pushing the man over the edge.
Pulling at Blackie's hair to push him closer and then pull him away Noah thrashed his head back and forth from side to side as animalistic sounds of lust and passion escaped from his lips.
Feeling the man's passion rushing from Noah's body to his, he clawed his fingers at the man's ass and hips as he quickened his pace and swallowed the man.
Wildly bucking his hips and moaning Noah shouted what he hoped were actual words expressing his desires.
Chuckling inside as he was able to string together enough of the passionate syllables, he moved up Noah's body, lifting his legs and biting the man's calf as he pushed himself into the man's body. "That what you want, Babe?" He asked with a groan.
Spreading his legs wide and reaching for his lover the man nodded. "Kiss me." he forced out hotly.
"Gladly," He groaned as he lowered his body over the man. Still thrusting himself in and out of him, wrapping his arms under his shoulders, he pressed his lips down kissing the man deeply then pulling him toward him, landing on his bottom with Noah in his lap.
Breaking the kiss Noah pushed himself up completely off Blackie's cock, turned a round so that his back was to the younger man and then sank back down and laid back against his chest.
Sliding his hands up the man's chest, groping it, Blackie kissed his neck and groaned in his ear. "Feels so good, Doc. .. . God. . I love you."
Letting his head fall back into the crook of Blackie's neck Noah almost whimpered. "Love you too, Kid."
Overwhelmed with emotion and physical arousal, Blackie slid his hand down the man's chest and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking it in time with the thrusts. His other hand he pushed through Noah's hair, holding his head back against his shoulder as he let his mouth fall to his. He mumbled words of love and devotion through his kisses.
"Always." Noah whispered as he twisted his hips savagely both giving and taking of the shared pleasure, his body being pushed closer and closer to orgasm.
Feeling the man's urgency, Blackie picked up the pace, both with his hand and his hips, "Come on, Babe," he moaned, "Go with it, Doc."
Pushing his arms out in a motion of submission and surrender the doctor gave into the wave of emotion inside him and climaxed calling out Blackie's name.
As Noah rode out the pleasure waves of orgasm, Blackie let go of his, riding it out with the man he loved. Leaning back, he found the foot of the bed, and pulled Noah back in his arms so they were both lying back against it. As he did his emotions released in silent tears on his cheek.
Turning Noah kissed away Blackie's tears as his own began to fall. Running his shaking fingers through the younger man's hair he whispered. "My sexy boy, my Sir."
Smiling through his tears, and running his hands over the man's face and arms, he nodded and kissed away Noah's tears as the doctor did his. "I love you so much, Noah. You make me so happy," he mumbled through his tears. "My protector and the one I will protect and defend to my death."
"And beyond." Noah returned firmly. "I love you, Blackie."

Living Room
Holly came back from Brett and Lori's room and sat on the couch next to Anna. "He's fine. They are getting ready to go to bed and have him in between them." she took Anna's hand. "I'm home Love."
Slipping her arm through Holly's she leaned in against her shoulder and nodded, "I love you, Holly. It about killed me when I thought maybe you wouldn't."
"I love you too, Anna, but I haven't been happy. It's not all your fault, but maybe some of it is I don't know. I do know Terri offered me something I'm not getting here, but I'd rather try and find it here with you then give up and run off. I love you."
She nodded as she looked up and caressed the woman's cheek, "Do you know what that something is?"
She shook her head. "I wish I did."
"We can be good again," Anna said softly as she bought the other woman's hand to her mouth and kissed the inside of her wrists.
"How?" she asked of Anna but mostly to herself. "We aren't even us anymore."
"What do you mean?" Anna questioned as she let both their hands fall to their laps.
"I don't know exactly, but it's like we have been clipped or something. Where did the fun go? Where did the danger go? I always said I would rather die at your side then alone, but now sometimes I feel like I am going to die of boredom."
"The three of us almost died in that jungle almost two years ago," Anna said matter of fact like. "That was fun?"
"Fun? No not exactly. I don't necessarily mean I want danger, really I can live without that. But do you remember when Robin was about 3 months old. We walked out the door of the house, got into the car and ended up in Rome?"
She smiled warmly, "Yeah, I do. Okay, yeah so we're not the free spirits we used to be. But now Robin has school, and we have a second baby, and," she stopped herself. "No, you're right. I'm not going to make excuses, cause you're right. We have two kids, but we have two other parents to help out. There isn't any reason why we can't do things on impulse. Heaven knows they do."
"I miss that, and I miss us being us. It's like we aren't Holly and Anna we're Noah and Blackie's girls. I want to feel alive. I want to feel like me. Terri offered me some of that. I miss it, Anna."
She nodded as she pushed her long tresses off her shoulders, "I understand what you're saying. And while I think we can do that to a point, we can't completely separate ourselves from Noah and Blackie. We share children. And to be honest, I don't want to. I like that Robin has dads who love her and that we are part of a large whacky family."
Holly smiled. "I do too, most of the time, but other time I just wanna fill up the gas tank and drive till I run out, but I can't because we don't have a car. I'm buying a car this week, I have to be able to just go if I want and not feel like I am borrowing."
"No one told you, you couldn't have a car," Anna said.
"But we never talked about getting one either." she complained.
"You're right," she conceded, "Remember when we came here we were only staying for two weeks, a month at the most. Then yeah, we decided to stay and sold everything at home, and didn't talk about replacing. I didn't know it was an issue with you. We can go tomorrow and get a car if you want a car. I love you, Holly. I haven't been trying to restrict you."
"I want a car and a horse." she smiled. "Remember the last time we went riding?"
She frowned a bit, and leaned back on the couch, "Yeah, I remember."
Holly noticed her lover frowning. "Damn it, Anna, I want my life back. I don't want to be Blackie and Noah's puppet they pull off the shelf and play with for awhile and put back anymore."
"I hear you," Anna answered. "I wouldn't want that either. Personally, I don't think that's what we are, but I hear you saying that's how you feel, and I want to try and help you feel better. I'm just not sure buying a car and horse is going to fix it. If you think it will, I'm all for it. We can have a whole stable full of horses again, is that what it's going to take for you to want me again and I don't mean physically either."
She pulled the longhaired woman into her arms. "I do want you, Anna, I swear I never stopped wanting you. But I do want you back, it feels like we have both changed so much and I don't recognize us anymore."
"Stop it" Anna begged, "You don't. You haven't in a long long time."
"I have." she insisted. "Come on, Anna, you know me. You know I hate fighting with you more than anything. If I didn't want and love you would I be here right now fighting with you?"
Pulling back out of the woman's arms, she sighed, "I guess not. And yeah, we've changed, er maybe I just did. I've had more fun these last couple weeks just getting ready for the baby and . . ." he voice trailed as she realized she was speaking of the time Holly was gone.
Holly pulled back as if she had been slapped. "I haven't been home for 2 and half weeks. Just who doesn't want who?"
"I'm sorry." Anna wept, "It's not what I meant. I've missed you like crazy, and I begged you to come home. You of all people should know how hard that was for me." She exhaled in sobs. "But everything I was doing are things I've grown to enjoy: shopping for baby clothes, playing room mom at school."
"I know it was hard for you, Love, and I enjoy those things too, but I also enjoy a little adventure now and then. I'm more than glad you aren't in danger anymore, believe me, but I still crave the people we used to be. I can't help it."
She nodded and wiped the tears from her cheek, "All I can say is I will try."
"That's all I want and I want to try too. Can you honestly tell me you're happy, completely happy the way we are now? That you don't miss the adventures we had just a little bit?"
"I'm not happy that we're not getting along, but other then that, I am. But adventure is good," she conceded.
Holly frowned internally. She had hoped Anna felt the same way. 'But maybe we can make it.' She thought to herself. "I hate not getting along with you, I just can't pretend anymore."
"I don't want you to pretend," Anna answered. "I'm going to try, Baby."
The younger woman scooted closer. "Me too."
Wrapping her arms around the woman, she pulled her in tight.

The Grill
As the waiter picked up the dinner plates from in front of the woman and himself, Rick looked up and said, "We'd like to be alone for a bit. Bring dessert in twenty minutes."
"Certainly, Sir." the man answered crisply yet not rudely.
With shaking hands, the man reached up and pulled a couple flowers from the arrangement on the table. Laying them in the palm of his hand, he offered them across to the woman.
Taking the flowers she let her fingers brush his shaking palm. "What's wrong, Rick? You're shaking."
"Scared," he let slip from his lips, as he reached into the pocket of the jacket, and clenched the box in his hand, "I love you, baby."
"Scared?" She asked confused. "Why?" she moved in and brushed his lips with hers. "I love you too."
Taking a deep breath, he slid from the chair to his knee on the floor at her side, taking her hand in one of his; he held it tight as he produced the box with his other. "I don't ever want to be separated again, Barbara. You mean everything to me. I want to settle down, I want a family . . .with you . . .and only you. Please, will you marry me?"
Her face went white and she felt faint. She couldn't have heard him right. They had talked about marriage before and he had always seemed lukewarm to the idea at best. "Will I huh?"
Taking the ring from the box, he set the empty box on the table then slipped the ring on her finger. "Marry me, baby. Please be my wife."
Tears sprang to her eyes and ran down her cheeks as she pulled at his arms. "Yes." Unable to actually pull him off the floor she pulled his head to her body and hugged him tight. "Yes, I'll marry you."
Savoring the moment he wrapped his arms around her waist and inhaled her scent. "You make me so happy. I love you, Barbara."
"I love you too, Baby." she whispered. "Please get off the floor and kiss me before I change my mind."
Sliding up her body, he wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her deeply.
Letting her arms go around his neck she moved her mouth to his neck and then up to his ear. "I don't want desert." she whispered and then moved back to his lips kissing him again.
Smiling he mumbled against her mouth, "You sure? I ordered your favorite."
"Naked you with a side of naked me?" she flirted.
"Mmmmm," he groaned then pulled away, "HAROLD!" he called out toward the kitchen, "We've decided to skip desert!"
Coming out the kitchen with 2 small boxes the man smiled. "We assumed you would, Sir."
Pulling his wallet from his pocket and coming out with a credit card he handed it to the man. "Thank you."
Accepting the card the man smiled. "Give me just a moment Sir and I'll bring you the receipt to sign."

Coming back into the room, Blackie set the baby monitor on the dresser, now turned back on. He then opened the dresser drawer and retrieved the two boxes before joining Noah in the middle of the bed. Handing him one of them, he asked, "You ready to do this, Babe?"
Nodding he looked into Blackie's eyes. "I am if you are," he replied while reaching out and laying his hand against the chosen spot on Blackie's shoulder.
"I'm ready." He said with a smile. "You want to go first, or you want me to?" he asked.
"You go first."
"Okay," the man nodded moving closer to him. "I'm ready when you are."
Reaching into the box and pulling out the dagger Noah unsheathed it and ran the tip up Blackie's body slowly, taking satisfaction in watching the man's body shudder. "Love you." he whispered as he cut into his flesh.
"Ahhhhh," he cried out as the knife broke the skin, "love you too," he grunted as the man began to mark his flesh.
After finishing the 6 Noah went right into the 2 and then the 7. Then cutting a straight line under all 3 numbers he laid the blade down and lowered his mouth to the cuts, drinking in his lover's life fluid.
Putting his hand to the back of Noah's head, he leaned in and kissed his forehead. "I love you, so much, Noah."
Unable to verbally respond Noah wrapped his arms around Blackie's body and hugged him tight.
"It's not just you and me anymore," he whispered as tears of pure elation began to slide down his cheek, "he shares our flesh . . . our blood. And the moment he took his first breath we'll wear forever," he said then let his body totally relax in Noah's arms.
Reading the signal Noah tapped his fingers against his lover's skin as he counted to 10 then pulled away. "Love you now and forever, just like we'll both love him." The doctor lay back against the pillows and then raised himself up so that his shoulder was easily assessable.
Opening the box, Blackie pulled out the scalpel and moved in, leaning in he kissed the spot on Noah's arm that would soon bear the mark. Setting it against the doctor's flesh, he swallowed then whispered, "We are one," then began carving their son's time of birth into the man's shoulder. The moment he had completed the carving, he let his mouth fall to the wound, drinking the blood.
Pulling Blackie in Noah titled his head giving the man better access in which to feed of his blood and whispered his undying love though slight winces of pain.
Noah's soft words hitting his ears, Blackie caressed his body gently as he savored the man's fluid.
Though he didn't want the feeling to end he knew he had to end it. "Count to 10, Babe." Noah said softly.
Letting one hand tap out the counts against his arm, he let his other hand find Noah's and squeezed it tight, as his mind and fingers counted, '8 . . 9 . . 10' He then pulled away, and moved up, kissing the man's mouth.
"Amazing." Noah smiled as the kiss broke. "We should get these covered right away so they scar properly," he stated, noticing that blood still ran freely down both of their shoulders.
Nodding, he pulled away and grabbed Noah's doctor bag from the floor, opening it he pulled out the gauze pads and bandages, handing them to Noah as tears began to stream down his face.
"What's wrong, my love?" he asked as he went about covering Blackie's wound.
He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I know we were going to spend the night alone, but this is about him and us. . . I'm sorry, Noah, but I want him in here with us." His words spilled from him with his tears. Soon as Noah finished, he grabbed the pads and gauze and began wrapping Noah's wound.
The man smiled. "Of course, let's get cleaned up and if you'll put fresh sheets on the bed I'll go get him."
He smiled through his tears as he finished wrapping the wound tight, "Thank you, Noah."
Sliding from the bed Noah grabbed the moist towel laying on the back of the desk chair and wiped his chest, he then tossed it to Blackie as he put on his robe. "I'll be right back love of my forever."
Pulling himself from the bed he said, "I wait with paused breath for your return, my love," As he quickly began to pull the sheets from the bed and began remaking it.

Running from the room and up the steps Noah waved at the 2 women on the couch as he ran through the living room. "Taking him into our room." he mumbled and then ran down the hall knocking softly on his sister's door.

The door opened, and Brett looked out through squinted eyes seeing Noah he said. "He's fine. He's sleeping."
"I know." he smiled, "I'm going to take him in our room."
Lori lifted him from the bed, and gently placed him in Noah's arms. "See ya later, Brodie," she said as Noah turned to leave.
Stopping and turning back just before the door shut Noah said softly. "Thanks Lori, we just want him with us is all."
She smiled, "I know. I'm kinda surprised Blackie didn't come for him sooner."
"We were busy." he grinned wickedly. "Well good night."

In the bedroom, Blackie dropped himself back down in the bed. Reaching over and fluffing Noah's pillow, he waited.
Walking into the room and closing the door with his foot, Noah smiled. "Guess who woke up on the way down?"
Smiling wide, Blackie tapped next to him on the bed then pulled himself up on his knees to look down at the baby as Noah slid in, "There's our boy. Daddy missed you," he whispered down to the child.
Grabbing a diaper off the shelf in the closet Noah grinned. "Your turn, Daddy." You do that and I'll go heat up a bottle.
"Okay, Daddy," Blackie answered as he laid the baby down on the bed opened the snaps on the sleeper to change his diaper. After finishing, he lifted the child back into his arms, leaned in and kissed the infant's cheek. Hearing Noah coming back in the room, he brought the baby back down to his lap and said without looking up, "He's such a good baby. You know he has to be hungry and he's not even crying or anything."
Crawling up into the bed next to his lover and the child, Noah handed him the bottle, "He heard me say I was going to get it." Leaning his head against Blackie's shoulder, he reached out and brushed his hand against the little one's flesh.
Laying his head against Noah's, Blackie asked, "You want to do this?"
Sliding his arm around Blackie's and tracing his hand down to the one that was holding the bottle, Noah said, "I am . . .with you."

Chapter 13

Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com