Chapter 13

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: R
Type: Het, Slash, Femslash
Pairings: Rick/Barb, Anna/Holly, Jay/Alfie, Noah/Grant
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Tipping the driver Rick slid from the limo and reached back in taking Barbara's hand. Kissing her as the driver shut the door he pulled back and turned to the man. "Thank you...good night."
As they walked up to the house, Barb threw her arms around the much taller man's neck, kissing him deeply as he lifted her off the ground and continued moving toward the dark house.
Turning on the light in the studio Rick took a deep breath and shouted. "She said YES!!!!!"

In the bed, both men and the baby were startled awake, and Brodie's cries pierced the room.

In the studio, Barb covered his mouth with a kiss, and then mumbled against his lips, "SHhhhhhhhhhhhh, they have a baby now."
"So?" he asked with a giggle as Blackie came down the hall cradling a screaming Brodie.
"So?" he grumbled. "So you get to quiet him." he put the baby in the slightly tipsy singer's arms.
"Ohhhhh, Brodie, baby," he softly soothed as he patted the baby's back, then turned to Barb, "When can we get one of our own?"
She laughed and held out her hand. "When you turn this into a little gold band."
Reaching out Noah grabbed the extended hand, "Let's see how it looks on your finger, girl." He then pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, "Just beautiful, Doll."
"Thanks." she returned as she pulled back then smacked his arm "You knew didn't you."
The doctor winked as sleepy bodies came down the stairs and from the other bedroom, "What the heck is going on?" Brett asked.
"I'm getting married, Dude." Rick answered.
Crossing and taking the baby from his arms, he smiled. "Really? Cool," then turned to Barb, "Congratulations."
"Thanks." She smiled. "Yes really, though I hardly believe it. Somebody pinch me."
"Keep your hands off her," Rick called out as Blackie leaned over to pinch her. Crossing and hugging the woman again he continued, "She's mine."
She spun and kissed the bottom of his chin. "And you're mine."
As the singer set the woman back down on the ground, Anna moved in offering a hug. "Congratulations, Rick, I'm so happy for you," she said sincerely yet her voice reflected a more somber mood.
Hearing her tone he turned her head. "Anna?"
She raised her eyebrows in questioning response.
He turned to the blond in his arms. "Go get us a couple towels, baby." and then led Anna to a corner of the room. "What's wrong?"
Smiling up at him, she said, "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm okay. Things are just kinda tense still you know," she said motioning over her shoulder.
He hugged her tight. "Want me to talk to her?"
Smiling even wider she reached up and hugged his neck. "NO, I want you to go celebrate with your pretty lady. I really meant it, Rick; you deserve this. I'm very happy for you."
"Thanks, and I am going to do just that." he turned to Noah. "Don't wait up for us."

Laughing as he crossed the room, Noah turned back to Blackie, "We weren't planning on it. Were we?" He then took the baby from Brett, "Come here, baby boy. The crazy man is going to stop screaming now."
Brett wrapped his arm around Lori's shoulder. "Come on, Darling, let's go back to bed. You have to get up in the morning."
As the others began to disperse Anna asked, "Since we're all up, maybe I should feed him. I heard you getting a bottle earlier. Did you write down in the little note book how much he took like Grant suggested?"
Blackie grinned. "He drank most of it. Just not the backwash."
Making a face at the young man, she then moved in and looked down at the child. "You hungry little guy? Or you just want to go back to snuggling with daddies?"
"I think he's ok." Noah offered. "He was sound asleep till Dork started screaming."
"Okay," She answered with a light kiss to the baby's forehead, "Good night, Brodie. Next time he is hungry bring him to me?" She requested.
"We will." Blackie said as he walked down the hall where Brodie began to cry. Stopping and turning he went back to the studio. "He's hungry."
Laughing Anna took the baby back, "or maybe he wants his mommy." As she put the baby to her breast and he began to eat she sighed, "No, he's just hungry." Moving to sit on the couch, she watched as Holly turned to go back to bed, then looked to the guys. "You want me to bring him back when he's done?"
Watching Holly walk down the hall Blackie mumbled "Yeah." and followed the other woman.

Walking into the bedroom without knocking he shot quickly. "Why did you even bother?"
Turning on her heels she shot the man a cold look and nearly shouted. "HEY! This is MY room, and I'd appreciate it very much if you allowed me and Anna some space."
"Bullshit." he yelled. "You just walked away from her. You do that and expect me to keep quiet? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"What am I supposed to do in there?" She shot back. "It's not like I can nurse him."
"No you can't, but you can be there. You can hold her...awe fuck it, I'm going back to my family." he turned and slammed the door as he stormed back to the studio.

Meeting Blackie at the doorway, Noah asked, "She coming back out?"
"I don't know and I don't care."
"Blackie," Anna nearly wept from the couch, "She needs some space to adjust, okay."
Moving into the room he dropped to his knees in front of her and laid his head in her lap. Gently stroking the baby in her arms he continued, "No, it's not ok. It's not ok for her to just walk away like that."
Letting her hand run through the young man's hair she nodded, "You're right, but it's not all her fault. Her and I are under a lot of stress right now."
"I know." he nodded. "But Brodie didn't do anything and she's rejecting him."
Sitting down on the couch next to Anna, Noah brought one arm around Anna's shoulder and laid the other across Blackie's back. "I sort of sensed earlier that maybe she feels left out of the loop, you know. I tired to bring her into the conversation at dinner." He sighed, "I don't know."
Handing the baby to the doctor she stood and maneuvered herself over Blackie. "Hang on." Walking into the bedroom she found Holly staring at her still packed suitcase.

Looking from the suitcase up to the woman she asked, "You done already?"
She shook her head. "No, but I am hurt.
"Hurt?" she asked.
"What else am I supposed to feel? You were right there for every single one of Robin's feedings and you'll barely look at Brodie."
She exhaled and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, with Robin it was the three of us, and here, now, I don't fit."
"Yes you do." she implored. "He's your son, if you want him to be. Bloody hell, Holly, he has your father's name."
Terri's words 'they probably won't even remember you' ringing over and over in her ears she fought to push them aside. "From the time I got home . . . he was with Brett and Lori, then with the guys, then in the last five minutes, you know how many hands he went from, it made me dizzy."
"Everyone in this house loves him, Holly, at least I think everyone loves him. He likes being held. Robin was a little touchy she didn't really like anyone but me and you holding her when she was brand new, but he's different."
Pulling herself to her feet she said, "I'm sorry, Anna, I don't mean to act like I don't love him, I do. I just feel on the outside of everything right now."
Reaching out her hand Anna asked. "Come sit with us while he finishes?"
Taking the woman's hand she nodded, "okay."

Looking up as the woman walked back in Blackie whispered. "It's ok, Baby boy, it's just your mommy even if she does look like the wicked witch of the west."
Holly sat down on the couch next to Anna and looked down to the younger man. She knew she had cut him deep, but what he didn't seem to understand was the torment in her own heart. "I'm very sorry," she said plainly in his direction.
"I'm not the one you need to apologize to."
Nodding, she slowly looked up to the baby back at Anna's breast, for the first time really looked at the child. Slowly reaching out, she let her hand slide up his little arm. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she took him in, "My god, he's beautiful," she whispered.
"Yeah he is." Blackie whispered. "And such a good baby, he only cries when he needs something."
Laying an arm and her head on Anna's shoulder, she continued to stroke the baby, "I'm sorry, Brodie," she whispered.
"I think he's done." Anna whispered. "Hold him?" she said to her lover.
She nodded and opened her arms but paused a moment. Letting her gaze fall to Blackie she waited needing his permission.
The man smiled. "Go ahead, mom, hold your son."
Smiling as she took the baby into her arms, she brought him in close. "He's so tiny," she smiled. "Was Robin ever this little?"
Anna chuckled. "Smaller actually. Trust me I gave birth to both of them. Robin was definitely smaller."
Blackie shook his head, "Oh, she did so good."
Holly looked down at the baby beginning to doze in her arms. "Yeah I guess he is a little bigger, but it's hard to apply the word big to someone so small."
"Compared to Caroline he seems huge you know," Blackie said as he leaned in and kissed his forehead lightly.
"He'll get bigger soon." Holly looked up. "I know you guys were going to take him to bed with you...but do you mind if we keep him with us tonight?"
"No it's fine," Blackie said then added as he looked up to Noah, "With me anyway, but can I hold him for just a couple minutes first."
As she handed Brodie to the man on the floor she looked to Noah with the question in her eyes.
As Noah dropped down on the floor next to Blackie he nodded, "Of course it's okay." The doctor then wrapped his arms around both the man and the child.
"Love you, Brodie." Blackie whispered then held him up to Noah. "Kiss Daddy."
Leaning in, Noah took the child and kissed him softly, "Love you, Brodie." Cradling him for just a moment, he turned back to the girls, "I think he's ready to go back to bed." As he laid the child back in Holly's arm he asked, "Doll, I've already taken like six rolls of film, you think you could develop at leas a couple of them for me tomorrow. If not I can run them to the one hour place, no problem."
She smiled. "I can do it, just leave them on the counter. I'll be in there most of tomorrow making reprints of the shots I took and trying to clean them up for the client."
"Thank you," he smiled as he reached down and offered Blackie his hand. "Come on, Daddy, lets go back to bed."
Standing Blackie ran his fingers over Brodie's head and then turned and whispered. "This is hard."
Noah smiled sympathetically, and then turned back feeling his own longing. "I know this is your first night home and everything, Holly, but . . . uhm . . . maybe, we could all . . . " his voice trailed a bit.
"No." Blackie said quickly. "It's ok, he can go with them. It's probably not good for me to have him all the time anyway."
Pulling his lover close Noah nodded. "Come on, let's go to bed. Someone said something about all night snuggles. It's still night."
"Yeah, okay," Blackie exhaled as he squeezed his arms around Noah's waist and walked toward the bedroom leaning on him.

Walking into their room Holly whispered. "I feel bad now."
"You shouldn't feel bad," Anna answered. "He belongs in here as much as he does over there."
Laying the baby down she lay down next to him as Anna crawled in on the other side. "You know that stuff I said upstairs?"
"Yeah," Anna replied with a soft exhale.
"I don't know if I want it so much now," she whispered lowly as she pulled the baby close and then chuckled as he tried to suckle. "Not over here kid."
Laughing through the beginnings of tears, Anna said, "I know I've been hard to live these last few months . . .Ok, I've been a real bitch at times. I'm sorry, Holly."
"It's not all your fault. I just didn't feel like I fit. The more you showed the more they wanted to touch you and I felt like you didn't want me to touch you."
"I always want you to touch me," she whispered low, hesitantly reaching out to lay her arm over the woman.
Reaching out Holly laid her hand on Anna's hip. "I still want a car, but I don't feel so trapped right now."
"Good," the woman answered, feeling for the first time in weeks that things might actually be okay.

Across the hall
Weeping against Noah's shoulder Blackie held the man tight, "Why am I being so stupid, Noah? This is sooooooo stupid.
Holding him tight he asked. "What is?"
"You'd think he was half way around the world instead of just across the hall," he wept. Noah smiled. "It's ok, Baby, what you're feeling is love."
Blackie nodded, trying to move in tighter to Noah as if it were possible.
Rolling the younger man to his back Noah rolled over on top of him, holding him tight in his arms.

Henry lay awake in the darkness staring at the clock. He had forgotten about Scott's fear of dogs when he had told Noah they'd all come visit to see the baby. The man knew Troy was a gentle dog and wouldn't hurt the young boy, but how was he going to tell that to the child who still wasn't quite over the torment he had suffered at the hands of his biological father.
Buffy rolled over and lifted her head. "Henry?"
Turning to his side, he laid his arm across his wife's frame. "What is it, dear?"
She snuggled into his side. "Why don't you tell me? You're the one mentally pacing at 4am."
He smiled as he kissed the woman's cheek. "Even though we're staying with Martin this weekend. I am sure we will be spending a lot of time at Noah's," he answered.
"That's a bad thing?" she asked and then it came to her. "We need to talk to him."
The man sighed, "I know. He's come so far, but he's still deathly afraid of dogs."
"He did pretty well at school last week when that little boy brought his puppy. He wouldn't go near it but when the puppy came to him he was ok."
"And I don't know that I've ever met a dog more docile then Troy," The man smiled. "But you're right, we have to talk to him about it. It's unfair to not prepare him for it. And there is a big difference between a beagle puppy and Troy a full grown...what is Troy?"
"That's a good question," Henry said with a laugh, then sobered quickly, "What if Scott is just simply too scared? I don't want to push him."
"Surely Noah would put the dog outside while Scott was there if we asked him to. Wouldn't he?"
He nodded, "Of course he would. We'll talk to Scott at breakfast?"
She ran her hand through his grey chest hair. "Sounds like a plan."
Wrapping his arms tight around his wife, Henry kissed her lips. "Talk about plans . . ." His voice trailed.

Sitting on the couch, Blackie pulled the afghan off the back of the couch and wrapped it around both him and Brodie as he watched and listened to the TV. "YES!!!" he called out and then turned to the child in his arms. "You hear that? Daddy gets one more day at home with you."
Looking through him the baby blinked.
"Oh, I see you're thrilled," He said with a wide smile as Noah topped the stairs dressed to go to the clinic. "I heard you're cheering. How about the high school and the preschool?"
"Both closed." he smiled.
Dropping down to the couch he said with a slight frown. "I have to go in for a few hours."
"Awe." Blackie smiled. "That's ok, we'll be here when you get back." he kissed his cheek. "You had coffee?"
He shook his head as he looked down at the infant, "I'm not leaving just yet. I'm waiting till Holly finishes at least 1 roll of those pictures. I want to put one on my desk."
Blackie laid Brodie in Noah's arms. "I'll go get you some."
"Thank you, Babe," he said, then smiled down at the child. "How about you, Brodie? Did you have your breakfast yet?"
Blackie nodded as he stood. "Anna fed him about 15 minutes ago. He probably needs changed though."
"Do you, baby?" he asked as he checked the infants diaper. As Blackie came back in the room he said, "The good thing about Lori and Robin being home today is they can help out getting ready for the company this weekend. When I get home I'll cook ahead some food."
"And I'll make like a lump on the couch with Brodie?" he asked with a smile.
The smile on the man's face being more then he could resist. He reached up and brushed his chin, "I know you better then that."
"I'll do the dusting and stuff, we got that baby backpack thing."
"I bet Brodie would love that," Noah smiled. "But no one has to knock themselves out you know. Everyone's staying over at Dad's and anyone who is checking to see how recently we vacuumed under the couch can get the vacuum out and do it themselves."
Blackie laughed. "Well I'll at least get the chocolate fingerprints off the coffee table."
"Thank you," the doctor said with a smile as he kissed the man's lips, offering him the child back. "While I drink my coffee?" he said.

Scott rolled out of bed and padded across the hall and knocked on his parent's door.
"It's open, Scott," Buffy called from the bed as she slid her hand up and down Henry's chest.
Opening the door he grinned sleepily. "Hi Mommy and Daddy. Today we go see Noah and the black guy?"
"Blackie?" Henry corrected with a chuckle as he lifted the boy up into the bed, "and not today, tomorrow."
"Yeah, Blackie." Scott mumbled as he lay against the older man. "How come I always mess up his name?"
Rubbing the boy's back Henry answered, "I don't know, cause it's kinda tricky?" he offered. "You excited to go see Noah and the new baby?" he asked.
"Uh huh, and I can tell him my new name right?" he asked and leaned across to kiss Buffy's cheek. "Moring, Mommy." then smacked Henry on the forehead. "Robin will be there too right Daddy?"
Laughing he answered, "Yes Robin, and your sister Marie with her baby. Uncle Martin said Drew's grandson Andy is coming in too as well as your cousin Randy; they're both just about your age. So there will be lots and lots of kids to play with. And yes, you can tell everyone your new name. You want to practice it on me?"
He nodded. "I used to be Scott Anthony Baker Jr. but NOW my name is Martin Scott Drake." he beamed. "That's what the judge said last week. Right, Daddy?"
"That's right, but you still like to be called Scott. Right?" Buffy asked.
"Uh huh, cuz sometimes I forget my name is Martin now."
"You'll have to tell Uncle Martin as soon as we see him," Henry said with a smile.
"We gonna see him tomorrow?"
"Yes we are," the man answered and looked over to his wife, trying to find the way to broach the subject of the dog.
Buffy smiled warmly. "Scotty Baby, remember at your school when Eddie brought his new puppy to show and tell?"
Turning within himself a bit the boy nodded, "Yes."
"And do you remember that Christmas card Noah sent us of his family in New York?"
"Uh-hu," the boy giggled and answered quickly, "with Noah, Blackie, Anna, Holly, Robin, and the silly dog with the scarf and Santa hat on!"
Henry smiled. "That's right. Do you know the dog's name?"
The boy thought a moment, and then shook his head no.
"His name is Troy and he lives at Noah's house."
The boy quietly contemplated for a minute before asking, "Troy a nice dog?"
The man nodded. "Troy is a very nice dog, Son."
Crawling from Henry into Buffy's arms, he asked, "And you and mommy won't let no dog hurt me. Right?"
"No honey of course we won't." she smiled as she held the little boy close. "In fact I bet if we ask Noah, he'll put Troy outside."
"Okay," he said quietly.
Henry rolled to his side and ruffled Scott's hair. "You scared, Son?"
"A little bit," he nodded.
"You want to tell us about it?"
"I don't like dogs," he said simply.
"All dogs?"
"The puppy was okay I guess," He answered, and then moved in tighter to Henry, hugging his neck.
"Troy isn't a puppy. He's all grown up. You might like him better then the puppy. Mommy told me the puppy jumped all over you?"
The boy nodded, "I was scared at first, but then I saw the puppy was little and wouldn't hurt me."
Henry hugged his son tight. "Troy isn't little Scott, but he won't hurt you. I can promise you that."
"If I don't like the dog we can leave and go back to Uncle Martin's?" he asked.
"Yes, or we can ask Noah or Blackie to put Troy outside."
"Okay, then," he said a little more confident then before and then turned to Buffy, "Mommy can we have pop tarts for breakfast?"
"Ask your Daddy. It's his turn to cook."
"Pop tarts?" Henry asked with raised eyebrows, "We got the strawberry ones with the frosting?"
"2 Boxes, Daddy." Scott cheered.
Turning to sit on the bed he motioned for Scott to climb on his back, "Well, that sounds good to me. Let's go."
Buffy snuggled down in the blankets. "You'll find then right next to the wheat germ, Henry."
Making a gagging noise as he left the room, he looked up to Scott and made a face. "I won't tell Mommy if you a Pop Tart, Daddy." the boy whispered loudly.
"Thanks, son," he whispered back.
Rolling out of bed and following her husband and son down the steps Buffy laughed. "I won't tell either."

Oak Street

Sitting in the car, Alfie looked up at the house for a minute then leaned up between the seats, "Thanks, Devin and Charlie for letting us stay and the ride over here."
Dev smiled. "No problem, you want us to go in with you?"
Squeezing Jay's hand in his he said, "Nah, thanks, Jay's here, and I don't want to overwhelm them either coming in with a bunch of people. We'll see ya around?"
Charlie leaned over the seat. "You guys are coming to that party this weekend right?"
Alfie looked to Jay with question in his eyes and Jay nodded, "Yeah, sure we will. Thanks."

Mary and Sean stood at the window. "Why is he just sitting out there? Go get him."
Sean looked cross-eyed at his wife of many years, "Oh there's a good first impression, be patient, Mary. I'm sure he's nervous."
"So go get him and tell him he doesn't have to be."
"Mary!" Sean said firmly, "Me walking out to that teenage boy and treating him like he's 4 in front of his friends is going to help him how?"
She watched as the car door opened. "Here he comes. Come on, we have to get away before he sees us."
"Like he could miss you," Danny smarted off as he topped the basement steps. Putting on his jacket he asked, "You said you wanted me to take something to Blackie's?"
She jumped onto the arm of the couch trying to look natural. "Yeah, there is a bag on the table. Take it and come right back here, I'm going to take Alfie shopping with the check Dr. Webber gave us and you have to help him carry stuff up to his room."
Shaking his head he said, "Okay, I got some contracts to go over with Blackie first, but then I'll come home." Grabbing the bag from the table, he opened the door as Alfie and Jay were topping the steps. Extending his hand he said, "Hey, I'm Danny, Mom's in there on the couch pretending she's not nervous. I'll see ya later."
Shaking the man's hand Alfie laughed. "Alfie. You're Tommy's brother right? We met you at Blackie's house?"
He nodded, "Yeah, that's right." Motioning to the bag in his hand, "In fact I'm delivering this to them now. You got anything you need help bringing in?" he asked. "Nah, I ain't got nothing."
Coming to the door, Sean turn back to his wife and exhaled, "Alfie? I'm Sean, why don't you come on in."
Walking past Danny, Alfie slunk into the house and nervously shifted from foot to foot. Starting to reach out to the boy, but then just as nervously shoving his hands in his pocket the man said, "We're both really happy you're here, Alfie. Mary's worked real hard to get the room upstairs ready for you and well, just make yourself comfortable."
He reached for his boyfriend's hand. "You gonna make Jay leave?"
Mary shook her head, "No, Alfie, we're not."
Jay leaned in and whispered "Baby, relax ok. He's not your dad."
Laying his head against Jay's shoulder for just a moment, he nodded, and then looked up. "I'm sorry. I'm just kinda scared," he admitted with a slight blush.
Sean nodded. "We understand, but you don't have to be scared of us. You think maybe you might want to see your room? Danny left some posters and stuff up there, you can hang any or none of them."
"Sure," he nodded. "And that was nice of Danny. I really didn't need a room. I don't have anything to put in one."
Sean laughed. "You do too, you and Jay are going to want some privacy now and then right? And you will, As soon as your ready Mary is taking you shopping."
"Thank you," he said again as he followed the man up the steps with Mary following them.

In the attic Jay's eyes fell to the bed. He slid his arms around Alfie's waist from behind and whispered in his ear. "Red sheets???"
Smiling under his boyfriend's touch, his eyes scanned the room. He looked up to the couple. "This is really nice Mr. And Mrs. Higgins, Thank you."
"You're welcome." Mary smiled. "There are some clothes in the closet, Danny's old ones but they should fit you and we can go shopping whenever you'd like." She pointed to her left. "That's your bathroom, be careful the shower is a little slippery, and if I'm doing laundry you can't flush or shower, you won't have water."
A bit overwhelmed, he smiled, "You're so nice, but you don't have to buy me clothes. I have money. You're giving me a place to live."
She shook her head. "Honey, no, it's not that we wouldn't buy you clothes but Dr. Webber gave us a check and a clothing voucher so that we can get you all things you need. We'll get money each month to care for you. Some of that goes to food, some to our bills and the rest will go to you for the things you need. They said we could just give it to you as long as you are responsible enough to buy the things you need. There is a bunch of rules about what you can and can't and have to spend it on but we can sit down and go over those later ok? Oh and before I forget it, I do laundry every Saturday starting at 7am. If your clothes are not in the basement by then you won't get them washed. Anything that comes in after 7 won't be washed till the next week. In your bathroom is the laundry chute, just toss your stuff in there. Oh and a big rule here, if you don't have them in on time there is no way you can possibly talk me into believing you did as I take the bag off the end of the chute myself. I do that at exactly 7am."
Smiling wide he nodded, "Okay, well in that case I guess we can go shopping whenever."
"Awe Baby, I wanna try out the red sheets." Jay whispered very quietly.
Looking out the window Sean said, "Honey, I know you're anxious to do this, but the snow plows are still working on digging the city out. I'd feel so much better if you waited a couple hours. Besides that will give the boy some time to just relax and get comfortable."
"Yeah, I wanna comfortable." leered Jay.
Wiggling in Jay's arms a bit Alfie nodded, "You know, that's a really good idea. Can we do that, Mrs. Higgins?"
She smiled. "Sure, are you boys hungry? I can make some sandwiches and bring them up."
Shaking his head, Alfie said, "Not now, we just had a big breakfast at the dorm, but maybe before we leave that would be good."
"Something to drink then?" She asked.
"No go away, we wanna fuck." Jay growled almost inaudibly in his ear."
Grabbing the woman's arm, her husband said, "Mary, don't smother the child. Give him some time to adjust." Looking to the two teens, he said, "If you get hungry or thirsty, you go back down the steps, and through the living room to the kitchen. I'm sure you can find it."
"Thanks." Alfie said as Jay noticed the boom box on the shelf. "Can we use that?
"Of course, honey, that's why it's there," the woman said. "If you need anything we're downstairs," she continued as she hesitantly left the room closing the door behind her.
As the door at the bottom of the steps shut Jay spun Alfie in his arms kissing him wildly. "Take your clothes off before I rip them and YOU have to explain to Mary why they are in shreds."
Leaning back enough to pull the t-shirt from his body he laughed, "What's got into you?"
Dragging the teen to the bed he mumbled. "Red sheets." He ran his hand over them. "Oh look she ironed them. Come on, let's mess em up."
Tugging at Jay's shirt and getting it off his body, he held the other teen close, stroking his back. Through deep passionate kisses he moaned, "feels good to be completely alone."
Wiggling out of his jeans Jay ground his hips down to the other boy's. "Yeah it does. We prolly got school tomorrow."
Groaning then rolling them both so Jay was on his back, he lifted up just enough to pull his pants down off his hips, "Then we better make good use of today."
"No Baby, that's not what I meant." he kissed him softly. "I mean we'll be back in school tomorrow."
"Ohhhh," he said softly, then laid down atop of the boy, draping his arms around his shoulders, "and we're going to have to pretend again."
"Uh huh, I mean we don't HAVE to any more, and I guess we can tell our friends if you want. All of them, but I dunno if we should be all open and junk unless you want to."
"I don't know," he answered. "I'm not even sure how are friends would react."
"Flea knows right? She's cool and Lori knows." he thought for a moment. "Maybe just the girls? I dunno why but I think the girls would be cooler then the team or any of the other guys."
"Well, Lori lives with Noah and Blackie so she understands, and Flea has been friends with them for a long time. You know what I mean. But you might be right about the girls. The guys on the team I think would freak a bit."
"Probably." he answered. "I dunno I wish we were older. EVERYONE knows about Noah and Blackie and they don't care. Neither do Charlie and Devin and they are BARELY older than us."
"I know," Alfie answered. "But for now, I think just the people we trust."
"Yeah, and Tommy too. I mean you live here now."
He nodded, "He'll be okay, won't he. I mean his mom and Dad are cool, and Danny seems cool."
"He'll be cool, he knows Noah and Blackie and Charlie and Devin." He kissed his boyfriend softly. "I think you are going to be way happy from now on."
"I think so too," Alfie smiled as he leaned back down and began kissing Jay's neck. "Mmmm." Jay purred. "And I think I am gonna way happy in a few minutes."
"Me too," Alfie answered.
Jay arched his hips as Alfie's hand slid over his cock and down to his leg. "Hey, no teasing."
"Who's teasing?" the boy smirked as his hand continued to grope the man, moving from his inner thigh, back to his balls, then his hardening cock.
His head rolled back into the pillow. "Feels so good. Can we do that thing we talked about? That thing we watched C and Dev do?"
Moving his legs to the inside of Jay's and sliding his hands up to the teen's wrists, he moved the boy's arms and legs till he was laying spread eagle on the bed, "That thing?"
"The thing where you can do whatever you want and I'll let you." he panted softly with anticipation.
"Whatever I want?" the boy growled low as he moved down, kissing at the other's shoulder as he pushed his hips down to Jay's and circled them against the teen.
Wanting to wrap his arms around the other boy he groaned. That had been against the rules for Devin. "Uh huh, whatever you want."
"And you're just going to lay there and just let me, and just take it," He continued to moan as he slid down further now licking and biting at the teens nipples.
"Whatever you say." Jay's body shuddered. "Then maybe some time you'll let me do it to you?"
"Mmmmmmmmmm, uh-hu," the boy moaned as he inched down and let his tongue slide along the length of the man's throbbing cock.
Twisting his fingers into the sheets Jay moaned loudly as his hips bucked. "You're teasing me."
"No, I'm not," he answered then let his mouth encase the teen's organ as his hands moved lower.

In the kitchen Mary slid a bologna and cheese sandwich onto a plate with 3 others. "I bet they are hungry. Grab some chips and a couple cans of pop. "Let's take these up." she directed to her husband.
"Mary Jo Higgens!" The man insisted taking the plate from the woman, "I know you're not deaf. Why are you trying so hard?"
"I'm not. He said he was nervous, so maybe he wouldn't know it's ok to say he was hungry. Besides he doesn't have a TV or any books or anything up there so they don't have anything to do. I'll take them food, they can eat then they have something to do."
"No, you won't." He said firmly. "He asked us for some time to just get comfortable here, and you need to give it to him. You don't want to smother him, do you?"
"No, but maybe we should at least take that little black and white TV up. We never use it anymore."
"We can do that, but not now." Gently pulling his wife over to the table, and encouraging her to sit next to him he continued, "The boy's been through a lot merely for who and what he is. I just think we should give him the space to be himself. You know what I mean, be here, be supportive, but give him time and room."
Suddenly she understood what her husband wasn't telling her. "Now, upstairs? Here? You think it's ok to let him?"
"Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but I don't see the harm in it, not like one of them is going to get knocked up."
"No I guess not, and he's here because he couldn't at home right?"
"Well, I think it's more then because he couldn't, but yeah."
She looked at him sternly. "I know that Sean Thomas Higgins, I meant that oh never mind you're right and I am over reacting."
"So, what do you say you and me kill some time?" the man asked with raised eyebrows.
"It's not Sunday."
"So what do you say we do it anyway," he asked again with a smile.
"And twice on Sunday too?" She firted. "Or are you taking one of those away?"
"Depends, woman, you might be able to talk me into three times on Sunday."
She moved into his lap. "Oh my, it must be my lucky week. You taking vitamins?"

Jay panted as Alfie stood on the floor next to the bed slowly running his fingers down his body from his fingertips to his toes. "You ARE teasing me."
"And you love it," the boy challenged.
He blushed. "Uh huh. Feels so good." he arched his back indicating he was ready for more than just being lightly touched.
Sliding back up into the bed, the teen moved between his legs, kneeling on the bed. With a swift move, he lifted Jay by the hips and lowered him down on his lap.

Noah walked through the front door of the clinic and over to the counter, picking up the files that were sitting on the counter, "Lot of walk ins?" he asked.
Claudia looked up from behind the counter, "Noah! I didn't expect you to come in today. How's the baby?" She asked with a bright smile.
Smiling just as wide, he pulled an envelope from the inside of his leather jacket. Opening it and coming out with the pictures, he handed them to the woman, "He's perfect. I only came in to meet with the pharmaceutical rep, but we have a lot of walk-ins today?" he asked again.
"Oh yeah, Grant and Tim are seeing them as fast as they can."
"Give me about five minutes, and I'll help them," he smiled. Noticing a particular girl in pigtails and her mother waiting, he excused himself and crossed the room. "Hey, Jenny, How's the arm doing?" He asked as he knelt in front of her and moved his hand into hers. "Squeeze your fingers around mine, sweet heart."
As the girl complied with his request, he smiled and turned to her mother, "seems to be coming along just fine. Does it hurt anymore, Jenny?" he asked.
"Nuh-uh, Dr. Noah," the girl answered.
Tugging lightly on her pigtail as he stood he said, "That is great. We'll get you back in an exam room here in a couple minutes and get a good look at it, okay. Maybe we can lose the cast today."
"Thank you, Dr. Drake," the child's mother answered.
"You're welcome," he answered as he made his way back to the counter.
Claudia handed the pictures back to the man. "He's so cute," she fawned.
"I think so," he beamed. "I'm going to go back and help the Grant and Tim with patients. When the rep gets here, show him to my office and get me?"
"Certainly," Claudia answered.

Ninety minutes later
Seeing the representative out of his office, he smiled when Grant stopped in front of his door. "Give me five minutes and I'll get back to the patients."
"No need, Noah," the man said. "We got it all caught up. In fact we got enough time to grab a bite before the afternoon appointments start. You want to go down to Kelly's and grab a bite."
He frowned slightly, "I'd love to, man, but I can't." Walking back into the office he motioned for Grant to follow him. Picking up the newly framed picture of Blackie with the baby he showed it to Grant. "No one else knows this but I'm going up to see my mom."
Grant's face fell. He had had several conversations with Noah where his mother had been mentioned. "Really?"
"I've been wanting to for months," the man insisted. "Blackie wants to go with me, but he's busy with school and everything, and I know he doesn't want to leave Brodie to do it." He took a deep breath, "There's not great love between him and her."
"From what you told me there's not a great love between her and anyone."
Taking the picture back from his friend, he looked down at it. "She's sick. She's been getting treatment since May, maybe things are different."
"You want some company? Alan has been kissing JL's ass lately. I could probably twist his arm to come down here and I could go with you."
He started to shake him off, then stopped, "You wouldn't mind?"
"Nope." he replied. "Should I call in big brother?"
"Are we booked this afternoon?" Noah asked.
"I'd have to check, but I don't think a whole lot. I know Mrs. Gonzales is coming in for her TB results, but that is only because she is my patient."
"You comfortable letting Tim handle that, or you want to stay or have Alan deal with her."
Grant laughed. "Tim is just fine, I suggested Alan more for your benefit than mine."
"Let's do this, call Alan and see if he can be available if Claudia calls. If Tim can handle everything, I'd rather leave it at that."
"Ok." he picked up the phone and dialed the hospital. "Dr. Quartermaine please.....Alan." After a moment he was transferred. "Hey Alan it's Grant."
"Grant," the man greeted coldly, "What's going on?"
'Ah hell.' The younger man said to himself at his would be in law's tone. "I need a favor."
"And that would be?" He asked.
"I need to know if you can maybe work a 1/2 shift here at the Parrish Clinic."
Looking from his report, to his appointment book, he asked, "When?"
"Today." He answered. "I don't know for sure if you will be needed or not. If so it would be for walk-ins and we only charge them 2% of a week's pay and you would get half of that. I know it's not much or in some cases anything at all."
"Like on call?" the man asked. "Noah will call if he needs me?"
"Yeah on call and no it will either be Claudia or our other full time doctor Tim Matthews."
"That's fine, Grant. I will be here in my office trying to dig out from under this mountain of paperwork if they need me. And will you let Noah know that I'm more then willing to help whenever I can. The pay scale really isn't an issue."
Grant's jaw dropped. "Uh...really? Ok I will and thanks."

"What did he say?" Noah asked.
"He said it's cool and." he guided his friend to sit on the edge of the desk. "That if you ever need any help to give him a call, the pay scale doesn't matter."
"WOW!" Noah said in shock, "Uhm, okay, that's good to know." Turning behind him, he picked up the envelope of pictures. "Let's go, I want to get home before I'm missed."

Forrest Hills Sanitarium
Slowly walking down the hall with Grant and his mother's doctor, Noah stopped and shook his head. "I can't bring her into my home. I'm not able to give her the supervision she needs and I have young children."
"She's improved greatly since she's been on Thorazine, Haloperidol, Clozapine and Lithium," the man responded. He nodded as he felt himself being torn in two, "I need to know that, Doctor. I've seen her at her worst. If she's willing to hurt herself like she did I don't think she'd think twice about hurting someone else."
The man flipped through the file. "This is the first time you have been to visit."
Embarrassed by the fact, he only nodded.
"Ok, take your visit and then we can talk about this again? At this point her insurance is no longer willing to pay for in patient care. I can't release her to anyone but family so the financial responsibility has to fall somewhere."
He nodded, and pointed toward the room, "She's in there? Does she know I'm here?"
"Yes she does, however I wasn't aware she had 2 sons," he looked to Grant and back to Noah.
Noah shook his head, "This is my friend and Colleague, Dr. Grant Putnam."
"Oh, I apologize. In that case only you, Dr. Drake, will be able to go in."
"He's a doctor," Noah insisted suddenly afraid to go into the room.
"He's not a relative, Sir." The man stated.
Noah nodded and turned to Grant. "I'm sorry. You want to wait up front?"
The brown haired man shook his head. "I'll wait right here and if you need me you yell for me, relative be damned."

"Thanks," he half smiled then swallowed hard and slowly crossed the hall. He then opened the door and went in. As his mother turned from looking out the window, he pushed out with a shaky voice, "Hello, mother."
The woman turned. "Noah, Baby, you've come to take me home?"
He smiled, and then felt his heart drop. "I came to visit with you and to talk about it." He slowly walked across the room to her, fighting the instinct to turn and run.
"Just visit? You said on the phone you'd talk to that man of yours about me coming to stay with you."
"That man?" he said out loud, and then as he realized she meant Blackie frowned a bit. "We have talked about it. I had to talk to your doctor too, which I did. He says you're doing much better."
"Oh Baby, I am just fine. Always was, I'd be even better if I could get out of here and stop taking all those dreadful pills."
Stopping dead in his tracks and nearly gasping, Noah asked, "What did you say?"
She moved forward wrapping her arms around her son and hugging him. "I don't need them, Noah."
Tensing at first, then relaxing into the woman, he sighed, "Your doctor says they're helping you."
"Oh baby he's a nice man but he doesn't know me. So I have some bad days now and then, most of the time I am fine. You know that."
He patted her back, but then pulled away and walked to the window reminding himself exactly what he did know of her and her actions. "I think the medications are a good thing."
"It doesn't matter, we can talk about it another time. You will be telling that man that it is your house and he can't stop me from staying with you?"
He turned sharply, "It's our house, Mom, and he's not 'that man'. He's my husband."
"Oh still on that kick huh." she smiled icily. "When are you going to find yourself a nice girl and give up this gay thing?"
He exhaled slowly, and walked toward her, reaching out for her hand he motioned to the bed, "Come sit with me for a minute?"
Staying in game mode she followed him to the bed and sat down smiling at him.
Trying to remind himself she wasn't just cold, she was ill, he dug deep to control his emotions, "I know it's hard for you to understand, Mom, but Blackie and I are so happy together." Reaching into the pocket of his jacket he came back with the envelope. "You remember on the phone me telling you about how we were having a baby."
"Oh course." she smiled. "I just don't understand how you could."
Opening the envelope he pulled out the pictures and smiled down at the top one, "I explained this to you mom. You remember Anna. He was born January 30th, 6:27 pm," he paused as he handed the picture to her, and anxiously watched her face for reaction.
Looking at the photo she asked bitterly. "What's wrong with him?"
"What do you mean?" He asked shocked reaching for the pictures.
His eyes, they are too green and his skin is too dark. Why does he look like that?"
"They're green like Blackie's, Mom, his darker complexion too," He exhaled trying to hold his tears back, damned if he'd let this woman do it to him again.
She dropped the one remaining photo she still had on the floor. "He's ugly, put those away."
Nearly falling from the bed to pick it up from the floor, he started for the door. "Noah, Baby, wait I'm sorry."
With his hand on the door, he stopped. Unable to turn he said to the door, "No you're not. You mean it."
She walked towards him. "I do, but I probably shouldn't have told you. You just aren't ready to accept it yet is all."
He turned back facing the woman, "Don't call my house anymore. Don't call the hospital looking for me. As far as I'm concerned you can rot here, then rot in hell!"
She turned away pretending to cry. "You're my son."
"Believe me if I could change that I would. Never, not once in thirty two fucking years have you ever been anything remotely like what a mother should be and I'll be damned if I let you anywhere near the people I love because of biology."
Not responding she continued to make crying sounds while smiling down at the ground. Spinning back to the door, he grabbed the knob turned it and left the room. Walking across the hall, he leaned against the wall next to where Grant was standing and focused hard to push his pain deep inside. After a moment, he slammed his fist into the cinder block wall, "FUCKING BITCH!"

The man jumped. "What happened, Noah?"
"Same ol' shit," he spun, laying backing against the wall and sliding down a bit as tears fell down his cheeks, "Asked when I was going to get over being gay and marry a nice girl, insulted my baby."
"Did you tell her never if you can help it?" Grant asked and gently took Noah's hand in his. "Hurt?"
Flinching as he moved in front of Grant, he moaned through a slight laugh at Grant's joke. "Like fucking hell."
Looking over Noah's shoulder the man noticed that they were being watched by the woman in the room. "Kiss me." He said softly. "Don't think just do it."
Looking at his friend's face and in his eyes he got a notion of what he was doing, and inched forward dropping his mouth to his friend's.
Sliding his arms around Noah's back and his hands up his back in slow exaggerated movements Grant let his right hand make a fist and then extended his middle finger towards Natalie as she watched.
Pulling back slowly, he looked into Grant's eyes raising his brows in question as to what was going on.
Cocking his head he motioned to the window in the door.
Slowly turning, he looked to the door and shot a hateful glare at his mother.
Noticing the doctor coming down the hall Grant took Noah's hand. "Now would be a good time to go."
Flinching in pain, he pulled back, "Okay, but can you drive?"
"Oh shit sorry." He said as he slid his arm around Noah's waist. "And yeah I can and I would love to."

The approaching doctor, called out, "Dr. Drake, can we discuss your mother's release now?"
Noah turned. "She's not coming home with me." Was all he said and then continued to walk down the hall.

Higgins's house
Still lying on his back Jay stared into Alfie's eyes as the other boy lay on his chest. They're breathing returning to normal. "That was sweet."
"Definitely," the other teen answered.
"But you were mean, teasing me," he faked a pout.
Sliding his hand up the boy's body and tickling at his ribs he laughed, "quit being such a brat. You loved it!"
Jay smiled and wiggled under the tickling. "Hey Babe, you know that party we talked about after the party this weekend?"
He took a deep breath. "You think maybe they could kiss me this time? I think it would make it better. And maybe if you want you could kiss them too."
Alfie laid his cheek on the boy's chest, truth be told kissing either of the boys was something that interested him. "Yeah, I think it'll be okay." He looked up into his eyes, "Cause you love me, right?"
He tightened his arms around the boy. "Of course I do." he kissed his lips. "Very very much."
"And I love you too," Alfie smiled back. "You know what, I think I'm going to like it here."
Jay grinned. "Here? On top of me? I thought you knew you liked it here."
Smacking the boy's chest, he laughed, "I do know about that! I meant here, this house. They seem really nice."
"Yeah they do, I never doubted it though. Blackie said they were cool and we can trust him." He sighed and stretched a bit. "We should get up, but I don't really wanna."
Pushing himself up the boy's body, so he had to lean down to kiss him, he smiled. "I don't want to either, but you're right, we probably should."

Sean looked up from the television as the 2 boys came down the steps. "Hey guys." He said and then went back to the news.
"Hey, ahm, Mr. Higgins," Alfie stumbled. "She in the kitchen?"
"Sean." The man corrected as he nodded. "Or Dad or Pop or whatever you want, just not Mr. Higgens."
He smiled, "Thanks, Sean. Is uhm she ready to go shopping?"
The man laughed. "Since the day she was born. But before you go do you mind if we all sit down and go over the rules? What we expect from you, what you expect from us and what the county expects from all of us."
"That's fine," he nodded as he pointed to the couch with question.
"Sure." he looked up to Jay. "You mind turning that off for me and telling my wife to get in here?"
"Sure," he smiled as he walked over and flipped off the TV, and then went in search of Mary.

Alfie sat nervously on the older somewhat broken down couch and then moved as he was goosed by a loose spring.

A moment later Mary came back from the kitchen with Jay wiping her hands on a dishtowel. Sitting in the chair next to her husband, she smiled at the boy, "I hope you like meatloaf."
He smiled. "I do. I like about anything really. I'm not picky."
"Good," she answered then turned to Sean, "Where should we start?"
"Uh I guess we explain our rules." He turned to Alfie as Jay sat in a wooden rocking chair off to the side. "11PM curfew on school days NO exceptions. No curfew on weekends, summers and holidays; but do let us know if you plan to be out all night so we can lock up and not worry." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. "Front door, back door and Mary's car, you do drive right?"
"Uh-hu," he answered with a slight smile as he took the keys, then turned to the woman. "You'll let me use your car?"
"Yeah." She answered. "But it comes with responsibility. You replace whatever gas you use, have it washed once a month or do it yourself and if I need you to run errands you do them."
"Certainly," he answered. "Thanks."
Sean continued on. "Mary's car if it's here for you to use at will, but you don't keep it out all night. There is a spare key for my truck by the back door. You may use my truck only with permission."
"Yes, sir," he answered.
"Dinner is at 6 every night except Sunday, that's when we go out. If you aren't here and at the table by 6:30 Thor, the neighbors dog will eat good and you can find the peanut butter in the pantry, the bread in the bread box and the jelly in the fridge."
He nodded, "Okay. But I'm usually to work by that time anyway."
Mary cut in. "In that case you'll find dinner warming in the oven when you get home." She smacked her husband's shoulder. "Why didn't you find out his schedule first?"
"It's okay, Ma'am," Alfie continued. "You don't have to go out of your way for me. Ruby usually offers me food, and if she doesn't I have money or a sandwich is fine."
She smiled. "It's no trouble, honey. I'll make dinner and you can eat if you want."
Sean took her hand. "You already know they laundry deal. That's about it as far as hard and fast rules. Oh and during football season the TV is mine and if you are in the room your name is "hey you change the channel."
He smiled as he stuck his hands in the grey sweat jacket he had found in the closet, "Okay, that's cool."
"Now, what do you expect of us?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know." Looking to Jay, he then turned back, "Just understand that I am what I am, I guess. I mean I wouldn't change for my parents; I won't for anyone else."
The man smiled. "We understand, Son, but I meant more of do you have anything specific you need from us or would like us to do. I thought your presence here spoke for the understanding."
"It does," he said sincerely. "And I'm really grateful for that so I mean, no, I can't think of anything right now."
"Ok, if you come up with something, think nothing of talking to us."
"I will," he answered.
"Let's move on to the bureaucratic bullshit the county laid down for us. Since you are over 14 you are legally permitted to be responsible for your own monthly allowances."
"Okay," he answered, "And what does that mean exactly?"
"You'll get 50 dollars per month starting today. Depending on the month a certain amount between 10 and 25 must be spent on clothing, and you must buy certain items. We'll tell you how much to spend and what to buy when we get the money. Every 6 months you will get an extra 25. You need to buy shoes at these times. You need to spend no less then 15 per month on entertainment. Dinner does not count, but dinner and a movie does. Renting video at the video store does, buying a new tape or something does not. You are also responsible for your personal hygiene products such as deodorant, toothbrush, razor and blades. Things only you would be using. The paper also said birth control."
Alfie blushed slightly then looked up to Jay and back to Sean, "Okay."
"Don't guess we have to worry about that one now do we." He grinned. While I'm thinking about it, we won't stop you or question you about your sex life, just when you're home make sure you come up for air now and then." He smiled warmly. "When you buy things using county money make sure you get receipts for everything, they have to be turned in. That includes hot dogs at the roller rink. I'm glad you have a job; you'll have money coming in, as the county money won't go that far. If you need more, feel free to ask but also be prepared that we might have to say no. It's nothing against you we just don't have a lot to spare most of the time."
"Okay, thanks, Sean," He paused, "Both of you are being so nice, I don't really know what to say."
Sean smiled. "Just say that you feel comfortable enough to consider this your home."
Alfie grinned. "I think I do, and if you don't mind Mary you think that meat loaf could be put in the fridge for tonight?"
"I uh guess so why?"
"Because I'd like to take everyone out tonight. You know…to celebrate. Then we can do that shopping thing."
She smiled. "Sure, but you don't have to pay for us."
"I know." He grinned and took Jay's hand. "I want to is that ok?"
Crossing the room, she sat next to the teen-age boy, "It's very okay that you want to, Alfie, but you've worked very hard for your money and I would rather see you using it for you."
Alfie frowned. "But this is for me."
Seeing how much it meant to the boy, and remembering the pride all to well from when Blackie was younger, she smiled slightly and nodded. "Okay, if you really want to."
He smiled slightly. "I want to. Where you want to go and not Kelly's, somewhere nice."
"They just opened that place with the guys name over there by the university, you know which one I mean, Mary?" Sean spoke up.
Jay cut in. "Bob Evans, oh man let's go there."
"That does sound good," Alfie smiled. "Can we get Tommy and Danny and go?"
"Sure, but Danny isn't home yet. Do you mind if Claudia goes too?"
"No, not at all."
"Great." She turned to her husband. "You want to go out to the garage and get your son so Thor's ears can have a break? We can all pile in the truck and pick up Danny and Claudia on the way."

Chapter 14
