Chapter 14

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: PG-13
Type: Slash
Pairings: Blackie/Noah
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Carefully boosting himself up on the edge of his desk, Noah looked down at his swelling hand that had quickly bruised. Rolling his head back he struggled against his emotional and physical pain, "It's fucking broke isn't it. . . I can't believe I broke my hand!! Fuck!! Grant what am I going to do?!"
Looking at the X-Ray Grant nodded. "Yeah it's broke, actually you crushed the Triquetral. You're going to need surgery, in my opinion."
"SHIT!" he cussed running his uninjured hand through his hair as his complaints quickly spilled from him, "Why do I let her do this fucking shit to me?! I tell myself it's going to be different and it never is, and even though she's the same old cold fucking bitch she's been my whole life, I let her do this to me!!"
"Because she's your mother and you can't help but hope the next time will be different." he looked at the X-ray again. "I might be wrong on surgery. You should have Gary look at it."
"Can I see it?" he asked.
"Go ahead."
Slipping off his desk, he took the x-ray and crossed to the reader on the wall. Holding the x-ray up to the light, he shook his head as the tears began to stream down his cheek. "Fucking hell, surgery, I'm going to spend what? Six, eight weeks in a cast? Steve Hardy up my ass cause I have to be off surgery rotation again, trying to hold and care for my new baby FUCK, I HATE HER!" he screamed at the ceiling.
Pulling his friend back against his chest Grant held Noah. "Get it out, Buddy. Cry, scream, whatever. I got you and I'm not letting go."
Collapsing back into Grant's embrace he let go of the emotions he had been holding deep since the moment he had walked into his mother's hospital room.
Turning the man, Grant walked them over to the couch and sat down, rubbing Noah's back as he cried against his chest.
After several moments, he pulled back and pushed the hair off his face. Looking at Grant he asked, "Call over to General and see if Gary can look at it and tell him to plan on having to operate, then call Blackie for me. I don't know how to begin to tell him."
He nodded. "I'll tell him to meet us at the hospital?"
"Thanks," He answered softly. As he watched his friend move toward his desk he said "Oh, and Grant, thanks for everything today."
"No problem, I'm glad to help." he smiled as he picked up the phone. "Anything else you need to talk about before I start calling?"
"No, but there's something I want to talk to you about after." He said as he leaned back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Pushing Grant's voice aside, he carefully reached into his pocket and came out with his envelope of pictures. Smiling down at his son, he sighed. "I'm so sorry, baby boy."

"Hello." Blackie said cheerfully as he answered the phone.
"Blackie, it's Grant. It's nothing too serious, but I'm taking Noah over to General and you need to meet us there on the fourth floor."
"4th floor?" Blackie's mind raced. "Sport's Medicine?"
"He hurt his hand. To me it looks like a crushed Triquetral. Dr. Sebring is going to see him right away. I'm guessing he's going to want to take him right to surgery."
"What? How?"
"I'm going to let him explain it to you. We're leaving right now. Meet us there, okay?"
"Ok." he answered fear shooting through him at Grant's non-answer. "Is he there? I want to talk to him."
"Yeah," he answered then extended the phone to Noah. Getting off the couch, he walked over to his desk and took the phone from Grant. Swallowing hard as he lifted it to his ear, he tried to sound casual, "You fucking believe this hu? Timing couldn't be worse."
"Doc what the hell happened?" he asked quickly.
"I thought it would be a good idea to punch a cinder block wall," he offered.
"Something Mom said to me and don't ask me to repeat it's just too horrible," he said dropping down to his chair and beginning to cry again.
Blackie's heart dropped. "Noah, tell me you didn't."
"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I know you wanted to go with me, but I, you know, I thought I'd go up there, and she's on the medication now, and things would be okay. Her and I would talk, and then maybe. . . I'm sorry, Babe, I'm so sorry," he cried into his hand.
"Oh, Babe, I'm sorry. Go to the hospital. I'll be there as soon as I can." 'Right after I make 1 stop.' he added silently to himself.
"Blackie," he pleaded, "Can you bring Brodie? I want to see him before they operate?"
At his lover's request the younger man softened. There was no way he could take the baby to Forest Hills. "Sure, Doc, just let me get him dressed real warm ok?"
"WAIT!" Noah said as he began to weep again, "Only if there's someone who can come with you and take him home. The surgery is going to take hours and it'll be too hard to keep him there that long."
"Noah, baby, relax. If I have to I can give him to mom or dad ok?"
"Okay," he cried harder, "I just want to see him and you before." Looking up and seeing Grant tapping on his watch he continued, "I really have to go, the doctor is waiting for me."
"Ok, Babe. It's gonna take me about 45 minutes. Don't let him do anything till I get there."
"Oh, it will be at least that, probably a couple hours before they can get me in an OR. I love you, Kid, I'm sooooooo sorry," he repeated.
"It's ok, Babe. I love you too and I'm on my way." He hung up and then sunk down on the couch in tears. "Why does it always have to rain?" he sobbed out loud.

Dropping the phone into the cradle, Noah looked up to Grant, "Before we go I was wondering. Have you and Jimmy Lee talked about, you know, what we were talking about last week?"
He nodded. "A little bit."
"I don't want to push, and I know I told you I would give you all the time you needed." He looked down at his hand, "but I got like a zillion things running through my mind right now."
Grant nodded. "I know, see he and I have always supported each other in whatever career decisions we feel are right." He smiled. "I sorta wanted to take you out to dinner and tell you I decided to accept your offer."
He exhaled in relief, "You know we aren't going to get rich off this, right," he said. "But together we can do what I've wanted to all along."
"Slowly starve instead of rapidly?"
Laughing he shook his head, "One of the reason's Blackie's mother died was she couldn't afford medical care. That's why I put her name on this building, as a promise to him and her that I'd do all I could to prevent another person having to die because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor."
"Well I don't have a history like that, but I went into pediatrics to help kids and the kids that really need it are down here. That and I discovered I don't do so badly with the adults either. 51-49 right?"
He nodded, "Yeah, and you're great, Grant. I couldn't have come this far with out your help. How locked to the hospital are you?"
"I'm not. My original contract was for 5 years with me being able to opt out at any time. That was Alan's idea."
"So you're free to help pick up the slack from this?" he said lifting his swollen hand. "Yeah I am. Hey let me ask you something."
"Of course,"
"When could I have possibly worked at the hospital since I started working down here?"
Thinking for a moment, Noah shook his head, "You left the hospital to come work here months ago didn't you?"
He grinned. "Huh uh. Did both for a week and opted out."
Pushing himself up out of the chair, he said, "You're such a good friend, Grant. I don't know what I would have done had you not gone with me today, or helped me here, or any of the other million things you've done in the last several months."
"No sweat man. I always wanted to be in private practice, I just wanted to do it the right way. Hey I get an office right? Or do you want to do like we talked about before and split the day in 12 hour shifts and stay open all night?"
He smiled, "This time I'm a step ahead of you. That room at the end of the hall that I talked about making a lounge or something, all yours. For the time being lets just keep daytime hours. Least till I'm over this."
"Well I didn't mean like today or anything." He looked down the hall. "Way down there?"
Pointing toward the door, he handed Grant his keys, "Drive? What? Where do you want your office?"
The man looked around the large room they were in as he took the keys. "How about here?"
"You want my office?" He asked with a laugh.
"Yeah kinda, you mind sharing?" he blushed a bit. "Part of the magic I think is that we work so well together."
"That's a great idea," He smiled, "And you're right. Yeah, sure we can share."
"Cool." He smiled. "I have a desk in storage I can have brought over, oh I have something else I kinda want if I am going to be here all the time."
"What is it?" Noah asked.
"You're gonna laugh."
"What?!" He asked with a bit of a screech to his laugh.
"I got this full size A&W machine that JL found for me at a flea market a couple years ago. He fixed it up and rigged it to accept pennies, couldn't figure out how to disengage the money thing completely."
Laughing out loud, he nodded, "Sure, it sounds great."
"I can put stuff other than root beer in it, I think maybe some juice cans for the kids and stuff, and whatever you like.
Sliding down into the car, he turned to his friend, "The AMA might frown on wine, hu?"
Turning the key Grant busted out laughing. "In a soda machine they might. But I won't tell anyone about that bottle of tequila in the back of your bottom drawer."

As everyone gathered in the studio, Blackie spoke calmly as he finished putting the snowsuit on Brodie. "Noah broke his hand. Marie is going to be flying in, in a couple hours with Ben and the baby. Martin talked about coming in tonight to see Marie. We only got the house about half clean, and he wanted to start cooking tonight. Holly is going to go with me, so she can bring Brodie home after Noah goes into surgery. I need the rest of you to pitch in and help get everything done. Okay?"
Stacy and Brett both said at once "I can cook."
"Great, thanks," he said, then turned to Lori, "He was planning on making Gran's sauce. Do you know how so you can tell them?"
She shook her head. "I don't have a clue. You know how, Baby?" she asked Brett. "Kinda, she let me help her last time we were there. I'll wing it?" he offered.
Blackie shook his head. "No don't do that, there is a recipe in the drawer for my Mom's sauce. It's not quite the same but it is good. Just make that."
"I'll work on getting the rest of the house clean," Lori offered, followed by Barb, "And Rick and I will help her. Don't worry about anything, Blackie."
"Can you grab a couple bottles?" he asked Holly and then turned to everyone else. "Ok, Anna is sleeping. Please don't wake her up unless you have to."
Grabbing his pant leg, Robin asked, "Ow can I elp, Daddy?"
"Awe." he smiled as he looked down. "You can clean your room real super duper good incase Randy, Andy, or Scott want to sleep over with you."
"I an do that," she answered.
"Thank you, Munchkin." He bent over and kissed her nose then held the baby down at her level. "Tell your brother bye."
Carefully kissing his cheek, she said, "bye Rodie."
Blackie stood as Holly came back carrying 2 bottles and slid them into the diaper bag.
"Let's go, Love," she said.
Blackie nodded and called back as they went into the garage. "I'll call and let everyone know what's going on."
"Ok, and hug him for us." Stacy called.

General Hospital/Pre-op
Sitting next to the gurney, Grant watched the monitors and the agonizing pain on his friend's face. "Damn it, Noah, let them give you some pain medication."
He shook his head. "No, not until I see my baby."
"Okay," he sighed, seeing the determination on his face. "And you know I understand completely about the financials. You showed and told me everything when you made the offer. I know what I'm getting into."
He hung his head. "You know I'm not taking anything home and won't be till the funding starts coming in. Could be next week could be next month."
"I know." He reached out touching the man's uninjured hand. "You took a falling down walk in clinic and have turned it into really a mini-hospital, all out of pocket. It's a huge burden. The money is coming, Noah. We'll hang on till it gets here, somehow."
"It's not enough." he sighed. "Can you make it? A week, maybe a month, maybe more with no income?"
"Hey, you got enough to worry about with the clinic and your own personal finances, you leave mine and JL's up to us. I know what I'm doing, Noah."
"No, I'm going to be honest with you. I asked you to be my partner because I can't afford to keep paying you."
Grant leaned back in the chair his mind racing, 'two weeks we can do, a month maybe, but damn, if it goes longer then that we'll be in trouble.' But not wanting Noah to worry anymore then he already was, he patted the doctor's hand again, "Noah, JL and I are fine."
Looking up into his friend's eyes he could see there was something he wasn't saying. "Damn it, Grant, do not lie to me."
He exhaled, "Noah, We took an income hit when JL gave up the office job for the docks, but he's happier now. I took an income hit when I gave up this hospital to come work at the clinic. Another income hit isn't going to be easy, but you know, we got options. I left on good terms here. I'm sure I could pick up a couple shifts a week in the nursery or something, JL can pick up more hours or maybe even a second job if we have to. The fact is it's short term and I know in the long run I'm going to be much more happier running the Lorain Parrish Medical Center with you then I would have been here at General."
"If I hadn't been so stupid." Noah mumbled. "I had to buy the building ok, had to have it rehabbed and brought up to code for the new funding I wanted ok fine. That damn elevator had to be replaced so we had 2nd and 3rd floor access and we haven't used them. Over 30,000 dollars in equipment up there and it's not being used. I didn't HAVE to make a hospital out of the place."
Moving in closer, Grant said, "No, you didn't have to, Noah. But why did you? I think it's probably for the same reason you told me named it for Blackie's mom. It's needed and when we get the funds it is going to be a wonderful service to the waterfront, and it's what medicine is suppose to be about."
"My mom." he corrected. "But ICU and CICU? I don't have a staff for it. Maybe some day, but in the mean time my daughters' college funds as well as a good chunk of my retirement fund is just sitting there collecting dust, by the time there is a staff for it, it will all have to be replaced because it's too old."

Coming into the Pre-op carrying Brodie and walking with Holly, Blackie whispered, "Noah, what are you talking about?"
The man turned. "Give him to Holly first?"
Doing as he asked, he handed the child to Holly and moved to the side of the bed, "What's wrong, Noah?"
"How much did you hear?"
He swallowed, "that the kids college and our retirement is collecting dust."
"Literally," he whispered. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did it, some kind of competitive streak or something but I wanted to make the clinic more than a clinic."
Pushing his hand through his hair he exhaled, "How bad is it? Are we broke?"
"Yeah." he said quickly then realized his definition of broke and Blackie's were probably different. "No not exactly."
"Broke like Kraft dinner broke, or broke like we're not going to Jamaica this year." Blackie said also realizing the word had different definitions to each of them.
Noah smiled through the pain in his hand. "Not quite Kraft dinner broke but we can't even afford to go camping broke."
Most upset that Noah had worked so hard for the clinic and it wasn't working out like he had hoped, Blackie touched his cheek lightly. "We'll be okay. You know that. You going to have to come back to the hospital?" he asked.
He shook his head. "NO! Mom's name is on that building and it's going to make it. Grant agreed to be a partner so I don't have to pay him anymore and there will be funding coming in soon, all kinds from the county on up to federal. That's not what I am worried about."
Leaning down over the man and hugging him he comforted, "Okay, okay, what are you worried about, Babe?"
"What I already spent, I can't ever replace it, Babe. I'm never going to make that much. When we get funding I'll be able to bring home maybe 3 or 4 hundred a week."
He sat up and looked in the man's eyes, "Okay," he said plainly. "So, we sit down and look everything over, and we work out a budget. I use to help mom do that all the time. I can get a job if we have to. If we have to sell one or both of the bikes or one of the cars, we do what we have to. We got each other and the kids, and it's going to be okay."
"They day to day stuff is fine. I mean we can make our mortgage and bills and no I don't want you to sell the bikes. Our savings isn't going to look like it did again is all. There's not much left." he dropped his voice low. "I hate to ask you this, Blackie."
"Ask me anyway," he said just as low.
"You think maybe you can hold off on buying more stuff for the twins right now?" he asked. "I promise you I'll have an income in time and next quarter I am going to transfer some Drake money back to our account, at least Lori and Robin's college funds."
"Of course," he answered as he leaned in and kissed the man softly. "I wouldn't have bought what I had, had I known."
"I didn't want to worry you, but now I'm not going to be able to work at all and Grant's going to maybe need some help."
"We'll get though, Babe. If there is one thing I know anything about it's how to stretch a buck," he smiled. "Now, for the not working part. You want to tell me what happened?" he asked.
"Tell me anyway?" he asked. Tears slid down his face as he remembered his mother's words. "NO, I can't."
Sitting on the side of the bed and taking Noah in his arms, mindful of his hand, he pulled him in. "Okay, okay. It's all right, Doc."
Collapsing into his lover's body Noah cried into his neck. "He's not, he's beautiful and I don't care what color he is."
"What are you talking about?" He said as he slid his hands through Noah's hair and pulled him tighter.
Realizing he had said too much not to continue he took a deep breath. "I took some pictures of Brodie to show Natalie."
Swallowing hard, Blackie touched his chin. "That fucking bitch didn't pick on the baby, did she?"
"She said he was ugly." Noah sobbed. "He's not, he's perfect. I love his green eyes and dark skin."
Pulling the man back into his arms, Blackie felt his blood boiling but spoke compassionately to Noah's pain, "Babe, I know you want so bad for her to just get well and be the mother you should have had. But I really wish you'd quit putting yourself through this. You know she gets off on hurting people."
"Hate her," he whispered. "I don't care anymore. Don't want her, don't need her, I don't care if she dies a slow painful death up there."
"So many people love you, Noah. You know that. Don't you. I'm so sorry that she's so sick she can't."
"Not sick, she's a bitch."
Motioning to Holly, he kissed Noah's forehead. "Brodie wants to see you before they take you down. When will that be?" He turned and asked Grant.
Ignoring his husband's mention of the baby he continued. "There's more, Babe."
'So help me god I'm going to kill her' he thought to himself before he asked, "What is it?"
"Her doctor says that if we don't bring her home with us her continued treatment will have to be paid for privately. The insurance doesn't want to pay anymore."
"Will her bills be our responsibility?" Blackie asked.
He nodded. "I guess they have to be. I put her there."
"She is NOT coming to live with us," he insisted. "I'm sorry, Noah. I don't care if I have to sell both bikes and deliver pizzas to keep her there, she ain't coming to live with us."
"No she's not. I just meant that we have to start paying for that too." he sighed. "Oh and I kissed Grant."
"You hu what?" he asked confused.
"Not like that really." Grant cut in. "After he came out of the room he was telling me she told him to find a nice girl or some shit. I could see her staring at us so I told him to kiss me and then I flipped her off."
Blackie laughed, "Oh Man, I'm sorry I missed it." He took Brodie from Holly's arms as she approached him, and looked to Noah, "How you want him, Babe? And tell me what is broke and what they have to do?"
"You not mad?"
He shook his head with a laugh, "Hell no. Noah, after all the hell she's put you through any little squirm you can give back is worth it."
Noah grinned as he patted the gurney in front of him indicating that is where he wanted the baby. "He don't kiss as well as you."
Laying the baby down, he smiled as he reached out and touched the man's cheek, "So what's the doc say on the hand?"
Noah exhaled, "I slammed my fist like this." He demonstrated into the air with his non-injured hand, and then gently laid it back down on the baby. The bone two over from the one you broke along the side of my hand, it's pretty much toast. He's going to try and piece it together in there might need pins or something." He forced a smile, "The good news is I think I talked him out of a cast. I may be able to get away with a brace like you had, but it's going to be at least six weeks in it."
Blackie gasped. "My god, Noah, how hard did you hit it?"
"I think he tried to take the wall out," Grant interrupted. "The wall won that round."
"Oh Babe." Blackie said hugging the man's shoulders. "He woke up didn't he?"
"I could take her insulting me, I kept it in control when she attacked us as a couple, but when she lashed out at this innocent, beautiful little baby. I couldn't keep it in anymore."
"Should have hit her not the wall." Blackie couldn't help muttering.
Crooking his uninjured arm he asked, "Can you put him up here, Babe?" Then turned to Grant, "Pain meds would be good now and when they going to do this surgery anyway."
The man smiled. "I'll go get you something and as soon as you are ready actually. They just need to shave your hand and wrist."
"I want to get this over with. I have family coming from out of town," he answered. Leaning down, he softly kissed the baby's forehead, "I'm so sorry I messed up, little one."
Blackie ducked behind Brodie's back and in a high-pitched squeaky voice said, "It's ok, Daddy, I love you even if you are a big dummy."
Laughing, he leaned back against the pillow. "I was so afraid you'd be so angry," he admitted.
Blackie stood. "I am, but not at you. I'm still on the visiting list right?"
"Yeah, but you were right, Babe. She not worth our time, just a cold heartless . . . bitch."
"You mind if I cut out when they take you back? I promise I'll be back long before they are done."
"Come here," he said moving his head indicating he wanted him closer. When the man moved in, he kissed his lips lightly, "I don't care if you leave, BUT, Babe, I don't want her to say those things to you, and she will or worse. She doesn't care, and you can't do or say anything to hurt her. She doesn't have a heart to feel pain. Besides, as far as I'm concerned she's dead anyway." He then smiled down at the baby, "No more fruitcake grandma," he smiled.
His biceps twitching in anger Blackie grinned evilly. "There is plenty I can do, but all I plan to do is make sure she doesn't call us anymore. I am removing us from her call list."
"Do me a favor before you go up there?" Noah asked.
"Take a little bit of time to calm down," he said motioning to his twitching muscles. "I don't want you getting in an accident cause your so upset. I NEED you," He said again, puckering his lips for a kiss.
Drooping a kiss to the man's lips Blackie smiled. "I will, and I'm not planning to see her, just her doctor and the office people. We can pay for her stay, but no more private room."
He nodded, "yeah, the absolute minimum. Group room, closet in the basement, whatever."
"Dormitory, 3 hots and a cot. No field trips or outings. She doesn't get more than food and a bed from us for the rest of her life."
"They won't keep her forever," Noah said. "She'll figure out a way out, I'm sure. It's just not going to be from me."
"As long as we are paying for her care they can't release her. Remember when we committed her, they gave all those options for private care?"
"This is the same woman who walked on both my dads for thirty plus years, and almost successfully moved from one to the other, just so she wouldn't have to have her monogramming changed," he said bitterly. "I don't put anything past her." Looking back down to Brodie, he smiled again, "Hey, little guy." Looking back to Blackie he asked. "This Yankee jersey shirt thing is so cute. Where did we get it?"
Blackie rolled his eyes. "Where the hell do you THINK we got it?"
"Danny and Claud? It's adorable," he smiled.
Blackie grinned. "Well just Danny. He told me Claud didn't have anything to do with it and then showed me what she picked out. It's cuter, a little sailor suit. But your son insisted on the Yankee thing."
"'Ata boy," Noah smiled. "You just wait, Brodie, you and me third base line. It's going to be awesome." He looked up as Grant came back in the room with his doctor.
"You ready, buddy?"
"Holly?" he asked, "You want to take him, Doll." He then turned back to the doctors. "Yeah, I'm ready as I'm ever going to be," then turned to Grant, "Can you do me ANOTHER favor, buddy." Then smiled to Holly as she took the baby, "Thanks, for coming over here and everything."
"Go back to the loony bin and this time make out with your husband instead of you?"
Laughing, he shook his head, "Something like that, he's insisting on going up and having a crack at the wench. Would you drive him so he doesn't wrap the car around a tree please?"
"Sure, just let me call home and tell my baby I won't be home for dinner, though he might have that figured out by now. I still have your car keys so we can go right after I hang up."
Handing the baby to Blackie, Holly moved in and hugged the man's neck, "Everything is going to be okay, Noah. Anna and I love you, baby."
Hugging her as the meds began to take effect Noah mumbled. "Ove you oo."
The hand surgeon smiled, as he reached down and lowered the head of the gurney, "Good night, doctor." He then turned to Blackie. "This is going to take awhile, it will be at least three hours, could be four or maybe five, depends if I can rebuild what's there or if I have to just replace."
"I'll be back within 2. I have an errand to run."
He nodded, "When I'm done, I'll come find you in the waiting area on 7. I'll fill you in on how things went, and he'll have to spend a few hours in recovery, but then can go home." Checking his watch, he continued, "Though it could very well be morning by then."
"I'll be there, and if he has to stay all night I want to be with him."
"That's fine," he answered as Grant came in the room with a nurse.
"Ready to go?" Grant asked Blackie as the nurse said, "We're ready for him upstairs."
Moving to the gurney Blackie kissed Noah's sleeping lips. "I'll be back my love, you won't even notice my absence at your side I'll return so quickly."

Forest Hills
Blackie pushed his way into Natalie's large private room. "Pack your shit, bitch. You're moving." he opened the drawers and began to throw clothes at her.
Quickly crossing the room and grabbing the man's arms, she seethed. "What in the hell are you doing!! Get your trashy little hands off my things."
Shaking her off he pushed her back towards the bed. "Fuck you! It's my money that bought these things and since you're now my responsibility that makes them MY things."
An icy laugh escaping her lips she shook her head, "And where do you think you're taking me?"
"I'm not taking you anywhere. In just a few minutes a couple of nice men are going to come escort you to the dormitory. Down there you only get 2 outfits, pajamas and your robe. Pick the 2 you want."
"Dormitory?" she laughed. "Who the hell do you think you are? It's not your decision, it's Noah's, and he would never do that to his mother."
"No it's OUR decision and we decided that since he used all his money building the clinic that we weren't going to use MY money to take care of you. You are nothing but a cold selfish bitch and we'd rather use that money to care for our son."
Throwing her head back and letting out another icy laugh, she looked at him, "Your money? Everyone who knows anything knows the only money you have is what you manipulated from my idiot son who's too stupid to know when he's being taken. But, yeah, you'll need the money, and plenty of it for THAT thing." She spit.
"I have never hit a woman before, don't believe in it." he brought his hand down hard across her face. "But there are exceptions to every rule."

"What in the hell is going on in here," The man in a white coat yelled as he came into the room followed by Grant.
Covering her cheek with her own hand, Natalie wilted to the floor in tears, "He hit me."
Spinning to the young man, "You what?!" He nearly screamed. "First her son is up here driving this poor frail woman to a near breakdown then YOU come up here and physically abuse her?"
"Is that what you think?" he looked at the card and couldn't help but laugh. "Boo-Boo?"
Reaching and grabbing the card from the man's hand, he then turned and dropped to the woman's side, "Come on Natalie, let me help you to you feet."
"Haha." Blackie laughed. "I was right."
"What are you doing going through my patients belongings," the doctor insisted unwilling to admit his affair with the woman.
"Oh man she has you snowed, Dude." he continued to laugh. "Well I was trying to help her pack. She's moving. I'm not paying for this room any longer, nor am I paying for private sessions with you. It's group sex...err therapy for her from now on."
He shook his head, "This is her son's doing. Not only is he unwilling to care for her himself, now he's doing this?"
"He doesn't have to care for her. She never cared for him, that would be his grandmother."
Collapsing into the doctor's arms the woman cried, "I told you, Jonathon."
Running his hands over the woman's hair, he pulled her in, "It's okay, Nat. baby. I'm going to take care of everything." Looking up to Blackie he seethed, "You tell her son that he can either sign his power of attorney over her medical care to me, or I'll see him in court to take it away."
Blackie laughed. "What? So you can release her? I don't think so. Go ahead and sue Boo-Boo. I doubt a judge is going to listen and once you loose your medical license she'll move on anyway."
As the woman clung to him and sobbed against his shoulder he consoled her, then turned to Blackie. "GET OUT!" he screamed.
He dropped the last of her clothing on the floor. "Fine," and turned to go to the door saying to Grant. "Leave 2 ugly dresses and grab everything else."
Trying hard not to laugh, Grant moved to the room, and began picking up the clothes that Blackie had tossed around the room.
As soon as the older man joined him in the hallway Blackie began to walk. "Now we go to administration and get her moved, and report Boo-Boo."

General Hospital
Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Blackie startled awake and looked up to see Martin standing behind him. Looking back to the gurney and seeing Noah sound asleep; he laid his head back down on the doctor's stomach, and whispered to Martin. "What time is it?"
"Just about 7 Son." Martin whispered. "What the hell happened?"
Through an ironic chuckle he answered, "Natalie."
Sitting back up and then leaning back in the chair, he pointed to the other chair next to him as he shrugged his shoulders. "She's been calling for several months wanting to come live with us."
In the bed Noah stirred. "Blackie?"
Leaning back over the bed, he laid his arm across his chest, "I'm right here, Noah."
Opening his eyes the man spotted Martin. "Hi Dad, Why are you here? I'm not dead am I?"
The man laughed a bit, "No, son. I live here now on the weekends remember. And I came to see that gorgeous little grandson of mine."
"He's not here I don't think."
Looping his arm around Noah's Blackie smiled down at him, "No, Babe. He's at home. How you feeling? You need more pain medication?"
"Ut uh." he mumbled. "Need a drink."
Getting out of the chair he picked up the glass from the side of the bed, and did as he spoke, "I'm going to lift your head here a little bit so you can take a sip." Once the head of the bed was raised, Blackie held the cup and the straw up to the man's mouth.
Lifting up Noah sucked on the straw. When he was done he laid back down. "How come you're talking about my used to be mother?"
Sitting on the side of the bed, Blackie pushed Noah's hair off his face, "Dad was asking what happened."
"I can tell him," he mumbled. "She wanted to live with us, I said no and then she called Brodie ugly." He grinned. "Then my boy here went and beat her up for it."
Blackie laughed a bit as Martin came to the opposite side of the bed. "You don't listen to her, Noah. You know she's not only crazy, but she's mean too."
"She's dead to me." He said firmly. "Except that we have to pay for her care. Wish was there some other way."
Leaning down and hugging the man's neck, Blackie said, "When you get home later there's something we should talk about."
"When can I go home? I wanna see my baby."
"Pretty soon, the doctor said he be back in about fifteen minutes or so," he said checking his watch. "And that if you were doing ok from the anesthesia you could go. It's not that Gary guy though."
"Go get him now?" he asked. "I wanna go home NOW."
Blackie nodded, "I'll go see if I can track him down." He turned to Martin, "You'll stay with him, right?"
"Sure Blackie, go on."

A few minutes later Blackie came back with the doctor, who came to the side of the bed with his chart. Putting the stethoscope to Noah's chest, he asked. "How you feeling, Noah?"
"I wanna go home. Something's wrong and I need to go there."
"Nothing's wrong at home, Noah." Blackie tried to comfort.
Noah shook his head. "No there is. I heard it. I want to go home." He looked at the doctor. "Darrell, I'm fine, release me or I'm signing myself out."
"No problem, Noah. Let's talk about your hand, and then you can go. Okay. You really did a number on it, pal."
"And in 6 weeks it'll be fine, but I have to come in weekly for exams and possibly rehab after 4 right?"
"Close," he answered hesitantly. "I put you in the brace like we talked about, but I really want you to think twice about it and let me put you in a cast."
Noah's face clouded. "A cast? Why?"
"You were on the table about six hours, Noah. It took quite some time to get you put together. Everything looks real good now, but keeping it immobile for a good six weeks is going to be very important."
He turned to Blackie. "Babe, what's he NOT telling me?"
Blackie turned to the doctor, "Just tell him straight out."
The doctor nodded, "Look, at this moment everything looks okay. I'm a little bit concerned about your range of motion IF, and that's the IF you don't heal properly. You know how important keeping that hand immobile is to that. You keep it immobile, everything heals right, and yeah, six weeks, and probably another four to six of therapy and you should be fine. About 85% to 90% of what it was before."
"85-90% mobility after therapy?" Noah asked.
"Those are conservative numbers, Noah, worst case scenario. Can you get 100% back?" he shrugged his shoulders a bit, "It's possible if you do it all right and everything goes well. You increase those chances with a cast."
A tear slid down his cheek. "I won't be able to operate again."
Moving to his side, Blackie took the man in his arms, "It's just a maybe, Baby. But maybe the doctor's right about the cast."
"Will I be able to hold our son?"
Coming to his side, the doctor pointed to his injured hand, "I'd encase your thumb, and come across your hand, and come down to about here, ½ way to your elbow. We could go with a soft cast if you want, but it's going to give you a lot more stability then the brace. If you did that for at least two to three weeks, that would give you a big jump start on the healing."
Blackie continued, "I know this sucks, but you can lay him in your lap, or even lay him across the arm that's in the cast, you know."
Noah nodded. "Do it. I can't not be able to operate, it's what I do, who I am."
The doctor nodded, "I'll get the cart and bring it here. Soon as we get it set, Noah you can go home."
"Thanks Darrel." he said softly.
Feeling his own emotions spill from him, Blackie squeezed the man's other hand tight in his, "It's going to be okay, Noah. You heal well, and fast."
"I have to be, if I'm not we don't have anything to fall back on."

Walking down the steps with Rick, Blackie turned into the studio. Pausing at the door, he watched as Noah sat next to Marie on the couch. Marie was feeding the infant, and Noah was talking to and playing with his namesake who sat on his lap.
Feeling Rick's hand on his shoulder, he turned and nodded, "Thanks again," he said too quietly to be heard by anyone else in the room.
Once Rick had gone back up the stair, Blackie asked, "Noah, can I talk to you a minute, alone."
The man looked up. "Sure Babe." and then turned to the little boy on his lap. "Hey little buddy, you think you can play on the floor for a little while and let me talk to Uncle Blackie?"
"Yes," the toddler answered as he moved to the toys he had abandoned earlier. Leading Noah down the hall and into the bedroom, Blackie closed it behind them. Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly determined to follow through with what he knew had to be done. "I figured out a way to get our savings back in shape," he said.
"Me too, but I don't know if you will like it; so you go first."
'I hate my idea too,' he thought to himself as he slowly nodded, "I talked to Rick. He says I can have my tech job if I want it," he spit out quickly so as to hide his own pain over it.
Noah's heart sank. "Do you want it?"
"Yes," He said as he shook his head no quickly. "You were so upset last night and all night I just kept telling myself this was an easy answer. By the end of the summer if we sank every penny I made back into saving, we'd be back in good shape."
"You hated touring Babe, there is another option."
"What's that," he asked as he began to nervously tap his foot and shift his weight.
"My car." he replied as he crossed the room and took the younger man in his arms. "We could sell it."
His head falling back against the door, not able to look Noah in the eye if he were to keep his tears deep inside him, "You want to sell the car I bought you?"
"No, I don't want to. But I don't want you to go back on the road, I know you don't want to do that." he walked across the room and kicked the wall. "Damnit do you know what I want to do?"
"What?" Blackie asked.
"I want to start over and not worry about padding the savings right now. We aren't broke and we aren't starving. We can pay our bills and so what if we can't go on big vacations. We just started those last year, before that we didn't go anywhere except Gran's." he ran his fingers through his hair. "We're both young, mostly. Our kids are young. We have time. I don't want you doing something you don't want to, to fix something I did. We aren't any worse off than most of middle class. I just got all freaked out at the idea of not being able to afford all my wants and desires. But I realized that MOST people don't have cash to burn; why should we? So we have to budget, that's ok with me. How about you?"
"Noah," he exhaled laughing through his emotion. "Where we're at now financially, when I was growing up I never even imagined I could have what we have. I've lived in tons worse, and I don't care about the big fancy vacations. I care about you, the kids and the rest of our family. I just don't want you to worry, and I know in one summer, along with the songs that are starting to sell now I can fix things. But, yeah, I don't wanna. I don't want to ever leave you again like that, and I don't want to miss a whole summer of our baby's life."
The doctor crossed the room. "Don't leave me, don't leave our kids or anyone else. We're gonna be fine, and that's another thing. I am so sorry Babe."
He slid his arms around Noah's waist, "I know we'll be fine. I just want to know you're going to be fine. You were so upset last night, I was really afraid you were going to have another heart attack. That's why I talked to Rick." Sliding his hands up to the man's neck and laying his head against Noah's shoulder he asked, "Why are you sorry? Cause you're trying to help everyone on the waterfront? Don't be sorry about that, Noah."
"No, not that and I'm not gonna have another heart attack. I'm sorry because I slighted you. I was sitting there going on and on about how I'll never make enough and stupid me forgot that you made most of that money, you and your amazing talent. I know it was our money, just like everything is always ours. But you did it and you'll do it again and again and if you don't that's ok. We'll be fine."
He pushed his lips to the doctor's kissing him full on the mouth, "I know we will be," he smiled. "We got each other, and our family." Taking a deep breath, "But while we're here we should talk about something else, and it kinda plays into the money situation too."
Noah motioned to the oversized black beanbag chair in the corner under the bar. "Snuggle with me while we talk?"
He nodded. Noah dropped to the chair, and Blackie carefully lowered himself to the man's lap. "Remember what you said about how your mom would figure out a way out of Forest Hills?"
"She was gone by the time you got there?"
He shook his head, "No, but as I was having it out with her, telling her we were done paying for her plush private room," he took a deep breath, and exhaled it slow. "I'm so sorry, Noah, I hit her. Her doctor came in and well, come to find out, she's not only manipulating him, they have some kind of relationship, that I assume involves sex, and he wants you to sign over your medical power of attorney to him."
The man's mouth dropped. "You hit her? What did she say to you?"
"Same shit she said to you, put you down, me down, us down," he paused and frowned, "Then Brodie, then I slapped her."
He kissed the man's shoulder. "Good, I wanted to."
He shook his head, "She deserved it, but she's your mother, and I shouldn't have hit her."
"I'm glad you did, I couldn't do it." he leaned back. "She's rolling her doctor?"
He smiled, "Yeah, pretty pathetic actually. She started crying to him, he was all outraged like she was some kinda saint of something. He said if you didn't turn over you power of attorney to him, he was going to take you to court to get it. Noah, if he gets it, he'll let her out, then she'll drop him before he knows what hit him."
He thought for a moment. "Is that really our problem?"
"I don't want her in this house!" he stated firmly. "I know you never have and never would turn a member of my family away, Noah, but I'm sorry. I can't forgive her, not ever."
"I don't want her here either. She's my mother only through biology. Hell Ruby is more of a mom."
He nodded and shrugged, "I just wanted to tell you what happened. I'm sure he'll call in a few days, though I told him you'd never give him the power of attorney."
"I dunno, think I should? I mean I didn't really ask for it."
"She has no other family besides you kids. Lori is too young, and at the time Marie was in Michigan. Even so, I don't think she wanted it."
"I don't want it."
"Do you want her out?" Blackie asked.
He shrugged. "I don't really care where she is as long as she's not here."
"If you turn it over are you still responsible for her?" Blackie asked.
"No, right now I am, but not if I release power of attorney."
"Well, then I guess if you don't want it, then give it to him, but maybe you should ask Marie first?"
"I will, but let's maybe wait and see if he calls asking for it?"
"Okay, sounds like a plan," He answered as he snuggled closer to the man, "Your hand hurt?"
"A little." "You want me to get you a pill?" He asked.
"No." he smiled. "I want you to give me a kiss."
Leaning up he pushed his mouth to the man's neck, "Like that?"
Noah rolled his head to the side and puckered his lips. "Close." he whispered and then puckered again.
"MMMMMM," Blackie moaned as he pushed his lips to the other mans.

Noah hesitantly walked up the steps. He had been avoiding this conversation with his baby sister for months, but knew now it had to done. This couldn't wait till the doctor called. Walking down the hall to the bedroom, he lightly knocked on the door. "Lori, you in here?" He called out.
She looked up from her desk. "Come on in, Noah."
Slowly walking in the room, he tried to smile. Looking around and seeing she was alone made it more genuine. Moving to the side of the bed, he dropped down and patted the mattress next to him, "Can we talk for a few minutes, Doll?"
She pushed her book closed and crossed to the bed. "I know what you're gonna say."
"You do?" he asked as the girl dropped down next to him. "What do you think I'm going to say?"
"I heard you and Blackie talking in your room." she pointed to the heater vent near her desk. "It's ok Noah, Brett can help me with college or I can get a job."
"OH!" he said then smiled, "Lori, I don't want you to worry about that." Pointing to his cast he shrugged a bit, "I had a really bad day yesterday and I went a little weird worrying about things that I really shouldn't have been so upset about. That's not why I came to talk to you. First, I wanted to thank you. Blackie told me how when he told everyone I was hurt you all just pitched in to get things done. I really appreciate that," He said pushing the few stray blond hairs from her face and looking into her eyes.
She shrugged. "What else am I going to do? Sit and watch?"
"No, I know you wouldn't do that, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't thank you." He turned a bit and looked to the floor. "What do you already know about this?" he asked lifting his hand.
She shook her head. "Just that you broke your hand and had to have surgery."
He nodded, "Remember just after you got home from Brett's parents, and we were talking about my heart attack. I told you Mom had been calling, you asked why, and I kinda ignored it and moved on?"
She nodded slowly. "Yeah?"
He took a deep breath, "She's been calling since long before Christmas. Her doctor's had said she could be released to a family members care. Doll, you, Marie, and me are it. I was scared, confused, kept telling her I had to know for sure she was better. Even when we'd talk on the phone, she would seem a lot better for a bit, but then she would just flip and say hurtful, hateful things," he stopped letting his emotion escape him with an exhale.
Grabbing the Care Bear off the bed Lori hugged it. "Noah, I don't want to leave but if you let Mom come here I'm gonna go live at Dad's."
Moving in, he hugged her tight letting his fear and anguish be released in tears, "NO, no, quite the opposite. I came up here to tell you I can't let her, not ever come back in this house. Maybe it's wrong, but as long as you're in my care, I'm not going to let her see you either."
Her tears falling she hugged her brother's neck. "I don't wanna see her, not ever. She did that horrible thing to Uncle Martin, and…. and...I don't want to see her."
"Okay," he answered letting his good hand run up and down her back. "I went up to visit her yesterday," he admitted.
"And she did that to you?"
"Kinda," he admitted softly, "She made me so angry, I ended up pounding a wall."
Lori shook her head. "I hate her Noah, I tired to love her but I don't. I hate her."
Looking up from the floor and turning from his own pain for just moment, he saw hers, not just below the surface but running deep through her. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you were younger."
She hugged the bear tighter. "He is isn't he? I know one time I told you I wished he wasn't but I don't really."
"What are you talking about?" Noah asked softly. "Who is what?"
Pieces clicking for him, and echoes of Natalie screaming to Henry that he wasn't his father, he felt tears wetting his cheeks, "Did she tell you he wasn't your dad? When?"
Lori nodded. "When I was 10. I asked her to take me to the store so I could get this sweatshirt and when she said no I said I would ask dad when he got home from the hospital, I said father but you know what I mean. She got really mad and...and...."

"You don't have to take me Mom, I'll just ask father to do it when he gets home."
Natalie's hand came down swiftly on the cheek of her young child. She then pulled her hair dragging the girl to the full-length mirror. "You little bitch, look at your hair, you don't really think my husband is your father do you?"

"He is isn't he Noah?"
Pulling her in tight, he slid his hand over her soft blonde hair, "Oh, Doll. . ." his voice trembled and turned to tears, he wanted to comfort her and assure her she was in fact a Drake, but he couldn't put it past his mother. "I don't know why she so insists on hurting us."
"Noah, tell me. If he's not and you know it just tell me."
"Lori, I swear, I don't know. I don't know if he is or he isn't. I want to tell you she's lying and of course Dad is your dad, but it's the exact same thing she did to me. So I can't say." As he pulled back he gently kissed her forehead, "But it doesn't change one thing for me either way, and I know it won't change anything for him either." Though he couldn't help believing it would kill Henry to know that she wasn't.
"She's right though. Look at my hair, no one in our family has blond hair."
"There's blond hair on Gran's side of the family," Noah tried to rationalize.
"Yeah, great Aunt Patty and she was adopted."
Torn between protecting Henry, and knowing the feelings of wanting to know your real father, he slowly asked, "Would you like me to do some tests for you?"
She thought a minute. "I dunno."
"Baby," he sighed, "You know I love you no matter what, and Blackie too. That goes for everyone, Marie, dad, Gran, Uncle Martin, no matter what any test might or might not say, you are still Lori Ann Drake."
"But what if I'm not really, then WHO is my father?"
He shrugged his shoulder and shook his head a bit. Closing his eyes he tried to remember that time in his life, and all he could remember was a house full of hatred and screaming. She looked up and then touched her brother's cheek. "I want to know for sure, but first I want to talk to Dad."
He nodded, "I just talked to Martin before I came upstairs. He was going to the airport to get everyone. After they got settled in at his house they were going to come over here, probably another hour or a little longer."
She nodded. "If he's not I don't really care who is. He's my dad you know."
"Yeah, I know exactly how you feel," he answered.

Chapter 15
