Chapter 15

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: Nc-17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Jay/Aflie, Bunnies, Jay/Bunnies/Alfie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

Noah came down the steps with his arm around Lori's waist allowing the girl to lean against him. A knock fell on the door and he looked out the window before opening it with a smile.
"Joe, Cyn, get that baby in here. It's freezing out there."
Coming in through the door Cyn brushed the snow off her pants legs. "Where is our grandbaby?"
Blackie stood from the couch and grabbed the small quilt from the arm. Throwing it over Brodie, he approached the door. "He's right here." Looking over Joe's shoulder into Caroline's open eyes he smiled, "Hey, sis! How you doing?"
The little girl's eyes lit up as she began to coo and gurgle at the man. "Gaaaa gaaaaaa aaaa."
Blackie smiled and giggled as Joe tried to wiggle out of his coat while holding her. "Wanna switch, Dad?" he asked offering him Brodie.
Handing his coat to his wife Joe exchange babies with his son. "Hey, sweet girl, you be sure to show your brother what you learned how to do."
As he balanced Caroline against his body with one arm, Blackie handed his son to his father, "Hey, Brodie, say hi to you're grandpa," he said, then turned to Caroline as he started back toward the couch. "What you got to show me, pretty girl?"
"She's sitting up now." Cynthia answered. "Not on her own but if we put a pillow behind her or hold her. "And she rolled over on her own this morning."
"You did all that?" Blackie smiled as he pulled the snowsuit from the little girl's body. "That is so awesome," He encouraged as he watched out of the corner of his eye as Joe slowly made his way to the chair, looking down at the little boy in his arms.
Sitting down and laying the baby against his knees, "He's got your eyes."
Noah moved across the room directing Cynthia to the other chair and sitting next to Blackie on the couch, "Aren't they the most beautiful eyes in the whole world," he beamed as he leaned in and kissed Blackie's cheek.
Suddenly guilt pounded in on Joe. Standing quickly he handed the baby to Noah "I gotta go." he muttered and then ran from the room.
Quickly getting from the chair, Cynthia reached for the boy, "Here, let me see my grandson," she smiled. "Noah you take Caroline. Blackie?" She asked with raised eyebrows.
"No." Blackie said as he grabbed for his son. "I'm going to my room and I want to be alone."
As Blackie stood with the baby, Cynthia grabbed his shoulder, "You know what he's feeling don't you?" She said as she softly touched the baby's cheek, "My god, how can he not look at this gorgeous little face and not think about what was twenty years ago," She said moving her hand to Blackie's cheek.
"No." He shrugged her off. "He doesn't like him and I guess that means he doesn't really like me either." He sank back down as his knees began to buckle and tears fall down his face.

As Blackie slid back down to the couch and collapsed to Noah Cynthia turned on her heels and left the room, going down the steps to the basement. As soon as she had opened the door, she heard her husband's fists hitting the punching bag, and his stifled cries coming up the steps. Quickening the pace, she came to the bottom and made her way to Joe's side, "JOE!" She called out, "Baby, come here," she said with open arms.
Almost hanging on the bag as he swung his right fist he sobbed. "It's not fucking fair."
Grabbing his arm, she pulled on the man, "Come on, Baby, talk to me."
"Those eyes, he looks just like Blackie...or how I imagine Blackie looked. But for a second upstairs I looked down in my lap and that wasn't Brodie, it was Blackie and he was dead."
"Oh baby," She wept for her husband's torment, and then pulled him into her arms. "He's not dead, he's right upstairs, and he needs you. He thinks you're turning out his son, and it's killing him."
"But he was dead. For over 19 years he was dead to me."
"I know," She tried to comfort. "You were robbed of a lot of years and spent nearly two decades in hell."
"I was 17 years old Cindy, not a man; just a boy but I knew I wanted him."

Noah pulled Blackie's chin from his shoulder, "You KNOW that's not true, babe. You know how much he loves you. No, you shouldn't have to be going after him and chasing him down, but I want you to anyway. I want what family we got to stay close. He loves you Blackie and I know he loves our baby."
Standing Blackie said tersely. "Hang on." He walked down the hall laying Brodie in his bassinet in his nursery before closing the door and running back down the hall way. "Don't even do that to me you pompous son of a bitch. Don't you dare give me an order when he all but threw our son at you and then ran away. Fuck him and fuck you too."
"The whole world is not out to get you, Blackie!" Noah said crossly. "And you're not the only one with pain and hurt! Fuck him? And fuck me? Well, fuck you!" he said as he pushed his way past Blackie and made his way to the nursery.
"Yeah, fuck me." Blackie screamed. "Been fucked my whole life, why should you be any different."
Turning back he crossed to Blackie, "I'm sorry, Babe. I fucked up. I know he hurt you and I thought what you needed was my guidance. I won't ever do it again. But I mean when I say I think, no, I know in my heart you are wrong about Joe."
Blackie took a deep breath. "No, I'm sorry. It's my fault and I did need your guidance. I just don't like that your guidance conflicts with how I feel."
He nodded and laid his hand to Blackie's chest. "You do what you feel in here, and I'm right here to support you and for you to lean on."

Joe slowly walked into the studio. "Albert?" he choked out through his tears.
Turning from Noah to his father, the other man's tears sparking his own. He turned back quickly, "What is it, D-D-D - J- J?" Frustrated, he just stopped.
"I'm ssssory, son."
"What's going on?" He began to rant. "What's wrong with him, with me, that you always do this stuff." He continued as he made his way back to the couch, picking up Caroline, and taking her back to Cynthia.
Joe struggled. "Nothing, perfect. Thought you were dead."
Blackie inhaled slowly, closing his eyes and letting it go slowly. He then looked from Joe to Cynthia, before taking a step closer to Joe, "Dad, I'm right here."
"But you weren't." He insisted. "I was holding him and you were dead."
Taking another step closer to his father and slowly pushing his hand through his hair a moment he thought about what Joe was saying, now from a father's point of view. "That must have been so horrible, that night, that call," he sympathized.
Laying his hand on his son's shoulder Joe felt himself taken back 20 years.

Hearing the phone ring Joe sprung from bed and into the living room in time to see his father hang up the phone. "Dad was that Lorain?"
The older man looked up. "The baby is dead Joey, you're free. Go back to bed."
He grabbed the doorframe to keep from falling down. "Wha? No?"
"I'm sorry, Son, it's true. That was your little girlfriend. She said to tell you never to call or write again."

"I didn't feel free. I wanted to die myself."
Letting his arms come around his father Blackie whispered, "I'm so sorry grandpa did that to you, Dad. But I wasn't, I'm not, don't turn my son away because of grandpa."
Joe pulled back looking in his son's face. "I'm not, he's beautiful. Is that what you thought I was doing?"
He nodded slightly and stammered out, "yeah."
"No." he whispered. "I'm sorry, Blackie, when I looked at him I saw you and you were dead. I was afraid. That's why I went downstairs."
Pulling his father back in Blackie relaxed into the man. "I'm sorry you weren't with mom and I then, but we have now and the rest of our lives. I love you, Dad."
"I love you too, Albert."

A few minutes later as Noah brought Brodie back into the room. Blackie leaned into his father. "Dad I gotta talk to Noah for a minute. You be ok out here?" he asked as he laid the baby in the man's arms. "Just remember his name is Brodie, he's not me and I am just fine."
Joe nodded as he smiled down at the baby in his arms, brushing his hand against first the baby's then his son's. Pulling Blackie in and kissing his cheek he nodded, "He's just fine with Grandpa. I promise."
"Ewwwww, Dad!!!" He protested. "I'm 20 not 2. Don't do that."
"I'll do it if I want to," the man said with a smile to match his son's, then turned to his wife. "You did remember that camera didn't you, sweet heart, cause I forgot."
She pointed to the diaper bag. "I brought yours and mine."

Reaching out and taking Blackie's hand, Noah led him into the bedroom; closing the door he turned and asked. "What do you want to talk to me about?"
Blackie swallowed hard and hung his head. Waiting till Noah sat down he then spoke. "I'm sorry, Noah, I disrespected you. You didn't deserve that; you merely did what I needed you to do. I don't want you to stop guiding me to do the right thing just because I'm a selfish prick who's never happy unless he gets his way." He sank to his knees at Noah's feet but didn't make eye contact. "I apologize, Sir, and I await whatever punishment you feel I deserve."
Sliding his hand under the man's chin, he lifted it slowly till they made eye contact. "I accept your apology," he nearly choked out.
Wanting to lay his head in the man's lap but not knowing if it would be appreciated Blackie merely stared at his lover with his eyes wide open.
"You've been punished enough for several lifetimes, my love, it won't be at my hand," he said and then slowly moved his hand up the side of his cheek and back to his hair.
Tears slid down his face. "But I disrespected you, Noah."
"I don't want you to lose your feet. I did what I thought you needed at that moment; you reacted honestly. That is your right."
"My feet Sir?" Blackie asked confused. "I understand that I reacted honestly, but I know I could have done it and not said what I did."
Sliding down off the side of the bed to sit on the floor in front of Blackie, he wrapped his legs around the other man's. "You were lost in your emotions, two very emotional places for you, your father and our son. You'll do better next time," he said confidently, and moved in to kiss Blackie's lips.
Blackie nodded sullenly. "I will try."
When his lover didn't move in to kiss him and mood fell, Noah pulled back, "What?" he asked firmly.
"I don't deserve your kindness." he whispered.
"You reacted in anger, so did I," he exhaled growing frustrated. "I accept your apology, and I apologize to you. Let's move on."
Blackie stared into Noah's eyes. 'Doesn't he see I can't just move on. I swore I would never do that again and I did. I'm such a loser.'
Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it exhale from his body, Noah asked. "You need me to help you beyond it?"
Silently Blackie nodded.
"You want to be punished for you disrespect?" Noah asked again.
'Want to be?' he asked himself as he shrugged his shoulders.
Noah nodded, "I want you over the course of this weekend to at least three times for each family member who graces our doorstep to tell them how you feel about them or compliment them, show them and myself your love and respect. However, to just come up with things to fulfill this request would be unfair to them. I want your words to be sincere. So, it's not as important that you fulfill the quantity as I see that you're seriously trying to make up for your wrong."
Blackie nodded slowly. "I can do that, Sir."
"I know you can," he smiled. "But do you feel better now?"
"Yes, thank you Noah. I know how hard it still is for you." he moved in and brushed his lips to the older man's. "But I know now I can really trust you with me."
"I love you so much, baby," He whispered as he moved in closer and kissed the man again. "Let's go spend time with your family while they are here?"
"I love you too, Noah, and ok; in just a minute. There is something I need to do first."
"What's that?" he asked with a smile.
He pulled the man into his arms and leaned back against the closed door. "This."
Noah moaned as he slid in tighter to the man, resting his cast-ed hand on the door above them as he returned Blackie's kiss.
"I love you so much, Noah. Please don't ever stop loving me."
"Never, my love. Ever." He said firmly. "You know that, here and here," he said pointing to the other man's forehead first, then his chest.
He half smiled. "I know, but then sometimes I'm such a prick I wonder why you put up with me."
"You don't mean it. Most of the time you are my sweet sexy boy. You only get like that when you get hurt," He vocalized what he had come to realize about the man in front of him.
He nodded. "But I shouldn't take it out on you. I am going to work on that. I promise."
"Ok," he nodded as he leaned in and kissed him again.
"I'm being selfish but I don't want to go out there. I know Brodie is ok with them. Can we snuggle for a little while? Just 15 minutes I swear."
He nodded, "But we've been in here awhile already. Why don't you go tell them something so they don't think it's about what happened with Joe."
He nodded. "And I'll tell them how I feel too." he said as he stood and put his hand on the knob. "Love you, Noah."
"Love you too," He smiled as he pulled himself from the floor and moved to the bed.

Walking into the living room Blackie watched for a minute as his father took a picture of Cyn holding both babies. "Dad, Cyn, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Looking up from the camera he smiled, "Certainly, son."
Moving to the chair Blackie sat down. "First, you guys mind hanging out here for a little bit? With Brodie of course, I just really need to be with my husband right now."
"Not at all," Joe smiled back as he took the infant from his wife's arms and sat next to her on the couch.
"Thanks, and I want to tell you something too."
"What is it?" Cynthia asked with a smile.
Blackie turned to Joe. "I'm really glad you're in my life, Dad. I love you a lot." He paused and turned to the woman. "I love you too, Cyn, I really do."
Moved to tears Cynthia stammered, "We love you too, Baby."
He moved over to the couch hugging them both. "I can be stupid sometimes, but don't ever forget that I do love you both ok?"
As Cynthia returned the man's hug, Joe did as well. "Us too, Blackie. I'm sorry I got well, you know, it's just. . . "
"I know, Dad. I get weird sometimes and I freaked out, but I'm ok now. Are you?"
Looking deep in his son's eyes, he nodded slowly, "Yeah, well, I don't know, part of me is angry all over again. You know."
He nodded. "Yeah I know, but I am trying to not hate and be mad at him now for something he did then."
In awe over his son's capacity to forgive, he nodded and then motioned back toward the bedroom, "Go on and take all the time you need. We got it under control."

"Thanks, Dad, I won't be long. 15 minutes, maybe a half hour or so." he smiled as he stood. "We'll both be back in a while." He started to leave then stopped. "Anna and Holly are car shopping, if he gets hungry there are bottles in the fridge." He left the room and walked down the hall. Opening the door the scent of lavender hit him and he smiled at Noah in the candle lit darkness. "Hi, Babe."
Lying back on the bed in only a pair of boxers, the man opened his arms. "Come here, Love."
Pulling his clothes off and letting them lay where they fell at his feet he crawled into Noah's arms. "Those are mine you know." He smiled.
Careful not to let the heavy cast on his arm fall too hard against his lover's body as he pulled him in, Noah purred against Blackie's shoulder, "You going to make me take them off?"
Rubbing his back Blackie smiled. "Make you? Of course not, I like it when you wear my underwear."
Smiling as he nibbled at the man's neck and reveled in his touch, Noah whispered, "I like wearing them."
Blackie slid his hand under Noah's waistband and cupped his bottom. "I wouldn't mind if you wore them later though."
An uncontrolled growl escaped him as he snuggled the man's cheek. He then whimpered, "I need help though, you would have been laughing at me had you watched me get undressed."
Rolling him to his back Blackie kissed his chest softly. "Lift your hips Doc."
Smiling as he let his hungry eyes caress the other man's body, perfect in his mind, he lifted his hips off the bed, and circled them slightly as Blackie pulled the boxers over his hips and down his legs.
Dragging his tongue up his lover's right leg he tickled his knee and then moved north, stopping only to take a breath before swallowing Noah's stiffening cock and caressing it to full hardness, feeling it grow, lengthen and work it's way down his throat.
His breath catching in his chest, then becoming a ragged pant he let his hand slide down over his own chest before making it's way to Blackie's hair. Tangling his fingers in the man's mane, he lifted his hips slightly to meet his movement as he moaned in pleasure. Bobbing his head up and down Blackie thrilled in each and every movement of Noah's body. Pulling away he used his hand instead of his mouth to stroke the man. "Love you, Noah."
"With everything I am," Noah returned touching the man's cheek, and letting his fingers graze over his lips. "You're so beautiful," He murmured.
"Always and forever, Doc." he whispered against Noah's fingertips before snuggling into his body as he continued to stroke him.
"Feels so nice," he exhaled, as he stroked the man's hair as he lay against his stomach. "So good."
"Yeah it does." He moved his head up a bit to give the man better access.
Reading the man's movements, he caressed his cheek softly then whispered, "Come here, kid, I want to kiss you."
Sliding up his body Blackie lay on top of his lover and softly pushed his lips to Noah's. "I told Dad we might be awhile."
Staring deep into the other man's eyes, he smiled. "Good, I'm in no hurry to stop doing this," he answered as he let the lips touch gently.
As the kiss broke Blackie kissed Noah's eyes. "Thank you."
"For?" he questioned as he surrendered under the man's gentle touches.
"Loving me, seeing what I don't always see about myself."
"That's not hard to do," he breathed against the man's skin, "I love you with everything I am."
"I love you too, Noah." he said quietly. "I do wish I could see what you see though. I'm not fishing for compliments or anything but why do you love me? What makes me any more special then any of the millions of people in the world you could have ended up with?"
"I could ask you the same question about me," Noah whispered as he let his fingers trace the man's face. "All I can say is you touched a place way deep inside me that no one else ever could."
"And I can tell you." He replied. "You trusted me, I mean really trusted me and no one ever had before. Not really. After that night, when I woke up you were in the shower. Your wallet was laying not 3 inches from my face. No one ever trusted me like that."
He chuckled to himself, "It never ever occurred to me I shouldn't . . . you truly cared," he admitted, "knew more about me then I think I did and cared, even before that first night," he remembered.
"That's what I mean, Doc. You didn't think for a second that you couldn't trust me. It felt really, really good." He blushed. "I'll tell you a secret though, I looked through it and memorized your driver's license, social security number and all your credit card numbers."
He laughed, "And that's what I mean. You didn't want all that for any kind of gain, you just wanted to know, right? Nobody in my life, and I do mean nobody except for Gran, ever cared enough to really want to know me before you."
"Yeah I just wanted to know. I wanted to know EVERYTHING about you. 2 0444 4444 49189." He paused. "Hahaha, I still know it."
Laughing with the other man, he leaned up and kissed him again. "And you still amaze me everyday." Thinking for a moment, he asked, "That's not my driver's license number and I don't think it's a credit card either. What is it?"
Blackie giggled. "Your Potter Street Children's Library, library card."
Laughing harder, he said, "Oh that would probably be really useful had it not expired in what? 19 sixty something?"
"65." He chuckled. "I didn't wanna use it though, know."
"I know," He happily sighed as he rolled them to the side, "Careful, kid," he warned as he laid him on the arm above his cast. Then slowly drug his hand over his chest. "I could just lay here with you like this forever, just like it was back then, laying together and talking and touching."
"I wish we could. I miss this, Noah. I love our life the way it is now, but sometimes I just wish it was 2 years ago and just us."
"All we have to do is lock that door when we need to escape," He whispered as he watched his pale fingers slide across the other man's darker sleek chest.
Blackie shuddered. "It's locked right now." He slid his hand down Noah's chest and played with the hairs idly. "I want some of these."
Letting his mouth fall to the man's neck he mumbled, "I love your chest. You're beautifully defined, perfect chest."
"Would be perfect if it didn't look like a 13 year old's." he complained. "Dad has chest hair, why don't I?"
"Cause your mom didn't," he laughed, "I don't know." Noah continued as his hand moved down the man's body. "You're still young, another five years your chest and back might be hairy."
"MY back?" he exclaimed. "Gross, I don't want that."
Laughing again, Noah pushed his mouth to Blackie's as he let his hand find the man's semi-aroused cock.
Blackie rolled his head to Noah's shoulder and looked down watching Noah's hand on his cock. "That feels so good, but slower, Babe. Real slow."
Immediately slowing the pace, he listened for Blackie's pleasure filled whimpers, "Like that, Love?"
Sliding his hand down Noah's body he again began to stroke him, matching his pace to the one Noah was using on him. "Oh yeah." he panted softly.
Unable to stop the groan that came from deep within him, he laid his head atop of Blackie's, "feels soooooo good, soooo soft," He encouraged, his mind taken back three years to a time of innocence for them.
Sliding his hand up and down the doctor's shaft, barely touching him Blackie whispered. "Kinda like the first time huh?"
"Uh," he groaned and withered under the gentle caresses. "Just like,"
"Almost." Blackie said as he slid his leg over Noah's and then switched the hand he was stroking the man with and wrapped his now free hand around his shoulders. "Now it's JUST like."
He smiled, "cept I didn't have a stupid cast. I could hold you tight, and stroke your back while we just talked," His voice lifted, his breathing coming just a bit quicker.
"That's ok. Just knowing you would be doing that if you could is enough for me, Babe." Blackie said as he tightened his grip just slightly but did not increase his pace. "God I love the way you respond to me, Noah."
"I love the way you . . . " He exhaled laying his forehead against Blackie's he panted as his body shuddered from the pleasure Blackie's was giving. He continued to match the man's pace with his own hand, "you feel. . . the way you make me feel" Unable to form complete thoughts, he summed it up in two words. "You care."
"I love you, Noah." He felt the man's hand squeezing him slightly and he sucked air into his lungs. "Don't stop Doc....don't ever stop."
The man's declaration of love washed over him. He could hear him say it 1000 times and never tire of it, "Love you too," he panted as they inched closer to pleasure together.
Rolling his head toward the man Blackie licked and suckled at his ear, nibbling on the lobe before snaking his tongue inside.
"God, so hot," he gasped.
" are." Blackie moaned in his ear.
"You are," he giggled back, then rolled forward letting his mouth fall to the man's bare shoulder. Biting down slightly he nibbled at his flesh as he increased his pace slightly, "Gimme a bit more, Baby."
"I'll give you anything you want, Doc." Blackie panted and then rolled away a bit. "Make love to me, Noah."
Carefully moving his arm out from under the man, he let himself come down on top of his lover's body, kissing his mouth and then his chin. "You fulfill my every desire by waking up next to me every morning and sleeping in my arms every night." Slowly he moved himself to his knees between the other man's legs. With Blackie's help, he brought them to his chest, and kissed and bit at the man's calves, moving to his feet.
Noah's heartfelt words going to his own heart Blackie allowed tears to fall down his cheeks unchecked as he thrust his hips up ward. "Do it, Noah, fill me. I need to feel you inside me."
At Blackie's request, he pushed his weight forward against the man's legs and easily entered his body crying out passionately as he did.
Opening his legs causing Noah to fall down against him he smiled. "I need you here." He passionately whispered as he locked his legs around the man's waist.
"Feels so good. . . Love you so much," he said again as he pushed his mouth to the other man's and began to pick up the pace.
Lifting his hips up and sliding his upper body down a bit Blackie groaned at the sensation of Noah sliding completely in and out of his body.
The sensations of Blackie's pelvis rocking against him as he moved in and out of his body pushed him closer to the edge, "So close," he panted, "Want you with me," He gasped.
He bit his lip. "No Doc, just you. I want to feel you...please...." he begged. "Please let me feel you."
At the pleas, Noah increased his pace just a bit more, and within a few strokes, collapsed against the other man, his muscles spasmming and his seed spilling inside his lover.
Wrapping his arms around Noah's back Blackie whispered. "Incredible, Love. Incredible."
Softly kissing the man's chest, Noah then rolled to his side bringing Blackie with him. Sliding his hand up his leg he whispered, "Your turn."
Reaching down Blackie took his hand and twined their fingers. "I'm fine, better then fine. I am utterly completely perfectly happy right now at this moment."
"Me too," Noah answered squeezing Blackie's hand, before letting his mouth fall to Blackie's.
"I love you Noah, now and forever. I promise you that."

Martin pushed the front door open and stepped into the foyer, making room for everyone else as he called out to the house, "We're here!"
Robin ran down the steps. "RAAAAAAAANDDY, SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT, ANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" jumping off the last one she slugged Randy. "YOU'RE IT!!!!"
As the girl began to run into the studio, Blackie head her off, "Not in here guys. And careful ON THE STEPS!!" He called out after the kids as they scrambled up the steps. He then laughed turning to the first person he saw, Buffy, and hugged her, "Hi, Buffy, come on in," he said as he pointed to the studio and continued through the family.

Suddenly Scott came tearing back down the steps. "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy!" he cried as he tried to climb up Henry's body.
Picking the boy up, Henry asked, "What is it?" As Buffy also came to the child.
"Dog jumped on me!" He cried.
Moving Troy from his lap, Noah immediately jumped from the couch, "You okay, Scott?" He asked as he kicked at the garage door and called up the steps, "RON! Come here!!"
Rick poked his head out of the garage. "What did he do?"
"Jumped on Scott," he answered as he started up the steps with the other man following. "I forgot all about how he's afraid of dogs. RON!" He called out crossly again.
Hearing his name, the dog ran from the living room down the steps, nearly knocking over the two men, and tore through the studio to the nursery and crawled under the crib.
"RICK!" Blackie screamed as the dog nearly knocked him over from where he was trying to help calm Scott. Turning and seeing the dog go in the nursery, he called out again. "Get your dog, Rick!!! He's in the nursery!" He whined as he started down the hall.
Noah turned. "Babe, calm down. It's ok," he said as Scott continued to cry. "Wanna go home, the dog was mean...tried to bite my head."
As Rick and Noah continued down the hall, Blackie turned back, and opened his arms to the little boy, "Scott, it's okay. Ron is big goofy dog, but he won't bite you."
"Huh uh, he did tryanbite me." the little boy insisted. "Daddy you lied! You said dog's name was Troy and he was nice."
Blackie pointed the dog in front of the chair, lying unaffected by the whole situation. "Scott, kiddo, that's our dog, Troy. He is a nice dog."
He turned, taking in the white and black dog. "Same dog."
"No, it's not." Blackie tried to comfort, "That's Troy." Then watching as Rick and Noah came back down the hall with Rick's hand firmly on Ron's collar, "And that's Ron, they look the same, but Ron gets a LOT more excited then Troy does."
As the dog spotted the little boy he tried to lunge playfully toward him.
Noah helped Rick pull the dog back down to the floor, "He just likes you, Scott," Noah tried to get through to the boy. "He doesn't know you don't like him."
"He wants to eat me," he said fearfully, yet couldn't take his eyes off the other dog who had yet to move but was watching the goings on with a bemused stare.
"He won't eat you, Scott." Rick tried to comfort. "He really is a nice dog, but I'll take him out to the garage." Looking up to Henry and Buffy, he shrugged. "I'm really sorry," He apologized as he led the dog out, stopping only to kiss Gran's cheek. "I'll get Barbara and be back in a bit."
The old woman smiled at the man then scowled at the dog. "No homemade peanut butter treats for you, you BAD dog."
Hanging his head and curling to Rick's leg the dog seemed to pout as Rick led him out into the garage.
With the dog gone Scott wiggled down and then walked to the doorway of the studio. "Hey dog." he called out. "You gonna try and eat me too?"
Looking up briefly, the dog whimpered slightly and laid his head back down to the floor looking to Noah with pleading eyes.
Watching the boy Noah encouraged. "It's ok, Scott."
"Why's he crying?" the boy asked curiously as he moved closer to Noah.
"Probably because he wants me to go sit down so he can lay on me again," he answered. "Either that or he wants to meet you." He knelt down on one knee and pulled the boy in between his legs. "What do you think little brother, think we can call him over here?"
Sitting down on Noah's knee and curling into the man, he nodded, "Yeah, okay."
"Come here, dog." Noah called to Troy. Slowly Troy got to his feet and walked the small distance to his master and then sat down.
Smiling, Noah reached out and pet the dog's head, "That's a good boy. See Scott he's a nice dog."
Slowly the young boy reached out but didn't touch the dog. "Don't eat my hand ok," he shaking whispered as he made contact with the animal.
Troy nuzzled into the boy's hand as Scott continued to pet him.
Buffy leaned into her husband. "You watching this?"
Henry leaned in and wrapped his arm around the woman's waist, "I sure am."
Scott looked up. Mommy, Daddy. This dog IS nice, and he's fat too so he gets lot of food. He won't take mine."
Blackie laughed as he knelt down next to them, "I don't know about that. He likes it when you share food with him. Don't you, boy." He asked Troy as he leaned in and hugged the dog. "He's a good boy, though."
Moving in a bit toward the boy Troy lifted his head and licked his chin.
Scott's body stiffened in fear in his brother's arms.
"He's just giving you a kiss. Aren't you, Troy? He likes you," Noah comforted softly then leaned in and kissed the dog on the top of the head, and let the dog lick his cheek, "It tickles doesn't it."
"He's not tasting me so he can bite me?"
"He won't bite you. I promise." Noah answered confidently. "He's just giving you kisses."
Scott nodded. "Ok dog, you can kiss me. But please don't bite me cause I think I might like you."
The dog laid his head in Scott's lap and whimpered as he tried to nuzzle the boy's hand.
He looked up to Noah. "What he want now?"
"For you to pet him. He loves that." He answered as he patted the dog's body.
"Oh." he said as he pet the dog. "I'm sorry, Troy." He shifted on Noah's lap. "Bet that couch would be more comfortable. You wanna come with me dog?"
As the dog followed Scott to the couch, Noah got to his feet and turned to his father and Buffy. "I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it or I would have made sure demon dog was already in the garage."
Henry shook his head. "It's ok, Son, the best we had hoped for was that Scott would be ok being in the same building as Troy." he pointed to the couch were Scott sat with Troy's head in his lap, petting the dog. "We never even imagined that."
Noah swallowed hard and looked at his father, "You've done real good with him, Dad. He's come a long way."
Pulling his son in Henry hugged him tight. "As much as I love him, Noah, every day I wish he were you so I could have a second chance with YOU."
Hugging his father, he whispered in his ear. "I know that, Dad. I love you." Pulling back, he said a bit louder, "Why don't you come in and meet your grandson, though you'll have to pry him out of his other grandpa's arms I think."

Lori came down the steps. "D-Dad, before you go see Brodie, you think we could talk?"
Feeling his heart sink, knowing what Lori had to break to the man, Noah patted his shoulder. "It's important," he struggled to say.
Inwardly Henry groaned and whispered to Noah. "Is she pregnant?"
Shaking his head he said through a slight chuckle, "No. . .it couldn't be that simple."
Henry nodded. "OK, Honey, your room?"
She nodded, turned, and started up the steps.
The older man turned to the rest of the family. "I'll be back, save some baby cuteness for me ok?"

Upstairs in her room Lori tapped Brett's foot. "Hey Sexy, Dad is coming up. You think maybe you could watch the game in the living room?"
Pulling himself from the bed, he wrapped his arms around Lori's waist and kissed her cheek, "I'll be right in the other room if you need me, Darlin'." He then offered his hand to the girl's father, "It's good to see you again, Henry. We'll talk later." He then left the room.
Sitting down at the desk Henry noticed his youngest daughter's nervous pacing. "Lori, honey, what's wrong?"
She turned and sat down. "I don't know how to say it, Daddy."
"Just say it, sweet heart," Henry implored.
"I--I." She sat down and pulled the Care Bear close as she began to cry. "I can't."
Reaching over and running his arm up his daughter's arm he asked softly, "What is it, sweetie. I promise you whatever it is, we'll work it out and I'm here for you."
She swallowed hard. "A long time ago Mom told me something and I want to know if it's true."
He frowned, Martin had filled him in on Noah's recent visit and what the woman's bitter soul had done to him and figured this must have sparked something in the girl. "I'll try to answer it for you, if I can."
She nodded. "'tmydad."
Wrapping his arms around the girl's neck he pulled her to him, his own tears spilling down his cheek, "WHEN! When did she do that to you?"
"When I was 10." Curling into his lap she cried. "I'm sorry, Daddy."
"It's a lie, baby." He said firmly, "It's not true."
"But I have blond hair." she sobbed.
He lifted her chin, and looked into her teary eyes, letting his fingers run through it he nodded, "And it's beautiful blond hair. You're my daughter, Lori. I don't know why she tried to hurt you like that. I shouldn't say this, but I mean it, I hate her for all the pain she's caused my children."
Listening to what he was saying she pulled back. "You know for sure?"
To answer her honestly would also be admitting he once had doubts, but he knew the honesty is what she now needed. "Yes, I know for sure."
He struggled, "Uhm, I had testing done," he said plainly and directly. "Twice actually as the first time was inconclusive."
Lori wiped her eyes. "You did? When?"
"The first time you were still a baby." He exhaled, "I've never tried to pretend your mother and I had a good marriage, sweet heart, and I'll admit when you were little I looked at the pretty head of blond hair and thought the same thing, that no Drake has ever been a blond. I didn't put it past her to trick me, she had done it with Noah, so I had blood tests done without her knowing."
"And it said that you're my dad?"
"Genetic research was still pretty new then, it could say in some cases that some one wasn't a parent, but not always prove they were. I had the blood work sent to this clinic in Boston that was a leader paternity. All they could tell me then was it was possible I was." He paused, "Baby, I already loved you and I would have always loved you and cared for you. It's your mother I didn't trust. Anyway, a few years later the clinic made some more advancement in genetic testing and paternity tests, so I sent blood samples to them again. This time they did prove that I was your father. Honey, your mom lied to you."
Relief washed over her and she hugged his neck. "But why, I don't understand."
"I don't know, baby, I really don't Maybe she did have an affair, I did. Maybe she thought someone else fathered you. I don't know. I know Noah believes it's because she's sick that she's so spiteful. I'm not so sure myself."
"I hate her, Dad. I told Noah I tried to love her and I did, but now I just hate her."
Henry held the girl tight in his arms, "I'm so sorry that she hurt you, honey. I wish I had known then so you wouldn't have had to wonder all these years."
"Never really thought about it till recently, when they found out that Blackie is the dad that made Brodie."
"I don't want you to worry about it anymore. I'm your father. Just so you know, even if I hadn't been, I still would be, you know what I mean?"
She nodded. "Noah said that, and I told him that even if you weren't you were and I didn't care who was."
"You are." He reassured.
She smiled. "I'm glad."

Walking into the studio, Nancy set her knitting bag down next to the chair and turned to Joe, "You hand that baby over this minute or am I going to have to wrestle you for him?"
He looked up and quickly handed the infant to the old woman. "No, Nancy, honey, you don't have to wrestle me. Besides you'd win and then I'd look bad."
She laughed as she stole a peek at the other baby in Cynthia's arms, "You just hang on a minute, pretty girl, I'll be with you in a bit." She then let her eyes fall back down to the baby in her arms, and her breath caught, "Oh my goodness," she exhaled. "He's about the sweetest thing these old eyes have ever seen." Then looking around at the chairs filled with bodies she scolded, "Somebody better move so I can sit down, I'm an old woman with a baby for crying out loud."
Scott jumped off the couch. "Here, Granny, you sit here." He tugged on Troy's collar. "Come on, dog, I'll let you lick me some more."
"Thank you, Scott," she smiled as she sat down. Looking down at the child, she rocked her arms slightly. "Hey there, Brodie," she whispered to the child. "I'm your Gran."
Martin sat down next to his mother and pulled his son on his lap as the boy ran past. "Hey pal, you think you wanna meet your nephew?"
Randy looked down at the baby and touched his arm, looking up to Martin he smiled, "He's teeny tiny."
"Yeah he is. But he's really cute huh?"
"Uh-hu, he looks like Blackie," the boy said plainly as he looked again. "Can I go play with the kids now, Daddy?"
"Sure, Randy, go ahead. Why don't you go find Scott, I think he went to Noah and Blackie's room just down the hall." As the boy slid off his lap and headed down the hall Martin laughed. "I'm no match for other kids."
Noah laughed as he dropped to his knees at his grandmother's feet, "He loves you, Dad. How often do they all get to play together? I think it's great." He then laid a hand on Nancy's arm as he looked down at the baby, "Whatcha think, Gran?"
"I think he's beautiful, Baby. Randy is right he does look like Blackie."
Looking down from the back of the couch, Blackie blushed. "Hey, he's better looking then that." Reaching down he touched Brodie's arm, "He's such a good baby."
Little Noah toddled in from the girls' room and crawled into Noah's lap. "Uncie Noah, who dem?" he pointed around the room.
Noah pulled the toddler onto his lap, laying his hand on the woman's leg, he answered, "This is Gran," Moving his hand he continued, "And Uncle Martin." And then continued around the room, till he got to the doorway to see Henry and Lori come into the studio, "And there's your Grandpa," He said softly, as he searched his sister's face for emotion.
"And Ori." The little boy said excitedly.
"Uh-hu," Noah answered as he stood the boy up and ruffled his hair. Pulling himself to his feet he went to his sister and hugged her tight, whispering in her ear. "You okay?"
"Yeah." she said slowly. "He did tests a long time ago Noah. I'm a Drake for real."
Relief washing over him, he exhaled and pulled the girl tighter, "of course you are."
Henry walked into the room and looked down at Brodie; then reached over and smacked Martin on the back of the head. "He's lucky. He doesn't look like you, Squirt."
"Me?" Martin squealed, "Could be worse. Could look like you, old man."
"And that would be a bad thing?" he laughed. "I think NOT; I'm hot."

The front door opening again, Drew's voice could be heard from the foyer. "800 people in this house and not a one of you can come help me?"
Blackie ran out of the studio as the garage door opened and Ben came out. "Paint is dry Blackie," he said as he grabbed one end of the large box the older man was trying to carry.
"Thanks, Ben," He then turned to the package and laughed, "OH wow! Brodie, look, Papa Drew brought you a jungle gym."
Inside the studio Noah laughed. "Papa Drew bought a WHAT???"
"You deaf, Noah, a jungle gym." The older man grumbled, "Hurry up and get out of that cast so you can put it together for him. WAIT, forget I said that, Blackie you put it together for him." Taking the doctor's hand, he slipped a bill into it, "You just put that in his bank."
Noah faked a pout. "I could put it together." He looked down at his hand. "Thanks Drew." he moved in and hugged the man. "We appreciate it."
"Yes, Thank you, Drew," Blackie said as he laid his hand on the man's back, turning him when Noah was done he hugged him tight. "You're always so good to us and the kids. We love you."
"Love you too, Blackie, and speaking of kids. I dropped 3 off, where are they now?"
"Scott and Randy are in our room with Troy, and Andy and Robin are upstairs." He then turned to the doctor, "Noah, can I see you in the garage for a minute."
"Sure, Babe." he slipped the money into his pocket and followed his lover out of the room.

Walking out into the garage, Blackie pointed to the tarp-covered bike. "It's done," he said simply.
"You finished it already?" Noah asked. "Take it off I wanna see."
Guiding Noah to a spot where he could see the bike from the side, the paint job in particular, he walked behind it and smiled. "I love you, Doc," he said as he then pulled the tarp off the bike and awaited the man's reaction.
Immediately his eyes fell to his name painted on the gas tank and then to the rest of the bike. The gleaming paint and shiny chrome, "For me?"
He nodded, and shrugged with a nervous smile. Then tossed him the keys, "Happy Valentine's Day."
'Valentines Day?' Noah thought. 'Oh fuck I only got 3 days to get something awesome.' He smiled at his lover. "I love it, Blackie." He tossed the keys back. "Take me for a ride down the block?"
Tossing the keys back at the man he said, "I'd love for you to take me for a ride on your bike."
Noah held up his cast-ed arm. "Can't"
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry, Noah," Blackie laughed and opened his hand.
Hitting the garage door opener and feeling the cold rush in Noah bristled. "Go get our jackets?"
"Sure, Babe," he said as he ran into the house.
A few minutes later after Blackie returned with their jackets and helmets Noah climbed on behind his lover and wrapped his arms around him. "I love it, Blackie, so very much. Thank you for thinking of me."
Turning slightly so he could look in Noah's eyes, he said, "You gave me a wonderful gift, Noah. The self-confidence to believe that I could take a few boxes full parts and put it together. It had to be yours, cause without you this bike never would have done this." He turned back to the front, turned the key, then jumped down kicking the starter, and the bike roared to life. Letting go of his baited breath Blackie thought 'thank god.'
As the engine roared to life beneath them Noah snuggled in closer. "It's perfect, and so are you my love."
Easing back into Noah, he smiled as he put it in gear, and drove down the driveway turning left onto Nolan.

As everyone began putting their coats on and Blackie helped Marie open the fold out, Noah came downstairs with Henry. "He must still be in our room, Dad."
"Ok, I'll go get him." The man said as he walked down toward the bedrooms. A few seconds later he called to his wife, "Honey, come here."
Following her husband down the hall, she stopped in the doorway, shocked. Laying her head on Henry's shoulder she smiled at the boy curled up next to the dog, his arm draped over it. "Who would have ever thought, hu?"
Peeking over their shoulders Noah whispered. "He can stay there if it's ok with you."
"Are you sure, Noah?" The woman asked. "It's not too much with Brodie and everything?"
"It's fine," he whispered. "The girl's are back, Blackie and I can go out to the cave."
Buffy crossed to the bed, and gently woke Scott. "Scotty, baby, Your dad and I are going back to Uncle Martin's. You want to come with us or stay here at your brother's house."
The boy curled into the dog. "Can Troy come too? He's a nice dog," he mumbled as he laid his head on the animal's back.
Crossing to the bed, Noah knelt down. "Does that mean you'd rather go to Uncle Martin's, Scott?"
The sleepy boy forced his eyes open again. "Only if Troy can go too, if not I wanna stay here."
Reaching over the boy, Noah ruffled the dog's short fur. "You want to go for a sleep over, Troy?"
In response the dog whined and rolled to his back.
Looking down and smiling, he said to Scott, "He's been sticking pretty close to me since I broke my hand." Lying down with Scott, he pet the dog, "You can stay here with us though if you want."
"Thank you, Noah." he said as he kicked off his shoes. "I stay here with Troy, Mommy."
"Okay," she smiled, kissing the boy's forehead. "If you want me to come get you later, you can have anyone here call over to Uncle Martin's okay."
"Ok." he sat up and kissed his mother and then moved to hug Henry. "Goodnight, Daddy. I'm gonna stay here with the nice doggie."
Hugging the boy tight, Henry then kissed him, "okay, son. We're planning on coming back over after breakfast tomorrow. You need us you have someone call."

An Hour Later
Noah walked into the living room to find Blackie reading his one of text books with Brodie laying beside him on the couch. "You sure you're ok with sleeping out in the cave, Babe?"
He looked up and smiled, "Yeah, it's fine. The girls going to keep him in their room?" he asked as he looked down to the baby.
He nodded. "Yeah I think so. Do you want me to check?"
Closing the book and tossing it to the coffee table, he then picked up the baby. "We'll walk with you. He's about ready to eat anyway I think."

15 minutes later after getting the infant settled for the night Noah grabbed the hand held monitor and handed it to his lover.
Blackie blushed as he took it, embarrassed by his compulsion, "Thanks, Noah."
"It's ok Baby, just be sure to break the habit by his wedding night ok?"
"Okay," he laughed as he dropped the monitor into the pocket of his robe. "Whatcha say I grab us a bottle of wine?"
"Sure. White?"
A bit surprised, Blackie asked, "You want white?"
He nodded. "I know you like the sweeter stuff."
Smiling he leaned in and kissed the man's cheek. "Let me grab it and a couple glasses and we can head out."
"Ok. I'll head on out and pull down the bed? Just need one hand for that."

In the kitchen, Blackie pulled a bottle of white wine from Noah's rack above the refrigerator, and then grabbed their glasses from the drain. Turning back, he opened the fridge, and smiled when he saw the package of strawberries. Taking that too, he dug a bit more till he found some whip cream, then smiled satisfied as he walked out into the bitter cold, and quickly crossed the yard to cave. Pushing the door open he smiled as he was overwhelmed with the scent of candles and incense, the aroma immediately relaxing him and warming his heart and body.
On the bed Noah opened his arms. "Hey, Baby. I missed you."
"Missed you too," he beamed as he carefully set the items in his arms on the small nightstand before crawling into bed and hugging the man. Pulling away with a light kiss to his lips, he said, "This is really nice." He then reached for the wine, and a glass filling one for Noah.
"Thanks." he said taking it and sipping from it before letting it rest against his leg. "I wanted to tell you how pleased I am, Babe. I noticed you making a true effort to talk to our family."
He let his head fall down as a slight blush came to his cheeks, "It was a good lesson, you were right about taking people for granted. And it felt good to say the things I have."
Noah smiled. "I think you have gotten the point then. Consider your punishment fulfilled."
Leaning into Noah's shoulder he breathed deep, "Thank you, sir." After a moment's pause, he looked up into his eyes, "And I really am sorry for the way I treated you."
"I know." He shifted bring his uncasted arm across Blackie's chest. "We can move on now right?"
"Uh-hu," he nodded as he kissed the man's forehead. Reaching over, he took a strawberry from the package, swished it in his glass of wine, and then dipped it in the whip cream before offering it to Noah. "Were you surprised? About the bike, I mean."
Nibbling at the tip of the berry Noah nodded. "uh huh and I have a confession to make."
"You peeked?" he jumped to. "I waited to the very last minute to put your name on it so I could just once surprise you."
"No." he blushed. "I swear to you I didn't." He took a deep breath. "I fucked up and forgot about Valentine's Day."
Leaning back against the headboard, then sliding down a bit so he was under Noah, he leaned up and kissed his mouth, "No, you didn't. You give me your love every day. Don't worry about it, Noah."
The older man frowned. "No, you gave me an awesome present. I'll make it up to you I swear I will sweet boy."
"The bike's not really for Valentine's day," he admitted. "I decided the day I talked to you about getting it I was going to build it for you. Just so happened I got it done this week. I'm kinda surprised I did, but the engine was in a lot better shape that I thought."
"I love it, and the first thing I am gonna do when I get this cast off is take it for a nice long ride."
"I hope it's warmer by then," he grinned, then leaned up and kissed the man again.
Noah laughed. "Me too."

3 days later

Pulling into the dorm parking lot Jay smiled over at Alfie. "You know, you look so good I almost wanna turn around and go back home."
Leaning in and running his fingers through Jay's hair, Alfie chuckled, "No you don't. You've been looking forward to this all week."
Jay giggled. "Well yeah." He killed the engine and opened the door. "You ready?"
"Yeah, I am," he said as he pushed open his door, and slipped out of the car.
Walking around the hood and taking his boyfriend's hand Jay sighed happily. "I just love being here ya know."
"I do," he answered as he leaned into the other boy's shoulder. "Me too."

Charlie tossed fresh sheets onto the bed as Devin kicked the laundry that seemed to live on the floor into the corner of the room.
Looking over his shoulder, Charlie laughed at Devin, "It's only going to crawl back out."
The blond laughed. "Sssshhhhh. The monster known as dirty laundry has assured me he will behave tonight."
"Yeah, uh-hu," the other teen sarcastically answered, then reaching out, pulled Devin into his arms, kissing him deeply. "Happy Valentines Day, Babe."
As the kiss broke Dev smiled. "You too, baby. He locked his wrist behind Charlie's back. "The first of...what...70 or 80?"
"At least," Charlie answered as he pushed his lips back to Devin's.

Just then a knock fell on the door followed by Jay's voice. "It's us, you decent? And if not can we watch?"
Laughing Devin called out, "COME IN!" Then as the door opened, he playfully threw the pillow off the bed at the two, "You little perv," he mocked.
Jay bowed dramatically. "Thank you."

"Oh stop it," Alfie smiled as he slapped his boyfriend on the arm and dropped down to bed, "What time this dance thing start?"
Charlie looked at the clock. "Right now, we figured we'd go in an hour."
"Cool," he nodded.
Jay bounced on the bed. "Guess what my Baby did today?"
"What?" Devin asked as he turned to the closet flipping through the boxes of shoes, looking for a particular pair.
Jay grinned. "He sent me roses in homeroom."
"Awwwwweeeee," Charlie sighed. "That is sooo romantic."
Jay blushed as he looked around the room. "No romance for you guys?"
Charlie looked up to Dev, and then back, "No, Dev got me a jacket. I'm going to wear it tonight."
Devin opened the refrigerator and showed off the 4 bags of carrots and then pointed to the juicer on top of the microwave. "I kinda think that's plenty romantic."
Alfie smiled and rolled his eyes a bit, "Like a couple of old married guys, don't you think," he directed to Jay, then continued, "I got chocolate, and this," he said as he pulled out the gold chain he was wearing from under his shirt.
Devin smiled. "That's really nice." he turned to his lover. "Baby, where the hell are my blue shoes with the black trim?"
"Uhm, ahh," he stammered, then reached down and pulled them off his own feet. "Sorry, Babe."
Grabbing a similar but not quite exactly the same pair from the shelf he tossed them to Charlie. "You can wear these."
"Thanks," he answered with a smile.
Jay slid back on the bed. "So what's the plan for tonight? The dance and then back here?"
"Yeah," Charlie answered as he slid a little closer to Jay. "And you guys are sure you're more comfortable, with like kissing and stuff?"
Jay moved in sliding his hand up the older boy's leg. "Yeah, we talked about it."
"Cool," Charlie answered as he let his hand fall to Jay's knee. "Then this is okay?" he asked as he brushed the other boy's lips.
"Yeah it is. And so is this." He deepened the kiss as he continued to touch the boy.

Sitting back a bit Alfie watched as Charlie kissed his boyfriend. He had expected a twinge of jealousy but instead he felt a rush of heat spreading through his body.

Leaning back against the desk Devin also watched; smiling to himself at how comfortable Charlie had become not only with himself but the people around him. Turning to Alfie he said, "Pretty hot, hu?"
Alfie sighed. "Oh fuck yeah."
Moving across the room, he dropped down on the bed behind Alfie, but close to the other two. Reaching out he let his hand move over Charlie's hair, letting him know he was there, and enjoying the scene. He then slowly brought his other arm around Alfie, but not yet touching, he breathed against the boy's neck, "It okay?"
Turning he pushed his lips to Devin's. "Yeah."
Moaning slightly, he let his arm come down against the teen's body, and returned the kiss, gently pushing his tongue past Alfie's lips.
Pulling away from Charlie, Jay looked to Devin and Alfie. "Mmmmm." he mumbled as he watched Devin's hand fall to the younger's lap.
Letting his hand slide up Jay's cheek, Charlie then pulled him back in, kissing him again. Moving from his mouth Alfie licked and nibbled at Devin's neck. "This is so fucking hot."
"MMMM, yeah," Devin answered as he crooked his neck giving him better access. His eyes catching the clock he said, "But I did not get all dressed up and mouse my hair to not go to this thing. Pick up where we left off later?"
Laughing Alfie pulled away. "Yeah." he dropped his hand to the blonde's lap and rubbed firmly for a moment. "Just so you don't forget."
With a groan, he answered, "I won't, believe me."

Chapter 16
