Cupid's Folly

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: NC-17
Type: Slash, Het, Femslash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie, Bunnies, Jay/Alfie, Alfie/Bunnies/Jay, Anna/Holly, Joe/Cyn, Bucky/Dana, Lori/Brett, Frisco/Stacy
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

The Office
Standing over Stacy's shoulder Blackie explained, "The ones with the stars next to it are the rooms we're getting comp'd from the academy. These we have to pay for. Can you give the hotel a call and try and get them in the same hotel?"
"Sure," Stacy answered. "There was something I wanted to ask you about that."
Checking his watch, he asked, "What is it?" though his mind was on the evening he had planned.
"Well I was wondering if I could bring a friend. You can take the room charge out of my check"
"Well, I was giving you one of the free ones, cause you're going to watch the kids when we're at the awards." He said as he searched his mind. He felt like everyone they knew was already going. Reaching for his coat he asked, "Sure, it's fine. Can I ask who?"
"Frisco." she admitted with a slight blush.
'Frisco?' His mind raced, 'she wants to bring and share a room with him?' "You're still going to watch the kids right?"
"Oh yeah." she smiled. "I'm not really up for a night out or anything, too fat. But yeah I was talking to him and he said he wouldn't mind going and hanging out with me. That's why I said I would pay for his room."
"Oh," he smiled, 'his OWN room.' "Sure, Stacy, that's cool. An extra set of hands with the kids is probably a good idea anyway. Do you need me for anything else?" he asked checking his watch again.
She held out her hand. "Just my pay check. It IS Friday," she grinned.
"Top left drawer, sugar," he answered. "Oh, Gran is at the house with the kids. Holly and Anna had plans, not sure what Lori and Brett are doing, but Noah and I are going to be gone all night."
"Well." she sighed. "I am gonna do a little shopping. Did I mention I was fat? And then I'll be home till midnight or so."
Twisting a bit cause he wanted to leave he couldn't help but quickly crossed the room. Hugging her neck he chuckled in her ear, "Stop saying your fat, honey. They can't help it there's two of them in there." Lightly patting her stomach, he said, "Bye babies." Looking up he continued, "See ya later, Stac."
She laughed, "Bye Blackie."

Running down the steps, he stopped at the counter. Seeing the bag by the register, he called out, "This mine, Ruby?"
"Yeah, but hold on a minute, Blackie." The woman called out from the kitchen. "Help yourself to something to drink."
Checking his watch again, he sighed and looked around then sighed in relief when Jimmy Lee walked in the door. Tossing him the keys to Noah's car, he said, "Thanks, Dude. Ruby wants to talk to me about something, so don't bring him there for about thirty minutes?"
JL nodded. "No problem. I still have to go pick up Grant's gift."
"I owe you," he chuckled. "Thanks a lot." Turning as Jimmy Lee left, he called out again, "RUBES, I GOT TO GO! What's up?"
She came out carrying 2 boxes, which she put into the bag. "You gonna go without your food?"
"Sorry," he blushed as he leaned across the counter, kissed her cheek, and then handed her a $20 bill. "Thank you."
"Just one more second." she said as she went back into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of raspberry syrup and put it in the bag. "You're all set. Did you really recreate your old room here in that loft at your parents?"
He nodded, "Right down to the busted up plaster where he threw a TV at the wall. He doesn't have a clue. He thinks Jimmy Lee is picking him up so the four of us can go out for drinks, then a quiet night at home." He smiled proudly that he may have actually pulled off surprising the man.
She laughed. "Did you throw a TV at the wall too?"
"Nah, a sledge hammer worked just as well. So, what you doing tonight," he asked. "Any plans?"
She shook her head. "Not really. As soon as you leave I am gonna close up, clean the kitchen, and head home. Then I guess I'll watch some sappy old romance on the tube and fall asleep in my popcorn."
He frowned as he reached across the counter and hugged her again, "I'm sorry. You come see us and Brodie this weekend, okay?"
Hugging him back she laughed. "Nothing to be sorry about, Boy. I had my share of great romance. These days all I want is a good bowl of popcorn. You go now, have a good night."

Mock Kelly's
On the coat tree by the door, Blackie hung Noah's long unused wool coat, and threw his leather jacket on the floor beneath it. Looking to the coffee table, he had the two carry out boxes setting open and his old text English textbook from high school. Turning to the bed, he looked and then ran over realizing what was wrong. He messed the covers up, before stepping back, checking his watch, and wondering where Noah was.

Noah looked up as Jimmy Lee came back to the car. "So what ya get him?"
Opening the box, he showed the doctor the silver watch inside. "He broke his old one about a month ago and hasn't wanted to spend the money on replacing it." He explained.
"It's...well pretty isn't the right word and nice isn't either." Noah smiled.
"But it's him, right?" Jimmy Lee asked, now questioning if he made the right choice. "Oh yeah, definitely." Noah replied confidently. "It's the perfect gift."
Starting the little red sports car, Jimmy pulled out of the parking lot. "So Blackie said you liked the bike?" He asked, not feeling nearly as comfortable with Noah as he did with Blackie.
"I love it," Noah answered. Looking out the window confused, he asked. "Where we meeting Blackie and Grant?"
"Just this little out of the way place," he answered with a sly grin as he turned away from the business district and into the residential neighborhood.
"Ok." the doctor said and then noticed they seemed to heading to his place. "That wouldn't be my house would it?"
The man shook his head as he reached down and down shifted the car as he turned the corner again.
Confused as the other man pulled into the Webber's driveway he spotted Blackie's car but neither of the Webber's cars or Jay's was there. "Huh?"
"We're not meeting for drinks," he smiled. "You're supposed to go through that door and meet Blackie. I'm taking Blackie's car back to your house, where Grant is picking me up. Have a nice night," he smiled.
Noah grinned. "That door?" he pointed to the open door on the side of the garage.
He nodded, "Yeah, that door, now, go on," He directed as he handed Noah the keys to his car, and pulled Blackie's spare set out of his jacket pocket.

Noah slid from the little red sports car. "Thanks, Jimmy Lee." Shutting the door he almost ran down the short walk way and into the door. "Blackie?" He called out.
"Up here," Blackie answered down the steps.
Hearing his lover's voice Noah walked up the steps to the loft. Rounding the corner at the top his breath caught in his throat. "Oh, Kid." he said lowly as he took in what was an exact replica of their room at Kelly's.
Smiling, he reached out for Noah's hand, "Happy Valentine's Day," he whispered.
Moving forward Noah moved around awestruck. He noticed the familiar dip in the center of the bed. "Is that our bed?"
He nodded, "Yeah, sorry I told you a little white lie when you said you wanted it for home, but I had already started this."
He opened the top drawer in the dresser to find his old clothes. "Wow, you thought of everything." he paused. "Come here, baby."
Going to the man, he slipped into his arms letting his hands go around his neck, "I know it's not our place, but it is, you know." Feeling something hard inside the man's jacket he pulled back, and tapped his chest, "What's that, Doc?"
"Your present." Noah smiled with a kiss to his lips. "Only part of it, the other 9 aren't done yet."
Lacing his fingers in Noah's he smiled. "Let's go sit on the couch? Our Kelly's burgers are cold, just like they use to be. Then can I have it?" he asked softly.
Overwhelmed with how much attention to detail his lover had paid the doctor nodded. Sitting down he felt tears springing to his eyes as the old couch creaked under their weight.
Leaning in and kissing the tear from his cheek, Blackie looped his arms around his neck. "Don't cry, Doc."
"Happy tears, Babe." Noah mumbled. "This is so amazing." he picked the book off the table and then looked over at the coat tree. "Pick up your jacket, Albert." he laughed he said the familiar phrase.
"Waahhhhhh, Doc," he complained then laughed. "When I moved my offices into our old room," He paused to swallow a few tears. "I couldn't, it's too special. So I just moved it."
Noah snuggled into the younger man's body. "I love it, Blackie. Every day you give me the best gift in the world: You. But this comes in a very very close second." he pulled back and reached into his pocket. "I know you said after we eat, but I need to give you this now. Happy Valentine's Day my love."
"Thank you, Doc," he answered as he began to pull the bright red paper away from the gift. Finding a videotape inside he looked at the label which read 1965. "What is this?" he asked confused.
"You know those reels of film that was in your mom's boxes?"
He nodded with a blush, "Yeah, all those old movies she used to take of me. But I don't understand."
"I had them converted to video so you can watch them. Just the first one got done in time though."
"Oh my," he said, his hands starting to shake. "All of them? Some of the later ones have her on them. I've never had anything to watch them with."
"All of them, Babe." Noah confirmed. "All 10 and all will be boxed just like that one with the year on it." He pulled Blackie into his arms. "Happy Love day, Valentine."
Laughing through his tears, he threw his arms around the other man, "Thank you so much, Noah. When the others are done, you'll get to see her how she was before she was sick. Thank you." He said again as he pulled back enough to press his lips to the other man's.
Holding his love close, Noah sighed and said a silent thank you to the woman who had given him the idea.
Pulling back slightly Blackie pressed his lips to Noah's kissing him softly, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Blackie. Forever and ever till the end of time. I first promised you that in our room and now here in this recreated room I am promising you again."
"Forever and always," Blackie confirmed. "Gran is staying at our house tonight, keeping the kids till Holly and Anna get home, but then I told her to just stay. We don't have to be anywhere till tomorrow. Cold take out," He said pointing to the food then to the bed, "Then just us together," Motioning with his head to the damaged plaster he whined, "We could watch TV, but you know. . . that damn song."
Noah laughed. "That's ok. I'd rather lay in bed with you and not watch TV any day."
"Me too," he answered. "Then whenever we need this place, it will be here for us," Blackie continued.
Noah reached into a box and pulled out 2 burgers and handed one to Blackie before carefully unwrapping his own. "I love it, and when I walked in I got an idea."
Taking a large bite, Blackie first moaned appreciatively and then spoke through his food, "What's that?"
Swallowing his own mouthful Noah grinned. "God these are good." he wiped his face with a napkin. "You know how we talked about having our ceremony this spring on the corner in front of Kelly's?"
"Yeah," he smiled, "Where we kissed."
"Well what do you think of this place for our honeymoon? We can go anywhere you want. But" he pointed to the bed. "I'd love to spend our honeymoon in the bed that you taught me so much about myself in."
"It's perfect," Blackie smiled. "And I do love traveling with you, but there isn't anyplace more special in the world to me then right here," he said as he slid into Noah's arms, turning so he was laying back against his chest, same way they had eaten so often back then. "And in that bed over there, just being together and not caring about the rest of the world."
"MMmmmm, this feels good." He tossed his partially eaten burger into the box. "I'm not all that hungry right now, Kid."
Taking another bite of his burger, Blackie then threw his in the box too. Leaning back against Noah's body, he closed his eyes and curled into him.
Holding his husband close, Noah shut his eyes as he shifted drawing the man closer. "Life is good."

Coming back from the kitchen, Joe handed Cyn the glass of wine and then slipped down to the floor next to her. Balancing his beer on his knee, he wrapped an arm around his wife and looked down at the child on blanket on the floor reaching for her rattles.
"Thanks, Honey." she replied as she snuggled into her husband. "I think your daughter has decided to give up sleep."
Leaning in and kissing the woman's forehead he smiled as he pulled her tighter. "Awe, Mommy, she took a two hour nap. What do you want from her?"
She slid her hand up his chest, pinching his left nipple through his shirt. "How about for her to go to sleep?"
Groaning at her touch he let his eye catch the clock. Sliding a hand up her neck he lifted Cyn's chin. "I tell you what. I'll take her, get her in her pajama's, feed her, and meet you in the bedroom."
She smiled. "Deal." and then picked up the baby. "It's time to go to bed, Caroline baby."
Curling her lips the child began to fuss.
Joe took the baby and gently bounced her on his knee. "Awe sweetie, don't do that. Mommy didn't mean to say that bad B word."
Reaching out toward Joe's face, she began to settle down.
Cynthia laughed. "Oh sure, make me the bad guy. You want to stay up a little longer baby girl?"
Slowly, her tears began to slow, as she reached out her arms in Cyn's direction.
Taking the small child Cyn leaned back against the couch and turned to look up at her husband. "What do you think honey? Another half hour?"
Letting his arm drape over his wife's shoulder and his other hand fall to the child's stomach, he smiled, "Yeah, I think so."

"Good night, Girls," Devin called out to the two that stepped off the elevator, as the doors closed, he turned and rolled his body atop of Alfie, pushing him back against the wall, and kissing him deeply, "Is this where we were?"
The teen laughed. "Yeah something like that, but can we wait till Jay and Charlie get back?"
Stepping back, the teen ran his hand through his blond hair, flipping it out of his eyes, "Yeah, sure," Then leaned back against the opposite wall, letting his thumb find it's way to his belt loop.
Alfie swallowed. "You trying to make it hard for me?"
Letting his hand slide down to his own crotch, he smiled, "You're making it hard for me."
Alfie blushed. "Awe fuck it, come here."
As Devin began to cross back the elevator door opened, He looked up, "Shit, this is our floor, Come on," he said taking the teen's hand and pulling him off into the hall.

Downstairs ~ Lounge
Jay slid 2 quarters into the pool table. "You don't think we'll be missed?"
"Nah," Charlie shook his head as he began to rack the balls. "Unless you're in a hurry to get back upstairs?"
"Nah." He handed the other man a stick. "You need any help?"
Dropping the last couple balls into the rack, he looked up and into the other teen's eyes, "No, I got it. You break," he said as he pulled the rack off the balls.
Jay grinned. "In that case I need some help," he leaned over the table shoving his hips upwards.
Moving around behind Jay, Charlie leaned down over him putting a hand on each of his arms, and nibbling at his neck, "This help?"
He rotated his hips. "Mmmm it helps something," he said as he brought the stick back to aim.
Grinding his hips to Jay's Charlie whispered, "just push it."
Pushing his hips back Jay mumbled. "Mmmmmok; like that?"
Moaning against Jay's neck, Charlie pushed back, "Just like that."
"First one to sink one wins and we go upstairs?" Jay asked through panting short breaths.
"Good plan," Charlie moaned as he moved back off the boy.
Pulling the stick back Jay pushed it forward and watched as 2 balls went in. Tossing the stick on the table he cocked his head and grinned. "I win; lets go."
"Thank God," Charlie laughed as he tossed his stick at the table and followed Jay toward the elevator.

"Oh my god." Alfie cried out as Devin's tongue danced up and down his spine.
"MMMMM, yeah," the older boy groaned as he lowered his weight down on top of the teen and began to nibble and bite at his neck.
Alfie rolled his head from side to side and he firmly rubbed himself through his black dress slacks. "They better hurry or I might explode...litterly."
Lifting back off the boy just a bit, Devin arched and rolled his head back, "Oh no, we can't have that, not yet."
Alfie whimpered as the blond pulled away. "No don't stop."
Slowly, Devin rolled his body back down, letting his weight fall to Alfie again.

Stepping off the elevator Jay and Charlie pulled apart and tucked their shirts in their waistbands; then quickly walked down the hall. "They didn't wait for us." Charlie said as they walked.
"How do you know?" Jay answered.
"Cause I can feel it." Charlie grinned and pushed opened the door. "Told you."
Stepping out of his shoes, and ripping his own shirt open, Jay then grabbed Charlie, "Looks like we got some catching up to do." He then pushed his lips firmly to the other man's and started guiding him back toward the bed as they kissed.
Alfie looked up. "Ok they're here," he announced as he slid his zipper down and wiggled free from his pants.
Lifting up, and doing the same, Devin shed the rest of his clothes, turning to Charlie he playfully asked, "What took you two so long?"
"We played balls...I mean pool."
"I can only imagine," Devin answered with a laugh as he laid back down over the boy and went back to kissing his shoulder and neck.
Alfie rolled his head. "You know I don't bottom right?"
Nibbling at the teen's shoulder, he gasped, "Yeah, I know."

Jay let his hand slide down Devin's back. "He doesn't but I do." Then with a giggle added "Wait, you already know that."
"Yeah, we know." Charlie laughed along as he took Jay's shoulder and guided him to his back on the bed, coming down on top of him.
Jay pushed his hands down between their bodies, working at the button and zipper of Charlie's jeans. "This is so fucking hot." he panted
Lifting his hips just a bit he looked down their bodies and watched as Jay worked the pants of his hips. "So hot," he agreed as he rolled to his back between Jay and the other couple, and then began working to open Jay's pants.
Rolling Alfie to his back, Devin kissed his way down the boy's body stopping only to nibble and suck on his nipples.
Reaching up above his head, Alfie grabbed the headboard and arched his hips hard, holding his body up off the bed for just a bit before letting himself fall back down and bringing his hands back to Devin's hair.
The blond looked up. "You like that?"
All Alfie could do was groan appreciatively in response.
Jay giggled. "He likes." and then slid down Charlie's body licking at his erect shaft. Now it was Charlie's moans that filled the room as Jay's mouth came down on his flesh and his tongue danced circles around his organ.
Pushing Devin back Alfie thrashed his head toward his boyfriend and the other boy. "Wanna watch, let me up."
Lifting up, Devin let Alfie slide up against the headboard. Letting his eyes fall to the other couple for a moment, he locked eyes with Charlie, 'Love you' he mouthed, then turned his attention back to Alfie, scooting in tight to the teen, between his legs, he began kissing his neck again.
"Jay." Alfie whispered softly in the dark room.
Jay's hand immediately stretched out toward the voice, and the teen lifted himself from Charlie, looking up, then sliding up the man beneath him, "You okay, Alfie?" he asked.
The teen reached out pulling his boyfriend close and holding him. "I am now, Babe. I love you."
"Love you too," he smiled, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.
As the kiss broke Alfie whispered. "I like watching you."
Jay squeezed the other man's hand tight in his. "me too. . . watching you I mean."
"Want to watch you now." Alfie said passionately as he gently pushed Jay back towards the dark haired college boy.
Looking down at Charlie, Jay smiled and blushed slightly, before sliding back up the teen's body and straddling his hips.
Reaching over into the nightstand Charlie groped in the drawer for a rubber. Finding one he arched his hips. "Lift up, hot stuff."
Bracing his hands against the chest below him, Jay lifted his hips with a bit of a sway. Watching Charlie slip the rubber over his cock, Jay continued to twist and wiggle his hips to tease the other teen.
Biting his lip Charlie moaned as Jay teased him. As soon as his cock was covered in latex he reached up grabbing the boy's shoulders and shoving him down, he entered his body in one thrust.
Arching and letting his head fall back, Jay groaned from deep within him. Locking his knees tight to Charlie's body he kept the boy motionless for a moment and then began to slowly move up and down on him.
Charlie's head rolled back as the sensations over took him. He reached out to the other couple, pulling Alfie down and kissing him.
As Alfie accepted the other man's tongue in his mouth, caressing it with his own, he let his hand slide down Charlie's body till he found his boyfriend's aroused member. Closing his hand around it, he began to stroke him.
Devin watched the scene in front of him for a moment before moving in and taking Alfie's cock between his lips.
Gasping and groaning against Charlie's mouth for a moment, Alfie then broke the kiss. Leaning back against the headboard, he panted as he watched Devin, then started to squirm himself down flat on the bed, reaching out for Devin's arm, he pleaded, "Turn. . I want you too."
'Finally.' Devin said to himself as he reached across his lover and grabbed another rubber. Ripping it open he slid it into his mouth and then moved back down Alfie's body using his mouth to cover his organ.
Charlie let one hand caress Alfie's arm as the other stroked Jay's cock. Biting his lip to hold back his climax, he watched his boyfriend's actions and hunger.
Climbing up Alfie's slender body Devin impaled himself on the boy's hard cock and immediately began to bounce up and down.
Charlie reached out for Devin's hand, taking in the teen's sweat slicked body and the pleasure on his face. Gripping his boyfriend's hand tight in his he let his eyes move to Jay's, "I'm there, I'm going to cum," he warned as he lift his hips off the bed, moaned in release, and continued to work Jay's cock in his hand.
Seconds later Jay exploded in orgasm, coating Charlie's chest with his seed. Lying down on his body he kissed him softly then reached over to Devin taking his cock in his hand and beginning to stroke him quickly, knowing that Alfie would not be able to hold out long at that pace.
Devin arched back, twisting his hips as he let his own hands work up his chest, almost dancing against the sweat. Coming up to his nipples, he worked his fingers in small circles before tweaking them hard and screaming out as orgasm washed over his body.
Another upward thrust and Alfie cried out in orgasm. Waiting till Devin had ridden out his own. The teen then shifted causing the blond to slide to the bed and then pulled Jay into his arms. "I need you with me."
As Jay returned Alfie's embrace and kissed the other boy deeply, Charlie moved around them, finding Devin on his back, panting to catch his breath he slid up his body, and kissed his shoulder and neck.
"Love you, Charlie." Devin whispered with ragged breaths.
"MMMMMM," Charlie answered, "Love you too." He then let his lips fall to Devin's.
Jay ran his fingers through Alfie's sweat wet hair. "You ok?"
"Uh-hu, how 'bout you?" Alfie asked.
"Yeah." he responded. "Even better now."

"You sure you don't want me to watch him so you can get some sleep?" Stacy asked Nancy.
"Oh, no, thank you, sweet heart. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing then holding this little baby right now."
"Ok, I'm going to make some tea, want some?"
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Stacy." The woman answered as she continued to rock the infant in her arms.
"No problem." the younger woman answered as she left the room. Glancing at the time on the microwave she sighed a happy sigh to herself. 'About 20 more minutes.'

In the living room, Nancy looked up, then back down to the child, "Well, lookie there, Brodie. Your mommies are home."
Hanging up her coat Holly asked. "How was he?"
"Not a bit of trouble," the woman fawned. "Just perfectly content to sit her and be held and rocked all night long. How was your dinner?"
Anna smiled. "Uneaten."
Giggling and playfully smacking her lover's arm, Holly interrupted, "Anna, I doubt Nancy wants details."
The old woman chuckled. "How do you know I don't, missy?"
Laughing as she crossed the room, Anna reached for the baby. "You hungry, Brodie boy?" Then turned to Nancy, "A nice long drive in the new car followed by a nice long park," She whispered under her breath with a mischievous tone.
Nancy laughed. "Ahhhh, guess that would explain why her shirt is on backwards." she giggled to Anna while pointing to Holly.
Looking down, the shorter woman laughed, and then came up behind Anna hugging her neck. "Why don't we take the little one down to bed?"
Turning Anna whispered in her ear.
Holly smiled as she pulled back and laid her hand against the woman's cheek, smiling. Then turning to Nancy she asked, "After Anna's fed him would you be willing to still keep him?"
"Sure, would love to." Nancy nodded as Stacy handed her a cup of tea. "Thank you Dear." she said to the woman.
Twisting a bit, Stacy looked at the clock, then the others settling on the couch. "Uhm, ah," the girl stammered. "Would it be possible . . ." her voice trailed.
Anna looked up from the end of the couch where she was nursing Brodie. "Would what be possible?"
"I'm sorry," the girl apologized, "But Frisco's coming by and we were going to watch a movie or two. I'd go downstairs, but," She pointed to the TV. "Isn't one down there."
Anna nodded. "Let me get him fed and then we'll clear out ok?"
"Thank you," Stacy said as Gran continued, "And I'll take him on downstairs and put the little guy to bed."
The young woman smiled. "Thanks." she said as a knock on the door filtered up the steps. "That's probably him."

Standing outside on the doorstep, Frisco pushed his hands into his pockets and shifted the weight on his feet to keep warm. When the door opened, he turned smiling at the woman on the other side, "Hi."
"Hey." she returned pulling him in the door and hugging him. "You're late."
Holding her in his arms for just a moment longer then necessary he answered, "I know. I'm sorry." Bringing a single carnation up he asked, "This make up for it."
"Awe." she blushed. "I can't stay mad at you. You're too cute." she took his hand. "Come on, Anna is feeding Brodie right now but they said they'd clear out. I got Sweet Bloody Valentine from the video store."
Laughing as he was pulled up the steps he quipped, "You're so romantic, baby."
"Hey I got Casablanca too." Arriving at the top of the steps she dropped his hand before they turned the corner and entered the room.
"Hi, Anna, Holly, Mrs. Drake," Frisco greeted as he came in the room, "So that's the baby, hu?"
"His feet anyway." Holly laughed. "How you doing, Frisco?"
"Oh, pretty good," he answered automatically as he took his coat off.
"How's the streets?" Anna asked as she looked up.
"Doing our best to keep them safe," he smiled.
Anna grinned. "Still playing duck and cover with that Cummings girl?"
He exhaled and looked to Stacy then turned back, "Kinda."
Nancy looked up. "How do you KINDA see someone?"
"Well, we were. . .till tonight."
Stacy moved in rubbing his shoulder. "You ok?"
He nodded slightly, "Yeah, I am."
Nancy looked at the couple and then turned to Anna and Holly. "I don't like him," she mouthed silently.
Holly shrugged and then turned to Anna not knowing what to say or do.
The old woman stood. "Well I am going to go call Fred and wish him a happy Valentine's Day while it still is. Anna, Holly; you bring me that baby before you go to bed."
"Will do," Anna answered, "Won't be much longer." She looked to the other couple, "And we'll get out of your way."

"Okay, Mary, thanks," Alfie said then dropped the phone in the cradle and pulled Jay back tight in his arms. "Everything's cool." He then pushed his mouth tight to the other boy's and kissed him deeply.
"Yeah! I already told Mom and Dad I'd be gone all night." Jay reported.
Lying next to the other two, Charlie whispered in Devin's ear, "Is the phone going to ring with Sal on the other end?"
Devin laughed. "It better not be."
Rolling the man in his arms to his back and coming down on top of him, Charlie exhaled happily before letting his mouth fall to his neck. "I love you, Dev."
"I love you too, Baby," the blond returned as on the other side of the bed Jay reached for his clothes. "Hey guys, we're gonna take off. Meet you at 10 for breakfast at Bob Evans?"
"Sounds good to me," Charlie mumbled against Devin's skin.
"Where we going?" Alfie asked confused as Jay threw his clothes at him.
"A surprise," Jay answered. "Just get dressed."
Pulling his shirt over his head Alfie shrugged. "What kind of surprise?"
"You'll see soon enough," he answered as he put his coat on, and pulled his car keys from his pocket. "Come on." Turning to the bed, he said, "Good night, guys."
Not even glancing over the 2 college boys waved and mumbled their good byes.

As the door closed, Charlie broke their kiss and breathed against the other teen's mouth, "That was fun, but I'm kinda glad we're alone now."
Running his hand down his side Devin purred. "Me too."
Letting his finger's run over the blonde's lips, he kissed a trail down Devin's chest. Dev wiggled. "Let me up a minute, Baby."
Rolling to his side he smiled. "Where you going?"
Getting up and walking across the room he reached behind the small refrigerator and pulled out a small box and then crossed back to the bed. "This is your real present, Baby. The jacket too, but till tonight I wasn't sure if the time was right to give you this and now I know it is."
"Awe," the boy smiled obviously touched as he pushed himself up in the bed. "The jacket was more then enough. I love it." Charlie answered, and then opened up the box. Picking up the necklace in his hands, he ran his fingers gently over it down to the two interlocking hearts in rainbow colors. "Thank you so much, Devin. I love it." He answered as he handed it to the man, turned and lifted his hair, "Help me put it on . . .and why did you wonder?" He asked.
He shrugged as he slid the chain around his boyfriend's neck. "I just didn't know if you were really ready for it is all." he kissed the back of the neck. "Look on the back of the hearts, Baby."
Leaning back into his boyfriend's body, he lifted the hearts and saw their names were engraved on the back. "I think I'm going to cry," he laughed through building tears. "You're way too good to me, Babe."
"That's because I love you, goofball." Devin smiled. "You know what made me decide to give it to you tonight?"
Turning just a bit so he could lay his head against Devin's shoulder he asked, "What?" At the dance, after that song when you went to get us all some juice and those jock jerks were hassling you. You didn't go into fight mode; instead you came back and took my hand for that slow song. That's when I knew, Charlie. I knew you were not only ok with you but you weren't going to change you for anyone else."
He smiled, "Well, if I would be lying if I said I didn't WANT to pound the hell out of them. But we were having such a good time, I wasn't going to ruin it for those asses."
Dev smiled. "I know, but really it was you slow dancing with me. You didn't even do that at Boi."
Sliding his hands up and around Devin's neck, Charlie looked into his eyes. "I love you, Babe. I'm not going to hide that from anyone. I know it's taken me awhile, but I think I've come to accept me."
"I know and maybe I shouldn't have worried about giving to you, but I guess I just wanted to make sure when I gave it to you that you would actually wear it."
"Of course I'll wear it." He said hugging him tighter. "I love you, Dev."
"I love you too. You know what it means right? I mean beyond just being cool looking."
Looking at the necklace again, then ran his finger over Devin's choker he nodded, "Blackie and I talked a bit about it Halloween. Pride jewelry? He called it that."
"Yeah." Dev replied as he shifted and slid across the bed to lean against the wall and then reached for his boyfriend. "Gay and lesbian pride specifically. That." he pointed to the pink triangle flag hanging over his desk "is gay pride too, but the rainbow is a more widely known symbol, and it goes with everything."
"So it's something to say I'm gay and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass?" Charlie asked.
Dev smirked. "Yeah, pretty much. Each color has a meaning and they all add up to having pride in yourself for who you are."
"What are they? The meaning of the colors?" He asked as he stroked Devin's chest. Reaching up Devin took off his own choker and laid it on Charlie's thigh and then with one arm he held the boy tight while pointing at the chain. "First there is red, it means life; to me that means a whole life, not living in the closet or denying who I am and who I love so some breeder jerk will accept me."
Snuggling tight to Devin's chest, Charlie looked down at the chain and listened to Devin. "Right," he said firmly. "That's how I felt tonight."
He kissed his cheek and moved his finger to the next link. "Orange is for healing. I was lucky, didn't really have any trauma when I discovered I was gay, but a lot of people do and I feel like this color is maybe supposed to be them beginning to feel good."
Letting his hand encase Devin's he whispered, "That's an important part, hu?"
"Huh uh." he held him tighter. "You did it, Baby. You're ok now. Aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am," He answered with a tighter hug.
"Yellow is for sun, I dunno what that has to do with being gay though. Not really."
"Sun. . . light. . enlightenment???" Charlie let his mind wander out loud.
"Yeah, I think you might be right. Maybe not hiding in the dark?"
"Makes sense," Charlie answered.
"Green means nature and I think it has more to do with us being normal and natural then it does tress and grass. At least I hope it does cause that stuff makes me sneeze."
Charlie laughed, "Being you're all health food nuts I would think you'd like trees and grass."
"Hey." he squeaked. "I didn't say I didn't like to eat it, I just don't wanna walk around in it. Speaking of grass, could I get you to do me a favor?"
"Glass of juice or a bowl of rabbit food?" the man asked with a smile.
"Cup of wheat grass tea if there's any left or did you drink it all?"
"I didn't drink any of that shit," The man laughed as he pulled himself from the bed.
"You did last month when you had the flu and it made you better." Dev giggled as he stretched his legs out.
Making gagging noises he went about making the tea, "Keep talking, Babe. What are the rest of them?"
"Blue is for harmony, ya know; being at peace."
The man nodded, looking back and smiling at his lover as he finished making the tea.
Accepting the cup and taking a sip Devin smiled. "Thank you, Baby." Setting it down he opened his arms. "I'm cold, come here."
Crawling back into Devin's arms, he reached down and pulled the blanket up over the two of them, "You're welcome."
"The last one is for purple, it represents spirit. Kinda the catch all for the other ones."
Leaning up, he kissed the man's lips briefly, "Thanks for explaining it to me."
"You're welcome. And like I said, it goes with everything."
"Good, cause I'm not going to take it off." Charlie grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV. "Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sounds good to me," Devin answered slipping back against the headboard and sliding down in the bed a bit.

Stacy carried in the bag of chips, can of beer and a can of soda and dropped them in Frisco's lap. "Now that you've made me freeze outside for 30 minutes and get you food you wanna tell me what you're not telling me?"
Looking down at his feet a minute, he slowly looked up her body to her face, "Uhm, she broke up with me," he admitted, "Well, kinda. She said tonight she felt like we weren't like we use to be and she thought we should see other people."
Stacy curled her body towards his. "Awe, Baby, I'm sorry. Are you ok? Really I mean."
"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered wrapping his arm around her shoulder and hugging her. "I think she was trying to get me to fight for us, you know. Shake me up, truth is though I was kinda relieved."
"You were?" she asked with a glean of hope in her voice.
"Yeah," he answered as he slowly lifted her chin, "Now I don't have to feel the least bit guilty about doing this," he answered as he let his mouth fall to hers.
With a slight moan she let her arms go around his neck and traced her tongue over his bottom lip.
Relaxing completely as she responded to him, he pulled her in tighter, deepening the kiss. Many moments later she pulled away. "I have wanted you to do that forever."
"I've wanted to do it forever," he smiled back.
She ran her fingers through his brown hair and then looked down at her bulging stomach. ""
Encasing her face in his hands, he leaned in tight, "I don't care about that. I just want to be with you all the time . . . " His voice trailed, "I think I'm falling in love with you."
She gasped. "You are?"
Letting his fingers graze her face, he nodded slightly, "uh-hu."
Her lips parted as he ran his thumb over them and she felt a little tingle of electricity. "Ya know, the last cute boy told me that told me to have an abortion."
Feeling electricity of his own as she responded to his touch, "You know I wouldn't do that, Stac. The babies are going to be great. I'm here to help you."
She smiled. "Really?"
"If you want me to," he answered.
She kissed him softly. "I think maybe I might."
"Maybe?" he asked as he deepened the kiss.
She blushed. "Ok maybe more than maybe."
"So what now?" he asked tightening his hold around her.
"Ummm." her voice trailed. "I'm not ready to have sex with you...err...anybody." She rubbed her cheek against his. "I'm not even divorced yet, and I'm older then you."
Nuzzling back into her cheek, he answered softly, "It's less then a year older, and I can wait till your divorced, if you think you might want to then."
Knowing she would want to way before her divorce she decided to test him a bit. "What if I don't want to then either?"
Laying her back in his arms a bit, he looked in her eyes, "I guess I'll spend a lifetime longing for you then." He exhaled, "I don't know, Stacy. All I know is this all started back at Thanksgiving you've become my best friend, and all I can think about."
She relaxed against his body. "Oh I don't think you'll have to wait THAT long; but how about for now we watch the movies?"
"Yeah," he smiled. "Let's watch the movies."
She kissed him quickly. "Ok, put one of them in. I'm gonna run to the little girl's room."

Slipping off the couch and watching her nearly run down the hall, he walked over to the TV and picked up the rental boxes off the top. Looking at them both, he shook his head and pulled Casablanca out of the box and pushed it into the VCR. 'A much better cuddling movie then the blood and gore' he thought to himself. Pushing the play button he decided he would cue it up past the ads and previews.

In the bathroom Stacy took in her reflection in the mirror. Picking up the brush she did her best to tame the wild fly aways and then dabbed a little blush on her cheeks. "Well that's a little better." she said to her reflection and opened the door.

Seeing the girl reappear in the living room, Frisco opened his arms, "Missed you, Stac."
She blushed. "Awe, aren't you sweet."
"I mean it," he answered as the woman sat next to him and snuggled into his chest as the movie started.

Port Charles Hotel
Lori opened her eyes as a knock fell on the door. She poked Brett in the ribs as her eyes closed again. "Hey, get the door."
Moaning in protest, Brett slid out from under his girlfriend and slipped into his robe before heading to the door. Opening it, he directed the cart into the room then signed the bill for the clerk including a tip. "Thanks," he said.
"You're welcome, Sir, have a good night." the man said.
Closing the door behind him, he picked up one of the two large ice cream sundaes and one of the cokes of the cart and walked back over to the bed, "Ice cream time, Darling," he whispered.
"Mmmrfff." she mumbled. "Et..t..elt."
"You're nothing if not consistent," he laughed as he took a bite from the ice cream. "It's so good, Darling, sure you don't want a bite?"
Rolling over she stretched; arching her body cat-like and then opened her mouth.
Giggling, he scooped up some ice cream and syrup, and gently lowered it into her mouth. "Happy Valentine's Day, darling," he whispered.
Swallowing she smiled. "Happy Valentine's Sexy, I love you." she took his hand and pulled him back to the bed. "But you lied to me, you said no presents."
"I hardly call ice cream sundaes a present," he grinned.
She giggled. "Well no, neither would I, but what's that?" she pointed to his bag and the bright paper that was just peeking out under his clothes.
"You peeked!" He gently teased as he pulled from the bed, coming back with the gift, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."
Opening the box she smiled down at the very delicate silver chain with the teddy bear holding a rose chain. "Oh Sexy, I love it."
"When I saw it, I knew you just had to have it," he whispered leaning in and kissing her softly.
"Thank you Baby." she closed the box. "It's so fragile, I'll put it on in the morning ok?"
He nodded, "I love you. You mad at me for getting you something?"
She shook her head. "Nope, I actually got you something too...sorta." she slid off the bed and dug through her backpack. "I wrapped it in Art class, but Jay did the artwork for it cause I don't draw so good." she offered it to Brett. "So uhh happy Valentine's day from me and Jay."
"Thank you, Darling," he smiled, then chuckled, "I hope Jay isn't hurt I didn't get him a thing."
Knowing what her ex and his boyfriend had planned for the evening she giggled. "Somehow I don't think he minds."
Brett pulled the wrapping paper exposing the folder bearing the hand drawn art. "This is beautiful, Lor," he said as he slowly opened it, to find his music inside, each song bearing it's own artwork. "Oh, Wow, this is so cool."
She moved back to the bed. "I gathered as many of your sheets as I could find that weren't all wonky and then I played them for Jay and he drew the image the music conjured up."
"I love it," he answered as he pulled her in and kissed her. "Such a thoughtful gift, Darling."
"I'm glad," she whispered against his mouth. "I wanted to give you something special for our first love arrow shooting baby day."
Laughing, he pulled her in tighter, kissing her again.

Mock Kelly's
Pushing himself up just a bit, Noah watched Blackie sleeping with the moonlight coming through the window and glistening off his flesh. 'he even thought to place the bed so the moonlight would hit it just right.' He thought to himself. As he let his hand gently trace down the man's face, he began to stir, "Shhhhh, I'm sorry." Noah whispered.
Blackie opened his eyes. "It's ok, Doc." he stretched. "You know, as lumpy as this old bed is, it's comfortable as hell."
"Yeah, it is. . .if feels like. . . home," his voice trailed. "I was just sitting here thinking about all the other nights I'd sit and watch you sleep in the moonlight hating that I would have to wake you up and send you home.
Blackie rolled to the other man, his hands lovingly groping Noah's nude form. "Am home, Noah. Anywhere you are is my home."
"You bet your ass you're home," he said as he pulled the man tight in his arms. Looking around the room, he sighed, "So many memories."
"And so much of a future." Suddenly Blackie frowned. "Doc, I promised myself I wouldn't but I want to call home."
He pointed to the old phone on the nightstand, "It works?" he said with an excited smile.
Blackie smiled. "Yup, 555-7684. I got lucky.
"Oh my god, no way!" he reached across the man's body, grabbing the phone. Putting it to his ear, he laughed as he punched the numbers.

"Hello." Nancy said into the phone, hoping she grabbed it before the infant woke up.
"Gran," He said, "How's the baby?"
"Sleeping, no thanks to you calling and trying to wake him up. Aren't you supposed to be on a retreat?"
Grabbing the phone, Blackie asked, "Where is he? With the girls?"
"No, Baby, he's in his bassinet all of 2 feet from my right hand and he's sound asleep." she answered
"Oh, no," Blackie frowned, "He doesn't actually SLEEP in that."
"He doesn't?" she asked confused. "Then where does he sleep and what is it for?"
"Between us, or the girls," he explained, "Mostly us though. You know, that's a good question." He looked to Noah, "Why did we buy a bassinet?"
"Blackie, listen to me. He's just fine IN his bassinet. It won't hurt the boy to sleep by himself."
"I'm sure he's fine, Gran, but he likes to cuddle."
She laughed. "He's been cuddling with me all night and right now he's quite content to cuddle with his teddy bear. Blackie, do me a favor."
Knowing he was being over bearing again, he exhaled, "What, Gran?" Look at the man most likely lying next to you right at this moment. Look at him good, does he look like he is suffering any sort of infancy trauma?"
Smiling, he leaned up to kiss the man's cheek. "No ma'am,"
"Then don't you think maybe I might now a little something about babies?"
"I know you do," He blushed as he admitted. "And I know Brodie is just fine with you, we just wanted to check on him. Thanks, Gran, here's Noah." He said handing the man the phone.
"Hey Grammy, don't be so hard on my baby ok. He's just worried."
"I know, baby," she soothed. "You having a nice evening?" she asked, knowing it was what her grandson needed.
"Very much so. Did you know he rebuilt our room above Kelly's in his parent's garage?"
"Yes, I did, and he did a good job of it too. Now I want you two just enjoy each other. It's good for you, and it will be good for Brodie when you come home all recharged. I've raised plenty of babies you included."
He smiled. "I know, Gran. We'll let you go to sleep. Kiss both our babies for us ok?" Giggling to herself, she leaned over and kissed Robin's cheek. When she stirred, Gran asked, "You want to say goodnight to your daddies, sweet heart?"
"Uh huh." the girl answered and took the phone. "Hi Daddy. Me leepy ith Gran."
"You being a good girl and helping Grammy care for your brother?"
"Yuppers, she aking Rodie leepy in his asket, BUT I get to leepy ith her."
Smiling, Noah answered, "Aren't you special! I love you, Robin. You be good for Gran and we'll see you in the morning. I'll let you say night to Daddy now," He said as he handed the phone to Blackie. "Our daughter."
Blackie took the phone. "Hey, Munchkin, what are you doing up?"
"I was leeping," she said, "Ill you ade the phone ing."
He laughed. "Sorry, Baby, you sleeping in our room with Gran?" "Uh-hu, Gran and me ave fun, but I iss you, Daddy."
'Why her and not Brodie?' Blackie wondered but pushed the negative answer out of his head. "I miss you too, Robin, but we'll be home in the morning and then I'll play cars with you ok?"
"Ok," she answered, "night daddy," Then handed the phone up to the older woman. Almost as though she could read the young man's mind, she said into the phone, "Babies need to learn independence, Blackie, or he'll still be in bed with you on his prom night. That and with all the attention the little one is getting, sometimes big sister needs some special attention too."
He blushed. "I'm sorry, Gran." he apologized for his thoughts. "We do like him sleeping with us though, it feels nice."
"I know it does, baby. Believe me, if he wakes up and fusses he'll be right here with us, but right now he's fine."
He nodded. "Ok Gran, well I'll let you and Robin get back to sleep. Goodnight."
"Good night, Blackie." She answered as she hung up the phone.
He handed the phone back to Noah and cuddled against his chest.

Sipping from the wine glass, Dana tried to remain focused on the story his lover was telling him from work, but found his eyes kept wandering to the door and his watch.
"And then a little green man jumped out of her chest and hit me on the nose." Bucky grinned but kept his tone even to see if Dana noticed."
"Uh-hu," the man nodded, "is that normal?" he asked as his eyes wandered back to the door.
At that Bucky fell off the couch in fits of giggles.
Looking down to his lover he blushed, embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Lover."
He climbed back on the couch. "It's ok, Honey, but will you relax. She went to a school dance with the class fat kid."
"Be nice!" Dana chastised. "Walter seemed very nice, polite, and you're right there is nothing to worry about. His mom is bringing them back here and everything will be fine. . . . When did I turn into my mother?" he laughed.
"Oh I guess about the time our little girl got asked to the dance."
"She seemed excited about it," He smiled.
"Well duh." Bucky laughed. "She's a normal almost teenage girl. They are supposed to get excited when boys pay attention to them. You know what's it like. You were a teenage girl once."
Pulling Bucky into his lap, he kissed him, "Why do I love you so much! You are so mean to me!"
"And you love it too." he laughed as he returned the kiss. A moment later the door opened and he was dumped to the floor as Sky walked in. "Oh thanks, Honey." he laughed as he stood and followed Dana into the front room.

"I'm sorry, Lover," the man apologized again as he made his way into the front room in time to see Sky say "Good night, Walter, I'll see you in school on Monday."
Giggling as Dana held open the door and glared at the retreating form of the chubby young man Bucky ran his hands over Sky's head and shoulders and down to her legs. "Nothing seems broken and I see no evidence of mischief, Dana. Young Walter seems to have done exactly what he asked to do. Escort the fair and lovely Sky to the Valentine's formal at JFK Middle School."
Wiggling under Bucky's touch Sky laughed, "Tickles, Bucky." Then asked as she pointed to Dana, "Worried?"
"Ducks swim?"
Turning and giggling, she threw her arms around Dana's neck as he turned from closing the door, "It was fine, Daddy."
He smiled. "I was only a little worried." he said to his lover and then led Sky into the comfortable family room. "Did he try and get fresh with you?"
Giggling at Dana's choice of words, she pulled his cigarettes from Dana's pocket, but turned to Bucky, 'Fresh?' she mouthed. "I'm not sure. Is holding my hand, fresh?"
Anger flashed in the man's eyes. "He held your hand? Why?"
Jumping back, she shook her head, "NO! he didn't. I was just wondering if he did, if that would be considered fresh?"
Realizing he had scared her Dana softened. "I'm sorry, Baby. I..." he turned to his lover. "Help?"
Looping his arm though Sky's then taking Dana's hand. "Tell us all about your night, Sky," he asked.
"Well we went to his house for dinner. His mom made this really yummy pasta with green sauce, I forget what it was called though. Looked kinda gross but tasted really good."
"Pesto," Dana asked as he dropped down to the couch taking his cigarettes back from the girl. He lit one, and then offered her his lighter.
"Yeah that's it," she said as she dropped down. "His mom, dad, and sister ate in the kitchen but the dining room was all made nice like a restaurant, only there was no waiter. His mom just brought in our plates and told us if we wanted more we could get it ourselves. And there was fizzy grape juice and real napkins."
Dana asked, "Wasn't that kinda weird? Didn't you're other friends go down to the burger place?"
"Yeah I think so." she took a long drag on the cigarette. "But it was cool because," she blushed. "I dunno, because Walter is really nice."
"You like him?" he asked, motioning his fingers to indicate a little bit.
She pulled his index finger up a bit. "Yeah I do, and he didn't hold my hand but I think I would have let him."
He smiled, "And even though I freaked out over there, there would have been nothing wrong with that." He inhaled deeply on his cigarette, and contemplated as he exhaled. "You know you can invite him over anytime you want, swim in the pool, I'll even cook. . but I don't make pesto."
Bucky snorted. "You don't cook either."
"So MEAN!" he complained to Sky, "Okay, Bucky will make you his famous New York city burgers."
"Or I could make tuna baked potatoes with a nice salad." he smiled. "Doesn't matter what you eat really the point is you CAN invite him over."
"I might do that," She smiled as she put the cigarette out in the ashtray. Noticing the open bottle of wine and the chocolates she smiled. "I'm - ah - am going to go to bed. You two enjoy the rest of your Valentines day." She said as she kissed each one on the cheek and hugged them tight.
"Goodnight." Dana said as she walked out of the room. "What do you say we go to bed too?" he arched his eyebrow at his lover.
"Sounds good to me," he smiled as he leaned in and kissed the man.

Upstairs Sky tossed her formal gown into the laundry and slipped into Bucky's running shorts, safety pinning the sides and one of the man's t-shirts then reached under her mattress for the notebook there. Pulling the pen from the spiral side she flopped on the bed and began to write.

Oh my god Jay, guess what? I went on a date tonight. A REAL date and it wasn't even creepy like I thought it would be (see 4 entries ago) It was really cool. Dinner was all fancy and junk and then the dance was even more fancy. I think Walter (his mom calls him Waltie, isn't that cute?) wanted to kiss me but he didn't. He just kinda touched my hand and said goodnight, but at the dance we danced ALL the slow ones. None of the fast ones cuz he said he would trip on his feet. The teachers kept walking around putting balloons in between people to keep them from dancing so close but not us. He didn't try and do anything. I think I like him.
So how's Alfie? He's living with Tommy now right? Well I guess I am gonna stop writing so I can go to sleep and call you in the morning.

She slipped the notebook to the floor, reach up flipping off the light and then snuggled down hugging her stuffed kangaroo.

Opening his eyes slowly, Frisco glanced around the room, then down at Stacy sleeping against his chest. He smiled and softly let his hands smooth over her long dark hair.
She stirred. "Oh shit, I'm sorry I fell asleep."
"It's okay," he answered softly. "I did too. It's got to be really late, or early, I guess I should go, hu?"
Stacy ran her hand down his denim covered thigh and smiled. "You don't HAVE to."
Sliding his fingers under his chin, he lifted it and looked down into her eyes, "I don't?"
She blushed. "I want you to stay here with me."
He swallowed, "You sure? You said before,"
She nodded. I don't know what's going to happen if you go in the bedroom with me, I just know I don't want you to leave."
Leaning down, he kissed her lips softly, "I don't want to leave either."
Standing she reached back and took his hand. "Let's go to bed?"
Letting her pull him to his feet, he then pulled her back into his open arms. He let his lips fall to hers and kissed her before following her to the bedroom.

Rolling over Jay lit a candle he had sitting on a box next to the sleeping bags. "Close your eyes Alfie." he said after waking the other teen.
Opening his eyes, the boy began to laugh as he covered his eyes with his hands, "You big goof! Why didn't you just wait to wake me up?"
"I dunno." Jay laughed as he dug in the bag he had stashed there 3 days before and pulled out a wrapped box. "Happy Birthday, Baby."
Casting a strange glance at the box then up to his boyfriend, he brought his hand to Jay's forehead, "Are you feeling okay? You know it's not my birthday."
He blushed. "Well no, I didn't mean today exactly, happy all the unhappy birthdays, baby."
Smiling he leaned in and kissed the boy's cheek, "What did you do?" He asked as he opened the box only to find four more wrapped boxes.
"Open them and find out."
Picking up the first one, he opened the paper tag, "Five?" he said in confusion as he tore open the paper to see a box of Mr. Bubble bubble bath. Alfie started to laugh, but his chuckles quickly turned to tears as it all began to make sense.
Jay moved in quickly and took the boy in his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad." he pushed the box away. "I'm sorry, Baby. It was a stupid idea."
Hugging the boy tight, he reached out for the box. "No, no, it's not stupid. I love it, and I love you."
"I love you too, all those stories you told me made me sad because what's the big deal if you liked bubbles and stuff."
Pulling back, "Sissy girl stuff, that's what he would tell me. But it doesn't matter anymore what he thinks." Turning back to the box, he asked, "can I have the rest of them?"
Jay reached out and pulled it forward. "All for you."
Picking up another box, he looked at the tag. "Six," He thought for a moment then smiled as he pulled the paper away, "I was right, a Barbie doll. Jay, you are so good to me."
Jay blushed a little. "You're welcome. I had one when I was little, well it was Maria's but I played with it a lot."
Lifting the similar box, he checked the tag, "Seven" he whispered. "When my sixth birthday came and went without a Barbie doll, cause only girls play with Barbie's. I asked for a Ken doll." He opened the paper, and smiled as lifted the other doll from the box.
Remaining quiet Jay moved in pulling Alfie closer.
Turning a bit, he hugged Jay's neck. "Thank you so much," he whispered, and then looked back at the last box. "What's that?"
"Something you wanted, but that asshole denied you just because he can't deal with himself." Jay replied.
Picking it up and seeing the sixteen on it, he shook his head. "I didn't ask him for anything this year. I knew better then," He stopped and looked back to Jay, "You didn't?"
"I did." he smiled. "Happy birthday."
Ripping the paper open, he pulled out the dark purple silk shirt. "Oh my god," Alfie exclaimed with a wide smile. "It's beautiful, Jay. I love it."
"And I love you." he kissed him softly. "I'd say put it on but it's wicked cold in here. What do you say we go back to my house where it's warm?"
"We can do that," He said gathering his stuff, "Or what is it about 5am? Mary will be fixing Sean breakfast soon. I'm sure if we go home, she'll fix it for us too?"
"And your bed is bigger and has them sexy red sheets." he ginned seductively. "Let's go to your house."
"Good idea. Shit, it's Saturday. Yeah, I got to get home and make sure all my laundry is in the basement," he laughed as they began picking up their things.
Helping his boyfriend put his gifts in to the bag Jay held up the bubbles. "After you toss your clothes what you say we take a bath?"
Taking the other teen's hand and squeezing it tight in his he nodded, "Sounds wonderful."

As Brett dropped their bags on the floor, and crawled up into their bed, Lori went to her blinking answering machine and pushed the button.
Felicia's teary voice filled the room. "Lori, are you there....I really need to talk to you."
"That was Frisco's car in the driveway, wasn't it?" Lori said crossly as she pushed the buttons on her phone.
"I guess." Brett mumbled sleepily. "Brown Camero."
"Son of a-" She cussed, then turned to the phone, "Is Felicia there?" She said into the phone.
"Yeah hang on." Mike said and then screamed. "Rat Face, telephone."
Dropping down to the side of the bed, she tapped her foot then said "Flea, it's Lori. What's wrong?" When the other girl's tearful voice came across the line.
"I....I... I wanted to go to the dance but he didn't and I said that maybe we should see other people and that maybe I should find someone to take me to dances," She quickly spilled.
"Oh, no," she sympathized, "Then what happened?"
"Well I though he'd tell me no and that he loved me. We've been together 2 years you know."
"But he didn't?"
"No, he didn't say anything. He just nodded put on his coat and left. I tried calling him ALL night and he NEVER answered. I wanna take it all back, I don't want to see other people."
"Fuck!" Lori cussed out loud, "Flea, you don't want him back. He's just a stupid ass hole."
"What???" she cried shocked. "No he's not. I love him."
Wanting to tell her friend that the man was in the next room with another woman, but not wanting to hurt her further, Lori stumbled. "All he's going to do is hurt you more. He's been hurting you for months now."
"But----but I'm almost 18 and then it won't matter. He just had to back off cause he a cop now and stuff."
Hearing her friends sobs and breaking heart, she said, "I'm sorry, Flea. Want me to come over?"
", will you?"
"Yeah, I'm on my way." She said as she hung up the phone then turned to Brett. "Sexy, could I get you to give me a ride?" she asked.
Mostly asleep he dug in his pocket for his keys and mumbled. "Don't get caught."
Kissing his cheek she said, "Thank you, Brett." Then grabbing her purse, she walked out into the hall, looking down. Running into someone, she looked up to see the man, only wearing sweat pants, headed toward the bathroom. Pulling her purse back she flung it against his shoulder, "You lying cheating son of a bitch!" she screamed.
He jumped. "Owe what the fuck Lori?"
"You bastard! How could you cheat on her?" She screamed again.
"I didn't." he defended. "We broke up last night and whatever you think I did between then and now, you're wrong."
"LIAR!" she screamed. "You've spent more time in this house since Thanksgiving then you have with her and she did NOT break up with you. She said she thought you maybe should see other people, not sleep with other people!"
He narrowed his blue gray eyes at her. "Pot calling the kettle black, little girl?"
"Fuck you!" She shot back, "I can't sit here yelling at you, she needs a friend, a real friend, to talk to." She said as she pushed her way past him.
As she stormed down the hallway he raised an eyebrow. "You walking all the way over there."
Turning back sharply, she stared at him coldly a minute.
Stacy came out of the bedroom. "Lori, before you go; believe what you want but he did not cheat on Felicia. Until last night we were friends only and we didn't sleep together..." she paused. "Well we did, but not like that. It was JUST sleep."
Lori looked down at Brett's keys in her hand, then up to Frisco. "I'm not going to hurt her like you did. So unless she asks me if I know where you were last night, I'm not going to offer it. But, if it makes any difference at all, she loves you." She then turned and started down the stairs.
He leaned against the wall and ran his fingers through his long brown hair. "Truth be told I love her too."
Feeling her heart sink inside her, Stacy stuttered as she reached up to his cheek, "B-b-but, baby, you said last night you were falling in love with me."
He smiled. "And I am, I think maybe I love you both. But I know what I feel for you is way stronger than what I feel for her."
Pulling her hand back, Stacy brought it down sharp against his cheek, "Left that out last night. Didn't you?"
His head snapped to the side with the force of her slap. "Owe, that's not what I meant damnit."
Instantly feeling sorry for hitting him, she leaned into him, rubbing the freshly slapped cheek, "I'm sorry, but damnit, you know I'm still hurting from Jerry. Why are you doing this to me?"
He wrapped his arms around her. "Doing what? Falling hopelessly madly in love with you and wanting like hell for you to feel like that for me?"
"I am," she admitted out loud through tears, "But I'm not playing games, Frisco. It's not fair. I wouldn't want you cheating on me, and refuse to be the one your cheating with. No more of," she said pointing back to the room, "Not till you really break up with her."
"I'm not cheating Stac, I have never in my life cheated on anyone and I'm not going to start now. She wants proms and high school fun. I need more than that. I need you."
"But you said she broke up with you. Lori says that's not true."
"I told you Baby, she wants to see other people. Her exact words were 'if you won't take me I want someone who will.' I love her I'm not going to lie about it, but when I said I felt I was falling IN love with you I meant it and I haven't changed my mind."
Turning away from him, she wrapped the brand new, larger robe tighter around her body, "No, uh-uh, I settled with Jerry. I'm not settling for part of you."
He let her go and pounded the wall in frustration and then howled in pain. "Owe." he wrung his wrist. "What the hell are you talking about settling? I'm in love with you Stacy; how is that settling?"
Turning quickly, and taking his injured hand in hers, she gently rubbed it, then leaned over and kissed it. 'Damn you, Stacy. You're doing it again. You love him and he's going to hurt you.' Tears began to stream down her face as she nuzzled her cheek to his hand. "I love you too," she whispered.
"Thank god." he whispered and wrapped her tight in his arms. "She and I are over baby but we were together a long time. She was the first one I ever really gave my heart to but now I am giving it to you."
"Don't play me for a fool, Frisco," she nearly begged through her tears.
He sighed. "I'm not Stacy I swear to you. I'm crazy about you. I can't help it. Did I plan it? Hell no but now that it's happened I just wanna keep feeling it and if every night is exactly like last night that's ok with me."
Holding him tighter for a moment, she leaned back and kissed him deeply. "Last night was nice, wasn't it?"
He nodded as he pushed his forehead to hers. "I loved every single second of it."
"Why don't you take that shower you were heading to and I'll go start coffee and fix us breakfast." She started to turn, but looked back. "I meant what I said earlier though, Frisco. We don't go any further, till you're really finish it with her."
He nodded. "I thought it was over last night, but if it makes you feel better I'll talk to her today."
"It does," she answered. "Now, go on, and toss me those sweats. I might be able to put them through the wash and get them back in Noah's drawer before he misses them."
Pulling them off where he stood he smiled as her face turned red. "What? Not like you aren't going to see it eventually."
Turning away as she took the sweats from his hand then moved in close and looked up into his eyes. "I love you, Frisco."
He kissed the top of her nose. "Love you too." and then walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

6 Hours Later
Scott climbed up on Noah's lap. "Thank you for letting Troy stay with me at Uncle Martin's house last night."
Ruffling the boy's hair then petting the dog, Noah smiled, "No problem, little brother. Was he a good boy for you?"
"Uh huh. I wish he was my dog. Can he be?"
"What-hu?" Noah asked, afraid that he had actually heard Scott ask to keep his dog.
The little boy pet the dog whose head was resting in his lap. "Can I have Troy? I promise I'll take good care of him."
Henry cut in. "Scott, you know Troy is your brother's dog. That's not right, Troy would be very sad without Noah."
Looking up to his father with relief, he turned back to both the dog and Scott. "Dad's right, Scott, and I know I'd be very very sad without Troy." He leaned over laying his atop the dogs.
Scott pouted. "But, I want him."
"I'm sorry, Scott," Noah insisted. "But he's not just my dog. Everyone in this house loves him so much. I tell you what though. If it's okay with Dad and Buffy I'll take you where Blackie took me to get Troy and I'll help you pick out your very own dog."
The boy's frown turned to a smile. "You will? They got dogs like Troy? Good nice not mean dogs?" he turned to Henry and Buffy. "It ok Mommy, Daddy?"
Noah laughed, "Yeah, they have lots of good dogs, and we'll find you a nice, calm dog who will love you as much as Troy loves me." He looked up to the couple, "Is it okay, Dad? Buffy?"
The couple nodded. "Of course" Henry said and Buffy chimed in "I just love dogs, you pick us out a nice big one and if we're lucky it'll like to swim in the pool just like Troy does."
Henry snorted. "NOT the pool."
Buffy elbowed his ribs. "Hush, Dear."
Looking down at the cast on his arm, Noah said, "I can't drive us myself. Is there someone you'd like to go with us?"
The boy turned to his father. "You do it Daddy?"
The older man smiled, "Of course, I will son. Let's go."

Dog Pound
After signing in and talking to the woman behind the desk, Noah led the boy toward the steel door. Stopping just before going in, He dropped down to his knees and pushed the hair out of Scott's eyes, "Scott, I want to tell you a little bit about what it's like back there, okay. There's a bunch of cages with dogs in them."
Scott nodded. "I can hear them. They won't get me right?"
"That's right," He assured rubbing his one hand up and down Scott's arm. "Now some of them might get excited and jump at their cage, but none of them can get out and when you see one you think you might want to get out of the cage and get to know, you tell that nice lady right there and she'll open that ones cage. Okay?"
He looked up at the woman nervously and smiled shakily. Turning back to his brother he asked "Noah?"
"What Scott?" He asked.
He lifted up his arms. "Will you carry me in there just in case a mean dog gets out?"
Managing to pick the boy up with just one arm, he reassured him, "Scott, I won't let any dog hurt you. I promise. Are we ready to go in there?" He asked.
The boy peered through the window and shook slightly at the sight of all the dogs. "No." he trembled.
Stepping back and holding the boy tight. Noah whispered. "It's okay, Scott. We can wait as long as we have to till you feel like you're ready."
He turned to the woman. "Them cages strong and locked?"
The woman nodded, and said, "Yes they are. There is no way any dogs can get out of their cage unless I open it."
He clung tighter to Noah's body. Still shaking but fighting hard to control it he nodded. "Ok, let's go."
"All right, Scott. If you need to leave, you just tell me," He said as he directed to the woman to open the door.
"I'm ok, just don't let go," he said firmly.

Less Than 5 minutes Later
"Let go," Scott implored as he wiggled and kicked, trying to get to the floor.
Carefully setting the boy down, he asked, "You okay?"
"Uh huh." the boy nodded as his feet hit the ground and he ran to a cage. Immediately one of the dogs in it jumped at the gate. Scott took a step back. "You can't get me dog, now move."
Laughing a bit Noah asked, "Which one you think you might like, Scott?"
He pointed to a large Shepard at the back of the cage. "Maybe him."
Looking up to the woman, Noah nodded and asked, "Do you know the history on that dog or was it a stray?"
"Her name is Fancy, she 3 years old...."
Scott cut her off. "She?"
The woman nodded, "Yes, it's a female Sheppard."
He turned back to the cage. "Sorry girl dog, I want a boy dog."
Noah followed as Scott moved to the next cage, "That looks like a boy," Noah suggested pointing to the small black miniature poodle.
He looked up. "Noooo, he looks goofy."
Turning to the woman he shrugged, "No poodle."
Walking across the aisle Scott pointed at what looked like a very large Dalmatian but with pointed ears. "That's a boy, I see his hangy thing."
The woman smiled, "Yes, that's a boy, and he's a Harlequin Great Dane." Turning to Noah, she continued, "He was a stray."
Noticing how the dog did not jump at the gate or show aggression Noah smiled. "What you think little brother? Wanna see him?"
He quickly nodded, "Yeah, I want to pet that boy dog."
Opening the cage she led the dog out. "Sit." she commanded and the dog did.
"Very well trained," Noah commented as he squatted down and pet the dog with Scott. "You like him?"
He looked up at the woman. "He like to swim? We got a pool? Daddy says no but mommy told him to hush dear."
"He might like to swim," the woman smiled. "We have a black lab down there. They love the water and they're very good with kids," she directed to Noah.
"You want to look at the lab?" the man asked the boy who was now almost crawling on the Dane's back.
As the dog lowered himself to the floor and allowed Scott to climb on him, he looked up, "No, Noah, I want to take this dog. Can I?"
Noah looked down at the very large dog and smiled. "You sure can, but don't you even wanna look?"
"I want him, Noah!" He said emphatically, and then looked to the woman. "What's his name?"
"Ok you can have him." Noah answered and wondered exactly what Buffy had meant by big dog as the woman answered. "He was a stray, so he doesn't have a name. I called him King."
"Is King a good name, Noah?" Scott asked. As he slid off the dog, "Come on, Dog, my brother said I can take you home.
"King is a very good name, Buddy." the man smiled and turned to the smiling woman. "We'll take him," he said as he pulled his checkbook out of his pocket. "And could you tell us where we can get a kennel for him? He has to fly to Atlanta tonight."

Twenty minutes later, having got the name of and directions to a pet store that carried items for large dogs, Noah took Scott's hand. Looking down at the choke chain he had bought of Troy's, he realized it wasn't going to fit. Wrapping the leash around his neck and clipping it to make a loop, he said to Scott. "Better let me get him out to the car. When we get him a collar and leash that fits him right, you can hold it. Okay?"
He nodded, still petting his dog. "Ok."
Looking at the dog one more time, he chuckled to himself wondering what his father's reaction was going to be. "Let's go, Scott." He said, "Open the door for me?"

Henry looked up from the driver's seat as his 2 sons walked out of the animal shelter. His eyes widened as he took in the size of the animal Noah was guiding. As the back door opened he turned. "I didn't know they had polo ponies in there."
Scott laughed as he climbed in the backseat, and playfully tapped his father on the back of the head, "He's not a pony, daddy, he's a dog! He's a great something, and his name is King, and he's a boy. I wanted a boy, and Noah said I could have him and the lady told us where we can get a box for him to ride in on the plane tonight. Come here, King." He spilled all at once dropping down in the seat and patting his lap.
"Great big gonna eat me out of house and home?" he whispered to Noah as the man slid into the front seat and Scott's groans as the dog laid on him filled the car.
"Awe, Dad!" Noah chastised as he leaned over the seat, "He's such a good, gentle calm dog."
"The nice lady didn't know if he liked water Daddy. He was a stray." Scott reported from the back seat.
Seeing fear flash over his father's face, Noah interrupted, "I think he was probably lost, Scott. He's very well trained, Dad, and he's very healthy. He's a pure breed, and a very expensive one at that."
The older man looked into the back seat at King. "Hi King." he said and was rewarded with a lick that went from his chin to his slightly receding hairline.
His stomach turning, Henry turned forward in the car and started it. "Where do we have to go to get that thing a saddle and some reigns? It eats oats, right?" He continued not giving up his horse analogy.
Noah laughed. " eats dog food, about 50 pounds a week."
Backing the car out of the lot Henry smirked, "Well, your mother said she wanted a big dog. Didn't she?"

As Henry pulled the car into the driveway, Scott grabbed the leash tight in his hand. "You said I can do it now, right Noah?"
Noah nodded, "Go ahead, but if he starts to pull you be sure to tell him 'heel' ok?"
"I will. I won't forget," he said as Henry opened the back door. Scott jumped down out of the car and gently tugged the leash, "Come, King."
The large dog folded itself out of the car and followed the boy to the front door.
Following behind, Noah said to their father, "See, Dad, he's going to be good for Scott. He's a good dog. Go ahead, Scott, open the door and take him in."
Reaching up the little boy turned the knob and entered pulling the dog into the foyer. Sticking the loop of the leash on the garage door he said, "You wait here, King." and ran up the steps yelling "HEY MOMMY I GOT A DOG."

Coming in from the studio holding the baby, Blackie got one look at the dog and turned to Noah choking, "Holy Cow!!"
Henry laughed. "See, Noah, I told you. That's NOT a dog."
Noah laughed as he threw his hands up, "That's the dog he wanted. He didn't want the Shepard cause it was a girl. He didn't want the poodle cause he was goofy looking. And he wouldn't even look at the lab." Walking over to the dog, he patted its head. "He is a GOOD DOG."
Buffy rounded the landing and stopped in her tracks. "Wow, that's a dog all right."
"Daddy is silly and keeps calling him a horse," Scott reported as he led her down the steps, "But he's a good dog, Mom. He's like Troy, he gives kisses, but doesn't bite."
"And is name is King?" she asked as she pet the dog.
He nodded and rambled, "The lady said he didn't have a name, but that's what she called him. Noah said it's a good name and I like it."
"Hiya King." she said as she patted her chest indicating he could jump up if he wanted.
A millisecond later King jumped up putting his front paws on the woman's shoulders.
A second after that Buffy sat on the steps with a thump and a laugh.
Wrapping his arms around the dog's neck, Scott kissed the top of his like he had watched Noah do with Troy all weekend, "I love him, Mommy."
King rewarded the boy's affection with a long slurping kiss.
Buffy laughed. "Looks like he loves you too. What do you say we let him walk around a little bit?"
Scott looked up to Noah and Blackie, "Can we?"
Looking at his lover Noah could read his mind. "Sure Scott, but upstairs ok? Brodie spends most of his time down here and right now he's a little too small for King."
"Okay," he answered as he unhooked the leash from the door and started up the steps, "Come on, King." He said. Half way up, he stopped, turned around and called out, "Noah!!"
The doctor turned. "What's wrong, Scott?"
"Nothing wrong." He explained. "Thank you for showing me your nice dog, and for taking me to get my own dog, and for being the bestest big brother any one ever had," he rattled.
"You're welcome, Scott. I'm glad you found a dog just for you and you're a great brother too."

Chapter 17
