Grammy Fun (Part 1)

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it.
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

February 24, 1984
Angrily pushing the hangers aside one by one in the closet, Blackie continued to look quickly becoming panic-stricken. "Where is it?" he called out and then looked back to Brodie sitting in the swing beside the closet. "Cover your eyes, Brodie. Daddy would have a fit if he saw me showing you this." Then, one by one, he pulled the items off the hangers and tossed them to the floor still looking for the dark purple vest Noah had bought him when he was on the road.

Coming in the room with just a towel around his waist and still damp from his shower, Noah's breath caught in his chest. "WHAT are you doing?"
"Can't find it!" He said forcefully throwing another item of clothing down with each word.
"My Vest! My purple vest you got me. I want to wear it tomorrow night and I can't find it!"
"STOP IT!" Noah insisted with a laugh. Taking Blackie's hand he led him to the door and closed it. He unzipped the garment bag hanging from the back and exposed the purple vest in front of the man's tux. "I figured you would want it. It's already packed, Love."
Leaning in, he hugged the man and sighed. "Thanks, Noah." He then went to the bed and picked up the box he had left there. He took out the tie and held it up, "Yeah, Dad gave me this. It matches perfectly." He smiled as he hung it over the hanger with the vest."
Noah took Blackie into his arms. "You're nervous?"
Laughing in spite of himself he answered, "What was your first clue?"
Noah motioned to the pile of clothes on the floor. "That."
Leaning in Blackie laid his head against Noah's shoulder and said, "I'm sorry. I'll pick it up. What should I wear to perform in?" He asked.
The older man went back to the garment bag and pushed aside the tux. "This do?" he asked revealing the man's black leather pants and black leather vest.
"What would I do without you, Doc?" He answered as he kissed the man softly. Walking back to the closet, he reached in and grabbed his leather boots tossing them to the bed. Turning to the baby, he put his finger to his mouth and then started kicking the clothes into the closet.
Looking up from his desk where he was debating the item in the top drawer he laughed. "Albert! Pick up your clothes."
Laughing he began picking up his clothes one by one and putting them back on the hangers. "Everyone is going to be here in an hour. You going to be ready to go"
"Yeah." he answered and decided to go for it. Opening the drawer he pulled out the box and walked over to Blackie. Dropping to his knees he hugged him and then offered the box up.
Taking the box, he looked down. "What are you doing?"
"It's not what you think, well yeah it kinda is," Noah rambled.
"Doc?" He asked as he opened the box and gasped at what he found inside. Picking up the black leather strap studded with topaz stones trimmed in silver, he looked back down to Noah with even more question in his eyes.
Silently and hoping he didn't just fuck up everything they had worked to get back Noah bowed his head and looked at the floor while crossing his wrists behind his back.
His hands beginning to shake the collar fell from his fingers to the floor. "WHY ARE you doing this to me NOW!"
'Fuck!' Noah cursed himself and looked up. "I'm sorry," he said as a tear slid down his cheeks. "It wasn't what I planned, I bought a silver and black onyx one that I was hoping you would wear because of how great you looked in the other on stage but then I decided that you and I are equal and we got messed up when we tried not to be so I bought this one for you to put on me. We belong to each other Blackie."
Backing away from Noah and leaning against the wall he asked as his tears fell harder, "If it's just costume, what does it matter."
"It doesn't, I was just afraid you'd think..." he paused. "Well what you are thinking."
"Doesn't matter," the man answered softly. "I don't want to go anymore." He turned and stumbled toward the door.
'Noah you stupid asshole.' the doctor scolded himself as he rose from the floor and followed his lover. "Blackie?" he said quietly when he found him in the studio.

He looked up from the corner of the couch, then laid his head back down against his folded up knees.
"Talk to me please."
He shook his head pushing his fingers through his hair and clenching them into fists.
Suddenly feeling very body conscious Noah grabbed the blanket off the back of the chair and wrapped it around him self. "Please Blackie, scream at me; hit me even. Just do something."
"I-I-don't understand." He began to weep against himself. "I shouldn't want it, not after everything that happened. We said no more."
Feeling as though a light just clicked on in his head Noah suddenly knew what was wrong. "They aren't permanent Babe, not at all. I'm yours and much as you are mine. That is why I bought 2. They aren't identical because I felt that one was more your personality."
"But it's taking it out of the bedroom?" Blackie said as he looked up. Back in Dayton I said I'd never wear a collar again."
"You don't have to." Noah whispered. He dropped to his knees. "I'm interested in maybe taking it out of the bedroom again on a part time basis. I want to know what it feels like, but that is not what this is about."
"What IS this about!" Blackie insisted. "And why are you doing this to me NOW??"
"It's just about how good you looked the last time I saw you on stage. I swear."
He shook his head in disbelief wrapping his arms tighter around himself.
"Babe, I offered myself to you first so you wouldn't get scared." he said moving to the couch. "I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea. Forget it."
Leaning his head against the back of the couch he stared into space, "How can I forget it?"
"Ok, then don't forget it but try and put it out of your mind. It was just me being stupid."
He simply nodded.
Noah kissed his cheek. "Blackie, I love you. Please don't let this ruin what is going to be YOUR night."
He shook his head, "I don't want to."
"Don't want to what?"
"Go, I just want to stay here and watch it on TV."
Noah's face fell. "No, you are not going to stay here and watch it on TV. Not only are you going to win and you need to be there for that, but also Rick is counting on you. He's not touring so he doesn't have a tech that can just jump in."
"Doesn't need two drummers, never did." He said withdrawing deeper in himself.
"He does too, Jack can't play both his and yours."
"He doesn't need both!" Blackie yelled. "He's just throwing me some pathetic bone or something!"
Jumping up and letting the blanket fall to the couch Noah grabbed Blackie's arm and pulled him to his feet. "Go finish packing right NOW."
Pulling his arm back, he seethed. "I'm not going to be shown off like some little trophy Noah. You had to go and make it all about you . . . you just fucking go.." Then turned and started down the hall.

Noah followed. "Make it all about me? Damnit Blackie this is all about you. I'm sorry that you are so fucking offended that I trust you completely and don't care who knows it but I do."
He turned back, "You're not making any sense. None of it, it doesn't add up."
"What doesn't?"
"You bought us both collars, cause you thought I would look hot performing in one, but you want to back to that fucking hell that we swore we wouldn't and you're dumping all this shit on me hours before I am faced with the biggest couple of days in my career."
Noah sat down. I bought the first one 2 months ago, yes because you would look hot in it. I swear to you I wasn't even considering the other stuff. Then that night..." his voice trailed off.
Blackie stood silently, waiting for him to continue.
"I gave myself to you and it felt really good. It felt good to call you Sir but know that you were still my sexy boy, that is why I went back and got that one," he pointed to the collar still laying on the floor. "Because if you were going to be wearing one for even 5 minutes I wanted one on me to. Equals always."
Sliding down to the floor in front of Noah, his tears fell hard. "I'm scared, Noah, so scared. I don't ever want to be that broken again."
Pulling his head in his lap Noah whispered. "Me either. You said yourself you thought we could play once in awhile and I want to do that but this is more about just being equals. But if you don't want it then we don't have to. Does it scare you that I am interested in maybe taking it out of the bedroom again?"
He nodded, "But it scares me that when I looked down at that collar," He said as he reached for it. "I thought it was beautiful. My heart stopped and I wanted it. That scares me."
"It is beautiful. Baby I love you so much. It's ok to want it, it's even ok to have it, just never ever again full time. I can't do that again and I don't want to; part of that night was me rediscovering how good it felt to be in your control."
"Can I see mine?" He asked meekly.
"Are you sure?"
He nodded.
Standing Noah went back to his desk and pulled out the other box. Sitting back on the bed he patted next to him. "Equals."
Pulling himself up to the bed, he sat next to Noah.
Leaning in he kissed Blackie's cheek and then laid the box in his lap.
Opening the box, and picking up the silver and onyx collar in his trembling hands. "So much like the other one."
Reaching over and showing him the back Noah whispered. "And so very different. I chose it because I like the color and silver looks so good against your skin."
"I love it, Noah, and I will wear it this weekend, but only when I'm on stage. It's all I can promise for right now."
"That's why I bought it. Just for that only, the other one I hope can maybe have some future use if you are ever ready. But I am not trying to push you."
"Hang on a minute," he said as he pulled himself from the bed. Going out through the studio, and out to the garage. He went to the workbench and opened his toolbox, lifting the tray he looked down at the other collar. Taking it in his hand, he closed the box and went back into the house. Sitting back down next to Noah, he showed him the back, and how he had made a new clasp that could be opened and closed. "I fixed it," he offered.
Falling off the edge of the bed he started to shake. "NO!"
"NO! Noah, I don't want it back on. Not like that anyway." He showed him how the clasp opened and shut, "It's not permanent. I'm sorry. I'll go put it back."
He grabbed his ankle. "Blackie, wait."
He turned down and looked at Noah, "What?"
Dropping down to the floor next to Noah he asked, "Why did I fix it?"
"Cause it meant to much to me to be all broken up like it was. This is going to sound stupid, but me fixing the collar was part of my process of fixing me first, then us."
Shaking, Noah held out his hand. "Can I see it?"
He nodded and offered it to him, "I know you resent it, Noah, but I don't. It's special to me."
Running his fingers over it he came to rest on what used to be the silver O-ring and was now a black N. "Why?"
"The ring was a symbol," he choked out. "That slave, or sub human. . .That's part of what went wrong. The N, to me is just a symbol that I belong to you, not like the ring would symbolize, but more a heart, soul and body thing."
He nodded. "I'm sorry, Blackie, I never meant to treat you as sub human."
"I asked you to do it, Noah. No, I begged you to do it." He took the collar back from Noah's hands, "This is a better reflection of us, though. Isn't it?"
Through his teary eyes the man nodded.
"I think part of the reason I freaked out when brought these out," he said picking up the other ones. "Is well, as you can see, I've been thinking a lot about it too. While part of me wants to keep exploring, another part of me is very scared." He leaned in and kissed the man's cheek, "I'm sorry I got all wierded out."
"It's all my fault, but I know what you mean because I want to explore too. The only thing I know for sure is I never want either of us to have to deny a part of ourselves ever again."
"I agree," he answered with a smile. "Can we do this?" He asked. "Wear these," He said holding the ones Noah had bought, "While I'm performing tomorrow night. Then after we get home talk about all the rest of it?"
He nodded though a BIG part of him wanted nothing more then for Blackie to slip the leather collar around his neck right then.
"You're not happy with that," Blackie nearly moaned seeing the expression on his lover's face.
"I am," he said softly. "Part of me wants you to put it on me now... I dunno if I tell you why you'll think I'm stupid."
"Tell me anyway," he softly implored.
"I know you are going to win tomorrow night." Noah whispered. "I'm a little scared of what that is going to bring and sorta feel like if you put that on me now that whatever happens you'll come back to me."
He exhaled. "Noah! IF I win the only place I'm going is right back to your arms and right here with our family. You have to know that."
He pointed to his chest. "I know that here." he moved his hand to his head. "But up here I'm scared. I just felt like if that was on me then you'd know I was depending on you and not leave me behind when you win and everyone wants you."
Taking the leather collar in his hand, he moved so he was straddling Noah's lap. "I can't wear that one like that, you know for days, and it's not about any level of commitment to you. It's about just not being ready for that kind of symbol. I wear your ring, and your earring, and your tattoos and your brand and our carving as symbols of our commitment. Are you okay with that?"
"I am," he smiled. "I knew you wouldn't be ready to wear it and I bought it for you to wear that night only. That's why I offered myself to you. I don't know if I can offer you any level of submission beyond that though, I'm not sure I want to take it there."
He brushed his lover's lips with his own then directed, "Bow your head, Noah."
"May I kneel for you?"
Getting up off the man's lap, he nodded.
Climbing to his feet Noah kissed him deeply. "It's ok my love, I promise you that.
Consider it just a piece of jewelry for now ok?"
He nodded and waited for Noah to get into position.
Dropping to his knees Noah crossed his wrists behind his back and bowed his head.
Pausing for just a moment, Blackie ran his fingers through Noah's hair lovingly. He then pulled the collar around the man's neck, and just before latching it whispered. "I make no demands on you, Noah, but gratefully accept what you lovingly offer. In exchange I promise you from the depth of my being to love and care for you and only you with everything I am, and everything we are." He then worked the clasp, putting it tightly in place. "Look up, Love."
Raising his head Noah locked his green eyes with Blackie's. Smirking slightly he said "Thank you, Sir sexy boy."
Sliding his hand under his chin, he looked down at Noah. "You look beautiful, and I mean it Noah. I love you now and forever. If I were to win tomorrow, it wouldn't change a thing." Offering the man a hand he said, "But I don't think you have to worry about it. The only way I'm coming home with the song of the year Grammy is if I roll Michael Jackson and steal his."
At that Noah laughed loudly. "Michael Jackson wasn't number 1 all summer Blackie. You ARE going to win. I feel it in my blood and I got scared. Forgive me?"
He nodded, "Cause I understand scared, Doc. But you don't have to be scared, You, Robin, Lori, Brodie, the girls you are the things that are important in my life. More important then my career or a Grammy." Checking his watch, he exhaled nervously. "It's almost time to go." Turning to the swing, and the sleeping baby, he continued. "And Brodie needs to get dressed and probably should be fed before we get in the car."

Higgins house
Holding up the three different dress shirts that Claudia had brought, Danny asked, "Which ugly shirt do you want me to take, Baby?"
Looking up from where she was closing her own bag Claudia rolled her eyes. "None of them are ugly, Daniel."
"Sorry, Claud," he exhaled. "I don't even dress in stuff like this for church," he commented as he put all three in the garment bag his mother had given him as a gift. "No matter what kind of high polish you put on me. Still going to be me, just in fancy clothes."
Taking his hand she pulled him towards her. "You think I don't know that, Baby? I love you no matter what you wear."
"I know. You know Dana's got all these meetings set up all afternoon with all these great musicians," He said his nervous self doubt beginning to filter through his shell.
Knowing her boyfriend needed to be reassured of his talent she quipped "Must not be all that great. They need you to write their songs. You're the one that's great."
Smiling, he snuggled into her embrace and kissed her mouth, "It's so weird to think in a few hours I'm going to be having a beer with Springsteen? Isn't that wild?"
She laughed and looked at the clock. "OK, Lush boy, finish getting ready."
"I'm ready," he answered. "Just need to grab those cool boots you got me for Christmas and zip this up."
"Already got them in here Baby." She smiled as she patted her bag. "You want to carry these up while I find my shoes?"
"Sure," he answered as he kissed her cheek. Exaggerating a groan as he picked up her bag, he laughed, grabbed his, and went up the steps. "MOM! DAD!" He called out, "You two almost ready?"
Setting his cup in the sink Sean yelled back. "Yeah we are but what are you yelling for?"
"Cause I figured Mom still had her head under her hair dryer," He laughed. "You sure you want to take your truck and not just ride together," Danny offered one more time.
"Yes I am sure. Besides aren't you taking Frisco and his friend with you?"
He nodded. "I'm going to load our car. Want me to take your luggage out?"
The man pointed to the 5 packed bags sitting by the door. "Please do, it was hard enough to drag them down here."
"5 BAGS!" The man complained. "It's only three days!"
Sean laughed. "Tell that to your mother, son."
Repositioning what he was carrying he grabbed two of the bags and grumbled. "Geez, it's not like she's going to be drinking beer with Bruce later."

"I'm going to miss you." Jay whispered quietly as he held on tight to Alfie's body.
"I already miss you," Alfie said as he held tightened the hold. "But you're going to have a lot of fun and get to hang out with Sky and everything."
"I know, but I wish you could go with me."
"Me too, but Mary and Sean want me to stay and keep an eye on Tommy. I couldn't say no."
Jay nodded. "I know, but I hate it. It will be good to see Sky though. Ever since Dad blew a gasket over the phone bill we haven't talked as much."
"You got your notebook thing?" he asked pointing to the teens packed bag.
"Huh uh."
"Good," he said with a bit of a frown. Leaning in he kissed the boy's mouth.
Returning the kiss Jay heard Danny yelling up the steps that Brett and Lori were waiting for him. "I gotta go baby. I'll call you tonight."
"Okay," he said, "I'll walk out with you." He answered and followed the teen down the steps.

Devin dug in the closet for his favorite pair of jeans. "You ready for this, Baby?"
He laughed, "Ahhh, NO! I can't believe we're really going."
Dev laughed. "Well Dad wants me there and I don't wanna go with out you."
"Did you call Noah and Blackie and let them know we'd be there?" He asked as he tossed some shirts into his suitcase.
Devin hung his head. "Awe shit, no I forgot. Let me call them now." he stood and went to the phone.

Waldorf Astoria
Getting out of the car and handing the keys and a tip to the valet, Blackie turned to help the girls out of the back seat. Seeing that other valets were already handling it he started for the trunk. He sighed when he found the luggage was already being loaded onto a cart. Picking up Robin, he asked, "Can I carry you?"
"Yes, Daddy!" She giggled and kissed his nose.
He turned to the valet who asked what name the reservations were in. "Parrish-Kelly," he answered.
The man nodded. "Yes Sir." He motioned for Blackie and family to go on in. "There is some information waiting for you at the desk."
Smiling at Noah as he came around the car, he reached out for his hand, "WOW! Hu?"
Noah smiled though inside he was a little afraid. "Come on Babe, it's time for you to shine."
Walking into the main lobby, one arm holding Robin to his hip, the other hand interlocked with Noah's, he stopped and took in the large lobby, the marble floor, and the art deco design. "Oh my, it's really incredible, hu?" He then turned to Anna hearing Brodie fussing, "Let me get the rooms so we can get him comfortable."
The young man at the desk smiled as Blackie stepped up. "How are you this morning, Mr. Parrish- Kelly?"
"Uh, fine," the man stuttered, "Thank you. Are our rooms ready?" He asked, and then turned into Noah mumbling, "How did he know who I was?"
Norah grinned. "It's his job to know."
Handing him two large folders first, the desk clerk said, "These were left for you from the academy, Sir." He then handed him two smaller envelopes, "You're keys for suite 1174. Most of your party has already checked in." He informed. Then handing him another envelope said, "Your manager left this message for you."
Opening the envelope from Dana Blackie read the note and laughed. Handing it to his lover he smiled. "Wow."
Looking down at the paper, Noah read, 'FIRST - Relax Blackie! Don't get how you get! SECOND - Call me suite 1137, I want to rent a meeting room and have a reception for you and Danny after dinner tonight, explain when I talk to you.' "Wow, is right," Noah said nervously. "Told you it was your time to shine."
Blackie smiled. "I love YOU, Noah. None of this really matters."
Smiling, he nodded, "Are we ready to go upstairs? You need to call Dana, and when is your fist meeting this afternoon?"
Blackie looked at his watch. "In about an hour and a half."
Anna interrupted, "I'm sorry, Blackie, but can we get upstairs. He's getting hungry and cranky and so am I."
He turned. "Oh yeah, sorry I sorta forgot."
Guiding everyone toward the elevators, Noah followed, slowly taking in the other celebrities in the lobby.

"I'll be right back Claud." Danny said as he stepped out of room 1124 and closed the door behind him. While waiting for the elevator he heard laughter behind him and turned his head to see Billy Joel coming out of a room. As the doors in front of him opened the man called out "Hold the elevator." Stepping inside Danny pushed the button and as the doors started to close somewhat sneered. "I don't think so. You SO suck."

"Here it comes," Blackie said, pointing to the numbers for Robin. "3, 2, 1." As the doors opened, he jumped back, "Hey, Danny, Wild hu?" he said as Danny stepped off and everyone else piled in.
Danny grinned as his best friend greeted him. "Oh, Sticks, Dude, guess who I just saw upstairs?"
"Ahhhmmmm, Madonna?" he guessed with a sly grin.
Danny laughed. "I wish, hell no it was that creep Joel." He noticed the elevator being held. "Can you hang with me for a bit?"
He looked back to Noah and shrugged his shoulders, "I got to call Dana," He remembered turning back.
"You can't, he's gone. I just talked to him like 25 minutes ago, he said him and Bucky were going to some bar with Sky."
"What? But we got that meeting with those people!" He began to panic.
"Blackie, come on man it's ok. They just went to get lunch."
He took a deep breath, "I'm going to go up with them. Meet you back down here in a few?"
Danny smiled. "Nah it's cool." he looked down at his ripped jeans and dingy white t-shirt. "I just came to hang out for a few minutes and ignore the rules. The urge has passed I can go back up."
Laughing as he stepped back on and the door closed, he then asked, "Is everyone else here?"
"Yeah cept Lori, Brett and Jay. Something I gotta say Sky was pissed about."
Blackie turned to Noah as the door opened, "They left way before us. You think something happened?"
He shook his head. "No, remember Lori said she wanted to check out Bloomingdales before they checked in?"
He nodded and turned to Danny, "So I don't get what Sky's pissed about?" Stopping in front of the suite, he unlocked it and held the door open, as he stood talking to Danny.

Walking into the suite, Noah's breath caught in his chest. There were several flower arrangements setting on the dressers, all with cards, all addressed to 'Mr. Parrish-Kelly', further down the dressers were gift boxes, and a pile of envelops similar to the one containing Dana's message. Feeling his fear build and mount he turned toward the door, "Mr. Parrish-Kelly, you should get a look at this."
Stepping into the room Blackie gasped. "All this" he squeaked.
Noah pasted a proud smile on his face as he nodded, "Yep, all for you."
Looking in the man's eyes Blackie could feel his emotions and he knew if he was going to get through the next 2 days he had to calm him down.
"Ain't it cool!" Danny said from the entry. "Open the one from Sting!" He then checked his own watch. "What do you say we meet in the lounge fifteen minutes and have a beer before that Bonji guy or whoever shows up?"
Blackie shook his head and took Noah's hand. "I don't think so, Danny. You handle this one ok? There is something I have to do first."
"Dude!" Danny complained. "You can't miss the meeting!"
"I don't plan to but if I do I trust you ok? This is more important."
"All right, I'll see ya down in the lounge," he said as he left and pulled the door closed behind him.

"Well be back." Blackie said to the girls and then pulled Noah into a bedroom. Slamming and locking the door behind them he pulled his clothes off. "Get naked, Noah."
Beginning to tremble Noah fumbled with his braced hand to pull his sweater off, and then push the jeans off his hips.
Sitting on the edge of the bed Blackie pointed to the floor at his feet. "Knees Noah and I'm not asking you."
Slowly crossing the distance between them, Noah suddenly dropped to his knees, lowered his head and cried silent tears.
Grabbing the man's head and guiding it to his lap Blackie lovingly caressed his hair. "Why Noah?"
Crying into the man's lap he began to ramble, "I'm sorry, Babe. I'm so sorry. I just - just don't want to lose you. You aren't going to need me anymore."
"Babe, I am always going to need you. I love you so much, Noah. Tell me what you need to assure you of that?"
Wrapping his arms around the man's waist, he hugged him tight and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm ruining all of this for you."
"No . . .no you're not, but you are freaking me out with all this; so before I do another thing I am going to stay right here and give you whatever it is you need."
Keeping his head buried in his lap, he reached for Blackie's hand, "Make a date with me?"
"A date?" he asked confused.
He pushed himself up just a bit, "Next Saturday night, tell me we're going to do anything together, and we'll be together."
Blackie smiled. "Of course we will. If I put a TV in our loft think you can manage to not throw it at the wall?"
Smirking he answered, "You promise me the dork's stupid video won't come on?"
"No I can't do that but I can promise you that I will be in that bed with you at 10:30 on Saturday night for Lucy."
Taking a slow deep breath and letting it leave his body just as slowly, he looked up and said, "Thank you. I feel so much better. Wrapping his hand around Blackie's he lifted it and kissed it. "I know you won't break a promise to me. I know I'm being stupid, but this is your dream coming true and I can't help but get scared it's going to carry you away."
Blackie bent and kissed his lips softly. "Never Love, all this is because of how much I love you. I'll never leave you behind I promise you that."
Returning the kiss, he nodded and smiled. "May I get up now?"
Blackie smirked. "No, you just stay right where you are for awhile."
Licking his lips slowly, Noah asked, "Is there anything I can do for my sexy Sir boy while I'm here on my knees?"
Guiding his head Blackie whispered. "I think there is."
Nibbling up the inside of his thigh, Noah found his way to the man's growing organ slowly dragging his tongue along the flesh.
"Hands behind your back." Blackie gasped as the sensations surged through him.
Doing as requested, he locked his hands behind his back and moved up and down on his lover's cock, moaning around his flesh.
Running his fingers through Noah's hair Blackie mumbled. "Soooo good, baby."
Smiling internally Noah's mind raced, 'love you so much.' Pushing up just a bit on his knees, he swallowed the man's length working his throat muscles around him.
Blackie's body jerked as he felt his lover starting to hum deep in his throat. "Oh fuck, Noah."
'Come on, kid,' he silently encouraged as he continued to work him closer to orgasm.
Flopping back on the bead Blackie arched his hips and screamed out a primal animalistic scream as orgasm washed over his body.
Following his body, Noah gulped to swallow the man's seed, and then slid up a bit, laying his head against his stomach. "I love you so much."
Blackie held Noah tightly in his arms. "Always and forever, Doc."
"I know that," he said as he slipped up the man's body. "I don't know why I get so scared." Kissing his mouth for a moment, he then continued. "Come on. You're not missing your meeting, and you need to open your cool present from buzz. I want to see what it is."
Blackie laughed. "Ok, but you need to get dressed because you are going with me."
Sliding off the bed and reaching for his pants he shook his head. "Babe, it's a business meeting. You can't take me."
"The hell I can't." Blackie said as he stood and reached for his clothes. "I need you with me Noah, I need you to hold my hand and not let me get how I get."
"You sure?" He asked as he slipped the sweater back on.
"I'm sure." he replied helping Noah pull the sweater down his body and then kissing his lips. "I want and need you by my side."
Wrapping his arms around his lover, Noah kissed him deeply, "I need you by my side too, for always."

An hour later
Blackie walked down the hall, checking the numbers on the doors as he went. "This is it," he said to Noah as he pushed the slightly ajar door open. "Hey, Dana," he smiled as he took in the room. Dana and Danny already sitting at the round table, and Stacy standing behind him following as he explained the paperwork to her.
Dana looked up. "Cutting it close, Blackie."
"Sorry," he said moving to the table, but then noticing the beer in the corner, went to grab one first.
Sitting down as Blackie handed him a soda Noah smiled. "Thanks, Babe." and popped the top, immediately reaching under the table and laying his braced hand on his lover's thigh.
Laying his hand atop of Noah's Blackie sighed, "So we've never done this face to face before. What's the deal?"
Dana smiled. "Well first up is a group from New Jersey called Bon Jovi...."
Blackie burst out laughing and looked at Danny. "Is THAT what you were trying to say?"
"Hey, I never heard of them before." Danny defended, "Should I have?" he asked Dana.
The man shook his head. "Not really but they did just buy a song from you a few weeks ago."
"He don't know me, right?" Blackie asked as he sipped from the beer.
Dana nodded. "Yeah but they are changing the title."
Blackie sighed and nodded, sliding his hand up over the brace so he could squeeze Noah's flesh. "Well, that's a done deal though. So what's this about today?"
"They wanted to meet you guys, that's all."
"That's cool," Danny answered. "What's this deal tonight? The reception thing after dinner you were talking about?"
"Well I thought I'd get you guys in a room together and just open the doors. Food, drinks, whatever, the 2 of you mingling and being friendly."
Seeing the door open out of the corner of his eye, Blackie leaned into Noah, "Guess it's go time," He said as he pulled himself to his feet and smiled at the men coming in.

Dana stood as the 5 young Italian men filed in. "Jon, Tico, Alec, Ritchie, David this is Danny Higgins, and" he pointed to Blackie. "Blackie Parrish-Kelly." He turned to the 2 songwriters. "Blackie, Danny, this is" he pointed and motioned to each man as he went down the line. "Jon Bon Jovi, Alec John Such, David Bryan, Tico Torres and Ritchie Sambora." He turned to the band. "Guys, have a seat."
"Pleasure," Blackie nervously answered as he shook the hands of each of the men, before they turned to greet Danny. After standing silently for a moment, he continued, "Well, we can sit. Stacy, Can we get a couple more chairs please?"
One of the musicians cracked a leering grin. "Awe she don't need no chair, come here sweets." he patted his lap.
"Back off," Blackie shot across the table, "I was asking her to get you a chair, but maybe she don't need to."
Alec looked over at Dana. "What the fuck is his problem?"
"She's not here for them to treat like that!" Blackie insisted to Dana. "She don't have to put up with that shit."
"Babe, calm down." Noah said while grabbing for his lover's arm. "Stacy, go get a couple more chairs please."
Dropping back to the chair Blackie turned to Noah, "Just cause he's looks good in leather and has a record label behind him doesn't mean he can treat woman like shit."
Alec started to mouth off but was stopped by a smack on the back of the head by Jon. "Cool it and stop being an ass."
"A little too late," Blackie mumbled under his breath.
Jon laughed as did rest of the band before those that were still standing dropped into chairs.
As Stacy came back around the table, Blackie took her arm and guided her down. "You all right," He whispered low.
She smiled. "I'm fine, Blackie, no worries."
"Okay," he smiled back at her, and then turned to the man who had hit the obnoxious one. "I'm sorry, where were we?"
"No, I'm sorry," he continued. "The song, it's really great. It's not going to be the first single, but we're hoping maybe second or third."
"Cool." Danny cut in. "Dana says you're changing the title. What to?"
"I'm guessing SHE don't know me?" Blackie answered.
"Uh yeah." Ritchie responded. "Nothing against you guys or anything but we don't really want to be singing love songs to dudes."
Blackie nodded, "That's always been one of my favorites. I'm working on something right now that kind of has the same feel to it."
"Oh yeah?" he asked. "We'd love to hear it, mostly we write our own stuff but sometimes you know."
Blackie hadn't planned on playing anything or pitching, and not sure if it was appropriate. He looked across the table to Dana, shrugging his shoulders.
Dana pointed to the corner nearest his left and said, " I got those in case."
"Cool," He said as he got up and motioned to Danny. "You know the one I'm talking about?"
"Yeah, hand me that acoustic and you bang the table?"
Chuckling, he handed the guitar across the table and said, "Nah, I think I'll use the drums." Focusing for a moment, he nodded and let Danny play a few measures of intro, before he began singing

"I'm sitting in this smoky room, the night about to end
I pass my time with strangers, but this bottles my only friend
Remember when we use to walk
Up on oak street out in the dark?
Remember when you lost your keys?
And I lost more then that between your sheets?

Remember how we use to talk about busting out?
We'd break their hearts,
Together, Forever,
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye,
You and me and my old friends hoping it would never end.
Say goodbye,
Never say goodbye
Hold on, we got to try, holding on to
Never say goodbye."

"That's cool, Danny, That's enough," Blackie said, feeling as though he was loosing them.
Jon blushed his eyes darting back and forth from Blackie and the man he had been sitting next to. "Uh uh um, it's not bad."
Sensing how uncomfortable the man was, Blackie walked back to the seat, leaned over, and kissed Noah's lips softly. "I know I haven't played that for you yet, Baby, but it's not really done yet." Then dropped down to his chair. "It's not done yet," He repeated. "But to me it has that same feel as the other one."
The 5 band members shifted uncomfortably. Alec spoke before he could be stopped. "You wanna not do that?"
"Excuse me?" Blackie said, and then turned to Dana giving him a questioning look.
"I said." the man started and pushed away David's hand. "Get the hell off me." he locked his stare on Blackie. "You wanna not do that?"
"I don't know," Blackie smarted back, "You want to just stop breathing, or you want me to come over there and help you."
The man stood. "You challenging me, fairy?"
Blackie turned to Dana, "I want my song back!"
The man sighed. "Blackie, I'm sorry. It's already recorded and the contracts are signed." Dana turned to Alec. "You sit your ass down or get out."
"Fuck, it's not the first time contracts get broken. I want MY song, Noah's song, back."
Ritchie leaned into Jon, whispered in his ear and then stood dragging Alec out of the room as he left.
Jon turned to Blackie. "Blackie? Is it ok to call you that?"
Leaning back in the chair, Blackie looked to Noah first, then to the other man, "Yeah, it's okay."
"I'll be honest. We're a little uncomfortable. When we first heard the song and honestly until we walked in we thought a chick wrote it."
"Surprise!" He said tossing his hands up in the air.
Jon laughed nervously. "You're trying to set me off huh?" He asked. "See if I'm like Alec?"
"You know what," He shot back, "Honestly I don't care if you are or not. But I'll be damned if anyone is going to come in my meeting room and tell me to stop doing what comes as naturally to me as breathing. I won't do it, and I don't want any small minded, prejudiced, idiot breeder singing my song."
The man sat back in his chair. "I'm not small minded, prejudiced or an idiot. Breeder I'll give you."

Slipping his arm through Blackie's, Noah leaned in, "Let me talk to you for a minute over there, Babe. Please." Leading his lover away from the table, he locked is hand in Blackie's. "Take a deep breath," He smiled.
He sighed. "Noah, that guy's an asshole."
He nodded, "You are a hundred percent right. I love the songs you write for me. You know that, and you know when you have Dana market them that it's damn near a certainty that either pronouns are going to be changed, or they are going to be bought by a chick singer. You know this. It doesn't change the song really. It doesn't change my pride in it, or my pride in you or us."
"But Noah..." he paused. "That Jon guy is ok but that Alec really wants me to play dentist."
He smiled, "And I want to help you, but the only person you hurt right NOW by doing that is you and Danny, and the only people you hurt by trying to break a contract right now are you and Danny. Not the ass hole. I don't want you to stop kissing me, or touching me, or singing about me but I don't want you to get hurt either. Not over some jerk."
Blackie nodded. Taking Noah's hand he walked back to the table. "Ok, here's the deal."
"What's that?" Jon asked.
"You can keep HE don't know me and if we ever find ourselves in this position again I deal with you or that Ritchie guy and," he pointed to David and Tico who had stayed mostly quiet. "They are ok too but that Alec asshole doesn't come near me."
Jon nodded, "Okay, and if it means anything at all I apologize for his behavior."
Blackie nodded. "Yeah, it does actually. Noah is my heart and soul what I write is usually about him just like Danny writes about Claudia."
"I understand that," Jon responded, "I write a lot of what we've recorded. I know what writing from your heart is about."
Blackie smiled and leaned back into Noah's arms. "I'm sorry. I did over react a bit, I was on the defensive as soon as he made that remark about Stacy."
Looking to the woman, Jon continued. "And I'm sorry about that too, Stacy. I know Alec comes off, well, all those things you called me, but underneath it all he really is okay. He's like a brother to me."
Danny snorted. "Sorry, I don't think he's ok. Anyone that fucks with Sticks fucks with me. He's not LIKE my brother, he is my brother."
Breaking in, Dana grabbed Danny's shoulder, "Okay, Jon, guys. I'm glad we could do business and everything, but Danny and Blackie have a few other appointments this afternoon."
The remaining musicians nodded. "Blackie, Danny?" Tico spoke for the first time.
"Yeah," Danny responded, turning to the man.
"Don't think we're all like Alec because we're not, not really. I mean we are enough alike I guess, he's our friend since forever but we're not all exactly the same."
Danny nodded as Blackie said, "Okay, well it was nice to meet you guys, most of you anyway."

Looking over his shoulder, Noah called out to the girls, "I'll bring him right back."
Crossing through the main room of the suite to their bedroom he stood in the doorway a moment. He watched Blackie as he put his suite jacket on then ruffle his hair and then walked in. "Somebody wants to say good bye to, Daddy."
Looking up and smiling, Blackie met Noah half way and opened his arms to take the baby, "Let's keep it all inside you, Brodie." He smiled as he tapped the baby's stomach lightly.
As soon as he was nestled against his father's shoulder Brodie made a gurgling sound.
Pulling the baby back, he laughed. "You got one of those things, Noah," he said motioning to his shoulder. "Brodie's thinking it would be funny for Daddy to go schmooze with baby puke on his jacket."
Laughing Noah pulled the towel off his shoulder and laid it over Blackie's jacket. "Your fault, Babe, you dared him."
Putting the baby back to his shoulder, Blackie nuzzled the baby's cheek, "Oh, I'm sorry little guy, I haven't had a whole lot of time to cuddle you today have I?"
In response Brodie closed his eyes and began to drift off.
"Awe," Blackie's heart melted as he crossed to the chair and sat down. "Can't he go with us?" The man said in jest.
"Well he could...."
Patting his back, "Yeah, but he'd have to put on a stupid suit like us and be all uncomfortable. You stay here with mommies, and we'll come get you when we come back upstairs. Right, Noah?"
"Right." Noah said crossing and kneeling down in front of the 2. "And you can cuddle with us ALL night."
Hearing a knock on the door Blackie said, "That must be Danny and Claud. You get the door and I'll take him back to the girls?"
"Too late." Claudia said as she entered the room a few seconds later. "Holly let us in."
Heading back into the main room, Blackie said, "You look beautiful, Claudia. You two Danny," He smirked and then turned to Holly. "We have to go."
Taking the baby she leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Have fun, Love, and try not to beat anyone up this time."
Laughing at himself he nodded, then slipped his arm through Noah's. "Come on, Let's go."

15 Minutes later
Sitting at the table Danny looked around at all the various celebrities being seated. "Man I hope we don't get stuck with some lame sound tech or something."
"Hey," Blackie said elbowing him. "Just a year ago I was some lame tech." Then motioned at the door to Noah, "Look, there's Mr. Kincaid."
Danny smirked. "Well if I had been here last year I wouldn't have wanted to sit with you. Who's Mr. Kincaid?"
"Devin's father," Blackie said and Noah continued in disbelief, "You don't know who Palmer Donavan Kincaid is?"
Cocking his head Danny drew a blank. "Ummm no, should I?"
"Remember that musical they all went to see last time we were in town and you wouldn't take me?" Claudia interrupted. "He wrote it and produced it."
He screwed up his face. "Ewww I don't like that shit." He turned to Blackie. "Oh man look, it's Billy Joel and that bimbo."
"Man, look at the way she towers over him," Blackie said, "What's she wearing, Noah, about six inch heels."
Noah looked over. "At least." he replied dryly. "If she had pockets he could ride in them."
"Uhm, Danny, they're coming this way." Claudia said nervously. "You won't start anything if he's sitting nearby, right. You're going to just drop it."
The man laughed. "Baby, I wouldn't talk to them if they were sitting across from me."
Leaning over Noah said, "Looks like they are." Trying to demonstrate proper etiquette, Noah stood, as the woman approached the table.
"Awe man." Danny mumbled under his breath as he followed Blackie's lead and stood then remained standing till the model was seated.
Dropping back down to his seat, Blackie looked away and whispered to Noah, "I should say something, right. Say something before Danny throws an insult?"
Noah smiled. "I got it, Babe." he whispered and kissed the man's lips softly and then extended his hand across the table. "Dr. Noah Drake, this is my lover Blackie Parrish-Kelly, his partner Danny Higgins and his fiancé Claudia Johnson."
Taking the doctor's hand and following the introductions, a light bulb went off in the singer's head. "I suck, hu? I thought we did pretty well with your song." He directed to Danny.
Danny blushed deeply. "I wasn't talking about the song, but since you brought it up actually you didn't. You slowed it down and made it all do-woppy. We didn't write it like that did we sticks?"
Swallowing hard Blackie acknowledged his friend. "No, we didn't." "But look what that kajawhoever did to Too Shy last year."
Noah grinned. "Kajagoogoo"
Turning to his lover and rolling his eyes Blackie chastised. "Kajagoogoo you remember. You can't remember Sting, but you remember Kajagoogoo." Looking back to Billy Joel, he tried to explain. "Sir, I've been a fan of your music for a lot of years, but really not as big a fan as Danny has been. And it upset him a bit that the woman he tried to honor with that song," He pointed to Claudia, "Was portrayed by," He pointed to the man's wife, "Sorry, Ms Brinkly, no disrespect intended."
Putting his arm around Christy in a protective nature he glared at Danny. "Excuse me?"
Putting her hand to her boyfriend's mouth, Claudia interrupted, "You've said enough for one day." Turning to the other couple, "Not the fact that she did, Sir, but the fact he felt the underlying intent was lost in the video storyline."
Unable to help himself the musician laughed. "I like you."
Danny softened, "Truth be told, I like you too. I was so psyched when sticks said you were going to do Uptown Girl. Then I saw that STUPID video."
Slumping back in the chair, he smiled, "I didn't write the video. Record labels hire video producers and writers to do that. You think I like the fact it was exaggerated I need a step ladder to be on equal footing with my wife." Turning to the blonde, he tried to soften, "My beautiful wife."
Christy laughed. "You do, Joe."
Turning to Noah, Blackie shrugged and mouthed, 'Joe?'
"I dunno." Noah mouthed back.
With a bit of a giggle, the woman explained, "It's kind of a funny story really. When we met last year, he introduced himself to me. I heard 'joe' and well, he's just always been Joe to me." She finished with a laugh, and a hand to the man's cheek.
Biting his lip Blackie laid his head on Noah's shoulder and tightly gripped his thigh under the table. "That's...very sweet."
Smiling he leaned back into Blackie and kissed his cheek then motioned to the door, "Oh man, wouldn't Gran love to be here right now."
Danny looked up. "OOOOO I hope she sits here." His eyes shot to the dim bulb model seated in front of him. "No offense."
Following her boyfriend's gaze Claudia nudged his shoulder, "You don't like country music."
"No I like her..." he stopped realizing what he was about to say and changed his mind. "Yeah, Baby, I do."
"I know what you like," She groaned. Then smiled warmly as the woman approached the table. Confused and feeling like he should know who the approaching woman was but not coming up with a name he turned to Noah. "Who is she?"
"Dolly Parton," He whispered low, as he moved to his feet guiding Blackie up, "You know, Grand ole Opry and all that?"
"Let me." Danny bounced behind her chair, all but knocking her husband out of the way.
"Aren't you boy's jus' the sweetest things?" The woman said with her evident southern drawl. "You just sit down now," Reaching behind her she, offered her hand to Danny. "What was you're name?"
His mind went blank. SHE was talking to him. " name..." he tripped over his tongue. "I don't know."
"Ma'am," Blackie interrupted from across the table, "He's my writing partner, Danny Higgins." Pointing back, he continued, "His fiancé Claudia Johnson. He crossed his hand across his body, "My lover, Dr. Noah Drake, and of course you know, Joe and Christy, and I'm Blackie Parrish-Kelly."
The woman smiled and extended her hand with long blood red painted nails across the table. "How you been Billy? It's been what? 5 years?"
"I think that's about right, Dolly. How you doing?" He then turned to the woman's husband, "Carl?"
"Pretty good, Bill." The grey haired man replied. "Just feeding the chickens while this pretty lil lady" he put his arms around Dolly. "Makes all the good ole boys act like" he pointed at Danny. "him."
"Oh you hush, Carl," Dolly continued as she turned to Noah, "Did he say you are a doctor?"
Noah nodded. "Yesem, I own the Lorain Parrish Medical Center in Port Charles, New York."
Smiling the woman pushed forward, "That ain't no New York accent I'm hearing. Where you really from?"
He blushed. "No Ma'm it's not. I'm riggionaly from Lanta."
Blackie looked to his husband. In three years he had never heard Noah speak with more then a slight drawl. Turning to his right he wished he hadn't as he saw Danny trying to pick his eyes up off his lap.
Watching with amused interest Billy Joel turned to Blackie. "So, kid, you like sports?"
"Uhm, yeah. How 'bout you, Joe?" he answered.
Billy smiled. "Billy please, and yeah I like baseball."
"Danny loves the Yankees." He smiled, "Well, so does Noah when he's not talking," stopping and listening a minute he rolled his eyes, "Sweet potato pie?"
"Oh, sugar." Dolly said her voice dripping with her Tennessee accent. "It's just the BEST, and I make a mean one. Don't I, honey?"
"You certainly do, Darling. She's a fine cook, when she's not off singing like a sparrow."
"Mmmmm." Noah said heartily as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Ya'll know I haven't had a good sweet tater pie in....well hell ever. My momma she didn't cook and my Grammy she no like sweet taters."
Exhaling, Blackie turned back to the Piano Man, "My little woman," he feigned a boast. "There anyway we can get a beer around here?"
He nodded. "There's a bar over there. We can wait till they come around with trays or go knock back a couple now?"
Laying his hand against Noah's shoulder Blackie said, "Noah, I'm going to go get a beer with Billy. You want anything?"
"Nah, Baby, I'm aright, but ya can kiss me first." he tilted his head back.
Smiling down in the man's eyes he thought, 'Awe my little southern Belle.' And let him lips brush Noah's. "Have fun, Babe. I'll be back in a few minutes." Turning to Danny he asked, "Come have a beer with me and Billy?"
About to decline Danny caught notice of the look in Claudia's eyes. It said 'If you ever want to get laid again you'll leave the table NOW.' Leaning, he kissed her lips softly and said "Yeah man sure." as he stood.

8th Floor
Hanging up the phone Jay grabbed the blue spiral notebook and ran out of his room to the elevator. Hardly able to hold in his excitement as he waited he decided not to wait, turned to the door leading to the stairs, and ran up to the 11th floor. Sprinting down the hall he arrived in front of room 1137 and pounded on the door.
A moment later the door flew open, and Sky squealed, "JAY!! Oh my god!" She threw her arms around the teen hugging him tight and pulling him into the room. As she pulled back, she handed him the notebook in her hand, and grabbed his.
Flopping down on the couch Jay opened and flipped past stuff he had written to her entries. "Hey, Babes?" he said as he started to read.
Looking up from the notebook in her hands, she smiled at him, "What?"
"I love you," he smiled.
"Awe," she said as she leaned across hugging him tight again, "I love you too, Jay. I miss you so much."
"Good now that that's out of the way order some room service. Rick says I'm not allowed and that stupid restaurant wouldn't let me in without a suit."
"WHAT?" she said picking up the phone, "You're allowed to order room service. Rule number one, Rick is a tight ass, ignore him." She pushed the buttons, waited then spoke into the phone, "Room 1137, can I get two of those big burgers, fires, onion rings, and a six pack of coke. Thanks." Hanging up the phone she pointed across the room, "Get something out of the honor bar while we're waiting. Dad won't mind."
The boy laughed. "Me ignore the guy that's paying me a hundred bucks for 2 days work? I don't think so." he got up and looked in the honor bar. "There's beer in here."
"My point exactly," she scoffed, "You know how much he'd have to give you if you were over 18. No beer, Jay, come on."
Jay shrugged. "I was just kidding, Babes," he said as he pulled out a candy bar and a can of soda. "Sides he really didn't have to pay me, this is way fucking cool I'd have done it for nothing."
Looking up she said, "Oh man, I know. You know who we rode up with today after lunch it was so cool you won't even believe it," she rambled.
"Who tell me?" he implored as he jumped over the back of the couch and got comfortable. "I saw Billy Idol at the pool."
"Elton John!" she shrieked. "I think even dad was geeked, and he works with celebrities all the time.
He choked on his candy. "No fucking way???? Really???"
"Uuh-hu, and he was so cool, and so nice. He said he might stop by Blackie and Danny's thing tonight. Dad invited him. We should go down hu?"
"Will they let us in?"
She nodded, "This is just some party Danny and Blackie are throwing. 'sides, Dad will let us in. We can go down for a little bit, if you want." She said as she grabbed Jay's hand and squeezed it. "Then come back and talk all night?" she asked.
"Yeah, that'll be cool. I'd rather stay up here anyway. I'm down on the 8th floor and it's I dunno kinda creepy being alone."
Bouncing on the couch, Sky shook her head. "Nooooooo, you stay up here."
He grinned. "Cool." tossing the wrapper at the table he watched it land on the floor. "Man where are those burgers? I'm fuckin starved." he picked up the notebook and opened his arms, "Come here, Babes."
Picking up the other one, she crawled across the couch and settled in his arms. "This is so great."

Reception Hall
Picking up the three beers off the bar, he turned back handing one to Danny and one the Billy. Taking a long drink from the bottle, he tried to focus on the words coming from the long time musician, but found himself watching Noah. Seemed like the room was spinning in slow motion for him as he watched his lover laugh as he talked and reached for his glass of wine.
"Blackie?" Danny asked. "You ok, Dude?"
Shaking it off, he smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't you ever just . . . well you know, doesn't matter whose around, it feels like Claudia is the only one in the room?"
Danny looked over to their table. His eyes first settled on Dolly for a moment and then moved to lock on Claudia. He smiled. "Yeah, sometimes."
"I see that," Blackie quipped as Billy nudged his arm, "We probably better sit down looks like they're going to start the program.
Signaling for another round Danny said, "Hang on a minute."
Waiting for the beers, the three men walked back to the table. "Did you miss me, Babe?" Blackie asked, letting a kiss fall to the man's cheek.
"Always." Noah replied. His voice still heavily accented.
As the blond singer reached out to pick up her glass, Claudia commented, "Ms Parton, your nails are just beautiful." Then turned to Noah, "Can you imagine me working the front desk at the clinic with a set of those?"
Dolly smiled. "Thank ya Chiiild but the nails like the hair and just about everything else is as fake as can be."
His eyes following the plunging neckline of the woman's rhinestone covered dress, Danny choked on his beer, "Everything??"
She laughed as she ran her fingers down the front of her dress, "The rhinestones, yes." She moved her hand up to the parts of her spilling from the gown. "These honey boy are the real deal."
Watching the woman's hands move over her body as she spoke, Danny's face blushed.
Noticing his lover's eyes were also on the country singer Blackie laughed starting a chain reaction of giggles around the table.
At a loss for words, Blackie looked across to the other famous singer at the table and said. "So, Billy, how bout them Yankees hu?"
Billy grinned. "Yankees? You know it's February right?"
He silently nodded as he reached for his beer.
Claudia leaned into Danny. "You can stop staring now, honey, or if you like I can ask Ms Parton to get naked for you."
"Oh, please don't." Blackie said before he could stop himself. Then turned to the woman, his face now flushed. "I'm sorry ma'am. You're a very beautiful woman, well you know, in a woman kind of way."
"Hahahahahaha." she laughed loudly. "It's ok, Honey." She turned to her husband. "Nice boys. Aren't they Carl."

Meeting room - 11:30
Blackie looked around the crowded room, and smiled as Noah approached him. He handed Blackie one of the beers, then took a drink from the other in his hand. "All these people here to meet you, Babe. How exciting is that? And guess who just walked in?"
Looking towards the door Blackie almost dropped his beer. "Holy fuck, Noah, no way. He's not nominated for anything is he?"
"Who?" Noah asked, "I don't think they are," He switched gears continuing to talk about who he saw.
"Rick Nelson." Blackie said quickly. "Oh my god, Danny is never gonna believe this." he paused. "Wait, you said they? They who?"
"NO! Not The Who, those Duran Duran people. WAIT! Did you say Rick Nelson?" Noah said turning toward the door, "Oh my god, Blackie, Ricky Nelson is here."
Gulping his beer Blackie swallowed hard. "I know! He's RIGHT there!" he pointed toward the corner of the room. "Wonder why he's in the corner? Did you just call him Ricky Nelson?"
"Uh-hu. Maybe we should go talk to him?" Noah said nervously.
"He don't like that name no more, Noah. You won't call him that will you?" he asked suddenly very aware that one of his biggest musical idols was in the room.
"I can't help it!" Noah almost whined. "I promise I'll try really hard not to say Ricky." Looking around the room he commented. "Is kinda weird he's just standing there all by himself. Isn't it?"
"Yeah, where's Danny?" he said looking around for his partner. Not seeing him he shrugged. "Come on, he hasn't had a hit in like a hundred years so he's probably afraid he's gonna get kicked out or something."
Following Blackie across the room, Noah smiled as they approached.
Danny looked up from where he was talking with Phil Collins. "Holy FUCK, no fucking way." he suddenly shouted at the shorter man and then all but ran across the room to where Noah and Blackie were standing. Cutting into the middle of the conversation he said "Like no way - Rick Nelson - here...NOW. Dude, we write music. Wanna write a song with us?"
Pushing Danny in the shoulder Blackie scoffed. "Real subtle, Dude."
"Oh fuck, I'm sorry." Danny apologized with a blush and stuck out his hand. "Danny Higgins, I really do write music."
Smiling the man pointed up toward the speakers, "Your stuff I'm guessing?"
"Uh huh, and when we were kids we wrote a song in your style. I have it upstairs if you wanna hear it."
Pushing his hand through his hair Blackie gasped, "NO he doesn't want to hear that, Danny. And believe me, you don't want him to hear it either."
The former teen idol laughed. "That bad?"
Smiling, Blackie answered, "I prefer to say we grown immensely since our first song."
"Ouch." he laughed with a fake cringe and a smile. "You know, I kinda like the one playing now. What is it?"
"Actually, Danny did most of the lyrics on this one, it's called Harmless Game." Blackie said.
"I like it a lot."
"You like my song, really?" The man asked. "Man, where's Claud?" He said as he looked around the room.
Noah looked around. "Over there talking to...who is that?"
"Oh, his name is . . . . uhm . . ." Blackie tapped Danny's arm, "He's a drummer in that Culture Club band we talked to earlier today. Jon? Is that his name?"
Danny looked. "I dunno."
"I think so, anyway, he's a drummer."
Watching as the woman flirted with the musician Noah laughed. "Go over there Danny, he'd like you better than her."
Blackie shook his head, "He's got a boyfriend. You remember, Noah." He said motioning to his head, "The guy with the long hair you said looked pretty in his make-up."
"Guy? Pretty?" Rick Nelson said as he suddenly rejoined the conversation. "Man what happened to rock and roll?"
Turning back, Blackie shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't think he looked pretty. I thought he looked like a guy in a dress. He was nice though. They're actually thinking about buying this song, matter of fact, it's call Church of the Poison Mind" Blackie said looking up toward the speakers.
'Well there went that.' the older man thought to himself. "Hey, I'm not like keeping you guys from mingling or whatever am I?'
"Heck no," Danny answered, "I'd much rather talk to you then anyone else."
"Hey, Danny, looks like Claud's found her Dolly Parton." Blackie laughed and took Noah's hand. "Rick, Sir it was wonderful meeting you but we're gonna go get another drink and I see a friend that just walked in I need to say hi to."
Looking over his shoulder, Danny said, "Hu? What? Hey!" he then turned back. "I'll be right back, Rick. I got to get my woman away from Darrel Hall."
Arriving at the drink table Blackie hugged the 2 people he had seen walk in. "Ma, Pop; you know your son is a bonehead right?"
"Took you damn near your whole life to figure that out," Sean laughed.
Blackie laughed. "Oh man I wish you guys had been at dinner. Noah turned into a hayseed and Danny couldn't get his eyes out of Dolly Parton's cleavage."
Mary grabbed the man's arm. "You had dinner with Dolly Parton. OH, I love her!"
Noah broke in. "She's so sweet, said she's gonna make me a sweet potato pie and send it in the mail."
"Oh wow," The woman fawned and smacked her husband's arm. "I told you she was a nice person. He's says there isn't ANYONE as nice as she puts on, on tv."
With a devilish glint in his eyes Sean brought his hands to his chest gesturing breasts and asked "Are they real?"
Noah exaggerated a nod, "Uh-hu,"
"She wear one of those little low cut numbers to show em off real good?"
"Barely covered them, then Claud wanted to tell her to get naked," Blackie cut in and turned sharply, feeling someone pulling on his arm. "Dad! What is it!"

"Son, you HAVE to do you 'ol man a favor. PLEASE!" Joe said with big pleading eyes.
"Oh god, don't tell me you're nutty for old Dolly McBigTits too."
"Who? NO! Her!" he said pointing to the woman near the door. "You got to introduce me to her."
Blackie looked at the woman with the long dark hair. "She's pretty in a girly way, but before I can introduce YOU I need someone to introduce ME."
"That's Linda Rondstat!" Joe nearly screeched, "You know, 'When will I be loved?' 'Different Drum'?" Seeing blank stares on his son's face he said in shock. "You don't know who Linda Rondstat is?"
Blackie shrugged. "Sorry, Dad."
Stepping up with a giggle Noah said, "Come on, Joe. I'll go with you."
Turning around Joe froze. "Oh NO."
"What?" Noah laughed.
"Cindy is talking to her," he said as he watched his wife laughing with the object of his obsession. "How much you wanna bet that woman told her about my poster."
"Teee heeee," Noah tried not to laugh, "You have a Linda Rondstat poster?"
Joe glared at the doctor. "Just a little one."
Patting the man's shoulder, he tried to calm him, "Come on, it's okay. If you're nice she might end up making you a sweet potato pie."

As the 2 men neared the 2 women Joe heard his wife say, "No really, he did."
Nervously laughing Joe slid up to his wife and asked through clenched teeth, "Did what, honey?"
She smiled. "Oh hey, Joe. I was just telling Linda something Drew did."
"Oh," he exhaled, "Linda?"
"Oh sorry, Baby." she said as she kissed his cheek. "Linda, this is my husband Joe Kelly; Joe this is Linda."
The dark complexioned singer pushed her long black hair back off her shoulder before extending her hand, "Nice to meet you, Joe . . . Kelly?" she asked, "You're related to the talented young songwriter I'm hearing so much about tonight?"
Watching her long hair Joe exhaled slowly. "Wow . . . . huh? . . . Oh yeah, he's my son."
She smiled brightly at the man. "I haven't seen Cyn in forever. She was just telling me about you wedding and the baby. How wonderful."
Still staring at her hair he shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out and touching it. "Her name is Caroline, we left her upstairs." Just remembering Noah had walked over with him he used his head to motion to the man. "That's, Noah."
She smiled and reached out touching his arm, "I'm so happy for you. I've known Cyn forever." Moving from Joe to Noah she extended her hand, "Noah?"
"Dr Noah Drake." Noah smiled. "The talented songwriter's husband."
"So very nice to meet you. Then I suppose one of the two of you could lead me over to this talented songwriter then?"
Noah extended his arm but was pushed out of the way by Joe. "Allow me."
"Yeah, give us a call." Blackie said as he extended his hand holding a business card to Corey Heart and watched him walk away. He turned to go find Noah when Danny barreled into him. "Oh my fucking god, guess what Sticks?"
Grabbing the man's shoulders, Blackie took a slow deep breath, encouraging Danny to do the same. "What is it, Dude?"
"Rick made an offer on Harmless Game. Dana says we shouldn't take it because even if we were brand new and weren't nominated for a fucking Grammy it's worth more but he told me that's all he can afford to offer. Says he wants to put it on his album he's gonna be starting to record this summer. Come on Man it's RICK NELSON we gotta tell Dana to fuck off on this one."
Blackie smiled, "Rick Nelson wants Harmless Game? That is soooo cool."
"Yeah but he can only afford 25 bucks. I know it's like NOTHING but man he said we could have 90% of the profit from the song and 2% of album sales so he's looking out for us too."
Blackie looked up to former teen idol then back to Danny, putting an arm on his back, he walked him toward a quiet corner. "Danny, you realize 90% doesn't mean nothing if the song and or album doesn't turn a profit?"
"Yeah I know." He dropped his voice low. "Blackie, I know it's not going to go anywhere. I'm not stupid. He can't shed the Ricky image and hasn't had a hit since 1972 but I think we should do it."
"That one is mostly yours, Bro. So if it's what you want to do, I'm behind you 100%, you know that. But I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't say this first. Dana is right about the song being worth more then that. It's a good song, and I've had two or three others talk to me about it tonight. No, no one's talking contract yet, but you know . . . " He looked up at the man talking politely to Claudia, "It is really really cool though. It's up to you, man."
"I wanna do it." Danny said firmly. "Think back man, what were we listening to when we decided to write the Budweiser Cowboy? I know that song sucks so don't go there but what were we listening to?"
He nodded, "Garden Party, in your Ma's basement, I know. You go tell Rick he has a deal and I'll go explain to Dana we're doing it against his advice."
"You're the best, bro." Danny grinned and hugged Blackie tight, kissing him full on the lips. Pulling back he laughed. "Don't go falling in love with me, Dude, I didn't mean it like that."
'You don't have to worry about that one, buddy,' he chuckled to himself as he watched his friend run across the room. He looked around for Dana, and instead eyed his father coming in his direction with the woman he had been so excited about.
"Blackie." Joe called out. "This is Linda, turns out Cindy knows her."
Beginning to feel like he was getting cramps in his cheeks from smiling so much, Blackie did it anyway. "Linda, hello."
She shook his hand. "Wow! Blackie Parrish-Kelly. Been hearing a lot about you and your and your partner. Word is you got rockets on your butts."
He laughed, "Well, thank you that's kind of you to say."
"It's the word. My manager said I HAD to come to this thing. Didn't realize we were practically family."
"Cyn," He connected back, "Yeah, she's wonderful. I just love her to death. I'm so sorry, but if you could excuse me for just a minute I need to talk to my manager. Dad, would you get Linda something to drink for me?"
Dana looked up as Blackie approached. "Danny talk to you?" When the younger man nodded he continued. "Tell me you don't agree."
He stepped off to the side with Dana. "In a business sense, Dana, no, I don't. But you know, some things you do not because of how much money you'll make, but because," he stopped. "That's Rick Nelson," he pleaded with the man.
"So?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out the napkin the former idol had made an offer on. "25 dollars Blackie. Come on I sold your first song for 3,000 bucks plus royalties."
"I know this isn't fair to you, Dana. You've been busting your ass for ass since we started as a team. I know this takes money out of your pocket, and you can't buy more than a pack of smokes with the commission but . . . I don't know, it's hard to explain what it feels like when someone whose music you love and respect, likes what you do. That's a feeling that doesn't come along all that often, and I don't want to take it away from Danny. I'll pay you what you would have made had we sold the song to someone else."
Dana shook his head. "No you won't. It's not about what I would make; I can tell you right now even if he manages to finish the album no label will touch him. He's a has-been and on top of that a drunk."
"Will it hurt us to sell him the song? I know we aren't going to see more then that $25, and I told Danny that and he knows it. So yeah, as long as in the long run it's not going to burn our asses I'm not going to rain no Danny's parade."
Dana shook his head. "No it won't hurt you any. Ok if you're sure I'll go over there and tell him to have his manager...does he even have one?"
"I don't know," He shrugged. After a pause he lifted his head and exhaled, "Dana. . . I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but I'm tired. How much longer?"
Dana looked at his watch. "We have the room another hour and the food is about gone. Do you need to take off?"
"Need to?" He shook his head and looked down. "No, I can do another hour."
Dana looked in Blackie's weary eyes. "Get out of here. This was supposed to be fun and if you stay another hour it won't be."
He exhaled, "It has been, and we did good, hu? I mean I've talked to a lot of people, and it feels like we're maybe okay?"
"You're more than ok, though I do think you're both letting personal feelings get in the way of business it's nothing I haven't done myself." He pointed at the door "Go on get out of here and take Danny with you. He's been drinking all night and is more than a little drunk."
"I will, and thanks. I just want to go up and hold my baby while I can still hold my eyes open. . oh, and Brodie too. Good night Dana." Walking away from his manager, he collected Danny and Claudia, and then found Noah. As he explained to the doctor that they could go upstairs, Dana announced the party was ending, and had begun clearing the room.

In front of the elevator Noah yanked on the collar under his shirt just a bit, mostly because he wasn't used to wearing one at all much less for almost 24 hours. After that he wrapped his arm around Blackie. "Love you, Babe."
"Love you too," He said as he laid his head against his lover's shoulder.
Dana and Bucky slid up the group. "Thanks for waiting." Bucky said as he pushed the up button. "No problem," Blackie answered, as he leaned back up. "What time we have rehearsal in the morning?" he mumbled.
"10." Rick Springfield answered. "Won't take us too long, it's just the one song."
The elevator doors opened and mostly out of habit, Dana stepped up and checked it out, then laughed at himself as he let the others get on.
Rick laughed. "Dana, relax."
"Habit, you know," He said out loud as Claudia pushed the button for their floor and the doors closed.
Rick reached over and pushed a button. "I have a better room, neiner neiner neiner"
Noah reached over and smacked the man in the back of the head, "It's not better, dork, it's just higher up."
"Shut up, Bitch." he laughed as the car stopped on the 3rd floor and the doors opened.
Laughing as he turned from Rick to see who was stepping onto the elevator, the Doctor's mouth dropped open, "ah-ah-ah," He started to say before Blackie elbowed him, "Hush!" he said under his breath.
"Hullo." The man smiled to the group. "Up right?"
Claudia nodded, as Danny began to sputter, "y-y-yes, s" Squeezing the man's arm she reminded, "You've been drinking and have said enough for one day, dear."
"B Bu...." he ignored her and turned to the man. "Oh my fucking god you're you."
With a laugh and British accent the man said, "That I am."
Rick looked up. "HOLY SHIT, PAUL MCCARTNEY!!!!"
Turning to the man who had screamed, Paul extended his hand, "That's right, and you are?"
"Uhhh ttttt ummmm utttttt"
"Rick Springfield." Dana supplied for his sputtering client.
Paul nodded, "Oh yeah, nice to meet you."
"Phhhffftttt huh uh." Rick mumbled.
As the doors open Paul asked, "Rick, You're a veggie too, aren't you? You know a good place to get a veggie breakfast?"
Shuffling out the Jessie's Girl singer bumped into a small group waiting to go down. Nodding his head he pointed down.
"Thank you," the man called out as the doors closed, "Guess I'll see you tomorrow."

In the hallway Blackie suddenly stopped. "Rick you retard."
"WHAT!" The man screeched, "Do you know WHO the fuck that was?"
"Yes I do, but do KNOW you're NOT staying on this floor?" Blackie laughed.
"AWE, fuck!" He cussed, "Wait with me till I can get another one going up?"
Blackie sighed. "Yeah come on," he said pushing the man back down the hall.

Dana/Bucky's suite
Walking into the room, Dana pulled the tie from his neck and exhaled as looked at the scattered food boxes around the main room. "Looks like she ate well, Lover."
Bucky looked into the girl's bedroom. "She didn't eat alone, Honey."
"Oh, that's right," He said as he dropped to the couch yawning, "She did say she was going to spend the evening with Jay. I kinda thought she'd come down to the party though."
"Guess they fell asleep first." he said as he dropped down next to his lover.
"THEY!" He spit, "That boy in there with her?!"
Bucky laughed. "Yes, Honey, that nice young gay boy is in there with her."
Pulling himself up off the couch Dana ranted, "Yeah, that nice young gay boy that used to date Lori." He said as he went into the other room, "Wake up!" he called out at the two sleeping teens on the bed.
Sky jerked awake. Lifting her head from Jay's chest she mumbled. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Dad?" He said as he went to the closet opening the door he found extra pillows, and blankets. Waving his hand he directed Sky to move away from the boy. Looking to Jay he quipped, "hands off my baby girl," as he stacked the pillows and blankets between them. Satisfied with his wall he leaned over and kissed the girl's cheek, "Night baby."
As the door shut behind the man Sky giggled, "Jay?"
Breaking out in a fit of laughter Jay answered, "What, Sky?"
She knocked a pillow down. "Wanna help me breakdown Great Wall of Blanket?"
"Yeah," he said as he picked up the pillows and blankets and helped her toss them to the floor, pulling the girl back into his arms.
She kissed his cheek. "Night Jay."
"Night, babes," he answered, giving her a tight squeeze.

Blackie's Suite
Laying a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on the chair for his lover to wear in the morning Noah pulled the bed back as he heard the front door open. Sinking to his knees by the bed he waited with his head bowed.
"It never amazes me. . ."Blackie started saying as he walked into the room. Stopping in the doorway he took it all in and exhaled heavily. Walking over to the bed he sat down in front of Noah, and stroked his hair a bit. "Thank you for laying my clothes out, Noah," he said.
Noah looked up and smiled a warm smile. "You're welcome, Blackie."
Sliding his hand down the man's cheek and neck, he continued, "And thank you for putting in this incredibly long day by my side."
After Blackie sat Noah moved in front of him and pulled off his shoes and socks and then began to massage his feet and ankles. "Thank you for including me. I really am sorry I got scared before. I know you love me, Babe."
Reaching out to stop him, Blackie then stopped himself knowing it was important to Noah. "Babe, that feels really good. . ."
Lifting the man's foot Noah ran his tongue along the bottom and in between his toes.
Soft moans of pleasure first escaped his lips than Blackie giggled, "Tickles!"
Gently setting down his left foot Noah picked up his right and repeated his tongue washing of his lover's feet. "Mmmmm soooo good."
Leaning back on the bed, Blackie smiled down at the man, "You take such good care of me, Noah. But I need to get out of these clothes." He wearily said.
Lifting his arms Noah helped Blackie to his feet where he reached up and opened his waistband. Slowly and lovingly he pulled the man's pants and boxers down his body and lifting one leg at a time, off his feet.
Reaching down and gently touching the man's hair Blackie began to weep, "Thank you, Noah."
Noah jumped to his feet. "What's wrong?"
Shaking his head he hugged him tight. "Nothings wrong. Nothing in the world is wrong. I just love you so much."
"I love you too, Blackie." he whispered and kissed his lips. Pulling back he began to remove Blackie's jacket and then unbutton his shirt. Taking the time to massage his muscles and lick and kiss every new piece of flesh he exposed.
"MMmmmm," Blackie moaned as he relaxed into his lover, "Babe what you're doing feels like heaven but if I don't lay down, I'm going to fall down," he whispered. Guiding his lover back down so that he was again sitting on the edge of the bed Noah dropped to his knees and bowed his head.
Sliding his hand over Noah's hair, Blackie let his hand fall to the latch of the collar. "You want it off to sleep?" he asked.
"Yes." Noah whispered.
Undoing the latch, Blackie said, "I love you so much, Noah and I appreciate everything, every touch, every caress, the way you helped me undress. Thank you for caring for me. I'm sorry if I'm so tired it seems like I don't appreciate it, cause I do."
Climbing up into bed Noah smiled as he pulled Blackie into his arms and held him tight. "Ssssshhhhh I know you. It's ok."
Relaxing in his embrace, Blackie exhaled. "Good, Hold me?"
Tightening his embrace Noah kissed his cheek. "Till I take my last breath on this planet."
As they moved to the center of the bed, and Noah pulled the blankets up around them, Blackie breathed against his chest, "Feels so good." After a moment of silence, he whispered, "You know. . . I feel sorry for Danny."
"Why's that?" the other man asked confused as he stroked his lover's body.
"Cause Claudia is never the only person in the room," he mumbled as he drifted to sleep in Noah's arms.

Chapter 18
