His Boyfriend's Back (Part 1)

Author: ConnieP and Shay
Feedback: Yes I thrive on it. shay@butterflyfiction.com
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Pairings: Ryan/Caleb, Ryan/Karen/Caleb
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so I play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens.
There are many characters that are of my own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost.
This is my/our story and I/we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: Incest

Waldorf Astoria
Snubbing out his cigarette as he ordered coffee from room service, Blackie dropped the phone back in the cradle. Picking up the box of mints off the end table he popped two in his mouth then went back into the bedroom. Dropping down in the chair he shifted his weight as he reached down in the bag and pulled out the box with the scented oil. Pushing through the bottles with his eyes went back and forth from Noah sleeping in the bed to the oils. He pulled out the one marked apple-cinnamon. A reflective smile coming to his face, he opened the bottle and put a bit on the inside of his wrist. After massaging it in he brought it to his face and inhaled deeply. Unable to stop them, slow tears began to fall down his cheek. Putting his finger to the bottle again he rubbed a bit more to his forearm and inhaled deeply again, as the tears fell even harder. Pushing hard with his mind, to close out the feelings and sensations he finally took a deep breath, "Ok momma, I know you're here."
Her voice in his head rang, "I've been here for weeks, baby."
'No you haven't,' he answered just as firmly with his mind.
'You know I have,' she argued with him.
Spinning her ring on his finger he shook his head, 'this, mom, this is here, the scent from the oil, that's here. It reminds me of your baked apples that's NOT here, and you're NOT here.'
Making the air move against his cheek the whisper came again, 'he's beautiful.'
'And you weren't here for that either, Mom. I know, I know it's not your fault, but I can't do it anymore. You telling me you're here hurts so much, cause you're not. You're not here.'
"What do you want from me, Blackie? I'm as here as I can be."
"Don't you get it?! That's what I want. I want you to just leave me alone so I can . . ."
His tears fell harder. "So I can come to terms with you not being here."
She moved in engulfing him in her warm embrace. "I'm sorry, Blackie, I never meant to hurt you."
Shrinking in the chair, pulling his legs up and wrapping his arms up around himself he screamed internally "STOP IT!"
Immediately she backed off. "I'm sorry, so sorry, Blackie. I'll go now; but never ever forget that I love you."
His whole body weakening, he sagged in the chair and took a deep breath trying to get his tears under control. Taking a second long deep breath, he let it go suddenly feeling a chill up his spine from the knowledge that he was truly alone.

Noah smiled and mumbled in the darkness. "I will, Mom. I promise."

Taking another slow deep breath, he dropped the bottle of oil in the box and crossed the room. He lifted the blanket and crawled back into the bed putting his arms around Noah and snaking his body up to his. He kissed his cheek and whispered, "Coffee will be here in a few minutes "
"Thanks, Babe." Noah smiled. "You know you shouldn't be so hard on her."
"What are you talking about?" He asked with a shaky voice.
"Oh, Noah," he exhaled. "I don't expect you to understand. Figures, she'd go whining to you," He pouted, turning to roll from his lover.
Pulling him back Noah kissed his shoulder. "I understand she loves you and she wants to do what you want so she's going to go."
"Going to go?" He said is disbelief. "She's gone. She's been gone more then five years now. I need to accept that. She told me herself I couldn't be relying on her all the time."
"I didn't mean it like that. I mean she won't come back unless YOU call for her. No more checking in or trying to help you when you need it."
"That's what I want," he insisted.
"It's what you got."
"Good," he answered firmly. "I got to get ready for these interviews."

Port Charles
Reaching over Ryan smacked the alarm and yawned. Still feeling a little out of it he nudged the woman sleeping next to him.
Reaching for the pillow and covering her head with it she groaned, "What."
"Wake up. I gotta do that interview and I don't wanna fuck it up."
Kicking at him, she moaned, "What do you want me to do?"
"Wake up!" He repeated, this time a little more panicked.
Sitting up in the bed she hit him with the pillow, "OKAY! I'm up. What do you want?"
Silently he stared at her face in the early morning light creeping in from around the blinds.
Taking a slow deep breath, she shook her head. "I'm sorry, RyRy, you know I'm not a morning person, and it's an ungodly hour of the morning." She moved in to hug him. "Forgive me?"
Clinging to his sister he nodded. "I'm so scared, Kare."
"What are you afraid of," She answered patting his back. "It's Blackie. The two of you have a great rapport. That's probably why the station wants you to do this thing. You tell him great job, ask him how he's feeling, I don't know, you're the reporter a couple other questions and your done."
"What if he can tell?"
"He's not going to be able to tell, especially over the phone. Let me go grab your notebook and make you a cup of coffee. What else do you need?"
"The tape recorder to hook up to the phone."
"And the number you were suppose to call in fifteen minutes is on the machine I'll get that for you. That it?"
Somewhat numbly he nodded.
"Okay," She kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back, RyRy."

Twenty Minutes Later
As the phone in the suite began to ring, Dana called into the room, "Blackie, come on, get out here!" Then picked up the phone, "Dana Miller."
"Ryan Addams," The man answered and took a deep breath. "Channel 12 News in Port Charles."
Dana smiled. "Hey Ryan, how you doing?"
Tapping the notebook with his pen, he tried to will himself calm. "Pretty good, Dana. And yourself?"
"Good." he replied as Blackie sat down. "I'm going to give you to Blackie ok?"
"Okay, thanks, Dana," He said and swallowed hard, waiting for Blackie's voice to greet him.
Blackie took a deep breath and then spoke into the phone. "Hey Rye, they make you get out of bed to talk to me?"
"Actually, I'm still in bed and no I'm not taping yet," He said with a laugh. "You let me know when you're ready, I'll turn on the tape player, and we'll do this quick and painless?" He said, hoping the tremble to his body couldn't be heard in his voice.
"Well Dana said we should put this thing on speaker phone so you can talk to Danny too."
"Great idea. Why don't you go ahead and do that, so I can say for both of you that I'm recording . . . you remember all the legal stuff."
"Alright, hang on." he held the phone out to Dana. "I dunno how to do it."
Smiling, Dana pushed the speaker button and dropped the phone in the cradle, "Okay, Ryan, You're on speaker."
"Thanks, Dana," He answered. "Good morning, Danny, as I told Blackie, soon as you're ready let me know and I'm going to turn on my tape recorder. Our conversation will be taped, and part and or all of it broadcast later on the 5:00 and possibly 11:00 newscasts. I have your permission to do this?"
"Yeah, it's cool." Danny answered.
"Blackie?" he nervously asked the other man's silence worrying him.
"Huh?" The man said. "Oh sorry, Ryan, yeah you have my permission."
"Okay. Thank you, I'm going to turn the recorder on and we can begin." With a shaky hand he pushed the button, paused, swallowed and found his on air voice. "Blackie, Danny, Congratulations on the big win last night. How you guys feeling?"
Before Blackie could speak Danny answered. "Like we're on fucking air, man."
Ryan shook his head thinking to himself, 'like I can use that, man.' Taking a deep breath, he asked, "Blackie, how about you?"
"I'm not sure it's completely sunk in for me yet, Rye, but so far what has feels really good."
"Well, that's great, everyone here at home was pulling for you last night. Any plans for today?"
"We're doing the talk show circuit this morning, then Noah and I are driving home this afternoon. Danny is staying another day."
His mind going numb, and not knowing what else to say or do, Ryan continued, "Well, thank you for taking time out of your morning to talk to us, Blackie, Danny, and congratulations again." He then clicked the recorder off. "Thanks guys, I won't hold you any longer." Then slammed the phone down.

Karen pulled her brother close. "You ok, Baby?"
Shaking he clung to her, "No! NO! I fucked it up, I just fucked up my whole career."
"What? No, Honey, you didn't. Everything is fine and I bet if you wanted to redo it you could call them back."
"What's the point?" He answered then began to cry against her shoulder.
She rubbed his back. "RyRy, do you trust me?"
"Yeah, baby, you're the only one I trust," he mumbled against her shoulder.
"Then trust me when I tell you everything is ok."
"Okay, sissy, Okay."
Pushing him back into the mattress she kissed him deeply. "Meet me back here as soon as I drop Randy off?"
He nodded, "I'm going to take a shower and then see if I got anything at all I can use to save my butt."
"Ok." she kissed him one more time. "I'm going to go get Randy up. I love you, Ryan."
"Love you too, Kare," he answered as he pulled himself out of the bed and started for his own room.

Pushing his hand back through his hair, Blackie stared curiously at the phone.
"Okay," Dana answered slowly. "Was it just me or was that weird?"
"No, it's not just you," Blackie answered, 'but it is Ryan,' he tried to explain away to himself.
Noah sat down. "It's pretty early. You guys have a little time after the morning shows. You want to try and call him then and see if he wants to redo it?"
"Yeah," Blackie nodded, "Good idea. You going to stay here and nap?" Blackie asked hoping it wasn't the case but understanding if it was.
"Do you mind?"
"No," he answered as he got up from his chair, crossed the room, and dropped into his lover's lap. "But I'll miss you," He whispered before letting his mouth fall to Noah's.
Returning the kiss Noah laughed. "Kiss me like that again, Baby, and I don't think I'll need a nap."
In the background, the phone began to rang, "That's WWZZ Radio out of Washington DC," Dana explained, "This one is going to be done live, Danny, so watch the Fucks?"
The man blushed. "Alright I'll try. Somebody gimmie a smoke." he turned to Blackie. "I know you got one, Sticks."
Pointing to leather jacket hanging over the chair he said, "The pocket, man, but you can't smoke in here."
Danny pointed to the ashtray on the table. "Why not, Man?"
"Cause Noah doesn't like it," He answered a bit frustrated, knowing Danny knew that fact.
Hugging Blackie then kissing the man's cheek, Noah looked back over to Danny and Dana. "It's okay, go ahead. I'm going to go lay back down anyway."
Dana's ears perked up though he didn't break a word in his conversation. He reached for his own cigarettes.

In the bedroom, Anna looked in the mirror one last time, pushing her hair over one shoulder then the other. 'Screw it, I'm not trying to impress the bitch.' She thought to herself and turned, "We should head down, Holly."
Holly smiled at her lover. "You know I am taking you along so she will see for the final time that with you is where I want to be right?"
She nodded, "I know." Hesitating, then crossing the distance between them she hugged the woman tight, "I just hope this is what it takes to keep her from calling you."
Returning the warm hug Holly sighed. "I love YOU, Anna DeVane."
"I love you too, so much." Sliding her hands down the woman's arms as she pulled back, she said, "Come on, let's get this over with."

Highway 395
In the car the man pushed the buttons on the radio in frustration. Couldn't anyone talk about anything but those stupid awards? Looking out the window, he exhaled gridlock traffic was the last thing he needed. "The big shock of last night's awards . . ." came the voice over the radio.
"Damn it," he cussed out loud pushing the buttons again.
"Yeah," the familiar voice rang, "Robin, our daughter is four, and our son Brodie is just a month old now."

524 West 57th St.
New York, NY

Getting out of the car and stepping aside, Dana took in the two men. Danny dressed in jeans and a nice sweater actually looked more like he had expected the other man to be dressed. Blackie slipped from the car and Dana started at his feet taking in the boots, black lace ups with a heel; the jeans, faded, and so tight he couldn't imagine how he had even got them on. Further up the man's very slight frame, hung a grey sweatshirt, at least one size too big, and it had been attacked with scissors, the bottom all ragged, showing the man's tight stomach, and the neck cut so that it hung off his left shoulder. Watching as he slid his hand through his hair, he could see that Blackie had replaced the stud earring with a dangly cross.
"What?" Blackie asked noticing Dana was staring at him.
"Why didn't you just paint yourself pink?"
Leaning in Blackie responded, "Do you know how many times I've been asked since last night if I'm really gay? I don't want to be asked anymore. Anyone who can't tell by looking at me is a blind idiot."
Dana laughed. "You could have just written 'Yes I am.' on your chest and gone shirtless."
"Hey, you got a marker?" he said with a playful smile, the exhaled, "How many of these, Dana?" He asked as the three walked toward the studio.
"No, you are keeping what's left of that shirt ON. Just 2, this one then we go over to NBC and tape tonight's Carson show."
Laughing and nodding he answered, "Okay."

Waldorf Astoria
Walking just inside the restaurant, Anna scanned the room. Her eyes coming back to Holly, she followed her gaze to the slight young blond sitting alone. "That's her?"
Holly nodded and curled into her lover. Just seeing Terri was enough to make her regret ever thinking of leaving Anna."
Wrapping her arm around the woman's body, she kissed her forehead. "Let's get this over with, Love," She said and started across the restaurant.
Seeing the 2 women approach Terri stood and when they arrived at the table asked, "Bring her here to let her down easy, Baby?"
Leaning on Anna for comfort Holly answered, "No." Pointing Anna to the seat, then sitting next to her she continued. "I've told YOU over and over we're through and to stop calling me. I was hoping that you seeing us together would get it though your head that there isn't a you and me."
Not exactly used to being the quiet type Anna sat down and for now resisted the urge to bash the blonde's pretty little face in.
Looking up to whom she considered her competition, Terri then turned back to Holly. "You weren't so sure of that a month ago when you were screaming my name in passion, baby."
Anna dropped the sugar bowl; heads turned from every corner of the crowded restaurant.
"Maybe I wasn't," the woman admitted. "But I am now, and I'm telling you to leave me and my family alone."
Reaching across the table for Holly's hand but missing as the woman pulled it back, she pleaded. "DON'T say that!"
"I'm sorry, Holly." Anna said quickly as she grabbed Terri's wrist and squeezed. "Do you really want to piss me off? She's told you no every night for weeks on the phone and several times just now."
Fighting against the woman's hold Terri seethed, "Get your fucking hands off me."
Letting go Anna smirked. "Touch her again and I'll shoot you."
Holly slipped her arm through Anna's and turned back looking directly into Terri's eyes. "This is absolutely it, Terri. No more, I'm not leaving Anna. I love her and I know it's where I belong. Stop calling me, just stop!" She looked to her lover, "Come on, love, let's go."
Before standing Anna moved in and kissed Holly softly. "That's my girl, come on; let's go take advantage of that tub the boys wouldn't share yesterday."

Walking into the house Karen motioned for the man with her to sit on the couch and then made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. Seeing only Deeogee lying on her bed she called out. "Ryan?"
Coming in from his bedroom still damp from his shower he tossed the tape player down on the bed, "I'm toast."
She sighed. "No you're not." She took his hand. Come downstairs with me, I have a surprise for you."
Looking at her with question in his eyes, he asked, "Do I need pants for this surprise, honey?"
She grinned. "Not sure, how about sweats? You look hot in sweats."
"Okay?" He responded, confused by her actions and words. Walking back into the bathroom, he came back a moment later wearing only sweat pants.
She looked his still damp body up and down. "Oh yeah, RyRy. How you feeling right now?"
Wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her softly he answered. "Better, I'm sorry I freaked out earlier, Kare."
Returning his kiss she smiled. "Remember when I told you last week that I ran into an old friend?"
He nodded, "Out hiking with Randy, right?"
"Yeah." she slid behind him and rubbed his back. "You know who it is. Don't you?"
"No," He answered confused, "should I?"
"We went hiking in Parker Woods." she giggled.
"Lots of people go hiking in Parker Woods," He laughed back, turning back to her. "What's going on, sissy?"
She smiled and flipped his nose. "You're right, but how many of them spend hours painting landscapes even though it's 30 degrees and snowy."
Suddenly the answer came to him but he just as quickly pushed it away. "Baby, he moved back to Long Island."
"He's in the living room."
His breath caught in his chest. "Caleb?" he whispered fighting tears, "In the living room?"
She hugged him tight. "He moved to Saline 4 months ago, runs that flower shop on 9th."
He ran toward the door, then caught himself against the frame and tuned back. "He hates me?" He asked meekly though forming tears.
She shook her head. "Not at all, he loves you. Told me that himself in the car on the way over here. He thinks you hate him though."
He turned again then back just as quickly looking down at his arms and chest, "I need a shirt."
Karen stepped in close to her brother and gently traced the scars on his chest and then his arms. "You're beautiful, Ryan."
"So many more since the last time he saw me," He whispered.
Tracing a rather deep jagged scar on his chest with her tongue she nodded. "Yeah so? You're still the most beautiful gentle soul I know."
"Caleb is REALLY down in the living room," he asked in disbelief.
"I was, now I'm in the hallway." Came a deep voice from behind the couple.
The voice hitting his ears and stopping his breath, Ryan slowly turned. Seeing the man in the doorway, he let his eyes slowly take in every inch of the man swallowing hard, he took a step forward. "Hi," he whispered.
The man grinned as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Pink, and no didn't want to be when I did this for the first time in over a year." he moved in and softly dropped his lips to Ryan's.
Letting his arms go around the man's body, he returned the kiss, softly at first, but quickly becoming more urgent. When he pulled away a moment later, he pushed his fingers through said pink tresses and smiled in the man's eyes, "I like it. . . and I missed you. . . everyday."
"Me too.... I'm sorry I left like that. Accidentally painted a tree purple when she told me Broom Helga was gone."
He laughed, and then shook his head. "You didn't leave. I pushed you away. Biggest mistake I ever made in my life. I'm so sorry," He said again as he leaned in tighter, letting his lips brush the man's lips again.
Caleb sighed against his mouth. "So warm, Ryan."
His whole body quivering in the man's arms, he smiled as nibbled at Caleb's lips.
The pink haired man groaned. "OH god, RyRy, I missed you so much."
Pulling him tighter, he moved his mouth down to his neck. "Me too, I wanted to come look for you a million times, but I thought you hated me. You should hate me."
"Don't hate you, could never hate you." he moved them over to the bed and sat down pulling Ryan onto his lap. "I moved back up here for you."
"You what?" He asked in disbelief hugging the man's neck. "Oh my god," he whispered leaning into the man's embrace. "Don't let this be a dream," He whispered.
Karen moved in pinching her brothers back and then giggling.
"You brat!" He laughed then hugged Caleb tighter, "Yeah, she's gone," he said referring back to Ginny. "There's so much to tell you, there was a hearing for the guy who well you know," He said opening his arms. "And I met this guy, Blackie, he's great and him and Noah taught me so much about accepting me for me."
Caleb laughed. "I kinda figured she was gone when I ran into Kare." He smiled up at the woman. "You think we can have a few minutes alone? I promise you can come back and watch later."
Ryan turned slightly, "Please, Kare? OH, and thank you so much," He said turning back to Caleb.
She smiled and kissed him softly. "You're welcome. I love you."
"Love you, sissy," he whispered but then let his cheek brush the other man's. "I love you, Caleb, I never ever stopped not once."
Pulling back from her brother she pushed her lips to Caleb's kissing him softly.
"Welcome home, Caleb." Pulling away she addressed them both. "I'm going in your room RyRy." and then disappeared through the bathroom shutting the door behind her.
Running his hands up and down Caleb's arms, Ryan's voice trembled, "Feel so right. I feel soooooo warm right now," he whispered.
"I love you, Ryan," he whispered and pushed the dark haired man back just enough so that he could pull his shirt off and then pulled him back against his chest.
Tears began to slide down the man's cheek as he moved in and kissed him deeper, "I love you. .. please.. . Caleb, stay and never leave again."
Caleb lay back on the bed and rolled Ryan so that they lay face to face. "I didn't want to leave you a year ago, I left because you made a choice and I couldn't stay knowing I couldn't have you; but then I couldn't stay away either, so I moved to Saline just so I could watch you on the news."
Laughing through his emotional tears, he leaned in and kissed the man briefly. "I was so scared and confused then, and I was miserable without you then Blackie told me I should come out to one person in my family." He paused, "Actually he told me I had to, so I did with Karen. She ended up deciding to stay in town and I left Ginny." The whole year seemed to spill from him in one breath. "I told them and Kare how much I loved you and missed you. I can't believe you're really here."
He smiled. "Wow, you did all of that?"
Ryan nodded.
He rolled to his back and took a deep breath. "I love you, Ryan, I can see a lot of things changed, but one thing hasn't. I'm still queeny faggy Caleb."
"You're right, a lot has changed," Ryan smiled. "I promise you if you stay with me I'll never try and change you again, and I won't try and hide or change who we are. I don't ever want to feel my heart being ripped from me like it was when I came home and you and your things were gone."
Caleb swallowed. "Are you saying you want me to live here?"
"I want it, yeah, but I understand if I have to prove myself to you," he choked on his tears.
He shook his head. "You don't have to prove anything to me; you never did."
Letting his foot brush up the man's leg he asked, "I don't?"
Caleb shivered at the familiar touch. "No, you don't, but you do have to love yourself Ryan. You can't love me if you don't love yourself."
"I've been working on that a lot, Caleb. Since the guys, then Kare came back, and I stopped with Ginny. It's still a struggle, but I'm trying."
He ran his hand down Ryan's chest. Each scar that wasn't there a year ago cut at his heart. "I love you, if you can accept I am who I am then I can accept you are who you are."
He nodded as he let his hand graze his cheek, sliding up to the pink hair, "I not only accept you, I love you. I won't ever let anyone tell me again that's wrong."
Caleb moved closer. "I want to be in your life, I can't move in though; not yet anyway." he saw his former lover's face fall. "I want to, I just can't."
"Can't now? But maybe someday?" He asked hoping that was the case.
"Definitely someday." the man smiled. "Remember Nana? She's staying with me, just got her settled 2 weeks ago. I don't want to move her again."
Ryan smiled, "Nana? She's with you? Is she sick?" He asked trying to string the pieces together.
He shook his head. "No, not at all; but Grandma got to where she couldn't really take care of herself much less Nana and Mom and Dad couldn't do both; they'd kill each other." he laughed and put his hand to his hair. "Nana did this."
Running his hand through the pink hair he laughed, "Yeah, Nana would do that. Geez, I didn't even realize how much I missed her too till you just brought her up."
"I told her I would bring you over for tea this afternoon. You can go right? Or did I lie to a very old cranky woman?"
"No, you didn't lie. Of course I can go. I do have to go in a little early tonight and do some edit work for the five o'clock, and then do the six. Other then that, baby, I'm all yours."
Caleb looked at his watch. "It's 10 now, Cutie. She likes tea at 2 sharp. What do we do between now and then?"
"Stay right here, like this only less clothes, and closer?" Ryan asked.
"And my tongue in your ass?" he whispered in Ryan's ear with a lick and nibble to the lobe as he started to wiggle out of his somewhat tight jeans.
Ryan let go of an uncontrollable moan as his back arched and his hips met Caleb's at the mere thought.
The pink haired, brown-eyed man whistled low in his throat. "You want it don't you, Cutie."
Rolling his head back forward and letting his mouth fall to the man's shoulder he answered, "God, yes, oh baby, I've missed you so much."
Pulling the man's sweats from his body Caleb pulled Ryan on top of him. Pushing him back so that they were looking each other in the eye he stuck out his tongue and wiggled it.
He laughed trying to capture the man's tongue in his mouth, but as usual missed as Caleb twisted his head at the precise moment. "You big tease," Ryan whispered softly as his emotions got the best of him and joyful tears slipped down his cheek.
Reaching up Caleb wiped the tears away. "Awe, RyRy, don't cry."
He shook his head hugging the man tight, "I can't help it, Caleb, I'm so happy. It feels so good to have you in my arms."
He giggled. "Well technically it's you ON my arms."
Chuckling, he nodded, "I love you."
"I love you too." he smiled and wiggled his tongue again. "You going to give me something to lick besides the air or not?"
He nodded again as he slowly moved his way up the man's body.
His hands on Ryan's hips Caleb pulled him down as he slowly and softly licked the globes of his ass while kneading the flesh of his hips.
Leaning against the wall for support a moan escaped Ryan's lips. The sensations went straight to his head and warming his heart.
"You like?"
"Oh yeah, baby,"
He slid his tongue to the crack of his ass, slowly licking up and down in no hurry to push further.
"Oh, Cale," Ryan whispered. "My god, I've missed you."
"Me too, RyRy." he mumbled as he brought he his thumbs up and spread his lover's cheeks but didn't push his tongue against his whole. Instead he began to ever so slowly and gently lick and nibble along the left side.
His whole body tingling, Ryan moaned softly.
"That's it Ryan, relax. I'm not going anywhere."
Reaching his hand down, he softly stroked the man's hair and temples, groaning and pushing back against Caleb's advances.
Moving to the right side he continued his slow rim job, as he moaned softly with each touch from Ryan.
'Feels so fucking incredible, not only what he's doing, just that he's really here doing it.' Soft purrs escaping his lips, He called out, "Cale . . . Cale,"
Gripping his hips tight he pulled Ryan down tight against his face and began to lick and suck at his puckered hole.
His purrs turning to growls, Ryan collapsed the weight of his body against the wall, "So . . .So. . .. g-g-g-warm, baby."
'Oh god Ryan, I missed the way you react to me.' he thought as he reached up, stroking his cock in time his movements in and against his ass.
"Oh Caleb, mmmm," He mumbled his heart racing and his breath coming in short pants, as sweat began to slip down his body.
"More than warm baby, this is hot," he mumbled into his ass with a light laugh.
"So hot," he answered with a slight laugh, "Sooo hot you're going to make me cum, baby."
In response he began to jerk the dark haired man faster and with a firmer grip while pushing his tongue into his ass.
"Yes, Yes," The man rattled then cried out as he climax washed over him.
Giving Ryan time to enjoy his orgasm Caleb continued to lick his ass and caress his body.
As he began to come down, he also slid his body over Caleb's, pausing to kiss the man's mouth deeply before continuing to work his way the man's thin body.
"Hey." he mumbled in protest. "Where you going?"
Grabbing the man's throbbing organ and stroking it softly he whispered, "Right here."
Caleb lifted his hips; it had been more than a year since anyone but he himself had touched his cock. "Oh god, Ryan."
Softly stroking his flesh as he slid his tongue over his stomach. 'I still remember, baby' he thought to himself as he let his tongue graze the man's throbbing organ.
He lurched. "Ryan, oh my god Ryan....soooooo warm."
"Warm . . . hot. . . sticky" he chuckled then closed his mouth around the man's flesh sliding up and down.
"Ryan....Ryan...please." he begged and pleaded as he thrashed his head on the pillow. As he continued to suck on the man's cock, he slid his hand lower pushing his fingers to the man's opening, 'that what you begging for, Cale?'
Caleb cried out, feeling a slight pain as he was penetrated for the first time in a long time. "Ahhhhh, Oh Ryan."
Sliding his other arm around the man's hips he lifted him up of the bed using both his mouth and fingers to push him toward orgasm.
The man moaned. "More Baby, please...give me more."
'All that I have to give is yours, baby,' Ryan thought as he pushed a third finger in the man's body. 'I'll never hurt you again.' He continued as he swallowed the length of the man's cock and tightened his throat around it.
"Uhhhh..............ummmmmmmm" he panted. "Gonna...cum, Cutie." he forced out fully expecting the man to pull away and finish him with his hand.
At Caleb's warning he clamped his mouth down and gulped to swallow as the man's cock exploded in his mouth.
His eyes shot open as he felt Ryan swallowing his jism and heard him making soft moaning sounds. "Oh god."
As Caleb's organ began to soften in his mouth, he slowly pulled back and slid up the man's body, "My god, baby, I love you so much."
He wrapped his arms around the man's sweaty body and kissed him passionately. "You never did that before....EVER."
"Another change," he blushed. "You like?"
"Oh GOD yes." he almost screamed. "I love you Ryan, I am NEVER leaving you again."
The words hitting Ryan's ears pushed joyful tears back to his eyes, "That's good, baby, cause I'm never letting you go ever again.

Discreetly shutting the bathroom door Karen went back into Ryan's room and then into the hallway putting her camera back into its bag on the bookshelf at the top of the stairs.

NBC Studios
Following Dana into the green room, Danny tapped Blackie as the man lit his own cigarette, "Me too, Sticks." Then turned to Dana, "I got to stop somewhere for smokes on the way back to the hotel."
The manager nodded. "Ok guys the Police are going to perform and do a little talking then you guys are going to be called out." He turned to Danny. "It's not airing live but there is an audience out there. Keep the fucks to a minimum, like none."
"Fuck," Danny pouted, "I'll try, okay."
Blackie and Dana laughed.
Dana then continued, as he opened up his day runner. "Damn, I'd love to twist things around and come in to PC. I think you guys should get another tape together if you can. I've almost sold everything on the last one."
The 2 songwriters groaned. Blackie spoke. "Dana, I'm way more busy then I was when we did the last one. I don't have time to make a full demo tape right now."
"They don't have to be full demos, and you've gotten pretty damn good at the tech stuff helping in the studio with Rick. Maybe you could put together something, just vocals and a guitar?"
The door opened and Sting and the Police walked in.
Turning to see who it was, Danny dropped the cigarette from his mouth, "Oh fuck." It landed on his brand new jeans and he cussed as he brushed it away, "DAMN! Fuck!"
"Danny!" Dana warned as Blackie stood and crossed the room offering out his hand. "Blackie Parrish-Kelly"
The singer turned and smiled as he took the man's hand. "Blackie, finally face to face."
"Wow." Blackie said out loud. "I couldn't believe it when Dana told me you wanted the stalker song."
"The stalker song?" The man laughed. "Kind of has that feel to it. Doesn't it? We did okay with it though, hu?"
"Slowed it down a lot but yeah I like it. Danny called it the stalker song because I wrote it when I was following Noah all over the golf course and stealing his tee's and balls."
"I guess that worked out well. It was Noah you mentioned last night. Right?"
"Yeah it was." he smiled. "I don't have to stalk him anymore."
Danny cut in as he crossed the small room and grabbed Sting's hand. "We totally fucked up last night. We both meant to thank you and we didn't." he then moved to Stewart and Andy shaking their hands.
"Yeah, what he said," Blackie continued. "I was so stupid. I didn't write a speech or anything. I figured no way in hell we'd beat Michael you know."
Just then the door opened. "We're ready for you 3 now," the man said to the band.
"I guess we'll see you upstairs in a few minutes," Sting said, "And don't worry about it, I know how it gets."

Moaning and panting hard, Ryan reached and grabbed for Caleb's arms as he moved up from him. "Cale," He cried out passionately.
"Not going anywhere, RyRy," He panted as urgently as he moved between the man's legs and lifted his hips from the bed, positioning himself at the man's open, "I want you, Baby."
"Yes, I want you too,"
The sound of buzzing filled the air and both men turned their attention to the chair and watched for a moment as Karen worked the vibrator in and out of her while rubbing her clit.
She smiled, "Don't stop now, Caleb, pound his fucking ass."
Turning back to Ryan he smiled, gripped the man's legs, and then pushed himself inside the man crying out as the sensations took over his body and his emotions overwhelmed his heart.
Ryan reached up pulling Caleb down and kissing him as he let his legs go around his back. "You heard her, Cale, POUND me."
"OH yeah," he moaned as he increased his pace pushing himself in and out of his lover's body, letting his hand find Ryan's sticky throbbing cock, he began to run his hand up and down the length.
Unable to help herself Karen tossed the toy on the floor and climbed on the bed, straddling Ryan's head, lowering herself and reaching down she helping Caleb stroke her brother.
Ryan grabbed his sister's hips and began to feast on her moaning against her box as together they pushed him close to orgasm.
"Oh yeah, RyRy, eat that pussy." Caleb let his eyes travel down Karen's body. Bringing his hand from the man's cock he reached out with his hand shaking slightly to pinch her nipples and then glide down her body to her moistness, almost dueling Ryan's tongue to give her pleasure as he leaned forward pushing his lips to hers. "Not much for fish, but Baby....Mmmmmmmm, you feel warm."
Thrashing her head back and forth, she moaned and cried. "So fucking hot, both of you are." She then went back to kissing him as she stroked Ryan's cock.
Feeling that his lover had gone still in his ass Ryan bucked his hips and groaned in near frustration.
"Sorry, Ry," He moaned as he pulled his mouth back, and began to increase his thrusts. Pushing harder and faster he cried out "so fucking hot, Ry."
Reaching up Ryan rubbed Karen's back for a moment the shoved her head forward toward his aching, throbbing, leaking cock.
Eagerly obliging her brother, the woman caught his organ in her mouth sucking him in and working his over, moaning against as her orgasm washed over his body.
Lapping at her free flowing juices Ryan pulled away long enough to cry out "Noooooooooooooooow, Caleb."
At the man's request, Caleb buried himself deep inside the man and exploded with him.
"Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Godddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!" Ryan screamed as orgasm shook through his body.
Karen gulped her brother's seed, and then slid from his body falling to the bed so that Caleb could collapse back into Ryan's arms. Watching the two men kissing deeply, she smiled. She hadn't been a hundred percent sure bringing Caleb to Ryan was the right thing to do, but now she saw clearly it was.
"Love you." Ryan whispered as the kiss broke. He then turned to Karen kissing her deeply and whispering words of love against her mouth, holding them both as tight as he could.
Caleb returned Ryan's kiss and affectionate words, and watched as the man turned to his sister. Letting his head fall down to Ryan's shoulder, he whispered, "I'm back, Ryan baby, and I'm never going away again."

Waldorf Astoria
Opening the door and letting Danny into the room, Blackie continued talking. "I know it's been a long morning, guy, but please. Ryan just gets kinda weird sometimes. Just ten more minutes?"
Danny rolled his eyes. "Man....alright."
Noah came from the bedroom holding Brodie. Blackie spilled as he picked up the phone. "Oh my god, Noah, Sting was so awesome. He's so cool."
Handing the baby boy to his lover he kissed his lips. "Tell me about it?"
"Hey, there's daddy's boy," The man smiled taking his son. "Every last detail, but let me call Ryan fist and then I'll be totally done working. That okay?"
"Yeah." Noah nodded. "I already got all our stuff packed and loaded into the car. I had it sent down, and Anna helped me load it in."
He nodded as he dialed the phone, and then cuddled the baby as he waited for the man to answer the phone.

"I'll get it." Caleb called out as the phone rang. "Hello? Addams residence."
"Hello?" Blackie questioned, confused, "Uhm, is Ryan there?"
"Yeah, hang on." he set the phone against his shoulder and called out "Hey, Cutie, it's for you."
Moving in and taking the phone he kissed the man's lips, "Thank you, baby," Then said into the phone, "Hello."
"Cutie?" Blackie asked with a giggle. "Rye did Karen have a sex change?"
"Blackie!" Ryan greeted excitedly, "No, oh my god, you'll never guess who's here."
"Ummmm." he paused and mouthed to Noah. "He's got a guy over there." and then said "Dr. Suess?"
Laughing as he pulled Caleb down in his lap and brushed his cheek with his own, "No, Caleb," he said softly.
Blackie sat down on the couch. "No way? Really? Is everything ok? Are you ok?"
"I am so wonderful," he almost wept. "It's kind of a long story, maybe we could drop by in a couple days when you get back home and settled and you guys could meet him and everything?"
"We'll be home tonight, probably in a few hours. You want to come over tonight?"
"Let me ask him," He said dropping the phone, "Wanna go by Noah and Blackie's later? Hang out, visit you can meet them?"
Caleb smiled. "Sure but it'll have to be late, the day person is with Nana now and I don't want to leave till she's in bed for the night."
"Late ok?" He asked back into the phone.
Blackie turned to Noah. "You care if Ryan and his boyfriend come over late tonight?"
"Uhm," Noah stammered, shocked to hear Ryan and boyfriend in the same sentence, "No, that's fine, just tell him if it's really late to knock instead of ring the bell. Brodie may be sleeping."
"Did you hear that?" he asked into the phone.
"Sure did and will do," He said brightly. "Hey, why did you call?"
"Oh shit, I almost forgot. You wanna redo that interview? I was sorta out of it this morning."
"For Real? You will?" Ryan sighed. "And it was me that was out of it. That would be great, I was dreading have to leave Cale to go edit that stuff from this morning. Danny there?"
"Yeah he is. I gotta turn speaker on, if it disconnects I'll call back. I think I remember what Dana told me." he pushed a couple buttons and the dial tone filled his ear. "Oh fuck." he laughed and turned to Noah. "Do you know how to do this?"
Noah laughed, "Yeah babe," Dropping the phone in the cradle he pushed the speaker button and began dialing, "Ryan? Boyfriend?" He asked as the phone began to ring over the speaker.
"Caleb." he answered as Ryan's voice filled the room.
"Hello and he's right here, on my lap even."
"Wow, Cool," Blackie answered with a grin. "You're on speaker, and Danny and I are both here, Ryan."
"That's ok, my Baby is giving me a second chance. I'm not fucking up again."
'Oh my god, this Ryan?' Blackie mouthed to Noah, then said aloud. "That's wonderful, Ry, but I was just letting you know we're ready so we can do this, we can head for home and you can go be with your baby," he smiled.
Ryan blushed. "Well I kinda gotta hook up the tape recorder can you hang on? You can talk to Cale, he's friendly."
"Okay," Blackie laughed, after hearing the shuffle he said, "Caleb, hi, this is Blackie."
"Hi." The man smiled. "How you doing?"
He looked to Noah and shrugged, "Pretty good, you?"
"Really good, oh and RyRy says I have you to thank for something I don't want to say on speaker phone. So thanks."
"Okay," the man chuckled trying to figure out what it was. Noah spoke, "Caleb, hi, Noah here."
"Hey, you're the doctor right?" he asked as Karen dropped on the couch next to him.
"Yeah, that's right," he answered as Danny interrupted, "He getting that tape thing hooked up, I gotta take Claud to that stupid cat thing tonight and I need to get ready."
Hearing the other voice Caleb answered. "Yeah, but I think he's trying to find it. It got knocked off the bed and then covered."
"ahm, I see," Blackie chuckled.
Ryan came back into the living room. "Tell him I said just a second, Cale."
"Ryan says just a second," the man repeated. "I'm sorry he's not ready, guys, but I am glad you guys are going to redo it if it saves RyRy time at the station today."
Blackie grinned. "Time I am betting he could be spending some other way?"
"Well, yeah, if I'm lucky," the man blushed.
Ryan finished plugging in the tape recorder and grabbed the phone. "Who made my baby blush? He's as pink as his hair."
'Pink as his hair?' Noah mouthed back to Blackie who laughed, "Sorry, Ry, guess it was me."
"I'm turning the tape on now Guys."
"Okay," Blackie answered, "And you got my permission and all that legal crap stuff. Tell him Danny."
"Yeah fucking yeah, let's just do this so I can take Claud to see the pussies."
"Damn it, Danny, Ryan can't use anything you say if you say fuck, so fucking quit it." Blackie chastised with a laugh.
Ryan laughed. "Blackie, I can't use it if you say it either."
"Sorry," Blackie laughed. "Go ahead Ryan, I'll be good now."

Caleb's Apartment
The 2 men walked in to find the old woman angrily yelling at the TV. "No you stupid bimbo! Don't you kiss him! He's sleeping with your mother AND both of your sisters."
Ryan paused a moment in the doorway as a rush of familiar emotions washed over him, "She can't hear you, Nana," he said.
She turned her head quickly. "Ryan?" She rubbed her eyes. "Is that you or are my old eyes failing me?"
Walking across the room, he leaned over and hugged the woman's neck, "It's me, Nana. How've you been?"
She returned his hug and then smacked him with the remote. "You gonna break my Punkin's heart again?"
"NANA!" Caleb whined. "I'm a little old for you to be calling me punkin. Don't you think."
Rubbing his head Ryan answered, "No ma'am, I'm never going to hurt punkin again."
She threw the remote at her great grandson. "You'll always be my Punkin, Punkin." and then turned back to Ryan. "I'm holding you to that boy. Caleb loves you and if you hurt him again....well let's just say you won't like it."
"OUCH! NANA!" The man protested rubbing his shoulder, "You want me to take that thing away from you?"
She pulled 2 more from her shawl. "Go ahead Punkin, I got more."
Moving up behind Ryan, Caleb wrapped his arms around his waist and pretended to hide behind him, "Protect me, Baby" He guided the two of them to the couch, and dropped down pulling Ryan on top of him then kissing his lips. After a moment, he broke the kiss to stutter, "Uhm, you want your tea I'm guessing."
"No I want to sit here and watch the 2 of you kiss the afternoon away." she deadpanned. "Yes, Caleb, I would like my tea, but you can make it iced tea so you can get back here faster."
"I got an idea, I'll just take him with me. Come on, RyRy," he said as he pulled himself and his boyfriend from the couch, leading him to the kitchen.
The dark haired man laughed. "Go get Nana some tea, Pinky, I'm going to stay here and talk to her," he said as he sat down on the red Italian leather couch.
"I'll be right back," The man smiled as he nearly bounced into the kitchen.
Nana turned to Ryan and dropped her voice low. "So what's changed with you that I know you aren't going to hurt my Punkin?"
Moving across the couch he reached across the doilies covered end table and took the woman's hand, "Cause I spent every hour of every day of the last year hating myself for letting him walk away from me."
She smacked him with her free hand. "Good, so you know how he felt. Don't ever do it again."
"Ouch, Nana!" The man complained, but couldn't help laughing. "I missed you too."
She hit him again. "The first was punishment, that one was for fun." She dropped her hand to his lap. "Missed you, Ryan."
"Nana, you quit beating on my Ry," Caleb tried to use a cross tone as he came from the kitchen, but unable to do anything but smile at the man who had reentered his life. "Here's your tea," he said handing the glass in her direction, though he was staring at Ryan.
Clutching the handles of her walker she stood and scooted herself over a couple feet before sitting again and then taking the tea. "Well if you're back, Ryan, I guess I better get used to being on my feet again."
Leaning in and kissing the woman's cheek, Ryan said, "I'm back, Nana, for good this time."
She shook his knee. "You just see that you are." she looked up at Caleb. "I suppose Great Great Grandchildren are out of the question aren't they."
"Whatcha want them for, so you can hit THEM with your remotes too," the man smarted off then dropped down to Ryan's lap.
She faked a frown. "I'd never hit a sweet little baby."
Leaning back across Ryan's arm, he smiled up at the old woman, "I know, Nana. I love you, you know." He then pulled himself back up and kissed Ryan's cheek, "And I love you, Ryan."
Waldorf Astoria
Running down the hall, Blackie knocked on his father's door. When no one answered, he knocked again, harder. Suddenly hearing from the inside his father's voice screaming out in horror, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Fearfully Blackie pounded harder on the door, "DAD!!" He called "DAD!"
A moment later Joe opened the door wearing only cotton shorts, and Blackie took in his sweat-drenched body. "What's wrong?" He quickly asked pushing himself into the room.
"Wrong?" Joe asked with a trembling voice, "What do you mean?"
Blackie turned back, "Dad, you were screaming. I heard it in the hall." He then smirked, "Did I interrupt something?"
The man chuckled and shook his head; rubbing his neck he pointed Blackie into the room. "I've had some sleeping problems lately. Can't sleep, and when I do, I have weird nightmares."
"What about?" He asked.
"Not important," Joe answered as he shook his head. "I thought you guys were headed home."
"We are, getting ready to leave now. I just wanted to hug Caroline before we left."
Joe smiled, "Sorry, Cindy decided to teach her the fine art of clothes shopping today."
Taking his father's arm, Blackie led him to the couch, "You okay, Dad? You don't look well."
"Just tired."
"I think Noah has some pills in his doctor's bag. I actually have those same problems sometimes. You want me to see if he'll let you have one?"
Pushing his trembling hand through his hair, he said "No, well, yeah maybe. If I don't get some sleep tonight, I'm not going to be safe to drive tomorrow."
"Is it anything you want to talk about?" Blackie asked as he moved to the phone.
He shook his head, "If I can get one good solid nights sleep, I think I'll be much better."

Chapter 21

Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com