Chapter 10

IAuthor: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: The song that Jo-Dee sings in her audition is a piece of a Jo-Dee Messina song, "Never saw Julie Cry" and Hell Yeah, is a Montgomery Gentry song.

Waterfront Café
Stacy walked with a smirk on her face as Jake stared holes in the way attractive man sitting 3 tables away. "You know there is this thing called 'saying hello' that is REALLY good for breaking ice."
He blushed. "I can't do that. No way!"
"Uhhh, why not?"
"If I do he might break up with me."
"Huh? Did I miss something?" She asked confused. "When did you start dating?"
"3 weeks ago. The day I first saw him in here." Jake answered absently.
He laughed. "NOT! In my head we're about to celebrate our first months anniversary by going to the mountains for a long weekend."
"Jake Meyer!" Stacy laughed. "You are insane. Say goodbye to your phantom boyfriend. We gotta go pick up my kids."

Blackie stopped midway up the steps and leaned back against the wall. Charlie stopped with him and reached out touching his arm. "You okay, Blackie?"
The dark haired man smiled as he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "I will be in a second." He took a deep breath and then turned and continued up the steps with the other man by his side.
"It is getting better. Isn't it?" Charlie asked pointing to the other man's knee.
Nodding, he replied. "Yeah, it does, and even if this is as good as it gets, I'm happy."
Turning when he heard his name called Blackie saw his once math professor and now academic advisor approaching. He turned back to Charlie. "Go on, I'll be there in a minute." He then greeted the man, "Bob."
The other man greeted him by extending his hand and offering him a folder. "I got you in, the professor teaching the course knows you haven't been approved into the teaching program yet, but you may not want to let the other students know."
Blackie's eyes lit up as he opened the folder, "Oh wow, and thank you. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to take this seminar."
"Yes, you can, and you have over and over," The man laughed. "You wanted to take another class during the summer term right?"
Blackie nodded, "Maybe even both of those I need before I can apply to the teaching program."
"Get with me next week and we'll get you set up," the professor answered. "You better head on to your class now."
"Thanks Bob." He said again and then turned, picking his backpack up from where he had rested it on the floor. He continued into the lecture hall, and then climbed the steps to take a seat with his friends.

As he opened his backpack to get out his notebook, he found a folded piece of paper stuck just inside the bag. Smiling to himself, thinking Noah had left him a note, he unfolded it. The paper fell from his trembling hands and Blackie stared at it. A drawing that contained a good likeness of him and Jo-Dee as well as children in a park scene. He quickly refolded the paper and stuck into his backpack, pulling out his notebook and preparing to take notes for class.

The courthouse
Joe leaned back, and shifted his weight as he watched Drew plead his case. The attorney argued with all the flare that was legendary to his name and to his family, but the younger lawyer knew that even with the renowned Andrew Fitzgerald arguing the wrongful death suit, the trial was going to happen. Jashawn Phillips had the right to have her case heard even if her nephew had tortured his son and his family.

As his mentor and friend sat back down next to him, Joe gently squeezed his arm lower then the table so as not to be seen by the court.
Drew let his eyes fall shut. He got the message of thanks loud and clear from his friend. He had tried many a case in his long career, but never one that so affected so many people he loved.

The judges words came, "It is my decision that there is enough to continue with the case. I'm scheduling a trial date, three weeks from today at 9 am."

Drew turned to Joe and Laura who were sitting at the table with him as Luke and Scott leaned forward to hear. "It's okay. This isn't anything to get upset over. We all knew that she would probably rule to progress."
"What's next, Drew?" Laura asked.
"We try not to worry too much over the next three weeks," The man smiled in return. "Honey, just go home and try and get about your life normally. She's not going to win. Okay, I don't lose." He said firmly, but with a mischievous smile.
"Thank you, Drew." The blond said as she leaned in and hugged the man. Her two companions offered their heartfelt gratitude before the three of them left.
"What you say, Kelly, you want to go grab a beer?" Drew asked as he packed up his brief case.
"It's 11 am," Joe answered lightheartedly.
Joe felt the gravity of his voice, "Yeah, I could use one." He answered honestly.
As they walked out of the courtroom, Drew declared. "I won't let it happen, Joe. That Brian caused your son and that girl so much heartache all ready. No one is going to say he didn't get what he had coming."
"I wasn't here for him then," Joe said absent-mindedly. "But Noah's told me it was bad."
"We weren't out to the boys then," Drew spoke matter of fact like. "but Marty told me all about it. It was very hard on them. It was then when the family officially found out about Noah, though Gran knew, and Martin had pretty much guessed. They've never really hid their affection for each other very well." Drew smiled. "Lucky bastards," he said as an afterthought.
Joe laughed and nodded, "They are. But so are you, Drew. You're really happy now, right?"
The round man laughed as they exited the courthouse. "Deliriously so, you know Marty went ahead with the pink wall paper, the one with the little ballet shoes."
Joe laughed, "What do you have? A couple more weeks?"
"Dr. Webber actually says any time now, lord help us all if Tricia has the gull to actually give us a boy," he laughed.
"He won't really be upset will he?"
"You don't know Marty too well. Do you?" Drew laughed even louder. "He'll whine, and he'll pout, and he'll mope about for about 90 seconds, and then he'll hold that babe in his arms, fall in love and be happy forever." He added.

Charlie/Devin's room
Charlie opened the door to his room and smiled when he saw Devin laying on the small sofa reading. "I didn't know you would be here."
Devin laid the book on the floor and opened his arm. "I played my final exam piece first, then cut of the class so I could come back and cram for my other exams."
"That's what I have to do." He replied, picking up his history book and dropping down to the floor in front of the couch.
The blond leaned over and ran his fingers through the other teen's hair. "I've been so busy with classes and recording and stuff, I've really missed you, Charlie." He said sincerely.
Charlie leaned into Devin's hand and closed his eyes. "I've missed you too. Just a couple more weeks and we'll be back in the city for the summer. Things will be better then. We'll have more time for each other."
"You're going to be working for Dad," Devin reminded. "And I'm going to be working on my music."
"I wish you'd change your mind and help your dad with the score for the new show."
Devin dropped his hand from his lover's body, "I'm Devin Kincaid, not Palmer Donavan Kincaid's son. How many times do I have to say that?"
Charlie closed the book and then crawled up on the couch, on top of the other man, "I'm sorry. I know how you feel. I just really miss you and would love to be able to work with you all summer."
Devin gently kissed Charlie's mouth. "I've missed you too, and you're right we'll have more time together this summer. I just can't work on my dad's show. You understand that?"
"I do. I know you need to make your own way, not walk through doors opened by your father."
"Exactly." Devin tightened his embrace. As he held Charlie tight, he couldn't help but think about Dana and try to figure out how he was going to justify trips to visit his other lover while he was on the road.

The Teen Center
Dana sighed; he had listened to five girls' auditions and still hadn't found someone he felt would fit well with Danny and Blackie. The song-writing duo had turned over the decision to him, to be made by the end of the day. They had two weeks till the much postponed showcase, and could not postpone again. It was definitely go-time. The last girl of the day was due any moment; if she didn't stand out he would have to make a decision from the others he had heard that day.
"I'm here for the audition," The woman's soft voice interrupted his concentration.
He looked up as he lit a cigarette. The first thing he noticed about the slight woman was that she stood about 5'10" and her firey red hair. Believing visually she would blend nice with the boys, he nodded and spoke after he exhaled. "Yes, Miss Messina, go ahead and set up. Let me hear what you got."
She sat down on the edge of the stage and pulled her guitar from its case, taking just a moment to make sure the instrument was in tune. She then began to play a few chords and broke into one of her original songs,

"His heart was tougher than a piece of leather
Had a will carved out of stone
He was stallion who had thrown every rider
No woman could seem to hang on
He had always been a fortress
With walls too high to climb
But then again he'd never seen her cry."*

Dana smiled as her voice filled the teen hall, not only was she wonderful, but she had a quality to her voice that he knew neither Blackie nor Danny would be able to argue about. "You can stop now," He interrupted.
The redhead frowned as she stopped, "Sir, please, let me finish. It's early and I need to warm my voice up. I promise I can do this."
"NO! You don't understand." Dana smiled as he picked up the packet of papers off the table and crossed to her. "You are perfect. I'm hiring you."
"You are?" she giggled. "Oh, thank you!"
"No, thank you, you are just what we've been looking for months now." He handed her the folder. "I need you to fill all these papers out, if you have questions I can be reached at the number right there. Then," he continued, handing her two cassettes and another folder. "You can get started on the songs you will need to learn. You'll meet the songwriters and well have a rehearsal tomorrow at 10 am."
"Perfect, wonderful," she said taking the items that Dana handed her. "I will be ready tomorrow."
"Don't burn yourself out, Jo-Dee. If you get the lyrics down to the first two, that will be good, then you can work with Mr. Kelly and Mr. Higgins from there."

Kelly's Diner
Stacy came down the stairs and entered the diner, she just sat down at the counter when she heard the bell on the door ring, and turned with a bright smile, believing it was her new friend, attorney Jake Meyer. Her smile faded when she saw it was in fact her old boyfriend, Frisco Jones.
"Hi, Ruby, can I get a Coke?" She asked trying to avoid eye contact with the young blond policeman as he sat down on the stool next to her.
"Sure, honey." The woman replied. "Is Jake going to be joining you?" She asked with a lighthearted voice.
"He sure is. He should be here any minute."
As the older woman set the drink down in front of the young woman, she turned to her other customer. "Well, we certainly don't see enough of you."
"Hi, Ruby, I know." He answered. "Things have been kind of nuts, you know."
"Can I get you something to drink?"
"A coke," he answered, "And I'd like a famous Kelly's burger and fries too."
"Certainly," She answered. After filling his drink, she went to the kitchen to start his order.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Frisco stammered and spoke, "h-h-h-I, Stacy. How you been?"
The dark haired woman turned to the man, forcing herself to look him in the eye. "Real good, Frisco. How about yourself?"
"Kinda lonely," He answered, after another uncomfortable pause he continued. "I never really wanted to leave you and me on bad terms you know."
"Funny, you move out of our apartment and start dating other woman with hardly a dozen words on the subject, and expect me to take it well."
"After the babies came, it just all closed in on me too fast. I thought it was going to be cool, you know. But it wasn't. It was a lot of work and -"
"Yeah, it was a lot of work, and I've been doing just fine on my own."
"I miss you and I miss them."
"Well we don't miss you!" She shot back in anger. The words no sooner left her mouth when the diner door opened and the twins scurried in with Jake right behind them. As the twins greeted her with cries of "momma" she bent over hugging and kissing each of them, then taking a hand she turned to Jake. "Let's eat at a table, honey."
"Sounds good to me," The man answered, not sure why his best friend had used the endearment but decided that she must have a good reason for it. After grabbing the two highchairs and helping the girl get the kids settled, he sat down across the table from the woman, and took her hands across the table. He then leaned in and whispered low, "Why are we playing happy couple?"
She smiled at him and rolled her head in the direction of the man at the counter and whispered, "Frisco."
Jake turned and took a good look at the man who had broke his friends heart, then turned back, bringing her hands to his mouth, leaving a light kiss. "You want me to lay it on thick?" he asked softly.
Stacy giggled out loud, mostly because even though she had been extremely attracted to the man when he first came to town, he had grown into her best friend and she knew that when it came to romantic attractions, it was more likely Jake would be interested in Frisco then her.

"Ruby!" The officer called into the kitchen. "Can you box that up to go, sweet heart? I need to get back on duty."

Stacy smiled to herself and mouthed a thank you to her friend. The four chatted lightly and fell into what had become a usual dinner pattern for them. A few minutes later Ruby came from the kitchen with Frisco's meal bagged. The officer paid and quickly left the diner.

Noah walked into waiting room. He crossed to the desk and looked over Claudia's shoulder down at the book. "I'm ready to start seeing patients," He whispered to her.
The woman nodded, "Ok, doctor."
Noah took her shoulder, and turned her to him, "Doctor? What's wrong, Doll?"
"Oh, Noah," She sighed. "I can't help thinking about everything Laura is going through today, and how that effects you and Blackie-"
Noah cut her off, "Yeah, I'm sure they are having a pretty tough time of it right now-"
"I'm so sorry, Noah. I am."
"What are you sorry for? We've been here before, no one, and I mean NO ONE blames you for the things Brian did or the things his Aunt is doing now."
The woman nodded and turned toward the door as it opened. "Luke!" She greeted. "Is everything done at the courthouse? What happened?" She asked.
The frizzy blond approached the desk and spoke low to Claudia and Noah. "Yes, the hearing is over. It went like Drew thought it would. The trial starts in three weeks."
"I'm sorry." Noah answered his mind also now wandering to how this would affect his lover.
Luke nodded, "Thank you, and I'm sorry that Blackie is probably going to have to re-live everything."
"He'll be all right," Noah assured. "You just worry about yourselves."
Luke smiled. "Is Bucky here? He left a message about some medication for Lucky."
"Yeah, he's in the office," He said as he motioned the man to follow him. He turned back to Claudia. "Have Anne start brining patients back. I'll be right with them."

Noah opened the door to the office, peeking in and then pushing it the rest of the way when he found Bucky doing paper work. "Buck, Luke said you called him about some medication for Lucky."
"Yeah, come in." He motioned, and then pointed to a seat for the man. "Let me get that for you. I'll be right back."
"I'll see you later, Luke." Noah said as he closed the door behind him.

Luke walked around the office, looking at the different doctors certificates on the wall. He turned back when he heard the door open and smiled to the cardiologist.
Bucky handed him the white bag. "One pill, one time a day, preferably with food, I'd suggest with breakfast."
"Thank you, Bucky, and he'll be okay?"
"Yeah, I want you to bring him back in about four weeks. I think that should get him over this little hump and he won't even need the medicine after that."
"Great, at least that's something we don't have to worry about."
Bucky frowned. "Noah just told me. I'm sorry."
"Drew expected this. He also expects to win, so I'm not worried."
"Andrew Fitzgerald usually gets what he sets out to, so I'm sure everything will be fine too. But hey, if you ever need someone to talk to or something, you know where I am." The doctor added.
"Thanks, Bucky, I will remember that." The man replied, truly touched by the generous offer as he leaned in and hugged his one time lover.

Blackie smiled when he heard the garage door opening and then closing and continued reading from the history book and taking notes until he heard the entrance door open. He looked up and smiled. "Hi Doc," he whispered warmly. "How was your day?"
The doctor returned the smile as he stepped out of his shoes and crossed the room. "Good, but much better now that I'm home." He answered snuggling into his lover's chest as the man's arm came around his shoulder. "Brodie sleeping?" he asked.
"No, Anna took both kids to Karen's. They're staying the night."
"Out with her friends, and spending the night with Rosa."
Noah sighed contently as he hugged the man's chest tighter and softly kissed his bare chest.
"I'll start dinner in a few minutes, but I want to show you something first."
Sitting back up, the doctor arched his eyes in question.
Blackie pulled the paper out of the history book. "I found this in my bag when I got to class today."
Noah looked down at the drawing. "How did she -"
Blackie shrugged, "I don't know."
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"I'm not worried about her, Noah. It's just bothersome."
"It's freaky if you ask me." He paused. "But I'm not going to worry about it this minute." He took the man's hand in his own. "We're alone tonight, no kids and I want to do something we haven't done in a long time."
"What?" the younger man smiled widely.
"You and me, go out to a nice dinner. You decide where, The Rib, The hotel, wherever."
Blackie closed his books and put them on the coffee table. "That sounds really nice, Doc, but I want to do something else first."
"Yeah?" The man asked, his lover's smile sparking his own.
"Yeah," he answered as he guided the older man so he was lying back on the couch. His hands then falling to his waistband, he fumbled to open the fly.
"I think I like your idea," Noah moaned.
"I thought you might," He chuckled back before slowly sliding his mouth over the soft flesh. He slid from the couch to kneel beside it, leaning over his body and working his organ expertly with his mouth.
Noah arched his neck and back, his mouth gaping open as the sensations coursed through his body. His hands found his lover's silk soft hair and he stroked it with his fingertips. "So good, so incredi-fucking good,"
Blackie giggled internally as his hand stroked the inside of his thighs then under him, squeezing the flesh of his ass. 'I love you, Noah.' He thought to himself not breaking his pace.
Noah's eye's slit open and he saw the other man's sweat pants pushed down over his hips. His other hand was stroking his sticky flesh as his mouth continued to please him. "Let me watch," he gasped and squeaked his plea. "I love to watch you . . . you're so beautiful."
The younger man lifted up on his knees a bit, giving Noah a clear view. Feeling the doctor's organ twitching in his mouth, he knew how much he was enjoying the show. The doctor's arousal pushed his to the precipice, and he slid over letting his seed splash against the man's still clothed body. He was quickly rewarded with Noah's orgasm.

As his breathing began to return to normal, Noah pulled Blackie up his body so he was lying on top of him. He softly kissed his mouth and caressed his hair. "That was beautiful," he whispered against his lips then looked him deep in the eye.
"It's been awhile since we played around anywhere but the bedroom too," he smiled.
"You're very right," He answered with a chuckle. "What you say we go get dinner and then come back and re-christen every room in this house while we have it to ourselves."
Blackie moaned. "I think I can handle that." He slid back, pulling himself to his feet. "But I think I need a shower first."
Noah let his fingers dance against the other man's stomach. "Can I join you?"
"Of course," he answered helping him to his feet. "Before we come back here, can we go check out a hunch I have?"
Noah nodded as he followed Blackie toward the bathroom, "What is it?"
"I think I know where I can find Jo-Dee tonight. And I want to make her stop."
"Where do you think she is?"
"She's living in the past," he mused out loud, "Or what she thinks was the past. I think she'll be at The Bucket."
"Then we'll go to The Bucket," Noah agreed.

The Rib
Noah sipped from his wine, taking in his lover across the table. He watched as he carefully cut the chicken on his plate, mesmerized by the highlights in his hair, the smile on his face and the sound of his voice.
Blackie looked up to see Noah's eyes on him and smiled shyly, "What?"
"I love you." He reached across the table, and took the other's hand.
Blackie squeezed it as he returned the man's statement of affection. "Oh, we got talking about Laura and the case and I forgot to tell you."
"Bob got me into that seminar."
"Wow! That's great! But I thought he said you would have to have all your prereq classes done."
"Those are the rules, but he knows the professor teaching it, and the guy waived the prerequisites for me."
"Terrific, I know you really wanted to take it."
"I'm so excited. It's going to be first class having anything to do at all with teaching."
"It's a six week seminar, right?"
"Yeah, Thursday nights for six weeks." After a pause to take a bite of his food, Blackie continued. "Can we talk about something I know you want?"
Noah looked on confused as he took another sip of his wine. "We can talk about anything, but I don't know what you're talking about."
Blackie turned the doctor's hand in his own, and then caressed the top with his other. "Your dad told me the other day your doctor said you could go back to surgery, but you won't do it."
Noah frowned. "I don't have the dexterity to operate, and I'm not sure I want to go through having my hand re-broke and the six to eight weeks of healing."
"Dad said you don't need all that."
"He's wrong." Noah answered, frustrated. He then squeezed his lover's hand. "Feel that?"
Blackie nodded, "Feels good."
He then took each of this lover's hands in each of his own, and squeezed again. "They're not the same."
"Do it again," Blackie directed.
The doctor complied.
"I don't feel a difference."
"Why are you doing this?" Noah asked as he pulled his hands back.
Blackie sighed and laid his hand back across the table, holding it open. "I'm sorry, Noah. I don't want to upset you. I just wanted to help."
The doctor sighed. Then looked up to the other man. "I know you mean well, but Blackie, I can't operate on another human being knowing that I'm not 100%. It's too serious. I have never taken cutting into another human lightly."
"I know that, Doc. I just want you to be happy. I know how much you loved being a surgeon."
He nodded, "I did, but I love being the doctor I am now just as much. I love helping people who really need my help. I love that when I walk in an exam room at our medical center more times then not I know the patients history before I even open their chart. Because I'm truly their doctor."
Blackie smiled at the way his lover's face lit up. He brought the man's hand back to his mouth and kissed his fingers. "You're patients love you too, Doc. You've done such wonderful things with the clinic and have turned it into a full fledged hospital." He shook his head, "Who would have ever thought a hospital on the waterfront."

The Bucket of Blood
"I'll have another one, Spencer." The red head giggled as she slid the short glass back across the bar, then turned to the dark haired man on the stool beside her. Pushing her fingers through his dark hair she flirted to his green eyes. "I feel like dancing!"
"We can dance right here, baby." The man flirted sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her in."
She turned her face just as he was about to press his lips to hers, and picked up the drink from the bar, slamming the shot back. She then turned to the man, put a hand on either cheek, and looked deep into his green eyes, before she pressed her mouth to his.

Outside the bar
"What makes you think she here?" Noah asked as they got out of the car and started up the street.
Blackie let out a slow sigh, "She's all caught up in what use to be, or how she thinks things use to be. We all use to come up here and play pool when Spence would let us." Even before he could open the door to the bar, he saw the red head's body tight against the dark haired man's as she flirted with him. "Told ya," he exhaled, though he hated being right.

He opened the door, and then held it for Noah. He then crossed to the bar and put his arm on Jo-Dee's before she ever knew he was there.
The stranger turned to him and gave him a little shove, "Hey, slick, the lady is with me."
"Jo-Dee!" he said emphatically. "We have to talk."
She turned, then pulled herself out of one man's arms and threw herself to Blackie's. "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you," She wept on his shoulder her drunken state more then obvious.
"Hey, you little cunt." The man at the bar chastised, reaching for her again.
Noah stepped up and between, "Hey now, the woman has obviously had too much to drink, just leave her be."
He then grabbed the red head's arm and puller her from his lover leading her away from the bar and toward a table. "Blackie's right, we have to talk."
As he guided her to the chair, she turned and twisted away from him. "I have nothing to say to you, Noah!" she spit his name as if it were bitter on her tongue.
"Well I have something to say to you, honey," he ranted sitting next to her and guiding her chin so he could look her in the eye.
"Don't!" Blackie said as he pulled another chair up and placed it down so he could take each of their arms.
The woman smiled smugly as she pulled her arm from the surgeon and fell toward the songwriter. "I missed you, Blackie, so much."
Blackie guided her to sit up straight in the chair, though she swayed. "Sweet heart, why did you tell me you were leaving town if you weren't?"
She twisted a bit in her seat, as a tear started to slide down her cheek, "I was gonna leave. I really was."
"You can't keep doing this." Noah interrupted. "You can't keep stalking him like some cracked nut."
"NOAH! Please!" Blackie pleaded as Jo-Dee snapped, "Just shut up!"
"Hey, now!" the younger man bit back. "Don't! You do NOT talk to him like that."
The red head slid toward the front of the chair throwing her arms over Blackie's shoulder and pushing her body closer to his. "Oh Blackie," she whispered.
He pushed her hands to her shoulder, "Stop, Jo-Dee!"
"Give me another chance," She pleaded low.
The doctor spoke up again. "You never had a chance!"
As the woman started to lash out, Blackie stood, picking the girl slightly off the ground and carrying her back toward the bar. Setting her feet back on the ground he held her cheeks in his hands and looked in her eyes. "Sweetie! We were friends once, good friends, but that was it and that's all we can be. Do you understand that?"
Her tears fell harder as she shook her head, still locked in his hands. "What is wrong with me?"
"Nothing! Nothing in the world, you are a pretty, smart, talented young woman." He paused. "I'm in love with Noah, Jo-Dee. It's just that simple. He holds my heart. We share each other's lives. We have children, a family."
She began to crumble against him, "I'm sorry, Blackie. I'm sorry. I've been such a fool."
Hearing sincerity in her voice, he pulled her into a hug. "It's okay."
Noah sighed as he watched. He wanted to believe his lover had gotten through to the firey red head, but part of him was still hesitant.
"Jo-Dee," Blackie whispered, "Let Noah and I take you back to where you're staying so you can sleep this off. Then have lunch with me tomorrow."
The woman turned, "I don't know where I'm staying. I ran out of money and got kicked out of The Oak Tree."
Blackie dropped her arm and turned taking a few steps to the table.
"Oh baby!" Noah sighed before he could even ask.
"Just tonight," he said checking his watch. "I'd call Danny but it's already after ten. I'll call him tomorrow and I'm sure she can crash with them tomorrow. The kids are gone for the night, everyone but you and me. She can sleep it off. I can talk to her again in the morning make sure she understands there is no future for us, and then she can be on her way."
Noah nodded slowly, his lover was right. As drunk as the woman was right now, he doubted she would even remember the conversation. "Okay, but just tonight."
Blackie smirked, "Don't be jealous, Doc."
He smiled at himself, pulling the young man to his lap, "I trust you completely, baby. But it still bother's me that she wants you so bad."
Blackie kissed Noah's lips softly and passionately, before pulling off his lap and going back to the woman who was now staring holes in Noah. "Come on, Jo-Dee. You'll stay with us tonight."

3:00 AM
Rolling over and opening her eyes, Jo-Dee tried to focus. "Where the hell am I?" she mumbled to herself as her eyes caught the alarm clock. The memories from earlier came flooding back to her and she rubbed her weary temples. "You're such an idiot, girl." She cursed herself as she climbed out of the bed, and opened the bedroom padding down the hall toward the bathroom. She had only taken a step when she heard the light laughing and the soft moans coming from the studio.

The red head swallowed her tears and quietly moved into the doorway taking in the candlelit room and the two naked bodies glistening in sweat.

Noah laid his head against his lover's chest, and Blackie sighed running his fingers through the man's hair. "That was incredible, Doc," he whispered.
The doctor leaned up and gently pressed his lips to the other man's letting his tongue slide gently into his mouth.
He answered with a soft moan, "I'm sorry our evening was messed up."
"Shhhh," Noah whispered. "It's not your fault." He let his head fall back to his shoulder and gently kissed his lover's neck. "I'm sorry she makes me green."
"You have no reason to be, Noah."
"I know," he purred, and then looked over to the coffee table and the candle that had burned down to just small stubs. "We should put them out and get some sleep, hu?"
Still stroking his lover's hair, Blackie kissed his forehead, "Only if you'll sleep in my arms, just like this."
"No place I'd rather be," He answered as he leaned over to blow the candles out.

Jo-Dee turned and quietly made her way back down the hall returning to the bedroom. She collapsed on the bed in tears. She had seen for herself what Blackie had tried to tell her.

Noah stood and then offered Blackie a hand. The younger man took it but once on his feet, wrapped that arm around the doctor's waist as they walked together to the bedroom.

Jo-Dee walked into the kitchen and found Noah and Blackie in each other's arms sharing a sensual kiss in front of the coffee pot.

As the swinging door brushed shut, the sound alerted the two and Blackie looked over the surgeon's shoulder to see the woman turning to leave. "Wait, Jo-Deee, we have to talk."
She shook her head as she turned back, "There isn't anything to talk about." She then tried to make eye contact with the other man who had turned in her direction, but was looking off over her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Noah. I acted like a total ass last night. It's not an excuse, but I had a lot to drink."
The surgeon's eyes dropped down and met the woman's. "Yeah, you did."
Blackie tugged at the sleeve of Noah's robe, then crossed and took Jo-Dee's hand leading her to the table. She sat down and sighed, "You don't have to do this, Blackie. I'm going to leave you alone. I promise this time."
He wrapped both his hands around her one. "I don't want you to leave me completely alone. I just want you to understand."
"I do," she whispered, her voice cracking.
"Do you?"
She nodded, closing her eyes and trying to smile. "Instead of seeing what you have and where you're at now. I was caught up in what I wanted and then."
"We didn't have a then," Blackie whispered, emphasizing each word.
"Yeah, we did," she answered with a smile. "It was a different then for you then for me." She paused and swallowed, "You were there and nice to me when things with my mom's boyfriend's would get bad cause you were just a nice person. But it meant the world to me, and I loved you for it."
As Blackie began to answer, the doorbell rung, and Noah went to answer it. The young man slid his finger down the woman's nose and laid it against her lips. "We had to stick together. We were both kind of alone in the world."
She nodded, "But I really do understand now, Blackie. I saw you two earlier. You love him and he loves you and it's beautiful. I don't want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you."
"I know that. No more postcards or notes or anything okay. You want to talk to me, friend, write me a letter or pick up the phone and talk to me. I'm still your friend, Jo-Dee."
"Really? Even after all of this?" She asked meekly.
He pulled her into a hug, "Yeah, even after all of this."

Noah walked back into the kitchen with Bucky and Dana. The blond manager was shocked to see the redhead in Blackie's kitchen. "Miss Messina, hello. Blackie, you've met your singer?"
"What are you talking about?" Both he and Noah asked.
"This is the woman I hired for the showcase," Dana answered laying his hands on her shoulders. "She's wonderful."
"She's going to sing with you?" Noah asked, still not persuaded things would be okay with her now.
"Of course she is," Blackie smiled. "She's perfect. Why didn't I think about that earlier?"
The doctor crossed his arms and exhaled.

Jo-Dee stood, "No, I can't." She turned and shook Dana's hand, "Thank you for the job offer but I can't now." She then turned and closed the distance between her and Noah, offering him her hand. "I'm sorry, Noah. I really am."
Noah looked the young woman up and down, and then took her hand. He knew he had nothing to fear, he and Blackie were strong, and his jealous feelings were based on her feelings, not his or his lover's. "Don't be silly. Blackie and Danny need a female singer."
"I don't want to postpone this thing anymore, and it's only two weeks away." Blackie added, "Please, Jo-Dee."
"If you're sure," she smiled.
"Yes, I'm sure." Blackie replied.
She shook her head, "No, I meant Noah. Are you sure it's okay?"
The doctor nodded, "I am."
"Well, then," Dana answered. "You both need to be at the teen center in 90 minutes as well as Danny so we can get these rehearsals into high gear."
"Do you mind if I take a shower?" The woman asked.
"Not at all. Your bag is out in our car." Blackie answered.
"I'll go get it," the red head responded then turned and left the room.

The Teen Center
Noah and Bucky were sitting in the back of the center in folding chairs as the sounds of three guitars filled the room.
"You're so paranoid," Bucky laughed.
Noah couldn't help but laugh with him. "I'm not paranoid, I'm just here to make sure little miss thing keeps her hands off my man!"
"This is Blackie we're talking about," The cardiologist responded.
"I know! I know!" Noah laughed at himself. He knew he had nothing to worry about. He was having so much fun hanging out with his friend and listening to his lover play, it reinforced that everything was going to be fine.

The door opened and Noah turned to see Joe, Cynthia and Caroline. He jumped up, but then squatted down to the girl's level, opening his arms. The child ran to him, and he swooped her up. "Hey, Caroline!"
"Noah!" She cheered as she hugged the man's neck.

Blackie, Danny, and Jo-Dee stopped the number they were playing as the door opened again, and Mary and Shawn came in.

"Good, everyone is here." Blackie said.
As her brother spoke, the child turned toward the stage and called out, reaching her arms, "Bla-kie! Bla-kie!"
"I'm going to come hold you in just one minute, sissy!" He said to her in the microphone. "But right now Danny and I want to play a song we wrote for Sean," he paused, "and you mom."
Cyn got a surprised look on her face, "For me, Honey?"
Blackie nodded. "Yeah, I actually wrote the beginnings of the verse shortly after we met you. When Danny started this song, I remembered this verse, and we pieced it together. So it's about you - like three years ago. Go ahead and sit down, and let us know what you think."

After they sat down, Blackie counted them off. All three began to play the guitar, and Danny sang the first verse about and in tribute to his father.

He works way too much for way too little
He drinks way too early till way too late
He hasn't had a raise since near his day
In seventy--eight gets trampled on by everyone
Except when he comes in here
And he's the product of the Haggard generation
He's got a redneck side when you get him agitated
He got the gold toothed look from a stiff right hook
He's proud he took for his right wing stand on Vietnam
Says he lost his brother there

Mary put her arm around Shawn as she saw the man who rarely showed emotions begin to tear. Danny had to look away before he continued as he felt himself begin to tear too.

He yells out Johnny Cash
And the band starts to play
A ring of fire as he walks up
And stands there by the stage
And he says

Hell yeah!
Turn it up!
Right on!
Hell yeah!
Sounds good!
Sing that song!
Guitar man playin' all night long
Take me back to where the music hit me
Life was good and love was easy

As they played the bridge, Danny stepped back into the background, and Blackie walked up to the mic. He gave Cyn a flirty smile as he continued with the second verse.

"She's got an MBA and a plush corner office
She's got a don't mess with me attitude
She'll close a deal she don't reveal that she can feel
The loneliness the emptiness
Except when she comes in here
She's the product of the Me generation
She's got a rock and roll side when you get her agitated
She got the tattoo there on her derriere from a spring break dare
In Panama where love was all she thought she'd ever need

She yells out to the band
Know any Bruce Springsteen
Then she jumps up on the bar
And she, and she starts to scream
She says
Joe smiled and slid his arm around his wife and pulled her in, both of them laughing at Noah dancing with Caroline. The redhead blew a kiss to her stepson, in appreciation. He winked as he continued.

Hell yeah!
Turn it up!
Right on!
Hell yeah!
Sounds good!
Sing that song!
Guitar man playin' all night long
Take me back to where the music hit me
When life was good and love was easy"

All three harmonized as they repeated the chorus and faded out with,

"Yeah, yeah
Can or can't you get my mind off thinkin' 'bout
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Hey, hell yeah"

As they set the guitars down, Danny asked. "So what do you guys think?"
"Son, I-I-I," Sean stammered. "I don't know what to say. "
"Well, I do," Cynthia interrupted. "You kids Rock!"
Blackie laughed, "You like it?"
"Like it, I love it." Shawn answered.
"Good, I'm glad, cause we're debuting it at the showcase.
"I only have one question," Cynthia asked. "Bruce Springsteen?"
Blackie laughed and picked up the piece of paper from the table and handed it to her.
She let her eyes skim down the page, and laughed. "In Blackie's writing was "Rick Springfield", that was crossed out, with Bruce Springsteen written above it in some one else's hand writing.
"Danny said he wasn't going to write a song about Rick," Blackie laughed.

