Chapter 11
Trials and Tribulations

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else:

The Port Charles Hotel
Brett rolled his head on the pillow, then turned back and stroked his fingers through the long hair of the woman in his bed, gently leaving a soft kiss on her forehead. He smiled, when she returned his affection with a grump moan as she rubbed her face against his chest and tightened her embrace on his chest.
He looked to the clock, and back to the ceiling, before pulling her head back and whispering, "Karen."
"Sleep!" The woman snapped as she turned away from him and pulled the blanket up around her shoulder.
The young musician laughed and leaned in kissing her cheek again, "I'm going to take a shower. I want to see Lori this afternoon." He then slid from the bed, and retreated to the bathroom.

When she heard the shower running she rolled in the bed and pushed herself up. Guilt began to wash over her, and she hated it. "I'm not doing anything wrong," She muttered to herself. Everyone in her life and in her bed knew where she stood, her commitments to Ryan and Anna, and the fun she had with Caleb and Brett. The one person who didn't know, however, was the one who would probably be hurt the most, Lori. It wasn't her place to tell the girl, and Brett had insisted that he and Lori's relationship was now innocent, and not committed, but Karen knew the teenager's heart and that it would break if she knew that Brett was not only with her but others. She leaned over and dialed Room Service, ordering a pot of coffee and some cinnamon roles. She then slipped out of the bed, and found her robe.

Brett re-emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt as Karen poured the coffee.
"I thought you were going to sleep longer," he laughed.
"I have a lot to do today," She responded, and then turned to the man opening her arms to him.
He came to her willingly, hugging her tight. "Last night was nice."
"It was," She answered. "Caleb and Ryan would love to see you."
He shook his head and pulled away, "No, I can't."
"They understand if you're not interested in sex," She answered. "But they miss you."
"Karen, I - I," He sighed, "I'm still a mess right now."
She picked up the pictures off the table that he had shown her the night before. "You going to tell Lori today."
"Yeah, I am."
"You going to tell her about how we've been--" she pointed back to the bed.
He shook his head, "Lori and I are not together, Karen. We have this deep friendship, and we went through a lot together. We're helping each other heal, but I'm not with Lori. At least not at the moment."
"You want that back?"
"I don't know," He shook his head and looked to the ceiling. "I have to tell her first, make her see why this hurt me so bad."
"She loves you," Karen answered.
"You know she does."
He reached out and took her hand, pulling her back to him, "Why are we talking about her?" He asked and let his mouth fall to hers.
She pulled back, "Cause she's a sixteen year old girl. I've been partially responsible for a lot of pain in her life, and I'm not going to cause anymore." She exhaled, "I have such a good time with you, Brett, but I can't sleep with you anymore till you tell Lori what you're doing."
"Fine, Okay," he said as he crossed the room, picking a jacket up from the back of a chair. He then shoved the pictures from the table into his pocket and turned to leave.
"Well, are you going to tell her?" She asked as the door slammed behind Brett.

The elderly woman set the cup of coffee on the tray with the large southern breakfast. After removing her apron, she picked up the tray and started up the stairs. Knocking on the door at the top.
"Come in," came the man's voice from the other side.
She pushed the door open and crossed the room, "Well, Mr. Wonderful, you have done nothing but sleep since you got in last night. You plan on sleeping the whole weekend?"
The lanky man pushed himself up in the bed and smiled warmly. "I knew you loved me best."
She set the tray on his lap then pushed his shoulder, "Now, Rick, why would you say that?"
"I bet you never bring Noah breakfast in bed."
She sat on the edge of the bed and pushed his hair off his face, "That's one bet you'd be losing."
"Then I'm not your favorite?" He asked with pleading eyes.
"My favorite is always the youngest," she divulged to the man she knew would keep it between them, "So that's John Henry, at least for a few more days."
"And in a few months it will be mine?" He asked with a smile as he sipped the coffee, but only pushed the food around with a fork.
She leaned in and kissed his forehead, hugging his neck. He was troubled, that she knew. It was the why that she had yet to figure out. "When did I adopt you?"
"You didn't. I adopted you when you got that flat."
"So how is the pretty little mommy to be," She asked, hoping to get to the root of why he, like all her kids and grandkids migrated to her house when the world was crashing in on them.
"Beautiful, glowing, wonderful . . . she's going to meet us in Port Charles next week."
"Are you excited?"
"Of course I am," he laughed. "I've wanted this for so long." He paused as he pushed the food around a little more on the plate. "I've wanted this for so long," He repeated, "So why do I feel so horrible, Gran. Why am I still so sad?"
She took the tray from his lap and set it up on the nightstand, then pulled the man into her embrace, letting him cry against her shoulder. "I don't know, baby. Why are you so upset?"
"Why did she do it, Gran? Why? And why am I so upset? It wasn't even mine. I mean, I thought it was, but it wasn't. So why am I so upset? Why do I cry myself to sleep some night because she took that little baby's life away?"
The woman chose to ignore what the man just admitted to. It wasn't as if it was really news to her anyway. Every Drake had chose to ignore what was more then obvious.
"Because you're a kind loving man, and you find the idea of abortion just as hideous as the rest of us."
"It's more then that!" He pleaded.
"Then what is it?" She asked.
"I know it was wrong, we both did, we both do. But if I would have," He stopped, sat up, and swallowed hard. Looking her in the eye, he insisted, "I married the right woman."
"Of course you did, baby," She comforted, stroking his arm.
"I don't understand, Gran."
"What? What don't you understand?"
"How she could do it?" He began to weep again.
His tears started hers. She, also, had cried herself to sleep many a night over the innocent life not lost, but taken at her grand daughter's command. "She was scared, baby. And just a hurt little girl who has been through so much."
"But -"
"NO!" She interrupted him. "Blaming Lori, being angry at Lori, that doesn't fix anything. She's carrying a large burden herself."
He nodded then leaned back, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Was she right?"
"What about?"
"She said that if we were to decide to really 'be together' you would have made everyone else deal and leave us alone."
She sighed as she stood up and walked away from the bed. "Is that what you want? To be with her?"
"No, but I want to know if she's right."
Gran turned back. "I don't like the way you two did things. You hurt a lot of people unnecessarily. You know had it not been for that, people wouldn't have been upset as they were."
He nodded pushing the tears of his cheek. "We know that. I knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong, but we couldn't help it. Still can't really. As hard as we try to not be, we are each other's. . . .rock. The one we turn to when we really need someone."
The woman turned back and grabbed his hand, showing his wedding ring back to him. "You can't do that anymore. You have a commitment, to that pretty lady and to your baby. Your family! That is your rock!"
He nodded, "You're right. I know you are."
"So you're going to find a way to put my grand daughter behind you?"
He nodded, "It's done. I'm just having a hard time getting over the baby."
She sat back down on the edge of the bed, now comforting the hand she had grabbed. "It simply is. As soon as you realize that it happened but there isn't anything we can do about it. You will be able to come to terms."
"I don't think it will ever stop hurting."
"It might not." The woman tapped her own chest. "A part of me will always ache for that infant, but I know that it is at peace. I'm sure John is taking real good care of it waiting for the rest of his family."
He nodded as he pulled the woman in tight. "Thank you, Gran, for not hating me."
"We love you, baby. You know that. You're a Drake whether you like it or not."
"I like it," he whispered with a slight laugh.
"Good. Now I want you to finish your breakfast, then come downstairs and help me out in the yard."
He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. "I will be down in a little bit."

Port Charles
Martin opened the door to his son-in-law and greeted the young man with a hug. "How are you doing, son?" he asked.
Blackie relaxed into the man as he returned the hug, "I'm okay, Dad. A little nervous, though."
"Don't you worry about a thing. Drew isn't going to let them get nasty with you."
"I still don't really understand what's going on?" He said as he pulled back and pushed his hands into his jeans.
It's evidentiary, a deposition. The other side's lawyer want to ask you a few questions now, so they know what they will want to ask you during the trial, if anything."
"Is everybody else in there?" He asked pointing down the hall.
"Yes, and Noah just called, he wants you to call him as soon as you're done, before you leave here. And call him at any point if you need him to come over."
The man smiled, "God, I love him."
"I know!" Martin returned as he slid an arm the man's shoulders and walked down the hall with him. Blackie walked in the room alone to find Drew behind the desk, the other lawyer in one chair, and a court reporter sitting to the side with a stenograph.
Drew stood, "Blackie come in and sit down."
"Hi Drew," He replied as he did what was asked.
"This isn't going to take too long." The other attorney spoke. When we're ready, I'll have you state your name for the record, and then I just have a few questions to ask you."
He nodded and looked to Drew.
"When ever you're ready, Blackie." Drew said, knowing he would remember the conversation they had the night before about how to answer and when to let himself talk.
"Okay, my name is Bla-, uhm, Albert Kelly."
"Ok, Mr. Kelly, but at the time that you had a run in with the victim, you went by the last name Parrish."
He nodded, "My mother raised me alone. I used her name until recently."
"And you also are know by the nickname, Blackie?"
"More people know me by that, then by my given name, yes." He chuckled.
"It was a little more then two years ago that the incident happened between your foster parent's daughter and the victim."
Blackie shifted his weight in the chair. He was very uncomfortable with the labels being used all ready. "Nearly two years ago, the man you call a victim beat up and raped my sister. Just a few hours after he attacked me."
"Is that your contention, Mr. Kelly? It is a matter of record that you in fact attacked the victim, and left him unconscious on the docks that afternoon."
"I attacked him?" Blackie laughed.
"You beat him until he was unconscious."
"Brain Phillips had 1) Beat me up and left me for dead on the docks several months earlier, then 2) began calling my house, making threats, then 3) began showing up at my therapy sessions, making threats, then 4) on the day your talking about came up to me on the docks and told me he was "Going to do it right this time," He then called me a name I will not repeat. So then, hell yeah, I beat the living shit out of him. I wasn't going to take his abuse anymore."
"Blackie!" Drew interrupted, internally applauding the man for his actions, but thinking it not best he admit to what he had.
"I know, Drew. You said I should try to keep all of that out of this. That it wasn't what this case was about, but damnit, he's sitting here calling that asshole a victim. Brian Phillips was NOT a victim. I was, and Laura was, and Luke was. He was the asshole who was tormenting me, attacking me, then attacking my sister just because she was my sister and loved me." He turned to the other attorney. "Do not call him a victim to me."
"Mr. Kelly, Your lawyer is correct, the incident between you and Mr. Phillips on the dock, really isn't in question. What is at the heart of it is what happened between him and Laura Baldwin later that evening."
"I wasn't there." Blackie answered honestly.
"How did you find out about what happened?"
"Noah, my husband, and I had taken our dog for a walk. When we came back, our housemates told us that two people had called saying Laura was being taken to the hospital and it was serious. That we should get there right away."
"And. . ." The attorney led.
"We went."
"When you got there, what happened?"
"My parents, foster parents," he explained. "They told Noah and I that Brian had raped Laura and that he had beat her up pretty bad. They said he had pulled a knife, and somehow, Laura had got control of it and used it to stab him. They also said that Luke had walked in on it, tried to help Laura, and had gotten hurt too."
"At that point, Mr. Phillips was only hurt?"
He shook his head, "No, they told us he was dead."
"They told you that your sister had stabbed the man, and that he was dead."
He nodded, "That she stabbed him, after he had raped her and had threatened to kill her. That the police were still investigating, but had already said it looked like self defense."
"So there was never a question as to whether Laura Baldwin was going to be charged with Murder."
"Well, yeah there was a chance, but I think we found out the next day that there was no question it was self defense."
"Did it bother you at all that your sister had stabbed the man to death?" the attorney asked.
Blackie laughed.
"Blackie," Drew said firmly, under his breath. The young man only laughed harder. "Blackie, please, answer the man's question."
Taking a deep breath to control his laughter he said. "It bothered me, but not for the reason you seem to think it should. It bothered me because I knew that the only reason he attacked her to begin with was because he hated me. He hated me because I am gay. He wanted to hurt me, so when I fought back that night, he tried to hurt me by hurting the people I love. I felt horrible about that, and very guilty for a long long time."
"But what about what your sister had done?"
"What my sister did was defend herself. Now I'm still trying to figure out how the police can say she did what she had too, but this woman can come in and say it was something different." He exhaled. "You want to know if I'm bothered by the fact Laura defended herself against that jerk. Can I ask if his Aunt is bothered by the fact that he was so full of hate and anger and vengeance that he tried to kill me, and then tried to kill the people I love. Maybe I should sue her for all my therapy bills and the six months or more that I put my partner through hell cause I was a basket case." He turned to Drew. "Can I do that?"
Drew smiled focusing hard to control himself from breaking out in a smug fit of laughter. "Actually, yes, you would have quite a mental anguish case, Mr. Kelly."
"You would attempt to hold my client responsible for actions her nephew committed?" The other attorney questioned.
Blackie opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when Drew held up his hand. "I'm not going to discuss what might become a counter suit just yet. Do you have any more questions about the matter at hand?"
The lawyer turned back to Blackie. "Did Mrs. Baldwin ever say anything to you about feeling guilty."
Blackie slowly shook his head, "No, she didn't. The only regret she ever told me about was that she had considered Brian Phillips a friend at one time, and hadn't seen the animal he was inside."
The man nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Kelly. I think I'm done here."
Blackie nodded back to the man, and the quietly watched Drew. He could see wheels turning in the man's head as he watched and waited for the other to leave. Once they were alone, Drew began to laugh heartedly. "Man oh Man, Blackie, when you going to take the bar? Cause that is one fine piece of strategy you got there."
"The suing them thing?" He questioned, his nervous voice quivering. "I don't really want to do that, Drew."
"I know. I know, but we might be able to use this to get Miss Phillips to back down. Give me a little freedom, to kind of imply that you are considering a mental anguish claim, maybe that both you and Noah are?"
"I can't answer for Noah, Drew, but you can say I am if it will help Laura. I'm sure Noah feels the same way, but you have to ask him."
"Talk to him tonight, and have him call me. By their lawyers reaction I'm guessing he knows the case is very weak. If he thinks that there may be a couple of counter suits, that Mrs. Phillips may end up losing more then she wins, which means he will be losing instead of getting paid . . .I think that might be the ticket to make this all go away."
Blackie stood and rounded the desk. "Thank you so much for working so hard on this for my family." He said as he embraced the man and held him tight.
Drew, deeply touched by this deep display of gratitude tightened his embrace. "You're very welcome, son. We love you, son. You're family, and your family is my family, and no one fucks with my family."
"Thanks, Drew."

Brett turned the corner and drove his rental car up Nolan. He approached the drive, in time to see Jay's Trans Am backing out. As the car passed him, he noticed Alfie and Rosa were in the car as well.

Pulling into the driveway he stepped out, and called out to the blond just before she opened the door to the house. "Darling!"
Lori turned and smiled wide, dropping her backpack and running down the steps and into his open arms, "Brett! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
He hugged her tight and let his lips brush her cheek. "I wasn't even sure I was going to see you," He answered shyly but honestly.
She slipped from his arms, and looked into his eyes, the disappointment shown on her face. "What do you mean?"
"Can we go in the house and talk?"
"Of course," She answered and turned from him. Her mind race as they walked up to the house. She knew they were a long way from the couple they had once been, but she also had truly felt things were slowly but surely getting better. As they walked in the house, Lori looked between the steps up to the living room and her room and the studio.
Brett laid a hand on her shoulder, "Let's talk in the studio. Okay?"
As they dropped to the couch, Lori couldn't wait any longer, "What is it? What's wrong?"
"I didn't say anything was wrong." After a pause he continued. "This is time apart. Right Darling? Our time to find ourselves and see if we are good for each other."
She nodded.
"When I'm here in town to visit you, I also visit with some of the other friends I made while living here," He started to explain. He really hadn't planned on telling her about Karen, but now that he was sitting with her he knew the other woman was right when she advised him to be honest.
"I think that's great, Brett."
He stopped her by putting a finger to her lip. "Sometimes, like last night, I spend time with Karen." He watched her face fall.
"You're in love with Karen?" She asked as her eyes began to tear.
"No," he answered quickly and firmly. "I'm not in love with her. She's just someone I like to spend time with."
"And sleep with?" Lori asked softly.
He nodded.
"Let me get this straight. You love me, but you won't sleep with me. Her, you don't love---"
"That's right, Lori. Right now I'm not sleeping with you because I love you." He took a deep breath, "I came in last night and called Karen. I didn't call her for sex. I called her to talk. I had something on my mind. Something I've wanted to talk to you about, but I wasn't sure you could handle. We talked for a LONG time -"
"And then you did sleep with her?" She asked.
"Yes, I did."
Her hands began to tremble, "Okay."
"Okay?" Brett asked, her response confusing him.
She nodded. "I don't like it, but I do understand that I hurt you a lot. I also understand that I am so not ready to be like that with anyone, Brett, not even you." She took a long breath and let it out slowly. "I also want you to know that I'm going to wait for you. Unless the day comes that you tell me you don't love me and we absolutely don't have a chance, I'm going to wait for you and not be with anyone else. I swear that to you."
"Don't say that, not until you hear what it is I really came to talk to you about."
"There's something worse?" she asked, her voice just above a whisper.
"Not worse, not to me, but you might think differently." He pulled the two crinkled photos out of his pocket. Lori watched his face as he looked down at them, seeing a deep pain in his eyes. She then noticed his hands too were trembling. He handed her the one picture, "Do you remember me telling you about a Brook?"
Lori took the picture and nodded as she took in the young woman. "Your girlfriend in high school."
He nodded, "There's something I haven't told you. Something I'm very embarrassed about. It was like, the biggest -"
Lori took his hand and squeezed it, hearing the intense emotion in his voice, "What is it, Brett?"
"We were married, right after high school. It didn't even last two years."
"You were married?" She asked shocked, "And you never told me?"
"I don't like to talk about it. Like I said it didn't even last two years and we were divorced."
"Why? Why did it end?" she asked.
"A lot of reasons, the biggest probably being my drinking."
Lori nodded, then leaned in and hugged his neck. "That's all behind you, Brett."
He leaned into her shoulder and tightened his hold on her. "There's more, Darling." He pulled back and then handed her the second picture. He watched as Lori's face paled. "You're holding a baby,"
He nodded, "Her name is Paige."
She looked up to him, "You have a daughter you've never told me about?"
He closed his eyes tight and shook his head hard, unsuccessfully fighting to suppress building tears. "I was 18, newly married. She got pregnant right away. It was hard enough trying to live on her minimum wage job and my occasional gigs as I moved from band to band. When the baby came it got harder, and the harder it got, the more I drank. Eventually one night when I came smashed she told me she wouldn't raise her baby with a drunk, and left. I had visitation rights in the beginning, and I tried to spend time with her, but weekends were about the only time I could ever get work with music. One night I did have her, she was just about a year old, and when Brook came to pick her up she could tell I had been drinking."
There was so much Lori wanted to say, but instead she pulled him into her arms, and cried with him.
"She took me to court and had my visitation taken away. I hadn't seen her at all until Christmas. After the whole abortion, I started thinking about how I had Paige and I didn't even try and be a dad, and maybe this was God's way of punishing me for not being a dad to the kid I had."
"Oh, Brett. No!"
"It's how I felt!" He cried harder, his emotions nearly choking him. After a moment, he continued through his tears. "So anyway, I got back in touch with Brook. We talked for about three hours, and then she made arrangements for me to meet up with them at the ice rink, you know the one I took you too." When Lori nodded, he continued. "It was awful. I - I - I apologized to her, you know, and told her I would like to be a father, and she told me flat out she didn't need me, she had a Daddy who loved her." After a brief pause, he spoke again. "Brook is married again and I guess this guy is wonderful to Paige, treats her like she's his own."
"But she's yours, Brett. If you want to see her, you have a right."
"I know. But she doesn't want to see me. I'm not going to force it. I ran out, I don't deserve anything."
"No," Lori answered. "You were sick. You sought treatment. You are better now. She's just a little kid and she's hurting. You can't let a little girl make a grown up decision." She paused. "You should have seen Blackie when Joe came to our door for the first time. He punched him out, knocked him flat on his ass - now look at them."
"I don't know, Lori. I don't know what to do. I want a chance with my little girl, but I don't want to hurt her anymore."
Lori slid her hands up his cheeks, caressing his face. Her tear-filled eyes met his, "You couldn't hurt your baby, Brett. I know that and she just needs to get to know sweet wonderful you." She let a smile cross her lips, "And I'm going to stand by you and help you."
He closed his eyes, and pulled out of her grip, "One thing at a time, okay. I have to get her to accept me again before I even think about bringing anyone else into her life."
Lori nodded and took his hand. "I meant for you, to get you through the ups and downs, but if we keep getting better, Brett, I would like to meet your daughter someday." She looked back down at the picture. "You were 19? So that makes her. . . .9?"
He nodded, "Nine, short dark curly hair just like her mom, kinda short like me, and pretty hazel eyes."
"You have a more recent picture?" Lori asked.
He shook his head.
"Will Brook let you see her again?"
He nodded, "She thinks it's a good idea, but she won't push Paige either. I don't want Paige pushed. I want her to want to see me. She just needs time, you know."
As the musician turned from her, Lori draped her arms over the man's shoulder and nuzzled his cheek. "I'm sorry, Brett. You've been hurt so many times by women, and even though I said I never would, I think I hurt you worse of all."
As much as she was right, as much as she had hurt him, Brett couldn't help but melt back into Lori's arms.
Tightening her embrace, she kissed his cheek. "I love you, Sexy. We're going to get through all of this, and you're going to get know your baby girl."
"She's nine years old, Lori, not really a baby."
Lori guided him in her arms, so he could rest his head on her shoulder. She rocked them slightly as he held her tight. "You'll really stand by me while I sort all this out." He meekly asked.
"I will. Betraying your love and trust was the biggest mistake of my life, and I will do whatever it takes to win your trust and your love back."
"God, I love you," He whispered back.

Hearing the garage door open and close, and Noah and Blackie coming into the house, Brett pulled back, wiping a tear from his cheek then one from Lori's just before the two came into the studio.

"Hey, Brett!" Blackie greeted, crossing and offering the man his hand. "I didn't know you were coming."
Brett pulled himself to his feet and hugged his friend, "Good to see you, Bro." He then turned to Noah, nudging his shoulder, "How you been?"
"Good, Good," The doctor answered. "Are you staying for dinner?" He asked.
"Actually I," He turned to Lori. "You want to go out, grab some Kelly's and maybe a movie."
The girl smiled wide but turned to Noah and Blackie. "Is it okay?"
Noah nodded, "Homework?"
"I'll finish it. I promise."
Noah turned to Blackie and when his companion nodded, he spoke. "Okay, it's fine."
"Thank you!" She squealed, and then hugged Brett's neck. "Give me ten minutes to change."
Blackie laughed as Lori ran up the steps taking them two at a time.
"She's doing pretty good. Isn't she?" Brett commented more then asked.
Noah nodded as he dropped to the couch and motioned for the other two to sit with him. "Better then even I hoped."
"How long are you in town?" Blackie asked.
"All week - Through your showcase next weekend. Everyone's coming in. You know?"
"Everyone?" Blackie asked shocked.
"Yeah, you know, Tim, Mike, I think Dana said even Jack was going to."
"Wow, that's great. Thanks."
"Wouldn't miss it." Brett answered, and then turned over his shoulder as Lori came back into the room. She had changed from the t-shirt she had worn to school to a nice short-sleeved sweater.
"I'm ready when you are," She said.
Brett pulled himself back up, "I'm ready. We'll talk to you later."

After the front door closed, Noah slid his arm around Blackie's shoulder and pulled his head to his shoulder before dropping his lips to the other man's forehead. "What do you have going on tonight?"
Blackie closed his eyes as he snuggled his lover. "I have to work on my music composition final. How about you?"
"Nothing," he sighed happily. "I got all my paperwork done at the center."
"Brat!" Blackie playfully pouted as he relaxed completely in the man's arms.
"I got an idea," Noah mused out loud. "How about we go take an hour nap? By then Anna and the kids will be home and I will fix dinner while you work on your final."
"Sounds good," He answered as he stood, then offered his hand to his lover, helping him to his feet. Stretching and yawning as they walked back to the bedroom, he asked. "Did I go to far, Doc? You know, threatening to sue back?" The young man stepped out of his jeans and tossed his t-shirt to the floor before lying on the bed.
Noah shed his clothes, then crawled in next to Blackie wrapping his arms around the other man. "No, no you didn't."
"I really don't want to do it." Blackie mumbled sleepily against the doctor's flesh.
"I know, baby. It's going to be okay though. Drew thinks they might back down."
"I hope so," He whispered as he drifted to sleep.
Stroking his hair, Noah spoke softly to the light snores. "I hope so too."

In the kitchen, Cynthia poured a small amount of cooled weak tea into the small sipper cup and made the way back down the hall to the bedroom, trying to shelter her ever-growing concern. She walked into the bedroom, to find Joe rocking their pale, whining daughter. She laid her head against the girl's forehead as she handed the cup to Joe.
"She still has a fever," The man reported as he offered the glass to the child only to have it knocked away.
"Awe, baby girl, take a sip for Mommy." Cyn asked as Joe offered the cup again.
"No, No, No," She whined tugging at her ear and sniffling.
Joe checked his watch; "It's been thirty minutes since she had the Tylenol. Her fever isn't going down."
"And two days she's been on the antibiotics. I'm calling Noah."
Joe nodded, as he stood and followed his wife back to the living room. Trying to comfort the girl as Cyn dialed he phone. "Noah, It's Cyn." She said when the doctor answered the phone.
"Hey, beautiful, what can I do for you?" He said cheerfully as he washed the dishes and enjoyed listening to Blackie work at the Piano.
"It's Caroline, Honey. Grant put her on antibiotics the day before yesterday for that ear infection."
"I remember,"
"She still has a fever, she's still crying and pulling on her ear too."
"She does?" He asked growing more and more concerned. "How high?"
"101, and we gave her Tylenol a half hour ago and it hasn't done anything. I'm worried."
"You try giving her fluids."
"She's refusing them. Has been all evening."
The doctor picked up the dishtowel wiping his hands. "Meet me over at the medical center, Doll."
"You leaving now?" Cyn asked.
"I sure am." He answered. "We'll see you in a few minutes." He hung up the phone and went into the studio. "Grab you shoes, baby." He directed, then looked at the man, "And a shirt too."
"What is it?" he asked, hearing the concern in his lover's voice.
He paused and sat down on the bench next to Blackie, "It's Caroline, Baby. I'm probably going to have to admit her over at the medical center."
"What!" he panicked. "What's wrong, Noah?"
He slid his hands up his lover's arms. "Shhhh, it's okay. She's just not shaking this ear infection. I told Cyn and Joe to meet me over there."
Blackie jumped up and grabbed his t-shirt from the arm of the couch and started for the entry where his shoes were. "Come on, Noah. You can tell me the rest in the car."
Noah nodded and called up the steps. "Lori! Tell Anna that Blackie and I have to run to the Medical Center."
The girl appeared at the top of the steps, "What's wrong?"
"Caroline's sick. We might be all night."
She nodded. "I'll bring my homework down and Brett and I will listen for Brodie till you get back."
"Thanks," He answered with a smile. "If it gets late, you can crash in our bed or the extra room," he said as they left the house.

Blackie leaned back against the corner of the room, biting his fingernails and tapping his foot as he watched Noah listening to his sister's lungs as the baby struggled against her parents and his lover.
"Shhhh, Caroline. It's okay, baby doll." Noah tried to calm to no avail.
Able to take no more, he crossed to them pushing himself between Noah and Joe and reaching for the baby, "Stop, you guys are scaring her." He said, and then picked the girl up as she eagerly held her arms to him. He then walked the room, patting the child's back. "Hey, Sissy. You have to let Noah examine you so he can help you feel better.
The girl clung to him, her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder, as her body went limp against him, Blackie called to Noah.
"It's okay, baby." He said as he came up to him, and gently laid the stethoscope against her back. "She's just worn herself out." After listening for a moment, he stepped back and took the instrument from his ear. "Her lungs are starting to sound congested and I think she's starting to dehydrate." He turned to his in-laws. "I think I should admit her and start an IV."
"Noah," Joe asked, his voice quivering. "What's wrong? I mean how bad is this?"
He shook his head. "Children with Downs tend to have a little harder time fighting things off."
"We know that," Cynthia interrupted. "But this isn't like usual, Noah."
"Cyn, Joe," he tried to reassure. "I think that what she needs is the added fluids from an IV and a little stronger antibiotic to both kick the fever and the ear infection. I think just over night and by morning she will be 100% better."
"Okay, Noah, of course. Do what you have to to make her feel better." Joe said.
"I'm going to go get an IV bag and a pediatric setup. I'm also going to call Grant and let him know what's going on." He leaned in kissing the infant's forehead and hugging his lover, "She's going to be just fine, Baby. I promise."
Blackie smiled and leaned into his embrace, "You hear that Sissy. Noah is going to make you all better.

Ten minutes later
Noah came back into the exam room with everything he needed. He found that Blackie was sitting on the exam table still holding the child who seemed to be sleeping against his chest. "Grant agreed completely with the IV push. He's going to be down in about an hour to check on her."
"I don't want to leave tonight, Noah. We can stay here with her, right?" Blackie said.
"I planned on it." He turned to Joe and Cyn. "I have them getting one of the larger rooms ready with a crib and Blackie and I will keep you company.
"Thanks, Noah," Cyn sighed as she hugged her husband tight to her. "I don't know what I'd do without you two."
The doctor slid his hand down the baby's leg, looking at her ankle. He carefully rubbed the alcohol swab against her skin, and then closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, baby doll. This is going to prick." He rubbed the ankle a bit trying to get a vein to surface. He shook his head.
"What's wrong, Noah?" Blackie asked.
"Because she's a little dehydrated, it's harder for me to see the veins. I don't want to hurt her, but this is going to sting."
The younger man rubbed his baby sister's back, "Shhhh, Caroline, Noah's good at this. It will only hurt for a minute."
Noah smiled, and then whispered. "Big poke, Caroline." Tears filled his own eyes as the baby's cries filled the room, "I'm sorry, baby doll. Sooo sorry," he whispered giving her hand a quick kiss before hooking the tubing and bag up to the newly inserted needle. As soon as he had completed the task, he reached for the child who extended her hands and went to him. Patting her back, he whispered. "You're going to start feeling better soon, baby doll."

Three hours later
Noah opened his eyes and lifted the arm that covered them to check his watch. He turned his head to see Joe rocking Caroline and Cyn sleeping in the other chair next to them. He rolled in the hospital bed and covered Blackie with his arm, kissing the man's cheek.
"Hmph," Blackie grumbled but pulled his lover in tighter. "She okay?" He whispered.
"It would seem so," He answered just as softly. "I'm going to get up and examine her."
"She's doing great, Noah," Joe answered. "Her fever's down and she's sleeping."
"Wonderful," he answered as he got up. "But I want to listen to her chest." He put the stethoscope in his ears as he walked to the rocking chair.
Blackie rolled in the bed and watched his lover carefully listen to her chest. "How is she, Doc?"
"The medicine is helping. She's going to be fine." He turned to Joe. "I want to keep her on the IV for twenty four hours."
"Whatever you say, Noah." He answered.
He turned to Blackie and yawned. "Baby, what do you say we go home and let your dad and Mom have the bed to sleep in."
Blackie sat up, "She's going to be okay?"
He nodded. "The fluids as well as the Tylenol are bringing the fever down, and the stronger IV antibiotic well get her over the infection." He turned back to Joe. After twenty four hours if she's drinking okay, she can go home."
"We can stay with her, right Noah?" Cynthia asked from the chair.
"Of course, Doll. And I will be back in at 7 am, Grant too. Dr. Owen is on duty until then if you need anything, but I don't think you will. Why don't you lay her down, and lay down yourself? Get a little bit of sleep."
"We will," Joe answered as he moved to wrap an arm over his son's shoulder.
Blackie hugged him tight. "Call me if you need anything, Dad, and I'll come back up with Noah before my class."
"Caroline will appreciate that," Cynthia answered, and then returned the big hug her stepson gave her.
"Love you too, mom."
"We love you," She whispered back in his ear, giving him an extra squeeze.
"Night sissy," Blackie whispered then turned and left the room with Noah.

The two men quietly walked into the house, hoping not to wake anyone. From the studio they heard Lori laughing and Brett moaning as he counted, "Eight, nine, ten, damn it!!"
They rounded the corner to see them sitting on the floor, with a game of monopoly spread out on the coffee table.
"Hahahaha, that's my Boardwalk with a hotel!" The blond girl laughed.
Brett leafed through his money then tossed it all at her, "You win, you big brat!"
"It's three in the morning," Noah remarked as they drug their tired bodies across the room.
"We just finished." Lori answered, and then looked up to Noah. "Is Caroline okay?"
"She will be," Noah answered. "We're going to get some sleep."
"Brett, you going to stay?" Blackie asked pointing to the extra room.
"No, bro, thanks," he answered as he pushed himself to his feet. "I'm going to say good night then head back to the hotel.
Noah shrugged but added, "You're more then welcome to stay, Brett." He then turned to Lori, "But I want to hear you going up the stairs in ten minutes, Doll." He then kissed her cheek and hugged before they retreated to the bedroom.

Brett looped his arm around Lori's shoulder and they walked toward the foyer. "I had so much fun tonight, Darling."
"Me too, sexy." She answered as she pushed up on her toes and offered her one time lover a kiss.
The older man hesitated briefly, and then dropped his lips to Lori's, kissing her softly.
Lori sighed and started to deepen the kiss, then startled as Brett pulled back.
"No," he whispered.
"Stay?" She asked.
"No," he answered again.
"I can't."
"You can. You just won't."
He slid his hand around her neck and looked into her eyes. "No! Don't do this Lori. Things are so much better. Don't try to manipulate me."
She met his stare, "I have been totally and completely celibate since October, Brett. I miss you."
He pulled her in and hugged her tight. "I miss you too, Darling. I do." He pulled back and looked in her eyes. "I think I'd like to move this up a step, if you would like to."
"What do you mean?"
"Consider us a couple again," he tried to explain.
Lori smiled and nodded.
"I'm not staying, and I'm still not ready to be physical again, Darling, but I do promise you this. I won't be with anyone else either."
Lori threw her arms around the man hugging him tight. "I love you, Brett!"

In the bedroom
Blackie rolled to the other man and put his arm around his waist, snuggling his body up to him.
Noah rolled into the other man's shoulder, inhaling deeply as he tightened his embrace.
It was only then he felt Blackie's hot tears hitting his flesh and slid his lips against his cheek to whisper in his ear. "What's the matter, baby?"
"Stress I guess." He sighed. "The stupid trial, the showcase, my exams, and now Caroline."
Noah caressed his lover's back and hair, "The trial will work out, because it is what's right. Everyone knows Laura was only defending herself it can't end any other way." He then left a soft kiss on the man's neck. "You know your songs, the showcase is going to be fun. Think about it, baby, Danny, Jo-Dee, and you just playing your heart out. You love to perform and it's going to be terrific." He followed this encouragement with yet another kiss. "Your exams will be good too. You've studied very hard and you know the material."
Blackie smiled slightly as he moved to catch Noah's mouth with his own, deepening the kiss and stroking his hair. As the kiss broke he whispered. "Caroline?"
"Will get over this. It just takes her a little longer and sometimes she needs stronger medicine then say Brodie might need for the same type of infection."
"Because of the Downs?" Blackie asked.
"Yes," The doctor confirmed.
"Thank you for going in tonight and taking care of her yourself. I appreciate it so much and I know Dad and Mom do too."
"Of course I took care of her myself. She's my baby sister too, right?"
Instead of answering Blackie deeply kissed the man again, grinding his hips slowly to the surgeons.
Noah's body responded and he emitted a soft sigh. He was bone tired but his body couldn't help but react to his lover's affection. "You feel so good," He mumbled as slid his leg over the man's hip and his hand's down over the flesh of his ass, pulling him tighter.
As the surgeon's legs tightened around his waist, the man arched his back his arms still around his lover's neck.
The pressure and stimulation brought groans from the doctor as he gasped and let his lips slide down Blackie's now exposed chest. His tongue danced around his nipples. Noah rolled to his back, bringing the other man over him. He firmly gripped his hips and pulled him down on his aching tool.
Blackie gasped with pleasure, reaching down and tangling his fingers in Noah's chest hair, using the man's body for balance as he found a rhythm.
The doctor arched twisted his body on the bed crying his lover's name in passion as his hands stroked Blackie's organ bringing him to the edge, so they could tumble over together. "Come here," Noah whispered.
The younger man smiled through his intense passion and leaned in.
Noah reached up, letting his hand graze his lover's cheek as he continued to meet every slow grind. Grabbing Blackie's hair he pulled him closer and pushed his lips to his as they both slid over the precipice.

