Chapter 16
Broken Hearts and Broken Pieces

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC17 (Language)
Type: Slash
Pairings: Noah/Blackie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: We have been writing this ongoing soap opera for four years now, in recent months it has become hard to keep it up because of events in my life, and events in Shay's life. She may actually be returning to the internet in the next month or so, and we are hoping to return to some kind of semblance. Look for the next chapter around Christmas time, and some new stories in the New Year.

Blackie stirred and moaned as the phone rang. He let his eyes slit just enough to see it was 7am. "It's the medical Center, Doc." He mumbled as he reached out for his lover. Finding the bed empty, he crunched his eyebrows and picked up the phone, "hello," He grumbled, expecting a nurse with an update on Jay.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Sticks, you were still asleep." Came Danny's cracked and regretful voice.
Blackie pushed himself up, "No, it's okay, Danny."
"No, man, I'm sorry."
Blackie spoke sternly, "I told you to call whenever and I meant it, Bro. What's going on?"
"We have an appointment at Sullivan's funeral home at 10 am. Can you still go with me?"
"Of course. I said I would and I will. That's over on Cherry Street. Isn't it?"
"Yeah, that's it. I already called the Medical Center. That new guy was great. He's having her taken there for me." His voice gave way to tears as he ended the sentence.
Blackie felt a pang in his heart for his friend. "Do you want me to come over now?"
Noah came back in the room, frowning and pointing to the man's knee before setting another ice pack on it. He then rounded the bed and climbed in.
"No, it's okay, Blackie. I'm with her parents now and we're working out things. Just meet me at the funeral home okay?"
"10:00 AM, I'll be there." He said before hanging up the phone. He then turned to his lover as he slid back in the bed. "I'm going, Doc. Danny needs me right now."
"I know you have to go," he said as he kissed his lips lightly, but not right now. You lay here with it up for two more hours."
He nodded as he snuggled into the man's body.
"You want the other shot?"
"It won't wear off in time will it?"
"Do you need it?" Noah asked.
"It's really not that bad right now."
"How about a couple Motrin then for the swelling?"
Blackie nodded.
Noah glided away from him, "Let me get that for you."
"Thanks doc," He mumbled closing his eyes, and then asked. "When are you leaving for the clinic?"
"I'm waiting for my next report, but I'm hoping to get another hour sleep before I head over."
Blackie swallowed the offered pills and then tapped the bed beside him. Noah climbed in just as the phone rang again. Blackie lifted it from the hook, and then handed it to the doctor.
"Noah Drake," he spoke. After a pause, he continued. "Okay, good enough, proceed as before and call me if there is any change or in an hour." He then handed back the phone.
"How is he?" Blackie asked.
"Stable, doing very well, except for the fact he's still unconscious."
"How bad is that?"
"Not really unexpected," He responded shaking his head. "All the force of the car hitting the wall came in on him. He could be unconscious for days," His voice trailed.
"Or longer?" Blackie asked, concerned.
Noah nodded, "yeah." He then pulled his lover in. "I know it's hard, but we need to try and get a little sleep, the next few days are going to be bad, and we need to try and sleep when we can."
Blackie nodded and laid his head against Noah's chest closing his eyes and tightening his embrace.

Bucky rounded the corner into the room, and stopped abruptly. As he watched Noah looking from the chart to the monitors he knew that his best friend and colleague was very worried. "How is he, Doctor?"
Noah turned sharply and tried to smile to his friend. "Stable, breathing on his own, good vitals . . ." his voice trailed.
"But he hasn't woke up?"
Noah shook his head. "But it's only been ten hours."
"The trauma was pretty bad." Bucky answered as he stepped up.
"Nick thought we should do some neurological tests, but I think we give him a few more hours before we get too worried. I mean, he's breathing on his own and everything."
"You know as well as I he could still have brain damage."
Noah nodded then looked his friend in the eye. "How you doing?"
"Horrible." He answered. "Sky wants to come in and sit with Jay. Is that Okay?"
"More then Okay. I was going to suggest she and Lori do that and talk to him."
Bucky nodded, "Dana's going to come by to see her before he leaves town. Do you mind if I just go crash at your place. I don't want to see him."
"Go right ahead." Noah answered and walked out of the room with him. "Blackie's left to help Danny with funeral arrangements so go ahead and get some sleep in our room."
"Thanks, Noah."
"You need to talk, you give me a call and I'll come right home."
The doctor leaned in and hugged Noah. "You're the best friend in the world, you know that. I don't know what I'd do if I was still 3,000 miles away right now."
"Damn good thing you're not. And if that ass-hole knows what's good for him, he'll stay the fuck away from me today."
"Shhhh," Bucky countered. "Not around Sky, okay?"
He nodded, "I'm sorry. Of course." Noah hugged his friend again. "Go get some sleep."

Funeral Home
Blackie pushed his chair a little tighter to Danny's and put his arm around his shoulder as his friend flipped through the catalogue in front of him. "That's very nice," he whispered as the man made a final choice.

Danny pushed his fingers through his shaggy brown hair and looked to his in-laws. "What do you think, Mom? Is everything okay?"
The woman pushed the tears from her cheeks and leaned into her husband's shoulder as she also took Danny's hand. "Just beautiful."
He handed the book back to the director. "The only other thing is the song. I want to do the song."
Blackie rubbed his friends shoulders, "Are you sure, buddy?"
He gripped the arms of the chair, "I have to."
"Okay," he comforted.
"You'll help me get it ready."
"Of course," Blackie answered.
The director spoke softly, "Have your family here by 4 this evening. We'll do family visitation from then until 5:30, and then open up."
Danny nodded, "You can come at 4. Right Blackie?"
"Yes," he answered quickly. "If Noah can't be here right at four, he'll be here as close to it as he can."
Danny nodded, "He's such a good doctor. He'll stay right there with Jay till he knows he's okay. Won't he?"
Blackie nodded with a bit of a proud smile. "He's very caring."
"He is, you're both such good friends." He then turned to his mother in law. "Will you go to the house with me? I don't think I can do it alone."
She nodded, "Your friend sent over the dress for-"
"Yeah, Red took care of that. I need to get some things for myself."
Blackie asked. "You want me to come. Are you going to stay with us for awhile?"
"Mom will go with me, Blackie. I know you have things to do for Lori and stuff. Can you just be here at 4?"
"Certainly. And you call me if you need anything at all."
"I will, oh and one more thing,"
"What that?"
"The business shit-"
"Don't worry about a thing, Danny."
"Thanks, Blackie."

Having already talked to Sky and Lori about visiting Jay, and leaving Sky at his bedside, Noah walked down the hall and entered Rosa's room just as the girl stood, fully dressed.
"Not so fast, doll?" Noah spoke light heartedly. "Has a doctor released you yet?"
Grant smiled. "I signed the papers myself."
"Your ribs?" Noah asked the girl, pointing to the spot on his own chest.
"Hurt," The dark haired girl answered, "But I go home now."
Noah flipped through the chart. "Yes, Rosa. You go home. I want you to get a lot of rest for 2 days. Okay." He spoke slowly and held up two fingers. Turning to Jimmy Lee and Grant, he explained. "Bed rest and some sitting up."
"How Jay?" The girl interrupted. "I see Jay, please?"
"He's still unconscious," Noah explained and stammered, not sure the girl understood.
Jimmy Lee, spoke a few words in Spanish, and Rosa's eyes flickered between the two. "I see him? He wake up soon?"
"You can visit him. Sky and Lori are going to take turns sitting with him and talking to him. I hope it may help him wake up."
"Me too." Rosa insisted.
"You need to rest, Rosa." Grant answered.
Noah nodded, "I tell you what, doll. You go home and rest. Sky and Lori are here this morning. If you want to come visit this afternoon, and it's okay with Grant and Jimmy Lee, It's okay with me."
She turned to Grant, "Okay, padre?"
Grant smiled. "That's fine."
She turned to JL. "Okay padre?"
He nodded, "You rest for awhile and then you can come back and see Jay."

Dana/Bucky's apartment
Devin sat on the couch, tapping his foot and pouting to himself as he heard boxes shuffling in the bedroom. He checked his watch and then called out. "Dana!"
The older blond came from the bedroom, and shook his head. "Devin, why don't you go to your apartment or something? I have a lot to do."
"You don't really think he'll get rid of anything you don't take."
"I most certainly do." He said emphatically. "I need to call the shipping company and then I want to go see Sky, and no you can't come."
"I see how it is." The younger man snapped as he jumped up. "Maybe I should just go on home. Maybe you don't want me with you this summer either."
Even though Dana's first thought was that he wished he could undo everything he had done with this man since Christmas, he grabbed his arm. "She's only a little girl. She needs some time to adjust to the fact that Bucky and I are not together." He continued in his mind, 'Hell, I need some time too.'
"When do we leave?"
"The buses are here in town. We're loading at the Port Charles Hotel at 10 pm."
"I suppose I should go make arrangements for the things I'm taking with us."
"That's a good idea." He answered pushing the hair that was hanging in Devin's eyes off his face.
"Can we maybe have dinner or something before we get on the bus?"
"Let meet in the Lobby at 8. We can eat in the restaurant, just you and me."
"Thanks, Dana," He smiled, leaning in and hugging the man tightly.

After showing the man out, Dana picked up his keys off the coffee table and turned and left the apartment, determined to make Bucky listen to him.

In the parking lot, the manager noticed his former client's car pulling in. He approached the car, as Blackie closed the door and began to walk to the building leaning heavily on a cane.
"Blackie! Are you okay?"
The young man held a hand out. "No, I'm not, Dana. A dear friend and my partner's wife died last night, Lori and all her friends were hurt, and you hurt two other friends and your little -"
"I meant your leg?" He asked.
"I messed it up last night," He answered automatically. "If you'll excuse me, my dad is waiting for me."
Dana grabbed his arm. "Where's Bucky?"
"Leave him alone, Dana."
"I can't!" He pleaded. "I love him. He's at your place. Isn't he?"
"He doesn't want to see you."
"I knew it." He smiled and turned toward his own car.
"Damn it, Dana! Haven't you caused him enough pain?" He screamed after him but the only response was the man's car door slamming.

Turning back to the building he made his way to his father's second floor apartment and knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened and Cynthia smiled as she let him in. Blackie laid a hand against her weary cheek. "What's wrong, Mom?"
She smiled and hugged the man's neck. "I'm fine, honey. Come sit down and rest that knee. You're father just ran to the store, he'll be back in a few minutes."
"Only if you sit with me." He insisted and held her hand as he moved to the couch. "Sissy sleeping?"
She nodded, "For the time being."
The man smiled wider, "She wearing you ragged?"
"Hitting those terrible two a bit early, I'm afraid." She sighed. "I'm really feeling my age, my dear."
"You should let Noah and I keep her more often."
She laughed as she touched his nose, "And when do you have time?"
"I'll make time." He frowned. "I'm serious, Mom. Promise me you'll let us take her now and again so you and Dad can get out."
She smiled. "I will, Blackie. Thank you." After a brief pause, she continued. "How is Danny this morning?"
Blackie sighed heavily. "Better then I would be. He's a wreck of course, but he's holding it together enough to make arrangements and plans. Tonight will be hard though."
"Your Dad and I will be there to help him and you."
"How about the other kids?"
"Everyone is fine with the exception of Jay. Noah is really worried about him."
"He's not come to?"
Blackie shook his head. "I'm going to go check on him when I leave here."
Just then the door opened and Joe came through with two bags of groceries in his arms. Cynthia jumped up and went to him. He laughed as he handed over the bags. "Thank you, Dear."
"Thank you for going for me." She answered and kissed his mouth lightly. "Now go visit your son. I'm going to put these away then lay down for a few minutes while your daughter is sleeping."
"Okay," He answered then turned to the couch. "Blackie! How's are you doing this morning?" He asked as he sat in the chair opposite him.
He rubbed his knee. "I just overdid. Noah wants me to use the cane for a couple days to keep the weight off it."
"You listen to him."
"I will," he smiled.
"What is it you needed to see me about?"
"It's not for me, Dad. It's for Danny."
The man frowned slightly in sympathy for his son's life long friend. "I'll do anything I can for him."
"He wanted me to ask you if you would be a poll bearer."
"Me?" Joe asked, surprised.
"He's asked me and Noah, Scott, Luke, his father, and then he wanted you."
He sighed, "You tell him it would be an honor."
"Thanks, Dad." After a brief pause, he dug deep and asked. "I asked Danny why. I mean, I didn't know that you even really ever talked and he told me that you two kind of leaned on each other -" The younger man's voice trailed.
Joe continued for his son, "When you had the accident last year."
Blackie nodded.
"Everyone was so worried about you, son. Noah was with you constantly, and I don't know, Danny and I just kind of kept each other up and strong while we waited for you to get out of the woods."
"I'm glad. I've been thinking a lot about that you know. That and when Noah had his first heart thing. You weren't here then, but it was bad." He swallowed hard to suppress building tears. "I sat next to his hospital bed for days holding his hand and he looked so weak. He was so weak. For days I begged whatever god would listen to not take him from me." He shook his head, "Danny never had that chance Dad. One minute we were all laughing and talking about Claudia being pregnant and the next minute she was just gone."
Joe moved from the chair to his son's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you then."
Blackie leaned into his father, and then hugged his neck. "It's okay, Dad. I know you would have had you known. It's just . . .I just. . . this whole thing just makes you think about all the people you love and how they can just be gone like that."
"Yeah, it does." He answered as he patted his back. "I love you son."
"I love you too, Dad."

Noah walked back into the unit and smiled at the young girl sitting by Jay's bedside. He lightly touched her hair, but she continued to talk to the unconscious boy, rattling on about how he had to get better because school was starting and the like. The doctor picked up the chart and then looked at the monitors.
"Is he going to wake up, Noah?" Sky asked softly.
The man swallowed, the question was so hard to answer. "Everything looks as though he should wake up soon."
"But you don't really know."
He shook his head and pulled up a chair next to Sky's. He reached out and took Jay's hand in his and patted the top of it lightly as he talked to the girl. "I've seen people with less serious head injuries be unconscious longer, and I've seen people with worse wake up sooner. When Jay's body is ready, he will wake up."
The blond girl leaned over, resting her head on Jay's stomach. "You're my best friend in the whole world Jay. Please wake up." She pushed the tears off her cheeks. "God! I hate Alfie! Why did he do this! Why did the last thing he said to Jay have to be how much he hated him for messing up his life! And then why is Jay the one hurt so bad when he didn't even get a scratch on him." She continued to rant, then broke down in tears.
Noah wrapped his arms around his best friend's daughter and pulled her to him. "Shhhhh, Sky. I know. It's not fair. Life isn't always fair, Doll."
"And he killed that nice lady that worked here with you and Bucky," She continued to weep. "I hate him."
"Don't say that," Noah comforted. "Alfie is really messed up, Sky."
She pushed out of his arms. "NO! He messed everything up! He hurt everybody!"
He took the girl by the arm and led her out of the room. In the hall he rubbed her arms to comfort her. "I know your angry, Sky. I'm angry too. I love all you kids and Claudia was a very dear friend to me. But right now yelling and being angry around Jay isn't good for him."
"Do you really think he can hear me, Noah?"
He nodded. "I do. Have you ever heard about when Blackie was in a coma? I don't mean the motorcycle accident, I mean several years ago."
She shook her head.
Noah guided her to a bench and sat down with her. "It was quite awhile ago. He was out for three days."
"Was he hurt as bad as Jay? What happened?"
He quieted the girl and continued. "I'd say about the same, and it doesn't really matter how right now. The point is I stayed with him, and I touched him and I talked to him and everyone told me I was crazy. That I was a doctor and I should know better, that he couldn't hear me."
"But he could."
"It's not like he remembers or anything, but I know it helped Sky. While Jay is in there fighting to get better he needs us to keep reminding him how much we love and need him."
"Okay, Noah. I'm going to go back in there now."
He hugged the teen and kissed her forehead, "Okay, Doll. Lori is supposed to be back in about an hour and your dad is supposed to be picking you up. When he comes I want you to go get some rest. You need it too."
"I already told Bucky I don't want to go with Dad."
"And Bucky told me you are to go with him back to you apartment, get some rest, and spend some time with him before he leaves."
She sighed. "I will. But I don't want to."

Lori leaned all the way back on the small couch, tightening her arms around Brett's neck and pushing her lips harder to his. The man's body ached with his desire as he adjusted himself atop of her. He pulled his lips from hers and breathed, "I'm not hurting you. Am I?"
Lori responded by pulling his mouth back to hers and letting her tongue slide past his lips. As he hands came back around his shoulder and began to slide down his chest opening his shirt, he pulled back. "No. No, Lori."
"Please don't." She whimpered.
"This isn't right. Not when I'm leaving tonight."
She covered her face with her arm and Brett looked down at the cuts and bruises there. Lori wept, "I hate this. I hate myself, let me up."
Brett moved so she could sit up, but took her arm gently. "Don't say that. Please."
"You hate me. You can't even touch me."
He slid his hand against her cheek and turned her to him. His own tears were gliding down his cheek, "I was just touching you."
"Make love to me," She whispered her heartfelt plea.
"I can't like this. On this couch, when we're expected back at the medical center in less then an hour. When we do it we're going to do it right, Darling. We've waited too long to just give into animal lust."
"But you leave at 10:00, Brett."
He nodded.
"And I can't go."
"I know."
"And Noah isn't going to let me visit you on the road. I don't want to be on that bus anyway, but -"
"I don't want you on the bus either. It's not right."
"Are you committed to me now, Sexy?" She tearfully asked.
He nodded, "I promise you, Lori. I'm going to stay faithful to you and to us."
She leaned in and kissed him softly. "I promise you too. And I promise this time you can trust me, Brett. You're the only one I ever want to be with."
"I love you, Lori." He returned and lightly kissed her lips.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Lori pulled herself from the couch, and straightened her clothes as she walked to the door. Opening it, she found Dana, and then stood to block it. "What do you want?" She asked coldly.
"I know Bucky is here, and I want to see him."
She shook her head, "He just went to bed and he was really tired. I'm not waking him."
"Move out of the way little girl," he said as he pushed her aside and started into the studio. Brett jumped up and grabbed the man. "Where do you get off laying a hand on her?"
"Don't even start with me, Brett. Why do all of you insist on keeping us apart? If you cared at all about Bucky-"
"I do care about Bucky!" Lori interrupted him. "That's why I'm not going to let you hurt him anymore."
The doctor appeared from the hall in just a pair of blue boxers, pushing the hair from his sleepy face. "It's okay, Lori. If the son of a bitch wants me to tell him once again what a fucking ass hole he is I will."
She crossed the room, and hugged the man, "You sure?"
He patted her back, "Yeah, uhm why don't you go upstairs and close the big door so I don't teach Robin and Brodie any bad words."
She smiled and turned taking Brett's hand. She gave Dana one more look to kill as they left the room.

Once Bucky heard the door at the top of the stairs slam, he crossed the room and closed the seldom-used doors to the studio. "I'm not doing this, Dana." He said firmly. "We are through."
"What? You want me to beg?" The other man asked, and then dropped to his knees in front of the cardiologist. "You are my life, Bucky. I love you and Sky so much. Please!"
"STOP IT!" the man screamed. "This is fucking Bull-shit and you need to stop it now."
"It's not, Buck, I swear it isn't."
"And when your sorry ass leaves here, you will go right back to his arms. That sorry sack of shit punk ass kid, that's what you've always wanted hu Dana. You always gave me such bull shit about my fun loving attitude when we were first dating, and now you're in love with a punk ass college brat."
"I'm in love with you!" He pleaded.
Bucky took a huge step back, letting Dana fall forward. "Don't. Please. I want to leave this while I still have some good memories of our time together."
"I don't want to leave us at all!" he pleaded.
"Did he sleep in our bed last night?" The surgeon asked bluntly.
Dana pulled himself back up and looked away.
"Answer me, you bastard! Did you let that sorry sack of shit sleep in our bed last night?"
He nodded slightly, closing his eyes tight.
"Did you screw him in our bed?"
"Bucky don't do this." Dana pleaded.
"NO!" He answered sharply, and then continued, "Not last night." Bucky felt his chest tighten as he lowered himself to a chair. He buried his face in his hands and cried, "I was so stupid not to see this. I should have known all the gifts and all the times you would be such an ass and then follow it with huge apologies or flowers or gifts. You asshole!"
"I don't know why I couldn't stop it, Bucky, but I swear if you take me back I will never ever lay eyes let alone anything else on him again."
He shook his head, "You don't understand, Dana. Had you fucked him once and then said you would never ever do it again, I could forgive you, but this is more then the sex. This is almost a year of lies. This is almost a year of hiding. This is almost a year of spreading yourself way too thin with Sky and me so you could fuck him."
"I can't make you change your mind?" He asked again.
Bucky shook his head. "You're supposed to be with Sky. She's waiting for you to pick her up. You've let her down so bad, Dana. Don't fuck with her anymore. You don't want to be my lover, okay, but for God's sake still be her Daddy. She needs that more then anything right now, especially if Jay doesn't pull through."
"Jay might not pull through?" He asked, understanding for the first time the gravity of the accident.
"He's still unconscious. The girls were all very luck. Rosa was hurt the worst of them with two broken ribs."
Dana pushed himself to his feet. "I'm going to show you, Bucky. I won't let you down on this, and someday you are going to forgive me, 'cause I know in my heart we are forever." With that he turned and left the room and the house.

Upstairs, Lori heard the front door slam, and immediately fled down the steps and into the studio. Seeing and hearing Bucky's tears she went to his side, dropped to the couch next to him and wrapped her arms around him.
The cardiologist leaned into the young girl for a moment, then touched her chin and kissed her forehead. "I need sleep."
Lori nodded, "I'm sorry, Bucky."
He laughed. "You didn't do anything, honey."
"I wish you weren't hurting."
"Me too. But don't you worry about me. Okay?"
She pulled him back tight to her arms and whispered in his ear. "You've always been the one I could talk to about stuff, Buck. I'm here now if you need someone to talk to."
He smiled and hugged her tight. "Thanks, Lori, but there really isn't anything that can be done. I really need sleep, okay."
She nodded, "Bret and I are going back down to check on Jay anyway."
He nodded, "That's a good idea. I'll see you later."

Blackie walked into the front door of the medical center and was shocked to find his mother behind the counter shuffling through the books and papers. The waiting room was packed. Limping to the desk, he said. "Hi, Mom. What are you doing here?"
The woman looked up, pushing the hair from her face. She smiled at her son and then answered as she returned to the work. "Noah called me this morning. He needed someone to help out until," She sighed heavily. "He could find a replacement."
Blackie held his hand up, stopping her from saying what was so painful to everyone who knew and now missed Claudia.
Noah came from the hall. "Hi, babe." He directed to his lover. "I wish I could visit with you, but we are so busy." Turning to his mother in law, he continued. "You can put the next two in exam rooms 3 and 4, Mom."
"Okay, Noah." She answered and grabbed two files.
"Don't the nurses usually show patients back?" Blackie asked.
"I have two upstairs. Jay needs round the clock supervision and I have a few other patients upstairs that need care. I have Bobbi actually handling the cases that can be handled by a nurse to help elevate the load from Tim and I."
"Has Jay come out of it?"
He shook his head. "I'm getting hourly reports, unless something changes."
"I'm going to meet Danny, his family and the Johnson's at the funeral home at 4. He wanted me there for family viewing."
The doctor leaned across and kissed his cheek. "Good, you be there for him. We are closing the clinic at 4:00. Tim is going to stay till 6 when Nick comes back in. Grant comes in at 8. I will be there as soon as I can. Hopefully by 6."
"Okay, Doc." He squeezed the man's hand tight. "I love you."
"Love you too," He answered and leaned over for another soft kiss this time on the lips.
"I'll see you later."

Dana stood in the doorway a moment and watched Sky as she gently caressed the boy's hand and spoke to him.
He cleared his throat, and then caught his breath as the girl's angry eyes turned to him. "Come on, honey. Let's get you out of here."
She turned away. "It's important I stay with Jay. Noah said so."
"I understand that, Sky. Lori will be here soon, and there are doctors and nurses here with him. I'm leaving town in a few hours and I want to talk to you about everything that has happened."
"I don't want to talk about it, Dad."
"We need to. Please, come on. We'll go down to Kelly's and get lunch. After awhile I'll take you back to Bucky at Noah's."
She nodded slowly as she stood. Before leaving, she leaned over the bed and kissed Jay's cheek. "I'll be back real soon, Jay."


Fresh from his shower and only in his underwear, Blackie lowered himself to the bed. He stretched his leg out and began fastening the brace around the sore knee. He started to get up when he heard the kids toddling down the hall, and saw them enter the room with Anna right behind them.
"They wanted to say hi." She explained as they both climbed up on the bed.
"I'm so glad they came down," He answered with a smile, and then showered both chatting children with kisses.
"Daddy, we go with you?" Robin asked.
"Oh munchkin, I think it would be a better idea if you come a little later with Mommy okay."
"Daddy!" Brodie whined in unison with his sister hugging at the man's arm.
"Now both of you. You heard Dad." Anna confirmed, and then dropped down on the bed with the others. Tugging on Robin's pigtails, she continued. "I told you both daddies are really busy because of the accident last night. You need to be patient."
"Okay," she pouted, and then looked back to the man. "I sleep in dis bed tonight?"
"Of course," Blackie answered kissing her nose.
Anna patted her back, "Do me a favor, sweetie, go get the clothes I laid out for Brodie on the dresser."
"Okay," She answered and scattered out of the room.
Blackie reached over and nudged the woman's arm. "What's the matter, Anna?"
"It's just oh so sad." She spoke softly, "Poor Danny."
Blackie nodded as he carried his son to the closet on his hip and began pulling out clothes. "It's very sad, and he's a mess. That's why I didn't want the kids there all night."
"Oh, I agree. Karen is picking me up around 6 and we'll be down there for just an hour or so."
"And then the kids will come back here?"
"Randy is with Martin, so we will probably stay here tonight."
"Okay," Blackie answered, and then handed the baby back to his mother. "I need to get dressed, Brodie boy."
"Bucky is sleeping on the couch upstairs. Should I wake him?"
Blackie shook his head. "I'll leave a note for Noah to check on him when he gets back. I'm sure he wants to go tonight, but I'm also sure he's exhausted enough to sleep through it."
Anna watched as the man stepped up buttoned his shirt and then tucked the tails into his pants before zipping them up. "Okay. We'll catch you down there then."


The surgeon lowered his weary body to the couch, undoing his tie, and then slipping out of his dress shoes. He could hear his lover helping their friend get settled in the guest room, but was more upset by that look that was in his eyes over the past couple hours. That look he got when he world was just too much for him to handle.

Pulling himself from the couch he padded to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of wine, before getting the other man a beer. He came back into the studio in time to see Blackie dropping to the couch and staring out the window.

Noah sat down beside him, and then guided his back to his chest, wrapping his arms around his lover and offering him the beer. "Are you okay, Baby?"
The younger man rolled his head back into Noah's shoulder, "Hold me tight, Noah."
"I am."
"Feels nice," he answered as he closed his eyes and rolled into the doctor's chest.
Softly stroking his hair the other man whispered. "I think I'm still in shock. It doesn't seem real you know."
Blackie nodded. "Can you do something for me, Noah?"
"Anything, Baby," he answered softly.
"Next time you pray, do you think you could thank god for letting it not be you who walked out that door."
"Or you," Noah answered softly as a tear slid down his cheek. "I do that every night you know. I give thanks for the blessing, for you and the children."

The phone rang, and Noah instinctively looked at his watch before reaching for it. "It must be the clinic." He spoke into the phone, "Noah Drake."
"It's Lori," came the girl's panicked voice. "Noah, Bucky says to get down here right away, and he's called General for a neurologist, and he's calling Dr. Stewart too."
"Why? What's going on?" He asked, becoming alarmed by his sister's tone.
"Jay's awake - "
"Thank god," He exhaled, then directed to Blackie. "Jay's conscious."
"NOAH!" She interrupted. "But he's weird."
"What do you mean weird?" He asked.
"He remembers Sky and Rosa just fine, and knows they are friends, but he thinks I'm still his girlfriend, and doesn't seem to remember dating Alfie at all."
"He asked what happened and I told him we were all in the car with Alfie driving and he just sorta spaced out. Wanted to know why it was we were in the car with 'that shy kid from soccer'. That's exactly what he said, 'That shy kid from soccer.' Then he wanted to know why I didn't have his class ring on and stuff. Bucky interrupted and wouldn't let me answer. Out here he said that we should find out if it's a physical or emotional thing before we spring it on him."
"Good plan," He answered. "Tell Bucky I'm on the way, and if he hasn't called General yet, have them request Tony Jones. Blackie and I will be there in ten minutes."
"Okay, Noah, hurry." She said as she answered the phone.

Lori hung up the phone and leaned against the wall. "Why now?" She mumbled out loud, wondering to herself why that when all of a sudden she had a handle on her life and he desires with Brett did she have to face her past with Jay again.
"Are you all right," Sky asked.
The blond looked up to see her friend. She nodded. "How is Jay?"
"Other then the total block on Alfie, he seems to be fine. He's hurting, but he's talking to Rosa and his mom and everything.
"I don't want to have to break up with him all over again," the blond said softly. "I hope he remembers."
Sky nodded, she knew how much it had hurt her best friend before. She didn't want him to relive the pain either. "I want to try and catch my dad before he leaves town." She said pointing to the phone.
"Sure, go ahead." Lori answered as she walked toward the room.

The young girl quickly dialed her dad's cell phone, and was relieved when he answered it.

Lori slipped back into the room, and stood at the door watching as Jay's mother fussed over him speaking their native tongue, and Jay complained to Rosa about his mother in the same Spanish. She smiled to herself, remembering a time when she did love the young man in the hospital bed, remembering how simple life had been back then.

"Mi Amour," The teen called out, stretching his hand, then added, "Come here, Lori."
The teen pushed her blond hair over her shoulder and moved to the bed. Sitting on the side, she took Jay's hand, "I've been so worried about you."
Jay scrunched his eyebrows, "I'm so confused."
"What about?"
He shook his head, "I just don't remember. I don't remember anything about what happened."
She softly touched his cheek. "Noah says your hit your head pretty hard against the window of the car. We were all so worried."
"I'm glad you, Rosa, and Sky are okay too. And what about . . . " His voice trailed.
"Alfie?" she asked softly.
He nodded and frowned. "We don't really hang out with him do we?"
"For over a year," she answered.
"Is he okay?"
She nodded not knowing how to explain he was responsible, not only for them but for Claudia's death.

Danny tossed in the bed. He had almost been asleep when Blackie had popped in to tell him Jay had woke up, and now all he could think about was that he was alone in the double bed and how much he missed his wife. He heard a heavy knock on the front door, and decided to get up since he was awake anyway.

He peeked out the window of the heavy oak door, and turned away. "How dare she!" he spit, and then turned back, pulling the door open. "Just go away, Mom."
Mary opened the screen door and tried to step in, "Danny, please, stop treating me like this."
"He killed her, mom. He killed my wife and my baby, your grandbaby, and you care more about him than any of that."
"He's sorry." She pleaded.
"Sorry!?" Danny laughed. "You're kidding me right. This isn't like he stole my baseball cards or something. HE KILLED MY WIFE!!" He screeched as he fell to his knees collapsing in a puddle of tears.
Mary fell to her son's side, trying to pull him in. He flailed his arms, pushing her away. "Stay away from me! Stay off me! I hate you!" He continued to scream. Each one of his outbursts cut the woman's heart.
"No, Danny, No, Don't." She answered him.
Anna and Karen both ran down the steps. Karen pulled Mary away as Anna wrapped her arms around Danny, pulling the man to her shoulder; she comforted him as he sobbed against her.
"Mrs. Higgins, he's just not ready." Karen whispered to her.
"I need to make my son understand."
"No, you need to give him some time. Right now you being here hurts him."
"I'm his mother." She defended.
"But he needs and misses his wife."
The woman extended her hand to her son, "Danny, I love you."
"GO AWAY!" He sobbed, and then cried as he clung to the other woman. "I miss her so much, Anna. I miss her so much. I just want to die myself."
"Let it out, Danny, I know." Anna comforted and sympathized.

Noah walked down the hall of the quiet first floor of the medical center. Stepping into the office, he retrieved his white coat and stethoscope, and the two headed back down the hall to the elevator. As Noah slipped into the gear, Blackie asked. "What do you think, Doc? Is he just blocking it all?"
Noah shrugged, "It's hard to say without examining him. But such a specific loss of memory makes me think he's blocking it. From what the girls have told me, Alfie was pretty brutal to him in the car."
Blackie nodded, "But to think he and Lori are still together?"
The doctor contemplated, "I always said before I thought they were in love, really in love. Maybe Jay is clinging to that. I don't know."

The elevator doors opened and they made their way down the hall, stopping with the congregating group of doctors outside the room. Noah extended his hand to Dr. Jones but looked to Bucky for an update.
"Tony just examined him. Mel just went in. His mom, dad and the girls are down the hall waiting. He wouldn't let Lori leave his side."
"I let Dr. Stewart come to his conclusions, Noah." Tony continued. "But in my opinion he is so clear on everything and everyone else, this has to be a psychological or emotional block."
"That was what I was thinking," The dark haired man agreed. "Otherwise?"
Bucky answered. "He's in a lot of pain, obviously. He was banged up pretty bad, but other then that he's good, making jokes and talking to everyone."

Noah took his lover's arm, "Come on, Babe, let's go in and see him."
Blackie nodded and together they walked in the door. When Jay saw them, he smiled wide. "Hey you two," he greeted.
Blackie returned the teens smile, but his eyes fell to his hand interlocked in Lori's. He then snapped his eyes back up and said, "About time you woke up. You had us all worried."
"That's what I hear," he answered, then turned to the young blond. "Thanks for letting Lori stay here with me."
"Certainly," Noah answered as he approached the bed. Pulling a pen light from his eye, he touched the boy's chin. "I know every other doctor here has done this, but indulge me?"
"Sure, Noah," he answered light heartedly as the doctor shown the light in his eyes.
When he was done, Noah turned to the psychologist, and they both stepped away to the corner of the room.
"It's some mental block. Isn't it, Mel?" Noah asked.
The other man nodded, "Very precise and very selective."
"How can he remember his friendships with Rosa and Sky, which were after he broke up with Lori, but not remember breaking up with her, and not remember Alfie?"
"It's as if the whole relationship is just too much for his psyche to bear right now, but he is suspicious. I imagine the things he did with friends and Alfie have weird holes in them, are a blur, or just don't make sense."
"Will it hurt him to tell him the truth?"
"I do think we need to remind him that Lori and he are not a couple anymore. The longer that is kept from him; he will just feel lied to and betrayed later, however, I don't think the memory of Alfie should be forced on him. He will remember it when he is able to handle it."
Noah nodded in agreement and both doctors made their way back to the bed. Noah sat on the edge. "Jay, there is something you need to know."
"What is it?" He asked.
Noah exhaled slowly. "You hit your head really hard in the car accident."
"That's what Lori told me," he answered. "And I believe you guys," he answered rubbing his temples, "I still have one hell of a headache."
Noah smiled and nodded slightly, "But it seems as though you're confused about some things and are forgetting some other things."
Lori grabbed her brother's arm. "Noah, don't."
"He has to know the truth," The doctor answered.
"I know, but from me, not you."
Noah nodded and stepped away. His sister was right, and he was proud of her for stepping up to the plate on it.
Lori took both of Jay's hands in hers. "I'm not sure why you don't remember this right now, Jay, but you and I," she paused, then exhaled slowly. "We're not girlfriend and boyfriend anymore; I broke up with you over two years ago."
A look of shock washed across his face, followed by a laugh, "Oh yeah, right, Lori, very funny."
She squeezed his wrists harder, "No, Jay, it's not a joke. You were hurt pretty bad by it, and then I got into a bunch of trouble. I fell in love again, and then you did too, and we've become really good friends again in the last year, VERY good friends, but Jay, we're not a couple."
He bowed his head and began rubbing his temples. "If I'm in love with someone else, where is she?"
Lori opened her mouth to speak, and Noah stopped her. "Jay needs to rest."
"Noah!" She interrupted.
He turned to his sister. "Jay has been through an awful lot Lori, he needs to rest and not try and force memories, all right."
The girl nodded, and then Noah continued. "Now I think you kids can go ahead and go home. Jay's parents are here and I'm sure Rick and Leslie will be back soon too. " He turned to Jay. "We are so happy you are awake, Jay, but you still have a lot of injuries to recover from and you need your rest."
The man nodded, "I think you're right, Noah. My head is fuzzy and it really hurts."
"Well, then, you just rest. There are Doctors here tonight, and I will be back in the morning."
"Thanks Noah."
As Blackie took Noah's hand and turned to leave, Jay called after him. "Blackie, will you stay for a few minutes please."
The young man looked to the doctor, then answered, "Sure, man,"
Jay turned to his parents. "While Blackie is here can you go get me a coke and let us talk a few minutes, please?"
The woman spoke quickly in Spanish as she smoothed the blanket out over her son, but then left the room with the others.

Once alone, Jay pointed to the chair and Blackie sat down. "What are they trying to keep from, Blackie?"
"No one is trying to hide anything from you buddy." He answered.
Tears started streaming down the boy's cheeks. "Why did Lori break up with me? Why don't I remember it?"
The older man moved to the side of the bed, and carefully embraced the younger one. "Right now you need to concentrate on getting better. Even though you two haven't been in a couple in a long time, you have become the best of friends again, Jay. She has barely left your bedside. We all love you." He comforted.
"Who's this new love she's talking about? Where is she? Was she killed in the crash? Did anyone die, Blackie?"
The young man sighed, "The doctors want you to rest, Jay."
"Oh my god! Some one died!" Jay buried his head in Blackie's shoulder. "The car hit someone! I remember!"
He patted the back and continued to comfort, "It's okay, Jay. There was nothing you could do." As the teen sobbed harder, Blackie pushed the call button on the side rail to the bed. A moment later Noah peeked in the room, then called down the hall for a nurse and a sedative.
As he pierced the boy's flesh with the needle, Jay whimpered. "What's wrong with me, Noah?"
The doctor carefully rubbed the teen's arm. "It was a very bad accident, Jay. You have broken ribs, you had to have surgery, you need to get a lot of rest and not get too excited."
He shook his head wearily, the sedative taking hold of his body, "I'm scared, Noah. Why don't I remember things?"
"You hit your head very hard, Jay. It's okay though. You're going to be just fine and you have a lot of people here who love you."
As the boy's cries began to soften and he drifted to sleep, Blackie turned away from the bed in tears. Noah came behind him, caressing his shoulders, "Are you okay?"
"I think he would be better off not remembering." The other man mumbled.
"Shhhh," Noah comforted. "It's going to be okay. He'll be okay. Let's go home. We both need sleep."
"Not only did he go through it the other night, Noah, but he just remembered them hitting Claudia again. Once was bad enough. Why twice?"
"I don't know, baby. I honestly don't know."

"I'm going to take a quick shower," Noah sighed. "You want to join me?"
Blackie smiled and kissed the man's cheek. "I'm not sure I could stand long enough," he rubbed his knee as he spoke.
"Go put it up, and I'll make it quick." The doctor answered.
"Take your time," he replied, as he pulled the shirt form his body as they walked into the studio. When Noah was in the bathroom, Blackie dropped to the chair and dialed the phone.

"Hey, Charlie," He said when the other man answered. "I'm sorry I'm calling so late."
"That's okay," the brown haired teen answered, smiling at the sound of his friend's voice. "It's not like I'm sleeping anyway."
Blackie knew Charlie was referring to losing Devin, but wasn't in the mood to talk about it. "You asked me to call when I had news on Jay?"
"Yes, tell me it's good, please."
"It is. He woke up tonight, and in time, he'll fine."
Charlie sighed in relief, "Thank God, can I visit him tomorrow?'
"Yes, actually I was going to ask you to. He's having problems with his memory."
"What do you mean?"
Blackie quickly summed up the story for the other man, how he was holding on to Lori, and not remembering Alfie. "They stayed with you for awhile when Alfie left home, and maybe it will help him put the pieces together."
"Maybe," Charlie answered. "Or maybe it just hurts too much to remember what they had, knowing what they've become."
The other man nodded, though he was on the phone, "Are you okay, Charlie. I told you you could stay here."
"I'm all right. And you have a lot on your hands now. I'm with friends here, and after I talk to Jay and see he's okay, I'll probably go back to the city. I'm still working with Don this summer."
"Are you coming back in the fall for classes?"
"Definitely," He answered. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow before I leave town."
"Make sure you do, my friend." Blackie answered before hanging up the phone.

Pulling himself from the couch, he went down the hall. Stopping at his son's bedroom door, he quietly pushed it open and padded across the room. Looking down at the boy sleeping peacefully he kissed his finger tips then lightly touched the babe's cheek. "Good Night, Brodie."

The doctor dropped his toothbrush in the holder, and wiped his mouth on the towel before turning and crossing the hall to their bedroom. He walked in and noticed his lover sitting up in the bed with his hands locked around his legs, and his head against his bent knees. The look on his face was hollow and lost. He quietly rounded the bed, slipping out of his robe before sliding in next to the other man. He knew this look, had seen it before, and it scared him. He gently touched his arm. "Blackie, are you okay."
The younger man trembled at the other's touch. "Hold me, Doc."
At the request, Noah pulled him in tight and Blackie's arms tightened around his neck. "What's wrong, Love?"
"Shhhh, don't talk. Just hold me tight. I don't want to think. I want to stop thinking."
He mumbled against the surgeons shoulder, and then slowly drug his tongue across his flesh before nibbling lightly at the skin.
Noah tightened his embrace and actually pulled the other man into his lap, laying him back across his arm and looking down his eyes. "Don't please, Baby, Don't shut me down or out."
He shook his head and pushed his fingers through his lover's hair. "Need you so close to me," he whispered before pulling him down and pressing his lips to the other man's.
As Blackie's tongue pushed past his lips and caressed the inside of his mouth, the doctor moaned and returned the passion. After a moment he pulled back only slightly, and then let his own tongue softly dance against his lips. "I love you so much. I need to know what's wrong."
Sitting up, Blackie took Noah's hands and squeezed them tight. "How does it happen, Doc? How do Dana and Devin just decide to run off and leave Bucky and Charlie? How does Alfie decide Jay is bad for him and the one who ruined his life? How does Jay go to sleep and wake up not remembering that he ever loved Alfie at al? And most of all how can we be talking and laughing with Claudia one minute. . ." He coughed and choked as his tears began to surface and spill down his cheeks. "How can they be planning for their baby and the rest of their lives one minute and the next she and the baby are just gone?"
Noah pulled the younger man tight to him. Being left alone was the deepest seeded fear the young man had. "It's so unfair." He whispered, validating his lover's pain and all his fear. "It's so unfair." After a moment, he pulled back and looked in Blackie's eyes. "It's not us."
Blackie nodded, "I know you would never leave me or ever forget me," He wept softly as he grazed the man's cheek with his hand. He brushed his lips to the doctor's and then sighed as Noah kissed the tears from his cheeks. "But we've both cheated death twice. Next time. . . "
Noah pulled the younger man in tight patting his back. "We can't live our lives fearing death, baby."
"I know. It's not that really. I'm just so sad for Danny. . . For him and for Claudia."
"Me too. I miss her incredibly all ready."
"It was weird at the medical center today, seeing Mom doing her job. And when I start to ache about her being gone, all I can think is my God, Danny."
Noah kissed his forehead. "You're a good friend, and we're both going to be here for him."
Blackie nodded as he pulled back and looked into his lover's eyes. "You're a good friend too, Noah, but our friendship isn't the same as . . . " He stumbled, "his wife."
"We can't erase his pain, no, but we can be there for him to lean on and to talk to, and just help through."
"Right now I need you to make love to me, Noah." He stopped and inhaled. Closing his eyes, he exhaled the breath completely. "I want you to consume me." The man's breath caught in his chest again as the surgeon roughly pushed his lips to his mouth and bit at the soft supple flesh of his lips. He wrapped his arms around the man's back and raked his nails. 'He knows me," Blackie thought to himself and his heart fluttered when Noah's muffled cry of passion mixed with pain filled his mouth. In response he grabbed Blackie's hair and pulled his head back as he continued to press his lips tighter and probing his mouth. Now the younger man cried out as his body withered on the bed in need. The need to be so consumed with passion that the act of making love was animalistic. He pulled his knees up and then wrapped his legs tight around his lover's waist. Releasing his grip from the man's body, he reached over his head and grabbed the headboard of the sleigh bed and locked his body bowing his back to push his hips to Noah's. His head went back, exposing the line of his neck, and that is where the doctor's mouth landed. "I am yours, Doc." His raspy voice whispered.
"K-K-K-kid," Noah breathed in return, "My baby." He then returned to suckling the man's neck, kissing, gently biting the flesh. The more he bit the more desired the roles reversed. He knew that when Blackie got this starved, there was only one way to quench his fire and just the thought of it was igniting a need just as deep inside him. Breathlessly he rolled from his lover and squirmed on the bed with passion. "Quench your thirst," he pleaded.
Blackie rolled atop of him, and he looked into the young man's eyes. Seeing a gleem there, he smiled back.
Only looking away long enough to retrieve the needed item from the nightstand drawer, Blackie returned his loving gaze and mumbled a thank you as he pushed the silver blades to his teeth.
Noah reached up and slid his hands up his lover's cheeks. "I love you with everything I am. You are not simply part of my life you are a part of me."
Emotions of love, passion, and sheer joy spilled from the younger man in the form of tears on his cheeks. He straddled the doctor's body so their groins were pressed against each others once again. Slowly he began to grind his hips to Noah's rounding his hips as he did so, making his body sway and dance in the dimly lit room. The doctor looked up and watched his lover as the physical passion began to build deep inside him. He patiently waited as his need grew. His mind screaming "now. . baby. . now baby . . . baby now," He kept repeating to himself knowing he was getting closer and closer to climax and wanting Blackie to fill all his needs.
Above him, the younger man watched. He watched every bead of sweat that formed, every line that crossed his face as the passion was building. He watched as a soft pink tone came to his cheeks, and then flushed to a deeper red. When he felt the doctor was truly hanging on the very edge, he bent down over his body and sunk the metal blades into his shoulder puncturing the flesh, and then drinking the blood as it spilled into his mouth.
Noah cried out as orgasm coursed his body and the pain in his shoulder was quickly replaced with his lover's gentle lapping and sucking.
When the other man's hot seed splashed against his skin and the taste of metal hit his tongue his own release shook his body and he bucked against the man beneath him.
After a moment, he felt Noah's soft rhythmic taps on his shoulder and he counted them in his head, releasing with the last tap and moving his mouth to his lover's kissing him softly before pulling him in a tight embrace. "I love you, Doc."
"I love you too, kid." He answered.
Blackie pushed himself up slightly.
"Where you going?" he protested.
Pulling the blades from his mouth, he smiled. "Just putting these away."
Noah smiled and pulled his body back to him after he had shut the door. "I will always be here for you, Blackie. We've been through it all, baby, and we always, ALWAYS end up right here, flesh to flesh and soul to soul."
"Because we not only belong to each other. . . "
"But we are a part of each other," Noah finished.

