Chapter 17
Very Merry Christmas (part 1)

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: PG
Type: Slash
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: Part one of two Christmas stories this year. In part one I attempted a new technique. I broke the chapter where I did, because I needed to go back to a more traditional point of view.

Dec. 24, 1985
This has become a tradition, you know. We couldn't skip having a Christmas Eve party if we wanted to, good thing we've come to look forward to it. Noah especially, he spends three days in the kitchen getting ready for this, and the whole evening being the ultimate homebody.

December is a special time of year for us as it is. We truly fell in love with each other in the month of December. Hard to believe it was six years ago now. I would have said you were stark raving mad had you told me then that now we'd have this house, our family, all of our friends, and two beautiful kids.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Brodie pleaded pulling on his father's pant leg.
Picking him up the young man smiled, "What is it?"
"I have milk with cookies?"
Picking up a napkin off the table, he wiped the chocolate from the boy's face, "How many cookies have you had already?"
The boy held up 5 fingers and said, "Three."
Laughing Blackie helped him hold up three fingers, "Three? Or five?" He said returning the fingers to the way Brodie originally had them.
The boy smiled slyly, his eyes gleaning with mischief, "Please daddy?"
"Yes, you can have milk with your cookies," He conceded, rubbing his nose to his son's.
Feeling a touch to his shoulder, he turned to see Gran.
"Let me take my great grand son and get him some milk. I'll get some for all the kids."
He handed the boy to his husband's grandmother, he also kissed her cheek. "Thank you, Gran."

As I watch her walk into the kitchen with the kids surrounding her, I can't help but ponder what our lives would be like if it weren't for Gran. She has always been Noah's rock, his port in the storm that was his childhood. She's always been there from us, defending us when need be, but most importantly, just loving us. It wouldn't be Christmas without her. It just seems so weird for me to be saying that. The holidays of recent years were nothing like those of my youth. Back then it was just mom and I, now I have my whole family and Noah's too, and I can't imagine life any other way.

I watch mom with Louie and his daughter, and it warms my heart to see them happy. Mom's happier then ever. She started working with Noah at the Medical Center back in June when Claudia was killed, and the doctors' just never got around to hiring everyone else. Noah says she's incredible and she really feels useful.

Over by the tree is my dad, Joe, with Cyn, Grandpa, Rose, and Caroline. Earlier this year, I was really worried about Cyn. Both of them were wearing themselves ragged giving Caroline constant care, but it was even harder on Ma. Noah and I talked them into letting us keep sis for a few days so they could get away this past September. When they came back from the mountains, we convinced them to take time for just them, and that if they needed a break to call us. As Sissy gets older, three this year, we are truly discovering how blessed we are. She does very well for a special little girl. Dad and Ma found a preschool for her to start next year, and if all goes to plan, I'm going to be doing some student teaching there.

"Blackie, my boy," Paddy said heartedly as he threw an arm over the man's shoulder and patted his opposite cheek.
The young man leaned in kissing his grandfather's cheek and hugging him. "You look great grandpa."
"You too, son," He answered, tightening the hug.
When Paddy loosened the hold, he leaned back and turned to Rose, "You're making him behave, aren't you? He's following his diet, and lying off the whiskey."
"I am," she answered giving the man a hug of her own. "The doctor says he's doing well."
"Good," Blackie answered and turned back to the man, "Cause if you ever think of scaring us again with another one of those heart attacks, I'm coming back down there to Pennsylvania and kicking your ass."
"Aye, it'll take more then a heart attack to stop you're ol grandpa you know. Where is that Great-grandson of mine?"
"In the kitchen with Gran and the others last I checked. Why don't you take sissy in there for some cookies and milk?"
"'Ome on, momma, let's go!" Caroline immediately chimed in, pulling Cynthia's hand as she went.

Look who's coming in now, Drew, Martin, and little Tara. My lord, she's six months old already. It's going to be a bitter sweet January for us knowing that Martin has conceded his senate seat. For all the complaining Noah did last time about going to support his dad, I think it hit him the hardest election night, that for the first time in nearly as long as he could remember, his father would no longer be the Senator from Georgia. No, now he's simply Martin Drake, of Port Charles, New York. And Drew, just look at the way he adores that child. He's mostly retired now too, you know. He and Martin talk about opening a little law office here, but Noah and I both suspect they're too content being stay at home parents to work.

We had hoped Tricia would visit for the holidays. We had really become quite use to her, but she is spending Christmas with Senator Chris Freed and his sons. We got the chance to visit with her a bit when we all went down to Atlanta for Martin's announcement. She'll continue to work in politics, and is even considering running for Martin's seat next time. I'm sure if she does, she will be successful. When she puts her mind to something, she does it.

I bet your wondering what happened to all my equipment. I have a few things in the extra room, but most of it is over in the studio space Noah had built for me for my birthday. Well, for Danny and I actually. Geffen kept pushing to sign us after the showcase, and I really wasn't hep on it, but Danny kind of needed it. I guess if I'm going to be honest, I wanted it to. If we would have turned it down, I would have always wondered, what if. There are a few things I do know though, and that is I don't want to tour, not extensively, and David knows that. He's been really cool about everything, and I'm honestly more comfortable with him then I ever was with Dana.

Oh Dana? We haven't heard a word from him since he left town with Devin. Bucky's been doing okay, not good, but okay. He and Sky lean on each other. I'm just really grateful they moved back here. I would hate to think of them out in LA by themselves. Bucky did say that the last time Dana called Sky, he told her that he and Devin were no longer together. When I looked back, it didn't surprise me really. He's always been a wanderer, always looking for that perfect love, but never content with the person he has.

"About time you got here,"
Jimmy Lee laughed and handed the baby to Blackie, "Do something useful and help him out of his snow suit. The other men then squatted down to help Juan with his coat.
Blackie laid the baby across his arms while Grant undid the zippers and pulled it off his body.
"You walking yet, hu, Angel?" Blackie asked the child, and then moved him up to his hip. "I can't believe it's been a year."
"Where are Lori, Jay, and Sky?"
Blackie pointed up the staircase. "In the living room upstairs, Brett and Charlie are up there too." He said to Rosa's back as she ran up the steps. He then turned to Juan, "Robin and all the other kids are in the kitchen having milk and cookies."
"Boy you sure know how to clear a room of kids," Grant laughed as the middle child scampered off in search of his friends.
"And no, he's not walking yet," Jimmy Lee responded taking the child from his friend.
"Awe, he will soon."
"Not too soon, I hope. The three of them are hard enough to keep up with as it is."
The three moved toward the makeshift bar for the evening, and Blackie reached into the cooler behind it, handing up a beer to his friend and opening one for himself. "You're not complaining are you?"
"Hell no," the man replied.
"Noah has about 8 different bottles of wine here, which looks good?"
Grant laughed as he picked one up and began to fill a glass. "This looks great. Where is Noah?"
"Last I saw he was walking outside with his father and Buffy. " Reaching into the ice bucket to find it almost empty, he said, "I'm going to run stairs and get some more ice. I'll be back."

