Chapter 18
Very Merry Christmas (part 2)

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: PG
Type: Slash
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them. The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!) So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: Part two of the Christmas stories this year. I'm off on my winter holiday. We'll be back in the new year. Song credit - Through the Long Night, Billy Joel.

Walking into the kitchen, Blackie found Jay crying against Charlie's shoulder as he held him. Afraid he was interrupting; he turned to leave, but caught the other man motioning him to stay. Slowly he walked up behind Jay and laid his hands on his shoulders, "Are you okay?"

The teen leaned up and pushed the tears off his cheek, "I was just telling Charlie that I," he stammered. "It's just really sad this Christmas."

Not quite knowing what to say, Blackie nodded then added, "Holidays can be really hard. They make you think about people who you've lost."

He pushed his fingers through his hair and then clenched it in his hands, "Everything was so good in the beginning, even later. Why did it have to all fall apart?"

Blackie pulled him into his arms now, "Oh Jay, I'm sorry."

Charlie tried to explain to his friend what had caused the breakdown, "He got a letter from Alfie. He asked him to come visit him at the JD center."

"What are you going to do?" Blackie asked.

Jay shrugged and leaned back against the cabinet. "He didn't say he was sorry for any of it, he didn't say he loved me or anything, just 'I would really like to see you.'"

"Maybe he wants to tell you all of that face to face."

The man shook his head, "No, no, I can't. Not after what he did, he could have killed me, Lori, Rosa and Sky." He paused and choked out the rest. "He did kill Claudia."

Charlie interrupted. "I heard they are going to try him as an adult."

Blackie nodded, "Yeah, that's what I heard too. Jay, maybe if you talked to Mary she could tell you how he's been and how he's feeling. She is the only one I know who visits him regularly."

Charlie shook his head, "I don't understand how she could hurt Danny like she did for what?"

The young man shrugged, "She's coming tonight. I hope maybe that Danny and her will talk."

"I haven't seen Danny."

"He'll be here anytime with Red and David."

"You know what I think would be good for Jay," Charlie asked, and then answered his own questions. "If he came down next month when you guys do that show in the city. After wards we could take him out, you know."

Blackie nodded, "That is a wonderful idea."

Noah poked his head in the kitchen, "There you are, babe."

"I came up to get more ice," He explained "And got to talking."

Charlie put an arm around Jay, "Come on, let's go find the others."

He nodded and left the room. Once alone, Noah sighed. "Jay okay?"

Blackie shrugged, and then opened his arms to the other man, closing them around him when he stepped in. "He's all torn up about Alfie."

Noah shook his head as he pulled back just enough to look into Blackie's eyes. "Drew was just telling me downstairs Mary actually called him about defending him."
"Is he going to do it?"
He shook his head, "He doesn't do criminal law, and he feels too close to it. I guess he referred to some guy in the city who does, but Drew says he's awful expensive. How does she think she's going to pay for that?"
Blackie shrugged, "I don't know, I mean I kind of see where she is coming from wanting to help him, but she is killing Danny with this. He will never forgive her."
"I don't blame him, Blackie," The doctor said matter of fact like. "I mean yeah Vehicular Homicide I'm not sure about, but the kid should not get off scot free."
"Are they going for murder?"
"That's what Drew said." Changing the subject, he asked. "Want some help with the ice?"
"Nah, I got it."
"Okay, then I'm going to go check the food trays." The man responded leaving a kiss on his lover's cheek.

"Hey," he called after him, and watched the doctor turn just before he slipped out the kitchen door. "Meet me out by the pool at midnight?"
The man's eyebrow's raised. "It's a date." He said before leaving the room.

Blackie had just finished filling the ice bucket when the door flew open and Lori came bouncing in the kitchen with Brett behind her. The girl squealed as she moved closer. "Blackie! Blackie! Blackie!"
He turned laughing, "What, Lori?"

The blond pushed her left hand out to him, showing the young man that the engagement band had returned to her finger. "Look what Brett just gave me."

The man was stunned and hesitated just a moment, before pulling the girl into his arms. "I'm happy for you sweet heart. I now this means the world to you."
"Thank you, Blackie." She squealed, returning his hug, and then pulling back, she began to ramble. "And just so you know, before you go flying off the handle. I know you and Noah are not going to change the rules. He's not moving in or anything, and we're not going to do anything for at least 2 years. I want to get settled in at college, and I'm still going, and I'm going to get my degree and everything."
The young man laughed. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now do me a favor, and let me be there when you tell Noah."
"Why?" Brett laughed.
"So I can be there to intervene when he has the heart attack."
"He wouldn't freak out on me would he?" Lori's face visibly fell at the prospect.
"No, he won't." Blackie reassured, kissing her forehead. "We both love you very much, girl. We want what's best for you."
"I know." She answered.
"Do me a favor and take this downstairs." He said handing her the bucket. "I want to walk down to the pool and check on a surprise I have for Noah later and I'll meet you in the studio and we'll tell him. Okay?"
"Sure," The couple answered leaving the room.

Blackie pulled the slider door open and stepped out onto the deck; he started down the wooden steps when he heard his friend's tears in the night. His eye's adjusting to the lighting; he saw Danny and Jo Dee on the bottom of the steps, the red head holding his friend while he sobbed on her shoulder.
"It's okay, Danny," She comforted patting his back. "I miss her too."
"I thought I was doing so much better," He wept, "But this whole holiday thing has been horrible. I'd give anything in the world to have my wife back."
"I know. I know, "the woman responded and Blackie turned to leave them their privacy, but turned back at Danny's next words.
"I don't know what I'd do with out you, Jo-Dee." He turned in time to see his friend push his lips to the red head's and watch her arms close around his body.

Sure that the woman he had grown to trust again after her serial stalking of him earlier in the year was using and manipulating Danny's emotions, he angrily turned away and went back into the house, and down the main stairs to the lower level.

He came up behind Lori, who was talking to Ryan with Brett and wrapped his arms around her waist. The girl jumped and squealed.
Blackie laughed, "You ready to tell your brother your good news."
She giggled and collapsed into the man's arms. "Yeah, where is he."
Blackie pointed toward the corner where he was talking to Sean, then leaned in touching Ryan's shoulder and kissing the man's cheek. "Don't go anywhere, I want to talk to you."
"Sure thing," the man answered.

Blackie followed Lori and Brett to the corner, but spoke to his friend's father. "Where's Ma?"
The man shrugged his shoulders, "We haven't talked to each other in two days."
Blackie exhaled. "She promised me she would come and try and talk to Danny. What in the world is wrong with her?"
"She left the house about 6. Didn't say a word about where she was going, but she didn't have to."
Blackie shook his head, "It's Christmas and she doesn't care if she is able to make up with her son or not?"
"She doesn't care about anything but Alfie." After a pause, he asked. "I want to talk to my son. Have you seen him?"
Blackie hesitated, and then pointed toward the patio doors, "I saw him out in the yard a few minutes ago."
The older man walked away, and Noah turned to the other three, and smiled. "What's up?"

Lori took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, then turned to Blackie. "Is there anything you want to do so he won't you know, be Noah."
The doctor laughed, "What are you talking about?"
Blackie slid behind his lover and clasped his arms around his waist, then whispered in his ear, "Big breath in and out, and don't make me call Bucky."
The jovial mood was chased from his face, "What's going on?"

Lori took a deep breath and showed her brother her left hand, "Brett asked me to marry him." She quickly added, "In at least two years, but more likely three. And yeah, yeah, we know, he's not moving in or anything."
Relieve then true joy washed over the doctor's face. "Shhh," he quieted his sister, as he moved to take her in to his arms, hugging her tight. "I'm so happy for you, Lori. I love you."
"I love you too, Noah. Thank you."

Noah pulled back and smiled into the girl's eyes before turning to the man and extending his hands, "I'm not sure what to say, Brett."
Touched by the man's calm, collected and supportive response, he smiled back. Ignoring the offered hand, he stepped up to hug Noah. "You've said it all already, Bro. Thank you."
The doctor whispered to the musician, "Thank you for being strong enough to see out the storm."
"There wasn't anything else I could do," he answered.

Blackie heard the sliding door open, and looked to see Jo-Dee, Danny and Sean coming back in. Sean had his arm around Danny, and they went to the couch to sit down. Jo-Dee however, was making a bee-line straight for him. "I need to talk to you," she said.
Noah's head turned sharply. "What's this about?"
The red-head smiled, "It's nothing, just about Danny. Can we talk somewhere quiet?"
He nodded, and pointed down the hall, following her, and then taking her into the guest room. "What's up, Red?" He asked.

"Don't start that with me, Blackie. I know you saw us outside earlier. I just want to know why you slipped away. Danny's going through hell missing Claudia and you're trying to avoid him. What kind of friend are you anyway?"
He put his hands up. "I was not trying to avoid him. I came out there looking for him. It just looked like a private moment."
The woman stood silently for a moment, looking the man up and down. She sighed, "Blackie, he's hurting. He cries a lot, and sometimes I hold him. Sometimes he just needs somebody, anybody, to just hold him."
"He need just anybody to kiss too?"
She turned away and chuckled, "Do not get holier then thou with me. Do you really think it's any of your business what might or might not be happening?"
"I don't want to see Danny hurt or taken advantage of. He is real vulnerable right now. He doesn't need to jump into another relationship right away."
"It's not like that, Blackie. You don't think I know that? You don't think he knows that?"
Blackie turned away. "I don't know what to think. All I know is it just was weird. I don't know why. I think it's just weird for me to see him kissing anyone but Claudia."
He stopped and swallowed hard. "She became a good friend of mine as well. Noah too, we both miss her."
"I miss her," She whispered. "She was wonderful."
He nodded. "I'm sorry, Jo-Dee. I didn't mean to act badly. I just didn't know how to react. You got to know I wouldn't avoid Danny to avoid dealing with his pain."
She nodded, "I do know that." After a pause she continued, "And just so you do know. We're not like dating or in a relationship or anything. We're friends and that's it, just every once in awhile-"
He interrupted her, "It's fine. You don't owe me any explanations."
"I just want you to know that I'm not using him. I'm just trying to comfort him."
He nodded. "Okay."

In the studio, Noah excused himself from his sister and her fiancé to catch up with Bucky and Nick talking who were talking by the patio doors. Throwing an arm around his friend he said, "Man we haven't had time to talk or anything tonight."
"Or anything? Does that go down with a little salt and lime?" The cardiac surgeon asked with a chuckle.
"Maybe," Noah answered with a glint in his eye and a tease to his voice. "We can't let the holidays pass with out toasting the year past."
Bucky shook his head slightly, "Good riddance."
"You okay?"
He shook his head, "He's coming by the apartment to pick up Sky tomorrow. You know?"
Noah frowned. "I didn't know that."
The surgeon laughed ironically. "Yeah, split up the holidays. I get Christmas Eve. He gets Christmas day. He gets New Years Eve. I get New Years Day. God knows what we'll do about Easter."
"What does Sky think about all this?" Nick asked. "I know before she really didn't want to see him at all."
Bucky sighed. "She tries to hide it from me, but she is excited to see him. She misses him."
"How do you feel?" Noah asked.
"Like I'd rather get a tooth drilled with out Novocain." He paused. "It just hurts, Noah. I thought it would fade a bit by now, but it hasn't. It's going to tear my heart to pieces to see him again."
"You are coming with us to Dad and Drew's tomorrow. I don't want you alone."
Bucky shook his head. "I wouldn't be any kind of company.
"Sure you will be. Besides AJ will be there too, you always enjoy visiting with him."
Bucky nodded. "Thanks, Noah. I appreciate that." He checked his watch, "Let me go see what Sky is up to. I'll be back."

When the cardiac surgeon walked away, Nick turned to the other doctor. "How's Blackie doing? I haven't seen too much of him tonight."
"He's doing well. Very good."
"Good, good I'm glad to hear it."
"Here he is," Noah smiled as the young man approached them. He opened his arms and then embraced his lover.
Blackie kissed his cheek, and whispered. "I want to talk to a couple people and play my song for Grandpa then you think we can go for that walk outside."
"I would love to," he answered with a light kiss to his lips.
Blackie turned to the other man, "Merry Christmas, Nick,"
"Same to you, Blackie."

Excusing himself, Blackie crossed the room and sat down on the couch next to Danny who was sitting with his father. "How you doing, Danny?" He asked.
The young man turned and leaned into his friend, hugging him. "I'm good. I'm just enjoying talking to dad. I'm going to leave soon though. He told me mom might show up, and I don't want to see her."
Blackie patted the man's back. "Maybe it's time to talk to her."
He shook his head, "No! No, not until she's ready to admit she was wrong, and from what Dad is telling me, she's not."
"Okay. What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked.
"I'm going to Claudia's parents for the day."
He nodded, "If you would like to come to Noah's dad's with us, you can."
He shook his head, "I want to be Claudia's family. I need to be with them and her memory."
"If you change your mind,"
"I will call you. I will." He answered. "You going to sing the song for your grandpa soon? I'd like to hear it before I leave."
"Yeah, I am., right now in fact. Cause if I know him, he's already itching to get back to the hotel."
"You're timing is real good," Jo-Dee interrupted. "Geffen just walked in, and I know he wants to hear it too."

"Here goes nothing," the man answered as he got up and went to the bar, pulling out a bottle from the back, he poured three small shots into three separate whiskey glasses and carried them over to the piano. Getting the room's attention, he then called out. "Dad, Grandpa can you come over here please."

As the two men approached, Blackie handed each of them one of the glasses, then set his on top of the piano. "I know the doctors said you need to take it easy on this stuff since your heart attack, but Bucky assures me this one shot isn't going to hurt anything."
The elder man inhaled the scent, "The best Irish whisky, heals a lot more then it hurts, ol boy."
The man smiled. "I wrote a song for you, Grandpa, and I would like to play it for you and everyone else right now. I wrote it while we were all waiting in the hospital for you to get better. Here, sit down next to me." He directed the man as he sat down at the piano bench. "It's called Through the Long Night."
After a brief moment, he began to softly play the opening chords before singing.

"The cold hands, the sad eyes, the dark Irish silence
It's so late, But I'll wait, through the long night with you
With you

The warm tears, the bad dreams, the soft trembling shoulders
The old fears, but I'm here, through the long night with you
With you."

Rose laid her hands on her husband's shoulder, struggling to keep from crying as she remembered how they all had gone days without sleeping waiting for Paddy to wake up after the massive heart attack.

"Oh, what has it cost you, I almost lost you, A long, long time ago
Oh, you should have told me, but I had to bleed to know

All your past sins, are since past, you should be sleeping
It's all right, sleep tight, through the long night with me
With me"

Joe reached out and gently let his finger's slide through his son's hair. The three generations had been through so much in the last few years coming together, learning to trust each other and forgive each other, and when he thought about how much anger and hate Blackie had once held, and remembered the tears of anguish and fear they had shed together when they thought they had lost him, he knew he had all the more to be thankful for this year.

"No, I didn't start it, you're broken hearted, from a long, long time ago
Oh, the way you hold me, Is all that I need to know

And it's so lat ,But I'll wait
Through the long night with you
With you."

As Blackie played the final chords, Paddy threw his arms around the young man and pulled him hugging him tight and letting stray tears fall on his shoulders. "I don't deserve such a beautiful song, son."
"Yes, you do, Grandpa." He whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too, Albert, I always have."
"I know. I know." He answered. "Now, don't you ever scare us like that again." He pulled back, and picked up the glass from the top of the piano. "To the best?"
Paddy nodded and clanked the younger man's glass then his son's before they all drank the shot.

Noah slid up behind the older man's younger bride and slipped an arm around her shoulder. "Why you crying, doll?" He whispered.
Rose wiped a tear from her eye and leaned into the man's shoulder, "Oh, Noah, you just don't understand what it's meant to Paddy these last couple years getting this second chance at being a Grandfather, and to have Blackie write something so absolutely beautiful."
The doctor hushed the woman, "I'm sure it means about as much to Paddy as it does to Blackie. He loves both of you so much. Do you know how much he looks forward to getting your letters every week or so. You have to remember that up until just a few years ago his dyslexia wasn't even diagnosed."
"I love the letters too," she smiled. Seeing Blackie approach, she pulled from Noah's embrace and threw her arms around the young man. "You never cease to amaze me with your music."
He hugged the woman tight. "Awe, Rose." He kissed her cheek, "I'm going to steal my husband away for a little bit."
"Okay, I think I'm going to take your grandpa back to the hotel. He needs to rest."
"You'll be here at 7 for the kids to open their presents?" Noah asked.
"We wouldn't miss it," Paddy answered.
"It's going to be great," Blackie beamed. "Dad, Cyn and Sissy are staying the night so all the kids can be together in the morning."
"We'll see ya then," Rose answered again.

As the couple moved away, Blackie looped his arm through Noah's. "Take a walk with me?"
"I would love to," he answered.
At the sliding door, Blackie picked up their leather jackets from where he had placed them and offered Noah his before slipping on his own. The two stepped out into the yard, and Blackie again took his lover's arm and the two started walking toward the pool.
Noah frowned. "You remember a couple years ago when the kids were still playing in the pool at this party?"
The other man nodded, "But it got too cold too fast this year." At the edge of the pool, he stepped up onto the large rock, and offered a hand back, "Be careful, Doc." He helped the man up to the top of the rock, where he had a large flannel blanket spread out and a ice bucket with a bottle of champagne. He helped Noah down, and then sat next to the man. Pulling back a towel, he revealed the dozen red roses and handed them to the man before beginning to fill two glasses.
Noah looked down at the roses, and slid his hands along the petals, and then took the glass from his lover. Leaning in he kissed the man's lips lightly. "Why?"
"Because I love you."
"I love you," the man answered. "This is really beautiful."
Blackie looked up and laughed lightly as the snow began to fall. "I love it!"
The doctor brushed the snowflakes from the other's hair. "You are so stunning."
Blackie turned back and smiled shyly, then paused. "We need to make a decision."
"Noah's smile fell to a slight frown. "Is that what this is all about?"
He shook his head, "No, this is about spending some special time with you on our special day."
"Our anniversary was a week ago," he smirked, "and that was a very special day."
"Yeah it was," He flirted back. "But I feel like Christmas is very special for us too."
Noah nodded and turned so he could pull the man between his legs, Blackie's back to his chest. He embraced him tight and kissed his cheek.
The younger man curled into him. "Anna's been really pushing, and I think we need to tell her one way or another." He paused and when Noah didn't answer, he continued. "Well, you have to have an opinion."
Noah sighed, "I'm open to it," the man paused, but had to continue even though he feared it was the opposite of what the other man was feeling. "But I think the timing is just wrong. Brodie is not even two yet and you are going to be going back and forth to NY the next couple months recording and then student teaching."
Blackie put his fingers to Noah's lips and giggled, "I know, I know. We're on the same page, Doc. I want to wait, at least another year before we even think about it."
Noah laughed in relief. "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive. It's going to be hard enough with Robin and Brodie traveling back to New York on the weekends, I don't want to do that to an infant."
Noah sighed, "I'm glad we feel the same way about it."
"Me too," he answered, curling up to snuggle his cheek against the man's shoulder. "Unless Anna brings it up, however, let's wait till after Christmas to tell her."
The surgeon nodded, "I'm not sure what sparked the whole thing, but she has seemed pretty excited about the prospect. Hasn't she?"
"You think it has something to do with Dylan moving in with Bobbie?"
"It might, but I don't know it's been a year since they started dating and she's been dating Karen."
"Maybe it's a way of distancing herself from Karen?"
"Maybe, or maybe it's a genuine want. I don't know. But I do agree with you that it isn't the right time for us."

Up by the house, Bucky stepped out onto the patio and brushed the snow from the chair before he sat down. Pulling the cigarettes from his pocket, he lit one and inhaled deeply, glad to be away from the cheerful noise of the party inside. As hard as he was trying to be full of holiday spirit for Sky, he wasn't being very successful with it and cursed Dana's name for taking the joy out of his favorite time of the year.

The blond closed the latch on the gate and slowly made his way around the house. It was almost haunting to be back in Port Charles after six months. He hoped to himself that the person he came to see would be where he thought he would. Sticking his hand into the pocket of the winter jacket he came back with the green felt.

Coming around to the patio, he saw the cardiac surgeon and felt his heart jump. He stepped up onto the deck and called out softly. "Hi Bucky."

The doctor looked up into the shadows, though he recognized the voice. "What do you want?"
"I thought we could maybe I could see Sky tonight?"
"Damn it, Dana, we had a deal." The doctor cursed, inhaling deeply on the cigarette."
Though he hadn't been invited to, Dana sat down in the chair across from his one time lover. "I was going through some Christmas stuff at the house and look what I found." He said offering the elf hat.
Bucky picked it up, and tossed it back down, "Is this suppose to mean something to me?"
"It does to me."
"You hated it," he chuckled.
"I loved you. I loved this time in our lives, and I think maybe things started to fall apart for us, when this Bucky -"
"Stop with the bullshit, Dana. Just stop it."
The blond slipped back into the chair, tears rolling down his cheeks unchecked. "I miss you everyday."

Inside the house, Jake watched the two and observed Bucky getting more and more upset. Deciding he had to something to help the man out of the awkward and painful situation he pushed the door open and called out. "Bucky, are you almost done with that cigarette?"
The doctor turned, shocked. He stared at him for a second before Jake continued with a laugh. "You said you were going to have a smoke before we go back to your place. We're going to let Sky open her presents tonight, right?"
Realizing what the attorney was doing, the doctor smiled and turned back, crushing out the butt in the ash tray. "Yeah, I'm more then done. Let's get Sky and go home." He turned back, "You can pick her up at 9 am, just like we talked about on the phone."

Crushed by the mere thought of Bucky dating some one else, Dana watched the two men disappear back in the house. He then picked up the felt hat and turned and left the way he came.

Twenty Minutes later
Bucky's apartment
"Have a seat, Jake. I'll be out in a minute, "the doctor said before following his daughter to the bedroom.
"That was so cool what Jake did for you. If you want I'll play it up big for dad tomorrow." Sky laughed once the door was closed.
"No. No you won't." The man answered as he sat on the bedside. "I appreciate what he did too, but I'm not going to lie, and I don't want you to lie either."
"It was bad enough what he did Bucky? Why does he keep hurting you over and over again?"
The doctor shrugged. "But that me and him, Sky. It's not you and him."
"He hurt me too," she whispered.
"And you miss him terribly and you're looking forward to spending the day with him tomorrow. And that is perfectly okay. When he picks you up I'm going to tell him I'm not dating Jake, because I don't want you drawn into any lies."
"Okay, Bucky," she exhaled and crawled up onto the bed next to him, kissing his cheek. "Are you going to be okay tomorrow?"
"I'm going to be fine. I'm going to go to Drew and Martin's with Noah and Blackie."
"Good," she smiled. "I didn't like leaving you alone."
He hugged the girl tight. "We're going to be fine, girl. Now why don't you get changed and let me thank Jake and say good night and then you can open your presents."
"Sounds good to me," she smiled, the giggled as the man opened the door, "Or you could ask him to stay or something and then I could honestly tell dad he stayed."
"Stop it!" he teased back and closed the door.

In the living room, he asked. "Would you like a drink, Jake?"
The lawyer shook his head as he stood, "That's okay, Bucky. I'm going to get going."
"Thank you, if you hadn't come out there and gave me an out I'd probably still be on that deck dealing with that sorry son of a bitch."
"I know, That's why I came out." He started for the door. "But I don't want to intrude on your family time anymore."
"It's not an intrusion," The doctor answered.
Jake turned back and smiled, "But it is Christmas Eve, and this is your time with your daughter." He paused a moment. Deciding he had spent too much time pining over Nick when the doctor didn't seem to return his interest, he decided to try and move on and asked. "Would you like to go to dinner next week?"
"Sure," the doctor answered, deciding quickly getting out might be just what the doctor ordered for a broken heart.
"How about I call you the day after tomorrow and we set a time?"
"How about I call you tomorrow night?" Bucky countered with a flirty smile, and then added, "Unless you have plans."
He shook his head. "Joe's invited me to Drew and Martin's with him and Cynthia since I don't have any family in town."
Bucky laughed. "Then I'll see you there and we can talk about it then."
Jake smiled warmly. "Good, I'll see you tomorrow."

Blackie took the boy from his mother's arms, "You coming tonight?"
Anna shook her head and motioned up the steps. "Karen is waiting for me."
He nodded and kissed her cheek, "Good - night. Say good night to mommy."
"Night mommy," the baby responded kissing the woman.
Robin bounced down the steps and followed. "Good night, Mommy."
The woman kissed the girls forehead, "Good-night."
"You ready?" Blackie asked.
"I'm ready. Where's Lori?"
"In the kitchen, I'll get her. Daddy is waiting for us on the bed." He laughed as the girl scampered off down the hall. As he started for the kitchen Lori came out and smiled, wrapping an arm around the man's waist as they walked to the bedroom. Though he had been apprehensive when Noah came up with the idea a few months earlier, he had come to look forward to this family prayer and devotional time.

Noah smiled and looked up from the bible he was reading as the family joined him on the bed. He pulled the two wooden boxes from the night stand. He slid his hand over the one, and Robin asked.
"You thinking about your friend?"
"Just remembering," He answered as he opened the box.
"He said to give them to me." She said with big eyes.
"Yes he did." He answered as he handed the beads to her, "Be careful."
"You say that every night," She rolled her eyes.
Brodie jumped down on Noah's lap and his tiny hands worked the other box. Noah helped him open it. "What you have to say tonight, Brodie?"
He pointed to the beads, one at a time as he spoke. "Bless Mommy, Bless Daddy, Bless Daddy, Bless Sister, and Lori."
Blackie leaned in and kissed his forehead. "Very good,"
"What about Gran?" Noah asked with a giggle.
"And Gram!" The boy said cheerfully looking up into the surgeon's eyes. "And your grandpas and grandmas?" Blackie added laughing at the boys willing cheerful attitude.
"Grampies and Gramies. .. . too many of them to count." He sighed.
Leaning down, Noah kissed the boys forhead. "You did very good tonight, Brodie." He then looked to his sister, "How about you Doll?"
She laid a hand on top of Noah's and one on top of Blackie's, closing her eyes she spoke, "Thank you for my large loving family, and that we are all together." She paused and smiled larger, "And for bringing Brett back to me." Noah looked to his sister, "How about you Doll?"
Blackie put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in, hugging her. "It's a Merry Christmas for you isn't it."
"It's the best ever."
"Tell me you'll treasure what you have with him this time." Noah said softly.
"I will, Noah. I swear." After a brief pause, she asked. "How about you?"
He closed his eyes and hugged the babe in his arms, "I'm grateful for the many blessings in my life, including my family." He opened his eyes, and touched Robin's hair, "Doll face?"
"I'm thankful for my daddies, my mommy, my cousins, my brother, Lori, all my gamma and gampa's and that Santa Clause is coming tonight."
Everyone laughed, and Blackie picked the girl up bringing her to his lap, "That was nice, munchkin."
"Your turn, daddy."
He laid his head upon the girl's head and closed his eyes. "I thank God for everyone I love's continued health and happiness, for my family and for each and everyone of our blessings."
As Lori and Noah moved in, and the family hugged, Blackie whispered, "Merry Christmas."

Happy Holidays everyone! We'll see ya in the New Year!

