Chapter 2
From This Day Forward

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Pairings: Blackie/Noah
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: Because you loved Me - words by Celine Dion

A/N - Here it is Dec 31, and I'm just getting this chapter up. Sorry guys. I will know in the next day or two if I'm going to do a stand alone Christmas chapter as I had said, or meld it together with what Shay is preparing to work into the next one.

Dec 9, 1984
6:00 AM

Blackie kissed Brodie's cheek, and then hugged Anna. "Thank you, for doing this for me, sweet heart."
"It's my pleasure," She answered then kissed his cheek before pulling away.
The man turned and picked up the garment bag from the hook and retrieved his keys from his pocket. "I'll see you guys tonight," he answered before turning to leave.
After she heard the garage door lowering, Anna turned and went into the kitchen speaking to the child on her hip. "Your daddies have to be the most incredibly romantic people I know." Putting a hand on the cart, she pushed it down the hall, and then nudged the door open. Pushing the cart up next to the bed, she quietly took the single red rose and the sealed envelope and laid it on the sleeping man's chest before turning and leaving the room just as quietly. She looked back at the man; oblivious to what was going on around him, and then slammed the door shut loudly and grinned when she heard him mumble obscenities.

In the bedroom, Noah called out, "What the hell?!" As his eyes flew open. Immediately seeing the flower and the envelope on his chest, he pushed himself up in the bed. His eyes catching the cart and the full and complete breakfast and a cup of steaming hot coffee, he smiled wider.

He set the rose in the vase that was sitting on the cart and sipped his coffee before opening the envelope, and unfolding the page within.

Before we embark on the rest of our lives, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the last four years. From the moment your lips touched mine, my heart was bound to yours, and our destiny was sealed. I've gone from a 'street kid' with nothing to winning a Grammy. We've already been through the best of times as well as the worst. Each of us has nearly graced the gates of heaven, only to return to each other. Because at each other's side is where we belong, now and forever.

When I look to the future, I look forward to raising our children together, to helping each other through the trials that may lie ahead of us, and to working together to decide what path we shall travel together. We've been down so many roads already, only to find walking next to each other, side-by-side, loving and caring for each other alone, is the best and only road for us.

So tonight, when we meet again under our street lamp, and I tell our family and friends what I told you that night, when we bind ourselves publicly, sealing it in blood as well as a kiss, we will be declaring to the world that our lives belong to each other. We may not be able to share a traditional ceremony (But hey when are we ever traditional) but we can partake in one custom. I will see you again, when I see you under our street lamp at 4 pm.

Till then, all my love,

6:20 AM
Kelly's Diner

Blackie walked into the diner, and immediately over to his father, still leaning on the cane but getting along very well.
Joe smiled as the young man sat with him, "So how are you doing? You nervous?"
Blackie shook his head but smiled, "A little anxious; I want everything to be perfect you know."
"It will be, son, it will be."
Ruby approached. Leaning in she hugged the young man's neck and kissed his cheek, "how you doing?"
"I'm great, Ruby."
"Pancakes?" she asked.
"Uh-hu, and orange juice please."
"Sure thing."
As the woman walked away, Blackie pulled the paper from his pocket and spread it out on the table. "This is everything I need to get done by four o'clock."
"Well, lets take a look," Joe said as he leaned across the table and glanced over the list. "Ok, this is doable, we can get it all done."
"Thanks for your help, Dad. It means the world to me that you are here and a part of this."
The man smiled warmly, "Wouldn't be anywhere else, son."
Blackie reached across the table and embraced the man. After leaning back in his own chair he asked, "Can you head over to Drew and Martin's and make sure they have everything under control with food Martin and Gran wanted to fix for the reception while I go check in with Mom and then run by Jimmy Lee's. I know Noah is going to head to his dad's first and I'm trying to keep it so we don't see each other till we come together tonight under the light."
The man smiled, "Sure, I can handle that. Then you want me to meet you at Wyndoms?"
"Yeah, they open at 10. So lets meet upstairs then?"
"Sounds like a plan." Changing the subject he asked, "How's sissy doing with those drums?"
Joe responded with a laugh, "Oh cracking the plaster and shaking the windows."
"She likes them then," he grinned.
"She loves them, and at her check up the other day Grant said they actually could serve as good physical therapy for her."
"That's what I was hoping," Blackie answered.

Nancy waved her hand over her shoulder as her son's face peeked over to the stove, "Now you get out of my way right this minute, Martin."
"Oh Mom!" the man insisted, "I'm the one who talked the boys into letting us have this reception for them, and now you're not going to let me help at all."
"I most certainly will let you help, I just don't need it right now. Right now I need you out from under my feet. Isn't there anything you can help Fitz with?"
"He's with the wait staff he hired going over the liquor."
"Well, there you go. Why don't you go make sure that's under control?"
Pouting he began to turn when the back door opened and Noah came in, "Hey everyone," he greeted with a warm happy smile.
"Noah, let me help you with that." Martin said quickly crossing to the man and taking the garment bag and the small duffle bag from his son.
"Thank you, and thanks for letting me get changed here."
"Of course. Of course, here I'll run this upstairs and put in the guest room for you."
"Thank you, Dad. Oh, and can you unzip the bag and get out the tux please. I'm afraid it will crinkle."
"Certainly," Martin answered.
As the man left the room, Noah slid up behind the elderly woman, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head on her shoulder. "Use to be you come to town I'd be the first one you'd come to see," he feigned a pout.
Lifting her arm up, she ran her fingers through his hair. "Noah, baby, you're still my favorite," she teased.
"Everything smells so wonderful, Gran. But honestly, this is why Blackie and I hesitated letting you parents do this. We didn't want anyone going to so much trouble."
The woman turned and embraced her grandson, hugging him tight. "We all love you, Noah, Henry, Martin and I. We wanted more then anything to give you a nice reception, and your friends want to celebrate with you too."
He smiled, "I know, but you know Blackie and I wanted to make our commitment at the exact time we kissed."
"So you wanted everyone out in the cold in the middle of the night?" she asked with a laugh.
The man smiled as he led the woman to the table by her hand and sat with her at the table. "I remember that moment as if it were yesterday."

Noah crossed his arms, rubbing his shoulders, "Man, it's freezing out here."
"Yeah, I guess it doesn't get this cold in Atlanta?" He asked.
"No, it doesn't," he said sort of surprised the teen would remember he was from Atlanta. It could have only been mentioned in passing conversation before. "Was there something you wanted?"
"No, not really. I just saw you and thought I'd say hi. You work late tonight?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I like the late shift. I'm going to head in and raid Ruby's kitchen. You want something to eat or drink? It's warm in there," the man offered.
Blackie shook his head, "Nah, thanks, I have to head home."
"Okay," Noah paused; feeling like Blackie had more he wanted to say. "I'll see you and your dad at the club tomorrow then?"
Blackie nodded and started to turn. He took two steps and turned back. "It's now or never," he said to himself. "Noah," he called out again. The doctor stopped and turned back, "Yeah, kid?"
Blackie stuttered, taking a step toward him, "I have something to tell you, but you got to promise not to hit me."
Noah laughed, "Hit you? I'd never do that." He sobered, curious as to what Blackie could possibly have to say. Noah genuinely liked the kid who seemed to have a bad rep as a troublemaker. He had never seen anything but a kind, somewhat shy young man, and in ways he couldn't quite put his fingers on, reminded him of himself. "What is it?" Noah asked.
Blackie reached out and took the doctor's arm, closing his eyes and swallowing his nervousness, he whispered, "I - I - I love you." He opened his eyes and waited for the other man's reaction.
Noah paused letting the words sink in. Not able to control his movements, he reached out with his other arm and took Blackie's shoulder. Pulling him in, he kissed him.
Blackie stood shocked for a moment, then quickly slid his hands up his arms and over his shoulders returning his kiss."

Gran smiled. "You know as often as I hear that story, I never grow tired of it."
"Me either," he answered. "It won't be the same at four in the afternoon."
"No, it won't be," the woman said. "But you're not recreating a moment, Noah. Are you? Aren't you making a commitment for from this day foreword?"
"Yeah," he answered, "yes, and you always put things in such perspective, Gran, thank you." After a moments pause he asked, "So do you have any advice as how to make our relationship as strong as yours and Grand-dad's."
The woman smiled a pained smile as she look away, "Oh Noah, Your grand-dad would be so proud of you today, and I know just what advice he would have to give you on that subject."
"What?" Noah asked curiously.
"Just love each other, that's the secret. He said it all the time."
"He's a wise man." Noah answered, then stood and crossed to the back door when he heard the knock. "Joe? Come in." Noah asked confused as to what he was doing there.
The man hugged the doctor, "Good morning, Noah." He then turned to Nancy, "Blackie asked me to come by and see if you had everything here you needed."
Before the woman could answer Noah interrupted, excited, "You've seen Blackie this morning?"
Joe laughed, "I just left him. He sent me cause he said you'd be here."
"I don't understand," Nancy laughed as she got up and crossed back to the stove.
"He's suddenly become a fan of tradition," Noah answered, "he left before I got up this morning, and left a note saying he'd see me under the light."
"Awe. He's so sweet." Nancy answered, and then turned to Joe. "We are fine here. Thank you, Joe."
"Well that's great then. I have a few more things to take care of for him then before I meet up with him again."
"Oh yeah," Noah asked coyly, "And when are you meeting him again."
"NOAH!" Joe laughed and teased. "You're not getting it out of me, and can't you just wait to see him till tonight."
He inhaled and exhaled slowly, "Yeah, I can." He then looked to his dad as the man came back into the room. He asked the senator, "Get your coat, dad."
"Why?" He asked.
"Because, you, dad, and I have something to do."
"Will be gone long?"
"About 2 hours," He then turned to Nancy, "Is that all right, Gran?"
"It's perfect. It will give me a chance to get something done around here."

In the driveway, Blackie sat in the car a moment and stared at the small house. He hadn't been able to find the words to tell his mother how much he hated her and Louie buying this small house just off the waterfront when they had done it in the fall. He just couldn't seem to find the right words to say that he wished they were in a safer, 'better' neighborhood, without it sounding like he felt bitter about growing up in that section of town, even if it was the truth. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the car and walking up toward the house. He would keep his thoughts to himself, his mother was happy and that was all that mattered.

He knocked. When no one answered, he went into the house and called out, "Mom! You here?"
"In the kitchen, nipio."
He smiled when the language of his youth hit his ear, and made his way in to the room. "Hello, mana," He greeted the woman, coming up to her and kissing her cheek as the scents of the Greek food washed over him. "Everything smells so wonderful. Is there anything you need from me?"
She offered him a spoonful from the pan she was stirring and said in the foreign tongue, "Don't be silly, child. You promised to let your parents plan this party."
He pulled the woman tight in an embrace, "I'm so happy you are here to be a part of this day with me. I can't even begin to tell you how much,"
"Shhh, nipio, mana es edo."
"Thank you," He whispered again. "Thank you for being here."

Salon Bella Bella
Noah pulled the car up in front of the salon, and got out of the car. He and Martin approached the door, and ran into Henry coming up the street from the other way.
"Son, What are we doing here?" The senior Dr. Drake asked.
"It a father - father -son day," Noah smiled wide.
"At a beauty parlor," The man responded.
"OH Henry," Martin exhaled, "It's a salon."
"There's a difference?" The elder brother asked.
"Yeah, there is," Noah chuckled as he reached out and opened the door, holding it for the other two men. He then led him up to the counter where he told the young man behind the counter, "You have three appointments for Drake this morning."
The young blond ran his finger down the book then smiled, "Ah, yes, the manicures. Please follow me.
Martin turned to Noah, "This is a TERRIFC idea, son."
"Thanks, Dad. I thought it would be fun for the three of us."
"Manicures?" Henry asked, still confused as they were directed to sit at the three tables.
"Yes, Manicures," Noah said firmly. "My man is recommitting the ring on my finger this evening, and I'll be damned it's going to look as good as it can." He then smiled at the young redhead who sat in front of him. "Hi, Shirley, doll, I'd like you to meet my fathers, Martin Drake, and Dr. Henry Drake," he said pointing to each man in turn.
"So nice to meet you," she answered, shaking each man's hand then introduced each of the other technicians to the men. "Your usual, Noah?" She asked as he handed her right hand first and leaned back in the chair as the woman began filing his nails.
"Please, and for my fathers too." He then looked to Henry. "Dad," he spoke slowly as if speaking to a child. "It's okay. Give the nice woman your hand."
He looked to Noah, "You get this done all the time."
"About once a month for the last year or so. We're doctors, we need to care for our hands."
Henry looked at him cross-eyed.
Noah laughed, "Sit down, Dad. Sit back, close your eyes and relax. It is wonderful."
"You can't tell me you've never treated yourself, brother dear." Martin chimed in.
"You do this too?" The doctor ranted, his voice raising an octave.
"Of course. Doctors aren't the only ones who have to take care of their hands."
"Geez, you'd think we'd asked him to get a pedicure." Noah teased.
"OH heaven forbid." Martin laughed with him, "We wouldn't want him to show his monkey feet to anyone."
"You leave my feet alone!" Henry snapped as he watched the woman curiously rubbing lotion into his hand.
Noah giggled as he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

The Quartermaine Carriage House
Blackie pulled the car through the gates and the long drive to the small cottage. He then walked up to the door and knocked. About thirty seconds later he heard his friend call out, "Yeah, who ever it is just come on in!"
Laughing at his friend's frantic tone, he went into the cabin to see Juan glued to the television playing the Atari game, and Rosalita eating a sandwich and reading. Blackie could hear the baby crying in one of the other rooms. "Rosa, Juan, Where's Jimmy Lee." He said clumsily, knowing they spoke very little English, but hoping the names would be enough to get the point accross."
Rosa casually turned the page in the book as Juan pointed toward the hall, "Poppy, baby!"
Frustrated that the older girl wasn't helping at all, he turned and went down the hall. He walked into the bedroom in time to see Jimmy Lee shrieking as the un-diapered infant showered him.
Blackie laughed as he grabbed a diaper from the edge of the changing table and covered the child. "You got watch that, buddy."
"Thanks," The man laughed as he grabbed a towel and wiped himself off. "I really do have it under control. I do. I just finished his bath."
"It's all right, Brodie's got me more times then I want to count." He said as he smiled at the child who gazed up at him.
As Jimmy Lee moved back in with another diaper, and proceeded to put it on the child, he said, "How you doing? You ready for this afternoon."
"Almost, You going to be able to take care of that thing for me?"
"Oh yeah, sure. Grant will be home from the clinic at noon, after lunch he's going to handle the kids while I do that."
He smiled, "thanks a million."
"No problem." He picked up the child and put him to his shoulder and walked with Blackie out toward the kitchen. In the living room, he called out toward the TV. "Jaun, turn it down. . ahh . . . pasito."
The young child rambled off in Spanish, and Jimmy Lee turned frustrated and crossed the room, turning the volume down as the child yelled waving his hands to move him out of the way.
Jimmy Lee turned back and raised his hands as to say everything was fine. "It's okay, quiet." He then stepped around and over the kid's things as he made his way to the kitchen.
In the kitchen Blackie took the baby, so Jimmy Lee could begin to warm up a bottle. "Is everything okay, JL?" He asked.
The man smiled to his friend. "Yeah, it's good. We're still struggling with the language barrier. You think maybe you could ask Jay if he might come over and give Grant and I few lessons. Or give me his phone number and I can call him."
"He'll be there tonight. You can talk to him then, of if you don't get a chance I'll call him." He looked out over the open bar and watched the kids a moment. "Rosalita knows some English. Doesn't she?"
He sighed. "Not very much at all. Even so, we're determined to let her be a sister to these two, not a parent."
He understood the catch twenty-two his friend was in, but personally felt the girl could at least help out. As Jimmy Lee tested the bottle on his arm, his friend smiled to him. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"
He shook his head, and looked at him cross eyed, "Are you crazy? This is your special day. Get on out of here. We're fine. Really we are. I'm going to feed him and put him down for a nap and then straighten up around here before Grant gets home. We'll see ya tonight."
"OK, thanks Jimmy Lee. I'll see you tonight." He then turned and left the kitchen. In the living room, he continued toward the door and then turned and went back to the chair Rosa was sitting in and leaned in. "Rosa," he said.
The girl looked up and stared him coldly in the eye.
"I think maybe Jimmy Lee could use a little help around here." He suggested as he searched her eyes for recognition or understanding.
She shook her head and then called out with her thick heavy accent, "Jimmy Lee."
The man looked over the bar, still feeding the child. "What is it, Rosa?"
She pointed to Blackie and shrugged her shoulders, "No habla. .. . no know."
"What did you need, Blackie?" He asked.
The man shook his head, as he stood up, "I was just saying goodbye. Lori knows a little Spanish too, I thought maybe she would be good company for her tonight."
The man smiled, "Thanks, Man."
"I'll see ya later, buddy." He said as he turned and left.

Blackie nearly tripped as he came off the escalator, then moved as quickly as he could to the counter where he already saw his father waiting with Cynthia and the baby. He smiled as he pulled his wallet from his pocket, and handed the clerk his credit card as Caroline bounced in her mother's arm and called out to him.
"Just a minute, sweetie," he spoke to his sister as he took care of paying for the collected items on the counter. He then took his sister and hugged and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, ma, so much."
"You're welcome. I don't want you to worry about a thing. I have plenty of able bodies meeting me over there to get everything ready."
"Thanks again." He then turned to the infant. "And you're coming with me and Dad, right?"

Noah walked out of the office and down the hall toward the back hall with a friend on each side of him. He handed Bucky the keys in his hand. "You'll take care of that for me, buddy, right?"
"Don't worry about it, Dr. Sexy. I got it under control."
Noah leaned in and hugged the man, "Thank you, my friend."
"You're welcome."
Noah then turned to Grant, "And I need you -"
The doctor cut him off. "I know. I'll be at your Dad's at 3:30 sharp."
"Thanks," he sighed, and then turned so his back was to the ambulance bay doors. Reaching out and taking one of their hands each he smiled again, "I need to go start getting dressed I guess."
Grant smiled, "You go on. We'll see you in a little while."

Blackie came from his father's bathroom fresh from the shower wearing a large dark green robe. Padding down the hall toward the bedroom, he heard Caroline's babbling chatter coming from the nursery. He rounded the corner, and peaked in to see her standing in the crib, talking to the bright colored fish on the mobile.
When the young man came into the room, she called out with her hands extended, "Bla-ckie!"
"Hi, sissy!" he smiled as he reached and picked her up, then picking up her monkey from the bed, went to the rocking chair giving it to her.
The baby took the doll in her arms and hugged it, then snuggled into her brother's shoulder.
A moment later Joe came into the room and paused in the doorway, seeing his son and his daughter interacting, he smiled. "Hey, son, it's getting late. Don't you need to be getting dressed?"
"Yeah, we were just having a little talk." He stood and handed the girl to his father. He smiled, took a deep breath, and then exhaled it slowly. "I'm nervous, Dad."
"Awe, why?" he asked.
He shook his head as he blushed his embarrassment, "I don't know. I've wanted this day for so long but now that it's here, I'm scared."
Putting an arm around his son's shoulder, he guided him out to the family room and pointed him to the couch. "Sit down a minute, Albert. I'll be right back."
He came back a moment later with two short glasses and a bottle of Tullamore Dew. Blackie smiled as his father filled each glass ½ way. "Shouldn't Grandpa be here for this?"
Joe smiled back, "We'll toast later with Grandpa. That isn't what I was thinking right now." Sitting on the couch next to his son, he handed him one of the glasses. "Isn't it traditional to have a father son talk on your wedding day?"
"Oh!" Blackie said as he bounced in his seat. "Cover your ears, Sissy, Daddy is going to tell me all about sex."
Joe laughed, "I don't think there is anything I can tell you, you don't already know. Hell," he laughed, "You've taught me a thing too."
Blackie laughed and leaned over, patting his dad's shoulder, "What is it then?"
"Well, I also know there isn't anything I can tell you about love that you don't already know either. You and Noah are the example all others should live by."
Suppressing a joyful tear, Blackie answered, "That means a lot, dad."
"I guess what I want to say is my hope and wish for you that you will always be as happy as you are today, and to let you know that I'm always here for you if you need me, Son."
The younger man took a sip of the Irish whiskey then leaned across the couch, hugging his father's neck. "For as long as I can remember, Dad, I always wondered what I had done that was so bad that my daddy didn't love me and didn't want to be with me."
"Oh son!" Joe interrupted, his own voice cracking.
"No, I know now that it wasn't like that," he wept into the man's shoulder. "You came, and I didn't want to trust you. I was sure there was something so wrong in me that eventually you would leave. But you didn't, never, not through all that crap with Matt, not when I got hurt, you were right there by my side, loving me, like you had been here for all my twenty one years."
Then man stroked his son's hair and then kissed his forehead, "Because I have been, maybe not physically, but I've always carried you in my heart. I love you son, and I'm always here with you."
The younger man pulled back and glanced down at his watch then mumbled as he pushed the tears from his cheek, "Oh fuck! I got to start getting dressed."
Joe covered the girl's ears. "Cyn really doesn't want Caroline to inherit Drew's mouth, son."
Blackie laughed, "But if she picked it up from me. . "
"We can still say she got it from Drew," he laughed, breaking his own tears.
Blackie picked up the little girl and held her up over his head making her laugh, "Sissy won't repeat my bad words will you."
The girl laughed and giggled at her brother as he brought her down and hugged her again. "You have to go back to Daddy, Caroline. I need to go get ready to tell Noah and everyone else in town how much I love him."

Noah came down the steps as he buttoned the cuff links on the tuxedo jacket. Martin pulled Drew's attention from where he was directing the wait staff for the evening. "Roo-bear, go get a camera."
Noah stopped on the steps and extended his arms, "Whatya think Dad?"
"Oh, it's magnificent, son." He said admiring the black cut tuxedo pants with white jacket covering an elegant white shirt with deep purple bow tie, and vest.
As Noah came to the bottom of the steps, Martin walked around him, letting his fingers dance over the fabric, "Beautiful, Ralph Loren?"
"Christian Dior," Noah answered with a grin.
Drew came back in with the camera, "Ok, Martin baby, Why don't you stand just behind Noah, with a hand on his shoulder, that way you can fondle the nice fabric without it being to obvious."
"Oh Roo," the man laughed as the two posed for a few pictures.
"Drew, Would you be willing to take a few of me and Blackie later in front of your Christmas tree? We don't have very many pictures of us both all dressed up nice. There's a photographer going to take a few professional shots for us, but I would love some casual candid shots."
"Of course, son."
"Thank you," he answered, then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Grant should be here any minute to take me over. Are you guys leaving?"
"We're going right now," Martin answered, "Come on Drew."
"Where are the little ones?" Noah asked.
"Mom already took them over," Martin answered, then hug his son again, kissing his cheek. "We'll see you over there."
He nodded, "If you see Blackie, tell him I love him. It feels so weird not having talked to him all day."
"I tell you what," Martin answered, "you tell him when you see him."
"I will," Noah called after the two as they walked out the front door. He then turned to the room, and saw Lorain coming from the kitchen, wrapping her coat around herself. She stopped suddenly when she saw Noah, "Oh my goodness, aren't you beautiful," she whispered.
"Mom," he smiled half-heartedly, "I thought you would be with Blackie right now."
"He was going to get ready at Joe's." She then walked over to him taking his hands, "Is something wrong, honey?"
He leaned in and kissed her cheek, "No, why would there be?" He said as he passed her.
She looked down and away, then turned back. Coming up behind him, she laid her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them. "I want to say something to you now, before your ceremony, so you will KNOW that I mean it from my heart."
He swallowed hard, "what is that?"
"Four years ago tonight, when my son came to you and you opened your eyes, your arms, and your heart to him, you became my son too. I know we had that thing a few months ago when he was hurt -"
Noah turned and pulled the woman in tight, hugging her and kissing her cheek, "It's okay, mom. It was just thing. Things were rough and we all did the best we could at the time," he wept. "I love you so much."
She exhaled her tension, "I love you too, Noah. Couldn't love you more if I'd born you myself." As he pulled back and looked into her eyes, she slid a hand along his cheek, "I know your own mother continues to hurt you, your vengeance should be in the fact that she will never know the happiness you do now. She will never feel the love you already feel and that will continue to grow as our families bind and continue to extend and grow together."
He nodded, "You are so right."
There was a knock on the front door, and she moved to it, "That must be Grant. And I need to get over there or I'm going to be late."
Noah followed her and opened the door. Taking the scarf from the collar of his coat that was hanging by the door, he wrapped it around the woman's neck. "Stay warm, mom. We'll give you a couple moment head start."
Grant whistled at the man as he did a circle in the foyer, "That is NOT a rental."
"Psh!" Noah answered, "Hell no, it's not a rental."
"You look amazing, Noah. Just amazing."
"Thank you," He said doing one last check in the mirror by the door, adjusting his bow tie then fingering his hair. "I've promised my baby tonight for a long time, you think he'll be happy with it?"
"He hasn't seen it?"
Noah shook his head, "We agreed to get our own clothes, and surprise each other with them."
"He will love it. Though he would love tonight no matter what you were wearing. It's not about that for him."
Carefully slipping into his dress coat and walking outside with Grant, he smiled. "Sounds like you're finally getting to know him for who he is."
The man chuckled, "yeah, I guess so."

Noah walked with Grant up the block from where they had parked at Kelly's just as Blackie had asked him too. Stepping up to the make shift alter against a backdrop of black velvet he walked up to the woman who was putting the final touches, "Oh my, Cynthia, it's absolutely beautiful."
The woman turned and through her arms around his neck. "You like it then?"
"Like it? I can't believe you were able to do all of this." It was only then he turned to see the chairs set up in the blocked off street, filled with the friends and relatives.
Luke approached from the side and asked, "It's getting to be about that time hu?"
Noah looked around. "I guess it is." He tried to look up the street the direction that he expected Blackie to come from only to see it blocked by the black velvet. Joe quickly came around it carrying Caroline and extending his hand to Cyn. He then smiled at Noah's worried expression. "He's here, Noah. Just give him a minute or two."
"Okay," he smiled as everyone but Luke found a seat.

Behind the curtain, Blackie pulled the wheel chair out from Danny's trunk and opened it, giving it a gently push toward the curtain, and then grabbed the cane and closed the trunk. "Ok, Danny, go on the other side and stand with Noah."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked pointing toward the chair.
"I'm positive." He answered. "Go on, I'm giving you twenty seconds and then I'm starting."
"Okay," He said his nervousness showing through.

Noah smiled at Danny when he came around the curtain. Danny crossed to take his place next to Luke behind the small table. Noah reached out and brushed the young man's shoulder, then turned back toward the curtain in time to see it move slightly and then Blackie push himself in the wheel chair from behind the black.
His heart jumped into his mouth when he saw the young man in the wheel chair. He started to leap toward the younger man to find out what happened when he smiled and held his hands up to stop him, "It's all right, Noah." He whispered softly. He put the brake on the chair and watched as relief washed over the doctor's face, and then confusion and Blackie used the cane to take a few steps closer to him. He then stopped, took a look to the ground then back toward the chair and tossed the cane back toward it. He stood still a moment, smiling at the man, then crossed the rest of the distance with out the cane and only exhibiting a small limp.

Everyone present gasped at the accomplishment as tears of joy filled the doctor's eyes and began to slowly stream down his cheek. He now took in his lover head to toe. He was wearing black tuxedo pants a white shirt, black vest and tie, and a jacket very similar in cut to the one he was wearing, only made of black leather.

When he had closed the distance, Blackie reached up and brushed the tears from Noah's cheek and then leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "It's okay, Noah. I love you."
Noah leaned into the man's hand and kissed his palm and then his lips. "I love you, baby."

Blackie slid his hands down the man's arms, and took his hands in his own squeezing them tight. They had planned to make a deceleration of what the past had meant to them first. "Four years ago when I stopped you here on this very spot, I was as emotionally crippled as I was physically crippled this past year. I was alone in the world and didn't feel all that great about whom I was. When you took me into your arms and into your life, your love warmed me and comforted me, and in that light I began to grow. This past year our love was tested, and again your love comforted me, kept me warm, and literally kept me alive when my life hung in the valance. And it is because I know that I am my best when I am with you, and that together we can brave any storm that might knock against our door that I intend to spend the rest of my life with you."

Noah's hand was trembling as he raised their clasp hands to his mouth and kissed Blackie's hand. The tears were falling again, and as he began to speak his voice cracked with emotion. "Four years ago I was in living my life in the dark. Day to day doing what was expected of me, I merely existed. Then you came to me, on this spot, and told me you loved me. You pulled me from that darkness and brought me into the light. I was cold and you made me warm in your love. When my health failed me, you stood by my side and nurtured and cared for me. We've built a home and family together, and I know that I am only half of who I can be without you. I would rather breathe my last breath then ever live in the cold again.

As Blackie gazed into his lover's tear filled eyes and heard his emotional decree he felt his own eyes brimming with his joyful tears. Together they switched hands, so they were holding each other's left hand. They then laid them flat against each other. Noah then gripped Blackie's ring, between his fingers and said. "Two years ago I gave you this ring with my promise to stand by you, to love you, honor you and remain faithful to you. Today I renew that promise and re-pledge my love not only to you but also in front of our friends and family. May they know that I gave you this ring as a symbol of my unending love to you."

When Noah finished, Blackie turned his hand and took Noah's ring between his fingers, and repeated their vows. "Two years ago I gave you this ring with my promise to stand by you, to love you, honor you and remain faithful to you. Today I renew that promise and re-pledge my love not only to you but also in front of our friends and family. May they know that I gave you this ring as a symbol of my unending love to you."

Blackie then turned and nodded to Brett, who stepped up to a keyboard they had sitting off to the side. "I wrote this for you, Noah." He whispered, before nodding to his friend and counting as he played the intro.

For all the times you stood by me
For all the truth you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrongs that you've made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me though - through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

Noah, through tears a new, kissed the back of each of Blackie's hands before he turned toward the gathered family and said, "There is one person who was instrumental in bringing us together four years ago, and has been there as a dear friend for both of us through out. We have asked Danny to help us tonight, the way he did then." Noah picked up the scalpel from the table and turned his own hand palm up. He then made a diagonal very shallow cut in the flesh as he said, "Ye are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone. I give ye my body, that we two might be one. I give ye my spirit, 'til our life shall be done." He then turned the scalpel and handed it to Blackie.

The younger man looked at it a moment, the drops of his lover's blood on the blade, he then turned and used it to cut his own palm saying, "Ye are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone. I give ye my body, that we two might be one. I give ye my spirit, 'til our life shall be done."

The two then gripped thier hands together. Noah reached for the long gold cord that lay on the table then draped it over their gripped hands. Together, with a little help from Danny, they wrapped around their hands and up their arms.

Luke then laid his hand atop their two and said, "The handfasting knot, which binds two lovers' hands together, represents their sincere and hopeful intention to make an indissoluble union. The knots on this cord unite your love. With this binding I tie you, heart to heart, together as one. With this knot you are joined in sacred union."

As Luke let his hand slide off their bound ones, Noah and Blackie came together. Their lips meeting, they kissed deeply. When they broke several moments later amongst their friends still cheering, they both looked up at the light drifting snow that began to fall and laughed, again embracing each other with their unbound arms. Noah then turned to the crows. "Our parents wished to throw us a reception. Everyone is invited to please join us at my father's house."

"Just a minute, Doc. I have one more surprise for you." He nervously said, swallowing his building anticipation.
As he spoke, Jimmy Lee pushed his motorcycle up in front of the two. The damage from the accident repaired, and it wore a new coat of paint, looking just as it had the day Noah had given it to him.

Having untied the cord, the two walked up to the bike, and Noah took the helmets from their place on the back. He handed Blackie his, and put his on, "This is perfect, baby, Absolutely perfect."
Blackie's fingers trembled as he latched the helmet; he then looked back to the bike and to Noah. "I thought I was ready, but I'm not. Can you drive?" He said handing him the keys.
Noah took them in his hand and looked at them for a moment before handing them back. He then leaned in and said low. "You CAN do this, baby. I know you can, and I'm here beside you, for you to lean on and to support you, and we'll get through it together."
"Together," Blackie repeated. He then took the bike from Jimmy Lee and straddled it. Leaning forward he looked to Noah, "Come on, Doc, let's go for a ride."
The man got on the bike behind him, and eased onto the seat as Blackie turned the key, then kicked it. The engine roared to life, and he smiled. He then eased the bike forward, and the two rode off down the street.

Twenty Minutes Later
Blackie turned the bike and drove it up the alley, parking it at the door to the back steps of Kelly's diner. Standing, and holding the bike, he let Noah get off before he put it up on the stand and got off himself. After taking the helmet off, he took Noah's and set them on the bike then took the man in his arms, pulling him tight and kissing him, "Thank you so much, Noah," he whispered as he pulled away.
"I should be thanking you, baby," he answered softly, stroking the man's cheek.
Blackie smiled and let his hands glide down the lapels of the tuxedo jacket, "You look so sexy in this. And you even gave me the promised snow," he smiled as he flicked at the flakes in the man's hair.
"You look pretty hot yourself," he said as he rubbed his hands down the sleeves of the leather blazer. "I love this."
"I thought you might," he said with a glean in his eye.
"I missed you all day," the doctor whispered, still stroking the man's body unable to keep himself from touching him.
"I missed you too," Blackie giggled. "But wasn't it all worth it tonight."
"When I saw you in the wheel chair -"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It was symbolic."
"I understand now. And how long have you been walking without that cane?" He asked with a large smile.
"About a week and a half," he said slyly. "Jason and I have been working overtime while you've been back to work hard at the clinic."
"And you kept it as a surprise?" He asked light heartedly as he pulled the younger man in hugging him and stroking his back, just needing to be close.
Blackie returned the hug, "Were ya? Surprised that is?"
"Yes I was. I love you no matter what. I know you know that, but to know how happy you are to be walking again makes me so happy too."
He pulled back and pecked his mouth, "I am happy, Noah. Happy anniversary, Doc."
"Happy Anniversary, baby." The surgeon answered. After a long lingering kiss, he continued. "And the song, that was so beautiful, Blackie. I don't know if I'm worthy of it, it was so amazing."
Blackie quieted him with a kiss, "Don't ever say that, Doc. I love you."
Noah pulled him back as he started to pull back, "We should get over to dads and put in an appearance I suppose."
"An appearance?" Blackie grinned. "I'm looking forward to dancing with you."
"Then let's go," Noah answered as Blackie picked up the helmet, and got back on the bike.

3 hours later

Noah sipped from his Champaign glass, nodding his head as Bucky spoke to him, but his eyes were locked on Blackie as he smiled and talked with Mary and Sean.
"And then he just burst into flames right there on the operating table, but it was ok, cause I was hungry and I was able to just grill a burger over his burning carcass." Bucky said with a wide smile on his face.
"That's fantastic, Bucky," Noah nodded.
Bucky slapped his arm and laughed, "Why don't you two get out of here?"
"I'm sorry, Bucky." The man blushed, "But isn't he just the most amazing person in the room right now."
"If you say so, Dr. Sexy."
Noah chuckled at the familiar nickname, and turned. "Go ahead and do what I asked?"
"You're coming right behind me?"
"Ten minutes behind you."
"Okay, you have a wonderful night."
"Thanks, Bucky." As the cardiologist left, Noah crossed the room and slid in behind Blackie, kissing the man's cheek then resting his chin on his shoulder. He whispered, "I missed you." And then said to the couple, "Hi Mary, Hi Sean."
Blackie turned so he could brush the other man's lips as the couple returned the greeting.
Noah suggested, "Say our thanks and make our exit?"
"Like we talked about?" Blackie asked.
"Uh-hu, if that's okay."

Ten minutes later
Noah and Blackie appeared at the top of the steps overlooking the great room. Having changed into jeans, and sweatshirts, covered with their leather jackets, and holding a glass of Champaign each. After a moment, Noah spoke loudly, "Family and Friends."
The gathered guests quickly quieted turning to the top of the stairs. Noah nudged Blackie as he slid and arm around his waist.
The younger man smiled and spoke loud enough to be heard. "Noah and I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight to witness the commitment we made to each other. You are all so dear to us, and having you there made the night perfect."
He turned to Noah who smiled and turned to the crowd. "And we want to thank our parents, Dad and Buffy, Dad and Drew, Joe and Cyn, and Mom and Louie, and of course Gran for all the hard work you put both into this party and the decorations under the street light."
Blackie continued, "And also the friends who helped us with all our little surprises for each other and the final lose ends."
Together, they lifted their glasses out, and said, "All rise and raise a glass. Here's to all those that we love. Here's to all those that love us. Thank you one and all." Then together sipped from their glasses as the room erupted with applause. They then continued down the steps, where Anna and Dylan waited with the kids. After hugging and kissing each one good night, the two left the house for the bike.

Blackie took the helmets from the bike and handed one to Noah. Noah smiled and extended his hand, "This time I'll drive."
The younger man smiled and then stepped in sliding his arms around his chest and laying his head on his shoulder, "Just don't drive too far, Doc. I want to get back into these arms as fast as I can."
"Me too, baby," he whispered kissing his forehead.

The Loft
As Noah held the bike up, Blackie slipped off it and pulled the helmet off. "You remembered?" He asked getting misty yet again.
"Of course I remembered." He said as he put both helmets in the saddlebag, and then took his lover's hand leading him up the steps. At the top, he paused, and turned to Blackie. Taking the man's wrist, their eyes fell to the face to see it was the time they had really come together four years ago. Blackie looked up to the lightly falling snow, and then into the man's eyes, "I love you."
Noah smiled as he slowly wrapped his arms around Blackie and kissed him softly, slowly deepening it. He stepped back while still kissing his love and twisted the doorknob till the door pushed open. He pulled back and let Blackie look into the room.
His breath caught as he stepped in, "Oh my god, Noah, it's so incredible." He said as his eyes took in the room. Different colored rose petals had been scattered across the floor and the turned down bed, candles were lit on the dresser, night stands, and coffee table that was set to resemble their first apartment above Kelly's. A bottle of Champaign set in an ice bucket with two glasses near by on the nightstand. And a large plate of fresh fruit and dips sit on the other one.
"For you, my love," he whispered as he came up behind him.
The two stepped into the room, and Noah pushed the door closed as Blackie turned back letting his leather fall to the floor. He stepped up closer, as Noah let his coat fall. The couple locked hands and let their lips touch. A few moments later, Noah pulled back and pulled his shirt off first, then Blackie's. "I want to lay in bed and hold you, my love, my baby."
Melting into the man's embrace, the younger man moaned in response continuing to hug, caress and kiss the doctor's body as they stumbled to the bed, clumsily shedding their clothes along the way.
Soft purring moans filled the room as their hands caressed the other's body. Noah arched his back and rolled his neck as his breath fell hot against Blackie's cheek. "So beautiful."
The younger man gripped the doctor's hair in his hands pulling him back and locking his mouth to his as the bodies melted to each other's. Letting the kiss break several moments later he nuzzled Noah's neck, "We're stronger then ever."
"Yes, we are," the man answered as he laid his head atop of the other man's pulling him close, and stroking his body. "Are you happy, baby?" he asked softly.
He looked up into his lover's eyes, "of course I'm happy, Noah."
"Good," he smiled back. "I'm happy too."
Blackie lightly stroked his cheek, "Really? Are you okay with everything that's happened with Lori and then your mom."
"Lori, I'm sure it is going to be a long battle for her to be whole again, but I know that you and I together can handle it. As for mom, yeah, I think I finally get it that I can't judge myself through her eyes."
"That's right," Blackie smiled back, he spoke seriously for a moment. "And, Noah, she's just ill, and she may never be well. That's not your fault. You've tried and tried to care for her, but you can't do it at a large cost to yourself."
"I know, baby. I know. You mind if we don't talk about her right now?" He asked as he kissed his forehead, cheek, and then lips.
"No, what do you want to talk about?" He asked as he pushed his hips to the other man's and moaned softly.
"I don't want to talk. I want to make love to you." He answered as their bodies melted together.

