Chapter 21

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Pairings: Blackie/Noah, Jay/Charlie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them. The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!) So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: I (Shay) am back.

Blackie sat nervously on the edge of the examining table contemplating the decision that had been haunting him the last few weeks.
He looked down at the knee in question; he was wearing a pair of cotton shorts, so Nick could better examine him, something he rarely did since the accident that had left the thick scars on both his legs. He coughed deeply. As soon as he was done here, he had to go upstairs for breathing therapy. He sighed a whole afternoon in his least favorite place on earth.
Hearing the door open he looked up and smiled at the orthopedic. "Hi Nick," he greeted.
The doctor looked up from the file and sat down on the stool in front of the table. "How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm tired of it," he admitted for the first time. "Every night the knee aches so badly, and when it or I get tired, it gives out. I'm going to be doing a series of shows next month and I want to be able to give it my all and still be able to walk the next day."
The doctor nodded and placed a hand on either side of the knee, gently feeling as he slid his hand up and down. "You have some swelling even now. Does it hurt?"
The man nodded, "It's like a dull ache all the time."
"Okay, I meant my touching it though."
He simply nodded.
"What I was proposing is a surgery that is done with a laparoscope. "
"That's the small camera like thingy right."
Nick nodded, "The scar would be very small,"
"Like that matters," Blackie quipped dispersedly.
Ignoring the man's reference to the deep scars that riddled his legs, the doctor continued, "And the heal time would be quick. About six to eight weeks."
"My first show is in four," he countered.
"If we did it right away, you'd still be on crutches in four."
"What exactly is it you would do with the surgery?"
Nick pushed back, and looked up to the man, "As I'm sure the other doctor's have told you, it's your ACL that is causing the weakness in the knee. My guess is that it is torn. We would repair that, possibly shorten it a bit if need be so that you will get more support. The knee won't give out on you. When the knee is working the way it should be, the swelling and the ache should subside."
"What about my limp?"
"Your what?" Nick asked, thrown by Blackie's change of topic.
"My limp," He paused at the confusion on the doctor's face. "I limp."
The doctor nodded, "But that isn't because of your ACL." The doctor slid his hand down the bone from the man's knee to his ankle, "I know I don't have to tell you how many breaks you have just in this part of your leg. You also have damage to your hip. The hip is probably most responsible for you limp."
"So what can you do about that?"
"Blackie, I can't fix the limp. I'm sorry, but we can strengthen this knee."
"I've been working really hard. I've lost like twenty pounds. I think it's getting better. If I lose ten more-"
Nick cut him off, "Blackie, that's not the problem. He flipped open the chart again to check the weight and shook his head. "Do not try and lose ten more pounds. In fact, I'd like to see you gain ten."
Disappointed the man looked down a moment. "Well now that I know everything, I need to talk it all through with Noah."
"If you decide to go ahead, we can do the surgery yet this week. I know I don't have to explain to you about how I operate."
Blackie shook his head, "I can't be on crutches for my show. We're doing some filming for video. If I decide to, it won't be till after the shows. I won't be regaining the weight before then either," He said firmly then paused. "I'm not sure Noah would be comfortable cutting for you on me, you know all about that ethic junk. I have to talk to him and we'll talk to you."
The man patted his shoulder. "Okay, I hope you will really think about this though. I can ease your pain if you will let me."
"That's what you keep telling me," He smiled.
Picking up the file, he moved toward the door, "I'll let you change."

When the door closed, the man turned back to the table, slipping off the shortsand picking up his jeans. He turned to the door sharply, when he heard Nick speaking to his mother in the hall way.
"When Miss Sutton returns from therapy, please direct her to this exam room."
Zipping the fly of the jeans, Blackie shook his head. He must have heard wrong.

LPMC Upstairs
Bucky walked into the room just as Blackie was finishing up the breathing treatment. Turning to the therapist, he asked. "How was he for you? A real pain in the ass wasn't he?"
The young woman laughed, "Mr. Kelly did just fine, Doctor."
"Mr. Kelly?" Bucky laughed turning to the young man. "Take off your shirt."
"Are you hitting on me," Blackie laughed.
"So I can listen to your heart," He replied lifting the stethoscope, but then turned and winked to therapist.
"I saw that," Blackie answered as he lifted the t-shirt just to his shoulders.

Bucky put the instrument to the man's lungs. After a moment he pulled back. "Sounds real good, finish the antibiotic prescription and if you're breathing isn't clear day after tomorrow you can come back for another treatment if you want."
"But I don't have to before then?" The man asked, pleasantly surprised.
"Not unless you want to," Bucky answered with a smile.

Slipping off the table, Blackie asked. "Does Nick have a therapy room up here?"
The cardiologist shook his head, "We don't have room here yet. He uses the gym and when necessary General has been co-operating with him."
Blackie nodded.
"Why do you ask? You need more therapy?"
"Oh maybe, I'm thinking about having surgery on the knee." He said to disguise his real interest. When he saw concern on the doctor's face, he continued. "Nick won't actually do the surgery. You know that."
He sighed, "The new building will have all that."
Blackie patted the man's shoulder, "Well I left Doc home with Brodie, I probably better head home."
"Awwwe it's good for him." Bucky called after the man.

Getting off the elevator on the ground floor, Blackie slowly walked down the hall. He felt silly for doing it, but if the real Holly Sutton was here in the clinic, he wanted the chance meeting. Stopping at the reception desk, he rounded it and gave his mother a hug. "How you doing, Mom?" he asked.

Exam Room
Holly laughed, "I'm so glad to hear it, Nick. See all that time; you were just wasting time you two could have been together."
"It was pretty incredible." The doctor smiled. "He's great, and I'm cooking for him tonight." He gently tapped her knee with the file. "Come on; let's get you out of here. You need any more pain medication?"
She shook her head, "I still have about two weeks worth."
At the exam room door, the doctor hugged the woman. "Keep your therapy appointments and we'll see you in two weeks."
"You better make time to see me for at least lunch before then."
He laughed. "I will, how about Friday? At Kelly's?"
"At 12:30 and you better be there," She smiled leaving a kiss on his cheek.

Reception area
Blackie was still leaned across the desk talking to his mother and playing with a pencil when he saw the woman out of the corner of his eye walking that way. He moved side ways a couple steps, when he saw her approaching his mother's desk. His breath caught in his chest. She was a carbon copy, same height, same eyes, and same hair.

"Just a minute, son," Lorain said as she turned to the woman. "Can I help you Miss Sutton?"
"Yes, Mrs. Mosnos, Nick would like me to make an appointment for two weeks."
Blackie's eyes closed, when the woman's voice hit his ears. "It's not her, not really," he internally repeated to himself, then opened his eyes and couldn't help but staring.
Lorain handed the small card back to the woman, "How is that?"
Holly looked down at it, and nodded, "Just wonderful, thank you." She then turned and left the clinic.

Outside the building, Holly leaned up against the wall, trying to suppress mounting tears. "Why did she feel this way?" She asked herself. She never knew that man, so why did she feel like he was a missing part of her life.

Inside, Blackie quickly leaned across the counter and kissed his mom's cheek again. "I'll call you later, I love you." He then turned and ran from the building. Calling up the street after the woman, "Holly!" he screamed.

She turned and blinked at the slightly younger man. "Blackie?" she asked her voice fully displaying shock.
He took three slow steps, nodding slowly then closed the distance, throwing his arms around her, and then tearfully apologizing in her ear. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you probably think I'm some freak or something," He said as he stepped back.
Wrapping her arms around his waist mostly for support she shook her head against his shoulder. "No I don't...but I'm confused."
Realizing he had thrown her off balance, he tried to help steady her. "About what?" he asked.
"Everything." she admitted softly as she regained her balance. "I didn't expect hugs, I expected. Well anger."
He shook his head, "How could I . . .or we be angry at you. You didn't do anything. But still, somehow, I feel like I know you. I know that's stupid, and I'm rambling. You should just slap me or something." He finished with a laugh to cover his nervousness.
Playfully she slapped his arm. "Alright, that's done would you like to go have a cup of tea and talk? I feel like I should know you but other than your face from pictures I really know nothing about you. Truth is you probably know more about me than you think."
"I would love to, well not the tea, but to sit and talk. Where do you want to go? I have to call Noah and tell him I'm not coming right home but that's okay. He's off today and doesn't have anywhere to go."
She looked down with a blush. "Well I'd love to see the house I didn't actually live in for 2 years."
Blackie checked his watch, "Let's go back in side and let me call Noah. If I just walk in with you we'll give him another heart thing. I have to say right off though, Robin comes home at 3:30, and we haven't explained anything to her yet. Do you know all about that?"
"She's Robert's daughter." she nodded.
He offered her his arm. She took it and they headed back in the clinic. "But I didn't mean that. The other woman, she did horrible things to her. And while Noah and I know that wasn't you." He turned and looked at her again. "The similarities are,"
"I understand," she answered.

The doctor set the plate of sandwiches in the refrigerator and quickly made his way down the hall. After peeking in the boy's room to make sure Brodie was still napping he slipped into theirs. "Why did I agree to this?" He asked his reflection in the mirror as he adjusted a few stray hairs. "This woman is a stranger, and quite honestly I don't care."
He jumped when he heard the car doors closing in the front drive.

In the Studio
Blackie held the door open for the woman, noticing how heavy she was leaning her weight against the cane she used. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Do you need to sit down?"
She exhaled, "That would be lovely. I'm normally much better, but therapy was extremely hard this morning." Her voice trailed as she walked into the studio and took in the room. "This is so beautiful, Blackie."
"Thank you, we like it." He answered. "Go ahead and sit down, and I'll see if I can find Noah."
The woman's eyes locked on a silver frame on the shelf in the corner and she moved toward it as fast as she could with the cane, "Oh my goodness." Picking up the picture she asked. "When was this taken? Do you know?"
Blackie looked over the woman's shoulder at the picture of Robin on a Shetland Pony. "It was before they came to live with us, other then that I'm not really sure."
She limped her way to the couch sitting down still looking at the picture. "My mother told me that woman and Anna sold everything a few years ago, including Freeway."
"The pony?" He asked, looking up as Noah came from the hall way.
She nodded, "I bought him the summer before. . " She swallowed hard. "Never could ride him myself obviously," she laughed absently as she set the picture down on the coffee table. "I'm sorry, it's just I came back to nothing that I had before."
"Don't be sorry," Noah answered stepping apprehensively into the room and walking toward the couch.
The woman started use the cane to stand, but relaxed when Noah motioned her to sit.
"Don't get up, just relax."
"It's nice to meet you, Noah," She smiled warmly hand extended.
The doctor nodded and then informed. "I made some sandwiches."
"I wish you hadn't gone to so much trouble." She exhaled. I feel bad-"
"Nonsense," Blackie interrupted. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to help Noah bring the food out here." He then crossed the studio, and followed his lover into the kitchen. Once behind the closed door, Blackie asked. "You knew, and you didn't tell me?"
"I knew what?" Noah asked innocently as he retrieved the plate from the refrigerator, handing it to Blackie before he turned back for three cans of soda.
"Don't do that!" He scoffed, "Because of Nick's condition, you know everything about all of his cases, who he's seeing, and when and why? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I found out about it the day after you told me what Anna had said. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just don't have the same need you seem to have, Blackie. That woman is not the one who lived here with us, she is a stranger."
"You don't feel anything at all?" He asked.
Noah bowed his head and exhaled. "I didn't. Now, seeing her, I don't know."
Blackie nodded, "It's just weird. Come on," He motioned to the studio.
As they walked through the door, Noah asked. "What about that box in the basement? You think any of that stuff is actually hers."
Blackie shrugged, "It might be." As they sat lunch down on the coffee table, Blackie went toward the basement, "I'll go get the box."
Holly laughed as the door slammed, "Does he ever sit still?"
Noah smiled as he sat down, "Not really." He watched as her stare went back to the picture.
"I would tell you to take it, but we have so few pictures of Robin before she came to us. I can take it and have a copy made for you though."
"That would be lovely. I will pay for it." She sighed. "If I had any of my equipment, I would make the copy myself."
"So you are a photographer," Noah shook his head, feeling stupid. "What I mean is, well, we don't know what parts of your life the other woman assumed and what she created as her own."
She nodded, "That's what I've tried to piece together. It's why I wrote Anna to begin with. Yes, I was a photographer. I had just moved out side of the city of London to the farm." She picked up the picture again. "This farm, when they grabbed me. That woman stepped right into my life and no one was the wiser. I think that's the hardest part to take, that even my parents had no idea."

"We never met your parents. I talked to your mother a couple times on the phone."
Holly smiled, "She has nothing but wonderful things to say about you and Blackie both. I've seen all the pictures of Robin you've sent. At first they didn't mean so much to me." She shook her head, "That sounded awful. What I meant is my mother still thinks of her as a grand child, and I was seeing her for the first time in the pictures."
"I understand," the doctor answered.

"I found it," Blackie called out as he pushed the door open and stumbled up the last step. Noah jumped up to help him.
"What is it?" Holly asked as the younger man opened up the box.
"When everything happened, they took us out of here to Washington DC, and then came in and went through the house. They took almost everything that was hers, but they left a few things. He pushed the box toward Holly. "You can see if any of it is actually yours."
"There's only one thing that matters to me. Is there a very old camera in there? A Monroe Vest pocket camera, it was a gift from my grand father."
Blackie shook his head, "I don't think so. They left the dark room equipment, but they took all the cameras didn't they?"
Noah shook his head. "Excuse me a minute."

When they were alone, Holly said. "There is something I have to say to you, Blackie; in case this is the one chance we get to talk. Robert has told me everything you did; putting yourself in danger to protect your family and to help them catch everyone involved. I owe you my life, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
He shook his head, "Don't thank me. I was doing what I could for my kids."
"I know that. I know the arrangement you have with Robert, yet Robin is his daughter too, and had you not helped the WSB, I would still be in that god forsaken place, chained to a wall in a pitch black room."
"Is that what happened?" He asked pointing to her ankle.
The nerves were damaged because of the lack of circulation. Nick has been wonderful continuing my treatment since we came here, though. I just love him to death."
"He is a very good doctor."

Noah came from the other room carrying the box. "Is this what you are looking for?"
She took the box from him, and opened it. Tears streamed down her face as she lifted it from the box. "Oh my, Noah, yes this is it. I don't know how to thank you."
"Please, don't." He answered. "She gave it to me as a gift the first Christmas she was here. I take a lot of pictures," He tried to explain. "Gave me this story about how special it was." He paused a moment to deal with the bubbling anger that brewed when he remembered the painful lies from the other woman. "I'm just happy I never threw it away like I wanted to a million times since we found out the truth."
She clinched the camera to her chest. "I am grateful too." She then offered it back. "I feel as though it's yours now."
He shook his head. "No, it's not. It means more to me to give you back something that was taken from you, then to have a painful memory tied to a lie in the closet."
"Please, Holly," Blackie continued. "Take your camera back." He then paused. "And I hope that this isn't the only time we talk. We've kind of been through a lot together, even though it was separately."
The woman smiled. "I feel the same way. I just don't want to impose or anything."
"You're not imposing." Noah confirmed.
She hugged the camera back to her chest, "Thank you very much, Noah." Her eyes caught the clock. "Oh my goodness is it that late all ready. I have to be going. Robert is going to wonder what in the world has happened to me."
"Are you sure?" Blackie asked. "You can call him if you want."
She pulled herself to her feet with the help of the cane, and then picked up the box. "No, really, I should go. Thank you again for the camera and for the kindness."
The two followed the woman out into the hall, and the three lingered at the door a moment.
As the woman started down the steps, Blackie stepped up and offered her his arm so that he could help her down. He turned back and spoke to Noah, "I'm going to help her to her car."
She shook her head as they stepped off the porch, "I'm fine, thank you."
"It's no trouble," Blackie answered and they walked the rest of the way. At the car, he opened her door for her, and then closed it once she was in. As Holly started the car, he couldn't help himself and said quickly, "Can we have lunch or something sometime?"
"I'd like that," the woman smiled at him. "How about on Wednesday?"
He nodded, "I'll call you tomorrow?"
She smiled, "You know Robert's number right?"
The young man nodded again, "Great, Holly. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

After the car pulled out of the driveway, he turned and made his way back into the house.
He found Noah sitting on the couch, drinking one of the sodas lost in thought. He dropped down on the couch next to him. "What's wrong, Doc?"
"Nothing's wrong," He answered quietly. "It just feels weird. It's not like I feel like 'it's her,' or anything, I mean other then the looks and her voice don't you think she's very different."
The younger man nodded, "she is different. I feel bad for her. I mean we thought what we went through was awful, but it was nothing compared to what she went through."
"You almost died," Noah snapped. "What's worse then that?"
Blackie exhaled. "You're right, and I spent all that time recovering, but through it all I had you, and my family and our friends. She was taken away from everyone and everything, Noah."
"Yeah, I know. It just makes me so upset to think about," He said, scoffing his foot against the coffee table.
The younger man looped his arms around the doctor's neck and pulled him in close. "That's all over. It's all behind us."
Noah turned and pulled the man in tight. "I love you, Blackie." After a moment he asked the younger man, "So tell me what Nick had to say."
Blackie sat back, surprised. "He told me he didn't tell you."
"He didn't." Noah answered.
"Mom told me."
"Augh!" The man complained. "I wasn't really keeping it a secret. I just didn't want to get everyone all worked up till I heard what he had to say."
Noah nodded, "And what was that?"
"He thinks the ligament can be fixed and that it would help the pain and the swelling. I would be on crutches for six weeks after the surgery. He can't do anything about the limp though."
"Is it something you want to do?"
He shrugged, "I don't know. Well I can't till after the club shows. They are only four weeks away. I will have to see what Geffen has for us after that."
"You won't be doing too many dates till after the album. Will you?"
"I don't think so, but that's almost done. Danny and I are sitting down with him tomorrow to talk about all this. So anyway, I have four weeks to think about whether or not I want to have surgery."
"You know it won't be Nick doing the surgery."
"Would you?"
Noah sighed, "I don't think I could, baby."
"That's what I was afraid of. I really only trust you or him."
"What about Grant? It's not his specialty, but Nick is really good at talking me through stuff. I'm actually learning a lot about orthopedics working with him."
"It's not that I don't trust Grant. It's just this is my leg, Noah. Everyone says it's a miracle I'm even walking now. What if something goes wrong? I'm not sure I want to take that risk."
"You don't have to." Noah sighed. "But honestly I think you'll feel better if you have it done."
"Tell me the truth, if it was you would you?"
"Yeah I would." he nodded. "I'd be scared just like you, but I would do it."
"Not till after the club shows though. I can't just sit and sing, you know."
Noah nodded. "Yeah I know. You have to jump around and hump your mic stand." a wicked smile appeared on the doctor's face. "I like."
Blackie turned so he could lay his head in the other man's lap and look up at him. He then took the man's hand and drew his fingers into his mouth.
Noah hissed lowly. "Bad boy."
Letting his fingers dance around the man's flesh, he closed his eyes and turned himself over to the emotion. "Tell me Brodie is going to be napping for awhile."
"He better or he's grounded till he's old enough to vote." Noah laughed.
Rolling himself from the couch, he then crawled between the doctor's knees pushing his legs apart and working the fly on his jeans.
Noah moaned as Blackie tongue traced the tip of his member. "Oh yeah Kid, do it."
Slowly, he continued to tease the man for a moment, letting the other man's groans and whimpers cloud his mind with passion before he slid down, swallowing him.
"Ahhhhh" he cried out. "Fuck that feel so fucking good, Baby." running his fingers through his lover's hair he panted softly.
Blackie's breath caught as the doctor's fingers began to tangle in his tresses, and he whimpered with need when he then let his hair go and went back to caressing him, all the while not missing a beat with the task at hand.
Laughing softly Noah grabbed a handful of hair. "Is this what you want?" he yanked softly and when he got a positive response yanked harder.
Still moving up and down on his lover, Blackie pushed up on his knees and undid his own jeans, pushing them off his hips before lowering his body again.
"Save it for me, Baby." he whispered. "I want to wear it."
He moaned around Noah's cock, and slid his hands up the man's chest, pushing his t-shirt up so he could caress his chest.
Noah moaned loudly and then groaned twice as loud as a knock sounded on the door.
Blackie lifted his head long enough to quickly say, "We're not home," then went back to work.
Outside the door Charlie laughed. "Come on, Blackie, let me in."
Leaning back on his heels, the younger man looked up into Noah's eyes, mouthed "I'm sorry," then stood up, pulling his jeans back around his hips.
Taking his time going to the door, so Noah could put himself back together, he then opened the door and said in a monotone voice, "Hi Charlie, your timing stinks."
Seeing his friend's flushed features he smiled. "Well maybe not. Can I come in?"
Uncomfortable with what Charlie had said, but not wanting to be rude, Blackie nodded and stepped aside. "Sure, why not?"
Walking into the studio Charlie flopped on the couch next to Noah. "Hey."
Noah looked from the teen to his lover and back again. "How you doing, Charlie?" he asked, more then slightly confused as to why the teen was there.
"I'm alright, but you..." he looked to Blackie. "both of you could help make me better." he tried his best to be flirty but inside he was scared and nervous.
Blackie laughed as he lowered himself to the chair. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were looking to get laid."
The youth blushed deeply.
Suddenly wondering if he did in fact know better, Blackie looked to Noah hoping his lover had a way out of this that would save face and not hurt the troubled teen.
Charlie turned toward Noah and swallowed hard. "So you guys wanna?"
Noah stammered, "Uhm, Charlie, we don't do that anymore. I mean we do, but only with each other. You know that."
He frowned and turned to the other. "Can't you make an exception just this once?"
Reaching into his pockets he came out with several handfuls of condoms. "I just gotta so I can tell Jay yes."
Blackie reached out and grabbed his friend's arm. "What are you talking about? Tell Jay yes about what?"
Tears started to slide down his cheeks. "He wants it to be just us; he already sent Alfie a letter saying he couldn't wait for him. But....but I just can't not yet."
Noah moved in closer, putting an arm around Charlie's shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"He won't." Charlie mumbled, letting his hand drop to the Doctor's thigh. "Please just this once, I won't ask again I p[promise."
Noah used his other hand to move Charlie's from his leg. "Won't what?"
Blackie laughed to himself. Obviously there was some sexual favor Charlie wanted and Jay wouldn't give, but at the same time he wasn't about to let his friend just grope his lover. "Hands to yourself." he ranted as the boy answered. "Fuck." he looked up. "Fuck me I mean."
Looking to Noah, Blackie commented off the cuff, "Lori always said he was selfish in bed."
Noah moved Charlie's hands yet again. "So what you think you can just come here for service." Struggling he got up and crossed to Blackie and sat on his lap.
Blackie wrapped his arms around the man's waist and squeezed him. "I'm sorry, Charlie. We're committed only to each other now."
Charlie nodded. "Fuck, what am I going to do? I'm crazy about him, I might even love him but he's a bottom only and...." he blushed. "I like it too sometimes."
Getting fed up, Blackie shook his head, "I don't know, Charlie, but you should be talking about this with him, not us."
"I did." he insisted. "Would you?" he asked, "Talk to him I mean. Make him see that he doesn't have to be one or the other? That it all feels good?"
Blackie shifted his weight under Noah. "Why do you think he'd listen to me? Maybe he truly doesn't want to, Charlie. If he won't do it for you, why do you think he'll do it for me?" He exhaled loudly.
"I dunno, you're his brother." he answered. "Besides it's your fault he thinks the way he does. Him and Alfie found those magazines you had in that box in the closet."
"Oh Fuck no!" Blackie ranted then pushed his fingers into Noah's ribs. "Get up, please." When the doctor did, he stood and pushed the rubbers that the teen had dropped on the table at him. "Put these away. I have kids in this house for god's sake. This is not my responsibility. Jay is not my responsibility." He then turned back to Noah and glared at him before he left the room.
Silently the doctor got up and followed his lover to the bedroom. "Blackie?"
"Did he leave?" the man ranted as he dropped himself to the edge of the bed.
"No. What are you pissed about? I mean yeah it was uncool thinking we'd just fuck him and all but what's wrong with talking to Jay. He is your brother."
"How about because I don't want to?" He asked off the cuff. He stood back up and went to the closet, getting his helmet off the top shelf. "I got to get out of here. How about you just go ahead and fuck him. Then you both will be happy."
"I'm not gonna do that and you know it." He smiled. "Have a nice ride, I'm not going to fight with you either." He opened the door and called out "Charlie, take off we'll call you later."
Walking through the studio without saying a word, he went out into the garage, pushed the button to open the garage door, slipped the helmet on and mounted the bike.

After a few minutes Noah wandered out to the studio and found Charlie still sitting there. "I'm sorry." the boy said softly.
Sitting in the chair away from the teen Noah asked. "Did you really think we would?"
He shrugged. "No, but a guy can hope right?"
He shook his head, "No, not the way Blackie sees it. You know he and Devin were really good friends, right? Er, Blackie thought Devin and he were really good friends. But then when he left with Dana, Devin told him that stuff about wanting me, and could have had me," Noah paused; he was getting away from the point. "You just really hurt him, he thought you were his friend too."
"I am," he insisted and then blushed. "Can I be honest about something?"
"I know you are," He answered, "yes, but let me finish first. What you did wasn't cool, Charlie. You know how we feel about it. You offended both of us, and hurt him - bad."
"I didn't mean to really. I thought maybe you guys still messed around sometimes that's all." He swallowed hard. "Honestly, and I don't mean to offend, but it's not you I want. I just thought I'd have to."
Noah smirked, "Thanks, Charlie."
"Sorry." he laughed.
"We don't, okay, not with anyone anymore. Can you do me a favor?"
"What is it?"
"Stay here and keep an eye on Brodie, he's sleeping in his room, while I go get Blackie. I think after he calms down I can talk him into talking to Jay for you."
The boy smiled widely. "Really Noah?"
He nodded, "I think so. Can you stay?"
Charlie nodded. "Sure, the pool open? I can start his lessons we talked about a couple months ago."
"It's open. If he wakes up before I get back go ahead, but if he's sleeping let him sleep, you know what I mean."
The teen laughed. "Yeah I know, I made that mistake the last time and it took me an hour just to get him to quit complaining."
"That's my boy!" Noah smiled proudly, and then laughed. "Thanks, Charlie, I'll be back. I think I know right where he is." He then went to the bedroom and came back with his helmet, leaving through the garage.

Parker Woods
Noah smiled to himself as he steered his bike around the curve and saw Blackie throwing rocks into the duck pond. "What a beautiful day!" he thought to himself. "He rode the bike fifteen miles. If I knew all it would take was him getting mad at me, I would have done it months ago." He parked his bike next to Blackie's, got off, set his helmet on the seat, walked over, and dropped down to the grass next to his lover. Wrapping an arm through his he asked. "You okay?"
Blackie looked over. "Done already?" he grunted grumpily.
"Stop it. You're being ridiculous and you know it." He reached over and took the man's chin, lightly turning him to face him. "Do I break promises to you?"
"No, but he's younger and prettier than I am."
"He is sooo NOT prettier. So what, he's a little bit younger. He's not you. We promised each other no one else and I meant that. I would never ever do anything to hurt you." He paused, "Besides, he didn't want me anyway, but that's not the point. The point is while the idea might get me a little hot, I'm not going to do it, not with Charlie, not with anyone but you."
Blackie exhaled and smiled slightly. "You mean he came over for me?"
Noah laughed and pushed him playfully, "Oh, so that makes it all okay now! You brat!"
"Not really, he was all over you." He leaned in to his lover "I just got scared, Doc, I don't care if the idea gets you hot as long as you don't put idea into practice. I'm just being stupid."
Noah moved and guided Blackie so he was sitting between his legs and wrapped his arms around the man's body. He put what he thought was a big part of it as well in his terms to see if Blackie would talk about it. "It upset me too, you know. I know what Devin did isn't Charlie's fault, but it made me think about all that."
"Yeah." he answered. "I guess I don't know, it was more the way he just assumed we were just gonna do what he wants without even really asking you know."
Noah nodded, as he leaned in and snuggled Blackie's cheek. "I think he's hurting pretty bad over this thing with Jay. But if you don't want to talk to him, you don't have to. You're right. You can't fix everything for everyone."
Blackie laughed. "Jay's a selfish fuck what am I supposed to do about it. Besides that kid is so not my brother, he changed that when he went to visit that little killer."
"So that's it," Noah thought to himself. "I feel like you do, Blackie. But Jay and Alfie were super close at one point. Jay needed closure, to say he was done. I can understand that a little bit."
"Me too, but it didn't happen. He didn't end it then, you heard Charlie he said he told him in a letter. I'm sorry Noah; Danny is my brother and he lost his wife because of Jay's little boyfriend and now I'm supposed to what? Teach him how to fuck?"
Noah tightened his embrace. "God, I know Danny's lost so much, not only Claudia but Mary too. It's not your responsibility at all. Just tell Charlie you can't."
"I would." he leaned back looking in Noah's eyes. "But you already told him I will. So what is it exactly I need to talk to him about? Charlie wants Jay to top sometimes?"
Noah smiled back down into his eyes, "I did not!"
"What did you tell him?" Blackie asked, surprised.
The doctor blushed, "That I thought you probably would after you cooled down."
The younger man laughed. "Alright, I'll try but I don't really know what to say. Some guys just aren't into it you know."
"I know, and if you don't want to, then don't." Noah paused. "I just feel bad for Charlie. He went through so much with his psycho mom, and then to have Devin screw him over, now this."
He nodded. "I'll try Doc, just call me Dr. Ruth."
Leaning in he nibbled on the other man's ear. "Ewwww, I'd rather not, thank you very much." After a moment of caressing the man's body, he continued, with a smirky tone to his voice. "So, did you enjoy your bike ride?"
"Yeah I did." he smiled. "I've missed it Noah." leaning back he hoped for a kiss.
Noah grazed his cheek with his fingers then kissed his lips, "I've missed it too." He smiled wide. "For all the emotions today - it's still a beautiful day."
"Yeah it is." Blackie agreed "and it's supposed to be mild tonight, what do you say we go home, I teach Jay how to fuck then you, me, Louie and JL go for a ride tonight?"
"See if your mom can baby sit? It sounds like a wonderful plan to me."
"Yeah." he answered. "But if not we'll just drop them off at the Quartermaine's and let Ed deal with them plus his grandkids."
Noah giggled, "That boy of ours will kill him."
"I'm sure Mom can do it." Slowly he pushed himself to his feet and then reached back for his lover's arm.
On his feet, the doctor pulled the man back into his arms, kissing him again. "You headed for home?" He asked after the kiss broke.
"Yeah. I'm gonna stop by Red Moon and then I'll be there."
"Mmmm," he groaned and looked at his watch. "I'll ride with you as far as Pine St. Then I'm going to swing by the school and pick up Robin."
Fear coursed through Blackie. "Her helmet?"
"In the saddle bag," He answered as he tapped the hard case on the back of the bike. He then picked up his own helmet. "I'll cut through the park on the way home."
"That's cool, Babe, you know I trust you. I just got a little scared."
"I know, and that's okay too." He responded, going back to the man for one more kiss before he put his helmet. "I love you, baby."
"Love you too," he answered as he straddled his own bike and kick started it.
"You're so hot!" Noah screamed over the roar of the Harley engine. He then put his helmet on, mounted his bike and started it as well.
Laughing inside his helmet Blackie waved and then drove off.

"Hey Brodie." Charlie said to the tot as he wandered into the room.
"Where Daddy?" the boy mumbled.
"He went for a bike ride. He'll be back soon; you wanna go for a swim or you hungry?"
He shook his head. "Where Daddy?"
"He went for a ride too. They'll be back soon."
"They went without me?" he complained. "No fair."
"You were sleeping," Charlie pointed out. "Did you have a nice nap?"
"Yeah." Brodie climbed up in the young man's lap. "Robin here yet?"
He shook his head, "Pretty soon, Are you hungry? Don't you usually get a snack after your nap?"
"Yeah." he jumped down. "I go upstairs."
Following him, he asked. "What do you want? I can get it for you?"
He giggled. "To touch Robin's stuff."
Picking the kid up as he started up the stairs, Charlie put him on his hip. "You leave Robin's stuff alone. You're going to make her mad."
"So?" he wiggled trying to get free. "It fun."
He tightened his grip and turned around, "Come on, we can have fun playing with your toys."
"Fine. I want cookies and milk."
Setting the boy down in the chair in the kitchen, he looked at him cross eyed. "I don't think your daddies want you to have cookies this close to dinner. How about apple slices?"
"With caramel?"
Charlie opened the fridge and looked in, finding a small container of caramel dip, he nodded, "Sure."
"Please." he batted his eyes.
"Of course," He cheerfully answered, bringing the requested items to the table.
The small boy smacked the table. "Dip it for me."
Charlie sighed as he dipped each of the four slices into the dip and placed them on the plate. He pushed it across the table to Brodie and looked up at the clock wishing either of the boy's fathers would come in and tell him that Blackie had changed his mind.
"Thank you." Brodie said and then began stuffing the fruit into his mouth.
"Whoa little guy, chew hu? Your daddy would be me up if you choked on my watch."
He giggled. "Sorry."
"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you!" He laughed as he ruffled the boy's hair.

Brodie giggled. Just then the door opened and Robin's voice could be heard. " touch my stuff today?"
The little boy laughed, "This is the fun part." He then called out loudly. "I touched your bear and your frog and your chair."
Robin marched into the room. "Not my frog you didn't. You liar."
"Uh-hu I did. I did touch your Frog." He looked to Noah. "Didn't I, Daddy?"
Noah laughed and shook his head. "I'm out of this."
Robin dug in her backpack and pulled out a green object "This frog, brat?"
"Nu-uh! Your other frog."
Laughing Robin slugged her brother with the toy. "My only frog, Stupid."

Laughing with the kids, Noah squatted down and patted Robin's back pack. "You want to take your things up to your room. Grandma will help you with your homework after dinner."
"Yeah." she answered as she stole the last apple slice off her brother's plate. "Come on Brat, I'll let you touch my frog."
"Okay," the boy answered getting down and scurrying after the girl.
As the children scampered up the steps Charlie sighed. "He didn't touch her stuff, I stopped him."
Noah laughed, "It's okay. It's a daily ritual. He never touches it. They're just playing."
He dropped down to the chair, and took another apple slice out of the bag, dipping it before taking a bite. "Blackie said he would talk to Jay, but he's not promising anything you know."
The boy's face lit up. "Really? Cool. You know I am sorry about before, I just get so frustrated. I mean I like what I have with him know."
Noah nodded, even though he didn't really. Sure he and Blackie had had their share of problems over the years, but the one thing they did have was communication. He just couldn't imagine having to ask anyone else to talk to Blackie for him.
Charlie frowned. "I don't know. I...."
"I'm going to just say this," Noah finally spilled, unable to hold it in anymore. "I don't mean to say anything bad or anything, but when you said you talked to Jay. Did he really listen? Did he just ignore your feelings? Or are you not listening to what he's saying? Or am I totally off base here? Okay, you can tell me to shut up now."
He shrugged. "I think he listened, but I don't know. He says he wants me to be happy, but that he's afraid he'll do it wrong and since he already knows how to you know....bottom that's what he wants to do."
Hearing the garage door slam, and Blackie calling out to him Noah thought to himself, "Thank God," and called out, "We're in the kitchen!"
Blackie walked into the kitchen carrying a large package. "Hey, Doc, do you know where my air pump is?"
Looking at the large bag, and knowing where the man had stopped, Noah did the math. "Back bench in the garage, remember you used it on the kid's bike tires yesterday." Pointing to the bag he continued, "But that's not coming to bed with us."
Blackie laughed. "Not that one, the foot pump we used for the air mattress when we went camping that one time. And no it's not it's for Jay to practice with."
"Did Jimmy Lee ever bring it back?" Noah asked as he smirked thinking about Jay with a blow up companion.
"What is it?" Charlie asked as Blackie said "Damn, I don't think so. I'll use the one in the garage and hope I don't make it explode."
Noah stood up and peeked in the bag, "It's a David." He then turned to Blackie and giggled, "Or you could take it over to Jimmy Lees when we go for our ride. Blow him up and make him the bitch on the back of your bike?"
"I might," Blackie laughed and turned to Charlie. "I got thinking about what you said about my magazines and then about what Lori used to tell me about Jay and decided that he's probably scared to try anything new for fear of failure so if he has something he can practice on before he tries with you maybe he won't freak out."
"You really think he's just scared?" Charlie asked.
As Noah pulled the box from the bag and read the back, "We so should, baby. We can dress him in your chaps and old jacket."
"Hahahaha." he giggled "Let's see what condition my brother leaves him in first." he looked up. "Call your boyfriend; tell him to get his ass over here."
Still giggling, Noah set the box down as Charlie picked up the phone. "You want me to get the kids out of here for awhile?"
"Yeah probably a good idea, or I can just take the guys out to the cave. If things go well they might want some privacy out there anyway."
"I have to run over to Dad and Buffy's and talk to him about next weeks schedule. I'll take the kids with me so they can see Scott and John Henry. That'll give you some privacy, but push them toward the cave anyway; I don't want David in our bed, especially when Jay is done with him." He visibly shivered as he left the kitchen calling out to the kids.
"Hahahahaha Doc." Blackie laughed. "They had Dianne too want me to go back and get her for you?"
"No thank you!" He called back with a laugh, and then called up the steps. "Yo! Who wants to go for ice cream, er go to grandmas?"
Footsteps pounded on the ceiling above them as Brodie and Robin came running. At the top of the steps Robin jerked her brother back. "No Brodie we have to walk on the steps or you fall down and we go to the medical center instead of Dairy Queen."
In the kitchen, Blackie laughed, "Work on the schedule my ass." As Charlie hung up the phone, he asked him. "He coming over?"
The younger nodded. "Yeah, now can I see him...I mean it."
Blackie pointed to bag on the table as he opened the fridge and got a beer out for himself. "Help yourself to a coke or whatever you want and bring him out in the garage."
Grabbing a Sprite and then picking up the bag he pulled out the package. All he could see was a squishy face. Following his friend he asked "This is going to help how?"
"The box says life like- we just have to blow it up first." Blackie answered. In the garage he took a long drink and then turned on the compressor to the pump, the loud rumble filling the enclosed room. "We just have to make sure we don't explode him," he yelled loudly.
As the doll began to take shape Charlie couldn't help but think David would only make things worse. "Are you sure this will help?"
Turning off the compressor, Blackie shrugged.
Fear seized the young man. "Blackie?"
"What?" He asked as he walked over and opened the garage door in anticipation of Jay showing up.
"I dunno about this, I mean you're not trying to fuck with him are you?"
The man sagged, and looked back at the doll. He dropped himself down, sitting on the step and taking a drink from the beer. "He's a punk. You know that right?"
He shook his head. "No, you're wrong. He's gentle and loving and scared. He's so messed up by what Alfie did that it took me 4 months to even get him agree to a movie that wasn't just a movie."
"Yeah, Alfie fucked up a lot of people's lives, Danny's the most. Then there's people like Mary and Jay who still stand by him and say 'aww, poor Alfie.'"
He lit a cigarette. "What did you want him to do? Just break it off right then? He loved him Blackie and he wanted to believe the best. Jay did break up with him."
Blackie shrugged, "I don't know." He heard the trans am approaching, and looked down the driveway, then turned to Charlie. "All right, for you I will be nice and try. Okay, but I'm doing this for you, and not for him."
"Fair enough." he answered as Jay got out of his car. "Hey Baby." he greeted and moved forward kissing the teenager.
Blackie shifted his weight and nodded to the teen. "Okay, Charlie wanted me to talk to you about something.
Jay shifted from one foot to the other and took Charlie's hand. "Sex right?" he blushed.
"Yeah," Blackie answered, a little surprised Jay knew what it was about. "So you know how Charlie feels?"
He nodded. "Yeah but I..." he looked around. "Do we have to talk about this in the driveway?"
He shook his head, "No, let's go in the house." He held the door, and then followed the two into the studio. After the teens had sat on the couch he continued, "But you. . . "
He shrugged. "I'm a bottom. I get fucked that's what I'm supposed to do."
"Why do you say that? Have you even tried?"
He shook his head, his face turning red beneath his dark skin. "I always have been."
"Charlie is asking you to," Blackie said softly, starting to think he might be getting a handle on what was wrong and realizing he had maybe judged harshly. "And I don't think he's asking you two to completely switch roles, just be a bit more versatile."
"I don't know how." he looked to his boyfriend. "I don't wanna mess up and make you think I'm lame."
"The only thing that is lame is not even trying," Blackie countered softening even more. Jay recounting Lori's label reminded him that the teen had been through a lot of ups and down with partners. He moved to the couch next to the other two so he could talk lower. "I think maybe what hurts Charlie the most, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't want to even try."
He shrugged, feeling stupid and not knowing how to express himself.
Charlie wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "It's ok Baby, no one is judging you."
Letting his body shrink into Charlie's embrace, Jay closed his eyes tight, trying to suppress tears. He kicked at the coffee table. "It's not that I don't want to try. I want to, but I can't. I'm not . . . It's not . . .I can't."
"Why not?" Blackie asked as Charlie spoke "Remember what we talked about the toys? Would you be ok with trying that?" he sighed. Truth was if he had to he would give up the sensations of being fucked if he had to for Jay.
Jay nodded, letting his body melt even further into Charlie's embrace.
Blackie reached out, touching his arm, "No, wait, Jay, why is this upsetting you this much?"
Tears started to slide down is face as he continued to cling to Charlie. "I can't tell you. I just can't. You'll hate me."
Blackie looked to Charlie, "Do you know what he's talking about?"
He shook his head. "No and we've talked about this and he agreed to tell me with you there and now I don't know." Softly he kissed the boy's cheek. "It's ok Jay, no one is going to hurt you."
Blackie decided to see if direct questions would open him up. "Is it Alfie who said you each had certain roles in your relationship?"
" I mean he fucked me but he didn't say anything."
"Was there someone else?" Blackie asked, now confused again.
He nodded but wouldn't say who.
"And this other person made you feel bad about changing roles?" He grasped at straws.
"I tried to you know..fuck him and he said I was better as an ass-boy."
Charlie released his embrace and pulled away from Jay, resting his head in his own hands. "Doesn't that just figure," he said knowing by Jay's words who the other person was.
Jay cried harder. "I'm sorry. It was only once I swear."
"You know I have half a mind to fly up to NY, drag him out of whoever chorus line dancer he's screwing bed and kick his fucking ass." He looked to Blackie and pointed to his beer, "Can I have one of those?"
"You know where they are." he answered. "I'm not going to give it to you." Blackie hoped Charlie would remember his sobriety. "How many days you got now?"
The teen laughed so that he wouldn't cry. "Ok, Blackie, I hear you. Devin's not worth it. God, I hate him!"
"What's he got to do with this?" he asked confused and then turned to Jay. "Dev? He's the one that told you that you weren't good enough?"
Jay nodded, now crying. "A few months ago, he was in town here for a few days getting things transferred at the college. I didn't even want to at first you know, but he just kept coming on strong. I'm so sorry, Charlie."
Blackie nodded, he knew how Devin was and how the blonde tended to get what he wanted. "Well don't listen to him. He's not even worth the skin and bones he's made of and he's not worthy enough to lick my fucking boots."
"He's right, Jay." Charlie added. "I don't blame you, I mean really we've only just started talking about just me and you and no one else. I just hate him for messing with you, messing with us."
He shook his head. "It was only one time I swear. I'd never cheat on you, Charlie. Cheaters suck."
"You're right," Blackie countered, "And that's what Devin is. So don't listen to anything he has to say. Okay, Jay. Just focus on you and Charlie and do the best you can to be good to each other and sensitive to each other."
He nodded. "I'll try and when I'm no good I'll understand if you want to find someone else."
"Don't be silly," The boy smiled, taking the other back in his arms.
"Really?" he asked. "You'll still be with me even though I'm lame?"
"I wish you would quit saying your lame. You're not. Okay. I just love being with you."
He nodded. "And if I am I promise I'll do well with the toys. I know how to use a..." he blushed "A dildo."
Blackie stood up, and brushed his knuckles against his shirt. "My work here is done." He then looked to the garage and giggled. "What in the hell am I going to do with David now?"
"David?" Jay asked.
"Blackie bought you a blow up doll."
"A what?" the younger teen asked with a laugh.
Walking to the garage he motioned to them to follow. Once out there he picked up the doll and tossed it to him.
Jay giggled like the school boy he is and turned to Charlie. "You want me to do it I mean him first?"
Blackie laughed, "Or we could do like Noah wants and dress him up in my leather then dump him on the lawn of that pompous frat house."
Jay giggled "Or you could give him to Lori. She says Brett still ain't giving it up."
"Then maybe Brett wants him," Blackie laughed harder.
"Maybe." Charlie laughed and lopped his arms around Jay. "Cool if we borrow the cave for about an hour? I think my Baby here has some confidence now and it's past time to use it."
"Sure," He checked his watch. "I bet Noah will drop the kids off at my mom's because we have a date tonight so take your time."
"Thanks." he answered and pulled Jay back into the house leading him towards the yard. "Come on Baby you can do it and if you can't you got fingers but some part of you is going in my ass now."

As the two disappeared into the yard, Blackie picked up the phone and dialed, "Hey, ass wipe, did you hear we're riding tonight?"
Jimmy Lee set Angel on the blanket on the floor. "Hang on, Dude." and then sat down on the couch. "We are?"
"The sun's out, ain't it. We'll be over in an hour, so take the kids over to the old man's and brush the dust off your bike. Want to stop and get steaks when we're out and come back here and grill them after?"
"Yeah. That sounds great." he answered. "Hey did I tell you, Angel is walking now." as soon as he said it the small child pushed himself up and took off across the living room.
"Wow! That's awesome! Damn, they grow so fast don't they? You want to borrow Noah's video camera to get it on tape?"
"Nah, we bought our own just after Christmas. Let me see is Rosalita if working tonight. If she's not I'll leave the boys here with her. Juan and Edward clash."
"Ok, that's cool. Noah's dropping ours off, Louie will probably follow him back, and then we'll head over. Grant going to ride with you?"
"He's working tonight." he answered. "So I guess not. Hang on again." he turned as his older son plopped down in front of the TV. "Juan, Papa's going out for a little bit, can you go ask Rosa if she can sit?"
"Too bad Grant has to work, but better your man then mine."
Jimmy Lee laughed. "Hey do you care if we do that grilling thing here? I hate leaving the kids you know."
Juan ran back in the room "Papa, Rosa say she not work till 7."
"That's cool, and if we get off the phone and Noah gets back soon, that will give us an hour and half to cruise and we can be to your place before Rosa has to leave for work."
"Cool. We already got steaks so I'll just pull some out to thaw and burgers for the kids and then I'll be over."
"See ya," he answered then hung up the phone.

Carriage House
Quatermaine Estate

Blackie took a long draw from the beer, and then turned to his friend who was manning the grill, "That was a great ride, man. We got to do more of that this summer. Maybe take that road trip we're always planning and never doing."
Jimmy Lee laughed. "I dunno if the old man is up to it." He looked over at Louie who was playing catch with Brodie on the patio.
"No, he has stay home and watch my kids," the man laughed. "I mean us, and Noah and Grant."
"OOOOOHHHH!" Jl laughed, "Sorry, yeah we should. Maybe a week-long trip to the mountains or something. Wait, is Noah good enough for winding roads?"
Blackie shrugged, "He and I could always go on one bike. I kinda like it better that way anyway."
"That's cool." He smiled as he watched the kids. "Look at that." Angel had toddled over to Brodie and was kissing the boy's cheek.
"Gross!" Brodie complained.
The other man laughed at the kids, and then said, "Let Angel play with you and Papooli. Brodie."
"If he stops kissing me." he managed while pushing the smaller child away. "Stop it. Here take the ball."
"He likes you, buddy," Jimmy Lee called out as Rosa approached ready to go to her dishwashing job at the Floating Rib.
"Papa, can I borrow $10? The car is almost out of gas."
"Take my gas card honey and fill it up." he answered in response. The teenager was always putting gas in their car though she rarely went anywhere but the rib and her ESL classes at PCU 3 nights a week.
"Thank you," The girl beamed, hugging the man and saying hello and good bye to Blackie before turning to leave.
"Rosa." Juan called, racing across the yard.
She turned back, "What is it?"
"Bring me a candy bar." he said quickly in Spanish.
She nodded and winked at the boy, before waving and calling out a good bye to everyone in the yard.
The grill flared up and Blackie poked his friend in the rib, "Don't burn my steak."
Jimmy Lee laughed handing Blackie the tools as a high pitched ringing filled the air and the young boy pulled at his ear "Papa." he screamed.
Crossing to his son he knelt down and quickly adjusted the hearing aid and looked in his eyes. "That's what you get for asking for candy bars Buddy." he laughed.
"I just have 1?" The boy asked with pleading eyes, as Robin playfully slugged his arm. "You should share with me, Right Daddy?"
Blackie shook his head. "No, you have your own candy and no hitting."
Jimmy Lee nodded. "Just this once."
As the kids scrambled back off Blackie smiled and said, "Your kids are great, you know that."
"Yes I do know that." he smiled then frowned as he picked up the hearing aid he hadn't seen Juan take off. "He hates these things you know."
"He's just a kid, as he gets older his desire to hear will win out. How bad is it? Can he hear at all without them?"
He moved in very close to Blackie's ear. "YEAH IF EVERYONE STAND THIS CLOSE AND TALKS LIKE THIS."
"That bad, hu? Poor kid," he sympathized.
"Yeah." he nodded. "At first we thought he was just a brat with the TV but then we noticed how closely he watched our faces when we talked to him, he's excellent at reading lips."
"They're all so bright. Lori was telling me how well Rosa's doing in school." Blackie pointed up the drive and the man's car coming up the driveway. "Look who must have got off from the medical center early."
Joining the group Grant kissed his lover. "Hey Muffin." and then turned at the sounds of Juan screaming "PADRE" as he raced across the grass.
Returning the kiss, then sliding the hearing aids into his hand, JL said, "Your turn to make him put them back in."
The man sagged. "He's only going to take it off again. You know Gardner found his old one in the shed last week. Let him go without for tonight."
Jimmy Lee nodded, as Blackie started taking the steaks off the grill. "These are done. Noah and my mom were in the house putting a salad together and making some potatoes."
Grant scooped up his youngest son. "Hey there, Pal." and called for the kids. "OH and someone tap Juan please."
Carrying the plate with the steaks, Blackie called to the Louie, "Grab Juan and AJ and come eat, Papooli."
The big man nodded as the children ran up on the patio. He picked up Juan and looked in his face. "You hungry?"
"Yeah, Can I have cookies?" He asked loudly.
"After dinner." he answered.
As they walked into the house Blackie was hit with a familiar smell. Setting the plate on the table, he went straight to the stove and watched as his mother brought the tray of home made Baklava out of the oven. Too many emotions to count or even identify ran through the young man as he remembered the pain of losing his mother, and the joy of having her back. After she set the pan on the stove, and her hands were free, he pulled her tight into his arms. "I love you, mom."
She leaned back against his chest. "I love you too Baby, but what's wrong?"
He squeezed her tighter, and mumbled a few sentences in their native tongue before continuing in English. "Nothing's wrong, I just don't say that enough." He then kissed her cheek as he released her.
She addressed what was spoken to her in Greek, in the same language and then she smiled wide. "You show me when you call every day just to check in."
He moved from her to his lover's arms, kissing him lightly. "We're so lucky. We have great family and friends."
Noah agreed. "We gotta hurry and sit down Baby, your son is hungry."
"When is he not?" Blackie laughed lifting the boy up into the chair. "Grandma made a good gooey desert, so you better eat your vegetables, or I get your piece."
Grant laughed setting a plate of containing a hamburger and French fries in front of the toddler. "It's your lucky day Brodie-Boy today's vegetable is ketchup."
"YAY!! Uncle Grant!!" The boy cheered, then stuck a French fry in his mouth so it was half hanging out and turned to his daddy.
Blackie laughed as he swiped a fry from his son. "Make sure you eat it all."

Jay rolled over and looked to Charlie with a concerned look on his face. "All right?"
The other teen looked in to Jay's eyes, and sighed warmly, "Better then all right."
"Really?" he smiled. "I mean I know the first time was bad. Was I really better this time?"
Charlie wiggled around and wrapped his arms around Jay, "Yes you were really better this time, but even if it wasn't, it would still be better then all right, because it's you and me. I wish you would have told me the reason you were all upset about it, but I understand why you were scared."
He shrugged. "I thought you'd be mad. He wanted me to tell you, even told me he'd give me 20 bucks if I did it on the phone so he could listen in. But I promised myself I wouldn't. I swear he didn't mean anything to me at all."
Charlie closed his eyes to the pain of Devin's actions, but he held Jay tighter. "I believe you, and I know the way Devin works. I just don't understand what I did? He cheats on me, and somehow in all of this I'm the bad guy."
"You left him." Jay answered. "You're the one thing he wants that he can't have. Maybe that's why he's doing everything he can to hurt you." After a soft kiss the teen smiled wide. "But he'll never do me again. The only one doing me for the forseeable future is you."
"That makes me very happy," the boy answered softly then returned the kiss with one of his own.

