Flying High and Riding Low (Part 2)

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Jake/Nick
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them. The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!) So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: I (Shay) am back.

Nick's apartment
Jake set a plate of Spanish rice down in front of his boyfriend. "I sure hope I did this right, I tried reading your recipe but it was in Spanish and my Spanish is purely verbal. I talk it I don't read it."
Nick smiled as he picked at it with a fork, "It smells perfect." He then turned the page in one of the travel magazines they had picked up from the agent. "Buenos Aries? That sounds incredibly warm."
Jake smiled. "I don't care if we go to Alaska as long as we are together. But yeah that sounds wonderful, I bet you look amazing in a Speedo."
The doctor smiled and looked down as a blush hit his cheeks. He was then hit with the smell of the food, and felt his stomach turn. He covered his mouth to try and hide from Jake how bad he felt.
Seeing the man's reaction he grabbed the plate and pushed it away. "Shit, I'm sorry. Want some Orange Spice or anything?"
Reaching out and grabbing Jake's arm, he squeezed it tightly. "Don't. Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything." He took a deep breath and let it out slow. "Maybe a glass of milk would help settle my stomach, but I can get it."
Watching the man rise to his feet Jake let him go. "Noah said this ickyness should pass by morning and that it will be much more mild with the pills."

"I hope so," he answered from the kitchen. He returned a moment later carrying the glass of milk in one hand and one of his Persian cats in the other. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked the man as he rubbed the cat with his cheek.
Jake held up his glass. "I'm good. That Charles or the pussy?"
"It's Charles," the man laughed as he sat down, pushing the chair closer to Jake's. He then showed him the very small black spot between the cat's ears. "That's how you can tell the difference. Di doesn't have a spot."
Jake took the cat and nuzzled him. "Diana hates me." he held out his free hand showing the long scratch.
"Awe!" the man sympathized, "I'm sorry she did that." He then rested his chin on the other man's shoulder, watching him pet the cat.
"Chuck likes me." he whispered and turned his face. "And so does his Daddy."
He hugged the man's neck. "I do," he confirmed. He let his eyes wander back to the travel brochures on the table. "I don't care where we go, Jake. Can you just call the nice lady tomorrow and tell her to put us on the first gay boat going somewhere warm?"
The lawyer laughed. "Actually I'll call the nice man in the city, at the nice gay travel agency."
Nick laughed softly, "Thank you, and I'm usually not this needy. I swear. I just don't feel like dealing with details right now. I just want to pack, arrange the cat's board, arrange to have the plants watered and have you tell me where to be and when to be there."
"Awe, baby you can be needy. I like being needed. I'll do all I can to find a ship that will accept the children."
The doctor laughed again, "I wish I would have known Holly months ago."
"Me too. But I like this now. How formal of a trip do you want? I mean you want a party boat or one more upscale?"
"Not a big party, I mean I like to have fun but I'm probably going to tire easy. It doesn't have to be big formal thing, but I like to dress up sometimes."
"You're not going to tire that easy. You'll see once you get into routine you'll be fine."
He nodded, "I hope so." After a pause, he asked. "You mind if we move to the couch."
Setting the cat down, he took his hand and led him not toward the couch but towards the bedroom instead. "Come on, let's lay down and talk. I'm kinda tired."

As Jake pulled the covers back, Nick leaned up on his toes and kissed Jake's cheek. "I'm going to change into some pajamas. Is that okay?"
"Sure, got a pair for me?"
Nick nodded as he pulled a pair of blue silk pajamas from the drawer and then a similar dark red pair, which he handed to the other man.
When the door shut behind Nick, Jake chucked his jeans, shoes and shirt. He then put on the pajama bottoms and shirt but left it open.
A moment later Nick came from the bathroom in the pajamas. He then moved to the bed and looked at the clock. "I guess I should set the alarm for two hours in case we fall asleep."
Jake nodded. "Come here Nick. For tonight, just tonight let me do all the worrying for you. This AZT stuff works. And combo'd with the other stuff you'll be able to manage this and if not we'll try different meds."
"How do you know so much about this?" He sleepily asked as he laid his head in the other man's lap. "If I didn't know better I'd swear you were a doctor not a lawyer."
"I've lost a few friends and I have a few more that have been positive for a couple years and are still doing ok. They have shaky moments but overall they are alright."
Nick closed his eyes, not sure what he would do without Jake, "I'm sorry you lost people close to you," he whispered.
"They were clients for the most part, but yeah I did become close to them. It was hard not to."
Nick's breathing deepened as he drifted to sleep in Jake's arms.
He softly rubbed his hair. "You just sleep." he then set the alarm on his watch and drifted off himself.
As Blackie put the three pair of jeans in the suitcase, Noah came out of the closet with the pair of boots in question. "Are these them?"
Blackie nodded, "Yeah, thanks." He took them from his lover.
"What else can I do?" He asked.
"I need to put my white Gibson Les Paul in its case." He then turned to his son, "Quit jumping on the bed, Brodie, you're going to get hurt."
"I help!" the child insisted.
"Which one is that?" Noah asked.
"The one Rick gave me," he tried to explain while also trying to control their son.
"Which one is that?" Noah repeated. Rick had given him two white guitars.
Brodie jumped off the bed landing on his feet. He then took Noah's hand. "I'll show you, Daddy." He led the man into the studio and pointed to the guitar on the wall. "That's the one he wants."
Noah checked the neck and then picked up the boy. "Aren't you a little Mr. Smarty-Pants?"
"Yes I am," he answered proudly.

Blackie came down the hall. "You showing Daddy the what's what Kidlet?"
The child ran to meet him, jumping up at him. "I go with you. You need my help." Blackie picked him up. "I wish you could Baby boy, but you know what?"
"What?" he asked.
"Daddy needs your help too. He needs you to remind him to take his pills everyday."
"I can do that!" He answered with a big smile.
"Good." he kissed his cheek. "You're in charge of Daddy's pills."
Noah smirked at the other two's interaction as he closed the guitar into it's case. "Is that everything, baby?" He asked.
"Yeah." Blackie sighed loudly. "I don't wanna go, Doc."
He crossed to the other man, and took Brodie from his arms setting him on the floor before he hugged him. "I know. I don't want you to go either, but you want your record to do well. Don't you?"
"Yeah." he answered. "I do, I just hate stupid talk shows."
"You're going to be great." He smiled, "Oh and I almost forgot to tell you. Steve Hardy asked me to come over tonight and help him program his VCR so he can get you on tape."
"He what?" Blackie laughed.
"For real!" he answered. He then took his hand and led him to the couch. "Remember last February when we tried to catch that play in the city? We couldn't even eat dinner with out all those girls interrupting us every other minute for your autograph. This is your time, baby." He said pointing to his chest. "Go out and grab it. I'm sorry I have to miss this trip, but I'm so there with you next time."
Blackie nodded. "It's so weird, Doc. I'm this big nobody but when we go to the city they act like I'm Rick or some shit."
"You're just as good as he is, no, wait you're better. I mean that, baby. I have faith in you, I love you, and I a so excited for you. This is it. This is really it. You've worked so hard, now it's your album, you singing your music, and it's going to be great. Just wait and see."
Blackie nodded. "I'll call you everyday, Noah."
"I almost forgot," The doctor said. He jumped out and went to the garage, coming back with the small velvet box from a jewelry store he had left in his car. Sitting back down, he continued. "I'm sorry; I didn't have time to wrap it."
"You didn't have to get me anything." Blackie smiled. The truth was he loved gifts, especially gifts from Noah.
"I wanted to," he answered as he handed him the box. "Don't feel like you have to wear it on TV or anything. I mean I don't know what David is planning on doing with your image,"
Blackie laughed. "Besides pimping it to make himself look hot?"
Noah laughed. "You like it?" he asked as his lover pulled the heavy silver chain from the box.
Blackie smiled. "I love it, Doc, and yes I'll wear on TV. Help me with it?"
The doctor smiled, and did the latch on the chain. He let his fingers run the length of it as Blackie turned to face him. "It looks nice." He then let his eyes roam the rest of the man's body. "Are you ready? We should be leaving soon; you know the traffic at the commuter terminal can be hell. Does Danny need a ride?"
"Yeah, probably. Let me give him a call."
As Blackie went for the phone, it rang. "I bet that's him," he laughed as he picked it up. "Duckie, you ready. Danny and I will be there with the car in about 5 min. If Noah wants to ride with us to see you off, I can have the driver bring him home after we leave."
"Uh Driver?" Blackie asked as he turned to Noah and mouth "Gef."
"The limo doesn't drive it's self," the man laughed. "You didn't think I was going to fight that commuter traffic did you?"
Blackie rolled his eyes. "Alright we'll be ready." then after a few more seconds he hung up. "The queen bee has hired a limo."
"Get use to it, baby," Noah smiled as he went to the bottom of the steps and called up. "Lori, doll, we're getting ready to go. Can you come watch the kids, please?"
She ran down the steps. "Sure Noah, no problem." she then threw her arms around Blackie's neck. "Good luck."
The young man returned the hug, "Thanks, honey. Take care of him for me, would you?" He said motioning to Noah before picking up the kids one at a time and hugging them. "I'll call you guys with bedtime stories every night. I promise."
"Bye, Daddy." Robin kissed his lips.
When it was his turn, Brodie locked his arms around the man's neck. "Let Robin be in charge of pills. I want to be your little helper. How can you go without your mini-tech?"
Blackie laughed though he wanted to cry. 'Fuck it.' He decided and turned to Noah. "Can I take him?"
Noah shrugged, "Who would watch him while you're performing and doing interviews?"
"Gef?" he offered.
"You think you should ask him first. He might be allergic to little kidlets?" Noah teased Brodie, using Blackie's nickname for the child.
"Nope." he answered. "If he is then I'll just take my little tech on the stage with me."
"Okay, it's fine with me," Noah relented, then asked Lori, "Huge favor, Doll, pack him a bag. The limo is like two minutes away."
"Forget it, Lori." Blackie smiled. "We'll just go shopping tonight." he said as a horn beeped outside. He then turned and squatted down putting an arm around Robin. "When we go for the shows next month, you get to be my special helper. Okay, Munchkin?"
"OK, Daddy." she smiled and smacked her brother. "You better do a good job Brat."
Blackie grabbed the boy's hand as he went to slap her back and grumbled, "If you two don't stop with the hitting. . ."
He was interrupted by the horn beeping again in the driveway and Noah picking up the suitcase. "We got to go, baby." He then continued to Robin. "Be good for Lori, and you can sleep in Daddies' bed tonight, baby doll."
As they ran out the door Brodie waved bye to Robin.

In the limo the child immediately jumped on David. "Hey, Gef, guess what."
The man looked to his client and then back to his child. "I don't like guessing games. Why don't you tell me?"
"Ok." He laughed. "I'm going to be on TV with Daddy."
He turned to Blackie, "He is?" He asked with a large phony smile.
"Yep. Well he's going to the city anyway. You don't mind watching him while we're on camera do you?"
"And the other choice is him sitting in the chair next to you?" he asked.
"On his lap." Brodie cheered and jumped to his father.
Blackie laughed and hugged the boy to him. "You have to promise me you're going to be super good and listen to Uncle Danny, Gef and me. It's really important."
"I will, Daddy. I promise." he looked back to David "And you'll gimmie candy to stay quiet right?"
Though the man tried to act tough, he had a soft spot for the child who had become his father's shadow in the studio. "Yeah, sure kid. You're house broken right?" He asked.
"Not at night." he laughed.
Noah scooted closer on the seat, and wrapped an arm around Blackie's neck, snuggling into the man. He was very happy the child was going. He knew it would keep Blackie's spirits up to have Brodie with him. "Are you going to miss me, Brodie boy?" He asked.
"Uh huh, Daddy. You will take pills right?"
"I'll take my pills," he answered and thought about the bottle of steroids in his jacket pocket. He now wondered if it was necessary to give them to the man.
"Good." he leaned in and kissed him. "I miss you, me and Daddy going to get you a big present."
"We are?" Blackie asked, and then noticed out of the corner of his eye how quiet Danny was as he stared out the window of the car.
"Uh huh." Brodie followed his father's eyes. "Uncle Danny?" he called crawling over to him.
Danny smiled at the boy as he crawled into his lap. "Hey mini-tech, you our sound guy for the week?"
"Yep. If you don't sound good, me don't sound good."
The man laughed and pulled the boy in tight to him, hugging him, fighting tears.
"You ok, Bro?" Blackie asked, concerned.
He nodded as he released the hug on the boy. "You're just very lucky, Sticks." He turned to David. "There any beer in that fridge?"
The man checked. "It's empty; we'll be in the air in an hour."
Danny nodded.
Noah whispered in Blackie's ear, "He having a bad time of it again?"
"Yeah." he whispered back. "I'll talk to him on the plane."
"Okay," Noah answered. Looking out the window, he noticed they were pulling into the airport. "Look, Brodie, we're here. Do you see any airplanes?"
"Lots, Daddy." he smiled.
Blackie looked to David "No problem getting him a ticket is there?"
He shook his head, "Now, Davey always gets things done for you. Don't I, Duckie? Since Mac dropped out, I'll just have them transfer her seat to him. You guys go on in to the terminal. I'll make sure they get your guitars and bags checked and I'll be right in."
"Cool. Come on Brodie." Blackie said and then helped Noah from the car.
As the three men and the child made their way into the airport, Noah said to the other two. "You know, I have to admit, that was so much better then driving you guys here myself."
Blackie laughed. "You love the star treatment."
"I do too, Daddy." Brodie answered, then leaned over and pulled out a pair of sunglasses from the pocket of Danny's denim jacket, putting them on.
Danny cracked up laughing. "Hey there baby rock star those are mine."
He handed them back to him, "They're too big anyways. Make Gef buy me my own, Daddy."
David scooped the child from the musician. "Is that what you think I do Squirt? Buy stuff for people?"
"It's your job to make my daddy happy," The boy answered matter of fact like.
"And how does he make me happy?"
The three year old paused, obviously thinking it through, "By looking hot in his tight ass jeans."
Geffen let his eyes roam the man's body. "That he does."
Taking the child from David's arm, Noah gave him a stern look, "Watch your mouth, little man."
Brodie pulled at his lower lip. "I can't Daddy, it don't stick out enough."
Wanting to do anything but laugh, the doctor couldn't help it. He snickered as he tickled his tummy. "Just because you hear David say something does NOT mean it's okay for you to repeat it. Okay?"
"O'tay." he grinned back. "Can I have a sucker?"
Noah nodded and looked around to see where the child had spotted sugar.
Blackie pointed out the shop and said, "Gef, could you do me a favor and get Brodie some candy?"
First the man just looked at his client. As owner and president of Geffen Records he didn't usually manage the clients directly but had made an exception for his two new shining stars. After a second's pause he moved in close. "You'll pay for it later, smart ass." He grinned and then walked into the candy shop.
Blackie laughed as the man walked away. When he was out of ear shot he mumbled, "I already am, you're taking me away from my family for a week" He then wrapped around his lover and son, and hugged them both tight.
"Don't cry, Daddy, we gonna have fun." Brodie tried to cheer him up while Noah kissed him softly.
Looking up, he forced a smile, and tried to sound cheerful. "I'm not going to cry. We got work to do. Right?" He then mouthed to Noah, 'I miss you already.'
Noah seriously considered bailing on work and just going to the city with his lover when the first boarding call came over the loud speaker and David came back carrying a loli-pop bigger than Brodie's head.
Blackie leaned over and kissed the man again, then whispered in his ear. "I know what you're thinking and you can't. I have my work and you have your work. It's okay."
Noah laughed. "Alright, but I will miss you and count the seconds till I have you back. I love you, Baby."
Danny took Brodie, "Come on mini-tech, let's go find out seats on the plane and give your daddies a minute."
Alone, Blackie kissed Noah one more time. "I'll call you tonight and every night."
Once the two men separated David guided Blackie toward the gate. "I'm going to switch Mac's ticket real quick. Go ahead and get seated and here" he handed Blackie the candy. "That's for the infant."
"Thanks, Gef, for everything." He gave the man a lot of shit, and he took it all. He then waved over his shoulder to Noah and blew him a kiss before he turned and disappeared through the gate.

Nick's Apartment
The alarm went off, and Jake quickly reached over and turned it off before it could awake Nick. He slid out from under the doctor and went to the kitchen coming back with the man's needed medication and a glass of water. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gently nudged him away. "Nick," he whispered, "Can you wake up for just a minute and take your medicine?"
The doctor rolled and opened his eyes. "Maybe."
Jake let his hand brush the doctor's cheek softly. "I have it right here."
Nick smiled. "I can walk, Baby, I just want a kiss for my effort of swallowing that nasty thing."
Jake leaned in and let his lips brush Nick's. "I know you can walk, I also know your not feeling the best right now, and I like that you let me be here to help you."
"I know." he whispered after the kiss broke and he then smiled wide. "I just meant that you had to kiss me first." he held his hand open for the medicine.
Jake leaned in and gave him yet another one, before dropping the pills into his hand. "I have some water right here."
Making a face as he swallowed the large and distasteful pills, he then handed the cup back. "Fuck a lifetimes of those? I think I'd rather die."
The mere thought made Jake's face fall as he took the glass and set it on the nightstand.
"I'm sorry." Nick whispered. "I was just trying to make a joke. I guess I bombed huh?" He took Jake's hand. "Go ahead and gong me."
Jake turned back with a smile, shaking his head slightly, "I'd rather snuggle some more, but first. Are you hungry? You didn't eat much earlier."
He shook his head. "Nah I'm alright besides I got granola bars in the drawer right here." He pointed at the nightstand. "Always keep them here for when I wake up with the munchies."
Jake started to crawl into the bed, and then checked the clock on the nightstand. "I feel really selfish asking you this, but I have a brief I have to finish writing up, especially if we're going on a vacation. I have my brief case in my car. Do you mind if I go get it and work right here?"
"Go ahead." he yawned. "I'll just lay here and read or something till I fall back asleep. Set the alarm ok?"

The lawyer ran out to his car quick, even though he was in the doctor's silk pajamas. Coming back he set his brief case on the bed, and was about to ask if he wanted to watch a movie when he noticed the doctor had drifted back to sleep. After setting the alarm clock, he slid back into the bed, guiding the man's body back to his. He held him close for a moment.
"Mmmfff." Nick mumbled and opened his eyes. "Sorry." he smiled.
"For what?"
"Falling asleep." he shrugged. "I don't want to be like this on vacation."
"Then rest now," he whispered softly, placing another light kiss on his forehead. "I can go out in the other room if I'm disturbing you. Or I could leave if that will let you sleep better," he offered, hoping the doctor didn't really want him to go.
He wrapped his arms around his waist. "No don't leave. I might have to do something drastic to prevent that."
"Drastic hu? Like what?" he asked with a giggle.
"Ummmm." he looked around. "Tie myself to you, so that wherever you go you have to drag me around behind."
He tightened his embrace and kissed the man again. "That sounds like fun. What do I have to do to get that again?"
"Try and leave." he laughed. "Or just ask nicely when I'm more up to speed."
"Okay," he whispered. "You do look really tired."
"I am." he agreed and settled against the lawyer's shoulder. "See you in an hour or so." and drifted off again.

Noah twirled the phone cord in his fingers as he talked to the elderly woman on the phone. He had asked for the money, because it needed to be done for his clinic and his partners, but he still hated it. "I would appreciate it if you could transfer the money in the next couple days if you can, Gran."
Nancy smiled. "No problem Baby, I'll just put you on the family's list of monthly donations. That ok with you?"
Noah shook his head no, but said, "Yeah, great, thank you," though his voice lacked any sincerity.
"Noah, this money isn't going into your personal checking account so stop thinking about it being Drake funds and start thinking about it being yet another grant, just like all the others you get on a regular basis."
"I know, and I appreciate it, really I do. I just wish I knew things would get better financially here."
"Talk to your Dad, Baby. He'll tell you there is no such thing as a financially stable low cost clinic. You'll never make a profit, Noah, I know you know that. But you are making a difference and you're not starving."
He tried to smile, he knew she was right. "I will. It's getting late. I suppose I should go home, even if it is to an empty bed."
"How long is he going to be gone?"
"A week," he exhaled. "I'm being a big baby and I know it. I am glad he took Brodie. He's much more apt to take care of himself having the baby to take care of too."
"Yeah he will, but now you miss him too. You want my advice, Baby? Take Robin to bed with you and the two of you snuggle up real close and do your best to just get some sleep."
He smiled, "That's the plan, and I told her I would be home soon right before I called you, so I better get going. I love you, Gran."
"Love you too, Noah." she replied as Fred walked into the room carrying a small infant. After a few moments she hung up the phone. "And who is this?"

"Mary Sue just dropped her off, three weeks and she thinks she's entitled to dinner alone and the great grand parents babysitting."
Nancy opened her arms. "Of course it is, Bethany right?"
Fred nodded as his wife took the child and laughed. "Think us ol birds are up to keeping a baby all night?"
She slapped his hand. "Who's old? I know you are not talking to me."
The man laughed as he moved past the woman and child and lowered himself in the chair. "No, you're right; you're a hot young chick, Nancy."
"You need your eyes checked. " She snorted. Looking down at the baby she smiled. "She's beautiful."
"Yes, she is," he smiled back.
"So what do you think? In bed between us of make her a bed in the spare room? We can surround her with pillows."
"I think with us," the man answered.
"Just for tonight." she smiled softly.

Enroute to NYC

Blackie opened the straw and put it into the carton of milk for the boy, before taking one of his animal crackers and popping it into his mouth. He then ruffled his hair, "All set buddy boy?"
The boy nodded as he looked out the window, "Look, Daddy, we're way up in the sky!"
He heard Danny ordering another beer, and turned to his right quickly. Looking back to his son, he answered him. "Pretty cool hu?" He turned back to his friend as he drank long from the bottle. "What's go on, bro?" He asked.
Danny shrugged as he leaned back closing his eyes.
"I know you miss her," He whispered.
He nodded, "Yesterday was her birthday. Did you know that?"
Blackie shook his head, he had forgotten. "I'm sorry."
"Yeah, and you know what, that son of a bitch called me from prison. He calls ME crying and everything cause he's all so sorry."
"Why do they let him keep calling you?" Blackie fumed. "Isn't there something you can do?"
"Yeah, your dad's filing the paperwork for me. If he calls again I can actually press charges against him. If you only get 8 years for murder, what are they going to give him for harassing me, another 30 days?"
Blackie patted the man's shoulder. "It wasn't enough. I was glad he did the plea bargain thing so you didn't have to go through the trial, but eight years?"
"You're telling me!"
"Is your mom -"
"To hell with my mom." Danny cut him off. "I can't believe her. Did you know my dad is thinking about moving out?"
"What?" Blackie asked. "How can she let her whole family fall apart like this?"
Danny shrugged, "To hell with her, I don't give a damn." He drained the rest of the bottle. Then looked down the isle. "Where is that stewardess anyway?"
"We'll be landing in 15 min, why don't you wait till we get to the hotel?"
He closed his eyes tight, and then nodded. "Okay, Blackie." After a moment's pause, he asked his best friend. "Earlier today, when you said that thing about you and Noah," he bit his lower lip. "You're not, right."
It took a minute for Blackie to realize what Danny was asking him, but when he did a look of shock washed over him. "No! No, bro. We're fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Why would you ask me that?" Blackie asked.
The man's eyes ran down his best friend's arm to his narrow boney wrists. "I didn't even notice it till today, Sticks, and I'm sorry about that, but you know how messed up my head is."
Blackie slid an arm around his best friend's shoulder, "Didn't notice what? I'm so confused."
"How thin you are. If you were sick you'd tell me right?"
Blackie sighed and chuckled. "I'm not, I swear, Danny. I've lost a little weight, but I'm just trying to help my knee and my hip. They are so messed up from the accident and I just want to be able to perform at these shows." He clenched his hand around the man's arm and shook him slightly. "Danny, we about to get everything we've been dreaming about since we were kids."
Danny exhaled loudly. "Oh thank god, all day all I've been able to think about is how the hell I was going to keep going if I lost you too."
"You don't have to worry about that," he answered.
Danny nodded, "You're right you know, Sticks." He reached his hand out in front of him slightly. "It's all just right there. I can almost touch it." He closed his eyes tight, "And all I can think is I wish Claud was here."
The other man nodded as he patted Danny's shoulder, "I know, I know. I wish she was here for you too."
"Uncle Danny! Uncle Danny!" Brodie called out, pointing out the window.
The man smiled and leaned over his friend. "What is it, mini-tech?"
"We're going down. Look at all the lights." He then tugged on his dad's arm. "Look at all the lights, Daddy."
Just then the flight attendant came over the speaker, giving them instructions for their approach into New York City.

Nick's Apartment
Nick woke up and rolled toward his side of the bed. After taking one step he found himself being pulled back and looked around to figure out why. Discovering a robe belt tied around his right wrist he followed it and spotted the other end around Jake's list. Laughing silently to himself he gave his arm a tug.
A sly grin played across Jake's lips, but he did not open his eyes.
"Oh you wanna play huh?" Nick grinned as he took a step toward the bathroom, followed by another.
Jake held the sash taunt between them and tugged back ever so slightly, as he laughed and then rolled to the far edge of the bed, giving the man more slack. He laughed. "Come here, baby, and I'll untie you."
He walked back to the bed and sat down. "You big goof. I love it."
Jake smiled up at him as untied the sash from the man's wrist. "I love your smile."
"I had a good dream, you were in it and it made me smile." He shook his wrist. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back." and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Jake rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, his mind a rush of everything they had been through today, and everything that needed to be done if they were going on the cruise.

In the bathroom Nick flushed then washed his hands while staring into the mirror. He didn't look any different and he didn't really feel any different but he knew deep inside his body things were different and eventually they would get even more so.

In the bedroom, Jake sighed. All the time he had spent longing for the chance at this relationship with this man, and now suddenly it was here. He was falling hard and fast despite the knee jerk reaction to keep some distance for fear that Nick got sick despite everything everyone was doing to prevent it.

Coming out of the bathroom he spotted his boyfriend laying on his back and crawled onto the bed laying on top of him. "Mmmm I feel ok right now." he whispered.
Jake wrapped his arms around the other man, and gave him a quick soft kiss. "You sure do, better then okay." He flirted.
Nick ground his body down. "Maybe I should rephrase. I feel good right now."
Sliding his hands down the man's back and over his ass, moaned softly and reached up to kiss him again.
"Mmmmm." Nick moaned, moving his mouth to Jake's throat and exploring the soft flesh.
"Feels so good," The lawyer exhaled as he explored the doctor's body with his hands. He didn't want to interrupt the moment, but he knew he had too. Rolling his head on his shoulders, he kissed the man's mouth deeply and then whispered in his ear. "I hate to say this, but maybe you should take your medicine before we get started."
Nick laughed. "You gotta be kidding? You'd rather I suck water than you?"
"No," Jake painfully groaned, "But Noah did say timing is really important. And once we do get started, I don't plan on stopping for awhile."
"Fine I'll be a good boy, but you owe me." He held out his hand for the offending medicine.
Jake pointed to the nightstand, and wiggled beneath the doctor. "I can't reach. You have me pinned."
He rolled away and landed on his back, after propping himself up he grinned leeringly. "Grab some of those non tasty rubbers too."
Jake snickered as he reached across the man gyrating his body against the other mans as he retrieved the medication. "Open wide," he said and when the doctor did he popped the pills into his mouth, all the while moving his body against the other mans.
Almost choking on the water Nick managed to get the pills down. "You, Jake Meyer are evil. Do you know that?" He then pulled him in tight; slipping his hands under the waistband of the pj's to cup his ass.
Jake rolled his head on his shoulder as he reached back to the drawer and came back with the foil packets.
"I want to." Nick gasped. "But do you?"
The man nodded as he brought his body back forward. Sitting on the other man's lap, he wrapped his legs around his waist and kissed him deeply.
Nick kneaded the muscles of Jake's shoulders. "God you are so fucking sexy. You know that?"
Jake opened his eyes, and met Nick's stare. Sliding his hand down the doctor's shirt, he carefully unbuttoned each one as he whispered, "I love you, Nick, god help me, I love you."
The man gasped. "You do?" a tear slid down his cheek. "I hope you mean it because I am crazy mad in love with you too."
Jake pushed the tear from the man's cheek as he nodded.
Nick wrapped his arms tight around Jake's body. "I'm even more scared now." he admitted softly.
"Why, Nicky?" He asked as he gently caressed his back.
"Nicky?" he laughed. "No one's called me that since I was 10."
"You hate it?" He asked.
"No." he smiled softly. "As long as you don't call it in the moment," he sighed. "I'm just so afraid you're going to leave me when you realize how messed up this all is."
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
He nodded. "I just...fuck it. I am going to live in the moment. It's all we really have anyway."
Jake caught the man's face in his hands and held him, looking in his eyes, "No, no, Nicky, tell me. We have to talk to each other, you know."
"I know, but I do want to live in the moment. I mean I could get run over by a bus tomorrow." He smiled warmly "Want to hear about my dream?"
He nodded.
"It was me and you, and the kids too and it was next year this time." He smiled wider. "And you know what?"
"What?" he smiled at Nick's enthusiasm.
"I still looked ok, maybe a bit thinner but it's not like I can't stand to use a few pounds anyway."
"You look great, and you will. The medicine is going to help for a long time. I feel it."
"Yeah, but I will lose weight and that's alright. Maybe AZT can take off these few pounds that all the workouts in the world weren't."
Jake rolled to his back, pulling Nick close to him. "I love you the way you are now, and I'm going to keep loving you no matter what."
"Spare tire and all huh?" he laughed and wiggled out of his shirt to press his bare chest against the lawyer's."
The lawyer dropped his mouth to the man's shoulder nibbling lightly at the flesh as his hands slid under his pajama bottoms slowly pushing them off his hips.
Nick's eyes shot open and locked with Jake's. "Don't break the skin, whatever you do. Not even a scratch. Promise me that!"
His body tensed quickly at the doctor's reaction and the realization, but he immediately relaxed and pulled him tighter. "I won't. Don't worry."
"Good." Nick licked his chin. "Otherwise please continue."
Jake let his mouth return to the man's shoulder this time kissing his way up the man's neck.
"God that feels so good," he groaned and panted. In many ways he wasn't quite used to human contact yet.
"To me too," Jake moaned as he held the man's trembling body in his arms.
"Need to be closer." he almost whined. "I got all kinds of things for protection if you're worried but I won't do anything unsafe I promise."
"I'm not worried," He exhaled against his skin. "Tell me what you want, Nick. How can I make you happy?"
The doctor blushed his dark skin reddening as he held up a condom. "Do me?"
The attorney smiled as he took the foil package from the doctor. "You're so cute when you blush." He blushed deeper. "It's been a looooong time, I'm practically virgin all over again. Be gentle." and leaned in kissing the man. "Be careful too."
He held the condom back up, "Help me with this?"
Nick laughed. "You don't know how?"
"I know how, but I like your technique," it was now the lawyer's turn to blush.
"Ahhhh." He giggled. "I don't usually do that with these they taste gross so consider yourself special." He shoved Jake back and pulled his pajama pants off before ripping open the rubber and popping it into his mouth and bending over his lover.
He relaxed against the headboard, and caressed the man's shoulder and hair, moaning as his mouth covered his organ.
'Yuck!' he ranted to himself as the lubrication coated his tongue.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Jake exhaled, pulling the other man's chin up so he could kiss him deeply.
He smiled. "It's alright; the next round of drugs will slide right down. Forget about it."
He guided the doctor up his body so he was straddling his lap. "Like this okay?"
"I don't care if you flip me upside down and stand me in a corner." He kissed him deeply. "But I'm not ready yet."
"I know," he mumbled as he pushed his mouth to the other man's letting his hands slide down his back, and under his ass. Gently his fingers began to massage his bottom.
"Mmmmm." he moaned but at the same time reached into his drawer and came up with a glove.
Trying to hold the man's focus, he kissed him deeper as he fumbled with the glove. Once his hand was covered, he slid down the headboard a bit so they were more prone on the bed, and after spitting on his hand slid the covered fingers against the man's opening, only lightly pressing against the flesh.
Nick's body tightened. "Oh fuck yeah, don't stop Jake."
"I don't plan to, Nicky." He mumbled as he continued to stroke and kiss his flesh all the while gently working his way inside the man's body.
The doctor panted and clawed at the sheets as sensation after sensation washed over him. 'I was starting to think I'd never have this again.' he thought to himself, all the while rocking his hips.
Jake moaned softly as the man's body bucked against him and he worked his fingers in and out of the man in a slow steady rhythm.
Sweat beaded on his brow as he grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed, not wanting it over before it really started. "Love you, Jake." he smiled into the man's eyes.
The words thrilled Jake; he had longed to hear them for so long. He softly kissed the man's flesh. "And I you."
"I hope you never stop." he whispered in his native tongue.
"Never," he replied, also in Spanish as he guided the man up slightly hoping he was ready.
Nick gasped. "You mean you really speak Spanish?"
"In some cases better then English," He continued in the other language. "I thought you were kidding." Nick replied as he lay back onto the bed and switched to English. "Now Jake."
Moving up to his knees, Jake lifted the doctor's legs and leaned them against his chest. He softly slid his tongue against his legs and mumbled nonsense words of love as he entered the man's body.
Nick moaned and arched his hips high, his native tongue taking over as he tried to convey his feelings and emotions to the other man.
Jake reached out for the other man's hand and held it tight in his and he found a rhythm and moved with him. His other hand slid down and caressed his lover's pulsing member.
Rocking his body hard against the other man's the doctor smiled into his eyes. "Perfect." He whispered.
Jake moaned and whimpered as his sweat drenched body rocked in time with the doctor's.
Though he wanted to warn his lover Nick's body betrayed him and with a gasp he began to cum.
Jake slid his hand away and watched the man's seed splash against his stomach, the images pushing him over the edge and sending him to ecstasy.
"Won't hurt you," Nick panted, feeling the man's cock pulse and twitch deep in his ass.
Unable to form words, Jake nodded to let the doctor know he heard him. As their orgasms passed, he lay down atop of his lover and held him tight. "I love you, Nick."
"Love you too." He smiled into his eyes and on the nightstand as if on cue the alarm sounded.
Jake laughed as he tightened the embrace. "What do you say you take your pills then we take a nice long shower together and settle in for the night?"
Nick nodded. "Sure, but I need to feed the kids. Be right back ok?"
"Okay," he answered as he rolled off of him.

In the kitchen Nick opened 2 cans of food with the electric can opener and laughed as he watched the 2 white cats scamper in from the bedroom. Picking one up he pet it gently. "Were you spying on Daddies? Is that what you were doing?"
The cat purred and rubbed against the doctor in response.

Blackie sighed as he rubbed his sleeping son's back. The boy's head lay against his chest, and he stared at the ceiling. Slowly, his eyes made their way to the clock. It was 3 am. "Aww, fuck it," he whispered as he picked up the phone and dialed the number.
Noah picked up on the first ring. "Hey Baby, I was just talking about you."
"You were?" he laughed softly. "And I was afraid I was going to be waking you up."
"Yeah." He laughed. "Me and Doll Face were just talking about how funny it is that you still doodle on your book covers....we couldn't sleep."
He smiled as he fingered Brodie's hair. "You're lucky the munchkin is still up. Brodie conked out on me hours ago." He swallowed hard. "I can't sleep with out you, Noah."
"Me either, Blackie," He whispered. "But we're together right now right?"
"Yeah, so what are you two doing? My homework?"
"Nah, we were just looking at your books. She told me you have my name all over your Math book and then she showed me."
He laughed as his eyes caught the pad of paper on the floor next to the bed. He had tried to pass the time earlier by working on song lyrics, but all that was on the paper was doodles and Noah's name. "I can't help it. Just writing your name makes me smile."
The doctor giggled. "You should see some of my files."
"Really?" he asked, he didn't know Noah still doodled his name.
"Yeah. In fact I think a few of my patients would be surprised to read that my recommendation is to take 2 Blackies and call me in the morning."
The man laughed, and then whispered softly. He felt childish asking. "Can you do that thing you do when I can't sleep at home, Doc? Maybe it will help?"
Noah laughed. He knew he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket yet his lover still liked to hear him try when he couldn't sleep. "Hush little baby don't say a word. Poppa's gonna buy you a mockingbird." he began.
Almost instantly his eye lids began to feel heavy. He closed them and snuggled into his pillow, "It feels like your right here, Doc." He mumbled sleepily.
Noah continued to sing softy until he heard Blackie's soft snores in his ear. He then hung up the phone and turned to Robin. "What's that look for Doll face?"
"That racket hurt my ears," She complained, but then giggled to let her daddy know she was only teasing him.
He grabbed her and tickled her tummy. "Racket huh? I'll give you racket. What you say we go for a swim? You can skip school tomorrow."
The girl leapt up and cheered as she jumped on the bed. "Yay! I get a skip day."
Noah picked up the child and carried her on his back toward the patio, stopping only to call his dog and wait while the animal moved slowly to his side and out the door.

Blackie stirred slightly in the bed, the buzzing of the disconnected phone ringing in his ear. He fumbled with the receiver dropping it back on the cradle. Rolling to his side, he pulled his son close to him and whispered, "Good night Brodie, Good night, Robin, good night, Noah."

