Chapter 3
Merry Christmas pt. 1

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Dana/Devin, Blackie/Noah
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: A/N - again I apologize that the timing is off with these chapters. I talked to Shay and we decided to finish out the storylines we originally had planned. So here is Christmas pt. 1.

Dec 24, 1984
6:00 PM

Blackie put the Santa hat on Brodie and laughed as the baby tried to pull it back off. "Noah, Come on, hurry up before he spills something on himself of something." The man complained as he walked to the bottom of the stairs and called up, "Munchkin, hurry up. I want to get a few pictures before company gets here."
He then came back into the studio as Noah and Marie came from the kitchen. Noah smiled at the small child and picked him up from the floor. "What is daddy doing to you?" he asked as the baby giggled in response.
Blackie smiled. "Marie would you snap a few pictures of us in front of the tree please?" He asked as he plugged in the lights of the large tree.
"Sure thing, Blackie."
Anna, Dylan and Robin came down the stairs all dressed festively. The woman and toddler stepped in. Anna took the baby and stood between Noah and Blackie. The Doctor picked up the little girl holding her on his hip. Blackie looked to Dylan. "You too. You're family. Right?"
Dylan smiled a half smile and nodded, but tried to figure out where his place was in the picture.
"Here, I have an idea." Noah said. "You stand with Anna, and we'll sit here." He said pulling the footstool over. Blackie and Noah snuggled in close on it, and Robin crawled up in Noah's lap.
"That looks absolutely beautiful," Marie answered and snapped two pictures.
Blackie looked up and reached for Brodie. "I'd like a couple with me holding him, please."
"Certainly," Anna responded ruffling his hair. "Actually, why don't you take these, just the four of you?" She said as she and Dylan moved away from the tree.
As the baby settled in on Blackie's lap, the couple came together close smiling wide.
After Marie snapped the picture she asked, "Blackie, can you take one of Noah and I. I just realized I don't have any recent pictures with my brother."
Noah sighed as Robin slid off his lap and ran back up the stairs calling back about getting ready for her cousins to come over and play.
"Sure I will," Blackie answered as he set Brodie back down on the blanket on the floor, and moved behind the camera.
"Just a quick picture," Noah said with a smile. "I need to get back in the kitchen and finish setting up the food."
Blackie could see the tension on his lover's body and internally sighed for him. For a brief moment he thought of their first Christmas alone together and how much less stress they had had. "Smile, Doc." He said then snapped the picture. "Marie, can you keep an eye on Brodie for a minute I'm going to give Noah a hand in the kitchen."
"Sure," The woman smiled as she picked up the child. "Come on with Aunt Marie. Let's go see if your cousin is up from his nap."
Behind the closed door of the kitchen, Noah hugged the younger man close. "Thank you so much, baby."
"She is so sweet, Doc. Why does she make you so stressed?"
He began pawing at the man's shoulders, and arms and pulling him in mimicking his sister's voice as he did so, "Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah," he then called out, "ugh! I love her to death, Blackie, I do. And I'm so grateful to have my sister back in my life after so many years of not knowing where she was or even if she was alive."
"But you wish she wouldn't be so needy?" He asked.
He nodded as he poured himself a glass of wine, "You want some?"
He shook his head as he opened the refrigerator and got out a beer. "We don't have to have these big parties every Christmas, Noah."
"Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having our family and friends around us on the holiday. I do."
He smiled. "I know you do. This year is so special, Doc."
Noah pulled him in, "You have your mom, your dad, and your grandfather here with us."
"And we have Brodie and Robin."
"And my dads, and all the kids."
Blackie frowned, "Is Lori going to be all right tonight."
"Probably not, but hopefully having family around her will help. And this year she's one of the kids again. You know, it'll be good for her."
"It's too bad Brett couldn't,"
Noah interrupted. "He's coming in the day after tomorrow. I think he did right spending Christmas with his family. She should be happy he's taking the last few days before he leaves for the road to spend time with her."
He nodded, "I know Brett's handling this just right, and I do agree it's the best thing for Lori, but I also know how much Lori is hurting inside right now."
"I know too," Noah concurred. "We'll have to keep a close eye on her and be here for her."
"Agreed," The man smiled, and then kissed the doctor's lips.
Noah turned, "I'm really almost done in here, just need to set out some glasses."
"Okay, I'm going to go bring the folding chairs in from the garage and wash them up."
"That's great, thanks."

Kelly's Diner
Stacy sat at the counter with a twin on a stool on either side of her, helping both of them with their dinners barely having the time to eat herself. "Done, Mommy," The little girl in pigtails said as she pushed at the plate.
Stacy turned from Jaden to the little girl. Pushing the plate back, she said, "Come on, Callie, you didn't eat any of the carrots Ruby made for you."
"Icky!" the girl pouted, followed by the boy mimicking, "Icky, icky, icky!"
"Not you too, Jaden," She scolded softly. "Now do you two want to go to Blackie and Noah's or not?"
"Blackie's!!" The little boy cheered.
"We go, Mommy," the girl followed.
"As soon as you finish your dinner," Stacy answered. Then heard the bell on the door behind her ringing. Without turning to see who it was, she called out. "Ruby's in the back, she'll be out in just a few minutes."
The lawyer stepped up to the counter, and then placed an envelope on the counter. "Can you just tell her I left the money for the room?"
Stacy looked up and smiled at the man who had been renting the other available room for the past two weeks. "Oh sure . . .It's Mr. Meyer, Right? You're a friend of Joe Kelly's?"
The dark haired man extended his hand to the woman. "Jake, and you work for Joe's son, Blackie? Right?"
She smiled as she took his hand, "Yes, I'm Stacy."
"And who are you?" The man asked, letting his hands go through the little boy's lush dark hair.
"Jaden," the tot softly answered.
"This is my son, Jaden," she answered tapping his head, then moved to the little girl, "And my daughter Callie."
"Go to Blackie's NOW?" the girl asked pointing to her clean plate.
The woman smiled. "Soon as your brother's ready."
"I'm suppose to meet up with Joe and Cynthia over there. Do you mind if I follow you?" He asked.
Stacy looked up into the man's brown eyes. "Uhm, if you'd like I can just give you a ride."
"That would be very nice. Thank you, Stacy."

"Whose here? Whose here? Whose here?" Robin repeated over and over again excitedly as she ran down the steps.
Blackie came up behind her and lifted her up so she could look out the window. "Who is it? Is it Santa?" He asked with the same hyped tone.
"It not Santa!" She giggled, "It's LIMMY JEE!! And Grant and Rosa, and Juan, and the baby." She rattled.
"Yeah!!" Blackie cheered as he opened the door. Robin jumped from Blackie's arms to JL's.
"Merry Christmas! Limmy Jee!" She cheered.
"Oh, Merry Christmas, Robby!" he returned the greeting hugging and tickling the girl as the made their way into the house. Jimmy Lee carefully nudged Rosa's shoulder, "It's okay, honey. It's Noah and Blackie's, we've been here before."
"Yeah, come on in," He repeated, and then turned to Grant, "Please, get that baby in here. It's freezing out there."
Grant stepped in and away from the door before he began unbundling the child. "Thanks, Blackie."
"Robin, Why don't you take Juan upstairs and he can play with you and your cousins and ask Lori to come down please. Jay, Alfie, Sky and now Rosa's here."
"I will tell her, but she'll just say she don't want to come down." Robin declared as she took the boy's hand, "Come on Juan, et's go play."
Blackie led the others into the studio, and Jay looked up from where he was sitting with the other teens, "Rosa!" he called out and then began rattling away in Spanish to the girl motioning her over.
The teen looked over her shoulders first to Jimmy Lee and then to Grant.
"It's okay, Rosa," Grant confirmed. "You can go talk to Jay and the others."
"You stay?" she asked, pointing her hands to the ground.
"We're not going to leave you here," JL assured, but then took the girls hand and crossed over to the other teens, "Jay, help me. I want to say that Grant and I aren't going to leave without her."
Jay patted the man's arm and spoke to the girl in Spanish, quickly laughing himself and bringing a grin from the teen.
She turned and nodded to the dockworker. "Okay, Jimmy Lee," She said as she dropped to the floor with the others.

The Teen Center
Recording Studio

His fingers gliding over the keys of the piano, Devin lifted his head shaking his floppy hair and smiling at the man in the recording booth; until a sudden sour note filled the room and he pulled back. "Cut! Stop the fucking tape, Dana! I can't do this!"

Leaving the sound room, Dana Miller entered the studio and crossed to Devin's side. "Yes you can." He began to massage the young blond's shoulder. "Jesus you're so stiff."
As soon as the older authoritative man laid hands on him, Devin's breath caught in his chest and his blood began to boil.
"Start from the top, we'll just go through it once without the tape." Dana directed softly but firmly.
Taking the direction and letting the fantasy he had been building for weeks take over Devin began to play. After many minutes Dana let his hands drift down Devin's arms as he bent and whispered in his ear. "I'm going to turn on the tape. Keep going just like that and we'll be out of here in thirty minutes."
His deluded world crashed and Devin hit another sour note. "Don't," he forced out.
"Don't what?" Dana asked, confused and shocked at the way the boy was shaking and rocking back and forth on the bench.
"Don't turn on the tape. Don't finish."
"Why on earth not?"
"Because then it will be over."
"You don't want it over?"
Dev shook his head his floppy hair smacking his forehead.
"Devin, what the hell is wrong? All week we get to the end of this song and you freak out. What is your problem?"
The blond spun on the bench, turning to face the older man. "You."
"Excuse me?"
"I want you." He whispered. "I want you so bad you're all I can think about."
"Devin. .. " he sighed.
"Stop Dana." He whispered softly. "I know what I want. It's not some schoolboy crush just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm an automatic fool. All I want is to drop to my knees and. . ." He paused to swallow hard. "Worship you like you deserve to be." With that he slid to the floor hugging the man's legs and sobbing, "please, Dana, please. . . "

Confused and in shock, Dana reached down grabbing Devin's arms. "Get up, Devin. GET UP!" He repeated louder, when the boy only held the man's legs tighter. Becoming more and more uncomfortable with the young man clinging to him, repeating his name. He pulled on him hard, forcing him to his feet.
As the man's hands firmly gripped his body, and pulled at his flesh, Devin felt his need and desire growing. When he found himself eye to eye with the man who was the object of his burning desire, he quickly took the man's face in his hands and covered Dana's mouth with his own.
The manager pushed his hands against the teen's shoulders to shove him away, but as the kiss became more urgent, Dana found his body responding. He relaxed a bit and let the kiss come to a natural end before stepping back and saying, "I had no idea you felt like this."
"But I do," he answered.
"For how long?"
"Two years."
Dana shook his head as he turned around. "You haven't even known me two years," he said as he walked to the piano.
Devin followed him taking his arm, "Almost, it was New Years Eve." He smiled, "In that filthy little club, you and the others in your tuxes without the jackets. You looked so hot." He laughed, "Then in the car you made Noah check to be sure I was 18."
Dana blushed. He had to admit he found this all flattering. "Just doing my job."
"You're so cool like that," Devin continued. "Always in control, always doing your job. You never let anyone else or anything else get in the way of what it is you have to do." He slipped up behind Dana, and let his hands slide through his hair. "Please, Dana, tell me I haven't made a total fool of myself."
"Bucky," He said simply, though ever since the cardiologist had come to work in Port Charles they were back to having a long distance relationship. There were times when Dana had begun to wonder what it was that held them together.
Devin moved around his body and straddled the piano bench facing Dana. He pushed the hair from the man's face. "Of course I would prefer to have you all to myself, but I do know how to be discreet."
A blush and a yearning overcame the man. "You don't know what you're saying."
"YES I DO!" The teen said firmly. "Damn it! Tell me I'm too young, or not your type, or that you don't mix work and pleasure. Tell me anything but that I don't know what I'm saying or what I'm feeling. God, Dana, the only way I've been able to be with Charlie at all this last month is to imagine it's this beautiful body I'm making love to. If I don't know anything else, I know how I feel and what I want!" He declared as he ran his hands down the man's chest.
Devin's touch went straight to Dana's head. He knew he should stop the teen, but it felt too good. As his hands began fumbling with his belt, Dana grabbed his wrists. "You're too young."
"I'm not." Devin said looking him directly in the eye.
"You're not my type," Dana pushed out through a lust filled whimper.
"I'll be anything you want me to be."
"I don't mix business with pleasure," Dana squeaked as Devin's hand broke free and was now rubbing his groin through his pants.
"You're fired then," Devin answered then moved in pushing his mouth to Dana's again as he continued to stroke him.
His body stiffened and he squirmed. He pulled his mouth from the young mans and stammered, "S-s-sto---Oh shit!" he mumbled. Devin's gropes winning over, he pulled the teen back to him and kissed his lips hard, sliding his hands down his back, then back up under his shirt. "Bucky. . . . .Sky. . . " he mumbled against the teen's lips.
Devin pulled back, "I won't hurt you, Dana, not ever. I'll be discreet. I swear." He declared as he pulled them both across the piano bench, and then guided Dana so he was laying back on it. Dropping off the edge of the bench to his knees, he unzipped Dana's pants and pulled them to his ankles along with the man's underwear.
The older man pushed himself up on his elbows and watched as the young blond engulfed his cock in his mouth. "Oh good God," Dana's moans filled the empty studio as he let his body fall back on the bench letting the teen have his way with him.

Patting Grant's shoulder, Blackie moved through the gathered people to Charlie who sat alone on the couch. Sitting on the arm, with his feet on the cushion next to the young man, Blackie asked. "Everything okay, Charlie?"
He looked up and smiled, "Oh, yeah, it's fine."
Blackie checked his watch, "Devin still over at the studio with Dana?" He looked around the room and noticed Bucky and Sky was there but also noted no sign of Dana.
"Yeah," he exhaled. "We were suppose to go into the city this morning, but Devin's not done recording yet. We may not make it in at all."
Blackie laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm sorry. It gets kinda lonely with him working hard. Doesn't it?"
"Actually it hasn't been to bad," Charlie smiled thinking about how they had been spending what time they had together. "I was just looking forward to getting in to the city. Don is just two weeks from opening the new show and he was going to let me help with final rehearsals."
"Man, too bad you had to miss it."
Charlie shrugged, "Devin did say I could go on in without him, but I would rather be with him on Christmas."
"I understand that," He then turned sharply as he heard his father calling across the room for him. "Hold on, Dad! I'm talking here!" He called back just as loudly to be heard over the crowd.
Charlie patted his knee, "No, go on, Blackie. I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
He nodded, and then pointed to the teens, "I'm going to go talk to Jay and Alfie and them for awhile. Devin will be here soon, I'm sure."
"Okay," the man offered a comforting smile, then leaned in and hugged his neck as he pulled back he let his lips brush his contemporaries cheek. "Merry Christmas, and you need to talk you come find me."
"Thanks, Blackie," he smiled to the man as he got up and crossed the room.

Blackie moved back through the crowd, trying to find Noah as he went. When he came beyond the tree, he found both his father and Noah, standing with Cyn, Caroline, and Paddy. "What did you need Dad that you had to scream bloody murder about?" He teased as he slid in next to Noah and let the doctor's arm come around his waist. "I wanted a Christmas picture with my son!" he said loudly with a slight slur as he reached out pulling him from Noah's arms into his embrace.
Blackie laughed as he returned his father's hug warmly. "Have you been hitting Noah's mulled wine?"
"I think it be da whiskey talking," Noah said with a laugh and an exaggerated Irish accent.
"You two been drinking without me?" Blackie laughed turning from Joe to the gray haired man. "I didn't even see you come in, Grandpa, Merry Christmas."

Across the room
Louie grabbed Lorain's arm pulling her back, "You curb that hot blood, Lilly."
The dark haired woman turned to her husband, "How dare that man, Louie? He shouldn't be in my son's home, not after everything he did."
"This is what you always wanted for him," The large man responded.
She cursed in Greek and shot a cold stare back across the room. She watched as Blackie and Noah toasted with Joe and Paddy, and how her son laughed and called the man grandpa. She started across the room again.
Once again, Louie pulled her back, "Lilly!"
She opened her mouth to protest, when she heard Danny's voice greeting her warmly, "Ma! Merry Christmas!"
She turned to the young man and his new bride, and returned the smile. "Look at you Danny. Merry Christmas to you too." She answered as she pulled him into a hug.
"This is so great to have you here." He whispered in her ear, "you don't know what it means to Sticks to have his whole family."
She swallowed her anger. Her son had spent too many Christmas' unhappily for her to ruin this one. Pulling back she turned to Claudia, "Oh, honey, you look gorgeous."
"Thank you, Mrs. Manos," she responded, only to have the woman wave her off.
"Lorain, if you must, though I prefer Ma. I helped raise this boy, you know." She said ruffling Danny's hair.
"I do know that," Claudia returned.

Teen Center
Recording Studio

Dana's back arched from the piano bench as his climax washed over his body. He lifted himself and slid off the end of the bench, pulling Devin into his arms and rolling on the floor until the teen was lying atop his body. He kissed Devin's lips, his tongue probing deep in his mouth, tasting his own seed there.
The younger man broke the kiss, gasping for air as he pushed his hips down against him. "God, Dana, that was so incredible."
He rolled them again and began sliding down the younger's body. "Let me, for you," he said as he pawed down his already open jeans.
"You don't haaaa---" He screeched as Dana inhaled his length. The fantasy come to life was too much and Dana was able to quickly worked him to a fevered climax.
While the teen was still gasping and panting, Dana rolled away his hands clenching his hair, "Oh my god! What have I done?!" Regret instantly washed over him.
Devin rolled to his side and grabbed his arm. "Don't! Don't talk like that."
Dana looked to him, and touched his blond hair, "Devin, I got a family and this so fucks that up." Tears began to wet his cheeks. "I can't believe I just fucked it all up"
"Shhhh, don't Dana," Devin whispered as he hugged the man's neck and kissed his cheek. "I won't tell anyone anything. I swear, no one will ever find out. I don't want to hurt you."

Noah/Blackie's Martin rounded the corner and went into the kitchen, finding the object of his search looking over the deserts on the table. He slipped in behind the man, wrapping his arms around his waist and laying his head on his back. "There's my Roo-Bear."
Popping a cookie into his mouth and then turning in the man's arms, he brushed his lips to the senators. "I didn't know I was lost, Marty."
"I missed you," He swooned as he pulled back and looked lovingly into the man's eyes.
Drew looked the man up and down, he was dressed in the black pants and black turtle neck that he always found so attractive on him. Leaning back in, he whispered in his ear, "I have a present for you that I can't wait to give you."
"Oh yeah?" Martin purred back.
Letting a hand slide down the other man's back, Drew then lightly smacked his bottom, "Oh yeah, something to warm you up on a cold night." He growled.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Martin laughed. "I think I'm ready to go home right now."
"No! No! No!" Noah said as he came in the kitchen. "You can't leave yet, Dad. Please?"
Martin turned to his son who had scanned the table and quickly busied himself restocking the plates with more sweets and munchies. "You have a house full, Noah. We won't even be missed."
The man shook his head; "I will miss you. Please stay a little longer."
Drew patted his lover's shoulder. He knew the senator could not refuse any request his son made. He also knew the idea of spending holidays with his son, as a father was still a new treasured moment. "Of course we will, Noah." He answered.
Martin turned and hugged the attorney, "Thank you, Roo!"

Noah turned and left the kitchen. Scanning the room, he saw his friend standing and looking out the front window. Wading through the sea of people he came up behind him, and then smiled when he saw what he was watching. The teens were all out in the front yard building a snowman in the falling snow. "Awe, man, that is so great!" Noah commented.
"Yeah, isn't it," Bucky answered warmly. "I'm so glad we moved back here. Sky is so happy."
"Look, Lori is actually laughing," He admired watching the girl tossing snow at the others.
"Is she okay?" Bucky asked.
Noah shook his head no as a frown crept across his face, "But we're going to get her through. This helps, and I know having you close does too."
He nodded, "She hung out with me at the clinic for awhile yesterday, and it was really nice. I hadn't seen that girl in quite some time."
"She says Sky's becoming quite a friend too," Noah commented.
"That's great," His smile widened, "Who da thunk a couple years ago, we'd have teen kids who hung out together."
Noah rubbed his friends back. "It's got to be nuts though. Dana's never in town, and when he is. . .like, where is he tonight?"
He shrugged, "Where else? The studio, still working with Blondie."
"Blondie? Oh Devin," Noah laughed, and then frowned. "Neither of them made it to our ceremony either because of the studio work.
"He wanted to be there. He's just got to get this out before he leaves for the tour with Rick next week."
"Do you believe they asked Blackie to come back out? I guess Jack is taking a year off or something."
"I knew they were going to. I also knew Blackie would tell him where to stick the offer," Bucky laughed.
"Yeah, he even drew them a road map," Noah laughed with him. "How do you do it, Bucky? I couldn't stand being apart from Blackie, not for a day let alone months."
"It was hard at first, but honestly, I got use to it. It doesn't really bother me. We talk every day, a couple times a day. I love him, he loves me, and we're good. We really are."
"If it works for you, that is awesome."

Both men turned sharply as they heard the swarm of younger kids and toddlers swarming around Blackie calling out his name repeatedly, Robin calling "Daddy! Daddy!" the loudest.
The man began patting them each on the head, "what, what, what, what," he answered doing each in turn, then took his sister from his step-mother's arms as she was also calling his name. "What do you guys want?"
"We want you to sing songs for us, Daddy!" Robin squealed.
"What songs?" He asked.
"Reindeer songs," Randy answered.
The man looked around till he found Danny, "Hey, Dude, What you say, what to play some carols for everyone."
"Sure, Sticks, let's do it." The man answered as he went to the wall to retrieve guitars.

Twenty minutes later
As the two men put the guitars back on the wall, the gray haired man turned to his son. "That's some boy you got there, Joey."
The man smiled wide, "Isn't he though, pops."
"Look at the way the kids just flock to him. He's so good with them, specially your Caroline there."
"I'm a lucky man, Dad. I have everything I could ever want for, knock on wood."
Hearing Joe and Paddy speaking so fondly was more then the woman could take. She couldn't hold her tongue any longer and turned on her heels away from Mary and Sean.

She grabbed Paddy's shoulder and spun him to face her. She spoke harshly but kept her tone lone. "How dare you!" she seethed.
Hurt and regret washed over the elderly man's face as he realized it was time for him to have the conversation he had known was unavoidable, "Lorain, I owe you -"
"STOP!" She seethed, her anger mixing with tears. "After everything you did to Joe, all the years of hell you put my son through. MY SON, that you not only wrote off as dead for yourself, but tortured your son with your own perfect reality where neither he nor I existed."
"Lorain!" Joe interrupted, "Please, don't do this. Don't do it to Blackie."
"And where were you!" She snapped to the man. "You two stand here in his house today! How dare you?"
Blackie flew up to the impending explosion, and grabbed his mother. Seeing the emotion all over her face, he pulled her into his arms. "No, Mana, NO!" he said as he cradled her weeping frame in his arm.
The woman began to sob in the language that only her son would understand as he body collapsed to his.
Noah pushed his way through the crowd, in time to see tears springing to his lover's eyes and sliding down his face as he began to answer her in the same tongue. "What's going on?" He asked Joe.
"Lorain started yelling at my dad," he began to explain.
Noah looked to the ceiling, "Just one happy Christmas, is it too much to ask for?" He questioned. He then stepped closer to the two, putting one arm around each of them, "Come on, Let's go in the bedroom."
Still clinging to each other, as they wept and conversed, they allowed Noah to guide them into the bedroom. As he shut the door, Blackie pulled from his mother and began to pace the room carrying on, the reflection in his voice going from deeply hurt to extremely angry and back again. He spoke too quickly, however for Noah to pick out any familiar words other then 'Mana'. He slumped back against the door, his own heart breaking as the two of them continued. When the anger ebbed back to hurt for the third time, Noah interrupted, speaking to Blackie, he simply said "Baby?" and reached to him with open arms.
Blackie all but ran to Noah's arms, melting into his embrace.
After a moment of letting him cry on his shoulder and watching Lorain cry on the bed, Noah whispered softly, "What's the matter, baby?"
He hugged Noah tight, then turned to his mother and spoke very calmly in English, "All those years, Mana, you always cried every Christmas cause Dad wasn't there. My dad is here, and my grandpa is here, and my mother is here. For the first time in my life I have my whole family. Why is it wrong for me to love them and be happy that I have the Christmas I always dreamed of as a child?"
"But that man is the reason you didn't for all those years." She cried back to him.
He nodded, "Yeah, I know, and he knows. He saw that he was wrong, he apologized to me, and I forgave him. I forgave him, Mana."
Lorain lifted herself from the bed and crossed to her son. She slid her fingers under his chin, "Heart of pure gold, you have."
He shook his head, "It hurt too much to hate. Let it go. You don't have to love him, you don't even have to like him, but don't waste your time and energy hating him. We both wasted way too many years doing that."
She nodded. "I'm sorry, little one. You're right you finally had everything I always wanted for you, and then I ruined it."
He shook his head, "No, no you didn't." He pulled the woman into his arms. "I love you, Mana." He then said, "grandpa!" He turned and fled the room. True to his suspicions, Paddy and Rose were in the entry, putting their coats on. "NO, Grandpa! Please don't go."
The man smiled warmly, and hugged the young man, "Thank you, Albert, but it's obvious I upset your mother, and her being upset upsets you."
"I just told her that I love you and Dad, and I want you both here and I mean it. Please, Grandpa. I don't want you to leave with bad feelings."
"It's okay, Blackie. You just gave me the best Christmas present ever."
Lorain stepped up, "Mr. Kelly, please. I'm very sorry for the scene I caused. Can you forgive me and stay, for Blackie's sake."
Blackie smiled and mouthed, "thank you" to Lorain.
Paddy nodded to Lorain. "Okay," After a brief pause, he continued. "Lorain, I made a huge mistake and I know how much I hurt you, your son, and my son. I also know that I lost so much by letting my stupid pride stand in the way. I was foolish and I regret it deeply. Please forgive me."
Lorain hesitated for a moment, then extended her hand to the man, "Okay, Okay."

Blackie turned to the door as his family moved back into the studio. "Hey Dana!" He greeted warmly, and moved to hug the man.
Dana stiffly returned the hug, "Merry Christmas, Blackie. Where's Bucky?" he asked.
He pointed toward the studio, "Is everything all right?"
"It's just been a hard month in the studio. I'm finally done and I'd like to take my family home for a few days before I have to get on the road."
"I understand that," He looked over his shoulder. "I thought you were bringing Devin over with you."
"I did. He stayed out there to play in the snow with the others."
Blackie smiled, "That's great." He then threw his arm around the man's shoulder and walked into the studio with him. Calling out, "Hey, Bucky, look what I found."

In the kitchen
Cynthia was swaying back and forth with the near sleeping child on her shoulder as she waited for the bottle to warm in the microwave. The kitchen door clew open, and she turned to see Lorain, and then turned back as the other woman crossed to the area where the boys had set up the beverages. She reached for a cola, but felt her hands begin to tremble as she looked at the bottle of whiskey.
Cyn turned and caught a glimpse, tried to bite her tongue, but then spoke. "You really don't want to do that. Do you Lorain?"
She turned sharply to the woman and then quipped, "Nobody asked you. Did they?" She then opened the cola and took a large drink from it before starting to leave the room.
"No!" Cyn answered, "no one asked me, but I happen to care enough about your son to speak my mind."
She stopped and slowly turned, "Just hold on one minute!"
The redhead put her hand up. "I don't want an argument with you, Lorain."
The dark haired woman took a few steps back toward the other woman. She opened her mouth to lash out, and then stopped herself just as suddenly. "I'm sorry, Cynthia," she said. "The holidays have always been an emotional time for me, and it seems it isn't any easier. I'm sorry." She repeated and turned and left the room.

Dana took Bucky's arm and half dragged him down the hall. He pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears. "It's been a long six months of bi-coastal living again, and I got to go back on the road in a week for the tour from hell. I just want to take you and my daughter home and have a nice family Christmas. Why is that so bad? Why is that so wrong?"
"It's not." Bucky answered pulling the man into his arms and hugging him. The emotion pouring from the man surprised him. Dana always seemed to be the one least effected by the separations. "I'm sorry, Honey. You're right. Let's go home."
He nodded and nuzzled the man's cheek and kissed his neck, "Let's go home, Lover."

Rose grabbed Blackie's arm as he walked by her, "Hey sweetheart."
The man turned, smiled, and pulled the woman in to a tight hug, "Oh, Rosie, I'm sorry I've had no time to talk to you at all tonight. This Christmas Eve party gets more and more nuts every year."
"It's all right. We have all week to visit. I just wanted to tell you how happy you made your grandfather tonight. He feels like you two are finally beyond your past."
Blackie smiled and kissed the woman's cheek. "I am," he whispered. "Rose, after the year I've had, I REALLY understand what family means to me, and I want my whole family around me, and that includes you and Grandpa. Mom has to deal with that."
She tightened her embrace then kissed his cheek followed by a quick peck on the mouth. "We love you too, Blackie."

As the man pulled back, he started to answer as some one else grabbed his arm. He then heard, Devin's cheerful voice in his ear. "Merry Christmas, Dude! Very cool party as always."
Blackie turned and hugged the other man, "Same to you." As he pulled back he took in the blond's smiling face. "You're done?"
"Yep, all done. Finally!" He exaggerated. "So my baby and I are going to hop in the car and head into the city."
"You're leaving right now? It's kind of late isn't it?"
He put his arm around Charlie and pulled him in. "He's been putting up with all this crap this last month looking forward to Christmas in New York City. So we're going."
"Okay!" he said pulling the man in to his arms again and kissing his cheek. "You drive carefully okay. And wait I know Noah wants to say Merry Christmas."
He looked around the room, then just called out when he didn't see the other man, "NOAH!!! Devin and Charlie are leaving!!!"
Coming up from behind him, and circling his arms around Blackie's waist, the doctor said, "I didn't even know Devin was here."
"I just got here." The blond laughed. "And I'm all done in the studio, and we're heading out to my parents. We left you a little something under the tree." He informed as he leaned in and kissed Noah's cheek. "You have a Merry Christmas."
Noah moved from Blackie hugging each man in turn. "Baby, do we have their gifts?"
"Yeah, let me get them."
The four moved toward the tree, and Blackie found the gifts, handing one to each of them, with a hug and a kiss. "We'll see you guys when you get back. Have a safe trip."

As Noah was closing the door, Bucky, Dana, and Sky came up behind them. "Not so fast, sexy, we're leaving too." Bucky called out as he pulled up the zipper on his coat. The doctor turned. "Will we see you tomorrow?" He asked as he moved in to hug his friend.
"No, we're going to have a family day."
"That sounds wonderful." He answered as he moved from Bucky to Dana. "You take care of him, guy."
"I will," Dana said with a slight smile. "You guys have a happy holiday."
"We sure will," Blackie answered as he reached out and brushed Sky's shoulder. "You got the packages, right?"
The girl smiled wide, "Yeah, I put them in the car. Thanks Blackie. Thank you, Noah."
"You're welcome, Doll." Noah answered.

After closing the door, he pulled Blackie into his arms. "Maybe it's a trend."
"I hope so. I want some you/me time before the kids want to open their presents," he laughed as he held the man tight.

In The Nursery
Dylan walked into the room and stopped, leaning against the doorframe. He watched as the red-headed nurse sat in the middle of the floor, supervising and playing with the several kids who were all under the age of two.
After a moment he asked, "You certainly got your hands full. Haven't you, Bobbie."
The woman smiled. "Yeah, but it's okay. Cynthia and Laura were in here, but I let them have a break."
Dylan dropped down to the floor, and folded his legs, then looked to the woman's nephew who was playing with the matchbox cars. "Can I play too?" he asked.
Lucky looked up at the man and then handed him two of the cars from the floor, "Wanna crash them?" he asked.
"You've been playing with Robin, haven't you?" He asked as he slid them around on the floor making squealing and siren sounds.
The woman laughed as she helped Caroline and Callie build a tower with the blocks. "We better be careful girls, or they're going to knock over our building."
"Oh, now, boys, we wouldn't do that would we?" Dylan smiled, and then crawled over and picked up Brodie who was beginning to drift to sleep curled on his blanket and with a thumb in his mouth. "I bet you want to go say goodnight to daddies before you fall asleep, hu Brodie?" he asked.
The sleepy child only curled to shoulder.
Bobbie smiled at him, "You're so good with the kids."
He laughed, "Anna says it's because I'm just a big kid myself."
"Maybe," the woman giggled.
"I really enjoyed lunch the other day. You want to do it again sometime." The man asked.
The nurse tried to contain the thrill she felt, "As long as I'm not coming between -"
"I assure you it's okay. Anna and I are playing it cool and exploring some other things right now. You can ask her if you want."
"That won't be necessary," the woman smiled. "I believe you. And I would love to have lunch with you again."
"Good, I'd like that too."

The Stairway
Lori sat on the steps, her hands locked around her knees as tears began to slowly fall on her cheeks. When the house was full and her old friends had been there, she had been having fun. She had even forgot for a few moments all the horrible things that had happened in the last year, but now that people were leaving to go home and the house was getting quiet, it was all crashing in on her.
"Hey, sugar, are you okay?" The man's voice whispered as his arm came around her shoulder.
She looked up into Ryan's eyes. Pushing the tears from her cheeks she shook her head, "Not really, Ry."
"You want to talk about it?" He asked as he guided her head to his shoulder.
The blond tensed and pulled back, "No, Ry, I can't," she whimpered.
The man slid away from her a bit, still sitting on the same step. "I didn't mean . . . well . . I just . . you were just,"
She pushed her hands through her hair and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Ryan. It isn't you or anything you did. It's just me. I'm a mess."
He rubbed her arm. "I'm still your friend, Lori. No matter what."
She looked up to the man again, and smiled just a bit. "Thanks, Ry."
"You miss him?" He asked softly.
"Terribly," she answered. "And I hate myself."
"Don't, don't do that."
"I was so horrible. I cheated on him, and I hurt him so bad and then I hurt his baby. I thought it was someone else's," The tears began to flow again, and Ryan pulled her into his arms.
"Sugar, it's okay."
"It's not okay. It will never be okay," She sobbed.
As he held the teen and rubbed her back, he caught Blackie's attention as he came into the foyer. The man made his way up the steps, and Ryan guided the girl back up.
"Lori, honey, are you all right?" Blackie asked.
She averted her eyes away from the man, "I'm just tired. I'm going to go to bed."
HE grabbed her arm, "You can talk to me."
"I don't want to talk. What is there to talk about?" She answered pulling away and running up the steps.
"Oh shit," He exhaled as he leaned back against the wall. "Thanks for trying to comfort her, Ryan."
"Oh, it's okay." The man answered. "I don't know, I feel like I have a kinship with her. We have shared a lot of the same experiences."
Blackie nodded then after a pause said, "So every now and again I'm flipping through the cable stations and I see this gorgeous guy doing the news, and it's like big news, top stories. Have you seen this? Is he hot or what?" He swooned with a wink and a grin.
Ryan chuckled, "Yeah, but it's only cable news."
Blackie let a hand fall to the man's knee. "You look so good, Ryan. Healthy, happy, are you? Really happy I mean?"
Ryan let his hand rest on top of the other man's. "I am. I'm clean. I've been really getting all my shit together. I'm with Caleb and Karen, and I am so content, so happy, and I owe most of it to you."
"What did I do?" He chuckled.
"You were my friend. You got me to face my past, then open up to my sister and my family."
"We will always be friends, Ryan. When I needed help, you were the only one who would."
The reporter slid across the step and wrapped his arms around Blackie's neck hugging him. "I'll always be your friend too, Blackie." He whispered as he tightened his hug.
"I know," the man answered, leaving a soft kiss on the man's cheek.

Dana/Bucky's apartment
Bucky came back in from the kitchen with two cups of tea. He paused in the doorway and took in the other man as he stroked the teen girls hair as she slept, her head in his lap.
Though he was looking at her, the look on his face told the cardiologist that he was a million miles away and struggling with something. He continued across the room and set the cups on the end table before sitting down, "What is it, honey?"
Dana looked from the girl to the man, "I love you, so much." He uttered.
"I love you too, Dana." Bucky smiled.
Dana put an arm around the man's shoulder and pulled him in. "I love my little family. You two are my whole fucking life. So tell me why I spend so much time on the other coast."
"Cause it's your job." Bucky answered, then leaned in and kissed the man's lips slightly. "We love you too, honey, so much. We miss you like crazy, but we both know you are working. It's your job; it's what you do. If you gave it up, or moved here and did it on a different/smaller scale, you would be just as unhappy as I was in LA. That wasn't any good for us."
Dana nodded, "Being apart all the time isn't good for us either."
Bucky cuddled tighter to the man, "You want us to come back to LA?"
"No, lover," He choked out. "You are so happy here working with Noah, and Sky is so happy here too. After this tour, I'm cutting back."
Sky lifted up from the couch and the man's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Why don't we come out on the road with you some weekends?" she asked.
"I'd love that," he answered returning her hug and then asking Bucky, "Can you?"
The doctor nodded, "I'm sure we can work it out so we can come out a couple weekends a month and you get one a month off, right?"
He nodded, "I feel better now."
"Good," Sky mumbled. "I love you daddy."
"I love you too, both of you," he answered pulling them both in.

Standing at the door with his mother and Louie, Blackie waited till the woman buttoned her coat then leaned in. Pulling the scarf Noah had given her around her neck tighter, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mom. I'll see you tomorrow."
She wrapped her arms around her son's neck and held him close for a moment. "I love you too, baby. We'll be over in the morning."
As his mother released him, he moved in to hug Louie. "Love you too, Louie."
"Good night, bubba." The man whispered as he returned the embrace.
Noah came around the corner, having changed into just a pair of sweat pants. "Oh good, I didn't miss you two." He said as he moved in and hugged Lorain first. "Thank you for helping us clean up, Mom. We'll see you in the morning, right?"
"Yes, Noah, and you're welcome. We'll be here by 6. You think you can hold the kids off the presents till then?"
He laughed as he moved in to embrace the large man, "I think we can handle it. I'll have coffee ready. Good night, Louie."
"We'll see you boys in the morning," the man answered as they turned and left.

As the door closed, Blackie eased into Noah's open arms. "I ran us a hot bubble bath," The doctor whispered.
The younger man sighed, "Perfect, but one thing first."
"What?" he asked as they walked arm in arm back into the studio.
"I want to show you something." He pulled away and dropped down to the footstool.
Pulling an envelope out of the pocket of his shirt, he handed it to the doctor.
Noah dropped to the chair and rubbed the other man's knee. "It's hurting? I noticed you were favoring it a bit."
"I've been on my feet a long time," he said with a nod. "Open it, Noah."
The man opened it and found inside Blackie's grade report from the university for the first semester. Curiously, he read through it, and then looked up. "You did soooooo good!" The man smiled.
Blackie smiled proudly. "I couldn't have done it at all without you."
"That's not true," the doctor answered with a shake of his head.
Nodding, the other man said. "You gave me your faith and encouragement."
Noah pulled the man into his arms. "I'm so proud of you, baby. I'm glad I could help you. Two A's and two B's!!" he said enthusiastically.
"I'm going to do it, Doc. Slowly but surely."
Noah stroked his hair. "I know you are." He set the paper on the end table and helped him back to his feet he whispered. "We'll put that up on the fridge in the morning. Come on, let's get in that hot bath. It will help your leg feel better."
"I have an idea on how to make you feel better," he whispered seductively.
"Ohhh," I wasn't feeling bad, but I'm sure you can make an improvement."

The water splashed as Noah slid up Blackie's body, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing his mouth deeply.
As the kiss broke, the younger man pushed his hands through the doctor's dark hair, admiring the graying temples and staring lovingly into his eyes. Bringing his knees up, then wrapping his legs around the other man's back, he leaned forward and covered his mouth with his own.
Noah moaned as Blackie's tongue danced with his. Dragging his lips across the man's cheek, he whispered in his ear, "We have a nice big warm bed we could be doing this in."
With a chuckle, Blackie took the man's lobe gently between his teeth, "Yes, we do. But this is fun too."
Noah nibbled at his neck, "Feels so good here in your arms."
"Yes, you do," He answered as he splashed the steaming scented water on the doctor's back.
Noah slipped back up his body, and whispered low in Blackie's ear, causing the younger man's hips to rise and grind against his.
Blackie moaned, "Oh, Doc, yeah."
"You ready to get out then?" he giggled.
"Yeah, give me a hand to steady myself as I'm getting up?"
"Certainly baby," He answered as he got up out of the tub. He then gave his lover his hand and offered support as he pulled himself to his feet.

As they came from the bathroom and started toward the bedroom Lori called from the studio, "Noah."
He turned back, "Yeah, Lori."
Coming into the hall she wrapped her arms around herself and leaned against the wall. "It's been a month. May I have my phone back?"
He looked at the girl for a moment, then his watch. "It's nearly midnight. Who would you call?"
"Brett, and it's only ten there."
He turned and went into the bedroom, and came back just a moment later with the cordless phone and the base unit. Walking all the way to the girl, he handed it to her, and then took her into his embrace. "I'm proud of you, Lori. Especially the way you were with the other kids tonight."
She squirmed and giggled, "You're all wet, Noah!" She then leaned into his embrace, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I had fun with the others tonight."
As Noah pulled back, Blackie asked as he opened his arms, "How about me?"
The girl smiled and ran to his arms, hugging him tight.
"Love you, Lori," he whispered softly.
"Love you too," she answered, and then turned to Noah. "I'll keep it short. I just want to say Merry Christmas and tell him I miss him."
"Okay," Noah answered. "We'll see you in the morning." He then turned taking Blackie's hand and walked with his lover into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
Watching the conflicted expression on his lover's face, Blackie limped to the side of the bed, sat down, turned on the baby monitor and listened for a moment, before pulling himself into the bed. "You did the right thing, Noah. It was time to give her her phone back."
"I know that," he answered as he too got in the bed and pulled the other man into his embrace. "I was just thinking how right it was for her to be out there playing in the snow with kids her own age tonight."
"She'll find her way, Babe."
"I know," he answered with a smile, and then let his lips fall to the other man's mouth before flirting. "Now how about that little something we were talking about it the tub?"
He shook his head as he began kissing a trail down the man's chest, "By no means a little something."
Noah giggled, "I didn't mean that." He let his hands slide through Blackie's silk soft hair and rolled to his back. A moan escaped his parted lips and his chest heaved off the bed as his lover's lips engulfed his engorged member. "Oh baby. . .that's it." he encouraged.
Blackie smiled at the other man's words, letting hands caress the doctor's hips, then slide under him, he squeezed the flesh of the man's ass as he pulled him up as he slid his mouth over the supple flesh. 'I love this man,' he thought to himself as he inhaled his scent and continued to pleasure him.
His heart pounded in his chest and uncontrolled moans and cries filled the room. Noah pushed his fingers through Blackie's hair, letting his finger's tangle. He gripped it and pulled slightly, "I need you. Come here."
Sliding up the firm body beneath him, he kissed the doctor's lips and mumbled, "What do you need?"
"You. . .on top of me," he gasped. "I want you to ride me, while I look into those beautiful green eyes."
Blackie smiled as he pulled his legs up and straddled Noah's hips. Pushing himself up on his knees so he wasn't touching the doctor, he slid his hands down his own neck and over his chest and stomach teasing his lover. He smiled wider when Noah reacted with a pleading moan, his hands gripping at his body. Slowly, Blackie lowered himself on Noah's cock. He then rolled his head on his neck, and opened his eyes, meeting the other's gaze before he started to set a slow methodical rhythm.
Meeting each downward thrust, with an upward one of his own, Noah let his hands caress the man's stomach, thighs, and then organ, setting a pace that matched the other mans. "Oh, Doc," Blackie groaned, "Oh Noah."
"That's it, baby. Go with it," he encouraged as he watched the man's cheeks flush and a sweat form on his brow. "Cum for me."
"You with me, Doc?" he panted, looking him in the eye.
"I'm with you. .. I'm there," He gasped, and then fell over the edge of climax with the other man.
After the orgasm had washed over them, Blackie collapsed on top of Noah, laying his head on the other man's shoulder as the doctor's arms came tight around him.
"Merry Christmas, Doc."
"Merry Christmas, Baby."

