< Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Merry Christmas pt. 2

Author: Connie and Shay
Feedback: TheWritersShack@yahoogroups.com; Connie@butterflyfiction.com
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Pairings: Bucky/Dana, Blackie/Noah, Bobbie/Dylan
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned (Rick Springfield and various members of his band) also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: A/N - again I apologize that the timing is off with these chapters. I talked to Shay and we decided to finish out the storylines we originally had planned. So here is Christmas pt. 2.

Dec 25, 1984
6:15 AM

Noah let his tongue flick against the other man's shoulder and nuzzled into his hair as he lay atop of him.
Blackie reached up behind him, letting his fingers caress the man's cheek as they lay in the afterglow. "I'd be perfectly happy to lay here just like this all day, Noah." He whispered.
Before the surgeon could answer a flurry of pounds hit the bedroom door followed by Robin's excited voice, "Daddies! Daddies! Daddies! Santa's been here!"
The two men erupted in laughter as Noah rolled off the other's back to his own. Leaning in, he kissed Blackie quick. "Should we torture her a bit?"
"Meanie!" Blackie laughed and then called out, "Come on in, Munchkin."
The door flew open, and the girl climbed over the foot of the bed and up between the two of them. "Get up, get up, get up, get up," she rattled.
Noah pulled her in tight, showering her face with kisses. "But I'm still sleepy!"
"GAMMA SAID GET UP!" The child demanded pushing herself to her knees.
"Which grandma?" Blackie asked as he rolled to check the clock.
"You mommy!" She said pointing to the other man.
Lorain appeared in the doorway with Brodie on her hip. "You promised me coffee, Noah!"
"Okay, Okay, we're getting up." The man laughed. He then directed to Robin, "Your mommy, Dylan and Lori up?"
"Not Lori," She answered.
"Run up and get her please."
"Okay, I do it." She answered and jumped off the bed running out of the room.

10 Min later
Noah looked through the viewfinder of his video camera that sat on the tripod. Satisfied he had most of the room he stepped back, "Okay, have at it."
Lorain slid up next to him and laughed as Robin began tearing into the package she had been holding impatiently. Handing the doctor a cup, she smiled. "Here you go."
"Thanks, Mom," he smiled as he sipped from the mug. He then called to his lover, "Give Brodie that one right there." He said pointing at the larger box.
"Okay, come over here with us." Blackie answered as he dropped to the floor with the baby and pushed the box in front of him. Can you open this?"
The baby began to babble as he pounded on the top of the box, then reached for and began fingering the bow.
Down on the floor, Noah laughed and snuggled the child, "You need to open the box, baby boy. I swear what's in it is better then the paper and the bow."
Two hour later
Anna picked up the baby from the floor and took Robin's hand. "Come on you two. Let's get you baths and ready for Grandpa's house."
Noah looked up from the couch where he was snuggled up with Blackie. "Do you need some help?"
"No, that's ok. I got it under control."
"Okay, in that case, I'm going to stay right here." He said and then pulled the younger man tighter to him nuzzling his neck.
Blackie laughed then lightly kissed the man's lips. "Thank you for my wire welder and torch kit."
"You're welcome," he whispered stealing another kiss. "Thank you for the cd player for the clinic and the dead guy music," he said as the phone rang. He exhaled. "It had to wait till everyone was gone."
Laughing, Blackie reached across to the opposite side of the couch and picked up the phone then handed it to Noah.
Henry's panicked voice came across the line, "Noah, do you know how to get a hold of Jeff?"
"Is Buffy okay?" He immediately asked, straightening up on the couch.
"Is she?" Blackie asked as he moved off the man's lap.
Henry chuckled, "As fine as she can be with contractions coming 10 minutes apart. I figure we have a few hours before we need to get to the medical center, but I thought I would let him know where we're at."
"Oh boy," Noah exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah, if he's not home or the hospital, you can just page him. He's probably at his dad's though."
"Ok, I'll just page him then. And I think we'll probably see you at Martin's for a little bit. If things start moving quicker then that I'll let you know."
"Okay, do you have plan's for Scott while you're at the hospital?"
"Oh, good question, uhm, no but I guess -"
"We'll keep him dad. He can just come home from Dad's with us."
"Thanks, Noah, we'll see ya later."

As Noah pushed the button disconnecting the call Blackie asked, "What's the matter, Doc?"
The surgeon laid his hand against the other man's cheek, "Everything's fine. She's just started labor." He then smiled as he watched the relief wash over the man's face. "By this time tomorrow we'll have another baby around to play with."
Blackie started to smile but it was quickly chased away by a pained look as he pulled himself from the couch, "We should probably -"
Noah grabbed his arm, "Don't do that, Blackie, please."
He dropped back down to the couch and sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to," He stopped and swallowed, his emotions over coming him. "I'm sorry, Doc," he repeated as tears began to slide down his cheeks.
The doctor pulled the man back into his arms holding him tight. "It's okay, baby."
"It's not! It's not, okay! All I can think about is that poor little baby."
"I know," he answered as he felt his own tears beginning to form. "I didn't mean it was okay like that. I meant it was okay to hurt."
He swallowed his tears and tried to sit up, "It's not good for Lori."
Noah pulled him back tight and kissed his cheek, "It's not good for her for us to hide our feelings."
The room was filled with the blond girl's sobs. Blackie pulled up and looked to her. She was standing just inside the room, wearing baggy sweats, a t-shirt, and a large flannel that she wrapped tighter around her as she cried and continued to mumble, "I'm sorry. .I'm sorry," through her tears.
Blackie jumped from the couch and ran to her side, throwing his arms around her.
The teen's knees started to give way. Unable to hold her up, Blackie slid to the floor with her. Noah came to her wrapping his arms around the two of them. "He doesn't hurt anymore, Lori."
The girl quieted and pulled back, looking into her brother's eyes. "What?" she gasped.
"The baby," he whispered. "He's in heaven. He doesn't hurt anymore."
Lori nodded and leaned back into Blackie's embrace. "I should have listened to you two."
Blackie ran his hands over her hair. As much as he wanted to agree and tell her again about what she had done, he knew the time had come for healing not hurting each other.
"You're dad just called. Buffy is in labor," he informed.
A smile came to her face as she looked up to Noah. "I'm really happy for her. She's waited a lifetime for this moment.
"She has," Noah agreed as he leaned in and kissed her forehead. "We better all get dressed. We're expected at your Uncle Martin's soon."

As the girl turned and went up the steps, Robin came running down. "Can I call Limmy Jee now and thank him for my present?" She asked Blackie.
The man picked up the girl and checked the clock. "Yes, you may call Jimmy Lee AND Grant and thank THEM," he emphasized. Picking up the phone, he dialed it then handed it to Robin.

The Carriage House
Jimmy Lee sat in the chair at the kitchen table, giving the baby a bottle as Grant stood at the stove fixing breakfast. The video game blaring loudly in the other room almost drowned out the ringing phone.
On the third ring, Grant called out, "ROSA! Answer the phone!"
"Shhh," Jimmy Lee corrected, "Don't yell at her, Grant."
"I didn't yell at her," the doctor defended.

In the living room, the young woman picked up the phone, "Hola,"
"I talk to Limmy Jee," Robin said into the phone.
"Okay," the girl said with a heavy accent. Then called out, "Jimmy Lee."
The dockworker cradled the baby in his arms, still giving him the bottle as he went into the other room and took the phone, "Turn it down, Juan," he directed, which the boy did. He then said into the phone, "Hello."
"Hi Limmy Jee, it's Robby." The girl said.
"Merry Christmas, Robby." The man smiled into the phone.
"You too. Thank you for the tool box."
"You're welcome, sweet heart. Grant and I both loved the pictures you gave us."
"You're welcome too," she said. "Daddy is saying I gots to go ready to go grandpas. I see you later."
"Ok, good bye, Robby." As he hung up the phone, Grant peered out over the bar separating the two rooms. "Breakfast is ready, guys."
The kids scattered into the kitchen, and JL followed a moment later. Peering in the kitchen he informed, "I'm going to lay Angel down and I'll be right in."
"Okay, Muffin," Grant smiled then sat at the table. "After breakfast, Rosa, I want you and Juan to pick up all the wrapping paper and then we need to get ready to go up to the main house."
"I'll pick everything up," Jimmy Lee said as he walked into the kitchen and sat down.
Grant frowned and took a sip of his coffee before he said, "Rosa and Juan can do it. You and I have plenty to do to get ready to go up to your dads."
Rosa looked between the two men, then turned to Juan and began speaking to him in her native tongue, with the child answering with a panicked tone.
Grant watched the exchange and the small child getting more upset and grabbed the teens arm. "What are you telling him, Rosa?"
The girl shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "No know. I no know."
He looked her in the eye, "You know a lot more then you are letting on."
"GRANT!" Jimmy lee interrupted. "Let her go."
The doctor released the girl's arm, "JL! Damn it! I wasn't hurting her, but geez, she's upsetting him and I don't know what she saying or why she's saying it." He got up from the table, and left the room.
Jimmy Lee looked at the kids and spoke softly to them, "It's okay. Everything is fine. Eat your breakfast, and don't worry." He then got up and went after his lover. He found him in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the tub, his head buried in his hands.
"Grant?" he asked as he slipped into the small room.
He shoved at the door, "Just go back out the and coddle them, JL. Just leave me alone."
The man's heart sunk, "What's the matter, Grant?"
"I can't take it anymore. You run around here like a mad man, wearing yourself out. You let them do what ever they want, thus you have no time for me and when you do get some time your too tired."
Jimmy Lee pushed the door again, coming into the room and sitting on the floor, "We knew this wasn't going to be easy."
He looked up, "I don't expect it to be easy, Muffin. And I'm not asking for the world, but they have piles and piles of toys and clothes we got them out there I don't think it's too much to ask them to pick up the boxes and papers."
Jimmy Lee nodded, "You're right. I know you're right. I've been spoiling them a bit, because I want them to love us and like it here."
"Muffin!" He responded, sliding down to the floor with the other man, taking his hands in his own. "We took them out of that orphanage, brought them here, we're giving them love and a home. If they don't appreciate that-"
"I know. I know. I'm scared, Grant."
The doctor leaned in and kissed the man's lips. "Don't be scared. We have our family."
The doc worker lay his head to the other man's, "You're right. I know you are, and I know I've been neglecting you these last few weeks."
He nodded, "And there is something else. We have to back each other, baby. If I ask something of them, and you say you'll do it, that isn't showing them a strong untied front as parents."
He nodded, "You're right. I'm sorry. I'll go tell them to straighten up the mess." He leaned in and kissed the man's lips lightly. "Then I'll come back and run you a bath. How's that?"
"Wonderful, better if you join me."
He smiled and kissed the man again, "Okay. I'll be right back."

Jimmy Lee walked into the living room in time to see Juan and Rosa putting the last of the papers into a large garbage bag. He smiled, and then said, "Thank you, you two."
Juan turned when he heard the man's voice and ran to him.
Jimmy Lee swooped him up into his arms and asked as the boy clung to his neck, "What's the matter, Juan?"
"Stay here, Jimmy Lee. Stay here." He repeated.
"I'm not going anywhere, buddy," he answered.
Rosa cleared her throat, and spoke with broken English. "He thinks send us away."
"Oh Never!" The man answered as he walked to the couch, sat down with the boy and directed the teen to sit with him. He then said, "Your home is with Grant and me."
"You mad?" Juan asked.
Jimmy Lee shook his head, "But even if I was mad it doesn't matter." Feeling as though the boy didn't understand, he looked into his eyes and said, "You stay with us, Juan, always."
Rosa looked down and away, "We sorry, Jimmy Lee."
"Don't be. Thank you for cleaning up. You play with your toys, while I get a shower with Grant. Then you two can get showers. Okay?"
"Okay." She answered with a nod.

Dana sat in the corner of the couch letting his fingers roll over the watch he had been given from Bucky. His heart was still racked with guilt over the previous night. Sky slid up from the floor and maneuvered herself under his arm, wrapping her arms around his chest. "Thank you for the stereo for my room, Dad."
He hugged the girl tight and kissed her forehead, "You are so welcome, but you know I've been so busy that Bucky actually did all the shopping."
She nodded slightly as she snuggled tighter, "I wish you didn't have to travel so much."
He smiled a pained smile, "Me too, Sky."
Bucky carried two cups of coffee came back into the living room from the kitchen. Setting them both down on the table, he sat down on the other side of Sky. "We'll get through the tour. We always do."
"You won't miss me?" Dana asked, hearing very little emotion in the surgeon's voice.
"Awe," Bucky comforted then wrapped his arms around the two of them. "Of course I'll miss you, honey, I always miss you."
Sky slipped out from between them. "I'm going to go set up this stereo."
"Okay," Dana answered as he pulled Bucky in closer. "I've got a week and half, Lover, and I want to stay right here with you in my arms until then."
"Mmmm, sounds like fun." He kissed the man's cheek and then lips. "We're expected over at Martin's and Drew's this afternoon."
Dana sighed and rolled his eyes, "Why?"
"Because we were invited since we don't have family here in town."
"We have family in town, each other." He paused, "Don't get me wrong, Lover. Martin and Drew are great, and I appreciate the offer. I just want to spend the holiday with MY family. Do you understand?"
"Yeah, I do," he smiled. "I'll phone our regrets in a little bit."
Dana tightened his embrace, "Thank you."
The two re-positioned themselves so they were comfortable on the couch and Bucky caught Dana still looking at the watch. "Don't you like it?" The cardiologist asked.
"I love it," Dana answered.
"Then why don't you put it on?"
Dana smiled as he slipped the gold watch on his wrist and looked again at the face encrusted with diamond chips, "You mean everything to me, Lover. You know that?"
"I better," Bucky answered pushing a finger into the man's ribs.
"You do," Dana giggled.
Bucky moved straddling the man's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "If we're not going out, I could model those sexy silk jammies you bought me."
The man purred softly as he slid his hands up Bucky's chest, "I think I'd like to watch you taking them off."
He laughed and leaned in hugging the man's neck and laying his head on his shoulders. "You're a sly one you know it?"
The man's body stiffened, "What are you talking about?"
Bucky leaned back and smiled, "The TV and VCR for the bedroom. How did you keep that hidden from me?"
Dana smiled and laughed, "I got a trick or two up my sleeve." Keeping to himself this was what the last minute shopping trip last night had been for, to cover his guilt.
"Yeah, I know," He answered as he relaxed back into the other man's body.
The two were suddenly hit in the head by a nerf ball that came over the back of the couch, as Sky giggled, "Get a room would ya."
Bucky picked it up and tossed back, "I pay the rent here, all of this is my room."
Sky laughed as the ball went way right of her and knocked over the coat tree. "Geez, Bucky you throw like a girl."
The doctor laughed, "Pick that up, would you?"
"Sure," she answered as she went about it. "Did I hear you guys sat we're not going to Martin and Drew's?"
"That's right," Dana answered, "It's family stay at home day."
"Well, then would it be okay if Steven came over for a little bit this afternoon?"
Dana frowned, "That boy's family is going to let him come over on Christmas."
"They said for an hour or so. We want to exchange our presents. Please, Dad."
"Yes, for an hour or so, sometime after noon."
"Okay, thanks, daddy." She said as she ran to the two of them hugging and kissing their cheeks.
Once alone again, Bucky relaxed back into Dana's body. "Whatcha say we go back to bed for awhile."
"Sounds good to me."

Blackie opened the back door going into the kitchen and held it as Robin scooted in calling out, "SCOTT! RANDY! ANDY! I here! I here, and I gots transformers for Christmas!"
"Sh sh sh sh!!!" Drew laughed as he turned from the coffee pot and scooped up the girl in his arms. "You gots what?" he asked.
"Transformers, Papa Drew!" she said excitedly pushing one of the toys at him.
"Oh," he laughed, then looked up to Noah as he set the girl down and directed her to the other room. "I see they got you for an arm and a leg for those silly things too."
Blackie laughed as he helped pull the snowsuit off the baby Noah was holding. "Awe! Drew! I think they are kind of cool."
Noah rolled his eyes, "Yes, so much more cool then the pretty little dolls." He then turned the boy around and nuzzled and kissed his cheek. "You tell Papa Drew what you got, Brodie?"
The older man took the child and laughed. "Did you get transformers too?"

Lori quietly moved past the group and went to her uncle hugging his neck, "Merry Christmas, Uncle Martin."
The man held her close and kissed her forehead, "How you doing, sweet heart?"
"I'm doing pretty good," She forced a smile as she kept an arm around his waist. "You need any help with anything."
"Just hugs from you," he answered.

Anna took the coats from Blackie and slipped past them, asking Martin, "Where would you like these?"
"You can throw them in my room on the bed if you like." The senator smiled, then asked. "Where's Dylan, dear?"
"He decided not to come," she answered, and then qualified. "Actually he had other plans." She then smiled when Karen entered the room and gave her a warm grin of her own before saying, "Martin, Randy says you said he had to wear the sweater your mother made him?"
"He doesn't want to?" The senator asked, concerned.
She shook her head, "No, he does. I just wanted to make sure it was what you wanted him to wear while he's rough housing with the kids."
He nodded, "The boy doesn't rough house. It's fine."
"Okay," she answered then invited Anna to join her in the family room.

Moments later the rest of them followed into the dining room, in time to see Buffy struggle to lower herself into a chair taking slow deep breaths as she glanced at her watch. Noah was immediately on his knees at her feet, "How you doing, Doll?" he asked.
"HURTS!" The woman breathed and tried to smile.
"How close?" he asked.
Panting, she answered, "Five minutes."
Noah's eyes opened wide, "How long they been that close?"
"Not long," She swallowed as sweat formed on her brow, "Third one that close."
"DAD!!!" he called out, then asked her, "Where's Dad?"
The elder Doctor Drake came running into the dining room, "What is it?" When he saw Buffy, he too ran to her side. "Honey, what is it?"
"Are you supposed to go to General or LPMC?" He asked.
"LPMC," he answered, "Jeff arranged for a nurse to be on call too."
"I think you should head over. I'll page Jeff." He then turned to Buffy, "Wow, some Christmas present, hu?"
The woman giggled with excitement as Henry helped her stand, then immediately began to sink to the floor crying out as the pain racked her body.
"BUFFY!" Henry called out then looked to Noah. "Something's wrong!"
Noah went to her side, "Nothing is wrong. She's just going fast. Change in plans. I'll stay with her; you call an ambulance, and then page Jeff. You don't happen to have your medical bag do you?"
"No I don't." The man answered as he ran to the kitchen to make the phone calls.
"I'll grab yours, Doc." Blackie said as he followed Henry out of the room to retrieve the bag from the car.
"Thanks baby," he called after him. He then asked Buffy. "Did your water break yet, Doll?"
As the woman screamed, "No" in pain, Martin asked, "What can I do, Noah?"
"Clean sheets and towels, just in case the baby decides not to wait for the ambulance." He answered.
"Don't tell me there is going to be a baby born on my dining room floor," The man began to rant.
"Oh good lord, now I know where Noah gets it from," Blackie smirked as he pushed his way back into the room.
"Hey now!" Noah complained with a grin, taking the bag from Blackie's hands as he dropped to the floor with him. He then looked over his shoulder, "Now, Dad!" Taking the stethoscope from the bag, he put in place and set it against the woman's stomach, listening carefully.
"Is everything all right!" Henry's panicked voice filled the room.
"Fine, dad, fine. Ambulance on the way?"
"Yes," the man answered.
"Good," Noah responded, and then looked around the room, "I don't think Buffy wants an audience. Can we get some privacy please?" He called to the gathering of relatives.
As Blackie began to stand, Noah grabbed his arm. "I wasn't talking to you. You've been through this, help her like you did Anna." He asked, pointing to the woman's head as guided the woman's knees apart, "I need to check your progress, Buffy. Okay?"
The woman screamed her consent loudly as another contraction took over her body. Blackie smiled as he pushed his hand through her hair, "Big deep breath, Buffy. You're doing good. Slow deep breath," he encouraged.
"DAD!" Noah called out, "DAD!"
"What is it?" Henry asked as he moved in next to Blackie, holding his wife's hand.
"She's ready." He then called out again, "Where's the towels dad?"
He was answered with the door swinging open and two paramedics entering the room, with a gurney.
"Dr. Drake," the tall dark haired one greeted.
Noah looked up, "Hi Tom. It's too late to move her. We'll transport after the baby is here."
As the woman began to scream again, he directed, "PUSH, Buffy. Come on, Doll, push!"
Martin walked through the doors, then seeing the progress, threw the towels and squealed as he went back through the doors into the kitchen.
Peering down into his wife's eyes, Henry stroked her cheek, "It's here, baby. It's time."
The woman grabbed her husband's hand and squeezed it tight, "My god, Henry, I can't do this."
"Yes, you can. You can, Buffy." Blackie encouraged.
"Ok, here we go again, Doll. Push!" Noah directed.

The two paramedics dropped to the floor, open their boxes and getting Noah the things he needed as he asked.

In the kitchen, Lori sat in a chair, her arms wrapped tight around herself as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Nancy moved to her and put an arm around her shoulder, "Oh Lori," she sighed, and then comforted the girl as she collapsed against her in tears.

Noah laughed and smiled as he wrapped the baby in one of the towels his father had thrown at him, as the baby's cries filled the room.
Blackie leaned over the woman and encouraged her, "You did it, Buffy."
"Is it okay, Noah," the woman asked and then laughed. "Is it a girl or a boy?"
"He's absolutely perfect, and he's a he." He then handed the infant to his father. "It's a boy, Dad." Noah watched as awe washed over his father's face. "He's beautiful, Dad."
Tears streamed down the man's cheek as he brought the child to his chest. "Thank you, Noah." He then laid the child in his wife's arms. "I think your mommy wants you, Jonathon."
Buffy smiled through her own tears as she held her infant son close. "Welcome to the world, Jonathon Henry Drake."
Noah slid back and said, "Tom, you probably better go ahead and take them to General."
He then turned to his father, "I'll let Jeff know you're going there."
"Thank you, Noah," He answered without taking his eyes off his wife and child.
Blackie stood and went back into the kitchen with the doctor.

Walking through the door they found Lori pushing the tears from her cheeks. Noah only paused momentarily, before informing his family of the news. "It's a boy. Everything is fine. I'm going to call ahead to the hospital and let them know."

Martin turned to Drew and moaned, "Did you hear that? A boy, Roo."
Confusion washed over the man. "What's wrong with that?"
"Don't you understand? Drake's have boys. Tricia is going to have a boy. I know it."
Nancy laughed, "You know, Marty, she just might."
"Not helping, Mom!" Drew snapped then turned to Martin. "Now, Marty, your brother has 1 boy and two girls."
"Yeah, Dad, you're the one who has all son's." Noah quipped with a giggle.
"NOT HELPING!" Drew fumed again this time to his son in law.
"Noah's right!" Martin ranted. "I should call Cheryl now and cancel the pink ballet wall paper and get that blue stuff with the boats."
"You already ordered wall paper?" Blackie asked.
Ignoring the younger man, Martin continued as he paced. "I need to get Cheryl on the phone. The dining room has to be completely re-done."
"What!?" The attorney bellowed. "Why do you have to remodel the dining room, it's just been a year."
"There was a baby born in there. You don't expect me to keep that floor. If we change the floor we'll have to repaint." He walked to the counter picking up a black book. He flipped through the pages. "Where is her number?"
"What, Dad." Noah egged on his father, "You don't have your decorator on speed dial."
"He's right, Roo," Martin ranted. "Why is Cheryl's number not on speed dial?"
Drew grabbed the phone from his lover and shot a look at the rest of the man's family. "All of you, out, right now!" When the kitchen was empty, he guided Martin to the table, and sat down next to him. "Marty, baby, take a deep breath."
The senator did as he was asked. "There was a baby born in our dining room, Roo."
"I know, Marty. It's an amazing thing. Isn't it?"
He nodded, "I need a scotch."
"In a minute, I want you to take another deep breath and repeat after me. I do NOT need to call my decorator on Christmas."
The man exhaled slowly and repeated, "I do not need to call my decorator on Christmas."
"I don't have to redecorate. The floor can be mopped."
Martin laughed as the stress began to ease, "Ok, Roo."
"Say it!"
"I can mop the floor."
"And Marty, if Trish does not have a girl, well then, she's going to have a boy, and it will be fine."
A frown came across the man's face. "I want a girl to dress in pretty dresses and tie ribbons in her hair, and,"
Drew moved in and quieted the senator with a kiss. When it broke, he whispered. "We asked God for a girl, but we will be thrilled to death to have what ever he gives us."

In the family room, Noah looked down at his clothes, and then turned to Blackie. "I want to run home and change."
"How about if I go with you?" He asked.
Noah leaned in and kissed the man's lips. "I would love for you to accompany me, but I don't know if Dad will want to hold up dinner long enough for me to," He then moved in and whispered low in the man's ear.
"Okay," Blackie laughed. "I'll stay and play with the kids. You run home and change quick."

"Come in," Mary called out to the backdoor as the knock filled the kitchen.
The door opened and Jay came in, then crossed to the woman hugging her, "Hey, ma! Is Alfie here?"
"Of course he is." She smiled. "Out watching the game with the others. You going to stay and eat?"
"I already ate," he replied as he started for the family room.
"That's never stopped you before."
"You're right, it hasn't," He answered. "Of course I'll eat."

In the living room, Jay moved up behind the chair Alfie was sitting in and leaned over the back, "Hey you!"
The teen smiled up at him, "Hi, Merry Christmas."
Jay moved around and sat on the arm of the chair. "Sky called me, she wants us to come by for a little bit later if you can."
The boy smiled wider, pulling Jay from the arm down into his lap. "I can."
"Good, we'll go after we eat?"
"Sure, sounds good."

Coming into the house from the garage, Noah stepped out of his shoes, threw his leather coat on the couch, and continued down the hall. Stopping in the bathroom he began to fill the tub with water. He shed his clothes, and tossed them in to soak. After running water in the sink to wash up, he went down the hall and into his bedroom. Seeing the couple in his bed in the state they were in he shrieked and quickly turned and closed the door behind him. "What the fuck is that about?" he then said out loud.

Not even a moment later Dylan came in the hall, "Noah," he stammered, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you would be home till way later."
The doctor stammered and stumbled verbally a minute before declaring, "Why my bed!! Now I need a new one."
Dylan rolled his eyes and sighed. "While Anna knows about this, I didn't feel right. . . "
"You don't understand!" Noah interrupted.
"I understand you're just a big drama queen," The man mumbled under his breath.
"If I tell Blackie that Bobbie had sex in our bed, I'm never going to get sex in that bed ever again."
"So don't tell him?" The man shrugged. "I mean it wasn't like it was with you."
Noah laughed as he shook his head, "It doesn't matter if it was with me or not. And I can't not tell him."
"Why can't you?" The man asked, confused.
Noah laughed harder, "Cause it's just too good to not tell." Re-gaining his composure, he said, "I need clean clothes."
"What happened? Why are you here, and naked?"
"Because I had to deliver a baby on my father's dining room floor."
"Buffy went into labor. She had a boy, Jonathon Henry, I got icky and then I had to see that." He said pointing to the bedroom.
"You want me to get you clothes?"
"Please, black jeans, my long sleeve beige thing, with the black specks and the big black plaid flannel." After a pause he added, "Black boxers and socks too, please."
Dylan turned back and stared hard at the man, "You really have a problem, you know that."
"Because I like to be coordinated?"
Dylan shook his head as he went back into the room. Still laughing, Noah turned and went back to the bathroom. After freshening up, he went back into the hall to see his requested cloths lying on the floor outside the door. "What the hell?" he whined as he picked them up and then kicked the door. "Don't put my clothes on the floor!!!"

The cardiologist moaned softly as Dana slid up his body, dragging his tongue along the man's spine. "So good, Honey."
Pulling the man's hair aside, he nibbled at the man's ear, "It's suppose to, Lover."
Bucky smiled contently. It was moments like these that got him through the times they were apart. He rolled to his side, pulling Dana in his arms and kissing his mouth. "Are you getting hungry?"
"A little," the manager conceded with a smile.
"Well I didn't plan on having a holiday dinner here, but I could probably throw together some beanie weenies or maybe Spam sandwiches or something."
Dana shook his head as he pulled him in tighter. "I'm going to call over to the hotel and get us reservations in their dining room."
"Oh honey, that's so expensive," Bucky complained.
"We can afford it," Dana answered.
"That's not the point. Afford it or not why should we pay $20 a piece for a turkey dinner."
"Cause I don't want Spam," He answered with a laugh.
"Okay," Bucky acquiesced with a warm smile. "How about a shower? You want to get a shower?"
"Only if you'll join me," Dana responded followed by a trail of kisses down the man's shoulder.
"MMMM, okay." The doctor answered as he pulled away and slipped from the bed. "But I'm getting really hungry, so we have to now."
"Okay," Dana sighed as he slid from the bed, picked up his robe from the floor and wrapped it around him as he followed the other man into the hall.

Hearing giggling coming from the family room, Dana turned and went that way. "Father in the room!" he said aloud and watched the boy jump back putting distance between him and Sky. "Hello Steven," he said in a monotone voice.
"Hi, Mr. Miller." The boy answered nervously.
Dana smirked to himself, pleased with his intimidation of the boy. A knock fell on the door, and he went to answer it as Bucky waved the man off and spoke to the two teens, "Your dad is taking us to the hotel for dinner. Your welcome to join us Steven if you'd like."
"Bucky!" Sky complained, "Jay and Alfie are coming over for a bit."
"Nah, we're already here." Alfie laughed as they came into the apartment.
Happy that the twosome had become a group of friends, Dana relaxed and spoke, "We need to get showers and stuff. We'll leave in an hour. All of you are welcome to come with us."
"Thank you, Dana," Jay answered, "But Alfie has to be home in an hour, and I need to get back for a gathering at the Webber's tonight."
"And I told my parents I'd be home in an hour too," Steven added.
Sky grabbed her boyfriend's hand and Alfie's, "Come on you guys. You got to see the stereo I got for Christmas. It has one of those new CD players and everything."
"Wow! That is so awesome!" Jay answered. "Did you get cds too?"
"Uh -hu, lots of cool ones," She answered.

Noah sat on the steps holding Blackie close in his arms, the two giggled and talked softly. "I want to go home, Noah," the younger man whispered softly. "This has been a really nice day, but I just want to be alone with you and the kids for awhile."
"Me too, that's why I dragged you away like this." He kissed the man's forehead. "How about you go find Scott and Robin and I'll go say goodbye to dad and tell Anna and Lori we're ready to go."
"Okay," he answered, and then pointed to a corner of the living room where Paddy and Rose were playing with Brodie. "I almost hate to interrupt them."
Noah smiled and hugged Blackie tighter. "You've really had an incredible holiday haven't you?"
He nodded, "Everything is perfect." He pulled himself up, "I'll go find the kids."

As the two got up and went down the steps, there was a knock on the door. Curious as to whom it could be, Noah went to answer it. Standing on the porch in the lightly falling snow was Brett. Noah stepped aside to let him in. "Hey, you came in early." He smiled.
He nodded, "When I talked to her last night, she just seemed so lost."
Noah nodded as he took the man's coat. "She has good moments and bad moments. Buffy had her baby right here before dinner, and that really upset her."
He nodded, then turned away a moment to hide building tears. Noah stepped up behind the younger man and let his hands fall to his shoulders, "How about you, Brett? Are you okay?"
He shook his head, "All I can think about is what could have been, and what is lost, and why, and even though I'm trying not to be, part of me is mad as hell."
Noah turned him to face him, "You are entitled to your anger. You need to feel it and deal with it, if you try and hide it or deny it, it will eat you alive."
He nodded, "Thank you for understanding, Noah. That means a lot to me. As angry as I am, I still need to be there for her."
"I know she will be very happy you're here. Let's go find her."

In the kitchen, Lori dried the dishes and Martin washed them. The two spoke lightly of school. Quietly the two men walked into the room. Brett watched for a moment, seeing the shy and hurt girl he fell in love with so long ago, her soft edges tainted by so much pain. "Merry Christmas, Darling." He whispered.
Lori turned sharply. Carefully, she set the plate down in the drain and took a step, then two, to the man. "Brett," she exhaled.
When the man opened his arms, the girl ran to him, letting him embrace her. He kissed her forehead. "I wanted to see you today," He whispered.
"Thank you for coming," She wept into his shoulder.

As they came into the house from the garage, Robin and Scott dropped their coats and pulled off their boots before scurrying up the steps. They were ½ way up when Scott turned around and asked, "Noah, Anna's going to go get King, right?"
The man nodded as he helped take the snowsuit off Brodie. "Yes, she's going to go by your house and get your suitcase and King, just like I told you the other 10 times I said it."
"Thanks, Noah!" He smiled widely, then turned and followed Robin up the steps.
"Come on, sleepy boy," Noah smiled taking the child from his lover's arms. "Let's get you out of your cute clothes and into comfy pajamas."
"I'm going to grab us some drinks and I'll meet you on the couch," Blackie said before he leaned in to kiss the baby's cheek.
"We'll be right there," Noah answered. "My beer better not be getting warm," the younger man lightly harassed.
Coming up, he offered one to the man and opened one for himself. "Did you guys have a nice time?" he asked as he sat down at the table.
"Yeah it was fun." Blackie answered as he opened the beer, took a drink, then crossed to the cupboard, getting down a wine glass. "Anna said to let you know she'd be home in a couple hours. She was going to stay awhile longer, then go get Scott's suitcase and dog from his house."
The man nodded, "That's cool. Thanks for telling me."
As Blackie filled the glass, he smirked to himself. Taking the glass, his beer, and a sippie cup of milk he had retrieved from the refrigerator, he leaned over the man and said, "My bed better not smell like cat food."
The man's cheeks blushed slightly, "Don't tell me you want a new bed too."
"Well, actually I do." Blackie answered, "but not because of that. I'm just giving you shit."
The man nodded as he gulped his beer. "Noah said he'd never get sex again if you knew."
Blackie laughed. "As long as it's not Noah she doing it with, I don't care."
The other man smiled slightly, "You have nothing to worry about there, Blackie."
"I know," he answered. "Noah and I are going to watch some TV if you want to join us." He said as picked up a bag of chips and shoved them under his arm and left the room.

2:12 AM

Putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, Blackie smiled at his lover coming into the kitchen. "2 AM snack, Doc?"
The man grinned, "Isn't that what leftover turkey is for?"
After shutting the door and turning the machine on, Blackie crossed the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Noah's waist, hugging him from behind.
Sticking his fingers into a strawberry jell-o salad, Noah closed the fridge and turned; offering his fingers to the younger man and groaning softly as the other sucked at the sticky concoction.
Lifting his head Blackie tightened his grip. "I've been thinking."
"About?" His eyes fall closed as he gave into the slow, soft, erotic grinding of their bodies.
"The hungry, homeless and hurting."
The doctor's eyes popped open. "The who?"
Blackie grinned, "You heard me."
"Yes I did. Now can I ask why you're trying to ruin a perfectly good erection?"
Smirking he slid his hand into the man's robe caressing his flesh as he moved down his body and after finding him fully hard laughed lightly as he stroked his manhood softly. "Not ruined at all."
"Mmmmm, guess not."
Blackie pulled away, "Doc, I wanna talk."
Taking a few moments to let the lust cloud clear from his him he nodded. "Snuggle time on the couch, baby?"
Blackie's smile returned. "Yeah, I'm gonna grab snacks and I'll be in. Will you grab a couple cans of soda?"
Leaning in and kissing him softly Noah nodded. I"ll get 'em off the patio and meet you downstairs.

10 Minutes Later
Noah opened his arms drawing Blackie in tight and motioning to the sweats he was now wearing under his open robe. "No worries, Baby."
The younger smiled, "Thanks, Doc, but I wasn't worried." Opening a can of Pepsi he took a long swallow then settled back in. "It's just I was thinking."
"I know about the homeless, hungry and hurting. I just don't know why."
"Because next week is New Year's Day." He responded like that should explain it and when he could see it didn't continued. "St. Catherine's soup kitchen is closed and though the hospital did that big thing today no one does anything for New Years and,"
"People still need to eat?" Noah finished for him.
"Exactly," He answered with a soft kiss to his collarbone.
"And you want to feed them?" He shivered slightly.
"Not by myself," he softly smiled, "But I was wondering maybe the medical center might like to partner with Dream Notes in sponsoring a dinner at the Teen Center. Maybe Ruby would like to help with food and . ." He paused for a second. "I don't have all the details worked out yet, but I want to do something to help."
Noah smiled. "Of course you do, kid. How about this? Let's go to bed now and in the morning we'll work out all the details."
"Does that mean you want to?"
He laughed. "Of course I'll help you. Did you really think I wouldn't?"
"No, but I thought maybe you'd think I'm crazy trying to plan a big thing with only a week."
He shook his head, "I don't have to think you're crazy. I know you are, but that's what I love about you."
Blackie giggled, "Brat!" and pinched Noah's nipple before jumping off the couch and running to the bedroom with the doctor chasing behind.


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com