< Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Moving Forward

Author: Connie and Shay
Feedback: TheWritersShack@yahoogroups.com; Connie@butterflyfiction.com
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Devin/Charlie, Blackie/Noah
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: "post card" storyline inspired by the current BNL song "another postcard"

January, 1985
After pushing the doorbell, Blackie turned and leaned in pressing his lips to Noah's and then deepening the kiss.
As it broke, the doctor moaned softly and whispered, "And why are we here?"
The younger man smiled as he nudged his shoulder, then fiddled with the balloons and flower arrangement Noah was carrying. "To visit your baby brother."
Noah groaned softly, but turned and smiled as he heard the sounds of people approaching.
"Be nice!" Blackie mumbled under his breath as he tickled the man's ribs lightly.
Noah laughed as he leaned into his lover, and then smiled wide at the blond when she answered the door. "Hey, Doll, how you feeling?" He asked as he handed her the arrangement in his hands.
Buffy smiled as she opened the door, and let the two in then quickly closed the door behind them. "Thank you, you two. This is just beautiful. I'm doing just fine. How about you two? And what on earth are you doing out in this winter weather."
"It's not too bad yet," Noah answered. "And we wanted to visit before it did get bad."
The two followed the woman into the family room, and sat when she directed.
"Where is he?" Blackie asked.
"Henry just took him up to change him. They should be right back down. Can I get you any two anything to drink?"
"Buffy, you just had surgery. You sit. Can I get you anything?" Blackie asked.
The woman smiled and waved him off as she sat down on the love seat. "I'm fine, really I am."
Noah and Blackie sat together in the small love seat across from her. Noah thought a moment before asking. "That was a big decision to make, especially when you're still so young."
"I'm fine with it, Noah. Really. Look, for so many years I thought it wasn't possible, then we were blessed with the pregnancy, but the last several months were so hard. I was told before if I carried a child full term it would be a miracle. God gave me my miracle and I'm not about to tempt the fates again. I can't live through the bed rest and the fear."
"That's understandable," Blackie answered.
As the young man spoke, Henry came into the room carrying the baby. He looked up at Noah and smiled. "Noah, son, I didn't know you were coming."
The doctor rose and crossed to his father, putting an arm around his shoulder and hugging him without squeezing the infant. He then looked down at the baby's peaceful face, "Well hello there, John Henry."
"He's sleeping as usual," Henry smiled. "Let me put him down."
"Let me?" Noah asked, and then took the child as his father handed him over. "He's just beautiful," He barely spoke.
Blackie crossed to the man, looking over his shoulder as Noah laid the child in the bassinet. He wrapped his arms around the doctor's and leaned on his shoulder. "I think he looks a little bit like you, Doc."
"A little?" Henry laughed. "There's a very strong resemblance to Noah's baby pictures.
The younger doctor Drake shook his head and smirked, "Those are definitely not Drake ears, must be his momma's."
Blackie laughed as the two made their way back to their seats. "Is there anything we can do for either of you to help out?" He asked.
"Not a thing," Buffy smiled.

Grant walked into the office as Bucky was slipping on his coat, "Have a nice weekend, Bucky." He said as he made notes in the file he was carrying.
"I plan to," he smiled. "Dana's plane will be in soon, and I got the weekend off."
Grant glanced up to the window. "Hope he makes it in before this storm closes the airport."
"OH! Bite your tongue!" He answered quickly. "How about you? What you got planned for the weekend?"
"Packing!" he answered. "We close on the house next week and want to move next weekend. I'll see you at Noah's little board meeting tomorrow morning?"
He nodded, "Partners and spouses? You know what he's up to?"
"Not a clue," Grant answered shaking his head. "I was hoping you did?"
"Nope! All I know is as soon as we're done, Dana has a meeting with Blackie and Danny, and it's the only time we're spending out of bed all weekend." He laughed. "See ya later, Grant."
"Have fun, Bucky."

Laughing together the two men came in from the garage, took off their coats and stepped out of their wet shoes. Walking into the studio, they found Anna playing on the floor with the kids; encouraging Brodie to take a step away from the table he was holding himself up on.
"Hey hey!" Blackie smiled. "Don't you teach him to walk without us here."
"Oh love," she laughed, "I think he has a lot more falling down to do before he actually takes any steps."
"Awe, you hear that, Brodie. Momma doesn't think you can do it." He said as he dropped to the floor.
Noah smiled as he watched the scene for a moment, and then asked. "Anyone bring in the mail?"
"No, sorry love, I didn't." Anna answered.
"No big deal," The surgeon answered as he went into the foyer, opened the door, pulled the stack from the box, and came back into the house. Quickly glancing through it as he walked back into the studio, he separated the several pieces of fan mail that still found it's way to their house from the bills and junk. He then squatted down next to his lover and set the mail on the floor, opening his arms to the baby, "Come on, son. Come see Daddy."
"Da-de, da-de," the baby rattled as he smacked at the coffee table.
Anna laughed, "Just like his daddy with the drumming."
"Da-de's drums," the baby giggled.
Blackie laughed loudly and reached to him again, "Come on, baby, show mommy she's wrong and come to me."
"No," he responded shaking his head.
As the adults laughed, Blackie looked down at the stack of mail between Noah's legs. "Did I get one?"
Noah looked at him confused, then it hit him, "Oh, I don't know. There is some fan mail."
Blackie took the stack and flipped through it then laughed as he pulled out the post card bearing chimps. He then flipped it over and looked at the back shaking his head.
"Another one?"
Anna exhaled, "Where does this person find all these monkey postcards?"
"I don't know. What's weirder is they never sign their name or anything."
"Is this one from Denmark?" Noah asked.
He shook his head, "Los Angeles, and the message is, 'Congrats on Against All Odds and Dancing in the Dark.'"
Noah smiled, but quickly followed it with a frown. "I don't understand how they can nominate those other people for awards, when the songs are yours."
Blackie smiled, "It's okay, Noah. It's still praise for me and Danny."
"Of course it is," he responded as he put his arm around the man's shoulder. "You decided yet?"
Blackie shrugged, "Still thinking." He then handed the card to Noah, "Can you put that up on the desk so I can put them with the rest."
"Sure." Noah looked at the picture again. "Why monkeys?"
Blackie shrugged again, "I'd love to write them back and ask, but they never include a return address."
"Well, they keep moving around. Don't they?" Anna asked.
"Yeah, it's kind of fun though, waiting to see what's next and from where." Blackie then turned back to the little boy. "We got a big storm coming baby boy, just like the night you were born."
"And just one week before your birthday," Anna commented with a smile.
"So what ya say you walk on over to me," Blackie asked.
The baby tapped his hands on the table shaking his head, "No no no." he repeated.
"His favorite response," Noah laughed as he reached out picking up the baby, and holding him above him causing the child to giggle. "yes, yes, yes," he said to the child.
"Noooooo!" Brodie repeated as Noah brought him back down and showered him with kisses.
Anna rubbed her eyes, "Well, Dylan has to be about done giving Robin her bath. I suppose I should take him up and give him his."
"NO!" the child answered wrapping his arms around Noah's neck. "Daddy!"
Blackie laughed as he leaned in and kissed the baby's nose. "Now, now, boy, you go get a bath with mommy, then you and your sis can come back down and get a story. Okay?"
The child reluctantly went to Blackie then to Anna.

Once alone in the studio, Noah tossed the rest of the mail over on the coffee table, and pulled the younger man into his arms. "How about you? Do you need a bath," he groaned in Blackie's ear.
"MMMMMM, I don't know." He responded. "Do I feel all dirty to you?"
Noah nibbled at the other's neck as he guided them both down to the floor and caressed his body, "So dirty," He hissed.
Blackie laughed and Noah groaned as the room was filled with a knock on the front door. "Why do people have to always interrupt us?" The doctor groaned as he hesitantly pulled himself to his feet.
"Maybe because since our vacation and the ceremony, we're always doing it?" The younger man laughed louder as he pulled himself up and straightened his clothes.
"Is that a complaint?" Noah asked as he entered the foyer.
"Hell no!" Blackie laughed as he followed him, his limp becoming more and more faint, though still present.
Noah looked pleasantly shocked as he opened the door and found Brett on the steps, "Hey, come in come in." He said then offered to take the man's coat when he was in the entry. "I didn't know you were coming."
"Either did I, and it's just overnight. We have the weekend off, and I'm going home, but I flew this far with Dana."
Blackie went to the bottom of the steps and called up, "LORI!!" Then turned and greeted the man with a hug, "How is everything going, bro?"
Brett returned the hug but sighed, "Horrible, the tour just sucks. Dana is acting like a maniac, and well you how boss man gets sometimes."
Blackie chuckled and nodded, "Why do you think I turned this one down?"
"Cause you're the smartest one of all of us." He laughed.

"Brett?" Lori's cheerful voice came down the steps, then the sound of her feet hitting the steps. Noah watched as every emotion from joy to sorrow to pain washed over the man's face as he watched her coming down the steps then swooped her into his embrace.
"How you doing, Darlin'?" He whispered in her ear as he held her tight.
"Wonderful now. I didn't know you were coming?"
"Just for the night, Lori. I have an 8 am flight to Denver."
She gripped his hands in hers and pulled them and him to her body. "It's so good to see you."
Brett leaned in and kissed her forehead, "you too. . . You too."

Noah pulled Blackie aside and after conferring with him for a minute suggested. "Brett, you're only in town for a few hours. Why don't you stay here tonight, in the guest room? No reason to put the money out for a hotel room."
Brett smiled and considered a moment, "I don't know."
Blackie approached, "Please, especially with this storm brewing up out there we don't want you driving around more then necessary."
He nodded, and then turned to Lori. "Okay, thank you."
Lori's face brightened even more as she asked, "Are you hungry? I could warm you up something to eat."
Blackie laughed, "What kind of question is that? Of course he's hungry."

As the blond and the musician disappeared into the downstairs kitchen, Noah slipped his arm around Blackie's back as they walked toward the bedroom.
"It's okay, Noah." Blackie whispered.
"I hope so," Noah sighed. "I mean, I know Brett won't do anything. He feels like we do, I just don't want Lori to start. .. ." His voice trailed.
"I know, the only way we'll know if she's getting better is to see how she handles things."
He nodded. "Read the kids their stories in bed?"
"Yeah, that sounds good to me," The younger answered.

Sky came back from the kitchen with both Jay and Alfie and the three teens dropped down on the couch. Jay opened the bag of chips as Alfie changed the channel to MTV. As they were getting comfortable the door opened. Bucky came through the door first, and announced, "Look who's home!" Then stepped aside, letting Dana into the apartment.

Sky jumped off the couch and ran to the blond man throwing her arms around his neck, "Daddy!!!"
He held the young girl close, and then kissed her forehead, "Oh Sky, I missed you so much." He then looked up and saw the other two teens on the couch. "Jay, Alfie," he greeted.
"Hi, Mr. Miller," Alfie greeted then took Jay's arm. "Maybe we should go, Jay."
The teen exhaled. They had come to visit Sky on Alfie's request, now his boyfriend wanted to leave. The bundle of emotions he had become was becoming a strain. "Sure, babe." He answered as he stood and crossed the room. Giving Sky a quick hug he said, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay, guys, thanks. Thanks, Alfie," she said as she hugged him.
"You two be really careful out there," Bucky cautioned, "The roads are starting to get slick. I want you to go straight to one of your houses."
Jay nodded, "We will, Bucky."

When the teens had left, Dana wrapped one arm around Bucky and the other around Sky and led them to the couch, sitting down with one of them on each side. "It feels so good to be home!" He nearly sang hugging them both.
"We're glad you're home too," Sky answered as she returned the hug.
Bucky kissed the man's cheek, "We've missed you a lot."
"And I've missed you too, Lover." He answered then reached into his coat pocket, coming back with two boxes. Crossing his hands he offered them to his family. "Presents!"
"Dana, you don't have to get us presents every time we see you," Bucky smiled as he pulled away the paper.
"Hush, Bucky! You trying to ruin a good thing." Sky laughed, and then responded to the gift, "Oh, Wow, Dad, another CD, thank you!"
"You're welcome." He answered with a kiss to her forehead.
"I'm going to go listen to it," She declared as she ran from the room.
Bucky looked down at the gold cufflinks in the small box, and scrunched his eyebrows. "These are beautiful, honey."
"You like them?" He asked.
"Oh, oh yeah."
"You said something when you met up with us in Albuquerque about needing a new pair."
"I do," ha answered. "Dana, we need to talk," he sighed, moving closer to the man. "I think I know what you're feeling so guilty about."
"You do?" The man tensed, then tried to brush it off, "Who said I'm feeling guilty at all."
"I did." He said as he slid a hand against the man's cheek. "This is because of the whole money thing last time you went on tour, and what happened. Isn't it?"
Dana swallowed, he wanted to confess the burning indiscretion that was eating him alive, but knew if he did he would lose both Bucky and Sky. He simply nodded as a tear of regret over Devin slid down his cheek. "I let you down and I don't ever want to do that again."
Bucky slid his arms around the man's neck and pulled him in, "Oh honey. It's okay. It's all over and everything is different this time. We're fine, and we're a family and we will get through this tour like you and I have gotten through the other ones."
Dana tightened his hold on the surgeon, "I love you so much, Bucky."
"I love you too, Dana," he smiled as the men wept on his shoulder. "Forgive yourself, babe. It's all over."
"Okay, Lover. Okay."

Jay came back into his foster father's den carrying two sodas. He dropped down on the small couch, opened a can and handed it to the other boy. "What do you want to watch?" he asked picking up the remote.
Alfie shrugged.
"I think the A team might be on," Jay offered.
"Nah," Alfie answered, as he scotched a little closer to his boyfriend.
Jay wrapped an arm around the other teens shoulders, "You want to not watch TV?"
"Can you just hold me, Jay?" The boy asked meekly, "I'm scared."
Setting the drinks on the floor, Jay pulled the fair skin boy tight to him, and continued pulling him closer as Alfie clawed at his back. He had come clean to Jay a couple weeks prior that since his parents had just left he had been having nightmares about being abandoned and alone. These feelings were manifesting themselves with Alfie being extremely needy, or cold. The current moment was a needy one.
Placing soft kisses on the teen's forehead, Jay whispered, "mi Vida. I'm here for you. Now and forever."
"I know," Alfie responded softly as he trembled in his boyfriend's arms.

Coming back from the shower, Devin walked in the room wearing only boxer shorts, and a towel around his neck. Stretching his back a bit, he then pulled the towel from his body and tossed it at Charlie who was studying in the bed.
Picking it up, and tossing it to the floor, Charlie laughed. "AUGH! Baby, you can't distract me. I have to study for this test."
Moving to the bed and straddling the other man's back, he leaned over kissing his neck. "The test isn't till Monday."
Charlie closed the book and arched his body up to Devin's "I suppose I could take a break."
Sliding his ass down the man's back, till he was able to lay prone on him. "You feel so good," Devin moaned, as he let his eyes close and imagined it was the blond manager of his fantasies underneath him.
Charlie groaned and reached his hand over their bodies, grabbing Devin's hair. He pulled it harshly, knowing it would make the other man hot.
Devin cried out passionately grabbing Charlie's shoulder's, "You know what I need, baby?" he asked.
"Tell me," The boy gasped.
"Take control . . ., " the boy pleaded, then while his mind called out Dana's name, he spoke, "Charlie, just take control."
Using the newly learned wrestling moves, Charlie flipped them on the bed and pushed the book to the floor. Coming down on top of his boyfriend, he pinned his wrists to the bed over his head, then dug his teeth into his shoulder biting him hard as he ground his groin against Devin's arousal.
Crying out passionately, Devin gasped and his chest heaved. "You're so good. Make me feel so good," He encouraged as he felt Charlie pulling the boxers from his body and dropping the weight of his body between his legs.
On his knees, Charlie slid his mouth over the other boy's chest and stomach, biting hard enough to leave bruises on the chest that was already riddled with cuts from a whip courtesy of their most recent trip to the city. Charlie's mind raced as he bit down on the soft flesh of the inside of Devin's thigh. Their sex life had become so highly charged and Charlie had grown to enjoy it more then he ever thought he would. Sliding his hands under Devin's hips, he lifted his ass from the bed, and then guided his member to the young man's opening. Looking deep into his eyes, he sneered then buried himself inside the teen in one harsh thrust bringing forth a blood-curdling scream that was laced with passion.
"God, yes, yes Charlie." Devin encouraged, though beneath his closed eyes, it was Dana who was using his body at will. Those images mixed with the sensations his boyfriend was showering on him, pushed him to the heights of ecstasy very quickly and it was only moments before they rolled over the edge of orgasm together.

After a few moments of soft loving kissing, Charlie rolled off Devin's body, but pulled him back close.
Devin rolled in and lovingly kissed his boyfriends neck. "You want to go to Kelly's for breakfast tomorrow morning?" He asked, having heard from Blackie earlier that they would be there with Dana in the morning.
The boy moaned softly, "That sounds good."

Blackie slipped off the end of the bed to the floor, and pulled out the box from the closet. Finding an envelope he opened it and suppressed a groan and the pictures inside. They were not the ones he was looking for and he tossed them aside. Picking up the next envelope he looked in to find pictures of Devin in various states of submission. He too, tossed them aside only mildly surprised he wasn't as interested in them as he once had been. Pulling the next envelope from the box, he opened it and pulled out the pictures.
Hearing Noah groan in the bed, he called over his shoulder, "I'm right here, Doc."
The surgeon turned in the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and moved down. Looking over his lover's shoulder at the picture of Blackie, blindfolded and bound in the cave, he reached out and grabbed the man's hair pulling it harsh, "I know what's on your mind."
"OW!" Blackie emitted, then reached up and took his hand. "Not right now, Noah, maybe later." He then looked back to see hurt and fear wash across the doctor's face.
"I'm sorry…But," Noah stumbled.
Blackie took his hand and guided him down next to him. "What are you sorry for? What's wrong?"
"It's just," he pointed to the picture, "I thought. I don't ever want to hurt you again," he mumbled.
"Oh Doc," he exhaled as he leaned in and kissed the man lightly. "It's okay. I like it, and I want to play like that sometimes, maybe in a little bit, but there's something I want to talk about right now."
The doctor relaxed and smiled seeing Blackie was sincere, "You're not mad?"
"Of course not," he replied leaning and hugging the man tight, "But I've been thinking."
"About?" The doctor asked.
"Selling the dungeon equipment, we're never going to use it again. It was a big stupid waste of money to begin with." He paused, "I mean we can bring the toys in here and some select pieces for when we want to play, but the tables and stuff."
Noah took the pictures from his hand and began flipping through them, "You want to sell it, that's fine. It wasn't a waste of money though. At the time you needed it."
Blackie nodded as he looped his arm through Noah's, "I did, but I don't want to go back to that."
"Never again," Noah agreed. "What are you going to buy me with all the money?"
"Buy you?" Blackie laughed.
"Yeah, buy me." Noah laughed with the man, laying his head in Blackie's lap. "Diamonds are nice?"
"Because they are a girl's best friend?" Blackie giggled running his hands through the surgeon's long dark hair.
"You know it." He then flipped the picture of the large chair to his lover, "What about this? You going to sell that too."
"I was planning on it." Blackie answered, and then frowned as he noticed disappointment in the surgeon's eyes. "You don't want me to?"
"You can," Noah answered, his voice not hiding how he really felt.
"NOAH!" Blackie insisted. "Tell me how you feel."
"I like the chair." He admitted, "You don't?"
"It's a thrown, Noah, by it's mere design it makes one superior to another." He frowned again.
"What do you like about it?"
Noah pointed to the picture, "I like how when you put your feet here, and I put my hands here," He continued sliding his hands around the man's back and down toward his bottom.
Blackie smiled, "It's not that it makes the person on the pegs . . . "
"NO!" Noah cut him off. "I just like having fun in it."
Blackie looked at the picture a minute. "How about you help me modify it? Make it look less like a thrown, and take a turn on the pegs, and we'll bring it in here."
Noah smiled, "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." He then took the pictures from the man and tossed them to the floor.
"We walk life's road side by side, right?"
"Right," Noah answered.
After a brief pause he reached up and pulled down a catalog off the dresser. "I did have one idea for how to spend the money."
"What's that?" Noah asked as he sat back up and tossed the pictures toward the box.
Opening the catalog to the page he was looking for, Blackie smoothed the page down then pointed to the black lacquer sleigh bed. "Isn't that sharp?"
Noah looked took the catalog and looked at it, "It really is." He then tapped the footboard behind them, "You don't like the bed?"
"It's not that really." He then pointed to the description.
Noah looked to him, "This frame only comes in full size. These mattresses are King."
"The ones over in the loft would fit that bed."
Noah smiled, then brushed his hand against the man's chin, "You are so sentimental."
"You are too," He accused with a blush. "We have this big huge bed that eats up the whole room, and what do we do, snuggle up close and tight right in the middle of it."
Noah nodded, "You're right. I like it like that too. But this one is nice when Robin crawls in here and Brodie too."
Blackie nodded. "I bet we'd all fit in our old bed."
"I bet your right." Noah answered and leaned in and kissed the man's forehead. "Then move this bed over to the loft?"
"Or put it in the spare bedroom and move that one over there. That ones smaller too."
"Easier to get up the steps and fit better over there," Noah finished.
"Right. Is it okay?"
"It's more then okay. But if you want this bed, we'll just get it I mean it's not like we have to sell anything to afford it."
"Oh, I know. It's just kind of, well, sell what's not us and use it to take us to what really is."
Noah pulled the young man in tighter, embracing him. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Doc." After a moment's pause, he continued. "Just one more thing."
Lifting his chin so he could look in his eyes, Noah asked. "What else could there possibly be?"
He dug to the bottom of the box and came back with the silver collar. He ran his fingers over the metal, and especially over the modifications he had made to it. He then looked up into Noah's eyes, softly kissed his lips, then turned and tossed it into the small trashcan by the bed. The metal hitting metal sound resonated through the room.
Noah smiled slightly, and then it slowly grew, his whole face lighting up. "It's really all beyond us now, isn't it."
Blackie nodded, "It is. And I meant what I said before about still liking to play, and wanting to play. I just really feel now it's only part of what we do, not what we are."
The surgeon dropped his lips to the other man's mouth, kissing him softly, then more urgently. "I like that you know. That's a very good description."
Blackie smiled contently as he snuggled into the man's chest. As he slid his hand up and down letting the man's chest hair tickle his palms he smirked to himself. "So, are you tired?"
"Not too tired," The doctor flirted back.
"Are you sure?" He asked with the same teasing lilt to his voice, putting his leg up atop of the other man's.
Noah smiled as he pushed his fingers through the other man's hair; he then clenched his fists, gripping the hair tight. "Do you need me to show you?" he sneered low.
Blackie gasped and leaned his body into the other man's while letting his head role back, causing Noah to pull harder.
"You want it like that tonight, baby?" he asked, moving forward and pinning the man to the footboard of the bed.
"Oh, Noah," he gasped, lifting his hips and pushing them against the doctor's body.
"Let's get back in the bed." He said as he stood, and then helped Blackie to his feet.

Sliding up to the pillow, Blackie turned and watched as Noah stalked into the bed, his body slithering with cat like movements. After the doctor's mouth touched his and softly caressed his, Blackie curled his lip up and said low. "On the bed, flat on your stomach."
Shock and exhilaration washed over his face.
"Do it!" Blackie said firmly.
Quickly Noah slipped from his body and did as the man asked. Blackie moved and straddled the man's back. Bending over him, he pushed his hair off his neck and leaned over. Softly, seductively, he kissed and nibbled at his neck and shoulders.
The doctor groaned and lifted his arms over his head to return the caresses.
Blackie gently guided them to the headboard. "You hold on and enjoy the ride, Doc."
Noah whimpered as he firmly grasped the headboard.
The younger man reached over to the nightstand, opening the drawer and coming back with a bottle of oil. He drizzled some in his hand before warming in and then slowly tenderly massaging one arm, then the other. He whispered softly as he stroked him, "God, Doc, you're so beautiful. You know that? Look at how defined your arms are, the way the muscles ripple as you clench and tense. Just looking at you makes me so hot." Blackie moaned as he slowly slid down and then lowered his body. He placed gently kisses on the man's spine as he continued to rub the oil into his shoulders and back, complimenting him and his body the whole time.
Noah clawed at the headboard again as his body reacted to the other man's manipulations. An uncontrolled gasp came from him followed by a groan as he felt the man's hands caressing the flesh of ass, then his stubble covered cheek sliding against it. His engorged organ throbbed against the sheets as the man's wet tongue slid against him, touching the very depths. He buried his face in the pillow as the ecstasy washed over him his mind floating between the pleasurable sensations and the bond that had been rekindled between them.

Blackie breathed in the man, letting his hands caress his hips as he continued the mission at hand. His mind too was a blur of his passion and his love. When the doctor's cries of need hit a pleading cord, Blackie only then slid back up the man's body, covering it with his own. Pushing his lips to his ear he whispered low, but firm. "Release the headboard, and roll over, Noah." He then watched as the man's hands, trembling with his need, slid down the oak. He lifted up and let the man roll under him, then lowered himself on the doctor's chest. "How do you feel, Doc?" He asked as he ground his groin against the man's supple flesh.
"On fire," The doctor gasped as Blackie guided his hands up over his head, "Grip the headboard" He directed again and exhaled passionately as the man's muscles rippled with the tension.
Pushing himself up on his knees, Blackie began to stroke his own throbbing cock over Noah's face, watching the man's desire and need in his eyes. "You like that don't you?"
Noah cold do nothing but nod and gasp.
Bending and leaning in, Blackie brushed his leaking member against the man's lips and watched the doctor lap at it. "Just a taste," he said as he quickly pulled back and reached back into the drawer.
The surgeon's body trembled with need and desire as he watched the younger man's body and anticipated what he would bring back. Seeing the silver flicker in the moonlight that peered in from the window and uncontrolled groan escaped his lips.
Blackie smirked as he lay atop of the man's chest. "You like this. Don't you, doc?" he said and then clipped the clamp to the doctor's nipple.
The man heaved his body, lifting it from the bed.
"I love your body and the way it responds to me," the younger man answered letting his tongue dance in his chest hair as his hands massaged the defined muscles.
Noah cried and arched again as the sharp pain started in his other nipple, then shot through his body as warmth.
Blackie smiled as he continued to lick and kiss at the man's stomach and then thighs before he wrapped his mouth around his organ and inhaled its depth.
The older man twisted on the bed, still gripping the headboard as directed. Moaning his lover's name passionately as he continued to stimulate his cock.
Blackie slid his sweaty body up the other man's, putting pressure against the clamps on his chest. "What do you feel, Doc?"
"I need you, baby," his voice quivered. "With everything I am."
He slid his hand through the doctor's sweaty hair, "How do you feel, Doc?" he repeated. "I-I-I, please," He moaned as he lifted his hips from the bed and pushed himself against his lover.
"NOAH!" Blackie hissed. "How do you feel?"
The doctor smiled, understanding. He swallowed and pushed out through his hunger. "Incredible, on fire, burning with need, and so much in love with you."
Blackie smiled. "And loved?" he asked.
"And loved," Noah quickly confirmed.
He slid one hand down the other man's arm, gripping his long fingers in his hand. His other hand he slid down between them, and guided his own burning arousal into his lover's body. "That's because I am so much in love with you, Doc. I love you, Noah." He whispered as he found a slow steady rhythm.
Primal groans escaped his being as he clawed at the sheets with one hand and squeezed his lover's hand with his other. His head swimming with passion as his orgasm approached.
Blackie's lifted his mouth from the man's neck and whispered, "Tell me, Doc. Let me know."
"Now," he pleaded in return, "Now, baby."
He gripped the surgeon's body and increased his pace, and then cried out. As he reached his release, he grabbed the chain and sharply pulled the clamps from his lover as he exploded inside the other man.
Blackie's cries fueling his own, Noah's moans joined the other man's filling the room with their combined song of passion as his climax washed over him.

Moments later as he began to recover the doctor pulled Blackie into his tight embrace. He showered the younger man in kisses, covering his face, neck and shoulders. "But I thought you wanted me... " He began to say.
Blackie pushed his finger to the man's lips. "Did you like it?"
Noah nodded, "Was wonderful."
"For me too," the younger man smiled. "It's a give and take, right?"
"You know it, baby." The doctor said as he wrapped his arms tight around his lover, pulling him in. His eyes caught the alarm clock. It was 4am. He laid his head atop of Blackie's and sighed happily as the younger man drifted off to sleep in his arms for the second time that night. He closed his eyes and gave silent thanks that they were back to reaching for each other, supporting each other, and loving each other.

Across the Hall
In the guest room, Brett tossed and turned in the bed asking himself why he put himself through this torture. Nearly jumping from the bed, he picked up the flannel robe from the floor and wrapped it around his body, wearing only a pair of black sweat pants under it. Believing the rest of the house was sound asleep he didn't bother closing the robe. He just made his way to the kitchen.

Lori closed the refrigerator door and sighed. Since the guys were functioning out of the downstairs kitchen, there was never anything good up there anymore. Pushing her long blond hair off her face, she left the room, and then made her way down the steps in the shorts and the t-shirt she had lifted from her brother's room.

Going through the studio, Lori then went into the kitchen and stopped suddenly when she saw Brett filling a bowl with cereal. "I'm sorry," quickly came from her mouth.
The man exhaled and slowly looked to her, afraid that if he laid eyes on her he wouldn't be able to control his desires. "It's okay, Lori. I was hungry."
"Me too," she answered, letting a small smile cross her lips.

"You want some," He said offering the box.
She nodded and stepped forward taking the offering as he moved to the table to eat. "You don't mind eating with me?"
Brett exhaled. "Why do you think I stopped here, Lori instead of going straight home?"
The blond dropped down to the chair next to her one time lover, "I'm not really sure, Brett."
He reached over and took her hand, "I love you, Lori."
"Even after everything?" She asked.
He exhaled and turned away. This was a much-repeated conversation with them. He turned back to her, and looked up in her eyes. "You have hurt me so much over the last year, Lori, but I do still love you."
Taking her ½ finished bowl and dumping the remaining contents in the dogs bowl before putting her dish in the sink, she then said. "Come upstairs with me, Brett. Come hold me."
He shook his head, "I can't."
"Yes you can, but you won't. Because you hate me," She tearfully exhaled.
"Stop it, Lori!" he said harshly, getting up and turning to her. "Just stop it!"
She turned to man, her arms going around herself protectively. "I ache for your arms, Brett."
He stepped up to her and unwrapped her arms taking her hands. "We sat on the couch all evening, watching TV, talking, and I held you. I'm not going up and lying in your bed. You will beg and I won't be able to say no, and you're not ready, and I'm not ready. I want us to heal not keep hurting each other."
She slid into his arms, hugging his waist and laying her head on his shoulders. "I promise I won't, Brett. I just can't sleep; I could always sleep when you were holding me, but now. . . now every time I try to sleep I wake up hearing a baby crying."
He held the teen close unable to stop his tears from spilling from his eyes.
Lori felt the man's body began to tremble and his chest heave with his attempt to hide his tears. "Oh, Brett," she cried her tears falling freely now. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry."
Brett shook his head. "Don't talk," he whispered, as he guided her from the kitchen to the studio. Sitting on the couch, he guided her to him, and then lay down so she was on top of him, her head resting on his chest. "Don't talk, Darling. Just - Just- just!"
She pulled the blanket down from the back of the couch, covered the two of them, and then embraced him again. "I'm going to hold you while you cry, Brett," She whispered.

The alarm went off, quickly followed with Troy putting his feet on the bed and licking his owners face.
"Okay, Troy, okay," the doctor grumbled, then turned in his lover's arms and nuzzled the man's neck.
"You think I want to kiss after your dog," the younger man giggled squirming in his arms.
The dog barked again and Blackie did lean in kissing the man's mouth deeply. "I'll let your dog out and start your coffee."
"And I'll start the shower. You join me?"
"Yep, I'll be there in a few minutes." The man answered slipping out of the bed and pulling on a pair of sweat shorts before calling the dog to follow him out of the room. Walking through the studio to the patio doors, he opened them letting the dog out, and then turned to see Lori jumping up on the couch.
The teen ran across the room, and grabbed the man's arms. "Don't tell Noah, please Blackie, don't tell Noah."
The man shook his head, "Don't even start that shit with me, Lori." He then glanced over to the couch and noticed the man was dressed and looked back to the girl. "What is there to not tell?"
"Nothing happened, I swear. We just talked and then fell asleep."
Hearing the dog scratch at the door, he turned and let him back in then took Lori's arm and led her into the kitchen. He spoke to her as he started making the coffee. "You know, girl, your brother and I are on your side."
She frowned and pushed her fingers through her long hair. "I'm sorry, Blackie. It's just, I mean, this morning with Brett was good and I don't want Noah having a queen sized fit and ruining everything."
He flipped on the coffee maker and turned to the blond, looking her up and down. "You still don't get it do you?"
"What?" she questioned innocently.
Blackie looked over her shoulder in time to see Brett coming into the kitchen. He then looked back. Taking a step forward he ran his hands up and down her arms, then gently touched her chest. "Look in there, sweetie, and figure out for yourself." He then left the room, patting Brett's back as he left.

"What was that about, Darlin?" The musician asked as he moved to the table and sat down.
Lori wrapped her arms around herself and shrugged. "All I did was ask him to not tell Noah about us sleeping together and-"
"We didn't sleep together." Brett interrupted.
"I know I told him that. I just don't want Noah yelling and carrying on. I know how much you hate that."
"Lori," the man whispered. "If I would have listened to some of what he was yelling about, instead of getting all defensive before, we might not be here right now."
"What are you saying, Brett?"
The man slammed his hand against the table, "I can't do this, Lori. I got a plane to catch."
"What?" She asked, totally confused.
"Oh Darling!" He moved to her and took her face in his hands, "You and I both have a lot of healing to do. We've made a start but we have a long way to go."
She nodded as the tears streamed down her face, "I do love you, Brett."
He nodded then pulled her into his arms, "I love you too.

Kelly's Diner
9 AM
Blackie and Noah walked into the diner with Lori. The girl smiled when she saw Jay and Alfie sitting at a corner table with Sky, Rosa, and Juan.
Noah tapped her shoulder, "Go on, Lori. Sit with your friends." He then turned to Blackie, "I'm just going to make sure Ruby saves the bill for me and I'll be right over."
The younger man nodded and crossed sitting at the table that was already occupied by Jimmy Lee, Grant, Bucky and Dana. He sat down next to his friend, and looked down at the infant he was holding, "My word, what are you two feeding this child. He's growing so much."
Before Jimmy Lee could answer, Dana exhaled from his cigarette and spoke in a huff, "Are we going to get this over with. Some of us have things to do."
Blackie looked up to the man in shock, "What's eating you?"
"I only get a few days at home a month, I'd like to spend them with my family," the blond exhaled.
Noah stepped up to the table. "We'll get started as soon as Danny, Claudia and Joe get here."
"We don't even get a clue what this is about buddy?" Bucky asked.
"Just wait, you'll see soon," Noah answered. "But while we're waiting go ahead and order breakfast. It's on the Medical Center."

The bell rang signaling someone coming into the diner and Blackie looked up. When he saw it was Devin and Charlie he waved them over and stood, greeting Charlie first with a hug then Devin. "Hey, something wrong?" the man asked concerned when Devin winced and pulled back.
Devin casually let his eyes wander to Dana before turning back to Blackie. "Oh no, nothing's wrong. Everything is right with the world." He grinned, lifting his t-shirt enough to show his friend the open lash marks on his stomach.
Blackie grabbed the young man's arm and led him a few steps away. "Holy fucking cow, Devin. What the hell?"
The young blond flipped his hair and shimmied his hips a bit as he smiled. "Oh man, Blackie, come on. They're great aren't they?"
"I recognize Ed's work when I see it." The man seethed low under his breath. "How could you do that to yourself? How could you do that to Charlie?"
The teen laughed louder, "No! NO! Not Ed's. And my baby knows all about it. He was right there with me." After a pause, he continued, "Look, ya know. You and Noah can't and that's cool, I respect that, but that doesn't mean that I."
Blackie interrupted him by moving in and hugging him, "I'm sorry. You're right. You are."
Devin returned the hug, and nonchalantly made eye contact with Dana.
As Blackie pulled back he reached into his pocket coming back with an envelope, "You know anyone who might want some of our equipment?"
"Maybe," Devin asked as he opened the envelope and flipped through the pictures, "What are you selling?"
"All of it,"
Devin looked up, his mouth dropped open and a look of shock on his face, "Everything?"
"Everything. Well, minus the chair and the smaller toys."
"What do ya want for the cage?" He asked.
"There's a price list in there. If you could just ask around you know. It'd be nice to be able to sell it all without running an ad."
"Sure, I'll ask around for you." He then spoke just slightly louder; the only one who noticed was Dana. "Charlie and I will be back in the city next weekend and I'll put the word out."
Dana's heart sunk a bit. There shows the next weekend were in New York City, Bucky and Sky were coming out for them, and now he wondered if Devin would try and make contact with him.
"Great, thanks Devin." Blackie said bringing Dana back focused.
"No problem, Come on Charlie. I don't know about you, but I'm starved."

As the two teens went to sit with the other kids, Noah turned to Blackie, "I think everyone is here and we're ready, baby."
"I'm right there, Doc."
As he sat down, Noah sipped from his glass then looked to the others, "Okay, I'm going to get right down to business. What do you guys think the average person on the waterfront does if they need a doctor and the Medical Center is closed?"
"Go to the hospital," Dana answered off the cuff as he lit another cigarette.
"Not hardly," Danny answered snidely.
"Most of the people who live down here are afraid of most doctors and the hospital." Blackie answered.
"We're doing what we can," Grant continued. "We really aren't equipped to go 24-7, Noah."
"But we are equipped," he answered. "We just need to decide to do it."
Bucky lit a cigarette of his own, and then spoke. "You want to go from Medical Center to Hospital with a five doctor, three nurse, one receptionist staff."
"And a physical therapist, and we have Jeff and Stewart part time." Noah added, then paused. "No, we'd need more staff and I'm not sure there are anymore in Port Charles."
"Anymore?" Danny asked.
"Noah, not all our doctors have to be gay."
"They're not," he defended. "We have Dad and Jeff, but you know, if we bring in too many breeders it's just going to mess up what we got going."
"Breeders?" Danny spoke up. "What's that suppose to mean?"
Claudia smoothed his arm, "Now honey,"
"I'm sorry, Danny," Noah answered. "You're cool."
Bucky laughed, "Before we start discriminating hiring practices, can I ask a few questions?"
"Sure, Buck," Noah answered.
"Why now?"
"Well, because it just bugged the crap out of me that I had to have Buffy transported to General on Christmas."
"Would you have rather been working on Christmas?" Grant asked.
The surgeon visibly shrugged, "But look at what we do now. We staff the clinic 8am - 6 pm, and have a doctor and a nurse on call in case an emergency comes in or if we have need for an overnight. Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather plan on working a night a week instead of being on call, thinking I'm not going to be needed, but then getting called in."
"So you're plan is going to call for you each taking one night a week?" Jimmy Lee asked.
"Depends on how many more doctors we hire," Noah answered. "At least a first we probably won't have many overnight patients."
"So we shouldn't jump into over staffing," Bucky added.
"Exactly," Noah confirmed. He then turned to Joe. "You want to tell them what we kind of worked out."
Joe handed out some papers as he spoke; "When you go from a clinic to a hospital it opens up new doors for more grant money. Noah and I put together a budget that would use new funding to pay for new staff."
"Yay! No pay cuts," Bucky laughed.
Grant looked over the paperwork, "You really don't expect us to make a decision right now. Do you?"
Noah shook his head, "Of course not. But that's also why I made it a spouses meeting. So everyone could hear everything then we can all go home and talk about it with our partners and I thought maybe we'd come back together here in a week."
The others nodded in agreement, and then Grant said, "One more question - Isn't this going to piss off the powers that be at General?"
Noah swallowed. "I thought about that. I mean we wouldn't be as far as we are without them being supportive of you and I refocusing, BUT we took over this center to help the people on the waterfront and I want to continue to do that the best way we can. My contract with General is long up and so is yours. The only doctors it could get sticky for is Jeff and Stewart. But Stewart has already told me he'd go with us if it became a fight."
Noah pulled some papers out of his brief cases and handed them around, "I've worked up a few different sample schedules based on how much new staff we hired." As he got to Claudia he explained to her, "And, Doll, I would want you to hire a second receptionist/records person. Someone you felt good working with, and trusting when you weren't there."
She nodded, "Okay, Noah. And just to let you guys know, and I think I speak for Danny to, I'm all for this. You are exactly right when you say that when we close the doors the people down here are without medical care."
Danny nodded, "The medical center has made it better for a lot of people, Noah, my family included. Look you were the only one who figured out about Tommy having asthma."
The doctor nodded, "Thanks you two. But I want you guys to go home, look at the budget and the way it would effect the scheduling and decide together if you want to make the commitment."

Dana snubbed out his cigarette and then immediately lit another, only letting his gaze fall to Devin for a split second. "If we're done with this can I talk business with Blackie and Danny so that I can take my family home?"
Blackie sighed, frustrated with Dana's impatience. "Sure, Dana, what do we need to talk about?"
He opened his notebook, and started down a list, making notes as they spoke. "The Grammies?"
Blackie frowned, and then looked to Danny, "I'm not going, man. If you want to, you can."
Dana looked down the table. "No, that's cool, Sticks. We decided not this year too."
"It won't hurt anything will it, Dana?" Blackie asked.
The man shook his head. "Not at all, we still have them banging the door for songs so as long as your work is charting, making it on radio we're good. What I'd like to do, though is still send out some thank you stuff to the bands who are getting recognition for you material to be delivered at the Grammies."
"Yeah, definitely," Blackie answered in unison with Danny.
"And set up a showcase. We can do that here in Port Charles though."
"Showcase?" Danny asked.
"Similar to what we did last year there, but instead of just the meet and greet atmosphere I was thinking putting you two on a stage with guitars and letting you sing and talk about some of you stuff."
"That sounds great," Blackie said enthusiastically. "When?"
"Well, if we can arrange it for the weekend after the awards we may have people still on this coast that will come in."
"Where do you want to do it?" Danny asked.
"What do you guys think?" Dana countered.
"The teen center," Danny directed to Blackie.
The man shook his head, "The Bucket."
"What?!?!?" The majority of the table answered.
"I'm talking big names here, Blackie, and you want to take them to The Bucket of Blood?"
"Why not?" the man defended.
"Because it's dirty, dingy, in a bad part of town just to name a few reasons." Dana argued.
"It's not dirty," Danny defended.
"And it's us, Dana." Blackie continued. "If you want us to just play our music, I want to do it as us. I'll talk to Spencer. We could even do a light buffet and have drinks there. We can't have drinks at the teen center."
Dana contemplated what the man was saying then nodded. "Another thing, Let me get someone, a woman, to sing some of the lead vocals."
Blackie stared coldly at the man for a moment, then pushed the chair away from the table and got up walking away with just a slight limp.

Jimmy Lee watched him walk away, then handed the baby to Grant and went to talk to him. At the table, Noah snapped at the blond manager, "Why do you always fucking do that to him?"
"What am I doing, Noah? I'm doing my job! I don't like it anymore then he does but if he's not going to make the lyrics more mainstream then he's going to have to pitch them to chick singers."
"Danny and he have done pretty damn good up till now by not changing a thing."
The other young man exhaled, then interrupted, "Noah, hey, I mean I get what your saying and I understand what Blackie feels. I really do, but Dana is right. We've been doing okay, but we lose a lot in our presentation."

At the counter Jimmy Lee slid up next to Blackie. "You okay, Dude?"
Blackie smiled to his friend, then let the frown that accurately reflected his emotions play across his lips. "Those songs are a part of me and my soul and he is forever telling me I have to change the lyrics or get some chick singer to sing them so the mainstream breeder public doesn't have a shit fit."
Jimmy Lee sighed, "That does totally suck."
"Yeah, it does. But what sucks worse is that he's right and I know he's right."
"Doesn't mean it doesn't bug you, man."
"No, but the other truth is Noah and I are okay and everything but we're not doing good enough that I can say fuck you to the money the music makes. I'm taking college now, Lori starts in two years and we got Robin and Brodie down the road. The clinic is doing better, but it's not the money Noah and Grant made at the hospital."
"You don't have to tell me that," Jimmy Lee agreed.
"You got to be feeling it too," Blackie acknowledged, patting the man's arm. "Instant family, and leaving your job."
HE nodded, "But I didn't make enough in my job to pay for the child care. Besides, I didn't want to push them into daycare."
"I understand. So talk to me about how it's going for a few minutes before I go over there and tell my all-knowing manager he's right."
JL smiled, "Pretty good, ups and downs you know, but they're going through a huge adjustment."
"More ups then downs?" Blackie asked.
The man nodded, "mostly language barrier problems, but they're learning more English and we're learning more Spanish. Rosa seems to have trust issues, but you know, she's been through a lot."
"She has," Blackie agreed. "If you need anything at all, buddy. Even if it's just to talk you call me."
"I will. And hey I want to show you something when you're done here."
"Okay, let me go tell pain in the ass he's right." He then moved from the counter and went back to the table, as he started to sit, Danny spoke. "Sticks, I know you're going to get mad at me but,"
"Dana is right," Blackie conceded softly. "It doesn't mean I like it, but you're right. All I ask is we get the final say on who the fish is."
"That's fair," Dana sighed. "And do me a favor, don't call the prospects a "fish" to their faces?"
"I won't," he smiled.
Dana looked to Bucky, "I guess we're done here. You want to grab Sky and we can go?"
The cardiologist smiled and nodded, as he left the table Dana said, "I know I said coincide with the Grammies, but let's plan the showcase for the end of March. When I'm home next month we'll have auditions. I know of a few people I'll call in and you can advertise and make it an open audition here if you want."
"Sounds good," The other two men said together. Blackie continued. "I'll talk to Spencer and see about getting The Bucket that night."
"And tell him I'll meet with him next month and hammer out all the details."

After Dana and Bucky had left, Jimmy Lee pulled out a sketchpad and handed it to Blackie. The man curiously flipped the pages and saw that Jimmy Lee had taped pictures of rather plane motorcycles in the corner of each page and then had sketched them out, modified and enhanced. "Wow, buddy, these are awesome."
"You and I could do that," he said.
"Do what?"
"Pick up baskets, and stripped down bikes, and rebuild them, soup them up and resell them. I bet we could turn a good profit too."
Blackie nodded, "You know it." He paused a moment then continued, "But between school, the kids and now this showcase, I couldn't promise a whole lot of time till April."
"That's kind of what I was thinking anyway, who wants to work out in the garage in this weather. But we can keep our eyes open for the first project bike. Like you were saying over there, the extra money wouldn't hurt."
"Not at all," Blackie confirmed. "Yeah, let's start looking."


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com