Chapter 6

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: R
Type: Slash
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: "post card" storyline inspired by the current BNL song "another postcard"

Early February
The Teen Center

Blackie walked across the stage in the teen center, playing the riffs and smiling as the sounds bounced off the walls and filled the room. It had been a long time since he had performed and for the first time he admitted to himself that he missed it. He turned and returned the large smile on Danny's face.

A few moments later they stopped playing and Blackie set the guitar down and walked over to the stool, his limp more pronounced.

"You OK, Sticks?"
"Oh yeah, I'm fine." He answered as he rubbed his knee. "It still aches sometimes, probably always will. This showcase is going to be great." He added, changing the subject.
"Yeah, It's going to be a lot of fun," Danny responded. "I'm glad we got the teen center to practice in, but are we going to get anytime in the Bucket?"
The other man nodded, "Yeah, the Wednesday and Thursday before, Spence is going to close for a few hours in the afternoon and let us practice. He'll be open as usual that Friday, and then Saturday Dana can have his people in there during the day to set up, and we can do a run through."
"Sounds good," Danny answered as he flipped through the binder sitting on the piano. "Hey, how about this one." The man said and then began to sing, "You read me wrong I wasn't trying to lead you on, I want a friend, I didn't mean to turn you on."

Blackie nodded and picked the guitar back up, hitting a few chords, then harmonizing with the other man.

Noah smiled as he picked up the bags off the counter. When he had heard the guitar playing stop next door, he had been afraid the other men were taking a break and leaving, ruining his surprise. "Come on, Claudia. Grant said they'd keep an eye on the desk for a half hour so we can have lunch with them."
"Sounds great," She answered and picked up her purse, walking out the front door and down just a few steps to the door of the teen center.

From the stage, the men noticed their spouses coming into the building carrying the bags and stopped playing.
Noah feigned a pout, "Oh, you're going to stop?"
"That's lunch isn't it?" Blackie asked.
The man laughed and nodded.
"Then yeah, we're stopping." He answered as he set the guitar back down and slid off the stool. Walking to the side of the stage, he slowly lowered himself to sit on the side as Noah and Claudia brought the bags over. Noah slid up next to him, "Just sit here, baby."
"Thanks, Doc." He said as he leaned in and kissed the man's cheek.
"You guys sound great. We can hear you next door." Claudia beamed as she handed her husband one of the take out boxes, "It's just Kelly's take out."
"What do you mean just," Blackie answered with an appreciative moan as he bit into the burger.
Noah dipped a fry in his ketchup, and then offered it to the young man, "good hu?"
"Wonderful," he answered.

Grant listened carefully through the stethoscope then asked the young boy, "Breath real deep and slow." He then looked up to the child's father. "If you excuse me for just a minute."
The frizzy haired blond grabbed his arm, "Grant, is something wrong?"
The doctor painted on a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it is fine, Luke, I just want to talk to confer with Dr. Carter." He then turned and left the exam room, closing the door behind him.
Alone with the boy, Luke felt his chest tightening. He knew that Bucky was a cardiologist. 'What does he want to talk to him about?' he thought to himself as he smiled wide so as to not scare the child and sat down next to the boy pulling him on his lap.
"We go soon, Dad?" the child asked.
He hugged him tight, "We certainly will. In just a few minutes."

Grant walked across the hall and looked into the office. Not seeing Bucky there he turned and went into the waiting room and found the young man talking to waiting patients and listening for the phone. "Bucky, can I see you for a minute."
The doctor turned and crossed to the other man, "What can I do for you?" he asked.
"I want you to look in on one of my patients."
The doctor frowned, "A kid?"
He nodded, "Eighteen months, I think I'm hearing a slight abnormality, but it's nothing I've caught before and he's a regular patient."
"Pretty healthy?" Bucky asked as he walked with the doctor back toward the exam room.
"Extremely so, he's in now for a cough, chest congestion."
The doctor nodded, "Maybe it's just a rattle in his lungs?"
"Maybe, but I don't know."
Bucky took the file and opened it, scanning it as they walked into the room. He then looked up to see his former lover holding the small child in his arms. He immediately looked back down to the name on the file and then back up. Slipping into Doctor mode, he extended his hand. "Luke,"
"Bucky," the man nervously smiled. "What's wrong?"
The doctor set the chart down and stepped up, looking down at the child. Holding out the end of the stethoscope he spoke to Lucky. "Dr. Grant here wants me to take a listen to your chest just to make sure everything is a - ok. Is that all right?"
"Uh-hu," the boy nodded.
Bucky leaned in closer, putting the stethoscope to the child's chest, fully aware of his close proximity to Luke as he did so." He closed his eyes, both to concentrate and to shut out any lingering lust.
He then stepped away and went to the door, opening it. "Bobby," he called out and when the red headed nurse turned, he asked. "Can you take your nephew here down to the lobby and get him the biggest and best sucker you can find for putting up with me."
The woman smiled, "certainly, Dr. Carter." She then called to the child who ran to her. The man then closed the door and turned to the obviously worried blond. "This is nothing serious, Luke."
"Then why did you send him out of the room," The man laughed to cover his anxiety.
"What Grant heard and called me in here to listen to is called a level one, or innocent, heart murmur."
"A heart murmur?" The man repeated and paled. "But he's usually a terror, he's just got a little cold that's been hanging on."
"Exactly," Bucky responded. "We were probably able to hear it today because he's run down and being quiet. It's very faint, and something he will most likely grow out of."
Luke grabbed the man's arm. "You're giving it to me straight, right man."
"Straight?" the cardiologist laughed.
Finding it contagious, Luke laughed as well. "Bucky?"
"I want to keep an eye on it. You bring him back in a month, sooner if you notice that when the cold is gone, he's not back to his normal self. If you notice him tiring easy, or of course, if he complains of any pain at all but I don't expect any of this. It's probably been with him since birth, Luke, and it will be something that heals as he grows.
He nodded, and extended his hand. "Thanks, Bucky." He then turned to the other doctor, "You too Grant."
As the blond turned to leave, Bucky patted his shoulder, "You have any questions at all or just want to talk about it you just give me a call, any time."
Luke turned back and smiled warmly, "Thank you, Bucky."

Teen Center
As Claudia and Noah picked up the wrappers, Danny came back to the edge of the stage with two guitars. Handing one to Blackie, he then sat next to him. "A couple more?"
Blackie checked his watch, "Yeah, I got like twenty minutes then I got to head to class."
Danny strummed the strings playing a few chords, then asked, "Work on that new one?"
"The one you started about your dad?"
"Yeah," Danny responded, "But I suppose we need to finish it if were going to play that at the showcase."
"I have a few ideas," Blackie answered. "Go ahead and start it."
"He works way too much, for way too little. . ." Danny's voice filled the room.

Noah and Claudia walked back from the stage and listened to the two as they watched. "What are you smiling at?" The woman asked her friend and boss.
"Look at him, Claud." He replied, and then blushed. "I love watching him perform. He is so at home and is so good."
Claudia nodded, "But you know, I'm glad they're just songwriters. I'd hate to think of what it would be like with the two of them on the road, like Dana is, Poor Bucky."
Noah nodded, "He tries to act like it's no big deal, but I know." He then noticed the woman's eyes were locked toward the door and turned to see the young lady who had just entered. She was wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt that accentuated her breasts, and didn't quite come to her jeans, showing off her mid section. It was all topped off with a large leather jacket over her slight short frame, and she carried a backpack and guitar case. Bright red hair fell to her shoulders in lush thick curls.
"I don't believe it," Claudia whispered.
"What?" Noah asked. "You know her."
"She went to school with Danny and Blackie." Claudia answered as the guitars and voices slowed and stopped.
Noah started to turn to look back but noticed her dropping the backpack and case to the floor. Hanging out of the top was a stuffed chimpanzee wearing a leather jacket and holding a pair of drumsticks. He then heard his lover's voice, "Oh my god, Jo-Dee?"
The girl smiled larger, her face lighting up. She opened her arms, and Noah turned to see Blackie carefully lower himself off the stage and then move as quick as he could with his limp to her wrapping his arms around the woman and pulling her in tight.

Danny jumped from the stage and walked over to Noah and Claudia. "Can you believe it?" He asked his wife.
Claudia shook her head.
"Why do you keep saying that?" Noah asked.
Danny stammered a bit, and then pointed. "I know Blackie's told you about his sixteenth birthday."
"Her?" the doctor asked, pointing.
Danny nodded. "Jo-Dee use to hang out with us, really just like one of the guys, sing with the band as bad as we were," Danny laughed. "Well, when Blackie pushed her away, well it was the last we ever saw of her."
"What?" Noah asked. "What do you mean?"

He then turned to see Blackie taking the girl's hand and leading her to the others, he then directed her attention to Noah. "Jo-Dee, this is -"
"Noah!" She smiled and extended her hand. "I told you I saw you on the TV. It's a pleasure." She directed to the doctor.
The uneasy feeling that had been building in the pit of Noah's stomach faded as the woman acknowledged their relationship. "It's nice to meet you, Jo-Dee."
"So where the hell you been, Red?" Danny asked.
"Around the world and back," she smiled as she stepped in and hugged Danny. "God, you're still the same punk you were when I split aren't you." She then turned to Claudia, "When I heard you two were together I had hoped you might have taught him some class."
Claudia smiled wide at the young woman, "What are you talking about? I have."
"You back for good?" Danny asked.
The woman shook her head, "Nope, two maybe three days, then I'm back on the road."
"Road to where?" Blackie asked.
"I think I'm going to head south," she answered.
Blackie turned to Noah and led him a few steps away before asking low. "Would it be okay if we invited Danny, Claud, and Jo-Dee to dinner tonight. I got to go to class now, but I'd like the chance to catch up a bit with her while she's visiting."
Noah suddenly felt guilty for the pangs of jealousy that had started brewing inside him. "Of course, baby. It's a wonderful idea."
Blackie smiled, "Thanks." He then turned. "I have to leave here in a few. I have class, but Noah and I want you to come to the house for dinner tonight, please, you two too. I'd love for you to meet the kids." He directed back to the woman.
She smiled at her long time friend and one time crush. "You sure, that's a lot of work on short notice."
"No problem at all," Noah answered.
"Then sure, it sounds like fun." The red head answered, and reached for her backpack. "When and where?"
Blackie turned to Noah who answered, "How about our six o'clock at our place,"
Blackie continued, "On Nolan,"
The girl interrupted. "I know where it is." She then reached into the bag and pulled out the stuffed animal tossing it to Blackie.
The young man caught the chimp and stared at it a moment, before it all fit together. He went back to the young woman hugging her again, "I should have known it was you."
Suddenly Noah felt twinges of jealousy resurge in his veins. "Hey, Baby, you're going to be late for class." He said.
Blackie pulled back and turned as he looked at his watch. "Oh, yeah, you're right." He then moved back to the doctor, embracing him tight and then kissing his mouth softly. "Thanks for lunch."
Noah eased again. "You're welcome, baby. I'll see you at home."
"I'll call you after my class to see what you need then I can stop buy the store for you."
"What I need?" He flirted. "You want me to cook?"
"You'll make sauce, won't you?" He pleaded with big eyes.
"With pleasure." He then kissed Blackie again, deeper. "I'll talk to you after your class then."
"Right." He then turned to Danny, "Dude, can you -"
"Bring your guitar? Yeah, I got it. And I'll lock up the amps too."
"Thanks." He then hugged Claudia. "I'll see you later, beautiful." Then turned to Jo-dee one more time. "It's so good to see you again. I'll see you later."
"I'll see you later, Blackie." She giggled to his retreating frame.

After the young man was gone, the red head turned to Danny. "Kelly's still a good place to get a burger?"
"Of course," The man answered. After a pause, he continued. "You going to see your mom while you're in town."
She frowned and shook her head, "Not if I can help it. I just breezed through here to see you two."
"JO-DEE!" He answered. "Do you know what you put everyone through when you just took off?"
She looked back toward the door, and then turned back. "I had to go, and I've talked to my mom over the years. She knows I'm okay. But I'm okay because I left. I'm only here to see the good things."
He nodded. "Where you staying then?"
"The Oak Tree still open?"
"Hell no!" Noah said with a visible shiver. "I mean it is open, I think, but you're not staying there!"
"I can take care of myself, Doctor." She giggled.
"No, he's right." Claudia answered. "You are not staying there. You'll stay with us."
"Really?" She continued to beam. "That is so kind of you. Thank you."
Noah exhaled, the last thing he had really wanted to do was offer her a place to stay, but was about to do so. He wanted to kick himself. He knew completely that he had no reason to be jealous of the woman. He trusted Blackie and his love completely, but as he stood in front of the only person who had been intimate with his lover in anyway before him he couldn't help himself. "Claudia, we should get back to the clinic. The afternoon appointments will be coming in."
"OH, you're right." She turned to Danny, "You'll take Jo-Dee over to the house and get her settled?"
"Sure, soon as she helps me put the equipment away."
"Just like the old days?" The redhead laughed.
"Yeah, like we had equipment back then." Danny answered with a laugh of his own.

As Noah and Claudia left, Danny led the girl to the stage. The two hopped back up and Jo-Dee picked up the guitar Blackie had been playing, unplugging the amp from it and looking for the case. "So when did Sticks actually learn to play. He sounded great."
Danny smiled, "When he was on the road the last couple years."
She nodded, "I caught that show in Japan."
"You were in Japan?" Danny asked shocked, as he sat down on the stool, wrapping the amp cords as they talked.
"Yeah, I've been just about everywhere. I actually just got back in the states about two, maybe three months ago."
"How could you afford to travel like that?" He asked curiously.
"I just let the music carry me where it would take me." She paused a moment. "He looks great, ya know. I heard the motorcycle accident was really bad."
Danny frowned, "He almost died, a few times in those first few days." He paused. "Jo-Dee? You understand, right. I mean that Blackie is with Noah and -"
"I'm not stupid!" She laughed, and then winked at him, "I get it. I know."

Noah walked down the hall and into his office, picking up his white medical coat and putting it on over his jeans and long sleeve t-shirt. Crossing to the desk he picked up the stack of files, and opened the first looking it over.

Bucky came into the office and crossed to the couch dropping down and sorting his thoughts a moment.

"What's up, Buck?" Noah asked as he closed the file.
The man shook his head, not really wanting to talk about it. "How was lunch with the kid?"
"Interesting," he answered, then reflected again about the beautiful young woman. "Some girl showed up down there that Blackie went to school with. It turns out she's the anonymous monkey sender."
"The hu? OH! The postcards! If it's an old friend, why did she never sign her name?"
Noah shrugged, then felt his blood run when he thought of his lover hugging the woman. He then cussed himself as he lowered himself to the chair, "Knock it off, Noah."
"What?" Bucky laughed.
"I'm being stupid." He answered as he made notes in the file.
"You can't be thinking for one minute that Blackie is physically interested in some, what's his word? Fish?"
Noah laughed, "I know it's stupid. I know."
Bucky laughed with him nodded, "But not anymore stupid then me worrying cause I noticed how damn hot Luke was looking today."
Noah shook his head, "What are you talking about?"
"Grant called me in to conference on his kid, only I didn't know who till I got in there."
"Lucky? Is something wrong with him?" Noah asked suddenly very concerned.
Bucky shook his head, "A very very slight, heart murmur. I have him coming back and I might run a few tests, but it's absolutely nothing."
Noah sighed in relief. "So you took a minute to notice,"
"How the package was wrapped," Blackie continued with a giggle. "Yeah, and then I'm sitting here feeling major guilt, but damn, it was just a look."
"You're not dead, Bucky, everyone notices other people."
The cardiologist nodded, "You're right. It's just kind of weird, I haven't really even looked at anyone but Dana in a long long time."
"Don't beat yourself up over it," Noah answered. "You and Dana are so good together, so strong. And with him on the road . . "
"It doesn't bother me," Bucky answered with a tone that that indicated he was surprised himself. "And it's getting kind of scary, Noah, I miss him, don't get me wrong, but I'm so comfortable with the fact that he has his work and I have mine."
"That's a good thing, that comfort level shows how strong your trust is and that your relationship is solid."
"Yeah, you're right," The shorter man smiled. "I guess I better see some patients."
The surgeon smiled, picking up his files, "Yeah, me too."

Noah/Blackies "DADDY!" Robin pleaded from the table.
Blackie turned from the counter where he was chopping tomatoes. "What is it, Munchkin?"
"Did I do them all right?" She asked handing the paper up.
He looked the paper over as he smoothed her hair, "Perfect! Put all your homework away and you can play until Dinner time." He said then kissed her forehead as he handed it back to her. He then turned to the infant in the high chair picking at the cheese and crackers. "How about you, Brodie? You done with your snack?" He asked.

As the baby babbled his answer back, the kitchen door swung open and Noah came in as Robin pushed her way through. "Hi Daddy, homework all done, I go to play."
"Hey, hey, hey, Doll face," He called out as he grabbed her arm and bent over. "Don't I get a kiss?"
The girl giggled as she kissed the man quickly. "I go play now."
"Okay," He answered with a tired sigh as he continued in the room and then met Blackie with a hug. As he relaxed into the younger man's embrace, Blackie responded. "You're tired."
He nodded, "A little bit, yeah." Then looked around the kitchen. "You chopped up all the veggies for me?"
"I wanted to help. I knew you would be tired," he answered then followed with a tender kiss.
Noah deepened the lingering kiss. After it broke he moved to the counter. "It's a huge help, baby. Since you got this much done, I'm going to soak in a hot bath and relax for fifteen or twenty minutes, then I'll start cooking."
"You do that." Blackie answered.

Noah had no sooner slipped into the hot water, than he heard the light knock on the door and then saw Blackie peeking in. The younger man smiled, and continued in offering the older man the glass of wine.
The doctor took it, "Thank you so much, you spoil me."
"I try," Blackie answered. "Really, I know it's a lot for you to have company after a full day work, especially when you have a full day tomorrow too. I appreciate it so much."
Noah reached out and took the man's hand. "Well, it's not everyday some one from your past breezes into town. I don't mind at all." After a pause, he continued, "Some one watching Brodie, can you join me?"
"Anna just took him upstairs for awhile," He said as he sat on the edge of the tub.
The dark haired doctor tugged on the other man's arm, "Come in here with me."
Blackie brought Noah's hand to his mouth and kissed his hand. "You just relax now, I want to talk to you about something."
Sensing a serious town, the doctor adjusted himself and opened his eyes fully, "What about?"
"Jo-Dee," Blackie answered.
Noah smiled, "She's that 16th birthday present chick. Danny told me."
He nodded, "Yeah, but there's some stuff you don't know."
"Tell me?" the man asked as he softly caressed Blackie's hand in his own.
With a nod, he started telling the story, "She kind hung out with Danny and I since we started with the music thing, but I knew her before that. Her and her mom lived in the same building Mom and I did. She had a similar situation too, a lot of guys coming in and out of her mom's life, not all good."
Noah nodded, "So you had a friendship."
"Kind of, yeah, not close like Danny, but sometimes we'd hang out on the front steps and talk and stuff. We were definitely friends, but it was more of she hung with all of us."
"I understand,"
"And you also know how I struggled to tell mom about being gay, and couldn't."
Noah squeezed his hand and smiled in support as Blackie continued to talk about difficult times.
"Well, after she died I felt guilty about that, so I hadn't told anyone in that year. For about a month or so before my birthday, I could tell her attitude was changing, you know, she was getting more and more flirty and stuff. Part of me just played along with it just so I could be like everyone else."
"I can understand how you would want to feel that way," Noah comforted.
"So anyway, it was my birthday and all my friends were at Danny's and it got to be late, so I offered to walk her home before I went back to Mom and Dad's. We get to the apartment, and from the hall we can hear the newest disaster in her mother's life screaming and yelling and carrying on. So, she asked me to come in for awhile, till he passed out."
"Oh boy," Noah commented.
"Yeah, so anyway, I did. We went in and went to her room and just talked for a while, and then she started spilling the way she felt and everything, and kissing me. I just went with it. Part of that trying to fit in I guess, or I don't know, but it didn't take too long for me to figure out I couldn't make myself like it or her or it with her," He stammered.
When the younger man paused, Noah spoke, "Danny said she just disappeared?"
Blackie nodded, "I just kind of pushed her off me, told her it wasn't right, I couldn't do it and left. The next day I felt really bad and went to tell her why, ya know, the truth and her mother said that when she had got up that morning she was gone. She just packed up her some of her clothes and a few things and her guitar, left a note that said, "I just can't stay" and left. I felt so guilty for so long."
"I imagine it wasn't just that night that made her go."
"You're probably right, but I felt real bad."
"Well, then tonight maybe you can make up for that."
He nodded, "That's what I want, just a chance to tell her I'm sorry I was so rude about it. You know?"
"I do know," He nodded. "But she's been sending you those postcards, I don't think she's been all that mad."
Blackie smiled, "I guess you're right." He then leaned in and kissed the doctor's cheek first, and then his mouth. "I love you so much, Doc."
"I love you too, baby." Noah answered as he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck and then pulled him into the hot bubbly water with him.
"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The younger man screamed, then splashed the water at the doctor. "You brat!!!"
"You love me," Noah giggled.
"Yeah, I do, incredibly so," Blackie answered as Noah's lips fell to his.

Noah came from the kitchen as the knock fell on the front door. Blackie picked the baby up from the walker and put him on his hip, "Come answer the door with me, Brodie?"
"No! no! no!" The baby chanted as he patted at Blackie's shoulder in time.
Laying the baby in his arms, he tickled his ribs as he asked, "Then you want to go see Daddy?" He asked as he playfully held him out to the other man.
"Daddy! Daddy!" the child cheered, and Noah took him.
"How about we all go answer the door?" The doctor said as another knock fell.
Blackie opened the door and smiled to the three people on the porch, "Come in, Come in."
"Oh my Goodness!" Claudia fawned as Blackie helped her off with her coat, and then hung it on the hook in the foyer, before taking Danny's and Jo-Dee's. "I think he grows by leaps and bounds every time I see him." She said as she extended her hands.
Brodie shook his head and continued his chant, "No! No! No!"
Blackie laughed, "Don't feel bad, it's his new mantra."
Noah laughed as the child giggled and then happily went to the woman. "I think he just likes the way it sounds." He then guided them toward the studio, "Everyone come in and sit down. Can I get you something to drink?"
Blackie walked to the bottom of the steps and called up, "Robin, Munchkin, I want you to come down and say hi." He then turned and went into the studio, Danny and Claudia had settled on the couch, but Jo-Dee was looking over the cabinet that held his Grammy and pictures from the road.
She turned and smiled at the dark haired man, "Boy, Sticks, you sure did good, hu?"
"Can't complain," Blackie returned her smile.
"Hey! Who you!" Robin said as she ran in the room and tapped the woman's hip.
Blackie picked up the girl and balanced her on his hip, "Robin this is a friend of mine. Can you say hi to Jo-Dee?"
"Hi Jo-Dee," She said and then looked to Noah, "Mom said ask you when's dinner?"
"Tell your mom and Lori it'll be ready in 30 minutes. Okay?"
"I do it." She answered as she wiggled down Blackie's body.
"You going to say hi to Danny and Claudia?" he asked.
The girl ran over, holding her hand up, and then slapping Danny's when he did. "Hiya dude." She then waved to the woman, "Hi Claudia."
"Hi, Robin," she replied. "How have you been?"
"Good. I was playing a game with mommy. I better go back before she cheats." She answered then turned and ran up the steps.

Jo-Dee came back into the kitchen to see Blackie loading dishes in the dishwasher. "You need help with that?" she asked.
"Oh you caught me!" He responded with a feigned guilt. "Shhh, if Noah finds out I'm in here doing this he'll make me stop. I don't want him to have to do it later."
The red head came to the sink, and began rinsing the glasses as she handed them to the other man, "That's sweet of you, but you always were like that."
Blackie took the dishes and put them in the dishwasher in silence for a few moments, trying to find the right words to say what he needed to. He could hear the young woman's voice, but wasn't really listening to her. From the few words that did sink through his concentration he gathered she was talking about how she had caught a few shows of the oversea tour.
He shifted his weight off the knee that constantly ached. "That trip was absolute hell. Had it gone the full two months it was suppose I probably would have gone mad."
"Seeing the world with a celebrity entourage. How could that possibly be hell?" She asked light heartedly.
He shrugged, "I don't do too well without my family around me, especially Noah. I had just come off this super traumatic thing, which he had to take a lot of time off work for, and his grandmother had been sick so he couldn't come overseas." He paused. "I was so upset I stopped eating."
She swallowed, she couldn't deny she felt some of the feelings she had long buried, but also knew that it simply wasn't meant to be. "That's pretty intense, but the good thing is he's just as mad crazy in love with you."
He laughed, "Yeah he is."
"I am so happy for you," She returned as she rinsed out the sink and wiped her hands on the dishtowel.
Blackie closed the dishwasher, and then grabbed one of her wrists, turning her to him. He spit out his emotions, "I'm so sorry, Jo-Dee. I really am."
"What about?"
"About the night you left!" He nearly screamed in frustration.
"OH, Blackie! Please, it was what? Five years ago? Besides, it had nothing to do with you."
"Instead of getting all weird and making all those excuses I should have just told you the truth."
"Did you know the truth?" She asked, and he could see it was something she often wondered about.
He nodded, "I did know, but I was also afraid of that truth."
She stepped back pulling her hand from his grip. "I need to tell you something, Blackie. I was upset when you left, but that's not why I split. Earl had one of his Oscar worthy performances, yelling, screaming and I couldn't take it. I mean, I know you know what I mean. Your mom did the same thing stringing loser guy after loser guy into your life."
"Did he hurt you?" Blackie asked.
"Not how you're asking me, but he did, the screaming, the yelling, the stuff with mom, I just couldn't take it anymore. I threw my shit together, just what I could carry, and left. I won't say there haven't been hard nights, but for the most part I've been able to carry myself on my own. Singing for my rent and singing for my supper, you know."
"Yeah, I do know." He smiled back. "And I'm glad the wind carried you back into town. I've worried about you a lot over the years."
The red head smiled as she leaned in and touched his left cheek while lightly kissing his right. "I'm glad we had the chance to talk too, Monkey face. And I'm so glad you're happy."
He laughed at the use of the old nick name and threw an arm around her shoulder, "Come on, what do you say we have an old fashioned jam session?"
"Sounds like fun," She laughed.

As they came out of the kitchen they nearly ran into Noah carrying Brodie who was now in his pajamas. The baby reached out, "Song, Daddy!"
As Blackie took the child in his arms, Noah said, "Both kids want their lullaby."
"We were just talking about getting the guitars out. Can they stay up for a few songs, and then I'll sing theirs."
"Sure, they can," he responded, "Let me go get refreshments for our guest."

"Which guitar you want, Daddy!" Robin asked as she jumped up and down swinging her arms at them.
"I want you to not knock any of them off the wall, Munchkin." He laughed as he came up behind and took the white Gretsch. He then turned to Danny. "Which one you want to play?"
"I'll get it, you got your hands full." The man laughed as he stood and grabbed one for him and one for Jo-Dee. Claudia moved to a chair as Danny and the redhead settled back down on the couch. Blackie sat down in the opposite chair, setting Brodie down, and watching the child grab hold of the footstool for support. "You okay, Brodie boy?" He asked as he let him go and watched him hold his balance.

He then reached over and pulled the amp out from under the end table, and motioned to the woman, "There's another one under that one, and cords in the drawer."
Robin dropped down next to Brodie and tapped Blackie's knee. "Whatcha going to sing?"
"Do you have a request?" He asked as he began strumming the strings and tuning the guitar.
"Me song!" she smiled.
"Daddy's going to sing you lullaby in a little bit." Noah interrupted as he set beers down in front of his lover and his two friends, then refilled Claudia's and his glass from the wine bottle."
"I think she means this one." Blackie said as he broke into a hard riff.
"Yeah! Yeah!" the girl answered as she jumped to her feet and began dancing.
Noah sat on the footstool, and took the baby's hands as he began to bounce with the music.
Blackie sang, "She's got a smile that it seems to me, Reminds me of childhood
memories, Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face she takes me away to that
special place And if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine"

Blackie faded out with the guitar and watched Noah laughing as the baby tried to sing along. "Noah, oh my god, listen to him."
"He's great, isn't he? I should go get the video camera."
"He's got like perfect tone."

"Do you like this, little dude," Danny asked as he began playing. Blackie and Jo-Dee quickly joined in as the infant continued to dance and coo with the music.

Noah slid his arm around Blackie's waist and pulled him in tighter as they said good-bye to their guests on the front porch.
"I'll see you at the clinic in the morning, Noah." Claudia said as she took Danny's hand.
"We going to practice tomorrow?" He asked as he happily took his wife's hand.
"Yeah, sure, same time as today?" Blackie responded, then turned to Jo-Dee. "You going to join us?"
She shook her head, "Nah, I'm going to see some other friends and some family tomorrow, then probably head out tomorrow night."
"Where will you go?" Noah asked, still trying to wrap his mind around the fact the girl just drifted through life.
"South," she repeated, and then added, "There's someone in Nashville who heard my tapes and wants to talk."
"Nashville?" Blackie asked as he made a face, "Country music?"
She laughed as she moved in and hugged the man's neck. "It's not all rock and roll." As she pulled away, she said, "You take care." She then turned and offered her hand to Noah, "It was so nice to meet you."
The doctor stepped in and hugged the woman, "It was nice to meet you too, Doll. You take care of yourself out there."
"I will."

