Chapter 7
Happy Valentines Day

Author: Connie and Shay
Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash, Het
Pairings: Luke/Laura/Scott, Drew/Martin, Trish/Chris, Blackie/Noah, Dana/Devin, Dana/Bucky, Devin/Charlie, Noah/Blackie/Anna, Joe/Cyn
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: A little late, but a steamy hot valentine story. ENJOY!

Valentine's Day

Trish jumped as the ringing phone jarred her from peaceful slumber. "Hello?" She mumbled.
"Good morning, Trisha, did I wake you?"
She smiled happily. It was her boyfriend, New York Senator Christopher Freed. "Good morning to you, handsome. You did but I needed to get up anyway. I have to see the doctor today."
"Are you alright?"
"Perfectly, just a quick check up for the baby." She patted her enlarged tummy mentally counting the days till she delivered.
"What time?"
"Want to have lunch after?"
"Sure. Where?"
"Want to come to the house? I'll cook."
Her breath caught. In the months they had been seeing each other he had always come to her place on Drew's estate or they had met at a hotel. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." He smiled. "And wear something red."
Trish giggled, "And why should I do that?"
"So I can take it off you, you little minx."
The woman gasped. "My, my,"
"I mean it this time, honey, I'm ready." He paused. "Are you?"
"And you can? I mean will it. . . "
She cut him off. "It's fine. I'm fine."
Just then his call waiting beeped. "I need to take another call. Shall I send a car or do you want to just come over?"
"I'll just come over."
"Great, bye honey." And he disconnected.
"Gee. I love you too." She said aloud before hanging up her own end and snuggling into the covers for a few minutes. She rose and padded across the floor to the bathroom.

Main House
Martin smacked the alarm and reached for Drew. Finding the bed empty his eyes shot open and settled on the stuffed bear holding a single long stemmed red rose, a note bearing his name and sign reading, "squeeze me!" Grabbing the toy he first pulled the flower free, inhaling its scent before freeing the note and squeezing at the same time. As the toy vibrated and roared against his chest he chuckled and read.

Happy Valentine's day, Marty baby. I love you more then life itself, your smile makes my heart sing. I'll be on the go all day so you won't catch me at the office, however at 5 PM I'll be waiting for you. Where? I'm sure I can't tell you.

Putting the letter down, he frowned and squeezed the bear again before continuing to read.

Oh stop pouting, baby. It's just a game. A game you can call off by calling my mobile but if you want to play, your first clue is on the breakfast bar.

Find me at 5 and I'll roar for you . . . .all night long if you want.
Roo Bear

Giggling and excited over the notes promise, Martin jumped up from the bed and ran down the steps toward the kitchen where he found a large heart-shaped box and another note. He read.

The contents of the box is for the lady of the estate. Enjoy our morning with her as she has your next clue.

Port Charles
On her side nestled against Scott's chest with her head in the crook of Luke's shoulder Laura opened her eyes and stretched, laughing to herself silently as both men groaned in protest.
After a little wiggling and squirming she finally managed to slip from the bed and watched, her heart full to bursting with love as Scott and Luke both moved to the center of the bed, wrapping their arms around each other in their sleep. Though legally married to Scott their was no doubt that in her soul she, as well as he, felt equally as married to Luke, the man they had invited first into their lives, then their bed, and finally their hearts. Leaving the room she first checked on Lucky, the tot was sleeping soundly so she made her way into the bathroom.

Dana Miller stepped into the airport terminal and checked his watch. He then threw his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the payphone, punching the buttons to his credit card then home phone quickly by memory. He nervously tapped his fingers against the wall. "Good morning, Lover, happy valentines day." He said to the groggy voice that answered the phone.
"Same to you, Honey." Bucky smiled into the phone as he pushed himself up in the bed.
"I just landed in New York. I'm going to meet up with this client, have a quick pow-wow, and I'll be on the first commuter flight I can catch after that."
"And then your home for awhile." He said brightly.
"Yes, this pre-release stuff is done. I'm home till May," Dana answered. "I love you, and I'll see you in a few hours."
"I have to be at work till 2:00, honey, but I'll be home ASAP. Love you too," the surgeon answered as he hung up the phone.

Dana hung up and rubbed his eyes as he started for the street where he could pick up a cab. "What in the hell are you doing?" He chastised himself, yet he continued on.

Stepping out of the shower, Laura slipped into the filmy lace crotch-less teddy that she knew Luke would appreciate and then after adding dabs of seductive perfume in all the right places she added a more subtle shortie pajama set that was more her husband's taste. Small fists knocked on the door. "Mommy! I gotta wee." Came the high voice of her young son.
Donning her robe she grabbed brush and opened the door letting the boy in. As she did the scent of coffee hit her nose.
"Daddy and Papa both up?" she asked as she began to brush her now drying long blond hair.
"Yep, Daddy pour Papa coffee and Papa say thank you with a kiss." He reported as he stood and looked down at the potty chair. "All done, you can empty it now." He mumbled as he ran out of the room.

10 minutes later
Her hair now laying in golden waves around her shoulders she dropped her brush into the drawer as the door-bell chimed in the apartment and soon she heard Ruby's voice joining Scott, Luke, and Lucky's. Minutes after that she heard the door open and close again signaling that the little boy was gone for the morning with the diner owner.
Opening the door she tossed the robe onto the sink and made her way towards the kitchen. Finding Scott putting the juice away she wrapped her arms around his firm waist. "Morning"
Immediately Luke came up behind her, his arousal obvious. "Morning."
Scott moaned at the feel of the cool soft silk against his back. "Ruby said we should pick him up at noon."
Laura giggled, "That's only three hours."
"Then why are we out here wasting time?" Luke asked huskily.
Scott laughed. "Put a cork in it. Laura might be hungry." He turned so that he could embrace his wife. "You hungry, baby?"
Leaning in she pushed her mouth to his, kissing him hotly and wetly. "Not for food."
As the kiss broke the young lawyer panted. "Bedroom now." And lifted his wife into their lover's arms and leading the way into the bedroom.

Once on her feet again Laura turned, kissed Luke softly and whispered, "You're next." And moved to stand in front of her husband who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Lifting his chin, she smiled down into his eyes. "Happy valentine's day. I love you."
He smiled, "I love you too." And began to caress her body softly, enjoying the soft mewing sounds coming from her lips.
Reaching up he stroked her breast and looked over at Luke who was in the chair obviously enjoying the show.
Laura moaned as Scott's hand slid between her thighs, rubbing gently. "Feel good?"
"Mmmmm," she responded. Arching her back she moved against his hand. Letting her ride the wave of pleasure for a moment, Scott groaned and pulled away.
Laura whimpered.
The man laughed. "Ssshhh," and slid his hands up under the shirt and found the lace. "hmm, what's that?" He asked as he stood and lifted the shirt off her and let it fall to the floor. His breath caught as her full creamy breasts came into view. He could see that the teddy was mostly just scraps of lace.
"Good God!" Luke exclaimed as he now moved forward.
Laura giggled.
Sliding his hands up the legs of the shorts, Scott sucked in air hard before pulling back and then sliding them off her hips.
"Fuck!" Luke Cried when he saw the whole thing and reached for her.
"Not yet." Scott chuckled as he guided his wife to the bed. "You ready?" He asked her low in her ear.
"Uh-hu." She breathed, drawing her legs up yet keeping her knees locked together.
Reaching forward Scott pulled her legs open wide, displaying her for the other man.
"Oh, baby, you are so hot." Luke mumbled running his hands over her body before moving in and licking her inner thighs toward her moistness as he pushed his shorts down and kicked them off.
As soon as the man's warm wet tongue made contact with her folds, Laura screamed.
Scott Chuckled, "I think she likes it."
Luke lifted his head, "I know she does." He teased and bent his head again going back to work.

Stage door to Winter Garden Theater

Dana walked in the backdoor of the theater quickly flashing the id/pass that he given a few weeks earlier. "Devin Kincaid?" he asked.
The man pointed up the small staircase, "Turn right at the top, second door on the left."
Dana nodded, guilt still coursing through his veins but coming to life as sheer arousal he climbed the steps, and followed the man's directions.
Standing in front of the door he knocked lightly. When there was no answer, he knocked again.
The door slowly parted open, and then he saw the short young blond. His hair was bleached even lighter then it was normally, but still flopped down, nearly covering his eyes. His skin looked tan and glowing. "a tanning bed?" he thought to himself.
Devin smiled wide, showing deep dimples in his cheek as he opened the door ever so slowly, exposing the tight faded jeans and casual cotton shirt with several buttons unbuttoned. A delicate tasteful gold chain hung on his neck as well as a hoop earring.
Dana smiled as he took the young man in, "Hi," was all he managed to push out.
Devin turned, speaking low as he walked away from the door showing off a bit as he walked. "Come in,"
It was as he was walking away that Dana realized how much he was dressed like and acting like Bucky had when he had first met the cardiologist. Dana exhaled softly, "What am I doing here? Why?"
Devin turned sharply. "You're here cause you can't stop thinking of me." He said rather assertively. He then stepped beyond Dana and pushed the door shut before he circled around the older man. Standing in front of him, he pushed up on his toes slightly and started to move in to kiss the manager. When Dana cocked his head to meet his mouth, Devin dropped to his knees, hugged the man's legs, and then looked up beginning to undo the buckle of his jeans.

Dana's hands fell to the younger man's hair. "God, Devin, you are so right." He then gasped as the younger man enveloped his organ with his mouth and began to expertly stimulate him. He stroked the other's hair and cheek as his legs began to shake and his knees grew week.

Devin pulled back and smiled up at the object of his burning desire. "Do I please you?"
Dana nodded slowly, smiling softly. He stepped out of his jeans that were crumpled around his ankles, taking the shoes and underwear off with them. "Over here," he whispered taking the younger man's hand and leading him to a small couch in the room. "This is so wrong," He spoke out loud knowing in his heart he should flee.
"We've been doing this for six weeks now, Dana. Have I been true to my word?" Devin asked as he sat down next to the other blond.
"You have kept your word. You've been very discreet." He conceded.
"And we make each other happy?" he asked.
Dana nodded, the younger man had made him smile more in the last six weeks then he had remembered smiling in months.
"I won't fuck things up with your kid. I know she's important to you." He whispered ever so softly.
With that, Dana leaned in and pressed his lips to Devin's kissing him deeply.

Laura cried out as yet another orgasm reached her body. Luke continued to feast himself.
"Please, please, please," She begged. The two men showered her with love, not letting her return.
Scott lifted his head from her flat stomach and move his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply then whispering, "Enjoy it baby." And then unsnapped the few remaining straps of fabric and pulled the teddy from her flesh so that she lay before them completely naked.
Raising his head, Luke again slipped two long fingers into her entry. When she responded with an expected passion filled squeal he grinned feeling his already almost painfully erect organ throb. Rolling to his back with his head in the center of the bed, he reached out a hand, "Come here."
Moving as quickly as her shaking limbs would allow she attempted to straddle his hips.
The tall man chuckled, "Not yet," and guided her body up his body turning her so that he could again lick her core.
Her head fell back almost immediately wave after wave of pleasure began to crash over her. Taking one of Laura's hands Scott guided it to the front of the shorts he was still wearing and the bulge they were barely hiding while at the same time with the other hand pulling her head forward so that her gaze fell on Luke's equally impressive erection that was leaking generous amounts of pre cum to the pool on his stomach. Smiling at the lustful beam in her blue eyes he whispered. "Feel that?" He thrust against her hand, "And feel that?"
In response she moaned.
"All for you, baby." Scott said as he pushed his shorts down and under her watchful gaze stroked himself ever so slowly and lightly before pulling away and settling back near the headboard.
Laura started to lean forward but Luke held her still. The blond man was waiting for a cue from the other.
She wined in protest.
Scott laughed. "Now?"
Letting go of her hands Luke wrapped his arms around her hips pulling her flush to his face and using his mouth to suck hard directly on the hardened little nub that was the very center of her desire.
Instantly her mind exploded with pleasure and the tremors that tore through her made their way into Luke's body causing him to grip her body tighter in an effort to not interrupt his oral pleasuring.
Eventually Laura realized someone was shrieking and it was she.
"Hey baby," Scotty called as she came down.
She turned, swinging her sweat soaked hair over her shoulder as she did. Finding him smearing what she knew had to be fresh seed across his chest she smiled as another tremor shook her.
"Mmmm, he smiled in return." That looks so good." His eyes slid to Luke's body. "So does that. You want it?"
"Uh-huh," She mumbled barely able to form a coherent thought.
"Have it."
Luke's hand slid up her back and pushed her forward.
But before she could fall Scott moved in catching her and kissing her passionately then guiding her down.

Winter Garden Theater
In the small bathroom off the rarely used office, Dana finished buttoning his shirt and then slipped the jacket back on. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he quickly turned away and went back into the other room in time to see Devin hanging up the phone.
"Can I share a cab with you to the airport?"
"You're going back to Port Charles?" Dana asked.
Devin smiled. "I promised Charlie I'd be home in time to have a nice dinner with him tonight."
Dana nodded and answered, "Sure, you can ride with me."
The young cocky blond smiled as he sashayed across the floor, stepping into the arms Dana opened to him and hugging him. "I'm so glad you're going to be around town now for awhile. I've missed you so much."
The older man rubbed his back and kissed his forehead softly. "I've missed you to, Dev. But. . . .but. ."
"Shhh," he whispered laying his fingers against the man's soft pink lips. "I know. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not going to hurt you, Dana?"
Closing his eyes, the manager drew the other's fingers into his mouth and suckled softly at them before kissing his palm. "You call my cell phone, and only my cell phone."
Devin nodded, and then stepped away, leaving an arm around the man's waist as the two left the building.

As they settled into the cab, Dana dialed the cell phone and waited for an answer on the other end.
"Medical Center," Came the voice on the other end of the phone.
"Noah? Is that you?"
"Dana? Yeah, it's me." The doctor checked his watch as he continued with the paperwork. "Bucky just stepped out, he should be back in about twenty minutes."
"Do me a favor, Noah and tell him I should be coming in on the 1:30 commuter flight?"
"Certainly will, Dana."

Dumbfounded, Martin read the clue he had gotten from Trish aloud for the fourth time. "At the place and time we first met, it is not me you'll meet today; but one you know quite well."
"What the hell is he talking about?" he asked himself, at first he had thought his lover was referring to the sleazy little Baltimore bar they had found each other in almost 12 years before, but then realized the note said first met and had to turn the car around.
Stopping at a red light he frowned. "I can barely remember 20 minutes ago much less damn near 20 years ago."
As the light turned green he was hit with a memory,

The young senator dressed in black and wearing sunglasses walked beyond the Rose Garden with recently inducted President Johnson. "Thank you, Martin," The man said as he offered his hand. "I thank you for your input on this matter." He then looked up as the couple crossed the garden approaching them. "President Johnson," The large man greeted with an extended hand, and then turned to his wife. "My wife, Cynthia Fitzgerald." "Mrs. Fitzgerald," The president greeted, and then turned to the senator. "Senator Drake, this is Andrew and Cynthia Fitzgerald," "Of course," the dark haired senator answered, taking off the dark glasses and letting his green eyes meet the power attorney's. "It's Martin, and my condolences to your family." He said as his breath caught when the handsome man gripped his hand."

Port Charles

Blackie stepped out of the shower singing happily to himself as he remembered Noah's sweaty body below him that morning.
Robin ran into the room carrying a huge paper heart. "Daddy, Daddy!"
"Whatie? Whatie?" He grinned lopping the towel around his waist and scooping to her up.
"Happy Balentine's day daddy." She kissed his lips.
"Thank you, Munchkin. Is that for me?"
"It's for Limmy Jee, Daddy!"
"It is huh?"
"If Limmy Jee is your valentine, who's gonna be mine?"
"Uhmmm, daddy!"
"Hmm, yeah, ok. If I can't have you, I'll settle for Daddy." He smiled. "But if Limmy Jee is yours and Daddy is mine, who is Grant's valentine then?"
Cocking her head the little child thought for several moments before speaking, "Ori."
"Lori?" He laughed, wondering how she came up with that.
"Yeah, cause Brett no here and Limmy Jee mine so Rant have Ori."
Blackie laughed. "If you say so, Munchkin." He lifted her down. "Can you go get me a pair of undies? I forgot them."
"Me say so and o'tay I go get em." She scampered out of the room.

Walking down the hall of the white house on his way to the south lawn Martin smiled to himself wondering who he would find if not his lover himself. Stepping out in the rose garden he at first saw only the first couple. 'Andrew John Fitzgerald I am going to murder you,' he thought to himself. As he finished thinking the murderous thoughts he heard his name being called from behind him and turned, his smile becoming true when he saw whom it was. "TED!" Martin greeted cheerfully.
"How's it going Marty? What are you doing here?"
"Good, good, and I'm not sure. I'm on a wild Roo chase."
The senator laughed loudly, "Do I want to know?"
Martin cringed. "Oh no. It's not you?" He sighed loudly. "Drew dreamed up this weird little Valentine's Day game of he hides and I seek. I was supposed to go to the place we first met at the time we met and see someone I know well. I almost went to Baltimore, but we didn't really meet there and besides that was at night and it's almost 11 in the morning now and I supposed to find him by 5." He paused to breath. "I got here and found them out there and thought I'd have to kill Drew but then you showed up and I know you weller then I know them and if it's not you, I swear I will kill him I really will." He finished with another long sigh.
Ted laughed. "Did you just say you know me weller?"
Martin frowned, "Fine, make fun of me. If you'll excuse me I think I'll go have lunch with Bonzo and the Bitch now."
"You could do that or we could go grab a bite. I'm free." He held out a long envelope while flashing a classic Kennedy smile.
Relief washed over Marty's face. "Oh thank god! I never did look that good in stripes."

"Uh uh uhh uhhhh" Laura grunted as Scott pushed his throbbing cock into her ass pulled out and pushed in again. Sweat dropped in rivers off her body, she was no longer a wife and mother she was no longer a woman; she was a pure sex and both men loved what she had become.
Orgasmic sized shockwaves coursed through her with each stroke, clawing at the bed she screamed out with pleasure. Laura found herself caught in a bizarre catch 22 where she wanted to beg them to stop, but having figured out what the were building up to and preparing her for thought she'd just die if she didn't get it.
Moving in Luke pusher her head into his groin to revive his semi soft member as Scott suddenly tensed, pushed forward burying himself in her body and letting the climax wash over him with a rush of impassioned curses coming from his lips.

Laura collapsed forward, her breathing ragged and uneven. As Scott rolled to his back, Luke reached across the bed and began to stroke his flaccid cock. Laura purred at the sight.
He grinned lustfully, "You like that kitten. You like watching me jerk his hot dick."
The woman made a low throaty sound as she crawled across the bed.
Scott thrashed his head. The sensations Luke was bestowing were heavenly and though his body had yet to recover from cumming to responded to his lover he thrust his hips to let him know he wanted him to continue.

"Slide up," Luke directed, pointing to the headboard. When the man had done as asked he spread his legs wide and laid facing him between them. Teasingly mindful of Laura watching he began to slowly and softly lick his shaft.
Scott moaned loudly, "Soo good."
Sliding her hand in Laura caressed his sensitive balls and was rewarded by primal screams.
Lifting his head the man with the curls turned his attention to the woman, "Come here, sweetheart."
Willingly she went to his arms.
He kissed her softly. "You ready to be made love to?"
She giggled, "Isn't that what we've been doing?"
Scotty moved in from behind her, embracing them both, "Nope, that was fucking and it was amazing but this is different. We haven't in a long time."
Her breath caught what she had guessed they were building up to couldn't possibly be. "You mean?"
Luke kissed her neck, "Both of us, right here. Right now."
"Mmmm," she responded both to his words and to the rush of excitement she felt when her husband organ pulsed against the small of her back.
"I think that's a yes." Scott smiled as he pulled away and laid on his back, spreading his legs wide.
Gently Luke helped her straddle Scotty's hips and guided the other man into her. Both of them called out in pleasure as she began to move slowly up and down.
Stretching out Luke laid his legs over Scott's thighs and waited for Laura to move up. When the men had positioned himself, she slumped forward clinging to his shoulders. The new angle lit a fire inside her. "Oh god, god, god," she cursed when Luke's dick slid into her slick hole with her husband's. Both men shuddered as she began to ride them both.
"Oh, baby, you are so good." Scott panted.
"We love you so much," Luke added.
Laura opened her moth to return the words of affection but as she did a tidal wave sized orgasm gripped her and caused her to scream as her body convulsed. Her spasming cunt causing Luke to lose control and then triggering Scott soon had the three of them squealing out each other's names as they rode to the stars in bliss.

15 minutes later
Laura lay content on her side, struggling to keep her eyes open when Luke slid from the bed.
"No! don't!" She tried to reach for him.
He laughed and pointed to the clock. "I'll be back in 20 minutes. I promise."
She nodded her head already back on a sleeping Scott's chest. "Love you."
He kissed her lips. "I love you too." And then after running a finger through the other man's sweaty hair he got dressed and left the room.

Blackie stared blankly up at the ceiling, trying to keep his focus on his American history professor as he droned on and on in an even monotone voice. All around him were the quiet soft snores of dozing students. He looked at his watch. "Almost over." He nudged and whispered to the girl sleeping against his shoulder.
Shell opened her eyes, "Wha?"
"2 minutes left.'
She sat up, "Cool, oh and sorry."
He laughed softly. "It's alright. But next time your shoulder is my pillow."
"Test next session on what we discussed today, and pages 200 - 235 in the text." Came the teacher's voice.
For just a moment Blackie panicked until he remembered the tap recorder in his shirt pocket. After checking to make sure it was turned on he clicked it off and said. "Cool, something to do besides count cracks in the ceiling."
Around him students laughed. "Cram jam at your place then?" a boy asked.
"Sure, how about seven tomorrow. Blackie answered as he walked down toward the door. "Noah'll make nachos or something." As he stepped outside he was immediately surrounded by a quartet of men in black tie and tails. "uhm. … hi. .. . "
"You Blackie Kelly?" One of them asked.
"Yeah," he mumbled. "You work for Frank Sinatra?"
Shell, who had heard the story laughed, other students merely looked confused.
"Why would you think that?" answered the man and casually dropped his arm over Blackie's shoulder. "Come on with us, we want to talk to you."
Letting himself be led away he soon blushed bright red when they began to sing, Let me call you Sweetheart.

Let me call you Sweetheart
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper that you love me too.
Keep the lovelight glowing in your eyes so true
Let me call you Sweetheart
I'm in love with you!

I am dreaming, dear, of you
Day by day
Dreaming when the skies are blue,
When they're gray;
When the silv'ry moonlight gleams,
Still I wander on in dreams
In a land of love, it seems
Just with you....

Let me call you Sweetheart
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper that you love me too.
Keep the love light glowing in your eyes so true
Let me call you Sweetheart
I'm in love with you!

As the song came to an end one by one, each of the men stepped forward. The first presented him with a bunch of red roses, the second with an enormous box of candy, the third with a note which Blackie read to his friends, "Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I love you and you are my sweetheart. Love, Noah." And finally the fourth moved in and took a Polaroid picture of the red faced young man. After that he handed Blackie the photo said, "Happy Valentine's Day." And stepped back in with the other three.
Again the man spoke. "Is there anything you'd like us to say to your Valentine when we call to give our delivery story?"
Blackie laughed, "Oh no. I'll tell him everything I want to say to him myself."
The man nodded, "Have a good day then."

After they left, Blackie mumbled. "I am going to kill him!"
Shell laughed. "Why?"
"Yeah! Why? That was soooo sweet?"
"Sweet?" The man screeched.
"Yeah," She giggled and began to sing, "He wants to call you sweetheart cause he's in love with you." And then ran off.
Laughing himself, Blackie chased off after her.

Charlie/Devin's room
Charlie came up the stairs and into the bedroom, tossing his bag in the chair. He then turned to see Devin wearing the leather shorts he loved so much kneeling in front of the bed, head down, with various toys spread out on the floor in front of him.
The young man paused and just stared at his boyfriend for a moment, letting him build up his nervous anticipation while his cock grew rock hard inside his jeans.
Slowly he moved across the room until he was standing in front of Devin. Reaching down he grabbed the boy's hair in both his hands, and jerked his head up.
Devin's eyes closed. First he needed Charlie to punish him for what he had done, then he knew they would have hot sex while he fantasized about his older lover. It was his new addiction that had developed over the last couple of months. He could be with Dana guilt free as long as he let Charlie punish him for it, even if the other man thought it was all a sex game.
"Don't tell me you've been bad again," The teen sneered, realizing Devin needed his fantasy driven game."
"I've been very bad." Devin answered.
Charlie jerked his hands forward, pushing Devin face first into the hardwood floor.
As the young man cried out, Charlie grabbed his wrists, which Devin held together naturally from his years of submission. Picking up the cuffs, which were in easy reach, he snapped them on Devin's wrists then pushed him forward so he was flat on the floor.
Charlie then dropped back to the bed and watched the other boy lay trembling anticipating what was to come. He slowly unzipped his fly, the sound filling the dead silent room, and freed his raging hard cock. Slowly stroking it as he watched the boy tremble.
He then reached down and picked up the leather-covered paddle from the floor. He pulled back; ready to use it, then suddenly dropped it to the bed. "No, Devin, I'm not going to do it." He spit. "It's what you want, and this isn't about what you want."
He then stood, and stepped out of his shoes, walking around the man, he pushed his sock covered foot up to boy's mouth. "Why should I make you happy?"
"Because I live to make you happy." Devin answered, then began working to pull the boy's sock off with his teeth.
After a moment, Charlie reached down and helped Devin remove his socks, and watched as the boy went back to orally adoring them.
After several minutes, Charlie leaned down, and lifted Devin by the hair. "I have a surprise for you." He then pushed the young man up so he was on his knees again, left the room back, and came back a moment later, struggling with the kennel from Blackie and Noah's dungeon.
He set it in the middle of the room. "You like that?" He asked and watched Devin's eyes get big. "I thought you would. Happy Valentine's Day, baby." He whispered lovingly, and then kissed his lips. He then grabbed the young blond's hair again, and pulled his head back, using his other to stroke his own cock in his face. Several moments later after he exploded all over Devin's face, he pushed and shoved the teen into the kennel locking the door.

Devin curled up and closed his eyes tight as Charlie turned the stereo on loud, only feeling mildly guilty for the fact he was cheating on someone who loved him so deeply.

Laura woke up as Lucky's excited voice came through the fog of her dream. "Mommy, mommy, mommy."
The boy laughed. "Get up Mommy, Papa said we're gonna play in the snow."
"Then let Papa do it." She protested groggily.
Luke appeared in the doorway. "I plan to, but you're going too, you both are."
Scott's arms snaked around her waist. "No."
Lucky climbed up on the bed and began to bounce, "Let's go play! Let's go play!"

After several minutes the couple trying to sleep gave up. Laura grabbed her son and tickled him. "Ok, little man, you win."
"Yay!" he cheered. "Let's go."
"After lunch." Scott directed. "Mommy is hungry."
"Nu uh" he argued.
She laughed. "Yes, huh!"
"Ok, fine."

Tossing the roll of duct tape into the cart Martin looked at the odd collection of things he had been instructed to buy: duct tape, a pound of bacon, play dough, Popsicles and thumb tacks. The note he had gotten from Ted had said to buy the items, take them home and inside the front door would be a note telling him what to do with each one.

Slumping down in the rented car, Drew laughed to himself as he spotted his lover stepping out of the grocery store. Waiting until Martin had driven off; he then put the car in gear and drove off in the opposite direction.

Caroline picked up the block from the floor and put it on the tower that she was building with her mother. Just then a knock came on the door, and Cynthia asked, "Who's that?"
Caroline pushed herself to her feet and moved to the door on her shaky toddler legs, calling out, "Blackie! Blackie!"
Joe came from the kitchen and swept up his daughter just as she got to the door. "You think that is your brother?" He asked as he opened the door.
"Blackie!!!" She cheered as she nearly jumped from her father's arms.
The young man smiled and took the little girl. "There's my sissy!"
Joe smiled as his son and young daughter laughed and talked at each other. "Blackie, you sure this is okay. It IS Valentine's Day and all."
He smiled, "Sure it is, Dad. Noah has to work till four anyway." He glanced at his watch, "I'll be back in two hours. So be quick about it."
The man laughed as he hugged his son tight. Something he was sure to do every time he saw the young man, still very aware of how lucky he was the man was still with them. Cynthia then handed him the diaper bag and followed with a hug of her own, "Thank you, Blackie."
"Sure, mom," he whispered in the woman's ear. "We'll see you two in a little while."

Joe closed the door, and then took his wife's hand leading her into the kitchen. The table was adorned with candlelight, and rose petals on the table. There were two plates full of food and glasses of wine. "I know it's only 1:30 in the afternoon, but we're alone now."
"Ohh, Kelly, this is so wonderful," The woman smiled, and then set her husband down in the chair. Turning she crossed the room, and pushed a button on a tape player. When the loud rhythmic music filled the room, She turned on her heels and moved back toward her husband, slowly unbuttoning her blouse as she did. As she straddled his lap, Joe look down to see the black lacy bra she had on under the flimsy blouse. His hands slid up her bare legs under her skirt and clenched her bare ass.
"No panties!" he groaned, "You hell cat."
She laughed as she pulled pins from her hair and shook her head. Her red locks now falling down around her shoulders. She then slithered up to him, kissing his neck. "We can eat this wonderful meal when your daughter is back, Kelly."
Joe stood up and the woman's legs wrapped around his waist. "I have a whole new appetite, Red."

The man set the several large boxes down as he used his key to open the door to the apartment. He turned, picked up the boxes and turned back, nearly dropping them when he saw his lover standing in front of him wearing nothing but a large red bow tied around his waist. "Welcome home, honey!" The doctor called out, and then moved quickly to take the boxes from the manager as he saw them begin to fall.
"Damn it, Dana! Didn't we talk about this presents every time you come home stuff!"
As the doctor turned to set the boxes on the table, Dana then playfully pushed him down to the couch and stepped back unzipping his jeans, "Where's Sky?"
Bucky gasped at Dana's enthusiasm, "Spending the night at Noah's"
"Good," He answered as he fell to his knees behind the man. Leaning over him, he kissed his shoulders and neck, "God, Lover, you make me so hot! I missed you so much," He groaned as he pushed himself inside the other man.

Blackie pushed the teen girl's up the steps as he heard the garage door opening and the Porsche pulling in. "Go! Go! Go!"
"Gawd, he acts like he never gets laid," Sky laughed.
Lori laughed with the teen, "yeah, geez, Blackie."
He picked up the glass off the table. As soon as the door he opened, he handed it to Noah. "My love," He whispered.
The surprised man took in his lover wearing the black suit. He took the glass and sipped from it, "Thank you."
He then took the man's hand and led him into the other room. "Chose A or B?" he said. Noah flirted a moment then said, "B"
"Good choice," Blackie then led him into the bathroom. The large tub was already filled with a strawberry bubble bath. A large platter of fruit and cheese set next to the tub, and the open wine bottle. Slowly Blackie began unbuttoning Noah's shirt. "Happy Valentine's Day."
"I want my song," the man said snidely.
"You don't get a song," Blackie answered with a feigned sharp tone.
Noah rolled his lips and pouted.
"You want a song? Okay, how about" he began to sing, "Let me call you sweet heart."
Noah laughed and leaned in pressing his lips to the other man's. "I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Noah." He kissed his mouth again, "And I'm glad you picked B."
"What was A?" The surgeon asked with a groan.
"Four guys in tuxes embarrassing you in public," He giggled.
"You didn't like my present?" "I loved it," Blackie sighed against Noah's mouth. "And I love you."

Chris Freed's House "Oh honey, that was amazing." The man panted while lying on his back letting his breathing return to normal.
Trish nodded, turning away, a hand going to her stomach.
"What is it Trisha?"
"Nothing," She winced. "The baby is just being a little active."
Gently he took her into his arms. "I hurt you?"
"No!" she stated firmly. "I'll be fine."
Softly kissing her cheek he whispered, "I love you and I'm telling you now as soon as your able I want us to announce our engagement."
Trish smiled, but inwardly sighed. "Post orgasm Chris always waxed poetic about marriage.
He tilted her chin so he could look in her eyes, "You don't believe me?"
This time she sighed outwardly, "It's not that. It's just that maybe it is a little too soon to talk about marriage."
"No harm in just talking."
"True," she conceded. "So when we going to do it? Next month? Month after?"
Reality began to creep in and he laughed nervously. "Alright, alright, you win. But I meant what I said. I love you."
"I love you too, Chris."

Arriving home, Martin found an envelope bearing his name taped to the back of the door.

Hi Marty,
Having fun? If not, you're about to. Toss the duct tape in my toolbox, I was about out. The bacon goes in the fridge so I can make you breakfast in the morning. The play dough is for Randy, stick it in his room. The Popsicles are to go on and in that hot body of yours.

Martin groaned as he finished reading.

Hopefully you didn't buy a giant box because if you did you'll be late. Take the box upstairs where you'll find the camcorder at the foot of the bed. Turn it on and have a good time. When you're done, put the tacks in the desk in the den then drive to your office and wait for further instructions.

Switching the camera on, Martin pressed record and smiled into the lens. "Hey, Roo bear! You're crazy." Slowly as if his lover were there Marty began to disrobe. Once naked he smiled lazily and began to stroke his cock. After several pleasure filled minutes he stopped and rolled on his hands and knees, his ass facing the camera. Knowing what his lover wanted to see he spread his legs and reached back, pulling the globes of his ass apart. Using one hand he opened the box of frozen treats and shuddered with desire and nervousness. Reaching back with an open orange ice pop he slid it down his crack. "Oh fuck, so cold." He couldn't help but call out."
Lining it up against his entry he yelped in pain as his hole constricted.
About to give up he suddenly felt as if his lover was there, encouraging him, spurring him on with dirty, nasty talk.
Marty rolled to his back and turned the prop his feet on the headboard. Reaching down between his legs he again lined up the melting Popsicle. Closing his eyes he pushed.
"AAAHHHHH!" Ripped from his throat and though it hurt he went to work thrusting it in and out of his body.

Karen's house
Karen leaned in and kissed Anna again slow and smooth. "You sure you have to leave?" She asked.
"Yeah, I do." She answered as she picked Brodie up from the blanket on the floor. "I need to get the kids home." She then called out, "Robin, honey, come on it's time to get ready to leave."
"Randy loves having Robin here to play with, and Brodie is fine." She said again.
Anna looked down then up, "I'm sorry, Karen, I'm. . . well. . . I . . ."
The other woman nodded; there was only one thing it could be. "I understand."
She let her hand run over the woman's long hair, "Karen, I'm really sorry. You always seem to pay -"
"Nonsense," she answered. "It's been just about a year."
Anna nodded, "I've been thinking about it a lot lately."
"Her," She answered tearfully.
Karen took the baby from Anna's arms. "Come here, Brodie, you little cutie. You go right back to the toys, sweet heart." She said as she set him back down, and then took her girlfriend into her arms. "It's okay, Anna."
She wiggled out of Karen's arms, "I'm sorry, Love. I don't want to." She stumbled and swallowed, "It's not fair to you. I won't be with you while she's so heavy on my mind."
"She's dead," Karen said firmly.
"I know that!" Anna answered, then took a deep breath, and called out, "Robin! NOW! Come on, it's time to go home."
Karen grabbed her arm, and turned the woman back. "I'm here for you, waiting until your really ready, Anna, because I love you."
The woman nodded, and touched her chin. "I love you too. I just need a few days to deal with the memories, Love."

Noah clenched at the sheets beneath him as the man above rhythmically pushed against and inside of him. The scent from the candles and the sensations of the warming oil on his back only enhancing the mood.
His lover's voice hit his ear, "Soooo good, Doc. You feel so good. I love you so much."
He reached up above him, his hand grazing the young man's soft flesh. "My life, baby."
"My life," He answered and then took the small scalpel in his hand and sliced the man's shoulder.
Noah cried out.
Blackie dropped his mouth covering the wound, and the surgeon relaxed. Feeling his lover's hands trail down his arms and then clenching his hands, he lifted his hips meeting each of Blackie's thrusts as there emotional bond braided together, strengthening.
"Now, now, now baby," He encouraged as he felt his climax nearing. When his lover began pumping his hot seed inside him, Noah let go and rolled over the edge with him.

His breath still ragged from his recent climax, Martin buttoned the waistband of his black dress pants and reached for his tousled white shirt. Slipping his arms through he looked in the mirror, and ran his fingers through the sticky melted fluids on his chest. "Little snack for you, Roo." He whispered as he pushed his fingers through his hair finding it to also be coated with the sugary fluid. He picked up the thumbtacks off the bed and followed the last of his instructions going down to the den and then out to his car.

Twenty minutes later he walked through the halls of his office building, several people will milling around as they were leaving work for the day. His shirt sill buttoned only two thirds of the way, he walked through his outer office, then into his private office and sat down at the desk, looking it over for the next, and what he guessed would be final clue from his lover.

Looking at the phone, he saw that his answering machine light was flashing. He pushed the button and Drew's voice filled the room.

"Marty, Baby, The last 10-12 years have been filled with a lot of rush meetings, and a lot of sleazy dives, but no more. If I had my way, we'd fly out to the Sands and relive our honeymoon, but neither of our schedules allow for that. So meet me at the Willard. There's a key to room 1524 under your desk mat, and we'll have a one night get away. I hope that tonight I can make up for all the Valentine's Day's you spent alone."

Pushing a joyful tear off his cheek, Martin lifted the mat and found the gold colored key. Many a time they had left hotel keys hidden in each other's office to plan get aways, but never for anyplace even remotely like the Willard, the finest hotel in DC. He slipped the key in his pocket and left his office humming happily to himself.

Caroline slept soundly in her bed. Sitting nude on the couch wrapped up in her husband's also nude body, Cynthia took the bite of ice cream he offered her. "Cindy, you are so amazing."
She slid her hand against his cheek, "you are, Kelly."
"I'm the luckiest man alive," he responded.
She reached up and touched his lips with her own. "Yeah you are." She teased, and then sobered as she snuggled into his chest. "Do you know how blessed we are to have each other, Caroline and Blackie?"
Joe swallowed as he pulled the woman tight to him and kissed her forehead. He said a prayer of thanks everyday that he still had his son in his life. "I do," he answered.

Charlie sat in the corner of his bed, his arms tight around his knees he pushed the last of his silent tears off his cheeks. Hopeful the loud music had hid his breakdown from the man in the cage. No matter what Devin thought, Charlie wasn't stupid. He had encouraged the move to this house near the row of fraternities, and now for the last few months, Devin was falling back into the patterns he had been last time he cheated on him. Only now, he had gone as far as to lighten his hair and begin tanning. Charlie laughed to himself, his purist little health nut was radiating his body, and Charlie was sure it was to please a man other then himself.

As his emotions had in the last few weeks, his tears turned to anger. He walked over and straddled the cage, not much bigger then his boyfriend's body, and then used the remote to turn the stereo off. He then pounded his hand on the top of the cage, "Devin!" he called out.
Devin's body shook out of slumber. "What!" He yelped.
Charlie pounded harder, "What?"
"Sir, I'm sorry," Devin's voice trembled, hearing an anger and hardness rarely heard in Charlie.
"Devin, are you cheating on me?" Charlie asked in a hard low voice.
The blond's tremble grew. Now confronted he wanted to be honest but he had a commitment and a promise to Dana. If he told Charlie he was in fact seeing someone else he would want to know whom, everything would unravel, and he would lose them both in the end. "No. No, Sir, I swear I am faithful to only you." He vocalized.
Charlie's fears eased a bit and he let out a long sigh. Devin could be a lot of things, but he had once promised him he would never lie to him, and in the year and a half they'd been together he had kept that word. Devin, if nothing else, was always true to his word.
He slid down off the cage, and looked in through the small door. "You like your present?" he asked softly.
"I do, thank you," He answered.
Charlie opened the door.
Devin hesitated for a moment, then wiggled himself out the best he could with his hands still handcuffed together behind him. It had been hours, and his arms and hands were blue from the circulation cut off.
Charlie couldn't help himself, the pain, the anger; it was being replaced with arousal that made his blood run hot. He took the key to the cuffs from his pocket knowing that as soon as Devin was free of them he too would be hot and they would passionately make love.
Sure enough as the cuffs fell to the floor, Devin slithered up Charlie's body, pushing him to the floor. He ground his body against the other teens, and the two began to feverishly undress each other.

Willard Hotel
Martin put the key in the lock and slowly turned it. Almost sad the game was over.
Walking in the room, he found it illuminated with candles and full with bouquet after bouquet of flowers, a menagerie of everything from roses, to tulips, to chrysanthemums. Drew lay in the middle of the bed, totally naked, his body glistening in with baby oil and his erection throbbing from his body.
Martin smiled, his whole face lighting up as he crossed the room. "There you are my Roo bear."
Drew motioned him to come closer, and then pulled gently on his shirt bringing him close enough to kiss. "Just waiting to roar for you, Marty baby."
"I love you, Andrew," He mumbled against the other man's lips.
"Love you too, baby," he answered as he slid his mouth down the man's chest.
"Mmmmmm, grape."
Martin laughed as he kicked his shoes off and helped Drew pull the shirt from his body.

In the shower, Dana let the water run over his face washing away the tears that streamed nearly as hard as the water. He leaned back against the wall of the shower and slid down. What had once been guilt over hurting Bucky and Sky had now become his heart being torn between the cardiologist and the young piano prodigy, his heart adoring both of them and his body aching for the other when he was with one. He heard the bathroom door open, and pushed himself back to his feet as Bucky pushed the shower curtain back
Seeing the pain in the other man's face, Bucky reached over and turned the water off. "What is it, Dana? Talk to me!"
"I'm just so tired, Lover, tired and stressed.
That was reasonable to Bucky. The media blitz and early tour dates he had been doing the last six weeks had been hard, especially since he was pushing to spend as much time as he could with himself and Sky. The doctor took the other man in his arms. "It's okay, Honey. You're home now."
"I'm home," Dana answered as he squeezed the man tight in his embrace. "I'm home and I'm not leaving again till May."
"It'll be so nice to spend this time together."
Dana nodded, "I've missed you, Lover. I really have."
"Me too. Come on now, Let's dry you off and go snuggle up in bed. You need to just stay there for a week and rest."
Dana shook his head; "We have reservations at the hotel. Big fancy romantic dinner, and then we can come home and snuggle in bed."
Bucky sighed, "Do you really want to go out?"
Dana frowned, "You don't want to?"
He could see it was important to the other man, so he smiled. "Sure, sure I do. Let's get dressed."

The front door slammed and Blackie jumped from his light sleep. He then quickly settled back down against Noah's body as the surgeon's arms came around him holding him tight.
Hearing the person walk down the hall, and also hearing scurrying on the steps, he quickly surmised it was Anna home with the kids. He leaned over and whispered, "I'm going to make sure everything's all right, and she doesn't need us to take control for awhile."
Noah grunted and loosened his embrace, letting Blackie slip from the bed. He slipped into his bathrobe, and crossed the hall. Standing in the doorway, he peaked into the room and saw Anna standing over the crib, looking down at the baby. He started to speak, and then realized the woman was weeping. He started to back away to give her some privacy, but then turned back and slowly, quietly walked into the room. "Anna," he whispered as he placed his hands on her arms.
The woman turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around her neck, her body collapsing against his as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Shhhh, Anna, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here." He tried to comfort as he held her tight.
A moment later, Noah was in the room, "What's wrong?" he asked.
Blackie just shrugged as the woman continued to sob against him.
"Come on, Doll," he whispered as he came up behind her and guided the two of them toward the door, "Let's go in the other room and let Brodie sleep."
As they walked into the hall, Anna pulled away from the two of them, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She rattled as she turned and ran down the hall. Blackie chased after her, nearly stumbling with his weak knee as he grabbed her arm just before she reached the sliding doors. "Don't run away from us." He pleaded, "Please."
She turned back and fell to her knees, running her hand through the carpet as she continued to sob. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't supposed . . ."
Blackie's heart sank and he turned back toward the bedrooms. Believing she was unhappy with the current living arrangement, he slowly lowered himself to the floor and tried to embrace Anna again. "Talk to us, please, Anna." He said.
She looked up and smiled at the man through her tears, immediately knowing where his mind had jumped. She adjusted herself and pulled her legs tight to her body, "It's not what your thinking, Love. It's not."
"What is it?" he asked.
She shook her head, "I-I-I-I mm-m-m-m-miss, Holly." She swallowed hard. "Remember the night we decided for sure to have Brodie?"
He nodded as he reached for her arm. "I miss her too. I use to try not to, but I do."
Noah lowered himself to the floor with the other two, wrapping an arm around the slight woman. "I think it's normal. She was a part of our lives for a long time, and a part of yours for so much longer than ours."
"But the deceit," Anna said. "And the things she said and did in those last six months."
Noah pulled her in, "But your feelings for her were true, and that doesn't go away because she hurt you. You know, the promise that Blackie and I made to you that night. The family we committed to having with you, that's all still there. It's just that it's the three of us now."
Anna asked, "If there were someone else in my life . . ."
"WHEN there is someone else in your life that you love and want to be with, they will be accepted into our family, Anna. We love you." Blackie insisted.
She turned to Noah, "Even if that someone were Karen?"
Noah nodded as he reached over and hugged her. "Do you love her?" He asked.
Anna shrugged, "I'm not sure yet."
Blackie moved in taking both people in his embrace. He whispered in Noah's ear, and when the doctor nodded, he then pushed Anna's hair off her shoulder and whispered to her. "Come lay with us, Anna. Let us hold you till you don't hurt anymore."
"Thank you, boys," she wept. "Thank you so much for being there for me."
Noah kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair again then helped her to her feet before offering Blackie a hand. The three of them, together, went back into the couple's bedroom. Where the surgeon guided the young woman to the middle of the bed, each of them laying on either side of her and embracing her as she wept.

Laura lay in the snow wiggling her arms and legs.
Luke laughed. "Hey Lucky, your mommy looks like she's having fun."

Just then Frisco pulled up in a squad car, "Excuse me, Laura Baldwin?"
She looked up. "Yeah?" She answered.
He handed her an envelope, "I'm sorry." He glanced to Luke, then to Laura. "You've been served."
"What!?!?!" Luke and Laura exclaimed at once.
"I'm sorry the young cop said and quickly retreated.

"OH God!" She sobbed sinking to her knees as long past images reeled through her mind.

Once behind the club, Brian threw her against the wall.
Grabbing her shoulders he shook her, beating her head against the wall over and over.
As he pounded her he took pleasure in her cries and the splattering of blood.
"Why?" She cried.
"Ask your faggot brother" he yelled, slapping her across the face.
Laura couldn't believe this was happening. Brian was her friend.
She was relieved when he stopped beating her and stepped back.
He sneered and reached out to grab her by the collar.
"Dumb bitch you are going to pay." He yelled into her face as he threw her to the ground.
Making no attempts to cover her screams he let her yell as loud as she wanted. They were behind the club and the music was too loud. No one would hear her.
He opened his pants and took sick pleasure in the fear in her eyes. She knew what was coming.
Brian raped her in the most violent way imaginable.
He beat her head into the ground and slapped her face as he sexually assaulted her.
Taking pleasure in every cry for help.
When he was through he stood and reached into his pocket.
Jerking her to her feet and pulling out a knife he said "Now you die."

"Get away from her Phillips" he called out in warning as he made his way through the debris in the alley.
"Sure thing." Brian sneered as he plunged the knife into Laura's body, pulled it out and let her drop.
"Fuck." Luke screamed as he grabbed Brian and rammed him into the wall.
Dazed but not out Brian spun and jumped onto Luke. The knife plunged deep into his shoulder.
Reaching up he grabbed it and threw it to the ground. It landed next to Laura's leg.
The fight went on for several minutes and neither man saw Laura slowly crawl to her feet clutching the knife in her right hand.
Luke was loosing the fight. He wasn't sure how he had lost the upper hand but he had.
Brain had him on the ground pinned against the wall and was standing over him.
He choked with every rib cracking kick Brian delivered.
When he looked up he smiled.
"What are you grinning at?" Brian demanded with a jaw crushing kick to the face.
"Laura" Luke answered spitting blood on the young black man's foot.
"What?" Brian kicked again.
"Me, you sick fuck." Laura managed from right behind him.
Brian turned, startled. He thought she was dead. He had no time to react as Laura using all the strength she had left plunged his own knife deep into his chest.
She took a step back, watching Brian choke on his last breaths.
Kicking his legs out, Luke knocked Brian down. The younger man fell forward driving the blade in all the way to handle.

"SCOTT!!!" Luke screamed toward the house.

When the lawyer appeared Luke was reading. Stopping he handed him the papers.

Anna's arms looped around Blackie's neck, and she pulled him tighter to her, leaving a trail of soft kisses on his neck. The young man slid his hand down her side as he made eye contact with his lover over her shoulder.
Noah closed his eyes a moment, and slid his cheek against the woman's hair before letting his lips brush her shoulder, he then locked eyes with the other man.
Able to read each other's movements like a book, Blackie leaned over the woman and let his mouth touch Noah's, kissing him lightly first, then deepening it.
"I love you," the surgeon mumbled against the other's flesh. As both pairs of hands began to caress the woman's body.

Willard Hotel
Laying flat on his back, Martin looked up into his lover's eyes and let his hand graze his stubble-covered cheek as Drew slid the rose up and down his chest.
"Happy?" The attorney asked.
"Deliriously so," Martin answered.
"Good," he answered lowering himself so he was lying against the other man's chest.
Martin traced his fingers up his lover's spine, and smiled when he purred. "Thank you, Roo Bear."
"What for?" The man laughed.
"Making me feel special today." He mused.
"You are special, Marty baby."
"And you just spoil me," the senator giggled as he reached to the nightstand and brought back the box of expensive Swiss chocolate. After popping one of them in his mouth, he offered another to Drew.
"For the rest of our lives," he replied before accepting the offering.

Rolling her head back on to Noah's shoulder and sliding her hands up and gripping Blackie's hair, Anna cried out passionately.
Noah licked the sweat from her brow and whispered. "Feels good, Doll?"
"God yes," She screeched as the two continued moving in perfect time in and out of her body. "I love this. . . you know I do," he haggard voice squealed with her pleasure.
"Let go," Blackie encouraged, brushing his lips to her. "Come on, Anna, it's okay. It's okay to feel good."
She panted and cried, "I can't."
"Yes you can," Noah answered. "Just give in and let go." The surgeon then arched his body, bowing Anna's slightly. Blackie took the cue and slid his mouth down, covering her breast.
The woman's body began to tremble in their arms and she cried out releasing the long pent up climax. As she rode out the waves, Blackie and Noah found each other, kissing deeply as their own orgasms came to them.

Moments later as the three tangled sweaty bodies caressed each other the phone rang. Blackie moaned, "Oh no! Come on!"
Noah giggled, as he reached for it. "I got it. . .. . .hello," he said into the phone.
"Noah, it's Joe."
"Hey, you want to talk to Blackie?"
"No, no, I need to talk to you." He responded.
Hearing the obvious tension in his father in law's voice, the man asked. "What's wrong?"
Joe looked down at the papers in his hand. "Luke, Laura and Scott are here. Laura has been served with a pending wrongful death suit."
"A what? What are you talking about?" Noah asked as he pushed himself up in the bed. "A Jashawn Phillips has filed a wrongful death suit over Brian."
"You have got to be kidding me," he spit.
"Calm down, Noah." Joe chastised, though he had to admit he felt similarly. "They came here asking for my help, but I can't. Blackie's testimony will probably be a pivotal part of any case, and I'm just too close to it. Cindy suggested Drew but we can't find him. You don't happen to know where he is do you?"
"No, I don't. Did you try his cell phone?"
"Yes, we did. We've left messages for him all over DC, we should hear from him soon."
Noah looked down at his lover who was now looking back with a very concerned look on his face. "Can this be stopped before it gets to court?"
"Maybe," Joe answered, "But I doubt it." He paused. "Is my son going to be okay?"
"I don't know," Noah answered honestly, internally cussing that they were going to have to face this again. "Let me talk to Blackie, and we'll head over there and wait for Drew's call."
"Is it okay if we come there?" The man asked.
"Of course, uhm, give us a half hour?"
"Sure, we'll see you soon, Noah."

"What's going on, Doc?" Blackie asked pushing himself up in the bed.
'How in the hell do I tell him this?' Noah thought to himself. He then turned back and tried to smile as he put his hands to Anna's hips, "Switch with me, Doll." He said as he moved the woman across his body, but kept an arm around her.
"Love, just fill us in," She said feeling the heavy tension in his every movement.
He put another arm around Blackie guiding his head to his shoulder. "That was your dad. It seems that," He paused and closed his eyes, fighting to hold back tears as all the memories of the pain and torment Brian had caused in their lives came crashing back on him.
"NOAH!" Blackie insisted. "TELL ME!"
"Some relative of Brian's has filed a wrongful death suit against Laura."
Blackie shook his head, and brushed it off. "They decided that was self defense, Noah. They can't do anything to her now."
"You're right," he answered. "Criminally she can't be charged, she won't go to jail or anything, but a wrongful death is different."
"I don't understand?" the man asked, confused.
Tears began to fall on Anna's cheek as she tried to help, "It's kind of like suing someone, Love. What they are saying is self defense or not, it's Laura's fault he's dead, and they want to be compensated for it."
"Money?" Blackie asked.
Noah nodded, "Luke, Laura, and Scott asked your dad to help them, but he said he can't. They're trying to find Drew right now. Everyone's coming over here to wait for him to call back."
"Why can't dad help her?" Blackie asked, though he had an idea why.
"Because Laura is probably going to need you to testify about what Brian did to you."
The younger man shook his head, not saying a word.
"Blackie," Noah whispered watching all the other man's defense mechanisms engaging and him closing himself off. "Blackie, baby,"
The young man pulled his knees up to his chest and continued to shake his head.
"NO!' Noah said as he wrapped both arms tight around the other man, "Forget it, you're not testifying about anything. You don't have to, baby. You don't have to."

