Chapter 8
Happy Valentines Day Pt. 2

Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Dana/Devin, Noah/Blackie
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: A/N - Chapter progression continues to be slow on this people. I'm sorry. I'm working with Shay by mail and have my own life topsy turvey right now. It is my hope to get one more chapter together and out by April 1 before I leave for vacation. If that doesn't happen it will be after I return on the 12 before there will be any updates.

Feb 14, 1985
9:30 pm

Blackie heard his son's cries floating down the hall, and immediately pushed himself off the couch and retreated to the nursery. He picked up the child, who quieted the moment he saw the man, and even cooed and chattered as he picked him up. After changing the boy's diaper, he dropped into the rocking chair and began flipping through a book with him talking about the pictures.
"Hey, baby, you okay?" Came Noah's whisper from the doorway.
"I'm fine," Blackie answered. "We're just reading a story."
Noah smiled and crossed the room, dropping to his knees in front of the rocking chair; he took one of the child's hands. "You hungry, baby boy?"
Blackie nodded as he rocked, "I think he might be a little bit. It's just so crazy out there right now."
"You want me to send everyone home?" The surgeon asked.
He shook his head, "They all need to be together, and no one's going to get any rest till we hear from Drew."
"We can just walk away from all of it," Noah offered again.
"No we can't," Blackie insisted. "When I needed all of them, they were there for me. Laura needs me now, and I'm going to be there for my sister."
"And you do know they'll all be there for you too, and most of all I will."
He squeezed his lover's hand, "I know."
"None of us really had that much for dinner. Why don't we get him and the other kids a snack?"
Standing up, Blackie nodded, "Sounds good."

Washington DC
Martin reached over and picked up the phone from the nightstand, bringing it back into the bed with him.
"What are you doing?" The attorney mumbled.
"Calling our son,"
"At this hour?"
"I always talk to Randy every night before he goes to bed. If I don't call, Karen will be up with him all night." The man laughed. "I'll keep it quick," he added with a quick kiss as the phone rang in his ear.
"It's okay take your time, and let me say goodnight," He responded.
Martin smiled at his lover as the woman's voice came across the line.
"Hi, Karen, Marty here. Can I speak with Randy?"
"Certainly," the woman said but continued, "Though I'm suppose to let you know that Noah called awhile ago and needs to speak with Drew as soon as you get his message. I guess he and Joe have been leaving messages for you all over DC."
"What's wrong?" The senator quickly asked.
"I don't know."
Deciding if it were vital, Noah would have given Karen more details, he chose to speak with Randy first. "Let me say good night to my son, then I will give him a call."

Lori picked up the phone in the studio on the first ring, unaware that Noah picked up the extension in the kitchen. She started to hang it up, when she heard the singer's voice on the other end.
"Hey, how's it going?" She heard her brother ask, and covered the mouthpiece with her hand.
"Wonderful, absolutely perfect, I have the most awesome news ever." The other man's ecstatic voice came across the line.
"Please tell," Noah laughed. "We could use a little good news around here."
"We're expecting, in October." The other man nearly giggled with enthusiasm.
"That is absolutely wonderful! I'm so happy for you," the surgeon gushed, and then heard the extension slam down. Continuing to talk to the other man, he crossed the kitchen and pushed open the door in time to see his sister running for the stairway in tears. After allowing his bubbly friend to carry on for a few moments, Noah said, "Things are really kind of crazy here right now, buddy. Can I give you a call in the morning?"
"Of course, just not too early, okay I got like a zillion other calls to make, and then we're going to be celebrating all night."
"Congratulations, guy, and give that beautiful little lady of yours a kiss for us and we'll talk to you tomorrow." He said before hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Blackie asked as he supervised Robin, Lucky, Caroline, and Brodie with their snacks.
Noah leaned against the wall contemplating his sister's reaction as he explained, "They're having a baby."
The young man smiled, "Yay!! More babies."
The doctor nodded slowly. "Are you okay with them? I need to take care of something."
"Sure, we're fine." He answered, confused to what was preoccupying Noah's attention as the doctor left the room.

Noah climbed the steps, and went through the living room, down the hall and knocked on his sister's bedroom door.
"I'm tired! I'm trying to sleep!" came her tearful voice on the other side.
"Open the door, Lori." He said firmly.
A moment later she came to the door and opened it, but blocked the entrance. "Noah, I'm tired, please."
"Where's Sky?" he asked.
"Out on the patio with Jay and Alfie I guess. We were all out there, and I came in -"
"When you heard the phone ring?"
She nodded.
Noah stepped in the room and guided his sister to the bed, sitting on the edge with her. "You listened in on my conversation."
"I didn't mean to," She quickly defended. When her brother rolled his eyes, she swallowed hard and continued. "I was hoping that Brett would call, so I answered it."
"Then you heard it was Rick," Noah finished.
She nodded.
"You heard their good news."
She nodded again as her eyes brimmed with tears.
"Why does that upset you?" He asked.
"It just makes me think about,"
Interrupting her, Noah slid his hand up her arm. "Do you think you might need to talk to someone, Lori?"
She looked at her brother confused. "What do you mean?"
"Like Dr. Stewart, the whole abortion thing was very hard, maybe too hard to deal with on your own. I hate to think that for the rest of your life every time you hear of someone else having a baby your going to be fall apart like this."
Lori sighed, "Noah, it's only been a short while. I am getting better."
He nodded, "Are you sure?"
"I am. In fact, just talking to you helps," she lied. "I think I'll go back outside with my friends."
He hugged his sister, and kissed her cheek, "ok, but if you do need to talk to me, or if you think you need to talk to a doctor, it's okay, Lori. You know, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm one of his patients, and Blackie has talked to a therapist too."
"I know, Noah. I think I'm okay, but if I change my mind I'll come tell you."

After Lori left her bedroom, Noah sat alone for a moment. He decided Lori was in fact getting better with time, not only over the abortion but all the other tragedies of her short life. She was spending a lot of time with kids her own age and doing things a young teen should. His mind wandered to his lover and what they had been through. He silently cursed that they were again facing hard times. Standing and walking back down the steps he contemplated how Blackie was already withdrawing and putting up his defense mechanisms. 'It won't happen, I won't let it.' He thought to himself. He smiled as a phrase came to him. "It's his turn," he whispered out loud as he remembered they, together, could and would get through this and anything else life threw at them. As he walked into the studio he searched the room, seeing the children playing in the middle of the room. His eyes found the man he was looking for. Sitting under the big bay window on the floor, his arms around the neck of the dog. Troy sat against him as a quiet comfort. Carefully stepping around the children, he dropped to the floor next to his lover and began to pat the dog. "He's such a good boy."
Blackie smiled. "Yeah, he is." He then pointed to the kitchen, "Dad is on the phone with Drew. Luke, Laura and Scott are in there too."
The dog lay down across Blackie's lap, and the young man turned and collapsed into the surgeon's arms. Noah held him tight. "I'm right here," he whispered. "The only one responsible for Brian's death is Brian himself, there isn't a court in this country who can see it any differently.
"I know that, Noah," He whispered as a few stray tears fell down his cheek and on to the other man's shirt. "I just don't want to think about it. It still hurts." The younger man smiled and pointed to the baby as he crawled away from the other infants, and pulled himself up at the coffee table. He then reached his arms out toward the two and said "Da-de" his voice reflecting his concern.
Blackie wiped the tear off his cheek as he sat up, "Look, Noah, he's standing by himself."
He laughed and whispered, "He's going to do it."
"Da-De," He said again then took a slow unsteady step.
Blackie opened his arms, "Come here, Brodie."
The baby's thumb found his mouth; he then took another shaky step, stopped, and then took two more before falling to his butt in front of the two men.
"You did it!" Blackie encouraged picking him up and snuggling his cheek.
The baby giggled as Noah wrapped them both up in his embrace. "I know it's hard to think about what happened then, baby. But your family is here and we'll get through it again just like we did then."
"You're right," Blackie responded.
The surgeon tipped his lover's chin up to him, and kissed his mouth. As soon as their kiss broke, Brodie took the man's face in his hands and moved to kiss his face before turning to Noah and doing the same.

A few moments later, Joe came back into the studio from the kitchen accompanied by the others. They crossed the room, and sat down on the couch near where the two men and the child still sat on the floor.
"What's going on, Dad?" Blackie asked.
"Drew and Martin are going to come in first thing in the morning. I went over everything I had with Drew and his advice is to just relax, he's going to ask for an evidentiary hearing. He thinks he can kick it before the first deposition is taken."
The young man chuckled, "Again in English, or Greek if you want, but not whatever you were just speaking."
The man smiled and touched his son's knee. "Evidentiary, basically is a hearing before the actual trail where their lawyers will have to prove there is good enough reason to proceed, that they even have a case."
"And they don't have enough?" Noah asked.
"Without knowing what they're going with it's hard to say. The fact that it was ruled a very clear cut self defense and the fact that he was trying to kill both Laura and Luke at the time, makes it very unlikely any court is going to say that Laura should be held responsible for it."
The young man nodded and slipped from his partner's arm, crossing to the blond who was like a sister to him. He wrapped his arms around her neck and held her tight, "I'm so sorry, Laura. It's all my fault that you have to go through this all over again."
"Nonsense," she answered.
"What Drew suggested," Luke interrupted, "Is that we all go home, try and get a good nights sleep. He'll come in and sort this whole thing out and hopefully in a week or so we can put the whole damn thing behind us once and for all."
Blackie nodded, "That sounds like a great idea."

Alfie looked over his shoulder. Lori was still sitting on the side of the empty pool as she had been for the last half hour. He turned to his boyfriend. "Maybe you should go talk to her."
"That's okay?" Jay asked the other teen who had been a roller coaster of emotions for months now.
"You're really the only one who can ever get through to her when she gets all upset." He said, and then smiled. "I trust you."
Getting up, the Hispanic young man left a kiss on the other teens cheek and crossed the yard. "You okay?" He asked as he lowered himself down to the edge of the empty pool. The blond looked up and smiled at her one time boyfriend. "Why can't I ever hang on to anything, Jay?"
"Anything? Or anyone?" he asked.
She leaned up against him, and his arm went around her waist. "You don't have to answer me. I know the answer. First I had you and you were wonderful, but I wanted some one who I thought would love me better. That was a disaster, and then I found Brett, and he loved me and I loved him so much, but I also wanted someone who I thought was," She paused, and exhaled looking for the right words. "Exciting, and."
Jay pulled the blond in, and hugged her, "I think you keep looking cause you haven't found the right one. I wasn't the right one, Lori, and if Brett was I think you would have been happy."
She exhaled slowly, "I do love him, and it was so good at first, but then the whole age thing got in the way."
"Maybe in time you two can work it out. Aren't you trying?"
She nodded, "Yeah, it's weird though, I mean I still have that part of him that was like my best friend, but other then hugs and a-"
"Do I want to know?" Jay interrupted.
"We haven't had sex since October." She spilled. "And you know what, sometimes it makes communicating and talking to him SO easy, cause it's not even a question about whether we're going to or not, but then other times I want him so bad it hurts."
"Lori, I think the communicating is very important." He paused and frowned slightly. "Remember back when we came up here and for a long time after that."
She smiled and joked, "Are you trying to say having sex with me is a relationship killer?"
He shook his head and laughed, "You're a Drake, remember." After a pause, he asked, "Why did you do it, Lori. Why did you have the abortion?"
She wrapped her arms tight around herself. "I wanted the guy who I thought was the father to tell me he loved me and he wanted me and we would be a family." She paused and wiped tears off her cheeks, "Instead he was saying he wanted the baby, and he'd help me with the baby, or he'd take the baby."
"But he didn't want you?" Jay asked.
She shook her head, "No, he didn't. The ironic thing is Brett, who was really the father, would have wanted and loved us both."
"When I heard you had complications, that you were in danger, I was so scared Lori."
"You were?" She asked, shocked.
"Of course I was." He lowered his voice, "You still a very dear friend to me."
"But you're in love with Alfie." She added with a mournful smile.
He nodded, "Very much so."
"I have really missed talking to you like this, Jay. You were always so easy to talk to."
"I still am," He smiled back.
"Thank you."

A few minutes later Jay and Lori walked back up to the patio as Noah came out. "Hey you guys, I want you to come inside now. It's been a long day and we're going to bed."
Alfie stood and Jay took his hand, "We'll get going now, Noah."
"You don't have to leave, Alfie. I'd just like you to come inside."
"That's okay, Noah. It is getting late and I need to drop him off and get home myself," Jay added.
Lori and Sky said their goodnights and the girls came into the house. Noah shut the doors and locked them as the teens headed to the kitchen talking about how hungry they were.
"Do me a favor, keep it down to a dull roar and clean up after yourselves," the doctor asked. When the girls promised they would, Noah turned and walked down the hall to the bedroom, pulling his t-shirt off as he went. Rounding the corner he found Blackie laying in the bed with both kids laying against his chest, tears wetting his cheeks as his hands stroked their hair.
Noah slipped into their new bed, with their old mattresses and leaned over kissing each child's cheek before touching his lover's. "Is it family snuggle time?"
"For a little bit," He tearfully whispered.
He kissed the man's cheek a second time, then slipped back out of the bed, taking his jeans off. He then crawled back in and moved in tight, moving the infant so he was lying on both their bodies.
Blackie turned and snuggled into the man's chest, holding the little girl close. "I told you we would all still fit," He chuckled, though the pain was still more then evident in his voice.
"You were right," the surgeon whispered as he squeezed the man tighter and stroked his back.
"Noah," he whispered, and then tightened his arms around his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
He held his lover tight and whispered words of comfort as he cried.

The two men walked into the apartment, and Bucky hang up his coat before taking the other man's and hanging it up. "You know what would be fun?" Dana asked as he walked past him and dropped to the couch.
The cardiologist moaned, "Uhm, going back to bed."
Smiling, Dana tapped the couch, "Soon, Lover."
Bucky dropped down onto the couch and snuggled up to the other man as his arms came around him. "Dinner was really nice, Dana."
"I'm glad you liked it," He answered and kissed the man's forehead. "You know what we should do? Grab a commuter flight tomorrow, just you, Sky and me and go traipse around the city. I was thinking earlier today when I was there how much fun you and I use to have."
Bucky scrunched his eyebrows; Dana detested New York in winter almost as much as he did LA. "When you would come to New York in the winter, we stayed inside, in bed, cause it was too cold out."
"But you like it," He said softly lifting the man's chin and brushing his lips with his own.
"I have to admit, a trip to the city sounds great, but I can't tomorrow, I have to work."
Smiling wide as he wrapped his arms around the other man's neck, Dana said, "I got an idea, how about you and me got to the city and get Noah to work his own clinic."
Anger quickly washed over the cardiac surgeon as he slipped from the other man's arms and crossed the room. "Do you know how untrue and unfair that statement was?"
"Come on, Lover. I just want to spend time with you. Haven't you missed that?"
"Yes, I have, but first of all it's not Noah's clinic, it's our Medical Center - soon to be hospital. We're partners, Grant, him and I."
"Geez," The man sighed, looking away.
"Don't do that, Dana!" Bucky snapped. "And furthermore, no one, and I mean NO ONE works harder down there then Noah."
Dana stood and crossed the room, grabbing his coat and slipping it on.
"Where you going?"
The man shook his head as he walked to the door, "If all we're going to do is fight, I should have just stayed on the road."
Bucky stared blankly at the slammed door, before turning and going into the kitchen to make a drink.

In the hall, Dana settled down on the steps that no one ever used. He took the cell phone from his coat and began pushing numbers. He stopped suddenly telling himself, "I can't call him. It's Valentines Day and he's with Charlie."
He leaned against the wall and thought about how the young man's body had quivered beneath him as they made love. The ringing phone interrupted his daydreaming. Sure it was Bucky he pushed the button and snapped into the receiver, "What?"
"Is that anyway to greet me?" Devin's sweet teasing voice filtered across the line.
Dana closed his eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry. Obviously I thought it was someone else."
"I hope it's all right. I mean you did say it was okay to call your cell."
"It's more the okay. I was actually just sitting here thinking about calling you."
"Why didn't you?"
"I didn't want to cause you any problems. I mean-"
"You're my manager, Dana," he giggled. "You have the perfect excuse to call me any time of the day or night."
"I'll remember that next time," he said softly.
"You sound upset. Is something wrong?"
"I just got into it with Bucky. I walked out."
'Trouble in paradise?' the young blond mused to himself hopeful this would work to his advantage. "I'm sorry. You want to meet somewhere?"
His body screamed yes, but the man shook his head softly, "I can't tonight. I have to go back in there."
"Yeah, I should get back upstairs myself."
"Meet me tomorrow, about 11 at Blackie's offices over Kelly's?" He asked, knowing the teen had an 11:00 class.
"Of course."
"See ya then, good night." He whispered with a smile and then hung up the phone. He then picked himself up and continued down the steps and out of the building, crossing the courtyard; he lit a cigarette as he walked down the short block to the corner store. After buying what he needed, he made his way back to the apartment building, smoking another cigarette as he walked.

In the apartment
Bucky downed his fourth shot of tequila as he paced the living room. He crossed and picked up the phone and started pushing buttons, he then changed his mind and hit the receiver button and started pushing different numbers. He then slammed the phone down. "You can't bother Noah, it's fucking Valentine's Day." He crossed the room again and refilled his glass, then downed it in one gulp. "Fucking asshole!" he repeated as he dropped to the sofa and set the glass on the coffee table.
He heard keys in the door, and closed his eyes.
"Hey, Lover," the blond said with a chipper voice as he came in the apartment. He set down the paper grocery bag on the coffee table and pulled a bouquet of carnations from the top. Dropping to his knees, he laid them on the other man's lap, "I'm sorry. Forgive me?"
In his altered state, Bucky fumbled to pick up the flowers and brought them to his nose. "Carnations the best you could do?" he snapped.
Dana smiled, "It's all they have at Bennies."
Bucky tossed them down on the couch. "Jesus, Dana. What the hell?"
"What?" He asked, his fake smile giving way to real worry.
"You haven't been yourself, not for months. I know we've been under a lot of stress and I think you're just trying to make things special when you're here. But you're trying too hard, honey."
Dana slid up to the couch and took the other man's hands. "I love you. I just want you to know how much. What I said about Noah, and even suggesting you could blow off work tomorrow was wrong."
"Yes, it was."
"I'm sorry."
"I know you are." He picked up the flowers. "You didn't have to buy me flowers, and you didn't have to walk out. Why did you walk out? This wasn't a big thing, it was just a little squabble."
He shook his head, "I'm tired. You know what the road does to me, and it was so much worse this time."
The doctor nodded, "I know. And I think the pushing to see each other every other week was too much added stress and travel on you. It was a wonderful idea, but you sacrificed your health for it."
Dana fought tears; the truth being it was keeping two lovers happy that had worn him out.
"I want you to go in the bedroom, get undressed, get in bed and I want you to stay there. I'm going to put this stuff away and I'll join you." He picked up the bag and looked in, "What is all this stuff anyway?"
"Since we can go to the city tomorrow, I got the stuff to make the best facsimile of a Ryan Burger I can possibly do in our kitchen."
Bucky smiled. "Sounds wonderful honey, and we can go for the real thing, this weekend if you want, I just can't tomorrow."
He smiled, "I would like that. A little trip with you and Sky would be perfect."
"It would be," Bucky agreed. "No come on, go get in bed. You'll see a good night's sleep will make a world of difference. You'll be back to your old self in no time."

Having put the kids in their own beds, Noah came back into the bedroom carrying a cup. He sat on the edge of the bed, and slid an arm under Blackie, "Come on baby, sip a little of this."
The other man wiped his eyes as he sat up and smiled at Noah. He took the offered cup and sipped from it before making a face, "Gran's secret recipe?"
The doctor smiled. "It'll settle your stomach and help you relax."
He scowled and sipped again, "I'm okay. Really, I am, Noah. I'm not going to go all nuts on you."
The doctor rubbed the other man's arms. "It's okay to go a little nuts."
He shook his head as he set the cup down on the nightstand, "I'm not afraid for the trial or anything. I know Laura did what she had to. It's just remembering, ya know?"
He nodded, "It was a very hard time."
"Come back to bed with me, Doc? Please?"
"Of course, baby." The surgeon answered as Blackie scooted over and let Noah slide in next to him. "Let me hold you tight." He whispered after he turned off the bedside lamp.
"Just like you did in the hospital and right after I came home. Then it was still your rooms above Kelly's," He mused softly.
"That was when you officially moved in. Wasn't it?"
The young man nodded against his flesh, his fingers stroking his chest and tangling in his chest hair. Noah softly rubbed his back for several moments before he whispered in the darkness. "Drew wants to talk to you in the morning. Can you retell it for him?"
"With you by my side," he answered sleepily.

February 15
8:30 AM
Following Robin from the kitchen to the foyer, Blackie knelled down to help her zip up her coat. "You got all your homework, munchkin."
"Uh-hu, Daddy. You picking us up today?"
He nodded, and then called up the steps. "You almost ready, Anna?"
"Coming, Love." The voice came back down the steps.
Blackie pulled her in and kissed her cheek. "You got a minute, run and give Daddy a kiss. He's doing some paperwork in the bedroom."
As the child scurried off, he pulled himself to his feet, wincing in pain from his knee.
The woman came scurrying down the steps and grabbed her coat. "I can tell Karen and you got pick up today, right?"
He nodded and kissed her cheek as he helped with her coat. "Yes, nothings going to stop me. You'll be home for Brodie by noon?"
Robin scurried back into the room, "Daddy not working, he's talking to his beads," the child reported.
"I sure will, come on, Robin," She said as she put her fingers to Robin's lips to remind her about interrupting. "I'll see you at noon." She continued, giving the young man a light kiss.

As the garage door closed, there was a knock on the front door; followed by it opening and his mother pushing the door open with her back and balancing a large pan in her hand. "Mom? What are you doing here?" He asked as he took the pan from her and inhaled. "Paximathia? My god, it's been years." He declared as he pulled back the foil and broke off some of the bread.
The woman smiled as she hung up her coat. "Your father called last night and filled me in. I thought you might need me this morning."
"Well thanks mom, but it's no big deal really. Drew is going to be here in about a half hour to talk to me. That's all. Noah's here, so happens this is the day he works afternoons anyway."
"Well, then I'll be here to help with Brodie so you're not disturbed."
"Thanks," he smiled. "Come in the kitchen, there's coffee and we can have some of this." As they walked he called out, "Noah!! Mom's here and she brought really good food!"

Before Noah could answer, or they could get half way to the kitchen, there was another knock on the door. "That might be Drew. Go ahead, I'll be right there."
Blackie opened the door to his father and the aroma of fresh baked cinnamon rolls. "Dad, come in." he greeted, taking the pan and peeling back the foil. As he bit into the fresh pastry, he spoke through his food, "This is so good. Why are you here?" He then swallowed hard.
After hanging up his coat, Joe turned and hugged the young man. "For you. I wanted to be here."
Throwing his free arm around the man's shoulder they started for the kitchen. "Thanks, Dad." He then called out again. "NOAH!! Dad's here too and he brought more good food!"

As the two walked into the kitchen, Noah followed them with Brodie on his hip. "Sleepy head just woke up," He informed as he eyed the pan Joe brought and then the pan that Lorain brought trying to make his mind up which he wanted. He put the baby in the high chair and took a piece of each and broke them up on a plate for the child. "Both of these smell absolutely wonderful."
Blackie came to the man with the cup of coffee, handing it to him and slipping an arm around his waist.
The older man looked his lover in the eye and could read his thoughts. He squeezed him slightly closer and said, "You two really didn't need to run over here this morning. It's basically just a briefing with Drew."
"I want to be here," The two said in unison as the couple took seats at the table.
Blackie pulled apart a piece of the pastry his mother had brought and took a bite, before offering Noah a piece. He spoke to Joe, "Where's mom - ma, Cyn?" He stammered, knowing his mother was sensitive about him calling his father's wife by the endearment.
"Caroline had a doctor's appointment this morning. She's going to come by after."
"Is sissy okay?"
"Sure she is. It's just a check up."

A knock fell on the door. "That's Drew," Blackie said as he tried to smile. "Can you two watch Brodie so Noah can come out there with me?"
"Of course," Lorain answered as she sat down next to the high chair and began chatting with her grandson.

"Hi Drew, Dad," he greeted hugging the attorney and senator in turn.
"How you doing, son?" Martin asked as he hugged the young man.
"I'm fine," He tried to smile. "It's Laura who is in real trouble here." He said as he followed the other two into the studio. They all sat as Noah joined them, sitting next to Blackie on the couch and entwining his hand.
Drew spoke as he pulled a tape recorder from his brief case. "I understand that, Blackie, and we're going to see her next. Chances are you talking to me right now are the only thing you're going to have to do, but I won't know for sure till we get into the case."
He nodded and squeezed Noah's hand tight. "What do you want to know?"
He pushed the button on the tape player and set it on the coffee table. "I want you to start from the beginning and tell me, as you see it, everything that happened that led up to the night Brian died."
Blackie swallowed hard and spoke with a quivering voice, "It all started about a year after Noah and I got together. People at the hospital we're starting to figure out there was more then just a friendship between us."

Kelly's Diner
11:00 AM
Devin walked into the diner, and leaned against the counter. "Hi Ruby."
The elder woman turned and greeted the young man. "Devin, how are you doing?"
"Good, good," he smiled. "Can I get a glass of ice tea, please, to take upstairs?"
"Sure," she smiled as she filled the paper cup, and put a lid on it. Handing both to the young man.
He slid three dollars across the counter, two of which were a tip, and turned going up the steps. He stood for a moment in front of the office door and pushed his fingers through his floppy blond hair before opening it. The sight of Dana sitting behind the desk, smoking a cigarette as he barked into the phone, warmed his heart and sparked a passion.
The man caught the younger ones eye and smiled wide as he checked his watch. He then reached out for a file Stacy was handing him. It was the first time Devin noticed the woman.
"Hi, Devin," she greeted. "What can I do for you?"
Dana dropped the phone into the cradle. "He's here for a meeting with me." Standing up he squashed his cigarette out in the ashtray. "I'll be right there if you want to wait for me in the conference room."
"Of course," Devin answered and turned and left the room.
Dana smiled and began scribbling notes on a pad. "I need you to package up and ship demo tape 3 to these three people, Stacy."
"Certainly, Dana." She answered.
"I don't want to be disturbed." He responded before he left the room, and crossed the hall.

Opening the door, his mouth dropped and he quickly closed it behind him, turning the lock. A smile played across his face as he sauntered over and sat in the chair at the head of the conference table.
Devin laid on his back, his arms outstretched and his knees bent, completely naked. Unzipping his pants, and pushing them off his waist, Dana said low, "Come here, Dev."
He rolled to his stomach and slithered across the table, then twisted and turned so he could slide off and into the man's lap.
Dana exhaled passionately as Devin's arms came around his neck and his legs around his waist. He leaned forward pressing his lips to the younger ones and pulling him into a warm embrace. "I missed you," He mumbled through his kiss.
"I missed you too," Devin answered as his hand slid down Dana's body and began stroking both their members.

Just inside the ambulance bay, Blackie leaned into Noah again, kissing him deeply.
"I'll see you later?" The doctor mumbled.
"Yeah, I'll pick you up at six." He brushed his lips again. "Thank you for being there this morning."
"Of course, baby. I love you."
Blackie checked his watch, and then zipped his coat back up. "I gotta fly. I need to run to the office before I pick up the kids, and then I got class."
"Have a good day. I'll see you tonight." He called to the retreating form.

Blackie walked into the diner, and up the steps to his office. Walking in he was immediately hit with the heavy smell of cigarette smoke. Making a face, he crossed to the small refrigerator, and pulled out a coke, waiting for Stacy to get off the phone. He dropped to the chair and started flipping through the boxes that were piled on the desk. When his secretary had hung up the phone, he asked. "What's this?"
"Dana asked me to get demo 3 out to those people."
"I could tell he was here," The man complained waving his hand in front of his face.
The woman laughed, "Yeah, he breezed in and made a dozen calls this morning. Then Devin showed up and they went across the hall." When Blackie frowned, she asked. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know. I guess I don't mind sharing space with him, or even him asking you to mail out the tapes. It is for Danny and me -"
"But you feel like he's taking advantage?"
He nodded, "A little bit. Did he leave the information on the auditions?"
Stacy flipped through the papers on the desk, "Yes, he did. Three weeks from today. 10 am till 3 pm. He had me call in some ads and set up some radio spots."
Blackie exhaled, "Okay, that works for me. We're doing them at the teen center."
She nodded, as the office door opened and Dana came back in the room, lighting another cigarette as he did. "Hey, Blackie, I'm glad you're here. We need to set up some studio time next week. I want you to record some of the songs you've set for the showcase."
"I can't," the man answered.
"You have to,"
"No. I don't."
Dana threw his arms in the air in frustration, "Then don't, Blackie, I don't really give a fuck, you know."
Standing up, he squashed out Dana's cigarette as he set it in the ashtray. "Stacy and I both quit this year and my lungs can't take the smoke. Please don't in my office."
Dana stepped in closer to Blackie, looking him eye to eye, "What's wrong?"
The young man swallowed. "I don't mind sharing office space with you when your town, we have plenty of room. I don't even mind you asking Stacy for help, but the fact remains you dump twice the work on her she ever has from us, and you never supplement her income at all. You take over in here, and the only discussions we ever have about my career are for you to bark an occasional order at me. I can't do a demo next week because I have exams and my sister was just charged with a wrongful death suit."
Dana's building anger quickly passed with the last words Blackie spoke. "What are you talking about," he asked.
"The man she killed in self defense, the one who tried to kill me and stalked and threatened me; his Aunt or something has filed a wrongful death suit against her." He exhaled.
Stacy immediately embraced her boss, hugging him. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, but my family needs me right now."
Dana nodded and turned away, embarrassed by his behavior. "Okay, what we'll do is tape the showcase."
"That would be good," Blackie said softly.
The blond turned back, "And I'll kick in for half the rent around here." And then turned to Stacy, "And meet what Blackie pays you."
The woman opened her mouth to resist, but Blackie interrupted, "Thank you, Dana. I'm sure she could use it now that she's paying for daycare." He then slid his hand over the woman's hair. "I have to pick up the kids and I have afternoon classes. I need to go."
"I'll see you later," She smiled then suddenly turned to the desk, "Wait! Before you go. This was slid under the door this morning." She came back with a white envelope with his name on the front.
Opening the envelope he pulled out a Polaroid picture of a dock on the waterfront where he and his teen aged friends use to hang out. On the white boarder, written in black marker were the words, "Miss you Monkey Face." He smiled as he pushed the picture back into his pocket, finding it odd, but dismissing it as a picture Jo-Dee had taken and arranged delivery of before she left town.
Karen's House
"That's my daddy's car!" The little boy exclaimed as he quickly undid his seat belt and jumped up.
Putting the car into park, Blackie turned and looked over the back seat. He spoke firmly.
"Randy, next time you stay in your seat belt till I park the car. Okay?"
He frowned and nodded, "I'm sorry."
Blackie smiled and winked at the child, "It's okay, buddy, just don't forget next time."
"I won't. I promise."
"Can we walk Randy in?" Robin asked.
Checking his watch the young man nodded, "Sure we can."

As they approached the house, Martin and Karen came out on to porch. Randy ran up the walk and jumped into the man's waiting arms. Hugging the child tight, he said. "I missed you, son."
"I missed you too, Daddy."
Putting him back down on his feet he ruffled his hair, "Mom says your bag is all packed on your bed. Why don't you go grab it?"
"I'll be right back!" The child answered as he scooted off.
"Change out of your uniform so I can wash it," Karen called out after the child as he scampered off. She then laughed and turned to Blackie, "Thanks for picking them up."
"No problem," The man returned, but then spoke to his father-in-law. "How did things go at Laura's, Dad?"
"Drew is pretty hopeful," Martin answered with a sigh that showed more concern then his words indicated. "He went back to our house to begin sorting through his notes, and to make contact with Ms Phillips attorneys."
"Keep me posted?"
"Of course."
Robin tapped the younger man's stomach, "I go ith gampa and Randy?"
Blackie ruffled the girl's hair. "Grandpa didn't invite you over, honey."
"Oh Blackie," the man exhaled. "You know she can come over anytime she likes."
Smiling he answered his daughter, "It's fine with me. Ask Karen if you can call mommy and ask her."
Karen pushed the screen door open, "You go right ahead, sweet heart."
"Thank you, aren," she answered as she scurried off.

A few moments later the child scampered back out with Randy. "Mommy say ok and she wants to talk to you daddy." She then looked up to Karen and continued "And you too."
Karen bent over kissing her son's cheek first, then her girlfriend's daughter's cheek, "You two have fun."
"I will. I love you mommy." The boy answered as the children ran to the car with Martin following behind.
Karen turned and went into the house in time for Blackie to finish up his conversation.
He handed the phone to the woman, "I got to run, Karen. Is Ryan going to be home this weekend?"
She nodded, "He gets in around 8 tonight."
"Have him call me?"
"Certainly," She called to his retreating frame.

11:30 PM

Noah came into the kitchen, wearing only his sweat pants to see Blackie's study group had dwindled down to just Shell, Charlie, and his lover. After filling his wine glass, he moved behind the dark haired man and looked over his shoulder. "How's it going?"
The young woman closed her book, "Ready or not, I have to be done. If I don't leave soon I'm going to fall asleep on the way back to the house."
"Good thing I'm driving," The other teen answered closing his book. "Thanks for letting us all take over your kitchen, Noah."
The man shook his head, "Anytime."
Standing with the other two, Blackie wrapped his arms around his lover's waist as his friends packed up their books. "Kids in bed?"
"Yeah, they are."
Pushing up the balls of his feet he whispered in the man's ear, "Let me walk them out, and meet me in the studio."
Noah brushed his lips against his ear, "With pleasure."

As the students left the room, Noah poured a second glass of wine for Blackie and hummed happily to himself with anticipation as he turned off the lights and went into the studio. He set both glasses on the coffee table, and turned the stereo on low, adjusting the station until soft classical music filled the room. He then turned the knob on the lamp until the lamp gave just a dim glow.

Blackie came back in off the porch and closed the door, turning the lock. He leaned against the door and smiled to himself hearing the music the doctor had chosen. Shaking his head and smirking, he pulled off his t-shirt and rounded the corner, draping his body against the doorframe. He bowed his head down, but then glanced back up, staring under the bangs that had dropped in his face. He then pushed his fingers up through the hair and posed a moment.

Noah watched the other man from the couch with appreciation. He groaned low and let his hand graze the inside of his own thigh. "What are you doing way over there, baby?"
Letting his own fingers slide down over his lips, he sensuously licked them, before allowing them to continue down his smooth chest. "I'm trying to decide how I'm suppose to dance to this."
Another low groan escaped from the doctor's mouth as he watched the young man saunter from the door way to the stereo.
Blackie turned knobs and pushed buttons till the tape in the drive began and a strong steady dance beat began to softly flow from the speakers. He then turned; smiled and let his head fall to his left shoulder. As his lover's eyes grew even more lustful he stepped closer to the man, making sure with each step he let his body flow erotically. He then straddled the man's legs and took his hands in his own, guiding him up, "I'm not dancing alone," He whispered as the doctor let his arms circle the younger man's waist.
"So hot," he whispered.
Rolling his shoulders with the beat, the man began to bend back, pushing his groin to his lovers and arching over, his arms extending to the floor. "I can almost do it," he whispered in frustration.
Noah bent over him, kissing his shoulder, and helping to guide him back to his feet, "God, you make me crazy when you do that," he murmured.
Smiling, Blackie leaned into him, wrapping his arms around the man's neck and moving both of them to the beat. "I wish the closest dance club wasn't so far away. I would love to go dancing with you."
Sliding his cheek against the other man's he whispered, "You want to go dancing? We can go to the Bucket?"
Giggling he answered, "You know what I mean."
The doctor kissed the man's cheek, "Yeah I do. And you're right, it's been a long time."
"We should go sometime. Take Bucky and Dana, Devin and Charlie, Grant and JL, Ryan and Caleb and just go. It would be such a blast."
"Let's plan on it," Noah whispered as he lightly kissed his lover.
"Okay," he whispered breathlessly. "You want to go to bed."
Sensing the man's need to just be held, he pulled Blackie tighter and whispered, "Soon, but first I want to dance with you a little longer."

