Chapter 9
Love and Lust

Archive: My site and anywhere else just ask.
Fandom: General Hospital (1980's)
Rating: NC 17
Type: Slash
Pairings: Dana/Devin, Noah/Blackie, Anna/Karen
Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. They belong to ABC, GH, Gloria Monty and probably a few other people. They didn't treat them right so we play with them.
The real people mentioned also do not belong to me. (I WISH THEY DID!)
So don't get your panties in a wad if something you don't like or agree with happens. There are many characters that are of our own creation. So pay attention and don't get lost. This is our story and we do what we want.
Summary: The previous chapters.
Anything else: A/N - I'm out of here April 1 on vacation. I return on the 12, look for updates then.

6:15 am

Blackie took two more steps down the hall, and then looked down at his son, pulling his hand back and waited for him to catch up. "Come on, Brodie," he encouraged. "Don't you want to go see Grandpa and Papa Drew?"
The child wiped his sleepy eyes and mumbled, "No, no, no."
From the living room, Noah called, "You coming, Blackie. Everyone is going to be waiting for us."
Picking the child up, he playfully scolded as he carried him into the other room. "Look, now, you're getting Daddy in trouble." He then looked to Noah, "We're ready. Why do you think Drew wants to meet us all for this breakfast thing?"
He struggled against the boy to put a light spring jacket on him as he spoke. "I'm hoping it is to tell us he squashed that Jashawn Phillips."
The young man sagged. "I don't want her squashed. I just want her to leave my family alone."
He kissed the man's mouth softly, "We have to believe that's what it is."
"I hope so, I have those auditions all week. I'd love to not have to worry about that stupid lawsuit anymore."
Now it was Noah's turn to frown. "What is up with Dana lately?"
"You mean this pushing the showcase back over and over again?"
"Yeah, and I don't know, he seems more uptight lately then before he and Bucky got together, if that's even possible."
"I think he just has a lot to deal with. And it can't be easy, most of his clients are LA based, and he's living here."
Noah latched the child in the car seat and slid into the car, "You're right, sometimes I forget the sacrifice he's been making for Bucky."
"And honestly, I've been glad for each and every set back we've had on the showcase. Danny and I are so not ready to perform, and I don't think there is a capable chick singer in all of New York State."

Mary refilled her husband's coffee cup, and then mindlessly let her eyes go back and forth between the kitchen door and the clock.
After sipping from the cup, Sean said. "That boy is going to be late for school again."
"He will not," She argued.
"Mary, Tommy left 10 minutes ago. You know, with Danny and Tommy if they couldn't get up and go to school, they didn't stay out late at night."
Tossing the dishtowel in her hand at her husband, Mary huffed out of the kitchen and to the bottom of the stairs, "ALFIE!!! Honey, you're not going to have time for breakfast." When no response came, she made her way up the steps and knocked on the bedroom door. "Alfie, you need to get going, dear."
"I'm sick!" the boy's tearful voice came from the other side of the door.
Mary pushed the door open slowly to find the teen sobbing in the bed. She went to his side, "What's wrong, Alfie? Are you hurting?" she asked as she stroked his arm.
Immediately the boy rolled to the woman laying his head in her lap and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, sobbing.
Her own heart breaking she softly stroked his hair and rubbed his back consoling the child. This had become more and more common occurrence and Mary just didn't know how to handle the teens overwhelming depression that had taken a firm hold since he had discovered his natural parents had moved away.
"I don't want to go to school, Ma, don't make me."
As much as the woman wanted to keep him home, she had been warned by the social worker that if Alfie's attendance continued to slip, he would be removed from her care. "Alfie if you don't go to school, they aren't going to let you live with us anymore. I know you don't want to, but you have to. Besides, don't you want to see your friends?"
The boy shrugged.
"Oh, come on, I know you want to see Jay, Lori, Felicia, Rosa and Sky."
He pushed himself up and the tears from his face, "Yeah, I do." He then looked down and leaned back into the woman, "Why can't I feel good? Happy?"
She hugged him and kissed his forehead, "Because you've been through so much. It's normal to feel sad, Alfie, but you need to focus on what's good and then you'll start to feel better."
He simply nodded.
"Come on, Sweetheart. Get your shoes on and come down stairs. You have just a few minutes to eat something quick."
"Ok, Ma, I will," He answered siding to the edge of the bed and reaching for his shoes.

Noah and Blackie walked into the diner together, and even though Drew, Martin, Luke, Laura, Lucky and Scott were already gathered at the large table, they paused to talk to Ruby.
Noah stood Brodie up on the stool at the counter and took off his jacket as the boy pointed to the pop machine and babbled.
"Oh my goodness," the older woman fawned. "Just look at you, Brodie. Can I get you boys anything?" She asked as she took the boy from Noah's arms.
Blackie smiled. "Our usual."
After giving the boy a cookie, she handed him to the younger man. "I'll send Mike over with your drinks and have your breakfasts in a few minutes."
Taking the cookie from the boy, and breaking it in half then giving one piece back to the child, Noah said. "And some cheerios or something like that for him?"
"Sure thing," he answered.

As they sat at the table, Martin reached out and then took the boy. "You want me to get the high chair for him, Dad?" Noah asked.
"No, he's just fine here on grandpa's lap," The senator smiled.
Blackie asked, "So Drew, what's going on?"
The man sighed. "I've had a few meetings with Ms. Phillips attorney and the fact is she's is just not interested in settling. So, it looks like we go ahead next week with the evidentiary hearings and hope we can get a judge to kick it."
"What happens with that?" Luke asked.
"Just the most basic facts." He turned to Blackie. "Which means your testimony won't be necessary." He then turned to the blond. "What we need to convince the judge of is that even though you stabbed him, you were not responsible for his death."
"What I don't understand is this has already been decided." Scott ranted.
"You're a lawyer, Son." Drew countered. "What was already decided is that she was within her rights because she was defending herself."
Noah interrupted, "If the only question is did she do it, well that simply is. How do you beat the wrongful death?"
Drew motioned his fingers to a point. "The key word is wrongful. We are really going to be arguing along the same lines of self-defense, but with a twist. Laura isn't responsible for Brian's death, Brian is because of the things he did in the months prior."
"But you don't need me to tell about what he did to me?" Blackie confirmed.
"Not yet." The attorney answered quickly. "And if the judge rules in our favor, then not at all. If he decides Jashawn Phillips has a right to have her case presented, then I will probably need you to testify then."
Blackie nodded, "Okay, Drew, you just tell me when."
"Will I have to?" Laura asked.
The man nodded, "You and Luke, because you were there at the time of death and Robert Scorpio." He added checking his file.
"Robert?" Noah asked.
"You and Blackie talked to him about pressing charges against Brian, so he can attest to the legal trouble the guy was in."
"But Robert told us it wouldn't be worth it to press charges," Blackie responded.
"That's okay," Drew assured. "He's just going to tell the judge that you knew it was Brian who assaulted you, and that you were interested in taking legal action because you feared your safety."
"Right," Noah answered. "And the judge will tell this woman to go jump in the lake?"
"I hope so."

The bell on the front door rang and out of the corner of his eye, Blackie noticed the postman with a large manila envelope talking to Ruby. The older woman made eye contact with Blackie and called him over.

Once the young man had left the table, Noah spoke low to Drew. "What are the chances of you being successful this week?"
"I wish I could tell you they were pretty good. The fact is it's about 50-50. It's a strong case either way. If it goes on to trial, I'm fairly confident we can pull out a victory, especially with a sympathetic jury. But I think the judge will probably let this woman plea her case."
Noah sighed, "He doesn't deserve to have to relive all of that." He then pointed to the other three. "None of them should have to."

At the counter, Blackie took the large envelope. There was no return address, but he noticed it bore a Port Charles postmark. Sitting on the stool, he opened it and reached in, pulling out several Polaroid pictures. He flipped through them, recognizing each one as a different landmark on the waterfront. Curiously, he spread them out on the counter, and noticed their was a word written on the bottom of each one and when arranged to make the sentence, it became a panoramic view of the street from the roof of the apartment building he lived in as a child.

He felt Noah's hands on his shoulders, and then heard his voice, "What the hell?"
Blackie reached up over his shoulder and laid his hands on Noah's.
"Who sent you this?" The doctor asked.
Blackie pointed to the envelope and the doctor looked at it frustrated to find no return address.
"She said she left town." The young man whispered.
"What the hell does she mean, 'I didn't have to leave you to love you.'" The doctor angrily ranted.
Blackie scooped the pictures up and put them in the envelope and snapped angrily. "I don't know. How the hell am I suppose to know what she's thinking?"
As the younger man tried to walk away, Noah grabbed his arm and pulled him back into an embrace, "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you; I didn't mean to yell at you. That's just freaky weird and with all this Brian stuff."
Blackie hugged the doctor tight. "I know. I don't need this shit. I'm sure Jo-Dee doesn't mean to freak either of us out though. That's just not how she is."
Noah leaned back sitting on the stool at the counter and pulling his lover between his legs. He let a hand graze the man's cheek, "Obviously she has feelings for you. I mean, why wouldn't she."
Blackie blushed, "Well yeah, she did years ago, but we talked when she came by the house and she was totally cool. You were there! You saw she was cool."
Noah looked down at the envelope, "She hasn't left town."
He nodded, "And I'm going to find her, and I'm going to talk to her. You know what ever she thinks there is or was, is just her. Don't you, Doc?"
"Of course. Do you know where she might be?"
He shrugged, "Not really, but I have an idea where to start looking. Not now, though. I have to run you and Brodie home and then meet Dana and Danny for today's auditions from hell."
"Okay, but how about we eat breakfast first." Noah smiled noticing Ruby bringing out the food.
"Sounds good."

Apartment Complex
Stripping off his skin-tight white t-shirt, Dev tucked it into his waistband and continued his jogging, knowing that Dana would be sitting on his balcony drinking his morning coffee.
The horn on the car pulling out of the drive beeped so the boy turned back. "Hey Bucky." Devin smiled at his own good fortune. "How's it going?"
"Pretty good."
"You heading to work?" he had already decided he was going to go see his secret lover, but needed to establish how much time he had.
"Hah, the grocery stores. Sky had friends over last night. All we got left is milk."
Internally the blond giggled with glee. He had at least an hour as he know from Dana that the doctor compared prices and went to all three stores in town to get the best deals. "Sounds like fun, glad I don't have to do it."
Bucky laughed and lit a cigarette. "I enjoy it. Hey, I'll let you get back to your run before you totally cool down."
"Thanks, and see ya." He waved and watched the car drive off. Jogging very slowly he waited till it turned the corner and disappeared before changing directions and heading toward the door of the apartment building.

"Hang on, I'm coming." Dana yelled, anger and frustration roughing his voice. Every day for two weeks he had enjoyed watching Devin jog past his balcony and today he hadn't showed.
"Ok" Devin wise cracked. "But the sooner you open the door the sooner I can hang on to you."
The manager ripped open the door. "What are you doing here?"
"I just passed Bucky and know he's going to be gone awhile. I figured you'd want some company."
Dana reached out, pulling the younger man into the apartment and his arms slamming the door.

Digging through his jacket for the checkbook, Bucky realized he had left it in his leather jacket he had worn to dinner the night before.

Devin started to peel his jock strap off when Dana stilled his hands.
"Leave it on." He requested firmly.
"Why?" Devin asked though doing as directed.
"It looks hot and I want you to." The man flirted.
"You got it." The young blond moved toward the bed.
Dana cringed. The bed belonged to Bucky and as much as he cared for and desired the boy he couldn't bring himself to cross that line. "Dev." He called out. "Let's play locker room."
"Locker room?" Dev grinned. "How you play?"
Dana moved in kissing his lover and pointing at the open closet. "Grab the frame."
Devin beamed. "Oh yeah." And moved into position, bending over and grabbing the doorframe low near the floor.
Groaning Dana sheathed his cock in latex slipped his arm around the college boy's waist and in one motion pushed in his body.
He bit back a moan. "Oh God, Dana. Yes."
Right away Dana set a brisk pace, pumping himself in and out quickly; sometimes using the straps of the athletic supporter to pull, push and manipulate the blond piano players body.

Just then the front door opened. "Honey, you're not going to believe this but I forgot the checkbook." Bucky called out.

"Shit!" Dana muttered and shoved Devin into the closet, tossing his clothes in after him and then diving into the bed and faking sleep just a hair of a second before the heart doctor appeared in the room.

"Honey, you sleeping?"
Dana stirred, internally praying that whatever happened Bucky wouldn't open the closet. "Yeah, kinda."
Bucky laughed, "You lazy bones." He slipped in the bed behind the man and moaned when he found him naked. "Mmmm, this is defiantly an improvement over the ratty robe you had on when I left."
Carefully Dana pulled the condom off his cock and slipped it under his pillow as he turned to Bucky, feeling a huge amount of guilt, but not confessing. "I got lonely."
"You did?" Bucky smiled, taking in Dana's flushed skin. "Good dream?"
"Was dreaming about you." He smiled. "I want you."

In the closet, Devin pulled the t-shirt back over his head, raging internally about being pushed into a closet while the man of his desires was now giving his affection to another. Quietly he slipped from the closet and the room unnoticed. He contemplated leaving, but then had a different idea that satisfied his sudden need for vengeance. He would be not only the one Dana had started with, but also the one he finished with. He left the apartment, counted to ten, and then knocked loudly.

Bucky groaned. Dana had just pushed his jeans over his hips when the loud knock fell on the door.
"Isn't that always the way," The manager exhaled, internally thinking this was his chance to get Devin out of the apartment. "Go answer it while I throw some clothes on."
"Nothing too hard to get out of," Bucky smiled as he slid from the bed, buttoned his jeans, and forwent the shirt.
As soon as the cardiologist was out of the room, Dana ran to the closet opening the door. Fear quickly turned to a sigh of relief when he heard Bucky call out, "Dana, Devin is here for you."

Picking up his robe and throwing it over his body, Dana went into the living room, digging his cigarettes out of his pocket as he went.
"Hey, Dana," the young blond beamed. "Can you get away and get over to the studio? I was running and I got hit with this melody."
Dana exhaled slowly, "I'm not even dressed."
Bucky crossed to his lover and hugged him. "Get out of this ratty ol robe and go over to the studio. I'll go do the shopping and we can pick up where we were later. Okay?"
Dana brushed the doctor's lips, "You sure?"
He nodded and whispered, "He's a client. I know you have to work."
"Thanks for understanding," Dana answered, and watched as Bucky went back to the bedroom, and left a moment later with his shirt and checkbook.

"That was too close," Dana ranted. "We can't ever do it here again."
"We didn't get caught," the teen laughed off as he guided Dana to the couch, guiding him to sit. He slid his hands under his robe, "You look so damn hot."
He grabbed Devin's hands, "Did you just hear me say we can't."
"I heard you," he groaned and slid into his lap, pushing his lips to Dana's.
The older man acquiesced, returning the kiss and sliding his hand under the other's t-shirt.

Later that day

Noah came from the exam room and looked up and down the hall. Seeing the nurse he asked, "Anne, have you seen my father?"
"He just ducked into the office, Noah."
"Thank you," The man smiled and crossed the hall. "Dad, can I talk to you a minute?" he asked, looking up from the chart.
"Certainly," the senior Doctor Drake answered.
"Have you worked out that OR schedule?"
The man nodded and handed his son a file.
"I have a patient I'm going to admit. I think he may have a hot appendix."
"I can cover your case load this afternoon if you want to go ahead with the surgery." The elder man offered.
"I was going to offer you the same thing," Noah smiled.
Henry frowned, "I think you're ready, son."
He shook his head, "I can't."
"That's not what Murphy said. I know you feel like your hand isn't back, but it's been more then a year now, Noah. It's healed."
He slammed the file on the desk, "Can you do this surgery if need be or not? If you can't I"ll have to send him over to General and I really REALLY don't want to do that."
Henry sighed, he knew pressing Noah right now wouldn't do anything, but he also knew the only thing that kept the man from returning to the OR was himself. "Fine, Noah, yes if he needs to be operated on this afternoon I will do it."
"Thank you!" He quipped and turned to leave, passing Grant entering the office as he did.

"He okay?" the blond asked.
Henry shook his head and dropped behind the desk. "He doesn't think he can operate."
Grant nodded, "I think once he got back in there, he'd be fine. He's just scared, you know."
Henry nodded, "But what's it going to take to get him back in there."
"When something happens and he doesn't have time to fret over it? When he just has to jump into action."
Henry shrugged and considered, "Maybe. If I thought he was content with it, I'd drop it you know. But I see he's not happy."
"I don't know about that," Grant argued. "He wasn't all that happy when he was a surgeon over at General. He loves the long-term patient interaction he has now."

In the corridor
Noah came back out of the exam room and nearly bumped into Bucky who was making his way to the back. "Whoa! What's up, Bucky?" The man asked with the usual smile for his long time friend.
Bucky turned and returned the smile, then leaned in whispering low. "That blond little preppy interrupted my morning screw. Do we have any porn in the med room?"
Noah laughed, "Not unless you left some there."
"Oh sure! Laugh at my pain, and I bet you won't even spin for me." The doctor feigned more pain, and then laughed in spite of the situation. "I think I see less of Dana now then I did when he was on the road."
"You don't have a long day do you?"
The cardiologist shook his head, "No, I'll be done in a couple hours, but Dana's over with Blackie and Danny all afternoon."
"I'm sure they'll take a lunch break. Go kidnap him after a bit and bring him back to the med room."
Bucky raised his eyebrows in contemplation, "Sounds like a plan."

Teen Center
Blackie rested his head in his hands on the table, looking down and closing his eyes tight. They had been at this for two weeks and the little blond on the stage had to be about the worst voice to ever screech out a note. "Make her stop," he mumbled so low that Danny and Dana didn't even hear. He swallowed hard and tapped his foot as she continued to, in his mind, slaughter the song he had written. "Make her stop. Make her stop." He repeated twice louder each time. When neither man did, he stood up, "Thank you, that's enough. That's more then enough!" He then turned from the table and walked over to the window, looking down the street.

Dana thanked the girl for her audition and directed her out, as Danny walked over to the window. "Are you okay?" he asked as he watched his friend hugging his arms tighter around himself.
"Do me a favor, please. Go next door and get Noah."
"Why don't you take a break?" Danny suggested, "Go on over and visit him for a little bit, Dana and I can suffer through a couple alone. If anyone's any good we'll come get you."
He twisted his head, "I can't go out there."
Recognizing the signs of stress in his friend, Danny asked, "Why, Sticks? What's wrong?"
"Being followed," he mumbled.
"Followed, like with Brian, not really but yeah kinda." He spoke in rushed fragments. "I don't want to go out."

"You two about ready?" Dana called from the table. "The next ones about ready to start."
"You okay, sticks?" Danny asked concerned.
Blackie nodded rubbing his forehead. "I'm listening, go ahead." He called out, then said low, "Please go get Noah."
Danny nodded and slipped out the front door. He returned a few minutes later with a very concerned Noah in tow. The doctor went straight to his lover, and lifted the man's chin so he could look in his eyes. "You okay, baby?"
"I don't feel very good, Doc." The man answered just loud enough to be heard over the audition.
"You want me to take you home?" He asked.
"I got too much work to do, and I know you do too." Blackie answered as he stepped into the man's open arms. "Can you just hold me for a few minutes?"
The doctor closed his arms tight around his lover. "You bet I can."
"Thanks, Doc."
10:30 that evening

Moaning softly, slowly recovering from orgasm Karen kissed Anna's neck. "My turn."
"Your turn for what?"
Rolling the older woman to her back and kissing her bare breast she moved her hands to her waistband and giggled. "You know."
Anna stiffened. "Karen. . . no."
The longhaired woman frowned. "Anna, please! I want to taste you, to make love to you, to make you feel good." She laid flat whispering into her shoulder. "Better then good, I want to make you warm."
"Warm?" Anna asked, though she wanted to give in she felt conflicted by her past. "Yeah," Karen rolled to her back, pulling Anna tight into her arms. "Warm is better then good. Good is fleeting and leads to guilt, pain, shame and all kinds of bad trips; but warm just feels nice and cozy, safe and secure, honest, real and normal."
Anna smiled, "Is that all?"
She shook her head. "No. It's also love. Real, honest, sometimes painful, but in the end worth the chance." Lifting her girlfriend's chin she looked into her eyes and then kissed her. "I love you, Anna. I just want to make you happy, to put that look in your eye again."
"What look?"
Karen laughed. "That hot satisfied look you had after our first night together."
Anna sighed, "I'm not ready yet, Love."
"I know and I'll be here when you are."
The dark haired woman's eyes fell to the clock. Dylan would home soon and though they were both involved with other people had yet to officially break things off. "I have to go."
"No you don't." Karen insisted. "Stay with me."
"I can't. You can't."
"Yes, I can."
"I'm not ready for what that means so you can't."
Karen frowned. "I love him, Anna, I do, and it's not bad."
"Shhh, love, I'm not saying that; I'm jut saying I'm not ready to spend the night with another man. Besides before I could do that I'd have to talk to Pick."
Knowing any further talk was moot Karen released her hold. "I could stay over tomorrow, our rule only applies to here at home."
Anna smiled. "Let me think about it. I'll call you in the morning. I promise." She leaned in. "Love you." And then she quickly slipped into her shirt, stuffed her bra into her pocket and left the room.

Noah/Blackie's Anna came into the house through the garage entrance. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she made her way quietly down the hall and into her son's room. She stood silently, watching the boy sleep for several minutes then turned to go to her room. Standing in the hall she could hear the boys soft moans and groans coming from their bedroom, and paused laying her hand and then ear against the door. Why was it she couldn't allow herself to love like that anymore? What was it that scared her so much about opening up to Karen? She knew the answer - it was every other relationship before her. Robert had abandoned her when she was pregnant. Holly had betrayed her in so many ways, and Pick just couldn't make her feel the way Karen or Noah and Blackie could, the way Holly had, completely loved.
She heard a knock on the front door, and quickly went to answer it before it disturbed anyone else. The knock fell again, just before Anna opened it to find Karen.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Can I come in?" The woman asked.
Anna stood aside and allowed her in, they both went to the studio.
"I'm really sorry," Anna whispered.
"I know you are." Karen countered, then turned back. "I have to know something. Do you hold back with me because of Holly? I mean because of me and -"
"NO! no, love, I swear I'm over that."
The younger woman dropped to the couch, burying her head in her hands and crying. "Why? Why, Anna?"
The dark haired woman sat next to her on the couch. "Please, don't cry."
"I love you!" Karen pleaded.
"That's what scars me," Anna finally admitted out loud. "It scares me that you love me, and that I love you."
"Do you mean that? Do you love me?" Karen asked with a smile through her tears. Anna nodded, "And when I love someone they always walk away from me in the end. I think I'm just so scared of you leaving. I think if I don't let you actually love me, you won't ever leave."
Karen took the other woman in her arms and held her tight, even when she stiffened to pull away. "Give me a chance, please. I love you Anna. I can't promise you forever, but I can promise you I love you and won't ever hurt you on purpose."
Weeping, Anna whispered against the woman's hair. "I love you too."
"Can I stay? Can I just lay with you and hold you, nothing more, nothing less. I just want to hold you while you let out everything everyone's done to you."
Anna nodded then whispered. "We'll have to pull this out and sleep here. The only other empty bed is," She pointed down the hall. "And I won't go in there."
"It's okay. This is fine." Karen replied.

