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Mr. Hanson Quotes

"She's the backbone of the whole family.....the one that holds us all together."-What Mr. Hanson told me about Mrs. Hanson

"Get your earplugs and let's boogie."

"Oooo-ooh!" (when Zac told him that the monkeys would swipe people's wallets) "Are you being smart, Zac?"

"Okay, that was nice."

Quotes About Mr. Hanson

"Our dad is just like 'Okay, don't do anything stupid that would make you guys get killed or anything like that.' But he is cool with it. He likes to video tape anything he can get while mom is watching the kids." -Taylor

Walker Hanson, the boys' dad, always has his video camera on hand. He dosn't want to miss a moment of his boys success.- from the book 100 hanson facts you never knew.

dad bought silver ring from south america my dad brought it back for me it fit my middle finger.- Ike from a yahoo chat.

Well thoughs are all the qoutes for now got any more e-mail them Here


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