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undefined Gardening


Gardening brings out the optimist in all of us.

In the spring of 1999 I made my first attempt at growing dahlias. I decided that with the lousy soil in my yard that I would do best with a raised bed. A friend from down the street came up to help me build my raised bed. My 5 year-old son, my friend's daughter and my sleeping infant son were all in my house while we worked. My 2 year-old son stayed out with us. He was actually being quite helpful. He stayed out of the way while we cut the timbers. He stood by as we drilled the pilot holes for the gutter spikes. When the time came for assembly, he brought us the spikes as we needed them. I reached out for a spike; and he was gone! I looked in the house. I looked in the woods. I sent one of the older children down the street to my friend's house. He was no where to be found. I felt profound guilt. I had lost my 2 year-old son while I was caught up in my gardening! I had to put a few other friends on the lookout for my boy. He loved to help another friend of mine with her yard work, so I went to ask her to keep her eyes open for him. As I reached her door, what did I see on her doorstep? My sleeping son! I felt silly for letting him slip away, and for not having seen him next door. I was very glad to see him safe next door. My neighbor and I both agreed, that no one would believe this story without a photo!