Here is Jessica, Mrs. Hanson, Mac, Avery and Zac in the movie yo kidz the vidz.(i have this movie, it is so cute!)
Here is Mrs. Hanson who is holding mac's hat, and Avery in yo kidz the vidz
Here is Mr Hanson Avery(in blue), Jessica(in Yellow), Ike Tay and Zac from a few years ago when the boys were playing a consert.
Avery and Mac and jessica from a year book a couple of years ago.
Here is Walker, The back of Diana's Head and Jessica.
here is the entire family (except Zoe) at arther ash kids day.
Here is Ike, Diana who is holding mac, Zac, Jessica, Taylor, and Avery walking down the street in England.
Here is Avery and Mackie in Taiwan.
here is Mrs. Hanson and Tay carrying Avery at a Zoo.
here is Mackenzie, Mr. Hanson and Issac in Sydney Austrailia.
got any more pix well then e-mail them to mehere thanx.