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When applying decals, refer to the drawing or photo of the specific version you have assembled. The numbers shown on the drawings and photos are in reference to those on the decal sheet These numbered decals are used on all versions Larger decals are easily identified for position

For a neat lob, carefully follow the application instructions on the back of the decal sheet Before they are completely dry, decals should be firmly pressed against surface contours



t is best to paint most of the parts before cementing them The large outside surfaces such as wings and fuselages may be painted after assembly. Only ENAMEL or PAINT FOR PLASTICS should be used


A small paint brush is best for painting small parts Larger areas are best covered with a soft brush about ~/ inch wide Allow time for paint to dry thoroughly before handling parts Scrape paint away from areas which will be cemented because cement will not hold to paint



Canopy detail can be easily and neatly done by using one of the dull finish acetate mending tapes. Cut a strip about five inches long and stick it to a piece of glass or plastic, paint this strip the same color as the upper part of your model Allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Using a straightedge and a razor blade cut strips from the tape the same width as the canopy ribs.  Lift up the strips and apply over each rib on the canopy.

Another method of achieving canopy realism is by masking the entire canopy with transparent tape. Use a sharp knife and very carefully cut the tape from any area that is to be painted. Paint the exposed Darts and allow to dry thoroughly Remove the remaining tape from the canopy by lifting it with the tip of your knife.

Either method will result in an extremely realistic canopy




Flesh face and hands. light brown shirt and pants, dark brown belt, black shoes. light or dark brown cap.


Standard uniform is Khaki, life vest is yello, straps flat white. Gloves and headphones are brown or black, oxygen mask/hose is grey/green, boots are brown or black, and goggles are brown, khaki or grey. Standrd pilots clipboard can be black, grey or brown with a silver clip. The paper or map should be white or very pale yellow.


Standard issue caps and overalls were olive drab, grey or khaki. Boots are brown or black.