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Hoof and Leg Care

Have you ever heard the expression "No hoof, No horse"? Well, it's pretty much true. If you don't take proper care of your pony's legs and hooves, he can go lame. So, here are some helpful suggestions.

One thing you can do to take care of the hooves is put ointment on them. Hoof Oil and moisturizers help strengthen the hoof and prevent cracking and splitting. I would highly reccomend you use it at least once a week. It really makes the hoof stronger.

Another thing you can do for the legs is a Cold Comfort Boot. This really helps in treating leg injuries which can be caused by running on hard ground. When fitted around a horse's leg, cold water goes through the hose and heals the inflammation and swelling injuries. It also massages other area around the leg such as the fetlock and tendon. This is a good thing to buy for your horse in the summer.

Magnetic Therapy can stimulate and heal injuries. It helps improve circulation and is a good thing to have.

Hoof Caring Facts:
  • Picking out your horse's hooves daily is a must to prevent lameness. To find out how to correctly pick out the hoof, go here.
  • There isn't any proof that states black hooves are stronger than white ones.
  • Horses with no shoes need to be inspected often to make sure there is no cracking.
  • Our fingernails are similar to horse's hooves in the fact that they're always growing. In around 8-12 months the new horn growns down to the level of the foot.
  • Shoeing prevents damage, pain and lameness of the hoof.
  • Shoes make sure there is no pressure on the foot and spreads the horse's weight out so it is balanced.
