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This page best viewed with an Open Mind


if you are here to send me e-mails telling me i'm gonna go to hell and that i'm evil please leave. You are not welcome here. You don't have much of a life if you are surfing Wiccan pages just to do that anyway.

As for anyone else Merry Meet!

As for a little background on me. I'm a 16 year old Wiccan. I have been sudying for a year now. I have learned and I have grown. I haven't really been paying attention to this page. I have decided to stop editing it. Though on another web page of mine I am including a section on Wicca there. Feel free to look around here or at my other page. It contains the information from here and what i have learned as well as showing some differant facets of my personality. In Perfect Love And Fairy Dust, Rain Child AKA Cobweb Fairy
  The Realm Of The Cobweb Fairy

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