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This Application is intended to be a guide to help you think about all the ways that a new cat or dog will impact your life. All of the questions concern various aspects of pet ownership that should be given serious consideration before deciding to share your life with any dog or cat. This application is NOT meant to be a test which will be used to disqualify you from consideration.

Highland Animal Sanctuary Adoption Application


City, State & Zip

Phone Number

E-mail address

Number of persons in your household
One Two Three or more.

Children? Yes No

If Yes, what are their ages?


Do you rent or own? Own Rent

Does your lease or homeowner's association restrict pet ownership? Yes No Don't Know

Is your yard fenced? Yes No


Please provide the names and telephone numbers of three references INCLUDING: Your veterinarian and, if applicable, your landlord. Other references could include a friend, neighbor, employer, relative, etc.

Name, Phone #, Relationship to Applicant


Are you prepared to make a commitment to care for this dog/cat for the next 10-15 (in the case of a dog) or 18-20 years (in the case of a cat)?

Yes No Don't Know

Are you prepared to commit to find a home where you can keep this dog/cat if/when you move during the next 10-20 years?
Please read .
Yes No Don't Know

Are you financially prepared to deal with the cost of both routine (vaccinations, annual examinations, dental cleanings, heartworm treatment, etc.) and non-routine/emergency veterinary care of this dog/cat?
Please read .
Yes No Don't Know

Approximately how many hours a day will your new dog/cat be alone?

Where will the dog/cat spend the day?

Where will your new dog/cat sleep?

Who will have primary responsibility for the care of the dog/cat?


What animals currently live in your household?

(Please list type of animal, sex, age and how long you have owned them)

Are these pets housed inside or outside? (please explain)

Which pet would you like to adopt and why?

All of the information that I have provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should a dog or cat be placed with me, it will reside in my home as a pet. I agree to provide the dog or cat with adequate food, water, shelter, affection, and medical care.

Signature of Applicant:

Date of Application:

How would you like us to contact you?

Via E-Mail Call during the day Call during the evening

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionaire fully.
