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06.04.00: Download bleeding the tear on! Anyways we are gonna give a hard try at advance sales for July 15th at the Bottomline w/Cryptkicker and Candyshop. Although we are out of the single song promo we are going to reprint them and to everyone who buys an advance ticket to the BOTTOMLINE show will recieve one at the show! How can ya pass that up, a free cd when buying a ticket for an awesome show? Email us and we'll contact you on where to send checks/money orders to so we can get you out those tickets.

05.23.00: Would like to thank all those who were there for us on the 20th at May, you people were wonderful. I hope we made some new fans and anyone who was available to get the promo enjoys the track (we know it doesn't sound too good recording wise, it was an experiment) but we wanted to give people something of ours to listen to. We just want to keep in touch with all our fans (even if only 3). My aol instant messenger name is LifeSoStuck if anyone wants to drop a line to find out about upcoming shows, demos, t-shirts, and presale tickets (buy some if ya know what's good for ya!). Stay tuned for shows...we're about ready to tear up this city, or at least look real dumb trying..

05.07.00: Couple stray thoughts from Ed; Besides RuT I have been listening to tracks from the up coming release from A Perfect Circle. I must say it's a damn good cd, it's not Tool (please hurry with the new one!) but nonetheless Maynard tears it up and the guitars are great. We've been associating a bit with a young band named Candyshop. We're definitely not local music icons (but who is) but these youngun's go out there and do their damnedest to kick some ass and they're pass the hanging on Belkin's nuts as most high school bands are. Also I'm pretty sure Uncle No will have a new cd coming up, Chimaira's gettin crazier, Snatch is definitely making the millenium chaos, and Odious is as resilient as a cockroach (not a bad thing!).

05.07.00: RuT is possibly finishing it's first demo in the next month. We have recorded another 1 song promo that will be limited (we're poor) and will most likely be handed out at the May 20th Cryptkicker show. This was done at a different studio than the official demo and the sound qualities are different but we're still happy with the sound on the single. The official demo was done at Mushroomhead's studio and the single song was done at DokRok.

04.12.00: After being verified by the agora for the b.o.t.b. they turned around and denied us with no reasonable explanation. Sean thinks it's a conspiracy.

03.02.00: IMPORTANT: Unfortunately RuT hasn't changed it's name yet; the search goes on..

02.24.00: The search for a second singer has ended by use of politics and hidden agendas by other band members. Bad medicine...but oh well. (I refuse to delete this so fuck off)

02.09.00: We are currently looking for a 2nd vocalist. Must be 18-25, live in the Mentor area or be able to get there whenever they need to, must expect to be dedicated to the band, must be able to practice Wednesday nights from 8-whenever and Sunday mornings from 11-whenever. We are currently working on our debut cd, but we need the second singer to complete it. We are a newer band with a sound best described as emo-metalcore. We are looking for a singer who can do a little singing, but mostly screaming. We're looking for a higher-pitched hardcore type scream. Check out our sounds page if you wanna hear us first. Contact Sean at 974-1610, Ed at 354-4839 or Jason at 286-8248 for more information.

01.21.00: Updated Biography section and added a Shows section. Ed's getting a new guitar this weekend (woohoo) and we can't wait to record our demo next weekend. Look for it's release some time this Spring. Check out our shows page and please be a pal and sign the guestbook. Look for us to put up a live version of our song "Empty" that we recorded at Peabody's at the Chimaira CD Release party on January 13. Keep checking back for more updates.

01.18.00: Long time since an update..We are heading into the studio next week and possibly doing a split with Uncle No..there will be some live mp3s on the site and then followed up with rough cuts possibly off of the demo..stay other news we played the Chimaira show last week and it was awesome..tables breaking and madness like that...some asshole stole Sean's brand new guitar though.

12.14.99: We are 4 days away from Winterfest, and we are extremely pumped. Our new material sounds great and we can't wait to show it to everyone. We recorded one of our new songs on 4 track so that we can make it into an mp3 for everyone to hear a sample of us. We are getting our promo pics for our press kit taken on Saturday, and some new live pics for the page as well. Big thanks goes out to Jen Link. In the next week we will hopefully have a full length mp3 and some new pictures. On a sadder note, Ray, the bassist of I2D passed away this friday. RuT and a lot of other cleveland metal bands are attempting to set up a benefit show at Agora or Phantasy as we speak. We will post the date for the benefit show as soon as we find out when it is, please come to this show if you only get to come to one. All the money will go towards Ray's funeral expenses. Everyone in RuT would like to send their deepest condolences to I2D, Ray's family, and Ray's friends. It's a shame that it took a tragedy like this to make all the Cleveland Bands come closer together. See you all at winterfest.

11.29.99: Due to lack of enthusiasm there will be no November show....BUT we are heading into Mushroomhead's studio at the end of January to record our first demo. Hope it comes out strong.....GET YOUR ASSES TO THE COVE DECEMBER 18TH, OUR DEBUTING OF THE NEW MATERIAL!!! Tickets are cheap, email us and we'll try to get you some.

11.04.99: Writing some new music, so far it is coming along AMAZINGLY....the band as a whole has never written together before, Sean and I have written one song together, the very last one in our old set, and now we are coming up with some incredible stuff. We are trying to set up a show for late November, the lineup right now is us and most likely The Earmuffs. If anyone is interested in maybe being a third email us cuz this show u need not to sell tickets, i'm pretty sure, and easy money if you have a lake county following.

10.30.99: Played the FDJ show, the place was pretty empty, but the people who were there were die hard. Met a cool band, Primer 55, who is playing November 2nd at Odeon with Biohazard and touring with slipknot in a month. Became friends, they pitted for us, we pitted for them. They wanted a tape of us to give to their label, island/def jam, but we are poor and dont' have a recording yet. Who sez merchandising isn't worth it. We are starting to work on new material for the studio to come out strong and give Cleveland a boost, something not boring. Support the local scene, no matter where u live.

10.19.99: OCTOBER 28th, we are opening for Mercury Records artist Full Devil Jacket at Peabody's Down Under, we urge you to come out to this show, it's next thursday and support us and the local metal scene to some Corporate goof asses who don't know what real hardcore metal is. Email us for just in The Earmuffs are playing this show also, more of a reason to watch a bunch of crazy Lake County guitars tearin it up.

10.7.99: October 16th at the Cove Rut is playing a band packed show including one of my favorites, PALE CREATION (of East Coast Empire Records), Odious Sanction, Liquid Bitch, Mosquito Bitten Bastards, CINDRBLoK and many others, a 13 band total, it's only 4 bucks in advanced so don't wait to get tickets to this show. Rut note.....This show sucked, i'm blaming sound guy and faulty equipment, all in all a bad show. Oh yeah, met a couple cool bands all should check out, I Ed support The Earmuffs, our local pals, and XSLSD, a kickass techno metal band. I'll have some links for these guys sooner or later.


9.06.99:Skar show cancelled..Dennis Moore gone now looking for new vocalist.

8.29.99: Website Created