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Shirah's Ride Home

On a nice peaceful ride home to Shirahs house, dropin shirah off before going home to get ready for the punk rock show. We were goin down highway 90 we got behind a stupid ass redneck in the right lane. There was a yellow light and the truck(that was raised and all) like faked like it was gonna go then slammed on brakes causing adam to like have to slam to avoid him, but he didnt have enough time. the car skidded and we got monster trucked killin Adams hood and front, and not doing shit to rednecks truck. We were luck the dudes bumper didnt go thru the windshield or adam and shirah woulda been up the proverbial creek, anyways we pull off and our good buddy Jeremy Drew pulls up fast as all hell. With a funny grin on his face asks whats up before realizing what happened. anyways adam left his wallet at my house so i went back and got it then went back to the scene. As soon as i get there Mr. Pig the Highway patrolman asks me if i am "bad to the bone" because i was wearing a misfits shirt with a giant skull on it. I did everything i could to keep from laughing at this dumbass, and answered his questions about my college plans while he gave Adam his 80$ ticket for following to close. well to end the story i go home, adam goes home. No punk rock or trouble for Adam and PRF for me.

~Backseat driver HIP~