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David J.


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Crocodile Tears And The Velvet Cosh
I take it as read that the mood is blue
It's ghost written all over vour face
I read you like a book
Seeing through
Without ever losing my place

Crocodile tears falling down
That kind of water doesn't wash
You pulled the wool over my tired eyes
You beat me up with the velvet cosh

We're on the rifle range shooting moving targets in the dark
You make high drama out of soap and then you kiss me like a shark
The veneer has cracked
Now you resemble a tree stripped of its bark
My gullibility, your only hope in this dark

A string of words like a hangman's noose
Strung like a charm 'round Your swans neck
Foot in mouth and swingin' high
As Miss Goody Two Shoes leaves the deck

The play you're in is right up your street
Narrow, twisting and only one way
Your delivery line is dead on arrival
It's an apt title though
"High Infidelity"

Crocodile tears and the velvet cosh
Crocodile tears and the velvet cosh
Crocodile tears and the velvet cosh
Crocodile tears and the velvet cosh