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David J.


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National Anthem Of Nowhere
You've been looking for the words
the words to set you free
searching for the music
to the anthem of your country
you've courted the sublime
you've courted the absurd
you've disbelieved in what you've seen
you've disbelieved in all you've heard
prayed to a vague god above
slipped your fingers from the tyrant's glove
now you're loolking for the words

Now you're stranded on the shore
beached like a big blue whale
sranded on this shore
where the cold north winds prevail
you've steered clear
of the hunter's steel harpoon
and yet you've still landed
In a dinosaur lagoon
you've had a brush with fate
blooded your hands over hate
now you're looking for a word

What's the word?

If I said the word was love
would you agree?
or would vou shake your head
cock a snook and laugh at me?
would you?
well cynicism's easy
and as far as I can see
unfashionable love could be the only thing to set you free
You've been living in the city
nailed to a neon cross
pondering the stars
without a coin to toss
made a play for heaven
got a pay off straight from hell
assassinated the angel
ringing that celestial bell

now you're kissing the Devil's hand
seems like the closest thing to dry land
since you've been looking for the words

But the Devil won't set you free
he keeps the monkey in the tree
only one thing gonna set you free

The national anthem of nowhere
the national anthem of nowhere
the national anthem of nowhere is playing