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David J.


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Sinister Ducks

Boquets, Wreaths And Laurels
Steering clear of trouble
He puts his best foot down
To shake off his double
A bar-stool-mounting clown
With the finesse of Barney Rubble
And a memory to drown
In the city of angels
With a halo of lights
As the night comes down

Classic rock on the radio
A continent on the clock
It's five years since the day
That he last stood in the dock
Now he's out on good behavior
But "good behavior's" just a ruse
He's heading into town
And stepping on the juice

The siren calls his name
Blows the whistle on the game
But he's pushing on the pedals
To deny some cop his medals

Happy when he held the sand flag
In his little hand
A child's gift for his mother
Making castles in the sand
Now the only flag he's waving
Is white and full of holes And the amnesty and pardon
Burning in the coals

Now all the cups from the prize fights
And never won in school
Are glittering in his headlights
He's a king tonight and no fool
With a loaded rifle
He's heading into town
With bouquets, wreathes and laurels
It's either swim or drown

With bouquets, wreathes and laurels
It's either swim or drown

With bouquets, wreathes and laurels
It's either swim or drown