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The Club

by: Chris

Chris turned around to face her best friend. Tracy's timing, as usual, left something to be desired.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting?" Tracy inquired, a stunned look on her face.

"What do you think?" Chris glared at her friend.

Tracy had searched thru the clubs of Bourbon Street looking for Chris. She had finally found her in Bonzai Pipeline, surrounded by a crowd.

"What's going on? Are we gonna do this or what?" A voice behind Chris asked.

The voice was vaguely familiar to Tracy. She tried to look around Chris to see who it was. But she couldn't find the source of the voice. Turning back to her friend, Tracy was shocked. The look on Chris's face was one of extreme pleasure. It was shocking to Tracy because she knew that Chris was currently upset with her.

"Yeah we're gonna do this," Chris replied as she turned around. "So who's first?"

"Me," the voice answered. "Unless you want to go first. I'm easy."

Tracy was still unable to see the speaker but she did see Chris's body shudder.

"No, you wanna go first, then you can go first. So let's do this," Chirs laughed.

"Well you gotta come a little closer." An arm snaked around Chirs's waist and pulled her forward. "Here. Put this in your mouth."

Chris smiled up at the man in front of her. Looking into his dreamy hazel eyes, she fought to control her body's shuddering. He was smiling at her as he placed the wedge of lime in her mouth and tipped her head back. Leaning down, he kissed the pulse in Chris's neck. His tongue gently licked the same spot causing Chris to moan involuntarily.

"Are ya ready?" He whispered as he salted the spot he'd just licked and kissed on her neck.

"Uh huh," was all Chris could manage to reply as he leaned down and slowly licked the salt that he'd just poured. She braced herself as he downed the shot of tequila and leaned towards her mouth for the lime.

Chris felt his arms tighten around her as he covered her mouth with his. As he sucked on the lime, he ran his tongue lightly over Chris's lips. Pulling back, he removed the piece of lime from his mouth and grinned devilishly.

"I thought you said you had never done body shots before. You seem to know what you're doing if you ask me."

"I didn't do anything except hold the lime." Chris blushed as he pulled her closer. "You did everything else."

"But I like the way you hold a lime for me."

Chris had forgotten about Tracy standing there. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and smiled up at him.

"My turn?" Chris reached for a lime and the salt. "Hold this for me, please. Lets see how good of a student I am."

Chris then repeated his actions, step by step, until she got to the lime. Instead of running her tongue over his lips, Chris chose to explore his mouth with her tongue. When the kiss ended, they were both short of breath.

"So wanna dance?"

Tracy moaned as a voice behind her whispered into her ear.

"I thought you were meeting your friends here." Tracy turned around to face Jordan.

"I was. I found one." Jordan leaned over and gently kissed her. "The other one is supposed to be in here somewhere. What about you? You were meeting your friends too."

Tracy jerked her head in Chris's direction. "That's her. Hey Chris, I want you to meet someone."

"I already have," Chris said as she unwrapped herself from her distraction. "Tracy, I'd like to introduce you to..."

"Donnie," Jordan finished. "Man, I been looking for you. Joe said you were in here with some girl you'd met."

"Hey J. I'd like you to meet Chris." Donnie wrapped his arms around Chris's waist and pulled her back against him. "Chris, this is Jordan."

"Well duh!" Chris laughed at the look on Donnie's face. "I'm a 26 years old and female. I know who Jordan Knight is. Donnie, this is my best friend, Tracy. Looks like her and Jordan already know each other."

Tracy and Jordan both smiled and mumbled something nobody could understand. Chris looked at Tracy and knew instantly that Tracy knew Jordan better than she was letting on.

"We'll talk later?" Chris looked at Tracy and recieved a slight nod as Jordan pulled her out onto the dancefloor.

"So, you wanna continue with the shots or do you want to dance?" Donnie whispered as he ran his tongue up Chris's neck.

Chris leaned back against him and he began to trail kisses down the back of her neck. Donnie ran his hands down Chris's sides causing her to sigh as he brushed his fingers lightly over the sides of her breasts. Turning her around, Donnie captured Chris's mouth in a slow, teasing kiss. He moaned as she pressed her body tightly against his. It was taking every ounce of will power Donnie had to keep from becoming visibly aroused.

"Maybe we should go dance." Chris pulled away from Donnie. Grabbing his hand, she led him to the dancefloor, finding a spot next to Tracy and Jordan.

As he watched Tracy and Jordan dance together, Donnie leaned down and asked, "How well do you think they know each other?"

"From the look on Tracy's face," Chris laughed, "I'd say they probably met earlier this evening."

"That I can see." Donnie pulled Chris towards him. "But do you think they'll end up in bed together?"

"If you're asking me if I think she'll fuck him, I'd say she's been there and done that. I mean look how well they move together."

"We haven't fucked and we move together pretty well." Donnie rolled his hips to emphasize his words. He laughed as Chris unconsciously began to follow his body with hers. "See what I mean?"

"Shut up and just dance with me. OK?" To ensure that Donnie did just that, Chris wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers for a kiss.

Donnie ran his hands down Chris's back and cupped her ass, pulling her hips tightly against his. Chris moaned, involuntarily, as she felt Donnie's hard-on press against her.

"You like that," Donnie whispered as the kiss ended. It was not a question.

"I've liked everything you've done to me so far." Chris leaned back against the side of the dj booth.

Donnie pressed his body against hers. "There's more I'd like to do to you. If you want me to, that is."

"As long as it isn't illegal, I'm game," Chris ran her hands down Donnie's chest and over the front of his jeans. She giggled at his intake of breath as she stroked his cock thru the fabric.

"You don't want to do that here," Donnie groaned as he pulled her hands away.

"Why?" Chris grabbed Donnie. "Don't you like it? I'm not worried about people seeing us."

"Yeah I like it. But the more you rub, the more I wanna fuck you." Donnie slid his hand up under her skirt. "Unless you don't mind fucking in public. We could try to be discreet."

Chris gasped as Donnie's fingers slipped inside of her. She spread her legs and brought one up around Donnie's hip. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face in his shoulder as she caught Tracy's eye. The grin on Tracy's face told Chris that she knew exactly what was going on.

"Look at me babygirl," Donnie whispered in her ear causing her to shudder. "Maybe I'll just call you babygirl all night. It seems to turn you on."

"If you keep..." Chris moaned as Donnie pulled his fingers out of her. She stared at him with a bewildered look on her face.

Donnie saw the confusion in her eyes at what he'd done but said nothing. He just leaned down and captured her mouth in a deep searing kiss. As he began nibbling on her bottom lip, he lifted her leg up a little higher and thrusted into her.

"Oh my g-d!!!" Chris cried into Donnie's mouth as he kissed her.

Donnie pulled back to look at her. He wanted to see if he had shocked her with his boldness. All he saw was her growing desire as he felt her tighten up around him. While using one hand to hold her tightly against him and the other to keep her leg around his hips, Donnie began grinding and thrusting into Chris to the beat of the music.

Chris was thankful for the hand on her back as he quickened his pace. The sensations he was causing her to feel had her too weak to stand. She wrapped her arms around him tighter as he slipped one hand between them and began rubbing her clit with his thumb.

"Donnie..." Chris panted his name as she pressed her mouth to his neck to keep from screaming as she came.

Donnie tightened his hold on Chris as he came with one final thrust.

"I can't believe we just did that," Donnie said as he caught his breath. He smiled at Chris as she just nodded.

She lowered her leg from his hip so that she could support herself. She whimpered slightly as she felt Donnie slip out of her.

"Sorry babygirl." Donnie kissed her gently. "But if we stay like that much longer people are gonna begin to wonder if I was dancing with you or fucking you."

"Let them wonder." Chris leaned closer to him. "If they want to know what we were doing, I'll gladly tell them."

Shaking his head and laughing, Donnie zipped his jeans back up. Then he led Chris off of the dancefloor. "Let's get a drink. I think we both need something to cool us down a little. At least until we get somewhere a little more private."

Donnie stopped, turned around and pulled Chris tightly against him again. Wiggling his eyebrows, he whispered in her ear, "What I have planned for you next I don't want any spectators."

"Sounds interesting," Chris replied as she kissed Donnie deeply.