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11 Years cont…

Jordan pulled in. The guys knew he needed to calm down. "I can’t believe that sick bastard." Jordan was so mad he had tears running down his face.

"How’s Maria?" Joe asked.

"God, horrible, she is a wreck." Jordan cracked his knuckles. "I’m gonna get that idiot."

"No Jordan, that will only make things worse." said Jon

"Hell, no, this guy deserves it." Donnie was getting riled up too.

Donnie jumped in his car. Jordan got in the passenger seat. Joe and Danny got in the back. "Guys, don’t do this," warned Jon.

They drove off before Jon could talk sense into them.

They pulled into the part of Dorchester where they grew up and knew that Jamie still lived in the same house. Jamie was walking down the street. Before Donnie got the car stopped Jordan was out and running after Jamie. Jamie saw him and took off, he remembered what a fighter Jordan was. Donnie and Danny cut Jamie off and tackled him. Within seconds they were all in a full-blown brawl. They heard sirens coming and Joe, Danny, and Donnie took off running. Jordan didn’t hear the sirens and was still pounding Jamie who was lying in a heap not moving. Jordan was pulled up by three policemen and he was still swinging. A paramedic was checking out Jamie. "He’s alive, barely."

They took Jordan in and finger printed him, booked him, let him make his call and threw him in a cell. He called Donnie and Donnie called a good defense lawyer.

Donnie picked up the phone to call Kim and tell her what happened. "Um, Kim honey?" he said knowing he was going to get his ass kicked for being involved. "Jordan got arrested." He told her what happened and she laid into him. She told him that he was an idiot and should be there with Jordan, in the cell. "I’m sorry honey, it was personal. We had to do something."

"Well, you guys need to think with your heads not your testosterone." Kim was furious "this is the last thing that poor little girl needs right now." She hung up grumbling the whole time. She went over to Jordan’s house. Dante was asleep. Maria was in the kitchen. She was watching the news and they had just ended the clip about Jordan. She wasn’t even crying. "Maria?" Kim gave her a hug. You and Dante can come stay with us until this is over.

"They said the guy almost died." Maria looked at Kim. "Why did he do that? I need him to much." Marlene ran into the room.

"Baby? Oh, my honey are you going to be ok?" Marlene was a wreck too. She was still in her robe and curlers. Jon told me what happened. "What are they going to charge him with?" she asked Kim.

"Donnie is going down there now." Kim looked at Marlene, they both knew what would happen if it was too bad. "He will call us. I’m going to get Dante and take him and Maria home with me. She doesn’t need to be here. The press will show up tomorrow." Marlene nodded in agreement and then called Maria’s doctor and told him that they may need him tonight.

The arraignment went poorly. They were charging Jordan with aggravated assault. Jamie was in a coma and the doctors said he would live. Jordan had hit him repeatedly in the head but not enough to do any permanent damage. The media was swarming outside. His lawyer advised him to plead guilty and get it over with. He followed the lawyer’s advice. He knew his good reputation and career were over. The judge sentenced him light, only six month’s probation. Jordan’s clean record saved him. Jordan came into his house and felt the emptiness. "Must have went to Donnie’s." he said to himself. He went to bed and thought about what had happened.

The next day he went to see Maria. "Honey?" he said coming into Kim’s guestroom.

Her eyes lit up "if you ever do that again I will kill you!" She was upset but glad to see him. "Did you get a punch in for me?" she laughed.

"Your not mad?" he asked her.

"Yes, but I am not going to get upset. I would’ve done the same thing" she smiled and motioned for him to sit next to her. "If it ever happens again I won’t be so forgiving. You can’t do those kinds of things. What if you would’ve gotten jail time?" She had a tear go down her cheek. "What would we have done?"

"I’m sorry. It will never happen again" he promised.

"Good, now go get me some Ben n’ Jerry’s" she ordered him.

Graduation came and went. Jordan and Maria had a small private wedding. They all got over the tabloid thing and Jordan issued a press release publicly apologizing to Jamie Kelly for his behavior, but also making a strong statement against tabloids. June was a breeze, but by the end of the month the doctor had put Maria on 24-hour bed rest. She was running Jordan ragged and her and Dante were good coloring book pals. Jordan still loved her with all of his heart and loved her more everyday. She loved him too.

Jordan finally got into bed one Saturday night around 3 am. "I have to hire a maid," he said to himself. He had been washing new baby clothes all day, his clothes and Maria’s and Dante’s. Dante was sick and he had to give him two ice baths and run juice and medicine to the boy every few minutes. Maria was getting crankier the further along she got. "This makes touring five years straight look easy." he said to himself crawling under the covers.

"Jordan?" Maria looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Yes dear?" he didn’t look forward to what was coming.

"I’m hungry." she whined.

"What do you want?" he asked as patiently as he could.

"Um, I want a chicken soft taco from taco bell. A frosty from Wendy’s, a whopper from burger king, oh and some chicken nuggets from McDonald’s" she looked at him. He was once again writing a list of food to get for her.

"Can’t you have Wendy’s nuggets?" he asked hoping to save a trip.

"No, they aren’t as good as McDonald’s" she smiled at him "I love you."

"I love you too." he got out of bed, pulled on his sweat pants and took off to get her food. He got back 45 minutes later to find her sound asleep. "Hey, Maria, I’m back." she didn’t’ even stir. He pushed her gently. "Hello? Maria?"

She opened her eyes. "Hi." she smiled.

"Here is your food." he said looking at her.

"I’m not hungry." She looked at him again with puppy eyes. "I’m sorry."

He gave a frustrated sigh and tossed the food towards Shane. "Do you feel ok?" he asked. He really wished the baby’s would come. She hated to be cooped up all day and it was making her cranky.

He had just fallen asleep when Maria woke him again "honey, forget it, I’m too tired to run anywhere else." he had enough.

"Babies." She winced in pain.

He rolled over "what, the babies are coming?" he looked at her and she nodded her head yes. Jordan jumped up and paged the doctor. He then called his mom and Jesse. He helped her up, grabbed Dante, and her bag then they took off towards the hospital. She screamed half way there. Her water broke in the car and when they got to the hospital she was in major contractions. Dante was crying because he didn’t know what was going on, Maria was screaming and Jordan was tired and frustrated.

Donnie meet him there "your mom called. She thought I would make it before she would." He took Dante out of Jordan’s arms and waved Jordan into the delivery room. "Go, watch your babies be born." He calmed Dante down and within minutes he was back to sleep.

Marlene came in and right after her was Jesse. "I’m finally going to be a grandpa." he exclaimed. "I can’t believe it."

Three hours after they got to the hospital the first baby was born, two hours later the second and four hours after that the third. Three very healthy boys. Jordan came out of the delivery room exhausted.

"By the look of you, I would think you had the babies." laughed Kim.

"Ha, all three are healthy. Maria is sound asleep." Jordan said collapsing into the chair next to Marlene. Dante crawled into his lap.

"Does this mean mommy can come outside and play now?" Dante asked. "And we can play tag with the babies." He was excited to have three baby brothers. "I’m glad there was no girls. Yuck."

Everyone laughed. "I don’t think mom will want to play tag anytime soon. And the babies won’t be able to walk for a year or so." Jordan smiled and gave Dante a hug.

"Hmmm now the real work begins." laughed Marlene. "What are there names?"

"We decided on Daniel Lee, Joseph Jonathan, and Donald Mark. I know cheesy but it was all we could come up with." Jordan leaned back his head and fell asleep.

The next few months were hell filled with bits of enjoyment. The babies cried non-stop, Dante was having a hard time adjusting and Maria and Jordan hadn’t had a good nights sleep in a long time and Jordan’s time limit on his contract with Interscope was running out.

"Maria." he came in from the car. "I have to go on tour," he said quietly.

"What?" she asked. "What am I suppose to do?" she asked.

"I hired you a full house staff. You are taking on to much." He looked at her and ran upstairs to pack.

"When do you leave?" she asked, balancing Joey and Danny on her hips.

"Tonight." he said. "I have to go to New York to film a video and start recording. Since I took so much time off, I have to fast track everything, the album, the videos and the tour." He was happy to get out of the house. He finally could do what he loved again.

"Promise me that this will be the last tour." she said sadly.

He spun around and looked at her. Anger in her eyes. "What? You want me to end my career just like that." he had never raised his voice to her until now.

"No, it’s just that I need you at home helping me." she said.

"You know, I am tired of your consistent whining. Your helplessness. Your immature behaviors and the fact that you can’t handle anything like an adult." He was yelling at her and the babies were beginning to cry, so was Dante. They didn’t understand what was going on. She had tears running down her face too. "Damn it Maria you are to Damn sensitive." He slammed his suitcase and pushed his way passed Maria and out the door. Completely ignoring the cry’s of his four children.

Later that night the phone rang. "Maria?" it was a somber Jordan on the other end of the phone.

"What Jordan?" she was quiet. She had no idea what he was going to say next.

"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have behaved like that. I am just frustrated and Interscope is being a mega bitch to me." She could tell he was in tears. But she didn’t say a word. "I know you are frustrated and stressed to." He hiccuped, she forced back a smile "Look, I’m sorry, it will never happen again." he begged for forgiveness for a good hour. And she let him have it about how she had been feeling. "I’ll tell you what. I have a few days next week free before I start touring. Why don’t we have Mom and Ally stay with the kids and we go somewhere nice?"

"Ok. I’m sorry if I have been whiny and immature. I just don’t know how to deal with all of this. I love you." she replied.

"I love you too." They talked a little while longer and hung up the phone.

Jordan met Maria at the Boston airport and they boarded a plan to the Cayman Islands. He held her hand and they caught up on things. She missed him and their quiet conversations. "I am so glad we are doing this." she smiled at him.

"Me to." They got off the plan and got into a cab. He had rented a cabin on a near deserted beach. "I love you." he smiled at her. She looked so tired. They got in the cabin and she lay down and fell asleep instantly, so did he. The next morning they woke up refreshed. They lay in bed and ate breakfast.

"I’m going to miss you while you are on tour," she said looking into his eyes.

"I’ll miss you too." he smiled and leaned down to kiss her. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." he started to kiss her breasts. He unfastened her bra. "You know we haven’t made love in months?" he asked. She nodded her head in agreement. She followed his lead and they made love all day long. They fell asleep in each other’s arms. Two days later they boarded separate planes in Florida. Him going to LA and her going home to Boston.

The next six months Jordan only got home once, that was for Christmas. They were both quiet most of the time and they made love only once. The passion and spark just wasn’t there anymore.

May came and went, so did June and July. Jordan had promised to be home for the boys’ birthdays but because of a hurricane he was unable to fly. Maria was getting more lonely and depressed by the minute. Jordan walked through the front door on a hot August evening. The triplets were playing with Dante. Dante looked up at Jordan and ran to him. The triplets just stared confused. Joey started to cry. "Momma, Joey is crying again." Dante ran to Maria.

Maria came out of the kitchen. She was wearing an apron and her hair was a mess. "Jordan?" she smiled at him. He walked over to her and hugged her. She pulled away from him and walked into another room. He followed her.

"Maria, what is wrong?" he asked her. "I am home for good now."

She turned around and smiled. "I feel like I don’t even know you anymore."

"I’m sorry, I really am, but I am home for good now." he smiled at her. "You look great."

"Thanks." she looked at him. He began to kiss her. She once again followed his lead. He cleared off the desk in one swoop of his arm and laid her one the desk. He pulled her panties off and entered her. She was wet and willing but something seemed different. When they were finished he looked at her.

"What is wrong. You should be happy I’m home" he looked at her again.

"I’m tired Jordan, I need some sleep." she went upstairs and fell into bed.

When Jordan woke up the house seemed too different. He went downstairs. Dante and the triplets were still asleep. When Dante heard Jordan get up he ran down the steps and into his arms "Daddy, Daddy, Joey and Donnie are gone!!!!"

Jordan jumped up. "What?" Jordan jumped up. He looked outside and Maria’s car was gone too. "Oh, mommy probably took them for a ride Dante." Jordan sighed in relief. He went into the kitchen to make breakfast. There was a not on the fridge.


I loved you, but things have changed. I married you to make you happy and I fell out of love with you. When you went away I missed you so much. But then I realized I felt free without you. I took Joey and Donnie with me. I thought it was fair, you have Dante and Danny. It is my fault. I should have said something way back when we first got pregnant. Things moved to fast, I put my life on hold for you and got almost nothing in return but these wonderful boys and I thank you for them. I know you will move on. Let Danny and Dante know that I love them with all of my heart. I will be in contact with you when I get where I am going to stay. Please make this easy on me. I know I didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement, but I don’t want your money. If you want a divorce, I will give you one easily without a fight. Just let me have Joey and Donnie. I took some money and transferred it into my own bank account. It is enough to live on until I find a job. I also took some for Joey and Donnie’s college, and mine too. I hope you understand that I can’t stay. I felt trapped.


Jordan sat down in shock.

It was three days before Jordan heard from Maria and he hadn’t left the house. All he could think about was all the times he talked about being a real family and how happy he was to finally have more babies. He thought about all the times Maria put off what she wanted to do for him. She was supposed to start college the last September, but the babies were sick and she postponed going back. Then she was registered to start in January and his tour was extended. He realized how selfish he was. Who was he kidding, he didn’t need to go on that tour, he could’ broken the contract with no problems. He had plenty of money and should have stayed home, but the crying and the diapers and the stress Maria was under were driving him nuts. He had to leave for his own sanity. What he didn’t realize was that saving himself meant more struggles and stress for Maria. The phone rang as he was changing Danny’s diaper. "Hello?" he picked it up.

"It’s me, I’m in Ohio." she said. He could here the boys crying.

"Why did you leave?" he asked disappointed.

"If you haven’t figured it out by now you never will." she snapped.

"But Maria I love you." he begged. "I’m sorry."

"What are you sorry about." She was getting angrier by the minute. "Are you sorry, we got pregnant? Are you sorry we got married? Are you sorry that you left me alone for almost a year with four children, one of whom isn’t even min?" she was furious " are you sorry that I didn’t get to go to college? Are you sorry we didn’t sign a prenup?" she swallowed hard "or are you sorry you slept with Evelyn when you were in Paris? You didn’t even know I knew did you?" \

"What, how did you find out about that?" he was shocked that she knew about that one moment of indiscretion that he regretted.

"Oh, so you admit it. You were never going to tell me were you." She was crying. "I loved you Jordan but I can’t love a man like you." She was almost yelling "I gave you everything I had, I gave you my virginity, my trust, my love, my Life, I put college on hold for you and I gave you three babies!!" She was screaming by now "Damn it Jordan you balled it up and tossed it away. You went back to her."

"I... I..." he started. He didn’t know what to say.

"No there is no excuse and there is no way in hell I will ever forgive you of this." She slammed the phone down and wiped away a tear. "He isn’t worth crying over anymore."

A month later Maria the doctor walked into the little room where she was sitting. "Mrs. Knight." he said. "You are pregnant." he smiled. He must have thought this was a good thing.

"How will I tell Jordan?" the thought to herself. She had signed the divorce papers for Jordan yesterday and it would be finally next week. "Ok, thanks." she got dressed got into her car and drove to Kris’s house. "I’m having another baby." she said looking at her best friend.

"You aren’t going to tell him are you?" asked Kris. She had only met Jordan once but wasn’t to found of him.

"I have to he is the daddy." Maria said not realizing she was defending him.

"Hell no, he gave up that privilege the minute he fucked that little whore of his." Kris spoke up. "Uh, uh, not if I have anything to do with it." Donnie crawled onto Kris’s lap.

"Your right." she said quietly. "I won’t tell him." She sat down at the table and started writing out checks for the bills.

"How much did he give you?" Kris asked.

"Two." Maria said quietly.

"Two what?" Kris asked nosily.

"Two Million, just for me and one million each for the boys." Maria said. "Believe me I would rather have a husband that was faithful and stayed home than all the money in the world." she smiled at Joey when he pulled himself up. "He wanted to give me more but I said no."

"Why? I would’ve broke his bank along with his neck." Kris was an extreme feminist and wasn’t to found of men, of course now Maria understood why.

"Cause I don’t want to owe him anything." Maria said softly.

"Hell, he owes you a hell of a lot more than that. What about Donnie and Joey, he owes them too. What are you guys going to do about custody?" Kris said getting up to turn off the oven.

"He has Danny and I have these guys. No visitation, but there is nothing about that legally. It’s just verbal." Maria sighed. "Can we not talk about this anymore."

A few months went by and she was only having one baby this time. She was much happier now and the boys were growing so fast. She was in school and doing well, she had bought a house big enough for the four of them. She was starting to consider telling Jordan about the baby. She had dialed the first four numbers to his house when on Inside Edition they started talking about him and his new wife. She swung around and stared at the TV with hot tears running down her face. On TV was Jordan and Evy coming out of a church. She was pregnant. Maria took a baseball bat that was sitting next to her and knocked the TV off of its stand and was hitting it shattering it into small pieces. Her friend Jeff ran in and grabbed her. Kris was outside with the kids keeping their attention off of her.

"Maria!!!" Jeff slapped her to calm her down. He had seen her upset in his day but not this bad.

She finally got a hold of herself. "He will never know about this baby." She ran to her room and cried.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into a year and a year turned into five years. Maria was working at a local TV station, she had been since the baby was born, the baby’s name was William. She had been living quietly in Ohio for five years. Jordan was no-where to be found and she was finally happy. Just her and her three boys. Donnie and Joey were in the first grade and William had just started Kindergarten. Her dad was long gone in a tractor-trailer accident and she lived in a nice house in the middle of town. It was a quiet town in Ohio right off of I77. Lots of tourist but a low crime rate.

"Damn it Danny, Dante stop picking on your brother." yelled a frustrated Jordan from the driver’s seat. "Evy do something." he said to her. She was just reading a book. He was miserable with her, he missed Maria but he stayed with Evelyn just the same. That moment a tire blew. He pulled onto the side of the road and kept driving, he could see the first exit in Ohio right across the river bridge. When he saw the Ohio sign he sighed. It reminded him of Maria.

Maria drove passed a family that had blown a tire. The guy looked tired. The woman looked like a bitch. She was singing along with the Sesame Street CD that was in her SUV. She could see in the back of the other car there were three boys. "Mommy, that boy looks like us." Donnie said pointing at the other car.

"Honey I can’t look, I’m driving." she smiled to herself. Her boys were so attentive.

"Jordan, what happened." Evy looked up from her book.

"Uh, guess Honey." he said angry and sarcastically.

"Oh, well I suppose you are going to somehow blame this on me I suppose?" She snapped back.

"Mommy, daddy can you guys not fight today?" Dante said looking upset. He didn’t like it when they fought.

"What am I doing?" Jordan thought to himself. "By making myself miserable I am making the kids miserable." Danny was having a hard time reaching his coloring book. "Evy can you get Danny his book?" he asked nicely

"Why?" she snapped "he isn’t my kid."

Danny looked at Evy, he had tears in his eyes. Dante put his arms around him. "Mommy, don’t say that?" Dante said quietly. "You hurt his feelings." Jordan glared at Evy.

"That does it," he began thinking to himself. "I am starting proceedings when we get back to Boston." He pulled onto the exit ramp and into McDonald’s parking lot. The boys got excited. "Take them in and get something to eat." he got out his cell phone "damn it the batteries are dead." he got out of the car and went in with Evy and the boys. He got into the phone book and looked up the number to the nearest place that sold tires. He sighed then called to make reservations at the Comfort Inn. He walked into the McDonald’s and sat with Evy inside. "I really don’t want you treating Danny that way." he scolded her. "He is my son and I want you to treat him with respect." He was angry and Evy knew it. "You are the only mother he knows. So you better damn well act like it." He took a bite of his fries. The boys were in the playland. They were playing with other kids.
