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The Limo

by: Chris

Tracy silently asked herself why she had agreed to be a bridesmaid at this wedding. She really didn't consider her and the bride to be close friends anymore. But here she was at the reception, dancing with some guy she didn't know, just because he happened to be her escort in the wedding. Tracy decided she had to get away from these people, so when the song ended she went looking for the newlyweds.

When she found them, Tracy congratulated them again. Then she said she was feeling ill and apologized for leaving early. As she headed for the elevators, Tracy reflected on her evening up to this point. She realized that there had really only been one moment when she hadn't been bored almost to tears. That moment had taken place when the wedding party arrrived at the hotel for the reception. As she walked thru the lobby, she had spotted a guy that fit her description of physical perfection.

She thought back to that moment and smiled. She had been coming around the corner when she'd run right into someone. Tracy's breath caught as she looked up at who she had run into. She found herself looking into the most beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes she'd ever seen.

Stepping back, she had quickly given the guy a once over. Tracy shivered as she remembered his mouth and her thoughts on how she would like him to use it. She'd apologized and continued on her way. Now she was wishing she had introduced herself.

The elevator arrived, bringing Tracy slightly out of her reverie. She shook her head as if trying to clear it as she stepped into the elevator. Absently she replied when someone asked her what floor.

Reaching her room, Tracy paged her friend to find out where she was. She was just pulling on her skirt when the phone rang.


"You paged?" Chris sounded irritated.

"Yeah. Where ya at?" Tracy figured Chris was partying by her tone of voice.

"Me and Mary are at Bourbon Street. Did you duck out of the reception early?"

"Sure did. I just finished changing." Tracy ran a brush thru her hair and smiled. "As soon as I can get a cab, I'll be there. I'll find one of you."

"Good. Cuz Mary's man is with her," Chris laughed. "And there are just too many guys here for just me to handle."

"I'll see ya in a few." Tracy hung up the phone.

Grabbing her keys and money, tracy left the room and headed for the elevator. She steppedn in, only to find herself surrounded by guys. She felt a little apprehensive at first. then she thought "oh well at least they are all cute."

Getting out of the elevator in the lobby, tracy crossed to the nearest exit. She asked the valet if he could get her a cab.

"Now that outfit suits you a whole helluva lot better," a voice said from behind her.

"Excuse me?" Tracy turned around. "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes I was." The owner of the voice was the guy from earlier. "I was just admiring you and your improved outfit. You really shouldn't hide those legs or that body under a long dress. An ugly dress, at that."

"Thank you. I didn't choose the dress from earlier. I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. The bride chose the dresses for us." Tracy smiled. "By the way I'm Tracy."

"Hello Tracy. My friends call me J." He reached out and kissed the underside of Tracy's wrist, sending shivers down her body. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you headed looking so good?"

"I'm meeting some friends at a club. How about you?"

"Same thing. Meeting a couple of friends at a club. Some place called Bourbon Street. In all honesty, I'd rather go out with you," J smiled. "That is if your friends wouldn't mind."

"No, they wouldn't mind. As a matter of fact, one is with her boyfriend. The other one is just partying. She believes the more the merrier." Tracy laughed, "Besides, I'm headed to Bourbon Street too."

"Can I give you a lift. I mean, there really is no for both of us to go to the same place in two different cars. Especially since you are taking a cab." J pointed across the street. "Plus I really hate riding in those things alone."

Tracy's gaze followed the direction in which J was pointing. Parked across the street was the most glorious super stretch white limo Tracy had ever seen.

"Yeah. You're right. If we're going to the same place we may as well ride together." Tracy grinned. "Besides I've never been in a limo for any reason other than a funeral."

J took Tracy's hand and led her over to the limo. He helped her inside, then sat down across from her. He was watching her so intensely that Tracy became embarrassed and turned to stare out of the window.

"I like that. It's sexy," J said.

"Huh? What?" Tracy didn't know what he was talking about.

"Your tattoo. I like the Tweety." He reached out and touched her ankle, sending a shock thru her body.

"Thanks." Tracy was at a loss for worsds. She was busy dealing with the sensations coursing thru her body from J's touch.

As she got control of herself, Tracy realizd that J was still touching her. Only his hand was no longer on her ankle, he was slowly stroking her calf. Looking up, Tracy could see the desire in his eyes. He moved closer to the edge of his seat and turned her around so that she was facing him completely.

Parting her knees, J ran his hands up Tracy's legs and under her skirt. He slid off of the edge of his seat and was on his knees in front of her as his hands continued up Tracy's thighs. Tracy gasped as J began rubbing his thumb across the thin layer of silk covering her. J smiled and slipped his fingers inside her panties. He felt Tracy spread her legs wider and press her body forward.

Tracy moaned as J slid in fingers inside of her. All she could think of was how good it felt to have his fingers in her as he used his thumb to rub her clit. She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as her orgasm hit her.

J kept his hands between Tracy's thighs as he came up to capture her mouth in a passionate kiss. He then trailed kisses from her mouth, across her cheek to her ear. Tracy wrapped her arms around his neck and triend to pull him back to her mouth. She relented as J began to gently nibble on her earlobe.

"You like that baby?" J whispered in Tracy's ear.

Tracy's body stiffened at the word baby. She pushed J away and stared in disbelief. The realization hit her about J's true identity. She couldn't believe that she was fulfilling one of her biggest fantasies. Here she was on the verge of having sex with Jordan Knight in a super stretch white limo.

"What's wrong?" Jordan looked confused. He didn't know why she had pushed him away.

"Nothing. Come back over here." Tracy pulled Jordan to her and kissed him deeply.

She ran her hands around his shoulders and down his back. She rabbed his ass and pulled him against her. As she ran her hands around and down the front of his jeans, Jordan moaned into her mouth. She unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down over his hips. Tracy reached between them and grabbed Jordan's dick, enjoying his moans as she stroked him.

"Not yet baby." Jordan pulled back out of Tracy's reach. "I've still got more to do to you first."

Jordan pushed Tracy's skirt up around her waist and slowly pulled her panties off. He grinned wickedly as he pulled her legs over his shoulder and buried his face between Tracy's thighs. tracy cried out as Jordan pushed his tongue into her. She began to understand why he said he seduced women with his tongue. As he lisked, sucked and gently nibbled at her, Tracy twined her fingers in Jordan's hair. She arched her back and pressed his face as close as she could when Jordan's tongue finally pushed her over the edge. Jordan slid back up Tracy's body and pulled her to the edge of her seat.

"Open your eyes. I want to see the look in your eyes as I push my dick into you," Jordan grinned when his words failed to shock Tracy.

"Well quit talking and start doing." Tracy grabbed Jordan's hips and pulled him to her. "I want to know if reality compares to my dreams."

"You dream about me?"

"For almost eleven years now." Tracy was panting as Jordan worked his fingers on her again. "Please J."

Jordan pulled his fingers out of her and entered her in one quick thrust, causing Tracy to moan in pleasure.

"Wrap your legs around me." Jordan raised Tracy's knees as he said this.

Tracy began rocking forward to meet Jordan's thrusts. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he used his hands to pull her closer to him. Capturing her mouth in a deep kiss, Jordan could feel Tracy tightening around him as she moved to accept all of him. Jordan quickened his pace causing Tracy to cry out as she came.

Feeling her whole body shiver and shake from her orgasm and knowing he was the reason for it finally pushed Jordan over the edge.

They lay there for a while before either one began fixing their clothing. Jordan handed Tracy her panties. Grinning he watched her put them on.

"We're here," Tracy said looking out the window.

"Yeah. Too bad." Jordan wiggled his eyebrows. "I wish the ride was longer."

"Me too," Tracy blushed. "But I think I had better go find my friends. Thanks for the ride."

"No problem." Jordan helped Tracy out of the limo. "If you need a ride home, just come find me. I'll be more than happy to give you one."

Grinning naughtily, Tracy replied, "Only if it's like the ride to get here."

With that, Tracy turned and headed into the club. Jordan smiled to himself and went to find his friends.