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A Different Party cont..


"I can’t, what am I doing? I love Joe. I’m marrying Joe." she pulled her bra and shirt back on. "Your great. But what about Joe."

"Terese, I didn’t mean to upset you." Jordan said worried. "Are you sure you love him like that?"

"Yes I do, it’s just sometimes, well, he doesn’t do exactly everything I would like him to do." she stood up and started to pace on the beach. "Its like, well, if I could take him, his sweet innocent, old fashioned side and put it with your dangerous, not so sweet side and your enthusiasm to try new things and sexuality, Don’t get me wrong sex with Joe is great its its, just its." She looked for words

"Boring?" Jordan laid back and put his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, sex with Joe is sometimes boring." she looked at Jordan "I like you but I love Joe. I’m marrying Joey."

"Tell him about it." he looked at her. "If you really feel this way tell him about it. Joe has always needed, um, instruction." Jordan smiled. "He is like a little brother to me. And I don’t mean to turn you on," she gave him a dirty look "I mean I don’t mean to seduce you, no wait, I don’t mean to have a thing for you. It just came naturally I am Just naturally drawn, I mean attracted to you." Jordan never fumbled up his words like this and it was confusing both Terese and him. "I’m sorry, I should get you home." he got up and started to pack things up.

"Yeah, ok." she got on the back of his bike. They hadn’t realized how late it was and Joey had beaten them home.

Pt 12

When Jordan pulled the motorcycle into the driveway Joe answered opened the door. His jaw was tight, he was cracking his knuckles and his face was red. Terese knew she was in for it now. Jordan and Terese both knew how Joe felt about motorcycles. He walked up to Terese and pulled her off the bike. He looked at Jordan with the coldest eyes the Jordan had ever seen "get the fuck out of here and don’t come back you son of a bitch."

"Joey!" Terese yelled. "You’re squeezing my arm to tight." He let go.

"What the hell are you thinking!" he yelled at her "you know how I feel about those things. You didn’t call you didn’t leave a note, I was worried sick about you." he screamed.

"Joe, I’m sorry! Jordan just wanted to show me his new bike and we went for a ride. Nothing happened. I know about your friend, but God Joe there was a plane accident last week and you still fly!" she screamed back.

"Ok, I see it there, but damn it Terese you didn’t call or leave a note and..." he pulled her to the pool, her bikini top was laying on the patio and Jordan’s Coke bottle was sitting next to it. "What the fuck is going on with you two!"

"I....I was just sunbathing and he creeped up on me, I wrapped a towel around me and went upstairs to get dressed." she turned around and looked Joe dead in the eyes "you don’t trust me!" she screamed. "You fucking don’t trust me, or him!" she slapped him "How dare you accuse me of cheating on you."

"Well, you have been spending more time alone with him than you do with me." he grabbed her wrist before she could smack him again.

"Well you know what." she pulled her hand away from him. "He is more fun, and knows how to listen to me." she walked away from him and then turned around. "That is what we were talking about."

"What did you say?" Joe asked calming down a bit.

"I told him that I wish I could take his assertiveness, and his dangerous side and put it with you. I wish that you were more attentive and would be more exciting in bed."

"What!" he was furious, she had just attacked his sexuality.

"YOU ARE A BORING FUCK!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "I love you Joe but we need to talk about these things, I’m tired of feeling like a damn ministers wife. I want you to act like the rock star you are. I want you to be wild, I want you to cuss, I want you to fuck me not just make love to me. The way you do it is sweet, but I’m sick and tired of sweet!" She walked towards him and he pulled her to him.

"Like this." he kissed her wildly not letting her walk away. "I love you Terese I don’t want to lose you," he said into her mouth. She melted with his roughness. He pulled her shirt off. "Tell me what you want baby."

"I want you now." She said. He tore her bra off and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pulled his hard manhood out of his pants and entered her in one hard thrust, not slow and gently like he usually did. "Oh God" she let out an orgasmic scream "fuck me Joe! Harder" she screamed as he went harder and faster until they both climaxed. She melted into his arms when it was over. "Thank you." she whispered to him. "I love you Joey."

"Terese." he looked into her eyes. "I’m sorry if I’ve been to overprotective and to sweet. I want to make you happy and I will do anything to make you happy."

Pt 13

Weeks went by and Terese tried not to think about what almost happened between her and Jordan. Joe was trying to change and be more exciting but it just wasn’t working. Jordan had been doing his best to not come over, especially when he knew Joey wasn’t home. The wedding plans were going slow, Joe and Terese argued about everything. He wanted a big showy wedding, she didn’t want the media involved. He wanted it in a traditional church, she wanted to get married on the beach at sunset. One day after they had a big knock down drag out about his mother being to involved and overbearing and him not sticking up for her she walked out and started walking towards town. He didn’t try to stop her.

"What the hell is her problem?" he asked himself "she just hasn’t been the same. Joe’s phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hi honey. What’s wrong?" she sensed Joe’s discord.

"Terese and I had another fight." he started to tell her all about it when he heard the door slam. He turned around Terese was standing there.

"You are fucking telling your mom!" She was furious. She pulled off her ring. "If you want your mother involved in our relationship why don’t you just marry her!" she stormed out again and started running down the road.

"Honey? I told you it wouldn’t work." his mom had heard everything.

"Yeah, I’m starting to think that myself."

Jordan was driving towards Joe when he caught up with Terese. He pulled over and stopped. She was walking "hey, baby, what’s wrong?" he asked as he got out of the car.

"He called his mom and was talking to his mom about our fight, I was going to try to work things out but every time we fight he calls his mom, no wonder she hates me. I’m through with that ass hole."

Jordan took her into his arms and let her cry. "Come on, it’s starting to rain, you can come stay with me for a while." He had to suppress a satisfied smile. They got into the car as it started to down pour and he drove towards his house on Beacon Hill. They pulled up and got out.

"Nice place." she smiled at him. "Can I take a shower and have some fresh clothes?"

"Sure." he showed her to the shower and went to get her a tee shirt and some of his old boxers that he had outgrown.

She got naked and got into the shower. He could hear her burst into tears a few minutes later. He walked into the bathroom. She was sitting in the shower crying hysterically. He turned the water off and pulled the curtain back. He sat on the side of the tub rubbing her head and singing to her trying to calm her down. She looked up at him. "I don’t love him anymore," she said softly. "I did but then i.. I fell for you." She leaned up to him and began kissing him.

"Terese, I feel the same about you, but I don’t want to take advantage of your vulnerability." He said softly.

"Your not." she started to rub his chest getting his shirt soaking wet. He was wearing jeans and she unbuttoned them, finding his hard cock not bound by underwear. She gently put her mouth on his hardness and started to suck on it and rub his balls. He groaned in pleasure and began rubbing her back. She looked up at him and as he released his salty semen into her mouth she took it in and swallowed all of it, then she licked her lips.

He pulled her out of the tub and carried her to his bed. He laid her down and kissed her breasts flicking her nipples with his tongue until they were hard and erect. He smiled at her and kissed her deeply in the mouth and she pushed his head down to her waiting wet pussy. He obliged and began teasing her he gently bit and sucked her clit while penetrating her with his index finger, when she was moaning he put another finger into her. He moved his fingers in circles inside of her and it was driving her insane. "More!" she screamed and he inserted a third finger. Her body was moving in rhythm with him and when he thought she had enough he moved up and inserted his hard, thick dick.

She screamed "fuck me hard Jordan!" he smiled and kissed her. He pulled out and she screamed again "Don’t tease me!" He laughed she was so sexy. "Please!" she begged. He put it in again and she sighed and moaned he thrusts a few times and withdrew again. "NO God damn it!" she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him down. She thrust herself up until it was in again. He pumped her hard and slid out again "you sick ass hole!" she screamed and laughed. He finally decided to put her out and followed her lead until they both climaxed. He held her and she fell asleep.

"I love you, I have since the first time I met you." he said as he pushed her wet curly hair out of her face.

"I love you to," she said opening her eyes and looking at him. "How am I gonna tell Joe?" she asked him worried

"Don’t worry about it now, we’ll figure something out." Jordan sang her to sleep.

Pt 14

The next morning Jordan’s doorbell rang. He got up and threw on his robe. He ran downstairs and opened the door. It was Joe.

"Hey, man?" he looked at his friend. "What’s wrong?"

Joe swung at Jordan and punched him in the nose. Blood started to run out of Jordan’s nose. "You ass hole, you somehow managed to get Terese to fall for you!!! Now she is comparing me to you." He swung at Jordan again and Jordan blocked him. "Ever since I was 12 all anyone ever did was compare me to you! Even today, you had to fucking come out with your new album at the same time as me and now you fucking steal my girl."

"Dude, you know it ain’t like that and it isn’t my fault!" Jordan yelled back. "I didn’t know about your album, anyway what is this really about." Jordan said lowering his voice so Terese wouldn’t hear and come down the steps.

"She said I was a boring fuck and she got mad when she overheard me telling mom. She said that she wished she could take parts of you and put them in me to make me more interesting, stuff like that." Joe sat down on Jordan’s couch "your nose ok?" he looked up at Jordan.

"Yeah, you can’t hit to hard man." Jordan laughed.

"Hey," Joe picked up a woman’s purse from the coffee table. "This looks like Terese’s purse." he looked up at Jordan.

"Jordan? Who’s here?" Terese said coming down the stairs wearing the shirt he was wearing the night before. Before she noticed it was Joe she said "your room’s cold where is your thermostat?"

Joe swung around the couch and he instantly knew.

Pt 15

"Oh, hi Joe." Terese said calmly. "Jay here picked me up last night after I ran out on you. I took a shower last night and fell asleep on his bed." she gave a glance to Jordan "poor guy had to sleep in his own guest bedroom." she lied.

"Oh, I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions." Joe smiled at her and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her. "I’m sorry I take all of our problems to mom, I’ll never do it again."

Terese looked over Joe’s shoulder at Jordan who had let out a silent sigh. "I’m ready to go home now." she smiled at Joe making it look like everything was fine and nothing was going on. Jordan just smiled at them. "Let me go put my clothes back on."

Joe turned to Jordan "sorry about the punch man."

"It’s ok." he smiled "sometimes I deserve it." he was wondering if Terese would come out and tell Joe later. He thought to himself "maybe she’ll tell him when I’m not around."

Terese bounced downstairs and took Joe’s arm. "Thanks Jordan I’ll see you later." she gave him a longing glance. "How am I going to brake this to Joe." she thought to herself.

Joe took her to a nice lunch. She just didn’t’ have those feelings for him anymore and she had no idea how to break it to him.

"What’s wrong honey?" Joe asked lovingly.

"Nothing." she lied taking a bite of her burger.

"Really, what’s wrong you can tell me anything." he smiled at her.

"He loves me so much," she said to herself. "Joe, I, I, I don’t know what to say." she didn’t want to hurt him "I’m really angry with you. About your mom, about you going away so much, about you not being interested in what I do."

"I’m sorry Terese, I’m doing the best I can" he angrily sat his fork down. "Mom is a big part of my life and if you can’t except that then.." he trailed off

"Why can’t you say that to her!" she raised her voice, she didn’t care that they were in a nice restaurant anymore.

"Shhhh, keep your voice down." he demanded.

"No, I’m tired of you treating me like a child, I’m tired of you treating me like you are doing me a favor by being with me." she was getting louder and people were staring at them now. "You are always acting like you are ashamed of me!" she stood up and slammed her fist on the table. "You won’t even let me go to formal events with you, you always take your mother!!"

"I.. I don’t want you to get messed up in the whole media thing." he said to her "please sit down and finish eating we can finish this conversation when we get home."

"You weren’t like this with Nina, she was everywhere. I think you are ashamed of me Mr. McIntyre!" She glared at him with the coldest eyes she had.

"What makes you think that?" he asked.

"Oh, I don’t know, the fact that you wouldn’t let me go to the BMA’s, you won’t let me go on tour with you. You won’t take me anywhere halfway classy! It’s your mom isn’t’ it. I’m not good enough for her." She had tears running down her face.

"It’s just that...That." he stuttered.

"What? Are you not man enough to finish your own sentence?" she was furious now.

Joe sighed he didn’t know why she was so sensitive about these things. "Please finish eating and we can finish this at home." he begged "the last thing I need is for this to get in the papers Terese."

"Damn it Joseph McIntyre Former Member of the New Kids on the Block." she stood up and screamed it "He doesn’t want the world to know he had a fight with his fiancée in the middle of a semi classy restaurant in downtown Boston!" she over exaggerated every word. "Well the world can just know that sweet former teeny bopper turned solo artist Joey McIntyre is more Fucking worried about his image with the media than with his relationship with his not so future anymore wife!"

"Terese please stop!" he yelled over her "what has gotten into you?"

"Jordan Knights heart!" she screamed "I love him Joe, while you were off making sure your next album and tour were straightened out and while you were out shopping with your mom for her next politically incorrect fur coat I fell in love with Jordan, and you know what, he treats me better than you ever did." She was in tears "he showed me what real love is." She looked at the whole restaurant. "He was there for me when my grandma passed, he was there for me when I almost failed the bar, he was there when I had the worst cramps of my life. He was there when I needed a friend. He was there Joe! He was just there. I can’t be in love with someone who isn’t there."

"Does this mean we are over?" Joe asked sternly. His face was red with embarrassment.

"Hell ya, I’m not coming back." she took off out the door of the restaurant.

Pt 16

Jordan’s phone rang just as he was stepping out of the shower. "Who the hell is it now?" he said crankily

"Jordan?" Terese was crying.

"What baby, what’s wrong?" he said noticing how upset she was.

"I just had a major blow up with Joe at Bull and Finch." she sobbed.

"Where are you now?" he asked.

"Down the street at Barnes N Nobles" she hiccuped. "Can you come get me?"

"Sure I’m on my way." he hung up the phone and pulled on sweat pants and a tee shirt. He jumped in his Jag and took off towards downtown. "Maybe she finally told him." he said to himself. He pulled up in front of the bookstore and she got in. "You gonna be ok?" he asked.

"Yeah I think so at least now he knows I’m in love with you instead of him." She put her head on his shoulder.

He put an arm around her "good."

"Your gonna get your ass kicked you know that right?" She said looking up at him

"By who?" he said pretending not to know.

"Oh, you know, Donnie, Danny, Jon, Joe’s brothers." she looked up at him.

"What makes you say that?" he grinned.

"Well, didn’t you just brake some kind of male Southie code or something?" she looked at him again, she was really worried.

"Sort of, but he didn’t do his part keeping you happy." he looked at her "don’t worry honey."

"But Jordan you said that last time a guy did this to one of his friends he got a beat down or whatever you guys call it." she looked at him again.

"Yeah, well," he was silent for a while. "That happens"

"Jordan, you know as well as I do that they don’t like you as much as they like Joe." she sat up.

"That’s their problem." he was quiet again. "No body’s gonna hurt me, Damn girl you worry to much."

"Whatever Jordan." she leaned back. "They are just going to see this as another chance for you to get back at him for that girl in high school, like Nina and Evy."

"Look, he pulled into the garage. You know I did that on purpose, but your not I really love you and you aren’t revenge and don’t you ever let anyone tell you that." he got out of the car and opened her door. "I’m over all of that, I’m more gown up than that now."

"I know but they aren’t going to see it that way, what did they tell you last time?" she asked

"That if I did it again I would get a good ass kicking." he sighed. "They won’t believe me will they, they won’t believe that I really do love you and didn’t take you from him intentionally."

"I doubt they believe you." she smiled at him "of course we could skip the country for a while." she grinned.

"No, I’m gonna ride this one out. I’m going to prove to them that I really love you and want to be with you. I’m going to prove to them that this isn’t revenge and that it is serious." he smiled. "Lets not talk about it anymore tonight."

Pt 17

"The mother fucker did it again," Joe said walking into Donnie’s house.

"What did Jordan do this time?" Donnie caught on to Joe’s anger.

"Terese. He fucked Terese!" Joe screamed.

"Damn! I thought he grew out of that shit. I knew he was an asshole but damn!" Donnie sat up.

"What happened?" Danny asked coming in the house.

"Jordan did it again." Donnie informed him.

"Shit man, we have to do something about him. He really is practicing what he preaches." Danny hasn’t thought much of Jordan since he released Give it to You. "His promiscuity is getting way out of hand."

"Let me guess, he did it again?" Jon said joining in the conversation. "You would think he would get over that thing that happened with Pam years ago. First he takes Nina from Joe and then he knocked up Evy while Joe and her were dating. And now Terese? I’d expect it from Nina and Evy, but not from Terese." Jon shook his head "he is turning into dad." Jon sat down next to Joe. "I’m sorry man."

Joe was crying, he never cried, especially in front of the guys. "I knew I never should have introduced them." He told them about how they would hang out together when he was recording or out on business and how she said that she wished he had Jordan’s sense of adventure. "She said I was a boring fuck, she told me that I shouldn’t get my mom involved in anything. Mom hates her, Marlene loves her. I can see why she wants him. I wish I would’ve done things differently. It’s all my fault." Joe cried

"No man, it’s not your fault she cheated. He should know better. Sure you made some mistakes, but it isn’t your fault." Donnie said to him.

"Think of it this way, if she really loved you she wouldn’t have cheated. He did you a favor." Danny added.

"Oh thanks. That really helped." Joe said sarcastically. "I have to get her back. I have to show her what a jerk he is." Joe had revenge and hate in his eyes.

"Do you really want her back?" Donnie asked, "how do you know she won’t do it again. I mean look at Kim, I took her back and she did it again."

"Yes I love her, I did her wrong and forced her into his arms. I’m going to show her I’ve changed and I learned my lesson. I’m going to get her back. Besides you know once Jordan sees I’m not going to take it anymore he’ll drop her like a bad habit." Joe and the guys schemed about how to show Terese how big of a jerk Jordan was for the rest of the night.

Pt 18

Jordan and Terese were getting ready to go out to a nice dinner when the doorbell rang. Terese opened the door and it was Joe. "Terese we really need to talk." he said softly. He looked her up and down. She was wearing a long, slim black dress with a slit almost up to her hip. Her long curly hair was up with a few strands hanging around her face. She was wearing a push up bra and her cleavage was blinding him from everything else.

"What about." she said to him applying red lipstick. "Look Joe, he treats me better than you do and he is in love with me and he shows it."

"But he isn’t really like that Terese, he has done this before." Joe interrupted her.

"I know he told me about it and I know he really, sincerely loves me and this isn’t about what happened with Pam, it’s not revenge like Evy and Nina were. We really love each other," she said defensively. "Now look, I’ll come get my stuff in the morning. Right now we are getting ready to go somewhere and I don’t have time to talk." she shut the door.

"Who was that?" Jordan said coming down the steps.

"No-one important." Terese said looking at Jordan. "I love you," she said smiling at him.

"I love you too. You ready?" He asked. "It was Joe wasn’t it? He is trying to convince you that I am a jerk right?"

"Yeah, maybe you should go talk to him in the morning. Straighten things out and let him know that you didn’t mean for this to happen." Terese smiled and put her arm through Jordan’s. She knew that Joe was upset and he had every right to be but he had to get it through his skull that she had made her decision and that she would be with Jordan for the rest of her life. "I wonder what Joe has up his sleeve?" she asked herself as they got into the car.

Pt 19

Jordan and Terese had a wonderful time. They came home and made love wildly. The next morning Terese got up and began to get ready to go get her stuff from Joe’s house. The doorbell rang "it’d better not be Joe" she said angrily to herself. "Why can’t he just leave us alone." She opened the door and there was a beautiful girl with a beautiful baby. "Um, can I help you?" she asked the girl.

"You must be Terese?" the woman walked into the house and Shane ran up to her wagging his tail, he obviously knew her. "I’m Evelyn. This is Dante." she held the baby up. "Is Jordan home?" she asked curious.

"Yes. But he’s in bed. What do you need?" she asked confused.

"Oh, well I just need to talk to him about this little guy. Do you know when he’ll be up?" she asked smiling. She had a beautiful smile and seemed very nice.

"Well, we went to sleep late last night but he was starting to stir when I got up." she smiled. "Do you want something to drink?"

The baby started to cry. "Sure do you have some milk? I think he is hungry." Evy answered they both went into the kitchen.

Terese’s curiosity got the best of her "If you don’t mind my asking, what happened between you Joe and Jordan?" she asked

Evy frowned. "Well, it’s really complicated." She looked up at the door and Jordan was standing there. He didn’t hear Terese ask. "Hey Jordan."

"Hi Evelyn." Jordan’s face lit up when he saw his son and he got a gooey voice "there’s my baby boy. Daddy loves you." He took Dante from Evy and walked over to Terese. "Isn’t he the most handsome lady-killer baby ever made?" he smiled at Terese

"Don’t listen to him. You would think that he carried that baby for nine months." Evy joked, and they all laughed. Dante had Jordan’s eyes and curly dark hair, and he had very dark exotic skin.

"Oh, yeah, I’d hate to see the trail of broken hearts he leaves in his wake." Terese kidded, "especially if he’s anything like his daddy." they all laughed. But Terese noticed Evy’s laugh had a hint of hurt in it. "Oh, I’m sorry." Terese said looking at Evy.

"No no, it’s ok." Evy said quietly but sincerely. They all talked and laughed awhile. Jordan and Evy made arrangements for Dante’s care while Evy would be out of town. When Evy got up to leave she pulled Terese with her. "We have to get together some time. And I’ll answer your question ok?"

"Ok, have fun. I have to go to Joe’s now." Terese smiled as Evy got in her car. Jordan was standing behind her. She turned around and Jordan was feeding the baby. "I’ll see you later, pray that Joe isn’t there." she smiled and kissed Jordan softly then she kissed little Dante on the forehead, "you two have fun, Dante keep your daddy out of trouble." she got in her car and started to drive towards Joe’s house.

Pt 20

Terese pulled into Joe’s driveway and punched in her code to the gate, the normal crowd of fans was outside, which she ignored, she never ignored fans, but they were the same group that had found there way to Jordan’s house the day before and she knew that they would recognizer her, because she went over to talk to them yesterday. The gate opened and she pulled the rest of the way into his driveway. "Good his car isn’t here."

Terese walked into the house she once called home. Joe’s dog came running up to her and licked her hand. She patted him on the head and looked around. She saw a stack of boxes, all labeled in black marker "Terese’s shit". She walked over to it "boy he is pissed". She said allowed.

"No shit sherlock." came Joe’s voice from behind her. "So, your lover boy didn’t come with you?" he said sarcastically.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" asked Terese.

"What the hell do you think is wrong with me?" he said mocking her tone of voice and body language. He stumbled over to the refrigerator and took out another beer.

"Joe, your drunk." she said looking at him, she had never seen him this way.

"There’s a tear in my Beer." he began to sing "and bla bla bla bla bla." he was majorly drunk and off key. "Dawg Dirty Dawg, your so dirty." he changed tunes. "You know I wrote that." he stumbled over to her. "I seem to lose every girl I get to that pussy ass hole, pretty boy former broke ass, guy with a chicks name. Jordan? What kind of fucking name is that?" he sat on his couch. "I guess he does have something good in his pants, even the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with ditched me. Damn Terese, I actually had faith in you. Hell, there ain’t no such thing as loyalty and faith, God knows there ain’t no such thing as trust. The only person I trust is my dog. Hell, he’ll probably leave me for some bitchy little fu fu dog." Joe rambled.

Terese just looked at him forcing back tears. "What have I done?" she asked herself.

Pt 21

Joe passed out on the couch. Terese got to thinking about what had happened, how she hurt Joe and how things have gone bad between the five friends. She looked at Joe, and saw that his eyes were red, more from crying than from drinking too much. "What have I done?" she repeated out loud. She picked up a box and went to the car. She got the twenty some boxes in her car and went upstairs to see if he had forgotten anything. She saw one of her silk nightgowns on his bed, tossed over the bed purposely, like he wanted to keep it. It was what she was wearing the last night they made love, the teddy bear that she had given him was on his pillow. His room was a mess, which was very unlike Joe, and she noticed that his journal had been getting a lot of use lately. She didn’t pick it up, she respected his privacy.

She left the stuff on the bed and went back out to her car. She pulled up to the gate to Jordan’s house, her new home, and saw Jordan involved in a romantic embrace with another woman. She saw him lift up his head and lean down to the girl in a kiss. A little boy ran up to them and he picked them up. She pulled out her binoculars she used when she was camping for a closer look.

The girl was Evy, the little boy was not Dante, but a few years older. Jordan sat the boy down and took Evy’s hand, Terese followed his hand down to hers and he slide on an engagement ring, just like Terese’s. "What?" she said to herself. "He did it, I really was just revenge." She drove off and got onto the interstate, she didn’t know where she was going. But she did know she was never going back to Boston. "I ditched Joe for him, and now he ditched me when he got what he wanted." she said to herself. "I can’t go back to Joe, I couldn’t’ face the humiliation.

Pt 22

Terese pulled into Cathy’s driveway, it had been a long time, since graduation, that she had seen her friend. Cathy had gotten a job in LA and had no idea that Terese was going to show up. Cathy was getting in her car when Terese pulled in. "What the fuck?" said Cathy pulling getting back out of the car. "Terese? Baby what’s wrong?" she said noticing how red and puffy her eyes were. Did you drive all the way from Boston?" Cathy opened her door for Terese and got her a drink. "I would stay but I have to be in court. Here make yourself at home and we’ll talk when I get back. She showed her friend to the spare bedroom and Terese fell right to sleep.

Cathy got home at five and Terese was curled up on the couch asleep. Cathy knew that something horrible had happened. It was so unlike Terese to do something like this. She had called Naomi and Jac during a recess and they didn’t know what was up. She got ahold of Marissa, who was still dating Donnie, and all Marissa could tell her was about what happened between Jordan and Joe. "She’s been missing since Saturday. I’m glad you called." is all Marissa said about it.

Terese woke up when Cathy sat on the couch next to her. "It was horrible." Terese explained everything that had happened. "I had to get out of here. Please don’t tell anyone ok?" Terese begged. Cathy agreed. "I got a ticked to London, I was offered a job there a few months ago and turned it down because I wanted to stay in Boston... now I have nothing to stay for and they said I was still welcome. I leave tomorrow on the Concord."

Pt 23

The next five years went by fast for Terese, with the memories of

Boston and its events pushed further and further into her mind. She had found a job working with a London Legal firm that had many interests in the United States. She had never gone home, not even to get the rest of her things from Jordan’s home. She let Cathy know how she was doing by email every now and then, but other than that she had broken all times to the country, states and cities she had once called home. She was finally happy now. She only had one man to worry about and he was her only true love and he would always be devoted to her no matter what.

Terese came home from work and smiled to herself "he is so clean". She went into the kitchen to start dinner, he left a note that he went out with some friends, but would be home for dinner. She started cooking his favorite meal. Even with his British accent he loved American foods. She put in a big pot roast with carrots and potatoes. It was getting cooler in London and she knew it would warm her man up. They were so in love, she knew that he would be the only man she would ever need.

As she began to fold laundry the smells of dinner were rolling through their apartment. She looked at the clock knowing that he would be walking through the front door at exactly six o’clock, he was always on time. He never got to America to pick up nasty American male traits, and she was so glad of that. He was a perfect gentleman, he never asks about her past, he has big dreams of the future, and best of all he doesn’t cheat. She wondered how one day she would tell him about what happened between Her, Joe and Jordan, but she did know it could wait because he was very forgiving. He viewed her as practically perfect in every way. His favorite movie is Mary Poppins and his favorite play is One Fair Lady. He likes music, all kinds and loves to have fun. She heard the door open and looked towards it with love in her eyes.
